xt77pv6b5j0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b5j0s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1936 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1936 Vol.7 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, May 1936 Vol.7 No.12 1936 1936 2019 true xt77pv6b5j0s section xt77pv6b5j0s liar-131,;
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__.j -— Of. Bq, Jlnd For Kentucku newspapers —-
—'3t )1
t‘ , Volume S M Y
5 even A , l936 Number Twelve
...-‘f 3:: ; [E o , . . 1
xecutl es M 1 D II P] R | M t - F
F‘ V eel: l anVI 9 ans oya ee lng BUSh Krebs O ter 1
*At Laurel crest The 67th annual mid—summer Lexington, will award prizes in the valuable Pnzes For .1
é, — meeting of the Kentucky Press as— various newspaper contests. . . . . 1
j The Executive committee of the sociation Will be h61d June 11, 12 A13112330 Friday afternoon the 9d“ Prlntlng EXhlblt 11
i "1 KPA met in spring session at Laur— and 13, at Danville, it was decided itOrS Will leave fOI' Harrodsburg,
. . * el Crest Camp, south of Campbells- at a recent meeting of the officers where they will visit Old Fort Har— .
1 {3' ville, Jodie Gozder’s pride and joy, and directors of the association. 1‘0d and be guests 0f the Mercer _The Bush—Krebs Company, Louis— 1
{fps on April 24—26. Members present Danville was selected as the meet— Chalnber Of Commerce at a picnic Vlue’ dealerdn p rlnters‘ supplies, 1
3.111; 3 included Chairman J. L. Bradley, ing place in honor of J. Curtis Al- lunch. The party Will then 11101301“ through_the1r representative, Ed 0' 1
.3; it Providence; Gus Robbins, Hickman; cook’s 25th anniversary as secre— to Dix Dam and Herrington Lake Weeks, 1.5 offering a number Of 1
Joe Richardson, Glasgow, Dolph tary—treasurer of the Kentucky and other places Of interest, return— 51.11)? tantlal prizes for the best ex— ‘
4, Creal, Hodgenville, Vance Armen— Press Association. ing to Danville, Where a banquet hlblts Of 10b work at the mid-sum— ‘
. 1 trout, Louisville; Keith Hood, Car—1 Delegates to the annual meeting dinner will be given the press peo— mer3 meeting m DanVille. Thls 0p 1
rollton; George Joplin, Somerset; are expected to arrive on Thursday ple by the Danville Chamber of fer 15 open to every newspaper and 1
.. 2 “Bob” Elkins, Lancaster; Victor R. afternoon, June 11, when they will COmmerce. we 119‘” that every editor W111 take .1
Portmann, Lexington; Jodie Gozder, register at the Gilcher Hotel, and1 Dr. Chas. J. Turck. president of the.t.1me to 91161031191115 cardboard
Campbellsville; Russell Dyche, Lon— from 8 to 10 the same evening they Centre College, will be toastmaster EXhlblt for the_meet1ng.3 The con— 1
31’ don; Secretary J. Curtis Alcock, Will be guests of Dr. Chas. J. Turck, at the banquet, and Governor A. B. tESt committee 15, exceedingly grate—
,“ Danville, and President J. L, Craw— 1 president of Centre College, and Chandler, 0f Frankfort, and Cap- ful to Mr' weeks for htsgenerous “
ford, Corbin. Other guests wereers. Turck at an informal recep— tain Frank Winch, 0f LouiSVille, offer and the opportunity thus 11
Vernon Richardson, Danville, andytion at their home, Hillcrest, on the noted lecturer on wild life, have 010911801 t0 the punters. 1“ the .State- ;
Donald McWain, Louisville. college campus. been invited to speak. The followmg rules W1,“ 13119173112111
‘ After a chicken dinner with all The first business session of the On Saturday, June 13, the editors 1' Any newspaper in the state, 1
j , the fixings, the offical meeting was meeting will be held Friday morn- will meet in a business session and that operates 3' 30b department, is a
3,133; called. The following is a short— ing, June 12, presided over by J. L. discuss subjects pertaining to the ehglble to enter the contest. 11
veins": hand transcription of this meeting. Crawford, Corbin, president of the newspaper and job printing busi— 2- A11 entr1es of each contestant 1
"f" ,3 Chairman Bradley—The meeting KPA, and P. H. Best, president of ness. At 12:30 o’clock Saturday the are to be mounted on a Single large 1
u is in order and you—all lay down the Danville Chamber of Com- press folks will be guests of the two cardboard for eXhlblt and appro— ’
N your cards and your pool sticks. merce, will deliver the address of Danville newspapers at a luncheon prlately legended- Neatness m 1
.3551ng (Much confusion). As this meet— welcome. J. P. Gozder, of Camp— to be given at the Danville Coun— mounting W111 be conSldered by the 1
, 5 f'3 ing was called to select the place bellsville, vice-president of the try club, and in the afternoon the judges. 1
.9. .37 for the mid-summer meeting, invi- KPA, will make the response. ladies will play bridge, prizes being 3- Judges Will be appointed by 1
*. ‘1"; tations are in order. James P. Isenberg, of Harrods- offered for the best players. the contest committee. 1
. A, Vernon Richardson (again a 001— 'burg, Will deliver an address on the The annual golf tournament for 4~ The contests and awards are 1
fit DIED—Mr- Chairman, ladies and “Onward Kentucky Movement,” a editors will be held on the Danville as “flows: 1
gentlemen! (McWain had to be plan to form an organization to golf course, a silver trophy being First: The best one—color letter 1
_: squelched because he claimed to be manufacture Kentucky raw prOd— offered the winner by President head—prlze, one 641111861 press num- 1
13,; the only gentleman present). In ucts. Crawford Professor Portmann and boring machine.
H the center of the Blue Grass, in the Victor R. Portmann, member 0f W. Chauncey Alcock, Danville Mes— Second: The best two-color let- 11
.” heart Of a land 0f milk and honey, the faculty of the Department of senger, will be in charge of the ter head—prise, one 6—wheel press 11
1 «Air,- in the fairest SDOt that the Creator Journalism, University of Kentucky, tournament. numbering machine. 11
j .3; created, stands the beautiful city of Third: The best three-color (or 11
Danville. We know we have the ”—'_‘-‘—‘—_————-~ more) letter head—prize. one 6—
: most beautiful women! (cries of 10005)- - , of it wheel press numbering machine and 1|
3335;213:323 Hear! Hear!) We can find the best- Voice from the rear—Why not g01 Bradley—Gentlemen! Gentlemen! one one—quart Safety Benzine can. 1
3‘ liquid refreshments! We have Cen— to Lexington, they have fast horses Let’s dispose of the business before Fourth: The best one-color busi— ,
;' 3 tre College! (Chorus from Joplin there that Richardson did not men", us—which was disposed of, and the ness card—prize, one 10x2 in. Rouse .
and Robbins, Hallelujah! Hallelu—1tiOh- (General chorus, Vote! Vote!) meeting was closed, peace and har— Imposing stick. 1
jah! Amen! Amen!) The good The secretary then passed around many prevailing. Fifth: The best 16-page, or more, 11
1:5 s, citizens of this fairest, of cities, re— pink and blue ballots, and a com— And so the mid—summer meeting booklet—prize, one 6-wheel Press ‘
35?} presented by the best Chamber of mittee of Dave Newberry and the will be held at Danville. Numbering machine. 1
5' Commerce in the country, have house boys retired to the engine Arguments on who was the best Sixth: the best ruled form—prize, 11
51 asked me to extend the invitation house to count the votes. Tile re-- story—teller, bridge, pool, food, and one 6—wheel Press Numbering ma— ‘
3 for the mid—summer meeting, (Loud suit stood 15 to 0 in favor of Dan— general good fellowship Occupied chine.
.51.; ‘ and prolonged applause). And then ville. There was some argument “as the time of the guests until Sunday ———————- 1
3 3‘ besides we have J. Curtis Alcock, to which one of the Danville. dele— morning when all left agreeing that Can’t you send in some neWs 130 1
573' ,2- Who for 25 years has guarded the gates had cast the extra vote, but Jodie was an ideal host and that The Press? Try it once. '1
3 :fi coffers of the KPA for an anniver— order was finally secured when Bob Camp Laurel Crest was second to A new publication has made its ,i
11:11? . sary meeting and excuse. (More Elkins moved that the Secretary none. appearance in Sturgis, the Baptist 11
$1353: ; ‘1 cheers). We dare you, I mean in— cast the unanimous vote for Dali—I —~ Messenger. It has no set time for 1
£1: vite you to come. ville. Seconded and carried. I The Press congratulates Editor publication, but will be issued when— .
-,3, .35:: Ta Secretary Alcock—I claim the Chairman Bradley—Is there any Jack Wilson on the splendid 44- ever Editor Reverend Ernest Miller ,1
, privilege of seconding Colonel Rich- other business to come before us? page special edition of the More- deems “it will do the most good.” 1
g; N t ardson’s invitation and present it President Crawford—I have a head News on April 30 on the oc— W. C. Webber, former publisher 1
in?“ as a motion. (Motion seconded by1 letter here from the Attorney Gcn- casion of the inaugural of Harvey of the Georgetown News, has been
15» all present). 3 3 eral’s office. (Deathly Silence). 1A. Babb as president of Morehead advanced to editor—in-chief 0f the 1
1 t' Chairman Bradley—Your invita- Secretary Alcock—Now as to State Teachers College. The spec— Western NeWSpaper Union, Chicago, I
33...),3 ,1 ion, Colonel Richardson, certainly money...... 1lal sections were devoted to the succeeding Wright A. “Pat" Patter—
# came as surprise. to all of us .Are Keith Hood—Let’s have a song.. college and church news. son who was appointed to editorial , _
if: there any more invitations? Donald McWain—Now on the — director of that organization after i
:9, Press Editor—You can always Courier-Journal...... 1 Meet you in Danville on June 11,131 years of service as editor—in— ,
come to Lexington. (Chorus of Vance Armentrout—Never herad 12, and 13! 1chief_ 11

 ‘r’EE E = E
» . . May 1936 l M:
‘ ‘E E, Page Two THE KEN rUCKY PRESS , E
; E :mty under a budget system,Esc1‘ibod with the graduate’s name, | (Certa
E E‘ Eand prescribe the methods under Ehis Signature, the sggnatggre of the bar of
l . E . . . - ' ' tor oft e 50 001 wher E - ~d
‘ I Ethis bud et system, including the . dean or direc . g e . regal
E ‘ : he Kentuqu Press Ereceipts gand expenditures of itsihe had his training and an an— E from -
E g . —‘%~ moneys, should be governed and l' houncement that lngulrles concern- as rep
E : :1 Official Publication Of The Kentucky Press Assoc1at10n Epublished; and in view of the ex— E mg the graduate Will be answered . The A
., E1 .1 _—___E— Ecephon in 3741a—1 it is intended E promptly by mall or telegraph. ‘. are.)
E E 3 ,‘ VICTORR.PORTMANN.................Edit0r Ethat this method of publicatlonE This action has been taken to E is intf
1 1 E , E _[____% H_ Eshould govern and be substltuted Ecurb the activities of applicants for E who V
i E l E1 Printed On The Kernel Press, Department Of Journalism, Efor the annual method as thereto— E {newspaper JObS who claim to be r from E
. E University Of Kentucky, Lexington gfore prescribed. E Journalism school graduates” even ; ployer:
E’ g . E Yours very trulty, Ethough they have taken only the E honest
_ r, . M“ E B. M. Vincen Emost elementary courses in high ‘. claims
1E . . E PRESS ASSOCIATIOX OFFICERS . .b c bin E Attorney General Eschools or small colleges or, as has E trainin
g 1 John Liarawford __- Presxdent ~ Times-1T3 “I“: “mime E By Guy H. Hel‘dman Ebeen reported in some cases have ‘ he is
, F . Jody P. Gozder Vice Presuient Ne“ S-Jouma- amp 9 5V.“ I t Attorne Gen— -’ ‘ . .
. E E J. Curtis Alcock __W___._~___ Secretary-Treasurer mum. Messenger,Danv1 e E Ass . Y 5been dropped from courses in pro. 1 lisheis
: _ EXECUTWE COMMITTEE E eral _ to do bout E fessional school for unsatisfactory 3
Eli , . . . g . l What are you gomg a 'work. In an inst , bl‘ h- e
. , , E t , P Vidence, Chairman, Gracean M Pedley, Her ’ g E m y ances’ pu ls , LEr
E‘E E E gldLEezbcfgy‘vfifidlDeglphnoggilsfleralrg-News, Hodgenville: Vance Armentrout, Cour- EthiS, Mr. Echtor? The Legislature ers Who have hired these 5611;“wa E RU
. El. ier-‘Journal, Louisville; Keith Hood, News—Democrat, Carrollltog'; $131591): C§St%1:_’ is in session—let‘s haVe these laWS “graduates” without investigation‘ 1'
'EEE E Democrat, Cynthiana; James T. Norris, Independent, £3511:an1 n. (31316 SRichard- made clear by Legislative Act and f0 nd th ‘11 ff' . t h
EIE ‘ derwood, Herald, Lexington; Russell Dyche. Sentmel-EC 0. 0n 0 ,l t . R be” 1 , . G t . 11 em. 1 e leien ave The
E,.;;‘ son, Times, Glasgow; Victor R. Portmann, Kentucky Press, Lexmg on, 0 rather than by opinion. , e In E blamed the quality of instruction ent
lElgE E L. Elkin, Lancaster, Honorary. . C \HTTEE touch with your representative to— E given in the schools instead of the . glreslde
1E i E LEGIISLAITI‘F tOMACh irman Lawrence W Hagar day. indiVidual Who Obtained the jOb I' the D'
. d, H , exmg on, a g ; . g . _—___ g
E1 E fagggisgeg‘ogxe‘ggbgrooo; Wage: Fisher, mercury,_CarlIsle; George A.‘ Joplin Jr., Dear Mr Alcock: undre false pretenses. day at
EE'E': l Commonwéalth, Somerset; Harold Browning, Whitley Republican, Williamsburg, I am Ianswering‘ your letter of Therefore the schools, whose lowing"
EE E E ADVERTISING COMMITTEE _ . April 17 regarding the status of membership in the American Asso— to the
E . - Joe T. Lovett. LedgsJ-gimesé 16:33, 1332;213:221; ghzgegetthhéwifingrsfighgagry carrier boys under the Social 86— cgatjon of 1School; and Departments . 1. H
‘E I thigh “ggglbsggigj Cyrithiinas Leigh hams, Gleaner and Journal, Henderson. Curity Act. There has been no def— 0 ourna ism gepends upon the Each c
EE' ‘ ’ \lIawsr \PER EXHIBIT COMMITTEE inilte ruling by the Government on. professional qualit y of. the.“ work, 511p f“
H: ~ iUnivei-slity of Kentucky Chairman; Albert Schumacher, this question, but “Regulations 90," E have deVISed the 1dentlficat10n card mum h
E13 T 3:53:11 Rsei‘éflt'iéii‘ii‘i’y Spragens, Marion Falcon. Lebanon- issued by the Internal Revenue bu— E €15 a means 0f HOt only Safeguard- . 2. B
EE . ’ mm of the Department of the I ing their own reputations but also golf ba
,EE“ E Treasury recently defined an em— 9f protecting publishers from being , 3. A
EE' E ——-—-—_———‘______ ployee as one who wouid be con—Elmptosed upon by fakers. The fact used.
3. ————_—_ o . . trolled by the employer: 1) In re— that this credentials plan has the 4_ P,
, EE . E HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! showing cash r-cc'eiptsisgfc.81tth 1: gar d to the results accomplished, . indorsement of a number of news— 9 or sanc‘
i l '— prov1cled in Section (t—t at and (2) In regard to the methods paper organizations, among them ry a sf.
‘5 E The Hodgenville Herald—NeWS, every three months ta ds f” 6:11.611 used for accomplishing these re— the American Society of Newspaper 5. C
i ‘ Dolph Creal, editor, issued No. 1 of showing the receipts 01 a e tutml sults. Editors, the National Editorial as— not he:
IE? 9 Volume 43, on April 16. various budget sources, “Ova s a 5;; In view of this definition, it is sociation, the Inland Daily Press 1 6_ 01
EE? ‘ The Monticello Outlook,_ J, W. ment dShcéwlfng d appiloprla 10:11.: r S my sincere opinon that carrier boys association and the Southern News— attempi
1 i -‘ Simpson, editor, celebrated Its 32nd the b? gt}? u? .S 13111 beXperétéc? I: who are being paid weekly wages paper Publishers’ association, is an one wh
‘ EE birthday on April 30. to da e ‘ t ereod s i: 60p: icuouss are actual, bona, fide employees be— encouraging sign fo a closer cooper- .7 cally b2
‘ E: The Burlington Recorder, A; E- “119 coun Eh” ge th asc 1111821, the cause both the results and methods ation between the schools and the E 7. Cl
, IE; Stephens and R. G. Mauer, DUthh— £33: (1130 r fgrca?lfea§,ut:n consecu— they use are under the contrOI 0f newspaper profession. 8. T]
E E ers, recently began Volume 61. Con— tive days”, the publisher. But the plan will Work to the best immedi
l i gratulations and many more 3762115 U do Secti 1846 of the 1930 A carrier boy who purchases pa— advantage of all concerned only if fore thl
E E . of ccess! n “r .011 pers then resells them to subscrib— - - - . . 9 F
l l su - Acts the Fiscal Court annually , . fl . 1nd1v1dual publishers Will help make . <
E ' l The Williamsburg Republlcanll bl: h d t te em of its fiscal ers Will be clas51fied as a special it effective. With college com_ long as
. ‘i ,' E H A Browning, editor, recentlyEpu .15 e a S agm . agent” as nearly as we can tell 10 A
» l ' ‘ . . allairs and Section 3747a—1 require . mencements less than one month , . .
. E .E E celebrated its 28th birthday. t, 't d dist ‘ict officers to from the regulatlons that have - away a large number of journalism convent
E i ‘ ~ Con ratulations to J. Curtis Al— couny, 01 3’ an . 1 been issued thus far. Such a car— ’ . t
, l g E g .11 M ssen ‘er and make and publish annual state— 1'ier boys is not subject to control school students'wfll soon be seek— namen
EE1 E COCk’ the Danv1 (.3 e gth’ 26th ments of collections, etc. You will b the em 10 or mg newspaper JObS. If a. publisher
EEE ‘ the my 0f Danvme on ,e M Enote in reading Section 3747a—1 y p y ' hires one who claims to be a grad-
E birthday Of that news%ap:1.6dit:¥ there is not only excepted counties In summary, then, we may SEW uate( with the amount of training '
- E3 * 120th the {lewspapm 'an 1 S Econtaining a city of the first class, that carrier boys .Who are paid foi‘ newspaper work Which that -
‘ E live to a “De Old age. but also “a county or city which by wages mlust be consgiered as leg” term implies), without requiring . J. R.
» E'i .E ———-— Elaw is required to make quarterly lar emp oyegs and , ose Whg buy the applicant to show his identifi— E of the ]
E'E E READ THIS, THEN ACT! Epublication of its fiscal and finan— newspiperls or 1913‘: aretnod reg— cation card, he has only himself to ‘ publishe
'E E .Cjal affairs” u an cmp oyees, u . ins ea are blame if he is disappointed in the - Banner
E E l _ E , conSIdered to be speCIal agents. It . E -
‘ EEE E Mr Elbridg‘e Biggs It would app-ear from this Sec— is a Good idea for publishers to result. He cannot, JUStIy blame the The 1\
EEEE E The Franklin Favorite Etion that where there is a provi— have 5 written agreement with the 50110015 whose indorsement Is #3— KY-l 1135
E EE‘ E Franklin Kentucky 51011 in law for a quarterly publica— latter class of carrier boys in which served for those students WhiCh Linotyp<
lEjEEl EDear Mr Biggs: tion that Section 3747a—1 govern— it is definitely stated that’they are they feel have had adequate train— change
H E Yours of the 28 inst. to Attorney ing the duties 0f County Treasurer serving as special agents. Eing‘ for entrance into the newspaper ' ‘
5 EG V‘ ,0 t e arding whether and other officers is excepted, and ‘, field and to whom they issue the
.;l , eneral lncvn r g ‘ , . _ —THMTHM THM THM ARF o . . . P
W the County Budget Act of 1934 re— undei the budget act there is espe . Yours very truly piopei credentials. 0
1E Epealed or affected Sections 1846 citlly proVided, as shown above, the Chas. F. Allen’ . __ ‘
1E: ‘ and 3747a—1 of the Statutes of 1930 'EUbh‘fiiOfi (gr qgagteiifyostftgrfnetnlg: Assistant Manager The issuing of identification cards E
V regarding the DUbhca‘tlon 0f the y .1th 1n” f amt In t tn National Editorial Asso-— to graduates, referred to in the
‘ E- ,County Treasurer’s accounts, has COW o-use or a eas en consec— ciation ‘above editorial, does not, as we uti-
l E. lbeen referred to me for an ODImOH- 1.1m“; diysd Itt 1st ftlgfttlziernpgrowded \ derstand it, mean that publisherS
f l. E The act known as the County E ignfligt wlitlgiethift actaar: “2:755:12 A STEP FORWARD ‘should decline to give consideration . ,
. ‘Budget Act, being Chapter 24 of Erepealed ‘ . to applications from journalism .Tho ch
, . the 1934 Acts, and Section 13510—1 E. ' . . . . , , school students who have not yet 119 N
_ , _ et seq. of the Supplemental Stat— It is the opinion of this office The American Assomation 0f been graduated. Many students will Lou
. : utes of 1934, in its title is supposed that the Legislature in enacting Schools and Department of Journ- be seeking jobs only for the sum-- E *
l‘ i to cover the fiscal administration this_B-udget ACt’ and requiring the alism under the leadership 0f its E mer and, judging from the news
3“: ‘= . of the county and prescribed duties E publication by DOStlng m from Of pres1dent, me- Grant H- Hyde 0f stories in recent issues of The Aux- l
‘E l3 on the county officers, including the courthouse by_the 0011th Judge, the University of Wisconsin, has iliary about student teams who
’ :l E‘ 1 the county treasurer. It is sp-ecifi— Intended t9 and dEd repeal the pre— taken a step which we believe, Will have put out editions of dailies and
. iEEE‘. 'cally provided in this Act, under VIous secnons iequiring annuallbe heartily approved by all editors. weeklies in various states, many of
7 ,1: Section 1851c—10, that the county pUbhca‘tlon by the fiscal ‘30th and It has announced that hereafter these are already capable of doing ;
5:; . 3 ‘EEfE treasurer shall file 'with the clerk also under the other SECthnS by the 31 accredited four—year schools good work even though they have
= ;" 'lll ‘of the fiscal court monthly state— the officers. . _ which comprise its membership will not completed the four-year course- G. C
E 3E5? merits containing a list of warrants' It was the intention of the Leg— issue identification cards to theirE
E ’ EE“ paid by him during the month, islature to put the fiscal affairs of fgraduates. These cards will be in— (Continued on Page Three)
l l; l
, \ VEEE‘E
' llEE‘ ‘ _ RR 777 1,, _ ,

 ‘ i
i l'
g i
‘6 i May, 1936 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three :
K : WM
name, ‘ (Certainly the testimony of a num— The Allen County Omews, Scotti—l SWAPZ KOLUMN I
of the her of publishers in Washington in ville, H. A. Ward, e ior, recen y —— Eh“
1Where l regard to the ability of students announced that the subscription Why not start a “swapz” column | ar— MR. PUBLISHER j
.n an— i from the university in that state, rate would be raised from $1 to and boost your class1f1ed advertis— Send us your orders {or strip Col- l'
ancern— as reported in this week’ isssuo of $1.50 a year. Editors are finding out me: revenue? Ask a standard rate umn Rules, Borders, Leads, Slugs, _
lswered The Auxiliary, indicates that they that it does not pay to give their for each small advertisement andl and Monotype spacing material. l
ph. -‘ are.) The identification card plan paper away. All say that there is give them _a speCial place, say a' We also have many desirable type l
ken to 'l is intended to prevent only those no difficulty in raising subscription box, on a. 11V? page. SUCh columns fGCES— MOHOiYPe 0" LinOfYPe com- l
nts for 1 who would sail under false colors rates to a legitimate figure, provid— haveproved interesting and proflt— position for your Catalogs, School 1
l to be i from victimizing prospective ein-i ing that you can show the reader able in many community papers. Annuals, Association Minutes, Law J
in eve ‘ loyers It should not prevent the , value received and a legitimate Plan now'for your‘speCial gradu- Briefs, Etc. Prices reasonable. i
11y th: ‘1 honest student who makes no false'i'eason for the change. We W0111d ation 1.55119 1f your hlgh SChOOl does « « » n
hi h l 1aims as to the amount of his like to see many other state editors not print an annual. Many editors| Send for specimen sheets.
as his v. graining from getting a job which join the ranks. have found this issue to be pl‘Oflt—l u « n » ,
; have i he is capable of handling.—~Pub- Dan B. Wilson, Madisonville, re- %ble limd a reg; Ifomrlhurliity asset; WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION i
’ ,‘ . . -‘ centl urchased the interest of R. 5113 y, YOUI‘ g SC 00 au 01‘1- _ , _ l
2161;13:— i lisheis Auxiliary. W. lévatrsel, Jr., in the Greenville ties and. students will cooperate: L 22 E. erh St. Cincinnati, 0. l
ubl‘shy ? _‘ Leader and becomes co—publisher with you in the cost of the engrav—l W_W l
—styled i RULES FOR K. P. A. URNAMENT i~with Mack Newman of that paper. ings of the graduates, school scenes, i l
igation' a} GOLF T0 The Lexington Herald was sold Etc. Start now. to plan your June i
h A — under court release by William C. graduation edition. _ l
ave The annual KPA golf tourna— McDonald and Tom Underwood The Louisv111e Courier— Journal ,
71mm“ ‘ ment, for the cup presented by executors of the Desha Brecken: and Times borrowed a custom from WDELINUTYPEW-m l
$13.11: - President Crawford, will be held at ridge estate to J Lindsay Nunnl community journalism when they i
e lo 2 the Danville Country club, Satur— . ’ . ‘ o entertained their correspondents '
day afternoon, June 13. The fol- 3.2321315 :3? $512136 vlvrillmblegom: from sections of Kentuck and Indi- MODERNIZE FOR PROFITS r
'hose lowing rules will apply according resident and the son will be ub- ana at a. banquet on March 14. 1
A550- to the tournament committee: fisher and general manager p N o Prominent in the pictures run in {
3ments 1. Handicap rules will prevail. ‘chan e is contemplated in the pre- the rotosection were many state [INOIYPE
’11 the ‘ Each contestant to bring a certified sent gpersonnel The same company editors.
work, ' ' 0 tr club. Maxi- ‘ . . E
.1 card inhlgmfllfgidiggpcizgm y - also p llrchased radio station WLAP The Marion News, a. weekly
:‘uard- j 2 Balls larger. than standard m Lexmgton. - newspaper published by the Marion [EGIBI llTY GROUP
.15 also oii balls will be prohibited 1 The Flémmngurg TlmekDemo" News Pnblisning Company, recent-i
being g 3 An number of clubs-can be’crat’ published by. J. W. Heddon Jr. 1y made its initial appearance]
e fact ' ' y "0f Mt- Sterling, IS now under the Watts Franklin, a form-er editor of More eo 1e '11 (1
used. . . - . . , p p w1 rea your
. . reditorialship of Leland Ishmael, a the Crittenden press, is editor of . .
is the e 4_ Players digging up the ground, graduate of Kentucky Wesleyan the new weekly paper if you make it easy to
3;“— ! or sand traps, are requisted to car- I College. Heartiest congratulations to Miss read. Modernize your dress
m _ . . .
page]. rysa ggyfilestosggglgcebgi e Siaérrrlleand Edwin J. Paxton, former publish- Koreen Alcock, daughter of Secre— l Wlih One of theLinotype Legi_
11 as_ not. heard. shorts are barred. er for 29 years of the old Paducahitary J. Curtis Alcock, Danville, on bIhty Group. Five faces . . . ,
Press 1 6 Caddies will be furnished. Any Sun, which was merged with the her popular election as 1936 queen one to meet any requirement l
News— ‘ 3“,;th to bring a blind caddy or Democrat in 1929, is again back in of Centre College'ca'rnival. of taste or printing condition.
is an one who cannot add will automati— harness as Director of Paducah The Jobson Printing Company,
when, ”any bar the player: Newspapers, Inc, Louisville, has installed four fonts llNOlYPE IONIC N0. 5
d the l 7. Club rules will prevail. The Department of Journalism, 0f Linotype Excels10r——one.font each The original legibility face, now
8. The 19th hole is to be played U. of K. has several students who 0f, 6 and 8 pOint Excelswr NO- 2 USGd by thousands 0f papers. A
ebest immediately after the 18th, not be-IWOuld like to Work on newspapers Wlth Bold Face No. 2, and 10 and sturdy‘letter of strong color 1
ily if 1 fore the first this summer for experience. If you The editor received a blue-bord— that Will stand up under a lot i
make 9. Foursomes will be played as have an Opening, address the Press eren announcement 0f the an”? 0f abuse- i
com— long as the entrants last. editor. 1?; Frat? nipragDens, .bogi 1\S/Iay 3 ° UNOTYPE EXCElSlOR l
ionth . 10. Anyone registered at the Cecil Williams, versatile editor of r. an rs. lengis ,‘ gragens, D . d t t i
alism convention may play in the tour— the Somerset Journal, assumed the Lebanon, and a rea y Slgpe as as— eSigne‘. Qmee “stage news- 1
seek- nament duties of commissioner of rural Sistant editor of the Marion Falcon paper piintingh COndlthnS. It has 1
Usher VICTOR R. PORTMANN highways on May 1 following his In a f9)” years; Congratulamn“ midfimgvelgf t, Opfien Clnunters’
- Offering a prize for the most' an lee 0m rom ne mes. .
grad- CHAUNCY ALCOCK appOintment by Governor Chandler. ,
ininor ‘ Committee Congratulations! read Democrat, Joe Costello, Cyn- UNOTYPE PARAGON i
that . thiana, is trying to find out which . . .
-.-, The Clinton County Gazette, Of single subscription is read by the Slightlylighter 1Y1 COIOl‘- Para- I]
31th: 1 J. R. Bernard, former publisher iiignigna 15613-03311 1201:1516 $125113; most persons, individual members gon RUDE? Slial‘l: allld clleanl in i
~If to 4 0f the Russell County Star, 15 DOW e I? m? s a’ e se. of the family counted. The prize papa? 1“ 1919 .5 [IVY 151’ ay
' publisher of the Russell Springs an extenswe Circulation campaign . 't th e d f calls f01 heavy inking.
the . . ‘ . . is $5 cash. Fif y— ree rca ers o
l '. Banner. .iand to celebiate the installation of one copy have so far been found. “"0wa 0”le i
a the The Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg, a new press and other equipment. R. H. “Dick” Lane purchased the ' . .
thich . Ky, has installed a font of 8—point The Commercial Printing Com— partnership interest of Gemmil B. FVhere lighter inking 01‘ hard- ‘1
rain— Linotype Paragon With Bold for a pany, Lexington, has added a mod- senff in the Mt. Sterling Sentinel— iglilgclgagellilcggligesbae 232V: i
taper change of body dress. e1 8 Linotype. Democrat, the latter part of April. icai seiéctgn 3’ g .
the I “\— The partnership, in force over 16 ' l
‘ . a , was severed because Mr. 3
d5 “—— postmastership of that triving city. iarsgiicgoggngzgr;;:?;pgf’sr$;gf i’
‘ar 5 - The Licking Valley Courier, West d x a
the ‘ Imperlal Type Metal Liberty, F. S. Brong, editor, recent— gia::§:?a:1:e§::c:n open an i
un“ Howard L. Felix, District Representative 1y installed a new Model 14 Lino- i
33$: SEND YOUR ORDERS T 0 'type with Excelsior No. 2. These specimens are all set in i1
L ‘ . T . . .
.115m ..The Dickson Company The McHugh Express Company GPagj Mgior .Bovxgesl “$.llflemm; g, pOint onl an 8hp 01.nt bgdbl’l- l
yet 119 North Fourth st. 812 Freeman Avenue 3Z9 e, e’nmgs uni, 1 {am ', nrncornp étes OWIngO a .
will Louisville Cincinnati Hacker, publisher, 15 running an the sizes, write to the nearest i
um-- . amateur contest for writing, car— Linotype agency.
iews . toons, etc., based on the Major _
. Bowes’ department in the Liberty. ‘“
lux- l “7
who hltaker Paper company A. A. Strange, 65 years old, form- MERGENTQAEEIEHLLES’VTJ‘EE COMM," l
and . , . . . er editor of the Columbia Specta— San Francisco . Chicago . New Orleans
y of N ation S FmeSt Printing Papers tor, died recently at Louisville. Canadian Linotype, Ltd.,Toronto, Canada
0ng ; Inquire of Our Salesmen KPA friends of W. J. Shonert, ”Representatives in the i _
lave Falmouth Outlook, will be happy to P’mclpalcmmf the World .1
"59' G. C. Permne, Lexington Frank Pund, Cincinnati learn that he has nearly recovered ”2:275:53BxSSLIEDCE'XTDEESS’f/EC-ES l
. Ed Ballinger Evansville Indiana. from a serious illness and is able —_—_._—’ l
i ’ ’ to be back in harness again. :

 I 1 1 Page Four ' THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1936 1 ,
. ’. _———___ I . . . . | . . ‘
.11 Elliott C. Mitchell, vice— resident1 A business firm in Sturgis, recog— advertismg. _Thls last contract is a1'ed1t10n once a. month of the Bowl. .
1 1'; 1 and general manager of IPaducah nizing the value 0f newspaper ad—l50 per cent increase over the pre— 1 mg Green Dally News, C“ M' k.
1 1 Newspaper, Inc., publishers of the vertising' in a firmly entrenched vious year’s contgact. ' Bo 1m . 1 Gaines, publisher. The News, with ‘'1‘
' 1" Paducah Sun—Democrat, has resign— commumty newspaper, recently Nlne 13115111955 “15 1n _ 1V .g 1 a circulation between 8,000 and 12,- 1
‘ 1; 1 ed on account of 111 health, but will contracted for 1,500 subscriptions to Green have. agreed 139000139121 9 1n 1 000 copies will cover all the trade 3
H 1 ' continue his connection with the the Sturgis News with Editor Ed- an advertising campaign With the1 . 1: . 1
I a E 1 1 paper as contributing editor 1Win Calman and 3,000 inches of Chamber of Commerce 1n a spemal territory In and around that Clty.
.. 1 1 . I
1 1 1 The recently reorganized Win- _——-——————_ 1
1 1 1 1 Chester Sun has passed to the man— 1 ——_ —-——