xt77pv6b5g7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b5g7s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1995-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 1995 text GLSO News, May 1995 1995 1995-05 2019 true xt77pv6b5g7s section xt77pv6b5g7s _ N W
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”5““ AH I995


y Reverend Ruth THE MILITARY
GAO FINDS Fiscella of P-PLAG . .

Washington, DC (AP): Federal The winter months have been Bipartisan Group Speaks OUt at
agencies appear to have ended their lean for attendance at P-P-FLAG. HRCF Press Conference
practice of using homosexuality as a Who knows, but what if P-FLAG .Washmgton, D-C-3 The House
basis for denying security has helped the many people who NatIonal Security Committee today
clearances, a congressional report have come to us and there aren’t blasted House Speaker Newt
says. The agencies for years had any more left? Idoubt that! Have GInngch for advocatIng that the
denied clearances to homosexuals on you sent your parents to us or to a Republl’can congress restore the
the assumption that all gay people chapter we can locate for you all military 5 Old policy against lesbian
are at risk of being blackmailed. over the use and .gay servrce . members.

In a report released Friday, the NevertheleSS, our organiza- RepublIcan and Democratic members
General Accounting Office said it tion remains strong and goes ofthe House committee that oversees
“judgementally” reviewed records forward. We have continued our the armed forceslomed a CapItol HIll
for civilians and contractors from individual crusades. One thing I press conference today called by the
eight agencies: the departments of have done is to write letters. Human ngl’ltS. (Eampaign Fund
Defense, Energy and State; the Perhaps you saw my letter [0 the (HRCF), the-natIons largest lesbian
Office of Personnel Management; editor in the Lexington paper on and gay POthal organization,
the US. Information Agency; the March 29_ Then, I also wrote a Appearing at today 5 press
FBI; the Secret Service, and the US. letter to every one of the nine conference were Rep. Marty Meehan
Customs Service. organizations listed in last (ID-Mass), who hosted the event m

All eight told the GAO, which is month’s GLSO News under his Congressional office, and Reps.
the investigative arm of Congress, “Know Thy Enemies” asking them Peter TorkIldsen (R:Mass.), Gerry i
that homosexuality is not a criterion why they hate and persecute my ., ,. l
in considering the .granting. 0f daughter and insisting on a reply. ,II'TISIIIT)E WAY:
securIty clearances. SIX of the eight I will sadly have to miss all Of 'Community News 3 ‘
agencies have written policies and Pride Month here, as I return to Rediscovering Our History l
Procedures that PTOhibit direct New York State for a wedding on Part II of]! by Kay Maxwell .....5
questions on an applicant’s sexual June 3 and will stay there for the .Coming Out in the Mental Health A
orientation. The other two - Defense summer, but I hope you will Profession by Sue Strong ..........II
and the Secret Service - said sexual attend our P-FLAG Reunion on For preliminaries ofjune’s PRIDE
orientation is not a criterion but that June 15 at Chapel Hill Church. p- MONTH FESTIVITIES, 566

continued on page 2 FLAG needs your supportlv Communlty News I

 35.74.31,},/;W;r/5/;glfglgg; they had not revised their written orientation,” the GAO said.
2;”1’1/13157’;5"};3/1’2/1/11/6 policies and procedures to reflect this. The requirement for federal
/,r/;/1;/’1’£’7 :“ifgé,y’/';;, All of the agencies indicated employees who handle classified 1
:fir/f/f,JflEif/ffl/l” that concealment of any personal information to be trustworthy
fa’ifij/I/GIA’y, 2,4531”, behavior that could result in wasderived from a loyalty program
’62:”: 4-,)” ,3&""1/’/; exploitation, blackmail 0r coercion established by Pres. Truman in 1947,
12/; (LESBIAN/1:95;? constituted a security concern. a time of growing concern over the
jrlr 15'.//”’/'F,1’3’//U’::¢////, The GAO also contacted gay communist threat. Executive Order t
2:” SERVICES/{i rights organizations, attorneys anda 10450 modified the program in i
’f '3' '1 wnfli’, '175/3735'1'31; w’ paralegal who have represented gays 1953, and for the first time, included ‘
RGANfZATlON £11; in security Clearance cases, and “sexual perversion” as a basis for 1
21.’ ,. 111.1. ’1’ individuals who had had their removal from the federal service. ‘
clearances denied or revoked, It was not until 1975 that the [
@LSQ N©W§ allegedly on the grounds of sexual Civil Service issued guidelines \
Published Monthly by the orientation. They told the GAO that prohibiting the federal government 2
, . clearances have not been recently from denying jobs to people on the t
Lexmgton Gay/1651313“ denied becauseofsexual orientation. basis of sexual orientation. But (
SerVIces Organization “In addition, our detailed review policies regarding security I
R0. BOX “471 of selected security clearance clearances remained generally vague 5
Lexington, KY 40575 denials, revocations and suspensions or restrictive with regard to 5
during fiscal year 1993 showed that homosexuals until the early 19905.7 1
Interim Editor; none were attributable to sexual F
Peter Taylor 3 .. ,_/ ‘_ . . c
i , “I" ‘53! _—-'.‘ 9' -‘ " ‘ t
Layout Editors/Co—Editors: 5w 5 a
Tammy D. Strong/ Lisa: '3‘ 5:5]5 "—13—?" y
Elizabeth A. Gilliam m , «w r
i 1 =1 1;: E! h .E 111%“ ’lifil a 1E1}? . s
Glso Annual Dues and , Ki_mgfil”’r79r+§}*%” geek v
Newsletter: $15 @r—Tjfiaf ”E {f\“' wag? , a
Dues and Newsletter for ——""1"“ "'~ ' “”44; C
Couple-51520 310 Hampton Court #3 2
. Newsletter Only. $10 I Condo . . g
Views or oplnlons expressed in the b
GLsO News are those of the authorsfatlttld This beautifully renovated, professionally decorated k
0 . .
2:11:13 Buggzsr?$yDri:§:::t gflgission’: home features gourmet kitcken, stunning master P
are welcome. All submissions become smte, porCh and deCk oveflOOklng EnghSh Slde
the property of GLSO and must indicate garden... within walking distance of Transylvania p
full name and address 0ft,“ “tho" “Te University and downtown! Offered at $134,500 St
staff reserves the right to edit .
submissions and ads to meet publishing Connie Morton , CRS_ .1;
re uirements, as well as the ri ht to , '
rejgect any submissions. PlacemEnt of Q RE/MAX Creative Realty tc
adfirtising in , GLSOINCWSI denotes mm 293-8876 Voice Mail 2
net er a erson s sexua orlen a ion nor
a business’ customer preference. 273-7653 Oflice al
GLSO News Page 2 _

 A GALA FOR GAYS at the Picnic or other eventS- C311 PEGASUS DONATES TO GLSO

The Pride Picnic. The kickoff Mary. . Volunteer ‘Of the. Year Pegasus Travel, Inc. has once
event for Pride Month will be a nominations are due .1“ ‘0 Tri-State again given a nice donation to the
fabulous picnic scheduled for June Gay Rodeo. T0 nominate someone, GLSO. Anyone making travel
4th at Bell Court, from 12 to 5. call Terry at 2555469, arrangements with them can mention
Picnic food, including vegetarian, TO-DO’S WITH THE GLSO and we will receive 1% Of
will be sold. Tri-State Gay Rodeo is IMPERIAL COURT your ticket cost. This time, that
planning a mini-People’s Rodeo Lexington’s Imperial Court is the amounted to $92 for the last eight
where participants can show Off their second Oldest gay organization in months. Since the Post Office says
athletic skills or make total fools of we can no lon er can an ad for

town (after GLSO) and the first Court g y
themselves. Artists and vendors can - - . - Pe asus, it is im rtant to remind ou
. _ . , east of the MiSSiSSippi. New York g p0 y
display and sell items inSide the Bell City’s Court was second and their to pass the word to use Pegasus. They
House. To reserve tables, call Carole Night of 1000 Gowns Coronation can be reached at 268-4337. Their
soon at 268—2770. Asix-foot table is Ball costs big bucks _ and is a huge phone number will be listed in our

$15 and an eight—foot table is $20. party Anyway here are some directory from now on.v
There will be a community table for upcoming dates for Imperial Court I RNATIONAL GAY
pamphlets and information at no functions- BOWLIENG ORGANIZATION
cost. .

The lm er al Court’s annual

More than 400 people came to Coronation pis1 Memorial Day R DEC?) 1??)va t

the picnic last year; we’re expecting k d 'h h f l1 - , emem er 6 0 0m pans,

. . . wee en Wlt t e 0 ow1ng events. loud colors, and Saturday Night
an even bigger turnout this time. If Th d M 25 9 _ I ,
you have never been toalarge fairly “1‘5 3)” ay 7 pm. n Fever? Whether you do or don t,

. . ’ TOW“ Show (local performers come to Joyland Bowling Lanes on
13"th lesbigay event, you may feel entertain for visiting guests). At M 13th d i“ ' bl t
some anxiety at the prospect. It is Times S uare ay an we give you a as
well worth the effort to attend such Friday qMay 26 9pm' Out of floral? palséBo M'd Y 1995

t. W Cl. 7 7 ' e l - ear
an even e are a iverse TOW“ Show (“SHOTS perform). committee will be hosting a “Disco
community. When gathered together - S . .
. At Times quare. Bowl” Singles No-Tap Bowling
for celebration and fun, we take on Saturday May 27_ Coronation S
new energy and beauty. A gaggle Of Ball at ,the Radisson Hotel gournansflnt on amid-a}; Ntlayllffth at

, d 1 fdk, b'tl f . 7 pm. earyour 1ges paorm
gays a app e O y es a “S e 0 starting about 6pm. shoes and plan for a night of disco
bi s, a quarrel of queers, a bevvy of Sunda Ma 28- Victor Brunch . _
lezzies, and even a few hip hets. y, . y ' y mUSlC,bOWllng and fun.

Please join us! in thehlfidlsson from 11am ' 3pm Registration starts at 8pm,
rou . . .

Pride Month. Pride Month Thegl y ' l C rt t 6 Bowling at 9pm. Entry fee is $10.00
plans are developing well. Although mperia 0” mee 5 ev ry per person. For more information,
some advertising is already in place, secondFand fourthfSUndfjWS- Tilmiis call Steve at 276-3058 or Chuck at
it is not too late to list an even in the vary. or more inoormation, ca t e 268-8541,

.. new Emperor, Michael Blevms, at
3"“: 6‘1“)" 0'10”]: GLSO-“Y3 "69‘: 225—5151. BOARD NOMINATIONS
O 01 soon. ease ca ary a As a reminder roceeds from E1 t' f th GLSOB d-
266-5904, or Karl at 271-2673. It is [CK events go to éhirifies such as 8°10" or e oar
also not too late to volunteer to help AVOL.v continued on page 3
GLSO News Page 3

 f F I \ [
U.K. Lambda ‘

and Frontrunners, Lexington
Jay Aubrey j
in I
by David Drake
directed by Deborah Martin i

May 12 &13 , 8:00 pm.

Singletary Center
Reserved seats $12, Donor seats $25
call ticket ofi‘ice: 25 7 4929
Proceeds benefit the Pride Center of Lexington

G—LSONewsPage4———__—__ '

 , J , ,, , : ,’, 3"“, CONTRIBUTED accept the gayness of my friends and years of pain and self-doubt because
RGdISCOVORIDg BY KAY not accept it in me! 0fthis, and never acted on it until her
OUR My younger son was killed in own coming out in 1989. I now
mm MAXWELL July, 1989. He knew about my believe that my 22 years of success-
Part2 sz coming out process and had been fully playing “Mrs. Brady of the
In late 1988, l began intense totally accepting of this. I am only Brady Bunch” probably shielded me
therapy for the abuse 1 had sorry that he did not live to meet my from those feelings of social
experienced as a child as well as an spouse, as I know he would have ostracism that my spouse and other
adult. In 1989, once I had gotten loved her as much as I do. My older G/L/B persons felt because they
through the worst of my mother’s son had already separated himself could not fit into the socially
abuse toward me (and my own hatred from me due to my continued 12—step acceptable mold. We are out to our
of her!), 1 found myself being recovery process, is very immediate families, and I actually
physically and sexually attracted toa homophobic, is married and my have more close in-laws than my
very close female friend I had known grandson was born the day after my own relatives due to my spouse’s
for four years. By then, I had a mother’s funeral in 1992. larger family.
number of gay male and female My son joined a fundamentalist The GLSO support structure
friends from 12—step programs, so I church when he met his wife, and he was in place for me and my spouse in
was free to talk with them about what does not want me to see my grandson our separate coming processes. The
l was experiencing. who was named for my dead son. gay friends I had already made in 12-
As 1 learned more about the My dad has a lovely, nurturing step programs were there for me, and
coming out experiences of these ladyfriend; my spouse and I my straight 12-step program friends
friends, 1 realized that I was, in fact, immediately adopted as our mother, remained there for me, always
a lesbian - and had indeed been born and she is everything that my mother accepting me as a person, and not
a lesbian. My heterosexual 12—step wasn’t and could not be, and because just a “sexual orientation.” While
support system stuck with me both of my spouse’s parents are dead. my blood family is very small and
through all this, and today 1 am still Dad and his lady love and accept us often fails me, my “recovery family”
close friends with many straights. as a couple, and they sneak pictures is enormous and has never failed me.
Since my coming out to myself was of my grandson to me periodically. Homophobia is a terrible social
also both a spiritual and recovery My spouse and I met at the and spiritual evil that exists in our
experience, 1 did not experience the GLSO coming out support group in culture, both within and outside the
hurt and rejection that many of my early 1990, and we celebrated our gay community. One very important
gay friends had experienced. I five-year anniversary in January, lesson I learned in therapy is that
consider myself blessed and am very 1995. We have very different .
grateful for this. After all, I could not backgrounds. She went through continued 0" page 10
SUE STRONG, Ph.D. Prec|ous Furs
Licensed Psychologist
All Breed Pet Grooming
(606) 255 4864 Experienced
Fax (606) 255-5385
110 Woodland Ave. 277-9365
lexington, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 5

April w
w 4 5 d 7 i 3 13
3 13 1‘} ,3 ,g ,1 I? l3; l3 l3 ll 3 l? l:
liéllé‘éfillfiééé M 1995 2526272829”
,’? 30
l ' '31-“ .
K GLSO Salutes the Imperlal Court, the 2nd Oldest Gay v \ - g .. ~ ,
\ ‘ ‘ a c. . :.
\»—" o a o o n . ' J'III ’ '
Organization in Lexmgton, and the Coronation Ball 94) {9
Wednesday Thursday Saturday .
1 2 3 4 5 6
7:30 PM GLSO Board 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's Cinco deMago 9:00 AM Frontmnners R E S T A U R A N T
Mtg. (Peters) Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontmnners Chorus Rehearsal 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 5 57 S Limestone
7:30 PM Pride Ctr. 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl— (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/ADDS Sppt. AA _'
Taskforce ing (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp. LeXIngton, KY
AA 253-0014
7 9 . 10 1 1 I2 . 13 Tortoise & Hare lunch
1310“” 7:30 PM Gay/Lesblan AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's 7:30 PM Gay/Lesblan 9:00 AM Frontrunners .
65(1):; 1:114 MCC-Greenleaf Al—Anon 6:00 PM Frontrunners Chorus Rehearsal AA 4:00 PM Lex. Men's speCIal: 1 00/0 Off M'F
0 e . . 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Chorus (Gratz Park) . .
3:88 12% lglgI/nLty b. mg (Southland Lanes) 8200 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp. 1 1 ' 1 1 .3oa.m., 1 .30-2p.m.
' AA ay es Ian AA .; :00 PM "The Ni It .s Kramer Kissed Me"
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Renowned weekend brunch.
Fu" M°°n ' 7:30 PM Fairness Meet— 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men‘s Integrity (St. Augustine's) serVI ng blueberry bUCkWheat
Mot____zher 5 D“ ing (Alfalfa‘s) Al-Anon GLSO News Deadline Chorus Rehearsal 7 :30 PM Gay/Lesbian ‘.H " rontrunners k b edict
62%? Fold MCC-Gdeenleaf 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl— 6:00 PM Frontrunners 7:30 PM P-FLAG AA loozoPiaermn: ”at? panca e5: eggs en
Ot“ ing (Southland Lanes) (Woodland Park 8:00 PM HIV/ADDS Sp t. I do en's owe -
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 8:00 PM Gaymmlm Gm p nos Men; Svc. (St. arnold, spanlsh omelettes,
AA “”g‘“ “ and much more
21 22 23 24 25 26 2 7
“51 Quaner , 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. AM 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian giz'SO. “1.1.5. [Anal {:9 ’ '
2:00 PM Lesbian Potluck A1_Anon 6:00 PM Fronmers 5";2§:éf?(18§§ TheEllmgton AA 1‘3“ M ”w W Wednesday :5 International
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl— (Woodland Park) m gmggmgamd 900 FM ICK Corona- 9:00 AM Fronuunners Nig ht
7 (13301:; D. . ing (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian sloomcom Md ' tion 0m ofTown 6:30 PM Wakam
= and AA - A B
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA WW’ Sh°w mm“ Square) (Radim Hotel)
Breads and desserts baked
121i) AMICK c "32°“ 7332PM Gay/L sbian AgS/HIV s tGrp I ' daily in our kitChen
: orona- 3 e PP - -
tion Victory Brunch Al—Anon 6:00 FM Frontmmers ROOMMATE WANTED to share hguse near
(Radisson Hotel) & 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (Woodland Park) Central Ba tist Hos ital. Rent is 220 for - -
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf M . at D ing (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian _ P . p Free evenlng pa I'kl ng .
Motel J'ML—fl- AA furnished or unfurnished room. Homeowner
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA M . .
lS female-b1. Call Pam at 277-761 1.
Printed on 4/25/95 -————_._*—

 from page 3 The dance will go on until 1:00 AM, “The Night Larry Kramer
of—Directors will be held at the Pride and there will be a cash bar Kissed Me”, by David Drake is a
Picnic on June 5th. Only members available. one-man show starring Jay Abrey
0f GLSO can vote. If you are Admission for an individual to and directed by Deborah Martin.
interested in serving on the Board, entire evening’s event is $30, or a You’ll laugh, cry and scream with
please call Mary at 266-5904. group of eight or more may acquire anger as you witness one man’s
These candidates are running seating at a rate of $25 per person. growing-up and coming -out from his
for re—election: Admission to attend the dance is first kiss to his firstACT—UP meeting.
Mary Crone President only $15. The production is being sponsored by
Peter Taylor Vice President This event has all the potential UK Frontrunners and UK Lambda as
These candidates are running required to bring together under one a benefit for the Lexington Pride
for first-time election: roof, united in the name of “The Center. The Pride Center, once
Craig Hudson Cause,” our entire community. opened, will serve as a central
Jon Shelton Again, we strongly encourage the meeting place and office space for
Tammy Strong 7 participation of any and everyone the Lexington lesbigay community.
who may be gay, lesbian, bisexual, The play is scheduled for Friday,
THE FOUR“? [XNNUAL transsexual, transgendered, friends May 12 and Saturday May 13 and
VOLUI‘IISTEER S WARD and family to attend and share with tickets are available at the Singletary
.ANQUET us in this evening of togetherness, of Center ticket office. Regular seating
The , Tri-State Gay Rodeo hope, of varying views, in honor and is $12 and limited Donor Seating is
Assocration S Fourth Annual celebration of a community of $25. This is a great opportunity to
Volunteer 5 Award Banquet WI“ people working to help itself and enjoy a life-affirming play, donate to
:1: Zenljelseaztsthfgggdlsson Plaza those around it.v a good cause and have a wonderful
, u , . -
It is with great pleasure that we THE NIGHT LARRY KRAMER time. Please comelv
take this time out to congratulate KISSED ME. T.I.T.I. SUMMER BOWLING
these individuals with the presenta- Do you remember the first time LEAGUE
tion of a trophy award. For the past you were kissed... romantically? Do Beginning May 11, the
year, they have given of themselves, you remember your first crush, 0r Thoroughbred Invitational
time and energy in a capacity beyond realizing that there were other people Tournament, Inc. Will be starting a
the expectation of their peers, “like you”? Can you recall your first 10-week summer bowling league.
making the lives of others more date, hearing about HIV, or knowing Anyone interested in bowling should
pleasant, more satisfying, or just a someone with HIV? Can you come to Joyland Bowl on Paris Pike
little better. Please consider joining remember attending your first gay at 8:45pm that night. This is a
us in honoring these wonderful pride march? Growing up lesbigay handicapped league so come out for
people in this prestigious event. in 70’s, 80’s and 90’s has been joyful the fun even if your bowling skills
As previously stated, and exciting, frightening and are not so great. You could even use
immediately following the dinner frustrating all at the same time. You this summer league to establish an
and award ceremonies, there will be can live and relive all of these average so that you could enter the
a dance party, the theme of which is emotions when you see “The Night IGBL Mid-Year Tournament to be
to be as varies as the attitudes and Larry Kramer Kissed Me” at the held in Lexington this November!
personalities of the participants and same time you’re helping to open For more information, contact
spectators of the evening’s event. Lexington’s Pride Center. Shawn Fritz at 269-12621
GLSO News Page 8 I

 fl gags» GAY PlE MN'FH
Y I . a
Q «it-9g” CMMUNIW PlCNlC
Fun Sun n Gmes ¥ the Pine Picnic!
‘ . , 12‘5”“ ...;:::s:s:szsssis:az;:;.i.
picnic lunch selections
(including vegitarian fare) and ‘ '
desserts for reasonable prices.
“m; : Games sponsored by
9K» 7‘ ‘_
5mm the Tri State .Gay
0* Rodeo Assoc1ation.
Craftspeople, artists, musicians, ”76%
and organizations are invited and 4%?
welcome to reserve table(s) for their “E ”6’
268-2770 to reserve a space.
Payment for reserved space is requested. There is a t
table provided at no charge for ”information only" for
organizations, service agencies, and any individual that
would like to just drop off brochures.

 from the front page Week With David Brinkley: “The from page5
Studds (D—Mass.), Jane Harman (D- fact is that we’re going to probably “hurt people hurt people” regardless
Calif.) and Neil Abercrombie (D- go back to the rules that existed prior of the nature of the hurt. I have now
Hawaii). Staff members for Sens. to President Clinton changing them.” lived on both sides of homophobia;
John Warner (R—Va.), a high-ranking “The ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ like most of the gays l have been
Republican on the Senate Armed policy is the same ban on gays in the privileged to know, I, too, have given “
Services Committee, and Sam Nunn military, except that the government up certain career and personal goals 0
(D-Ga.), ranking Democrat on the now admits that gay and lesbian due to my own sexual orientation. 1 t(
committee, have told HRCF that no serve with distinction in the armed do not regret this, and love the work]
plan exists for reviving the old policy forces,” Zingale said. “Both of these am doing as a substance abuse E
while the issue remains before the policies discriminate against counselor. And the other workldo is L
courts. Similar positions were stated qualified personnel, and both of them unaffected by my sexual orientation.
by Reps. Floyd Spence (R-S.C.), should be scrapped.” While it is very important that we vs
chairman of the House National Several of the speakers noted continue to stand up against all 3:
Security Committee, Sen. Strom that Gingrich seems to be playing to discrimination based on sexual fl
Thurmond (R-S.C.), chair of the the radical right special interest orientation, I believe thatalot of the 0
Senate Armed Services Committee,* groups in reviving the issue that healing process must begin within “
and Dan Coats (R-lnd.) of the Senate Congress dealt with in 1993. our own G/L/B community, perhaps .
Armed Services Committee. “The Speaker lost favor with indeed within ourselves. We must H
“Gingrich seems to be the only radical right special interests when he learn to overcome our own divisive 5
person in Washington who wants to voted against the ban in 1993,” attitudes and behaviors, learn to
revive the old policy on gays in the Zingale said. “He should stop accept and even celebrate the many P
military,” said HRCF spokesman playing politics With the lives of differences Within our own group tl
Daniel Zingale. “The Speaker is servicemembers and stop singling before we strike out in anger against 1‘
obviously trying to score points with out gay people for discrimination. those who would persecute us. It’s 1
the extreme right wing by singling All troops should be held strictly and basically an inside job. How can we 1
out gay and lesbian people for equally to the same high standards of expect outsiders to accept us when 1‘
discrimination.” conduct. They should be treated we often cannot and do not accept t
In a weekend interview show, based on their job performance. No ourselves! We must commit c
Gingrich said that Congress should one should be discriminated against ourselves to work harder at learning i
reverse the Clinton Administration’s for reasons unrelated to their to work together. We owe it to
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and abilities.” -The Human Rights ourselves and to whose who are still 1
return to the outright ban on gays in Campaign Fund (HRCF).V in the process of coming to us.v f
the military, stating on ABC’s This c
' a
HIV Help Program c
——*——‘ Laura E. Kaplan r
AIL Licensed Clinical Social Worker c
‘IV HIV/AIDS l Personal Growth r
SpECtlacarE Relationships I Women’s Issues c
Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care 436 West Second Street :
1510 Newtown Pike. Suite l-l Phone (606) 253.0300 Lexington, KY 40507 t
Lexington. Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-1214 505-254-9112 I P30071232-0873
GLSO News Page i0 -

 COMING OUT IN THE workers are concerned with menting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”.
MENTAL HEALTH including work as a piece, but not This sent a message that openness
the sole iece nor the center- iece of about sexual orientation was not
‘ ‘ their lifestyle. Therefore, the wanted on the job. Ed Mickens
contributed by Sue Strong personal blurs with the professional commented on this policy in his
“What’s it worth to you to live a fife and the two often collide when the book 100 Best Companies for Gay
of integrity? To be the same person personal includes a non-exclusively Men and Lesbians ,
to all eo 1e?” —Quoted from 100 heterosexual orientation and the “But we have to tell. Mostly
P p 1 professional includes the field of because it’s the only antidote we
BBSt Companies for Gay Men and mental-health. Being maximally have for the stream of poisonous
Lesbians. . closeted and being maximally propaganda that tells us we are
h' Eationall bCorgiiZDg gut 11133)? mentally health tend to be mutually inferior humans. It’s our chief
w I: IS cee rate 'ctdo. e; l O exclusive. defense, as we try to live honest,
‘eack yfiar encourages IITliVlf ua S t: The Corporate Closet cites three loving, protective lives against self-
;a 239:” nexgllstep. l b e .ocus 0 ways of dealing with a non- loathing and self-destruction”.
t e . V151 “ti coefe ratkion. WES exclusively heterosexual lifestyle in Mental health professionals
50ming out if“ word: 'd tel“ t. 15 lslt S the workplace: hiding or counter— guide people on their journey to live
. last step h or m m ua S ”we ve feiting , avoiding, honest, loving lives and to meet their
$00685 to: “The Corporate Closet cites and integrating. needs for safety frgm physical and
. « - “Hiding or coun— emotional harm, o tain a sense 0
coming out, three ways.” deallng Wlth (1 terfeiting” means belonging and acceptance,
primarily; non‘eXCIUSlvely heterasexual inventing a experience truth, justice and self-
lphe:ali)ios;m;l lifEStYIe in the workplace: fictional life to actualization. Self-actualizationf
. . . . cover reality; does not occur in an atmosphere 0
1985 . Of hldlng’ GVOlCilng; and “ a v o i d i n g ” “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Is it really
hvehh.00d' Integratlng- r e q u i r e s mentally healthy fora mental health
There is no . _ , continuous self— professional to not come out?v
legal protection for work discrimina- editing and half-truths and W
tion 0.“ the baSls 0; sexual “integrating” involves successfully b , d . ,
orientation m 42 Of the 0 states, managing the consequences of Are YOU emg , ”crimi'
including Kentucky. kf . h coming out. In essence there are two * d i, '
1995mm 1:1 the wor orcetin t 1: choices: living a lie or living the ”Q G, OQOIDS In
5 ma 6 commg 0” a W” truth. While living a lie is
frought With even more anXiety. The detrimental to any human’s mental KeniUCky (iUe i0 your
current competitipn forgot: ‘5 keeg health, it is particularly damaging to sexual oneni’ahon?
and . Prejlidlma 23th es an a professional in the field of mental ' '
discriminating behaViors are usually health. The mental health profession + *
more covert than overt, shrouded 1." rests on the principles of self— Repor i NOW
denial and rationalization. It IS disclosure authenticity ' .
d.lfficu“ to determine how long the genuineness, openness, and C0” ihe GLSO Discriminaiion
“lppl: 'effiect cantinTT‘es 011:6 it}: congurence. Principles difficult to PijQCi', Ol'lCi help *0 pUi OUT
cose is roppe . e grea er e a' t . h'le hidin avoidin ' ' . '
value of your work to your sense of Elli; ain w l g, g, d|$Cilmanil0n on ihe bOOkS.
identity or status, the more fearful [ii the past few years the
the prospects Oflts. IOSS' . , military set the standard for 276-5393
A quality of life focus eXists in lesbigays in the workplace by imple-
the workplace today. More and more ___—'—-—————'__:——_——-—_
GLSO News Page II

 GLSO Gaylme23 1-0335
Staffed 8pm-1 1pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday (Voice Mail Available When Not Staffed)
GLSO Board (Mary) 266-5904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 233-7266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff)....................276-5383 Country Dykes (Debbie).............................(606) 871—7452
GLSO: News (Peter)............................................273—5845 Cumberland Cares................................................678-0587
Advertisements (Tammy) .....................275-3037 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE........................275-7812
(Sue) ...........................255-4864 Fairness of Louisville (502) 893-0788
Calendar (Jeff).....................u...............276—5383 Front Runners (Keith) 254-6850
Folding (Lee).........................................277—9365 G/LAl-Anon 2771877
Layout (Tammy) 275-3037 G/L Defense Fund (502) 589-2896
GLSO Gayline Volunteers (Peter)........................273—5845 IGBO Mid-Year 1995 (Steve)....l..........................276-3058
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .............................266-9175 Kentucky ACLU (Keith).......................................281-]482
GLSO Support Group (Mary)...........................266—5904 Kentucky Fairness Alliance (Keith).....................281-l482
(Mike)............................225-1828 Kentucky Legislature
Bill Status Line...................................(800) 382-2455
STUDENT GROUPS Legislator Message Line....................(800) 372—7181
, Meetin Info Line 800 633-9650
figfikgiugmm (Ed) 6"" 7472 "”‘ng5 my “"""986'9314 Lexington Mgen’s Chorus (Shelby)..............(.......)..23l-0090
: (Pat).......................................l..........572-5604 _ _
B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol).......................238—5332 Loursvxlle Youth Group............2..................(502) 635-1302
GUESS: EKU (Greg).............................................622—3764 Names “0”“, ”mg“ (K3“6)-"-'"'"-"""-"~"'272‘2588
UK Lambda (Julien) before 10pm.............................272-7232 Newcomers Group (Joe) 278-5032
P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075
Pegasus 'Irave1268-4337
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ..........................268—8563
Jessamine County-----~-----u~~---~~----.n--.-....-.....---...885—4149 RISC (Mlke)2255151
Lexigton-Fayette County................m...................288-2437 (Ja