xt77pv6b442t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b442t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1932 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Tulane University vs. University of Kentucky, November 12, 1932 text Tulane University vs. University of Kentucky, November 12, 1932 1932 1932 2014 true xt77pv6b442t section xt77pv6b442t   T  L All E  S é
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 F t  HH cH Other il hinge
Niel Plummer _
Homecoming . . . the last home game of the of a place among the greatest of the Wildcat
season . . . the last game on Stoll field for 11 great.
of the Wildcats and they face such odds in William Luther, Hai~lan’s pride , , , a fighter
tllls game . . . this season and the nine-game fygm the {iygt tg the last _ _ _ when he cracks
schedule has been so tough on them . . . come them they Stay eieeked , _ _ net a mistake
1111i 1€t1S *111 $5615 1OQ~`€11191` 211161 111111>1191` 21 111119 comes to mind when you survey Bill’s football
l on each others sholders. eglyeei;
1 Of course, the homecoming business is rath- George Skinner, a home town boy . . . he is
,1 O1" .lOY1l111· 111€€1Q111§ YO111“ 11211S, $99111g 15119 2211119, alternate captain of the team . . . he is a iight-
1 t111€11€11112` D1`· and MTS- 111101/95115 1921 211 M21X— er second to none . . . he is a scholar to the
1 11611 l11?1C€ 1111911119 8211119 (11*9119 2111111V1139d), degree that he will likely be elected to Phi
and then to the Alumni dance tonight at the Beta Kappa _ _ , He was an end last season . . .
$3*111 · · - 1111 01 1119S9 211`9 11111 this season he has1i’t missed a game at tackle.
But what about the other angles of the sit- Frank Gibson, hailing from Richmond . . .
nation Z1 What about our Wildcats who now he has never failed in his team—play, and we’ll
must join that ever—growing list of VVildcat never forget the time he coaxed the "Bad t
, immortals`? Let`s present each of them with Man" of Alabama to take a sock at him, there—
a memory or so: by getting a penalty in favor of the ’Cats and .
Ellis Johnson, one of Ashland‘s greatest. . . 1‘1<1€1111g 1119 $$11119 Of 1119 Q11€11°1€1`-_
will you ever forget him for that game he Malcolm Foster, the Nicholasville flash . . .
  played against Alabama this year `? XVill you Foster has battled through three tough years
  ever forget his basketball playing and the of football. Last week saw hnn reach the ge-
  team he led last season? nith of his power HQQIIHSBDLIRQ s Blue Devils.
1 Darrell Darby, another of Ashlands stars A11d Y91 10€1#15’ 1112151 $99 111111 1`1*€ @11911 11191101*
. . . . remember him for his fight, his versatility JO1111 D1`111`Y» 1111Q111€1` 11011111} 1211 11f}[1°Y   ·v 1 ‘
  (l19 l121S WOH letters as an end. guard, and ngw JC11O111Jl9(l WVE11 21 t1`1Ck k11€€ “‘11C 1 (1 911}  
; he is a back) . . . remember him for his hard 1118 219211 1121111- J01111 11% 10112111 11110112 1 11*
i tackling, and {01- hig basketbalt season in ia waygvhich recalls his All—Southc{n
‘ Bob Montgomery, another Ashlander . , . 111`°t11€11· P€’t€‘ John hah bm f‘111?_€1 11S
i . . . .. . . ·, . .   .. — . toughest man on the team. and, dcai tiiends.
J must we iecall to you his game against Geoi- NW) WM t_ _€ mu h
1 gia Tech this year . . . sent into the line at a th? "" 1 Ca b 31 V g il _ V _ tl . W
é position he never played he produced. That’s b1·21;1Jg;ig112;(l:1gE11€1\11r1Qi€>g1;11}Fil1;f;g *0111*1 1111»
Q Bob. a or . s ‘ ( » .
l Ralph Blevins, the fourth of the Ashland We have played the 1Vave only once onlthe
l quartet . . . he reached the height of his tight- football iield. and the ’Cats took them into
  ing career against V. P. I. at Blacksburg this camp by a score of 10 to   The game was
E year. We’ll never forget how near he came to played here in Lexington and the year was
t smashing the drive which dropped the ’Cats 1910. V
i out ofthe Conference lead. In basketball the ’C_ats and the \\1 ave have
1. Bo Myer, Louisville’s own . . . the smallest 11191 1`1`9—
1 (lrimsgii line {ey 55 yiiiqle mit] tt tOu(jl'](lO\\7]'1? game series which will feature the dcchca ion
i Frank Seale, the man—mountain of Big 01 21 116111 11€1‘111O11S€ 101 111C 111111`R _
i Stone Cap. Va .... how Frank loves to battle But today we have football . , . so untilncxvt
1 Alabama and Tennessee . . . his brilliant game year, this is "Football and Other 'lhings
, against these teams and others assures him signing oti`.
l   H   Wir. _ . ....
I Issued under the direction of The Athletic Council. Niel Plummer, program editor and sports
publicity director. Morris Levin, advertising manager.

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