xt77pv6b5n6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b5n6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1991 1991 1991-08-29 2020 true xt77pv6b5n6z section xt77pv6b5n6z  

Associate Editor

Becoming UK's new vice presi-
dent for administration has been a
homecoming in a number of ways
for Donald Clapp.

The 54-year-old Lexington native
earned both his undergraduate and
law degrees at UK. He became an
administrator in the University,
eventually rising to be a vice presi-
dent in the administration of Presi~
dent Otis Singletary.

Now he's back again as the No. 2
official in President Charles Weth-
ington's administration.

“l‘ve got deep ties here," Clapp
said. His relationship with Wething-
ton dates back to the mid-19603
when both became University em-

Wethington said he brought
Clapp back because of his “grasp
for detail.”

“Generally. he's a very hard-
working and dedicated administra-
tor with a great ability to realize and
deal with a vast range of issues and
concerns,” Wethington said.

That ability could have taken
Clapp elsewhere. As an administra-
tor, Clapp said he could run banks
or companies.

“I can deal with the same kind of
problems iii a lot of other icinds
of organizations." he said.

Twice, Clapp has left his UK
home. After serving under Single-
tary, Clapp left UK in 1983 and

Kentucky Kernel

‘Deep ties’ call 3
Clapp back to E“ I
adminstration * *

worked with now-Lt. Gov. Brercton
Jones on a health-care access pro-

He returned to UK as a vice chan-
cellor in the Albert B. Chandler
Medical Center. Then, in 1987, he
accepted a position as executive
vice president at the Southern Bap-
tist Theological Seminary in Louis-
ville, Ky.

Clapp dealt with the problems of
health care access in Kentucky
when he and Jones. now the Demo-
cratic candidate for governor,
worked together in 1983-84.

He also did some legal work in-
volving Jones’ horse farm. Clapp
said he and the lieutenant govemor
are still friends. Although that
friendship could have landed him an
executive branch position if Jones
were to win the governor’s race in
November. Claw said it wasn’t for

"I’ve never really been enter-
tained by the notion of getting in-
volved in a political campaign,” he

Instead, a an administrator, he
prefers to tackle problems within in-
stitutions of higher education.

The reason behind his interest is
rooted not with the people inside
the board rooms, but the people in-
side the classrooms.

"The thing that really makes a
university different is students,” he

Still, in the No. 2 administrative

See CLAPP, Page 8






Four members of Kappa Kappa Gamma social sorority chat on
the front porch of their Maxwell Street home yesterday.











Veteran UK administrator Donald Clapp returned to the University in May as the No. 2 official in Presi-
dent Charles Wethington's cabinet. The Lexington native is serving his second stint as vice president.

Former Soviet journalist
appointed foreign minister

Associated Press

MOSCOW — President Mikhail
S. Gorbachev yesterday named as
his new foreign minister Boris D.
Pankin, the only Soviet ambassador
who publicly condemned last
week's coup as it unfolded.

Pankin, the ambassador to
Prague, has been a diplomat less
than a decade. He worked as ajour-
nalist in the 1960s and for the So-
viet copyright agency before be-
coming ambassador to Sweden in
1982, a post he held until last year.

Pankin appeared on Czechoslova-
kian television on Aug. 21, two
days after Vice President Gennady
Yanayev and other hard-liners
seized power, and called the coup
“a fatal mistake on Yanayev's pan.”

“l‘d like to appeal to Yanayev
and call on him to understand his
mistake and to correct it as soon as
possible,” Pankin said at the time.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Va-
dim Kozyulin said Pankin was the
only Soviet ambassador to de-
nounce the plot while it was under

Pankin, who was in the Commu-
nist Youth League with Gorbachev
and Yanayev, has a reformist repu-
tation. He was expected to follow
the line set down by former foreign
ministers Eduard Shevardnadze and
Alexander Bessmertnykh.

“i think that Boris Pankin will try
to follow the same policy (of)
disarmament, detente, good rela-
tions with the United States and
close cooperation with the UN. Se-
curity Council,” said Swedish For-
eign Minister Sten Andersson.

Pankin was Soviet ambassador to
Sweden from 1982-1990, then was
transferred to Prague as the Krem-
lin’s first envoy after the ouster of
Czechoslovakia's Soviet-backed
Communist government.

The three-day c0up collapsed af-
ter an elite KGB force refused to at-
tack the building where Boris N.
Yeltsin. president of the Russian re-
public, and tens of thousands of re-
formers had set up barricades.

Pankin‘s appointment must still
be confirmed by the Supreme So-
viet national legislature. There were
few other details on the nomination.
reported by the state news agency
Tass and read on the main evening
news broadcast “Vremya.” A
spokesman for the Soviet Embassy
in Prague said Pankin left for Mos-
cow yesterday morning.

Bessmennykh was fired by Gor-
bachev last week for “maneuvering
or worse" during the coup. Bess-
mennykh issued a letter to lawmak-
ers on Tuesday saying he was in his
office throughout the takeover, try-
ing to carry out Gorbachev‘s for-
eign policy and prevent damage to

Soviet foreign relations.

Gorbachev earlier yesterday had
scheduled a meeting with Eduard A.
Shevardnadze, who was named for-
eign minister when Gorbachev
came to power in 1985. it wasn’t
clear if the two men had held the


About 3,500 Foreign Ministry
staff members had voted to invtte
Shevardnadze back as foreign min-
ister, a post he resigned abruptly in
December, warning that the nation
was on the verge of dictatorship.
Shevardnadze had said at least
twice in the past week that he would
not return as foreign minister.

Pankin started his career as a
journalist. He was deputy and then
chief editor of KomsomoLskaya
Pravda, the newspaper of the Young
Communist League, from 1953—65.
and chairman of the Soviet copy-
right agency from 1973-82.

The current editor of Komsomols—
kaya Pravda, Vladislav Fronin, de—
scribed Pankin as “a man in whose
time Komsomolskaya Pravda be-
came one of the best newspapers in
the country.”

“He is a man of progressive
views, striking talent and an ener-
getic and lively mind,” Fronin said.

Pankin‘s work in the copyright
agency took him to Sweden several
times to negotiate copyright com-

See PANKIN, Page 8

Former UK officer sentenced

Staff reports

Former UK police officer Duane
Bernard Keys was sentenced this
summer to three months in jail after
pleading guilty on drug and alcohol

Keys, 34. plead guilty on July 8
in Fayette Circuit Court to posses-
sion of cocaine and driving under
the influence of intoxicants. He also
pleaded guilty to possession of less

than eight ounces of marijuana, pos-
session of drug paraphernalia and

Keys, who was a UK police offi-
cer at the time of his arrest, had
served the force for 3 1/2 years and
w“ active at the time of his arrest.
He was suspended shortly after his
arrest in March. UK Police Chief
W.H. McCorm- said.

Fayette Circuit Court Judge N.
Mitchell Meade ordered Keys on

Aug. 16 to serve five years in jail on
the cocaine charge. The sentence
was probated, however, for five
years under the conditions that he
serve three months in the Fayette
County Detention Center and enroll
in a drug treatment program.

Keys was ordered to serve a 12-
month jail term concurrently on the

drug paraphernalia charge, which
was probated the same conditions.

AUG 29 l991




Associate Editor

The Student Activities
Board has pulled its “Wildcat
Datebook 1991-92" from the
shelves on Tuesday because
the book contained a racial
slur on its back cover.

SAB printed the original
version of the song “My Old
Kentucky Home,” which
quoted the lyrics —— “Tis sum-
mer. the darkies are gay.”

Two student organizations
issued statements yesterday
calling for the removal of we
datebooks and asked for writ-
ten apologies.

The student organization
Simba Elimika asked that “all

those associated with the
printing, production and dis-
tribution" of the book issue
public apologies.

Phi Beta Sigma social fra-
ternity also called for the res-
ignation of those involved
with the book.

SAB issued a formal apolo-
gy yesterday at an emergency
meeting, which said it would
“make every efTon to be sen-
Sitive to all cultures on the
University of Kentucky carn—

After the meeting. Assrst-
ant Director of Student Activ-
ities Barry Stumbo and SAB
President KC. Watts said
they would not resign.

Saying they wanted to be
pro-active, Watts and Stumbo
said SAB will bring in speak-
ers and hold forums to matte
people aware oi the problem.

A forum with UK officials
from minority and student af-
fairs will be held this arter-
noon at 2 in 231 Student Cen-
ter to discuss racial
sensitivity. Students from
SAB, the protesting organiza~
tions and the Black Student
Union also have been invued
to attend.

Stumbo said 2500 books
were printed at the cost of
$4,834.62. About 800 had al-
ready sold and nearly 1,800
were removed from the
shelves. The books were only
sold at University of Ken—
tucky Bookstores.

The back covers have been
tom off the remaining books
and Will be destroyed, Stum~
be said. The books then wrll
be given away.

Students who already pur-
chased the book may return
them with the back cover in—
tact to the Universrty of Ken-
tucky Bookstores for a re-

SAB oftic1als called the
printing “a mistake" and said
the wording was taken frotn a
book in the Margaret 1. King
Library archives.

Watts said the (mm was
"certainly not a blatant com-
ment on our part and we
would cenainly never do
something malicious.”

After hearing about SAB‘s
actions. Phi Beta Sigma Pres»
dent Roderick WillMs said
“they might not ncccssanly
have to resign but .. there
can only be so many Ullinlcn-
tional" errors.

"Somcbody's got to be held
responsible for things like
that," Williams said.

Williams expects that the
fraternity will stand behind lLX
demand for the resignations.

"Nothing positive will
come out of any resignations
from the students or staff,“
Stumbo said.

See SAB, Page 8







Varsity soccer? dream Forum on racial sensitivity in ’9‘ Harrisonoon- Diversrons ............. 2,
§?5“,§f3;3;°gf"3‘”K‘eam' 231 Student Center at2p.m. ‘



mmp'a‘es "'9 Meet the Press ..... 4 .

in new book. 8 n 6 ‘

Review. p0 S. ..................
Classrlieds ............ 9 :






 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, August 29. 1991






Harrison contemplates life, art in new book

Just Before Dark
Jim Harrison
Clark City Press
(320 pp. $24.95)

Ans Editor

Jim Harrison‘s newest book, Just
Before Dark. a collection of articles,
book reviews, and even his 1965
master’s thesis on poetry, is much
more tltan a sampling of his ac-
claimed career as both a novelist
and poet. It is an insight to the life
of one of the most gifted writers of
our time.

The magazine articles collected
here are reprinted from diverse
somces, such as Sports Illustrated.
Playboy. Condé Nast Traveler and

the Psychoanalytic Review, and rep-
resent many facets of Harrison’s in-

The book is divided into three
sections, each of which is an area of
importance to Harrison the writer.
outdoorsman and devotee of culi-
nary delight. Part one is simply ti-
tled "Food" and is not merely a col-
tection of recipes but treatises on
the awareness that Harrison feels
should be included with each meal.

Harrison begins “Consciousness
Dining” with this idea: “An artist (a
generic term covering poet, com-
poser, painter. sculptor, perhaps
novelist) consciously or uncon-
sciously takes a vow of obedience
to awareness. In order not to be lost
in the whirl of time, either past or
present, the artist must look at all






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things with the energy and clarity of
a hyperthyroid Buddha"

Midway through the essay he
brings the importance of art and
food into perspective: “Art is in no
position to duke it out with our bas-
er appetites, appetites that are the
cornerstones of our individual pyra-
mids: art is only the pointed, three-
cornered capstone, signalling finally
what we had in mind. Meanwhile,
down at the bottom, it is clear that
instincts toward sex and food must
be aesthetically satisfied, or the pyr-
amid is the usual garbage heap."

“Sporting Food" features many
humorous anecdotes about meals
that Harrison has either taken part
in or are second-hand accounts told
to him by one of the participants.

Among the anecdotes he shares is
one concerning a meal at Ma Mai~
son with Orson Welles. The meal
was so huge that he “stumbled into
the toilet and rested my head in a
greasy faint against the tiled walls."
He also relates a tale told to him by
John Huston about how both Hu-
ston and Welles always tried to
make the other pay for the meal.
which once prompted them to fake
heart attacks simultaneously ——
each in an attempt to leave the other
with the tab.

Harrison’s assertion that “small
meals are for small and inactive
people" is contrasted with a state-
ment to Harrison by Jack Nichol-
son, after Harrison “overfed” a
group of people in Nicholson’s
home. “Only in the Midwest,” the
actor cautioned the burly writer
from nonhern Michigan, “is over-
eating still consrdered an act of her-

The “Travel and Sport" section
concentrates on Harrison's views of
two of his favorite pastimes — fish-
ing and hunting — as well as travel-
ing, which, for him, often is ft! the
purpose of either fishing or hunting.
In “The Violators," Harrison voices
his opinions of those who hunt care-
lessly and illegally.

Recalling a time when a friend il-
legally shot and killed a buck, Har-
rison writes that “I wouldn't have
shot the deer myself. But I ate a lot
of it, probably ten pounds in all. I
think it was wrong to shoot the
have killed it is that I am no longer
able to shoot at mammals. Grouse
and woodcock, yes. But gutting and
skinning a deer reminds me too
much of the human carcass and a
deer heart too closely resembles my
own. My feelings are a trifle ambiv-


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stem at this particular incident but I
have decided my friend is a violator
only barely more tolerable titan the
crudersort. lfithadbeenoneofthe
would have found it easy to bow to
the ancestral privilege. But my
friend is not a local Indian.

“Game hoggery is not the point.
The issue is much larger than hu-
man greed. We have marked these
creatures to be hunted and slaugh-
tered, and destroyed all but a rem-
nant of their environment. But fish
and mammals must be considered
part of a larger social contract. and
just laws for their protection en-
forced with with great vigor."

The final section of the book,
“Literary Matters,” opens with “A
Natural History of Some Poems,”
Harrison’s master's thesis on the art
ofpoetryasseenby thepoet. Harri-
son writes that “these are laboratory
notes written by a white rat who has
been mauled, forced to run warrens,
prodded, shocked and rewarded.
The experience is still fresh enough
in mind, I think, to be closely and
accurately described.”

This thesis contains some of Har-
rison's finest poetry such as “Sketch
For a Job Application Blank,"
which was later included in his col-
lection Selected and New Poems:
“My left eye is blind and jogs like]
a milky sparrow in its socket;/ O
my youth was happy and I was nev—
er lonely/ though my friends called
me “pig eye'/ and the teachers
thought me loony."

In the essay “Poetry as Survival"
Harrison asserts that poetry is not
only a way of life but a way of sur-
viving it. He says that “if you have
to ask what poetry is good for, it's
never going to be any good for you.
Poetry came into being before the
first club was swapped for a more
attractive antler, and about the same
time Ore traded a lady a wild melon
for raising her otter-skin skin."

The idea of poetry as a means of
survival is supported with examples
of Native American poetry and he
points out the humor that many
whites are “most ignorant of in Na-
tive Americans." Harrison con-
cludes that “In a curious way Native
American Poetry is written in our
language but not in our voice... It is
indeed ironic that those whom we
crushed could help us survive."

Harrison also includes excerpts
from the notebooks he kept while
writing his 1988 novel, Dalva.
Many of these selections, some only
one sentence long, read much like
poetry. Here the voices of Dalva,
the half-breed Indian woman pro-
tagonist of the novel, and Harrison
blend into a unified voice. The read-
er is also able to observe Harrison‘s
thought processes and state of mind
while he was working on the novel.

“At the cabin the fog is so dense


you can hear it,” he writes. “A rab-
bit near woodpile, fly sound, crack-
le of fire in the hush. Can’t drink
much or my heroine escapes.
evades me. The voice just beyond

Another selection reads “Hard to
keep the usual interior balance
when the dream life is kicking the
shit out of you during, as usual, the
waxing moon. In the same place I
saw an actual wolf lat year, I found
a female wolf in a dream, her back
broken. I went to her. knelt down
and gathered her up, and she disap-
peared into me. This experience
was frightening."

When the novel’s completion was
close at hand he wrote, “Nwa fin-
ished. It’s like going outside to estio
mate the storm damage. Want to
avoid stepping into a thousand-story
elevator shaft. As a ninth grader l
was very upset to discover that Ross
Lockridge committed suicide when
he finished Rainrree County."

Just Before Dark contains many
examples of Harrison‘s best writing
from all areas of his career. In it he
describes some of his most anxious
moments (and there were many: he
spent about 20 years seeing an ana-
lyst in New York) about his life.
and the deaths of those closest to
him, which he describes in “Re-
venge” (not the novella he wrote or
the movie based on it, but the sub.
ject of revenge). and “Dream As a
Metaphor of Survival.”

If Harrison‘s prose seems to take
wild, unexpected turns rather than
continuing on a straight path. it is
only because there is much he
wants to show along the way. And
if it seems that many of the articles
and essays are written on similar
subjects it is because these are
things, his passions. which consume

However, none of these essays
and articles are alike and each pos~
sesses an individual richness and
clarity, which show the mark of a
very talented and gifted writer.




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 Vaughan’s influence lives on after death


On Aug. 27 of last year. blues
guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan died
in a helicopter crash at age 35. His
death touched not only those closest
to but music fans worldwide.

One year later. the tragedy's im-
pact is still felt

Shortly before his death Vaughan
realized a long dream of his — to
record an album with his older
brOther. guitarist Jimmie Vaughan.
founder of the Fabust Thunder-
birds. The Vaughan Brothers had
hoped to tour to support the album,
Family Style. which sold well in the
aftermath of Vaughan‘s untimely

Unfortunately, the album was
marred by an overly slick produc-
tion by Nile Rogers. It failed to cap-
ture much of Vaughan's lyrical and
musical emotions by favoring a
more commercial tone for the al-

Vaughan began his recording ca-
reer in the early ’803 when he
played on David Bowie’s Let's
Dance LP.

He turned down an offer to tour
with Bowie so he could record his
debut record with his own band,
Double Trouble.

Released in 1983, Texas Flood
was a monumental breakthrough
record not only for Vaughan but for
blues-based musicians everywhere.
His following albums were well re-
ceived by a public hungry for the
sound of the blues in an era where
heavily synthesized music was

Many other musicians were being
heard by a large audience because
of the blues resurgence Vaughan
helped popularize.

Fellow Texas guitarist Anson
Funderburgh, who played in Lex-
ington Monday night. attributed the
success of other blues and a re-

newed interest in the music to Van-
ghan’s popularity.

“There's been a time when you
couldn‘t make a lot of money doing
this kind of music.” Funderburgh
said last year before Vaughan's
death. “lt's kind of like when one

of Vauglmn’s music videos.

Close friend Bonnie Raitt. who
song with Jackson Browne (who
gave Vaughan free use of his studio
to record Texas Flood) and Stevie
Wonder. sang “Amazing Grace” at
Vaughan’s funeral and dedicated


It is thankful that Oliver Stone will likely never
pick one of the clean-cut actors from FOX-TV's
“Beverly Hills. 90210" to play Vaughan in a


gets good exposure it pulls the
whole chain along. Stevie does a
bunch of old Guitar Slim and How-
lin‘ Wolf. Younger people probably
wouldn’t figure out who Chester
Burnett (Wolf) was if it wasn‘t for
stuff like that.”

Vaughan won his second Gram-
my Award for Best Contemporary
Blues Recording with his 1986 re-
lease, In Step. which contained the
single “Crossfire."

The album was critically ac-
claimed because of his improved
playing and singing.

The album marked the first time
he had recorded since overcoming a
long battle with drug and alcohol

Veteran blues masters like Albert
King. Vaughan's “adopted father,”
BB. King (no relation). “Buddy"
Guy and rock-blues guitar legend
Eric Clapton considered Vaughan
one of the finest guitarists.

Vaughan was a familiar face in
this region with frequent perfor-
mances in Cincinnati and Louis-
ville. He never played in Lexington.

On the night of his death Vau-
ghan was performing in Wisconsin
along with his brother. Clapton,
Guy, and Robert Cray. In an eerie
note. the concert coincided with the
20th anniversary of the last Ameri-
can concert by Vaughan‘s idol, Jirni

Like Hendrix. Vaughan's voice
will not be silenced by death. His
albums continue to sell. and CMV
video released a collection last year




her new album to him.

Vaughan’s influence on younger
mimicians can be heard in such gui-
tarists as Jeff Healey. Vaughan's
sense of phrasing. funky rhythm
patterns interspersed with flashy
and subtle lead work (clean, near
quiet soulful double—stops to rapid
vibrato) and swinging bass melo-
dies accented by various seventh
and ninth chords have become so

familiar to younger and mac expe-
rienced musicians alike tha it is not
uncommon to hem a 14-year-old
kid in a Metallica or Guns 'N' Ros-
es T-shirt working his way through
“Scuttle Buttin' " or a 40-ish coun-
try picker interpreting “Pride and
Joy” side by side in the same music
store. Vaughan’s early death will
him. It is his music. not his lifestyle.
that future generations of musicians
and fans will be entranced by.

It is thankful that Oliver Stone
will likely never pick one of the
clean-cut actors from FOX-TV's
“Beverly Hills. 90210" to play Vau-
ghan in a documentary.

It will take a few years for Vau-
ghan's impact on the music scene to
be fully realized. But it is apparent
that in his absence a large void has
been created that will never be

Arts Editor Hunter Hayes is an
English senior and a Kernel colum-

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, August 29, 1901 - 3



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Students that are commuting between the

Collegiate Tour

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ing areas may ride the Lex Tran buses from
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Evening shuttle service is also provided Mon -
Thur from 6:30 pm - 11:30 pm for the benefit of
students with late classes or who work. All bus
service is provided at no fee.

To pick up a brochure with the campus bus
schedules and routes. Stop by the UK Police or
Parking Office at 305 Euclid Ave.



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For more information call












 t - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, August 29, 1991




N. Alan Cornett
Editorial Editor
Hometown: Manchester, Ky.
Major: History
Class: Senior
Responsibilities: Oversees the Viewpoint page, runs editorial
board meetings and writes a weekly column.




Dale Greer

Managing Editor

Hometown: Lexington

Major: Journalism

Class: Senior
Responsibilities: Acts as second in command, works with new
writers, assigns and edits stories, sits on editorial board and
covers general assignments.






Tim Wiesenhahn
Sports Editor
Hometown: Lexington
Major: Journalism and English
Class: Senior
Responsibilities: Oversees the Sports page, writes, assigns
and edits sports stories, covers UK sports and the world of
track and field.





Victoria Martin
Editor in Chief
Hometown: Anchorage, Ky.
Major: Journalism
Class: Senior

Responsibilities: Oversees production of the daily newspaper.

Brian Jent
Design Desk Editor
Hometown: Louisville, Ky.
Major: English education
Class: Senior
Responsibilities: Oversees the design and layout of all pages,
works with production and covers the UK volleyball team.






Jerry Voigt
Editorial Cartoonist
Hometown: Jeffersonville, Ind.
Major: Art
Class: Junior
Responsibilities: Drawing the daily editorial cartoon.


Greg Eans
Photography Editor
Hometown: Owensboro, Ky,
Major: Photography
Class: Sophomore
Responsibilities: Makes photo assignments, works with layout
and graphic editors and makes pictures.

All photos by Greg Eans


--.rt‘l :'

Gregory A. Hall
Associate Editor
Hometown: Louisville, Ky.
Major: Journalism
Class: Junior
Responsibilities: Oversees and coordinates special projects, in
charge of Thursday perspective page, works, with editorial
page editor, edits copy, sits on editorial board and covers ad-
ministration and Board of Trustees.





Angela Jones
News Editor
Hometown: Paducah, Ky.
Major: Journalism

Class: Junior
Responsibilities: Assigns stories to news reporters, coordi-
nates the beat system, copy edits and covers general assign-



Hunter Hayes
Arts Editor
Hometown: Lexington
Major: English
Class: Senior
Responsibilities: Oversees the Diversions page, assigns art
stories and writes arts stories, reviews and columns.




 Mucky m1, Thursday, Auguet 29, 1991 - s


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 6 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, August 29, 1901






Future shining bright
for UK soccer player

Contributing Writer

The gray overcast skies tumed
blue Tuesday, shortly before the
UK men’s soccer team's fust varsi-
ty scrimmage.

After the scrimmage, the dream
of playing varsity soccer would be
realized for some. while disappoint-
ment would embrace others.

For one player, Lexington native
Greg Kotzbauer. Tuesday's scrim-
mage was another day closer to ful-


filling a personal goal — to play
varsity soccer at UK.

Kotzbauer. a biology junior, said
he has grown up with soccer in Lex-
ington. He began playing when he
was 6 years old. Now. 14 years Iat-
er. Kotzbauer has emerged as one of
the leaders of UK's first-year varsi-
ty mamm-

“I love UK spons,” Kotzbauer
said. “I felt it would be great to play
for UK."

He transferred last year after
learning that Cats would field 3 var-





