xt77pv6b5n2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b5n2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1988 1988 1988-02-05 2020 true xt77pv6b5n2m section xt77pv6b5n2m  





All’s quiet between Davender and
Sutton. SEE PAGE 4.





‘Le Cage’ opening satisfies



Today: Partly sunny and cold
Tomorrow: Sunny, cold






Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XOI. N0. 102.

Independent shoe 1971

Friday, February 5, 1988




1 ,



Robbie Fannin, with Wheeler General Contractors, works on a new roof on one of the Cooperstown apartments yesterday.

ALAN HAWSE Kernel Staff



Former candidate says

SGA job should be hers

Editorial Editor

A hearing of the Student Govern-
ment Association Judicial Board has
been requested by a student who
says she should not have been ruled
ineligible to serve in the SGA Sen-

Ann Darlington, who made an un-
successful bid last spring for a sen-
ator at large position, claims that
she should have been chosen to re-
place Senator at Large David Moore
when he was graduated last semes-

But the Elections Board ruled last
April that Darlington failed to turn
in her campaign expenditure forms
and thus was ineligible to serve in
the Senate.

When Moore left SGA last fall,
Doug Smith, who finished 16th in the
race. was next in line for the posi-
tion. But after Smith turned the
offer down, Darlington said she ex-
pected to fill the vacancy.

However, she received a letter
from Senior Vice President Susan
Bridges informing her she had failed
to submit her campaign expenditure
forms and, consequently, was ineli-
gible to serve in the Senate.

Tim Hembree. who finished be-
hind Darlington, was then chosen to
fill Moore‘s spot.

Darlington maintains that she
turned in the necessary forms to the
SGA office the day following the

Darlington ran on a ticket with
James Rose, Linda Bridwell and
Eddie Truax. According to Rose, he
and Bridwell handed in the cam-
paign expenditure forms for all four
of the candidates the morning fol-
lowing the spring election.

Later that morning, Darlington
said she went into the office to veri-
fy that the campaign expenditure
forms had been filed.

But Ken Walker, who was chair‘
man of last spring‘s Elections
Board. said that each candidate
must turn in their own expenditures
form, and records show that
Darlington did not turn hers in on

The SGA bylaws state that candi-
dates must submit their campaign
expenditure forms in person before

However, Rose points out that the
SGA constitution provides that a
candidate can only be disqualified if
his or her actions would have
changed the outcome of the election.

Computer card catalog
doesn’t appeal to some

Contributing Writer

The M.l. King Library’s new
LS-2000 on-line catalog rides the
crest of a new wave of library tech-
nology that is sweeping the nation‘s
colleges and universities. But not ev-
eryone who uses the UK system is
comfortable with the ride.

“lt stinks,“ said UK history pro
fessor Bruce Eastwood. He said the
system‘s information base, as a re-
search tool. favored some disci-
plines at the expense of others.

“1 think there's a real bias in this
system against the humanities." he

The LS-2000 — introduced into the
library in the fall of 1935 -— is a com-
puterized version of the familiar
card catalog system that has tradi-
tionally been used in libraries.

Eastwood said it is difficult, if not
impossible, to find citations in LS-
old. This works agaimt disciplines
like history, “became humanities

generally use the long historical run
of information as far as publication
date goes. That system is for psy-
chologists. sociologists. political sci-
entists. chemists and physicists who
want the latest dope.“ he said.

History graduate student Steve
Wolfgang echoed Eastwood’s com.

“Sometimes you can find (an au-
thor‘s) books for the last 30 years,
but you can‘t depend on it," he said.
“Sometimes it will have it, some-
times it won‘t. I go to the card cata-
log first. If I can‘t find it there, then
I'll go check the machine.“

Michael Lach, associate director
of UK Libraries, said Eastwood‘s
complaint could be valid, as only
three-quarters of the library‘s col-
lection of titles has been entered
thus far into the computer.

Lach said that the bulk of the sys-
tem's catalog of titles was added

However. a number of the com-
plaints like those brought up by
Eastwood and Wolfgang might come


And if Darlington had not turned
in her forms that would not changed
the result of the election.

“If you go on that basis, you pret-
ty much have to let" Darlington in
the Senate. Rose said. “There‘s no
way around it."

The issue has been complicated by
the fact that last year's spring elec-
tions records are missing. Walker
said that SGA has looked for them,
but “they are missing from the of-

“They (SGA) just don’t seem too
interested in me and that they can
walk all over me and I won’t do any-
thing,“ she said.


Wilkinson tells
school officials

to quit ‘

Associated Press
and Kernel Staff Reports

FRANKFURT —‘ Gov. Wallace
Wilkinson said yesterday that uni-
versity presidents should “stop cry-
ing so much" about his budget pro-

Wilkinson said there is more than
enough money in his recommenda—
tion for the universities to give sala<
ry increases to faculty and staff. do
spite the complaints made by the
presidents to a legislative commit-
tee on Wednesday.

“What they need to do is get busy
and buckle down and reorder their
priorities and use their money wise-
ly and stop crying so much.“
Wilkinson said.

Wilkinson said he has recommend-
ed that $543 million in General Fund
money be turned over to higher edu-
cation in fiscal 1989.

“in my opinion. there is sufficient
revenue in that $543 million, if those
university presidents want to do it.
to give faculty and staff salary lll'
creases," Wilkinson said.

UK President David Roselle was
unavailable for comment last night.

L'K Vice (‘hancellor for Adminis-
[ration Ed (‘artcr declined to com


“i think the presidents
are misleading the
people of this
commonwealth . . .
We're funding them at
a level better than their
performance right




Wallace Wilkinson,


ment specifically on what Wilkinson
said. saying "l‘m not sure that we
need to debate that in the press.~~

However. Carter maintained the
t'niversity's need for more money.
Budget reordering to allow for sala—
ry increases could obviously be
done. he said. but not without signif-
icant damage to the l'niversity's in-
frastructure and programs.

“In any budget that I know of.
there‘s an opportunity to reorder
priorities I. but in terms of reorder—
ing. thcrc is damage to whatever
gets undone." ('artcr said

\cc \\ ll kl\\()\. l’agc 2

Talk on Louis statue today

Staff Writer

“Knockout" not only describes
the bronze sculpture of the late
boxer. Joe Louis. but it also de-
scribes the sculptor. Ed Hamilton.

Hamilton created the 12~foot sta-
tue of the “Brown Bomber" at De-
troit‘s Coho Hall Center Atrium.

Hamilton. a Louisville native. will
lecture on his sculpture today at the
Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural
Center. He will also show a slide

“1 will be sharing many retro-
spects of my project." Hamilton

“It's an honor and privilege to
present an artist of Hamilton‘s talv
ent on this campus." said Chester
Grundy. director of minority student

Hamilton's sculpture celebrates
and immortalizes one of the most fa-
mous black Americans. Grundy

In 1983. a Detroit sculptural com-
mittee approved by Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young commissioned art-
ists nationwide to create a statue in
Louis‘ memory.

“I got a letter in the mail asking
for slides of my work and a one-
page narrative on how I would por-
tray Louis in lifesize bronze." Ham~
ilton said.

Mack Tallan. an English graduate student, works on the
LS-2000 on~line card catalog in MI. King library.

from a lack of understanding of the
system. said Robert Aken, the ii-

“I think that right now, most data
bases are not as user-friendly as

brary‘s coordinator of bibliographic they need to be.“ she said. u] think


Ramona Rush. a UK communica-
tions professor. said that the 18-2000
suffers a problem that is endemic to
all similar data bases currently used
in libraries.

they ought to be structured much
more adequately for the user."

But Rush said that the skills re-
quired to use systems like Lszooo
are important for students to carry

See COMPUTER. Page 2


“It’s an honor. . . to

present an artist of

Hamilton’s talent. "
Chester Grundy

minority student affairs

“it was six to eight months before
lheard l was a finalist." he said.

Hamilton was one of five finalists
(from 17 sculptors» that submitted
portfolios and abstracts.

As a finalist. Hamilton was given
$1.500 to sculpt a two-foot model of
the boxer.

Before beginning any work. Ham~
ilton did extensive research on

“I researched Louis so that I
would know what approach to take
in making this sculpture. i wanted
to discover his persona.“ Hamilton

His research included reading scy-
cral books on Louis and talking to
Louis‘ former friends in order to
gain a glimpse into Louis‘ aura.

At one point in his research. Hanr
ilton was able to hold the bronzed
right-hand glove Louis wore in his
fight with Max Schmeling in 1938. It
was Louis' first lOSs.

Touching that glove made an im-
pact on Hamilton and became a cor—
nerstone in his research. he said.

And that research paid off He
was sclccted to create the Louis
sculpture a year after he had been
named a finalist.

After his research. Hamilton
began work. First. be constructed
an aluminum frame of the boxer.
Next. he applied a layer of styro-
foam to give the frame dimension.
Then came a spreading of 3.000
pounds of a specially mixed clay,
which comes from Kentucky.

chr the next 10 months. he would
\hitpt‘ and reshape the clay until he
was satisfied.

llc thcii madc plaster casts that,
when put together. formed the entire

Hamilton took
Fine Arts Sculpture
(‘larkston. Mich

There. the Brown Bomber was re-
crcatcd. Beeswax was used to make
a wax duplicate of Hamilton’s sculp-
ture. which was then used to form a
plaster model Bronze was poured
over the model and allowed to cool.
Then. the plates were welded togeth-
er and painted. The result ~~ a 2.300
pound replica of l.ou1s.

thc casts to the
(‘entre in

The sculpture was unveiled in Sep-
tember last year in Detroit.

Hamilton's lecture will be in 125
Strident t‘entcr trom 3-3 pm. There
will be a questionand-answer ses~
sion following the presentation

House could beat veto
of tax law, whip says

Associated Press

FRANKFORT ..- A state legislator
says it is still possible for the House
to override a gubernatorial veto of a
move to make state tax law conform
to the new federal tax code. despite
an informal survey that found there
weren‘t enough votes.

House Democratic Whip Kenny
Rapier said Wednesday about 40
members of the House favor confor-
mity. However. 5] votes are needed
to override the veto Gov. Wallace
Wilkinson has promised for such leg-

“Forty votes is close to 51, and it
is still early," said Rep. Joe Clarke.
D-Danville. “A lot of us don‘t really
know yet how painful this budget is.
. . . I‘m not saying our chances are
good. but I am beginning to think
conformity is possibly in the cards."

A study done for the Wilkinson ad-
ministration concludes that confor-
mity would generate about $83 mil-
lion in 1988-89 and about $98 million
in 198990 in new revenue for the
General Fund.

But Wilkinson has said conformity
is a tax increase and that he would
veto any bill calling for it.

t‘larke strongly supports the idea
as the lcastpainful way of raising
needed revenue. He has said he
would like to combine conformity
with a bill to simplify state income-
tax forms

Clarke said while the number of
votes are lacking now. he was pleas-
antly surprised by the amount of
support for conformity

"The to figure is a projection. We
didn't get that many. but we haven‘t
contacted all 100 members yet,"
said Rapier. of Bardstown.

Rapier said that only six House
members definitely oppose confor-
mity. while most House members .
say it is too early to take a stand on
the issue. even for an informal head

Rapier conducted the survey Mon-
day and Tuesday at the request of
House Speaker Don Blandford, D-

See TAX, Pagez


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Friday. February 5. 1080

0Wilkinson: presidents ‘misleading’

t‘miiinucd from Page I

The eight presidents all com-
plained to the Budget Review Sub-
committee on Education Wednesday
that the General Fund appropriation
recommended by Wilkinson is al-
most the same amount they are re-
ceiving this year and there is no
money for salary increases.

Many of the presidents com-
plained that the lack of funding for
specific salary increases was partic—
ularly galling when 2 percent raises
in 1989 were provided for all other
public employees.

“i think the presidents are mis-
leading the people of this common-

OComputer replaces card catalog

t .in'inued from Page I

out of the academic environment
Hill) the working world.

"it‘s an information society," she
said "The people who know how to
access information, think through
and synthesize it. write and organize
it well are the ones who are going to
get jobs and survive."

The system does have its advo-
cates. Robert Weller. an adult stu~
(lcnt majoring in journalism. said he
likes the system because it makes
doing research papers easier.

"1 think it's great,“ Weller said.
“It saves a lot of time. Just by
pressing buttons, you get to the
sources you need. I think it's handy.
in) impressed.”

David Rogers. a journalism se-
llltil‘. said the system saved him leg-

”it‘s a lot quicker and more effi-
cient." Rogers said. “i can sit down
at .1 terminal and find the title and
call a number faster. and even if the
book has been checked out. That
means i don t have to go and search
the stacks to see if it's there or not.“

King Library‘s system began with
tour terminals and has since grown

wealth and their own campuses
when they go before this committee
over there and almost cry about fac-
ulty salaries," Wilkinson said.

Wilkimon said the appropriatiom
to universities have virtually no
strings attached and the institutions
are free to spend them virtually as
they wish.

“i think it‘s time that the universi-
ties reorder their priorities and
spend the money in the right
places," Wilkinson said. “We‘re
funding them at a level better than
their performance right now. "

to 19 terminals. Lach said the con-
version has not been cheap.

“We have spent on the whole pro
ject in excess of a million dollars."
he said.

Lach said the system would even-
tually replace the old card catalog

“The card catalog is dead," he
said. “We haven't filed a card in
that catalog in well over a year.
iThe LS-2000l will very definitely re-
place the card catalog.“

UK‘s acquisition of an on-line cat-
alog is part of a trend in university
libraries across the nation.

“In general. you're finding them
being brought in all across the coun-
try.“ Aken said.

Aken thinks the new system has
distinct advantages over the old.

"A system like 1.5-2000 is a lot
more powerful than a card catalog.”
he said.

With the old method, “you have
three access points: author, title,
and subject. With the on-line cata-
log, you now also have keyword ac-
cess. and you can define different el-




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Serpent and the Rainbow PG-13
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Fatal Attraction R
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Broadcast News R
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Three Men and a Baby PG
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2:00-3:50-5:40-7:40-9:40 Fri/Sit 11 :40
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The Couch Trip l-‘i
1:10-3:05-5:00-7:40-9:30 Fri/Sat 11:20


Three Men and a Baby PG
1:30-3:30-s:ao-7:309:30 Fri/Set 11:30


Flowers In the Attic PG-13
2:00-4:00-5:50-a:oo-1o:oo Frl/Slt 12:00


Fatal Attraction
1:45-4:15-7:45-10:00 Fri/Set 12:10

Throw Mama from the Train PG-13
12:30-2150-5:10-7:35-9:55 Fri/Set 12:05




She's Having a My PG-13
1:15-3:205:25-7:45-9:50 Fri/Set 11:50


TheTele R
1:45-a:ts-s:45-7:45-9:45 Fri/Set 11:45


Good Mornhg Woman 11
12:45-3:oo-s:1o.7:30-0:so Fri/Set 12:10




1:30-3:305:30-7:35-9:35 Fri/Sat 11:30


Well Street
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Continued from Page i

Blandford said he asked for the
head count after a conversation
with Clarke early this week about
a resolution by the House Demo-
cratic caucus last week.

The resolution stated that
House Democrats oppose three
proposals included in Wilkinson’s
budget to boost revenue to the
General Fund, and urged the
House Appropriations and Reve-
nue Committee to find an alterna-

Clarke. chairman of that com«
mittee. said. “I told Don (Bland-
fordt that I can’t find a way to
respond to that resolution by
making cuts. Cutting more than
$150 million would mean massive
layoffs and reduced services."

state government prompted the
higher education funding recommen-
dation, Wilkinson said.

“i sympathize with them,"
Wilkinson said. “if we had more
money, we’d give it to them if we
could be assured they’d use it prop-

Wilkinson declined to suggest that
the Council on Higher Education in-
crease funding for the universities
by approving a tuition increase.

"What they do about tuition in
creases is their business," Wilkinson


ements to get to relationships with
the information in the catalog.“

Lach said people need to over-
come their embarrassment in seek-
ing assistance in using the system,
especially if they are used to the

“People are sometimes reluctant
to admit they need help," he said.
“And that‘s a mistake. We still need
to convince a lot of people that it
wouldn't hurt to come in and ask us
for some help."

Aken said that it has been a chal-
lenge getting people comfortable
with the new system. To that end,
the library instituted a number of
different training devices.

Editor in chief
Executive Editor

News Editor

Design Editor

Editorial Editor

Photo Editor

Arts Editor

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor

Production Manager

. . . Advertisin Mana or
"Vte came up With various paper 9 9

guides. a 10~page flip guide beside
every terminal for those who want
do read through the instructions
themselves.“ Aken said.

OTax reform possible

Blandford later asked Rapier to
try to get an early head count on
support for conformity, which
would raise enough new revenue
to avoid the moves the House
Democrats oppose. Conforming
state income-tax laws to the new
federal code would mean the
elimination of many deductions.
exemptions and tax shelters in
the state income tax.

Blandford cautioned that head
counts this early in a session are
not very solid. “We just wanted a
feel for the support for conformi-
ty. We won't be able to get a hard
count until later. after we‘ve re-
viewed the budget and considered
the impact of conformity."

Kentucky Kernel

Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan
Karen Phillips

C,A. Duane Boniter
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Todd Jones

Jim White

Paula Anderson
Scott Ward
Linda Collins

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer session.

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511. Mailed subscrip-
tion rates are $15 per semester and $30 per year.

The Kernel IS printed at Standard Publishing and Printing, 534 Buck-

But even with all the training pro»
grams available. Weller said that he
learned the system on his own.

”It was just a matter of sitting
down and playing with it for
awhile." he said.

man St . Shepherdsvilie. KY 40165

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel.
Room 026 Journalism Budding, University of Kentucky. Lextngton. KY
40506-0042 Phone: (606)257-2871.


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UK Vice President for Admin-
istration Ed Carter has proba-
bly been singing the blues
since Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
released his budget last week.
But when Carter gets tired of
debits and credits, he likes to
listen to his favorite group --
the Oak Ridge Boys, followed
by the Statler Brothers and
the Gatlin Brothers.

But don't ask him to pick
his favorite album -— he likes
them all.

“I'm a group freak," Carter






' Malia Glty Saloon -- 2350 Woodhili Shopping Center. Troy Gentry will play
tonightirom 9to 1 am. Cover is $3.

w Babylon -— 113 N. Limestone St. Casmere Jungle Lords and Lemon-
ade Hey Ride will play tonight from 9 to 1 am. Cover is $2. Tomorrow night,

The Bearded Seaie - 500 Euclid Ave. Repeat Option will play tonight from 9
to 1 am.

The Iottom Line — 361 w. Short 81. Reeurrected Bloated Homers will play
tonight from 10 to 1 am. Saturday, Ciairn Stakers and Hoolagans will play from
9to 1 am. Cover 53.

The Ieee A Saloon — 2909 Richmond Road. The Blitz Kids will play tonight
mdtornonownighttrom 9to1a.m.Coveris $3.

We - 509 W. Man St. Nervous Melvin and the Mistates will play tonight

The My — (wove Brewinge). Larry Redmon will play tonight and tomorrow
nighttrom9101 a.m.Nocover.

We Bar — 131 Cheapside. The Bruce Lewis Trio will play might from 9
to 1 am. Withmh will play tomorrow from 9to1a.m.Nocover.

Comedy on Broadway —- 144 N. Broadway. Keith Gisser. Rick Schrader and
Mike Fiannery will perform tonight and tomorrow night at 8 and 10:30 and Sun.
day only at 7:30. Cover tonight and tomorrow night is $5 and Sunday night is

Kluge Arms Pub - Mystery Train will play tonight from 9 to 1 am. Saturday.
the Chromotones will play from 9 to 1 am. Cover is $2.

Main Streets -— 269 W. Main St. The Metro Blues All-Stars will play tonight and
tomorrow night from 10 to 1 am. Cover is $2.

Spirits — Radisson Plaza hotel. Harry Clark and the Hot Nutts will play tonight
and tomorrow from 9 to 1 am. Cover is $2.

Two Keys Tavern - 333 S. Limestone SI. Situation will play tonight and tomor-
row night trom 9 to 1 a m. Cover for men is $2 and no cover for women.

The Upper Clue - 388 Woodland Ave. The Duos will play tonight and tomor-
rowfrom etc 1 a. m. Coveris $3



Batteries Not Included -— Rated PG. (Fayette Mali: 2. 4:10. 7:35, 9:40 and


Broadcast Now: — Rated R. (South Park: 1:30. 4:15, 7:30, 9:55 and tonight


Fatal Attraction — Rated R. (South Puk: 5:20. 7:50. 10:05 and tonight aid


Flowers In the Attic — Rated PG-13. (North Park: 2. 4, 5:50. 8, 10 and to-


For Keeps — Rated PG-13. (Crossroads: 1:40, 3:40, 5:35, 7:40. 9:40 81d


Good Morning Vietnam — Rated R. (Seuth Park: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:35, 10

and tonight and tomorrow only i. 12:10. Also showing at North Park: 12:30.

2:50, 5:10. 7:30, 9:503ndtonimtend tomorrow oniy at 12:10.)

Hiding Out — Rated R. (Turtland Mail: 2. 3:50, 5:40. 7:50, 9:40 and tonight


House at Game: —- Rated R. (Tml'land Mail: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30. 7:30, 9:30 and


Jutie and Jolie— PREMIERE Rated R. (Fayette Mali: 1:50 .3:50, 5:45. 7:50.

9:50andtonightandtomonowoniyat11: 45.)

TheLaetEmperor—PREWERERawdR. (South Park: 1, 4. 7:303ndfonlght

andtomorrowoniyatto 30)

W09 in Action Iii —- Rated R. (North M: 1:40, 3:40, 5:40. 7:40. 9:40


Week ." Rated R. (1:30. 3:30. 5:30. 7:35. 9:35 and tonight 81d tomor-


m. Traine. and W- Rated PG-13. (North Putt: 1:40, 3:40.
5:40. 7:40. 9:40mdtortiohtmdtomorrowonlyet11: 40.)

:moattheLMnoDeedil-RatedR. (NorthPuk: 150 3;,50 5.45 7:,35


Ole’etiaelngeieby—PREMIERERatedPG-ta (LexingtonMdl: 1:15 31.20

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Turn-wow: 1:,15 3:20. 5:25 7.45 9:50I'idtonightmdto1mrmonty


mootteKitiuSNEAKPREViEWRatedR. (FayetteMaiimdNorthPlk: Friday


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Eriii Reece

‘La Cage’ gives musical a perverse twist

Staff Critic

hard keeping an open mind

when I sat down to watch “La
Cage aux Folles.“ a play about an
aging homosexual couple.

But homosexuality is only on the
surface. Beneath its unconventional
subject matter lies a shimmering
evening of Broadway entertainment
that has come to Lexington.

Based on the hit French film of
the same name and with a score by
Jerry Herman (“Hello Dolly,“
“Mame" i, it would be hard for the
play not to satisfy and it does — in
show-stopping production numbers,
broad comedy and some touching

The story revolves around the
relationship between Georges -
owner of the transvestite nightclub.
La Cage aux Folles — and his
transvestite “wife" of 20 years,
Albin (who, as ZaZa, is the club‘s
aging but still glamorous star I.
Things begin to get complicated
when Jean-Michel. Georges‘ son
from a brief heterosexual fling,
announces his marriage to Ann.
whose father is a politician who
wants to eliminate gay clubs.
Naturally. much to the pain of
Georges and Albin, Jean-Michel
wants to hide all signs of their
lifestyle. including Albin.

It '5 easy to see that much of the
play‘s humor derives from the
play‘s attempts to cover up Albin‘s
flaming homosexuality. But part of"
the play’s fun is the coyness with
which Harvey Fierstein (who
adapted the play 1 treats the subject
matter. He never pokes a cheap
laugh at his principle characters
and neither indicts nor patronizes

Instead, he paints a poignant
picture (which is brought up by the

I 'II have to admit that it was

Senior Staff Writer

After several months of sporadic
videocassette releases, the VCR
owner has been given a plethora of
choices by the major film corpora-
tions here in the last week or so.

The most ballyhooed of the early
‘88 releases is “Platoon“ (Home Box
Office). the release of which has
been delayed since last October for
various and sundry legal reasons.
Well, it's out now. but, even though
most video stores have ordered mul-
tiple copies (some as many as two
dozen), you may have a hard time
getting your hands on the popular
release for a while.

Last year's Oscar winner for Best
Picture certainly deserved the nomi-
nation, although some may argue
that “Hannah and her Sisters“
should have won the award. No mat-
ter; “Platoon“ is a gripping look at
the insanities of the Vietnam War,
and how those insanities came at
you from all angles: from the North
Vietnamese. from young soldiers
barely old enough to shave (much
less commit murder for their coun-
try). from the divided factions with»
in the American fighting force.

Charlie Sheen (“Wall Street“) is
somewhat ineffectual as the young
soldier through whose eyes the story
is told. but Oscar nominees Tom
Berenger (“Shoot to Kill“) and Wil-
lem Dafoe (“To Live and Die in

Will the real transvestite please step forward. “La
investigates the social repercus-

Cage aux Folles"

slow “Song in the Sand“ 1, of' a

couple who share a special. if
different. love and who maintain a
slrong bond. It‘s just as easy to
envision a heterosexual couple up

there singing that song to each


Part of the play's vitality comes
from Harvey Evans in the difficult
role of Albin. it calls for a
flamboyant performance and Evans
never gets overly swishy. The pain
that Albin feels when his maternal

Video video

If a night on the town chills you to the bone, home video may be your best bet

Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks star in "Dragnet,"

video releases out this week.
L.A."I lake the acling honors as two
sergeants with dangerously different
views of how the war should be

“Robot‘op” is a clever. futuristic
thriller that takes a few sharp pokes
at our society along the way.

Peter Weller I ”Buckaroo
Banzai“I stars as an inexperienced
young police Officer recently trans-
ferred to the rough streets of 21st
century New York City. He is unprc~
pared for the brutality of New
York's criminal element. and he is
sadistically gunned down in the line

' Theater

Instincts have been bclruycd is vcry
clcar on Evans fact-

Also greatly aiding the plays
cxuhcruncc is a chorus hnc mudc up
of only two womcn and a lot oi drug
quccns who kccp ) ou guessing 'l‘hc

one of five major

of duty. However. modern technolo—
gy il\'(‘S, and the young officer is re
born Ill the mechanical body of u
ltoho(‘op. where he brings a ncw di~
mension to the term "New and Im—
proved. "

The movie is taut and cxcxtmg.
with a refreshing sense of humor.
hul it Is also filled with a grcal
quantity of graphic violence that