xt77pv6b3k32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b3k32/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-05-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1948 1948 1948-05-14 2013 true xt77pv6b3k32 section xt77pv6b3k32 The ECentucky Kernel

Tennessee Nine
To Play Here
Today, Tomorrow


SuKy Backing
Carnegie HalP;
Clubs To Receive
Advance Profits
For, Olympic Trip
One of the greatest musical shows
of all time will be sponsored at the
Slate Theater by SuKy to raise funds
to send reserve members of the
basketball team to the Olympic
The movie. "Carnegie Hall," will
open at the Lexington motion picture house on May 23 and Suky will
ircrlve all the profits from advance
ticket sales.
Tickets are now on sale at 60 cents
each. Tickets may be purchased at
booths in the book store. Student
Union Building, all residence units,
and at downtown ticket booths.
Betty Ree Rhoads, one of the
SuKy committee in charge of the
sales, said proceeds would be used to
send three members of the reserves
from the national collegiate championship squad to London for the

international tournament.
Players who will go are Jim Line
whose uncanny accuracy at the free
throw line made him tops in the
nation in that department. Dale
ttarnsiaoie wnose long anois were
one of the key factors in thrash ir.;
DePaul, and Joe Holland whose
defensive rebounding stood out during the season.
The movie is as studded with stars
as the national basketball championship squad. In the movie are the
New York Philharmonic orchestra,
Orrgor Piatigorsky, Jan Peerce, Frit
Reiner, Pise Stevens. Lily Pons,
Harry James. Leopold Stokowski,

nd Vaughn Monroe.
This will be the first showing of
the movie in Lexington. Miss Rhoads
said the movie would continue until
all advance purchasers of tickets
have an opportunity to see the pic-

At Annual Affair

WBKY Plans
Open House
On May 24


Classics Frat
Initiates Six

Jones Tops Phalanx

By Rabye Graham
On the third floor of.McVey Hall,
you'll find probably the busiest people on the campus. That's the home
of WBKY, the University frequency
modulation station. The staff has
a reason to be in a special flurry,
because the new studio, and transmitter are almost ready to be formally presented.
Open House
Monday, May 24, has been set for
a big open house at the studios according to Elmer G. Sulzer, head of
the Department of Radio Arts. The
new transmitter, which has been
period by
built over a two-yeJames Hisle. graduate student in
electrical engineering, will be one
special feature. Studio A. completely
remodeled and equipped with the
latest FM materials, will be used for
a show featuring University officials,
the band, and staff talent. An audi
ence of several hundred guests can
be accommodated In the studio for
the live program which will begin at
7:30 pan. The open house, with individual tours of the entire station,
will start at 6:30.
WBKY which is licensed as an
educational FM station, now oper
ates with a student staff on three
nights each week. Hours of operation are 7 to 9 p.m. on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays. In addition eighteen programs are being
sent regularly to commercial stations
in Louisville and Lexington.
19 Years Old
The University Radio Station began operation on April 1, 1929, with
(Continued on Page Five)


ald, secretary-treasure- r.
Dr. Skiles
was appointed faculty advisor of
the group.


Jameson Jones, sophomore from
Lexington, has been elected presiMuch of the choreography is beinr; dent of the Bart N. Peak Chapter
originated by members of the dance of Phalanx Fraternity.
group, recording to ttie director, Mrs
Other officers include Howard
Re veil Estill Shaw.
vice president,
Production staff for the concert Carter, secretary, and Landon Garincludes Claude Jackson, art director rett, treasurer.
and set designer; Ann Barron Greis,
costume designer; Fred Dupree. stage
manager; and Jim Steiner, lighting.
Tlie Women's Athletic Association is
in charge of publicity, nd Phi Beta
members will serve as ushers.
Members of the dance society,
which is sponsored by the physical'
education department, are Dot RichBy G. L Mark
ardson, president; Jo Trapp, vice
They are after me. I run and run learned that the dogs had become
president; and John Chumley. Doris seeking an avenue of escape. Still organized.
Their secret police,
Betty Elliott, Carolyn they come fast and furious at my called "The Underdogs," was most
Freeman, Marie Graves Ruth
heels. I can go no longer. I turn active and spies were everywhere.
Vivian Hereford. Virginia Jesse, and face them.
A plot to burn Frazee Hall and
Marie Johnson. Joe Marks. Margie
They put me in a wagon and drag blame
on a lit cigarette was
Montgomery, me over to the BS. Building. As formed. it However, the plan fell
Mattmiller. Tommy
O'Bannon, Mary O'Neill, Caro- we approach, I can hear my com- through when it was found that
lyn Pogue. Ray Porter, Georgia
patriots screaming. I see there is there would be no one to throw
Chester Roc, Mary Lynn no use to struggle. This is the end. suspicion on, a s all the faculty
Sanders, Betty Scrivncr, and Janice
"Just a few last words," I beg. members would be out of the buildStille.
ing at the specified time.
Dogs Outnumber Students
Their comander barks an order
By spring of this year, the dog
and I am unchained to pass this on
population outnumbered the student
before I pass out.
It all started in the spring of 1947. body. Opportunity barked. The
No-oexactly where they dogs set up their own 'classes and
Jack Fenton, senior from Canton. came from but suddenly the campus took over the University.
one-yewas cluttered with an overabunClasses were conducted on the
Ohio, has been awarded a
graduate fellowship in the Southern dance of canines. At first they grass in front of the Union. Dogs
Regional Training Program in Pub- minded their own business, gaily came from all over the country to
running in and out the bushes and hear Professor Doggonneit (an all
lic Administration, an
project of three southern uni- attacking only the students under litter man) lecture on Elementary
five feet. But as time went on and Radar (How to tell a tree from an
versities Mid the TV A..
their numbers increased, they be- automobile tire). Professor Pek A.
Fenton will study first at Alabama, came bolder
Nese's course in "Wood-Lorand bolder.
then Tennessee, and complete his
Pups In Grill
"What Every Young Pup Should
work at the University when he will,
It was a common sight to walk Nose" was especially crowded.
be awarded an MA. in public adin to the Grill of an afternoon and
But most popular was the Zoology
see whole families of pups imbib- course. Eager M.D.'s (Mad Dogs)
ing ice cream cones. In classes, scoured the school searching for
one could hardly avoid them. They victims. Soon I was the only biped
under the best seats, left.
shook their heads defiantly at the
I cleverly disguised my personlike
professor's words, and often very characteristics by walking on all
Testing Center for the Miller An- rudely got up and walked out.
fours and growling dangerously. I
alogy Graduate Test Examination
Some radicals became alarmed at was safe until one day a terrier
will be the University's Personnel the growing problem and began to friend of mine discovered my bite
Office, according to Dr. Lysle W. write letters of protest to the Ker- was worse than my bark.
Croft, director of personnel.
nel, student newspaper and chamSo here I stand in front of the
Information about the tests can pion of uneducated masses.
B.S. Building.
The screams grow
be obtained from Dr. Croft.
Complained one young Romeo: louder frcm the third floor. I shudCompiled and published by the Everytime I try to take my girl un- - der and shake. My license jingles
National Psychological Association, der tree I find a darn dog. Just The commander snaps a n order.
They put on the chains and carry
the tests are to determine a stu- - what are these dogs up to?
The situation got worse as it wasme off to the dissecting room.
dent's ability for graduate work.

Dogs Take Over Campus;
Bipeds Soon To Be Extinct



Jack Fenton Awarded
Graduate Fellowship












Ken-tucki- an
Ken-tucki- an

By Rubye Graham
Should faculty members be allowed to smoke in campus buildings
when students pay $5 fines? A rue
is a fire
urgent that all persons who liberty ofreardless of who takes the
It is
starting it.
deposits on the yearhave made
The SGA is now debating that
book and seniors fill out these issue as the result of a bill intromailing blanks. The remainder duced Monday night by Rusty Rusof Kentuckian deposits will also sell (C) and Jack Sorrelle (C. The
be taken at this time.
bill states that the faculty and staff
will be subject to the $5 fine for
smoking in the
buildings and temporary frame units
on the campus. Private offices will
be included.
Sorrelle said that Kentucky statutes prohibit smoking in any Kentucky school building. SGA president Crockett is writing the state
fire marshal to see if the law applies to higher Institutions.
Construction to enlarge McLean will aid ln enforcement of the SGA
Stadium to a seating capacity of smoking ordinances.
Six students have been fined for
30,000 is expected to begin immein restricted buildings.
diately and be completed before the smoking
first home football game next sea- Other violators have not been reported because of lack of cooperason.
in enforcetion
The Board of Trustees Tuesday ment.from the faculty Russell foci
Sorrelle and
approved the low bid of the Perof that by including the faculty under
kins Construction Company
Frankfort for adding 10,628 perman the law, the check on and faculty
ent concrete stands to the football groups wouldbetter enforcement. other
stadium. The Frankfort company's and lead to pa-s-s
SGA can
the law affecting
k;. ....... jni tvn

To Benin
On Stadium


Photo bt Mack Hughes
Cadets Can Really Pick Em . . Pictured above are ten of the eleven coeds chosen by Scabbard and Blade,
corps. From left to
national honorary military fraternity, to be sponsors of the University ROTC cadet
right, they are: Back row, Carla, Maddox Joan Lindstrom, Priscilla McVey, Nell Payne, Bertha Ann Lulss
and Gaile Grogan. Front row, Marjorie Burton, Nancy Shclbourne, Mary Alice Schisier, and Pat Gerald.
Joan Rehm was not present at the time the picture was taken. All have been appointed honorary officers
anin the ROTC, and will be presented to the corps and to the University In general at the twenty-sixt- h
nual Military Field Day program on Stoll Field, beginning Monday at 2 p.m.

ROTC Will Hold
Field Day Monday

All graduating veterans should
report by June 1 to the Veterans Office, second floor of the
Administration Building, for approval of payment of their sen-vifees by tho Veterans' Ador

Donovan To Review: Trophy,

Entire Regiment;
Sponsors To Attend


to the member of the first
year advanced course having highest
scholastic rating for academic year;
Phoenix Hotel Trophy.to the
average in military science
oer of the first year basic having the
highest average in miitary science
for the academic year 1947-4- 8.
Klwanis Club Trophy, to the member of the second year basic course
having the highest average in mili
tary science for the year. Coopera
tive Club Trophy, to the member of
advanced course selected by a

The University ROTC unit will
hold its twenty-sixt- h
annual Military Field Day on Stoll Field beginning at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon.
Col. G. T. MacKenzie, commanding
officer of the unit, announced this
Highlight of the day's activities
will be a review of the entire regi-th- e
ment in honor of Dr. H. L. Donovan,
of the University.
Company, platoon, and individual
drills will be staged with
trophies to be presented to the win
ners. Exhibition drills by Company
C of the Pershing Rifles and by the
Confederate Drill Squad, also Is on
the schedule.
Coeds Chosen Sponsors
Eleven coeds, selected as sponsors
for the cadet corps by Scabbard and
Blade, national honorary military
fraternity, will be presented to the
corps and will stand at the reviewing platform as the troops pass in
review. Each of the girls has been
appointed an honorary officer in the
ROTC. Names of the appointed
sponsors, their honorary ranks and
their assignments are: Bertha Ann
Lutes, colonel regimental sponsor;
Mary Alice Schisler, lieutenant colonel, first battalion; Nell Payne,
lieutenant colonel, second battalion;
Priscilla McVey, captain, Co. A;
Marjorie Burton, captain, Co. B;
Joan Lindstrom, captain, Co. C;
Joan Rehm, captain, Co. D; Pat
Gerald, captain, Co. E; Nancy
captain, Co. F; Carla Maddox. captain, Co. G; Gaile Grogan,
captain Co. H.
Awards Presented
Awards to be presented, including
those for individual achievement
are: Col. George D." Freeman Trophy, to the company wining the
company drill competition; Reserve
Officer Association, Kentucky Chap
ter Trophy, to the company attaining, the highest scholastic average
during the academic year; Rotary
Club Trophy, to the member of the
advanced course selected by secret
vote of the advanced course students
as excelling in the requirements of
good citizenship.
American Legion Man O'War Post
No. 8 Trophy, to the member of the
basic course winning the individual
drill competition;
Lafayette Hotel
Shel-bourn- e,

board of Army officers as outstand-presideing and possessing in a marked de- gree those inherent qualities
ln the makm8 of an officer and
a gentleman.
Leader Trophy Presented
Lexington Leader Trophy, to the
member of the rifle team having the
highest record in team competition;
Air Force Association Medal, to a
member of the senior division Air
ROTC. as the outstanding distin
guished military graduate.
Winners of these awards
stand at the left of the reviewing
platform when the cadets pass in
Judges for all competitive drill
will be Lieut Col. T. J. Quinn, Infantry; Lieut. Col. Stanley Hays,
Infantry; ' and Capt. Claude
Sprowles, Infantry.
The University band will provide
the music, and faculty members,
graduates, and friends of the University are invited to attend.


Conference Slated
By Education Boards
The College of Education, the
State Department of Education, and
the General Education Board will be
joint sponsors at a building planning
conference to be held on the campus
The conference is to
study procedure in planning a public
14-1- 8.

school building program.
Special consultants will be Dr. Ray
L. Hamon, director of School Building Section of the United States
Office of Education; Dr. Walter D.
Cocking, managing editor of the
American School Publishing Corporation; Dr. Paul W. Seagers, Indiana University; and C. N. Fannon
of Huntington, W. Va,
Invitations have been issued to
superintendents of ail school districts in Kentucky, and to architects
interested in school building plans.

Block'Bridle Show
Planned Tomorrow
Reviving the annual prewar Blocks
and Bridie horse show, seven University students will ride tomorCampus Club, FTA
row in the Tattersalls Stables on
South Broadway, beginning at 1:30 Continue Drive

The students, members of Miss
Billy Jackson's light horse husbandry class, are Martha Van Hooser,
The Campus Club and the Future
Martha House, J. E. Kittiell, Tom- Teachers of American this week are
my Rankin, Cynthia Becksted, Lucy
continuing their drive t o obtain
Alexander, and Joan Fielden
clothing and books for Heidelberg
C. T. (Pati Edie of View Pont University.
Farm, Shelbyville, will serve a s The drive began when resident
ringmaster for the twelve class H. L. Donovan suggested the Unievent. Mrs. Virginia Fowler Pre-wi- versity unofficially adopt the GerParis, will judge the horse- man university and send food and
manship classes, and Richard
clothing to students and faculty
North Middletown, will judge there . Dr. Donovan is expected to
the open classes.
appoint a committee soon to coordinate the campaign.
jYieie is no admission charge.

To Help Heidelberg




Cay-woo- d,

Failure to report may result
in the person's receiving a blank
diploma at graduation.

Darbishire Is
SGA Delegate
To Europe

European study tours

The University moved fast in!acceDted b the facultv. Even
awarding the contract. After bids though the faculty reject the rule,
were opened Tuesday morning. Gov. the smokmsr
and the imme- Earle C. Clements was notified of Qiate danger of fire are being kept
the bidding and he approved a plan before the students,
for polling the trustees by phone j SGA is expected to take final ac-t- o
permit work to begin immedite- - tion on tne bill Monday night. In
ly. The group will meet May 24 toicase
defeated, a new bill
formally award the contract.
wU1 probably be introduced
to call
Additional seats will be added to for abolishment of the SGA law
each end of the north and sou h as it now reads, and to refund the
fines which have already been col- stands.
tec ted.
Al though the enlargement is
as much as originally planned, the
University is not going to ditch its
plans to enlarge the stadium to a
seating capacity of more than 40.000
Last week the trustees rejected a
bid to add 23,000 seats to M:Lean
Stadium, saying the $1,660,000 low
Homecoming Day for the Univerbid for the work was too expensive.
The first plan was to extend ihe sity and its alumni this year will
north stadium to Euclid Avenue and be Nov. 13. the date of the Kentucput a steel, upper deck on the south ky-Florida
football game.
stands, and move the press box to The date was chosen by the executive committee of the Alumni Assothe north stand.
Need for a larger stadium has be ciation at a meeting Monday nisrht.
come apparent in the past few years. Miss Helen King, executive secreAlready the University has scheduled tary of the association, announced.
(Continued on Page Five)
Plans were also discussed for the
annual alumni banquet to be held


Shelby W. Darbishire. Arts and
Sciences sophomore from Stanford,
was named official SGA delegate to


Assembly Debates
Five Dollar Fine
For All Or None

Mailing forms for the
will be placed in the
and Kernel Business offices, beginning Monday, May 17.
according to Amy Price, business


6uKy-sponsor- ed



Faculty Exempt
Under Smoking
Law Or Not?


eon-duct- ed

Tau Sigma, modern dance society.
will present its annual dance concert at 8:15 pm. Tuesday, May 25. in
the Henry Clay High School audi-

Baird Discusses
Freedom In Talk

Senior Prom
Is Saturday


Dance Group
Plans Concert

Honors Day
Pays Tribute
To Over 800

More than 800 University students
were honored Wednesday for scholastic achievement at the Fourth
annual Honors Day convocation in
Memorial Hall.
Semi-Foriii- al
Dr. William Jesse Baird, president of Morehead State College,
gave the principal address, "We
Seek Freedom," In which he emphasized the responsibilities
necessarily balance honors received.
Student spokesman at the assembly was Bartel M. Sparks, Winter
The Student Government Associa- Quarter Law College graduate.
tion Senior Prom, featuring Jerry
As Dr. Maurice Seay, dean of
WrJd and his combination, will be the University, introduced the honheld Saturday night from 8 to 12 ored students by groups. Dr. H. L.
pjn. in the Student Union Blue-gra- Donovan spoke briefly to each
group. Three groups were listed,
Admission is one dollar per person. including honor societies and groups
except for June and August seniors requiring a 2. standing; scholarships, prizes, and awards, and all
who receive free tickets.
Rusty students having a 2.3 standing or
The affair is
Russell, SGA dance committee chair better.
To accommodate the audience
man, announced.
Wald's orchestra, a reorganized which overflowed the auditorium
group will play at the prom after and balcony, loud speakers were set
coming directly from an engagement up for students seated in the amat Ciro's Hollywood night club. The phitheater behind Memorial Hall.
Invocation and benediction were
band has been hailed as a new type
secretary of the
of music and its popularity has been given by Bart Peak,
Mrs, Lela Cullis provided
on the upswing, Russell said.
organ music.
Since many seniors have not
Students honored at the assembly
picked up their tickets to the
(Continued on Page Four)
senior prom, they will be avail- able at the ticket booth in the
Student Union building all day
was announced by
Rusty Russell, chairmen of the

Initiation of six candidates last
night climaxed the reinstating of the Tau chapter of Eta
Sigma Phi. national classics honorary fraternity, at the University..
Those initiated were Robert Es6uKy will receive all the proceeds
from the advance sale of tickets. till. Elbert Harber, Austin M. McRobert Maxwell, Eugene
Miss Rhoads said, but no profits
from tickets sold at the theater. For Donald, and Ann Vaughn.
The traditional ritual was
this reason she urged University
by Miss Sallie Adams Robin
students to purchase tickets through
son, Latin teacher at Lafayette High
selling agencies.
The pep club's drive is one of School and president of the last acseveral to send what Coach Adolph tive chapter of Eta Sigma Phi here;
Rupp called "all of our eight man Miss Mary Wood Brown, from Henfirst team" to the Olympics. The ry Clay High School; Miss Mary
Professional Golfers Association is West, University Training School,
planning a series of golf tourna- and Dr. Jonah W. D. Skiles, head
ments with all proceeds going to the of the Department of Ancient Lanfund started by contributions from guages here.
supporters of the team.
Following the Initiation officers
were elected for the coming year.
Those elected were, president, Elbert Harber, president, Robert Estill, vice president, Eugene McDon-

Analogy Tests Show
Graduate Ability





Mostly Cloudy,
High Of 70


a special committee yesterday.
Darbishire was selected from a
group of ten applicants. Any student regularly enrolled in the Uni
versity was eligible to apply.
Members of the committee on applications were Deans Sarah B.
Holmes and A. D. Kirwan. Dr. Lyle
Croft. Johnny Crockett,
Boggs, and Howard Stephenson.
At the assembly meeting Monday
night, $400 was appropriated from
the budget toward expenses of the
delegate. However, Johnny Crockett, SGA president, said that Dr.
H. L. Donovan, University president, who must approve all special
appropriations not definitely itemized in the regular budget, will
grant only $250.
Last year $200 was appropriated
by SGA and the remainder was provided throuh student and faculty
The assembly feels
(Continued On Page Five)

Date Chosen

McLaughlin President June 3.
Of Interfrat Council YM Installs Officers
John L. McLaughlin, PI Kappa At Banquet In SUB
W86 elected president of the
Interfraternity Council for the coming year at their last meeting. He
succeeds Bob Puryear, Phi Delta
An Engineering junior from Pike-vil- le


New YMCA officers and cabinet
members were installed last week at
a banquet in the Student Union
Building. Dr. James Kennedy of the
Christ Church was the principul
Those installed were Harold Holtz-clapresident Jameson Jones, vice
president: Edward Carter, secretary;
Luther Hilliard treasurer; Charles
Vhaley, publicity; Don Graham,
poster; Bob Weaker, spiritual life;
Paul Beeman social service: Jameson
Jones, freshman club; Frank Maturo
membership: Bill Brown,
John Cashman program: Claude
Sprowls. public affairs; Jameson
Jones, K book; Carol Houchen. discussion groups; Gene Deskins. deputations; John Schneiter, campus
service: Ken Wood, socials: Jameson
Jones, Phalanx; Bob Gregory, music.
Bill Davis, sports; Sebastian Goodo-v- er
WSSF; Mike Edgeworth. faculty
student; and Ralph McCracken. Lee
Myles, C. A. Browning, Landon Garrett. Joel Ungerleider. and Carlo3
Scott, all members at large.

McLaughlin is a former Air
Force pilot and a member of Keys,
sophomore leadership honorary.


Decade Of Cokes, Cushions,
Classics And Conversations
By Charles W. Harbaugh
Ten years ago today, Omicron
Delta Kappa, leadership fraternity,
opened the doors to the University's
Student Union ballroom and to a
decade of "jitterbuging," "grillol-ogy- ,"
ahd varied pursuits in educational and recreational fields. It was
Saturday night of May 14, 1938. and
the fraternity was sponsoring the
Engineers' Ball, the first to be held
in the new building.
That dance marked the beginning
of a movement to centralize the activities of students on the University campus.
From that ballroom to the basement of this monument to the advancement of culture, entertainment and gregariousness, every room
is an integral part of the mysterious and almost Indefinable something we refer to as "student life."
Old Grads Draw Comparisons
Miss Mackie Rasdall, business
director of the Student Union
Building for the last five years,
finds enjoyment in past and present comparisons often drawn b y
old graduates of the University.
They return to a campus where
they had no other gathering place
than .the lawns outside their classrooms, and they look at this modern
student center. Immediately, they
wear the expression that is so often
visible in the features of characters ln a cartoon entitled "Born 30
Years Too Soon."
"We are so delighted when the
'old grads' visit our building," says
Miss Rasdall. "They are amazed
with the recreational facilities provided for the enjoyment of the stu- dent body.'
In addition to the ballroom, which
is flanked by a terwee on one side




and a gorgeous mezzanine on the
other, there are numerous meeting
and reading rooms, a barber shop,
a game room, and a modern cafeteria can be found in the building.
Many Hear Recordings

There is a beautifully furnished
music room in this modern building. It is available for teas and receptions, and it is interesting to
note that, during the hours in which

played, the room is frequented not
only by faculty members and other
intellectuals, but by some of those
who have walked upstairs from strain
tegic positions by the "juke-box- "
the soda grill, and from a blend of
noisy conversations, tinkling "coke"
glasses, and a Stan Kenton arrangement of "Unison Riff."
What is the history behind the
construction of the Student Lnion
Omicron Dalta Kappa made an
initial step ui uie uuecuuu ui gaui- -

Student Art Exhibit

To Begin Sunday

The Seyenth Annual Art Exhibit
of Student Work will begin at 2:00
o'clock Sunday in the Music Room
of the SUB.
The showing will include 27 paintings, two drawings and eight sculp- i
all nf whir-tiiri
th work nf
students who are either currently
enrolled or who have just gradu- ated from the University during the,
past year.
a student gathering central
The exhibit is sponsored by the
point when that organization ap- Art Club, and will be open to the
proached Dr. Frank L. McVey. then public after the Sunday showing.
president of the University, in OctoThe exhibit will continue through
ber of 1931. with an idea proposing June.
the present building.
Fraternities and sororities agreed
to pay $1 out of each initiation fee
until the building was paid for. and
the Kentucky Kernel made a donation of $20,000.
David Hatchett. junior student in
Roosevelt Approved Loan.
the college of Agriculture and Hom
10, 1935 edition of
The January
Economics was elected president of
The Kentucky Kernel carried a Block and Bridle, the University's
D. animal husbandry club.
message that President Franklin
Roosevelt had approved a loan and
Other officers elected were Lupton
grant to the University of Kentucky Rainwater, vice president. Lowell
$360,000 for the construction of Denton secretary.
Carl Hamilton,
(Continued On Page Three)
treasurer and Moses Orem marshal.


Hatchett Named Head

Of Block And Bridle

� The Kentucky Kernel



to M
tS column t artvrlterf

tignr fUde

fhs cpncM ot the
themsetvea. end 4o wot necetaril
th upiuiom of The Kernel.


Managing Kdifor

Jack SoREtU
Martha Evani

Haskitl Short



Tom Disk in
Ray Fm.iON






Sporti Ktliior
Asst. Mng. Editor
AU. News Ediior

Exchange Ediior
Feature Fililitt
Rmrr Russell
Business Manager
.rotu;r Barkir
Adv. Manager
KnU-rat tha fot Offlca at Lulnfton, Kk.r Srutta.
fcentuctf. aa arcono rUss matter under
Uw Act of March 1. It1.
Joan Cook
Dudley 6aunders, Kent Hollings-wortMEMBER
Winfield Leathers, W. T.
Kentucky Intareolitgltta Prrsm Asaoelatloa
Perkins, F.m Asbury, Tom UnderLexington Board of Commerca
Kentucky Pifsi AssoclftTlon
Nttlnnal Ed.torie.1 A.saociatlcn
Stanley J. Schill, Charles Whaley,
lxis Ann Flege, Helen Henry, Lillian
mfmmntis rem
Vaughn, Bue WarNational Advertising Service, Inc. Ann Pardue, Ann James Eddleman.
ren, Gil Mark,
Ctim fmUnkm kttrntnlttiv
m York. N. V. ery Denton, Rubye Graham, Wil4XO Ktowna Avi.
Lewis. Charles Dougherty,
- Otrtwa Lot Aatfltf
liam Hanna, E. P. Schroeter, WilaTOBSCRrpncm RATES
liam Schupp, Monte R. Tussey. Karl
Nancy (.askin


Si am i v V.hii






$1.50 One Tear

.M Ona Quarter

P.v Helen Dorr and Pat Quinn
The KA dance, last Friday, was
a howling success. The atmosphere
wui'Id liave been pcriect n mere
hadn't been so many damyur.kees
present. Kok Talbert sceuied t O



a sensation

the dance with her


Onldstein and Bdl Friesh: Belly
Jane Let y and llerbte Arnold. .
Morai Qf the week: Even a fish
wouldn't get caught, if he would
keep his rnouth shut.
Martha Neff has been seein a lot
cf Kay Robinson lately. Also seen
together are Joyce Farris and Charlie U'ccdward.
Vv'ho was the little, blond boy
with the uurule coat at the K A
dance? He certainly seemed to know
a lot of people.
Accormng to ail report tne m- list have really
china Kifl.
,lad a big time at ohl0

Who was the person who finally
the TheU kite, at their dance?
I ibly Reynolds upheld her "Best
I i! esea ijiri ti;ie in a utaumui,
unusual cinner dross.
The kitchen party will turn into a
teal kitchen this summer for Harold
geuri.;; uraineu.
l.urnam, wno
What attraction does Louisville and Walter Aton.
hold lor Ann Sanders besides her
Rir Turlev seems to b e extra
h.ip:y this week since l.yde Gooding
was crowned May qih-miConcratu- latioiu., Lyde!
Carlisle Mvers Jr
What is this we hear about Bob jor from Lexington,
un iiia jiiiu.-- a i o.
tirrxory warning
present the Class
tlie Muonl'.glit Gardens' riunre floor?
Could Weston Jayne t;c the cause of lionorary member of
fr'.U d











Rmilh and Topper
Eliiabeth MeRoberti

fVi ft sin Martha nrrriaMI
and Bob Kretchmer; Eetty Green
and Donald Bradshaw of Centre Col
ler; Mary Lau Bsirtley andllog-- n
Warn hie: Betty Ko&tr tmd







Myers To Serve
(n Alirnni yOIIIIIUltl.t






ma- -

was chosen to
of 1948 as an
the Alumni As- .sUitnt,.nn aTvAlllrilM rVimrnittM
bui w.h...
The selection was made at a meet- Ulg of tne committee Monday night,
-e J"-of seven seniors representing eacn
college of the University. The can-.- "
didates were nominated by a
mittee of the Student Government
Association and submitted to the
Alumni executive committee.



t' ?T'.







fashion frolics

fif w

rib-cor- d.





.SlteCS- -




Vaughn Monroe's Coming to Joyla

VauGhn Monr oe's COM




Pershing Rifles Win

Machine - Machineless




$ 5.00 up

Francis Davis
Beauty Shop
601 S. Lime

Drill, Rifle Shoot










We thought we would have no
nut, but now we have mo' mo !
Cray didn't
Wonder why
ssk I'aul Sadd to the Thrta formal?
a omi
Could her desire to
with Payl Priuhett have anything
to do with it??
The Pershing Rifles team from
it's now
With Jack Wavnrrvn.
the University ROTC won both the
Beverly Gaulke