xt77pv6b3k1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b3k1w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-05-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 17, 1932 1932 1932-05-17 2013 true xt77pv6b3k1w section xt77pv6b3k1w Best Copy Available





Council President

Four 'Cat Stars
To S. C. Meet


College of Engineering,
and Miss Elizabeth Whitley
sophomore in the College of Arts
and Sciences, secretary.
The new committee and the present committee of
will be entertained at Maxwell place
at 6 o'clock, Tuesday, May 17, and
at that time will discuss plans for
next year's program and will select
the faculty advisor.
The members of the present committee are George Yost, chairman;
Chester Jolly,
Miss Emily Hardin, secretary.
In addition t othe executive coma submittee of
committee Is appointed, consisting
of a representative from each department of the university.
duties of the
are to
plan programs relating to the general topic within the various departments. Members of the subcommittee will be appointed next
In a letter announcing the new
executive committee, President McVey outlined briefly
the purpose
and organization of
The letter follows:
"The organization called
seems to be something of
a mystery to most of the students
at the university. The purpose of
the organization is to bring together students and members of the
faculty who are interested in the
cultures and problems of the different nations of the world. The
organization has now been in existence for five years.
"Each year speakers have been
brought to the university to represent different nations and to tell
the students and members of the
faculty something about the counn,


tries they represent. In addition to
this, members of the faculty are
asked to take one hour during each
semester and tell the members of
the class about some citizen of the
country then under discussion, who
has attained eminence in some particular field, like that of chemistry
or physics. It is also the purpose
of the organization to brin to the
university exhibits that illustrate
the arts and crafts of a country.
The music department also brings
to the attention of the organization
the music of the various countries,
presenting a program f music composed by the great musicians
each country studied.
"The countries that have been
studied in the past five years are
Russia, Italy, Great Britain and
Canada, Japan, Mexico, Denmark,
Norway and Spain.
The officers
last year were: George Yost, chairman; Chester Jolly,
Emily Hardin, secretary.
"This year the President is appointing Gilbert Kingsbury chairman of the executive committee;

middle distance
Howard Baker, distance ace, and
George "Scaly" Roberts, high Jumper.
These boys are being worked out
hard every day on the Stoll field
oval in preparation for the classic.
The preliminaries in the meet will
be run off Friday, with the finals
Saturday afternoon.
Led by the versatile Kelly, last
year's 'Cats were able to score 12
markers and place eighth In stand
ing of Southern Conference track
teams. The speeding blue phantom
was able to win as he pleased in
the 100 yard dash In the unimpreswhile
sive time of :10.1 seconds;
placing second in the 220 and fourth
in the broadjump.
This year Kelly's Injuries to his legs and the
long period of Inaction the star suffered may perhaps tend to slow
him up. Coach Shively is undecided In which events the blond sprinter will be entered. If he continues
his excellent work in the 440 the
rest of this week, he will be entered In that event and the 220 only.
In all likelihood Kelly will run the
100 in the conference classic and
In addition to his sprints will enter the broad Jump.
Captain Jake O'Bryant surprised
experts at the annual meet held at
Birmingham last May, byt taking
fifth place In the mile run. This
year O'Bryant will confine his activities to the half-mil- e
race as he
has run several very creditable
races In this event this season and
his best time of 2:02
sthe best
time achieved by a Big Blue athlete since the days of Wayman
Thomason and Bill Gess, who set
the present conference record 1 :55.8.
Jake will be making his second
trip to the conference, while Kelly
and Roberts are taking their third
visit to such an event. Baker Is
going for the first time.
Baker has shown remarkable improvement as a
mile r this season. He started off
well, running a mile In 4:40 the
first week he was out. He continued
to win race after race In the meets
and turned in the best
race a Kentuckian has done since
Hays Owens, dlminuative
speedster, left the university. Baker's best time for the dificult eight
lap course is 10:14.
George "Scaly" Roberts,
has enjoyed the best year
since he became a Wildcat track
man. He has twice reached
feet, one and a half inches and
averages right around six feet consistently. The conference record is
little better than "Scaly's" og six
feet, one and three-fourtinches
best leap, but it has been set up
for some time. Roberts is much
better this year than he was last,
when he placed sixth in the Conference meet.






John M. Kane, as
and Elizabeth Whitley, as secretary.
Petitions for the queen of the
The executive committee chooses
each year a faculty advisor, who annual Senior ball, signed by 30
In past years has been Professor senior men. must be turned in to
Walter Vest or the Dean of Men's
E. P. Farquhar.
office by Thursday noon. May 19.


SPEAK Class of


President Prank L. McVey will
address members of the student
body and faculty at the final convocation for the year, at 10 a.m.,
Wednesday, in Memorial hall. His
subject will be "Everybody Works
Together," and he has issued a request that all students be present
for this discussion of the situation
at the university this year.
Each year the president addresses
the student body in an annual "get
together' meeting and explains the
problems which exist. This year
the dificultles have been more grave
than usual and it Is imperative that
the students should understand
the seriousness of conditions. President McVey said when he requested
that the Memorial hall be filled lor
the final convocation.
Judge Richard C. Stoll, president
of the Board of Trustees, will
at ttie convocation. Preceding
the address, Dr. Abner Kelly, of
the English department, will play
an organ prelude. As ushers, seven
members of the K. O. T. C, in uniform, will serve. The cadets who
have been selected are:
B. V. Senger, W. II. Saunders, P.
H. Kiesewetter, 11. O. Moreland, V.
C Wade, H. V. Smith, and K. L.

College of Education Election
Of Junior May He





John Ewing. Louisville, will be
president of thje student council
during 1932-3He was elected to
act in this capacity by the members
of the retiring council and he will
assume office in September. Other
officers will be elected from the new
council which will be seated at the
beginning of the fall semester.
Ewing will be a senior in the
College of Agriculture when he assumes office.
He is a pledge to
Omicron Delta Kappa, leadership
John Ewing, Louisville, was chos- fraternity, is a member of Scabbard
en president of the men's student and Blade, Alpha Zeta, agriculture
council at the election held Friday. scholarship fraternity.
member, and has been selected as
A Junior in the College of Agriculture, Ewing is a pledge to Omicron business manager of the 1933 KenDelta Kappa, honorary leadership tuckian, and is a member of the
fraternity, is business manager of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity.
Due to a dispute in the election
the 1933 Kentuckian, and a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, social fra- of the sophomore representative for
the College of Arts and Sciences in
which Will Babbs, and Alfred R.
Caldwell were the nominees, a new
election will be held this afternoon
at 4 o'clock in 111 McVey hall.
Yesterday afternoon Howard Baker was selected as the Junior repreCO-O- P
sentative from the Education College. The first election which was
held last Thursday ended In a tie
Plan Will Be Submitted To between iCurtLs W. Howard and
Howard Baker. However, there were
Individual Fraternities,
rumors of a protestation of the elecSororities at Wednestion, but Dean C. R. Melcher was
day Meeting
not able to confirm them.
the agriculture
The election
REPORT MADE THURS. school in which in L. Price defeatO.
ed Robert Reed has been contested
because it is alleged that votes were
Plans for a cooperative buying cast by proxy, which is not allowed
system, by which the social fraternin the student council elections.
ities and sororities will be enabled The new election will be neld
to purchase food and other supplies Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
by competitive contracts with the In room 205 of the Agriculture
merchants of Lexington, will be building.
submitted to the organizations for
The results of the
their approval at their respective elections at present student follows:
are as
meetings Wednesday night.
In the College of Arts and Sciences
The council of faculty members James Boddie and Thomas Lynch
selected to represent the fraternities were selected respectively as next
and sororities has been working on year's junior and senior representatentative plans for such a system tives on the council. James Curtis
for the past two months, and made will be next year's sophomore coun- its report to the council Thursday. cil member from the College of
The plans were approved by the Commerce; George Peak will be thej
council, and will Include the form- Junior member: and Harry Lair the
ing of a corporation of the fra- senior representative.
Oscar Rueter
ternities who indicate their desire and Russell Gray will be the re-- 1
of Joining the movement.
members of next year's
member fraternity will pay a small sophomore and senior classes of the
membership fee. which will entitle College of Engineering. Garnett R.
it to hold stock In the organization. Burkes will serve as the College of
members each Law's representative next year. UnThe
will select an alumni member to contested elections In the College of
represent them in the corporation. Agriculture resulted in Smith
These representatives in turn will Breadbent being selected as Junior
elect an executive committee of representative and James Smathers,
three or five members to carry on sophomore representative.
the work of the corporation through
As only two sophomore representout the year.
The retiring
atives are seated.
When the plans are laid before council will meet this afternoon to
the fraternities Wednesday night a select the two to represent their
questionnaire will be submitted to class on next year's council.
the various house managers for the
purpose of determining the amount
of purchases made by the fraternities during last year. If the plans
are carried through to final organization, all social organizations
Scog-gaon a sound financial basis will be Will Succeed Margaret
Installation To Be
eligible for membership.
Reports from the fraternities will
be given at a meeting of the faculty fraternity representative council
Clara Margaret Fort, Frankfort,
at 4 p. m., Thursday, in room 109, was chosen president of the
McVey hall. At the same time a Woman's Athletic association at the
tentative constitution and
annual election conducted Thursfor the projected association will day, at was announced Monday aftbe submitted to the council.
ernoon at the regular
The tentative articles of
meeting of the W. A. A. council.
on Page
Miss Fort will succeed Margaret
Scoggan, Louisville.
Other officers elected 'Thursday
are Margaret McHatton, Lexington,
Catherine Cooke.
Chicago, 111., secretary, and Helen
Fry, Rochester, Penn., treasurer.
They will succeed respectively Pautop. In the line Back. Monticello, Clara Marhad been placed on the
kindled garet Fort and Virginia Kearns.
meantime a fire had been
in the furnaces by the fireman, Dayton.
Miss Fort, a sophomore in the
Tom Aubery. The fire had to die
out before the seniors could attempt College of Education. Is
secretary of the Y. W. C. A. and
to regain their colors from off the
top of the smoke stack. Marshall has served this year as secretary
"Woggle" B. Boggess, a member of of the Woman's Athletic associathe senior class, stepped forward tion. She received the "K" awarded
and said. "I with one will scale the for 1,000 points in activities spondizzy height and remove that ob- sored by W. A. A., at the annual
banquet of the association
ject which Insults our dignity."
to win
is one
Shacklette Hamilton. month, and during ofher few
"Pup." Louisville, was known on year. letter Is also an honor to be
the campus as an Inventor of the elected It the W. A. A. presidency
highest order, finding many uses for the to
Junior year, as seniors usfor a plain coal oil can. "Pup" had ually serve In that capacity.
a coal oil can that he took to Billy
Bradley's saloon at the corner of
The finest eloquence is that which
Winslow, now Euclid, and Lime- gets things done; the worst is that
stone streets and had his can filled which
them. D.
with beer. After having it filled he George.
returned to the men's dormitory,
now White hall, and put it in his
room. When the inspector looked
in the room he saw what was ostenThere will be a meeting at 2
sibly a coal oil can, and passed on
p m. Wednesday, in The Kernel
otlice for all senior majors or
Many wonder why Beverly TcxUl
minors in journalism who exdrupied
Towerv. "Bay Tree." has
pect to woik on the senior ediA warning
his middle name. Todd.
tion of The Kernel, which will
sent, "to clunk, stop, relias been
be published Tuesday. May 24
strain, and bar 'Bay Tree" Towery
Selection of the staff members
from takinn any more Eimli.sh at
for that issue will be made ut
the university after he is 85 years
this time. All seniors who are
old. lest the language thereby be
Interested are urged to attend
worn out." Mr. Towery is taking
the meeting.
graduate work at the uniwr.sity





Fort Elected

W. A. A.


semi-month- ly

class, and threatened to send the
sheriff on those that did not answer
his letter telling him whether or
not they could attend the class reunion this year. Some of them replied, "This wont be the first time
the sheriff has been after us this
year." Registration will take place
in the Alumni office, basement of
the Administration building, June 4,
the beginning of Alumni day. The
class luncheon will be at the Phoenix hotel, June 4. Many interesting
features are In store for those who


The motto of the class was " '07
or bust." and it holds true by saying, " '32 and broke." Mr. Augustus
Montillmon Klrby, "Klrb," president of the 1907 class, is at present
connected with the Standard Oil
company of New York and located
ut Hongkong, China. He wrote a
letter to Mr. Spears in which he
mentions many of the different
things members of the class did.
This letter is to be reud at the class
luncheon. June 4.
On the morning of October 17
the colors of the 1908 class waved
in the breeze on the top of the
smoke stack of the boiler room,
butt of the Administration building. The Iron bidder within the
stack had been scaled by one of
the members of tha Junior class,
and the colors of the Senior class



Delete Any Abominable Words

Resolution Asks That Nominees He Introduced at
Class Meeting

off, oh reader, the garment ot
Season's Fifth and Penulti thy mourning and affliction, and COM MITTE E FORMERLY
WAS TO CHOOSE CO-Emate Concert Will He Held sing Joyfully among ye. for behold.
Thursday Night; Last Con- when the sixth day of the third
week of the fifth month shall be at Josef Cherniavsky
and His
cert to Feature Sousa
hympho-Syncopator- s
Enhand, which is called Friday, May
The university concert band un 20, even as the sun riseth in the
gaged for Dance
der the direction of Elmer G. Sulzer east, The Kampus Kat shall be
A petition, asking that the memwill give the fifth concert of the again.
Chief scribe Shafer hath
season Thursday, May 19. at 7:15 said it. The prophet salth it. It is bers of the senior class be allowed
to select the queen of the senior
in the Memorial ampitheatre.
said. The censors d assent unsay
ball, on June 3. is being circulated
The sixth and last of the prog- ft It
thp final Icciia
rams will be unique in several reAnd there shall be a great shout y membrrs ot this year s
spects In that at this time the first
all the land of U. K., such as inS class. Last week it was
and second half of the program will
hath been before, nor shall nounced that memlers of the
be divided between the university
hereafter, and it
be the mittee in chaiEe oi the dance would
concert band and the combined voices of his venders shall
declaring to select the queen.
men's and women's band of the men how vile he is, and crying his
The petition requests that a meetuniversity as well as selected high villaneles. and making proclama
ing be called at which each nomschool musicians from Lexington. tion of him, for lo. he shall be the inee for the position
would be in- -expectation oi nations,
and tne troauced to the class and after
'KaiJd'Chlldren 0f U: K' FnaI1 be blessed which the election would be held.
vlZ This
in him. receiving every man a copy armors circulating the pe'ition
the nature of a memorial to John in exchanne for one side of com- have announced that the resolution
Phillip Sousa and will consist en- mon current money, according to will be presented
tirely of Sousa's marches. At this the measure of the Book Store. Now Melcher as soon as Dean C. R.
a sufficient
time the various school band di- a side hath ten cents.
number of signatures have been obrectors, each of whom will direct
At press time yesterday
And behold he shall be of so tained.
one march.
great bigness as never before was approximately 100 signatures had
The public is invited to attend, seen in the whole land of U. K. been procured.
and the program for Thursday will since that nation was founded, and
The committee in charge of the
be as follows:
the campus shall be in a commo ball, which under the original plans
March Barnum and Baily's Favortion, and shall be troubled with as- was to select the queen, includes
ite King
tonishment at the sight of him. for Cecil Bel, chairman; John Bagwell,
Overture Chal Romano Ketelbey his eyes shall be more beautiful Walter Vest, Clarence Yeager. VirNovelty Clownette Alford
than wine and his teeth whiter than ginia Young, Lon Rogers, William
Descriptive Forge in the Forest
milk. And he shall be garbed in a Florence, and William Humphreys.
elected to the position
cloak of many colors, for he is the The
Selections from "The Merry Widow" favored son of the Scribes, called will be crowned at the ball, previous
plans revealed.
Sigma Delta Chi, and a fondling
Hinky. Dinky, Parley Voo Tradi- of the Fair Seize, named Theta
Josef Cherniavsky and his
have been engaged
Sigma Phi. and they shall sell him
Collegiate Dixie Sulzer A medley about the campus, the men in rent- to furnish music for the ball. The
of southern colleee songs, con- ed garments and the women in fine orchestra appeared in Le;ington
taining those of Georgia Tech.. twisted linen of violet and purple, during the winter, but has never
and and scarlet twice dyed, diversified played for a university dance. At
Lee. Alabama, Tennessee, and, with embroidery. By their Kat ye present Cherniavsky is playing on
lastly, Kentucky.
Ohio river excursion boats. He also
shall know them.
And It shall cdme to pass that appeared at the Gibson hotel, Cinthe Kat (an unclean beast, for al- cinnati, and has broadcast from
though his hoof is cloven, he chew-et- h station WLW in that city.
not the cud) shall mention a
multiplicity of persons, even her
Three Day Camp Ends Sun- who is called Ruth, the daughtershe
Doc (and unfavored of Buzz),
day; National Secretary
who is of a beautiful countenance
and comely to behold, and well
Is Speaker
flavoured, she who was advanced
to be queen.
Miss Carrie Meares. national stuExhibition Will Start at 8 p.
And many jests shall he bring, for
dent secretary of the Y. W. C. A.,
m., Friday Night at Alumni
was the principal speaker at the he is wondrous witty and fullof
three-da- y
Gym; Intensive Training
retreat held Friday, Sat- days and the humor which is sufurday, and Sundav. Mar. 13. 14. and ficient thereof.
Promises Finished Troup
15, bv the Y. W. C. A., and the Y.
(Ed note: The Kernel gathers
m. C. A. at Camp Daniel Boone, from that phraseology that the
At 8 p. m., Friday, May 20 in the
is evil.)
The program was divided between
Alumni gymnasium the first num(Prophet's note: It is.)
business meetings of the two
ber of the annual physical educaIn a secret place the Kat hath tion exhibition will start off the
inets. inspirational talks by the
secretary, and periods of recrearelated this exemplary bon mot:
evening's program an hour and a
tion for those present
half of interesting and spectacular
automo-bilin- g
Little Percival, night
The camp formally opened Frientertainment. From the first numday night after dinner, with Helen
with his parents on the
ber to the last, the program appresiding. Camp songs were
pike, along which
Mt. Tabor
pears to be one of novel and colormany cars are parked: "Mom,
sung and Miss Meares talked to the
ful activity, ranging from the forgroup. Miss Meares said that college
why do those stalled cars have
mality of drill and Interpretative
red lights on them?"
students should face the facts of
dancing to the informality of clown
His master: "Hush, dear!"
life, and should face them in an
antics and acrobatic stunts.
imaginative and creative way. SatForthwith, it is written, the
Final rehearsals of all participants
made question again, asking will take place this week and Mr.
urday separate and Joint meetings
of the Y. M. and Y. W. were held in like manner information of his W. H. Hansen, director of the exand plans for the coming year's father, who made answer which hibition, states that the program
work were discussed. Saturday night cannot, according to the Sanhedrin. wil start promptly at 8 p. m. The
was stunt night, and a prize was be recounted in this organ, but complete program consists of eight
given for the best stunt. A devo- - which is chronicled in the Kat. in separate and distinct numbers con1TI
f 10
inn nrno
bold face type, to be read and sisting of marching tactics and calSunday with the retiring presi understood by them who buy It for isthenics,
boxing, wrestling
dents in charge, in tne aosence oi a side.
fencing, tumbling, athletic Jubilee,
And when these things shall have specialty
Robert Stewart, retiring president
of the Y. M., Robert Gilmore made been noised about among the peo pyramids, aegean pirate dance.
ple, and they shall have hurt
a short talk.
there shall of unusual interest on the program
rje souncis oi trumpets, anu piay u.j ls tne speclaIty Rymnastics. which
includes several novel features. The
Instruments to sing his praises.
table and chair balancing act by the
lo, he hath made the campus
trio, is es
safe for
pecially interesting and entertain"The Determination of Boron
ing. The aerial trapeze performers
Spectroscopically" was the topic of
will make up a part of this number
an address by Dr. J. S. McHargue.
and some of the feats of skill and
head of the chemistry department
stunts will equal the performance
of the Experiment station, at the
of professiona troupers. Balancing
final meeting of the American
afand juggling has a place on the
Chemical society .held Tuesday
rtrocram a.s well as wire walktncr
ternoon. May 10, with the retiring
oi ineianj (eats of contortion.
chairman. Dr. R. I. Rush. Centre
The participants in this exhibition
State Geological Survey material,
Dr. F. E. Tut-tlcollege, presiding.
manhead of the department of which is to be put under the been and the staff members of the physichemistry at the university, spoke agement of the universty, has being cal education department have left
nothing undone that will add to
on his impression of the American sent from Frankfort and Is
on the interest and perfection of the
Chemical society convention, March placed in the old reading room
Administra- evening's program. Due to the exthe stfcond floor of the
30, in New Orleans.
Following the regular session, tion building. It ls expected that pense involved in offering this proprice will
will be
the organization elected as its of- the material by fall. arranged and duction an admission the policy be
charged. It has been
ficers for ten next year J. R. Mit- ready for us
The State Geological Survey, as the university to offer this event
of Kentucky,
the last
chairman; O. J. Stewart, University such, was abolished at Legislature without charge to the public In the
past but the admission charge is
meeting of the State
of Kentucky, first
necessary this year.
W. R. Roy, Kentucky Agricultural and is to be established at the university as a new department under
Experiment station, second
and David W. Young. the head of the Bureau of Mineralogy. It will be under the direction
Experiment station, secretary-treaof tha head of the Geology departurer.
Dr. McHurgue stated that inves- ment. Dr. F. T. MeFaiian, and
tigation during the past year of other members of the department,
The last convocation of the Law
the occurrence and distribution of assisted by Prof. Crouse of the school will be held Thursday, May
Engineering department.
boron, one of the less common ele- Mining
19. at 10 o'clock in the Law school
The library, collections, publica- building. Dean A. E. Evans and two
ments, has demonstrated that an
tions, mays, and furniture have all members of the Law college faculty,
extremely small quantity of this
substance has an important func- been turned over to the university. and Judge Richard C. Stoll, Lextomatoes. The oi l ices, museum, and reuding ington, will be t lie principal .speaktion in yeast, lettuce,
The fact that the quantity of boron room will be located in the Admin- ers.
found in tissues of plants and an- istration building, but maps and
Prof. W. Lewis Roberts will speak
imals is so small has made it publications will be placed on the on "The Law School of the Past."
necessary for investigators to de- fourth floor of the Librury. The "The Law School of the Present"
vise a new sectroseopic
method material which has been and is wit! he the tooie of Prof Frank H
ct to be delivered to the universi- - it.m,i.,il. ami Dean Evans will sm-afor the determination of the
ly aeuis principally wun un minon "Tlie l aw School of the Future
eral sources of the state, but in
Judue Richard C. Stoll. an alum
cludes fossils and other geological mis of tne university, will speak to
I. It. WILL Mi l r
ni, itcrial
the law students on "The Law
The transfer v the property has School.'
A business meeting of the
been under the direction ot Phil
Relations dub will be
Aswerus. a graduate of the Geology
Affection is an awkward and forcheld ut 4 o'clock Wednesday
department. The sales distribution ed imitation of what should be genin room 205 of the Adof publications ls handled by David uine and easy, wuntintr the beauty
ministration building.
Young, an instructor in the Geology that accompanies what is natural.
Locke on Education.








Expurgators, However, Shall








Kampus Kat Shall Appear
Friday, Censors Go Hang





Member to be Selected
at 4 p.m. Today

'07 or Bust9 Will Recall
College Capers of 25 Years Ago

President Requests That All Mr. JANE MOORE HAMILTON
mailed letStudents lie Present at ters toHowell D. Spears of the 1907
the 65 members

This Meeting For Discussion of Present Conditions


Arts and Sciences Sophomore



spiked sandals for the season exMembers of S u
cept a quartet who represent the
Will Re Named In
best of the team, and will leave
Thursday for Atlanta where they
in the annual
New members of the executive will participate
apSouthern Conference track and
committee of
pointed by President McVey, are field meet, to be held Friday and
Gilbert Kingsbury, Junior in the Saturday.
The Kentucky coach will take
College of Arts and Sciences, chair"Shipwreck"
colorful dash
man; John M. Kane, Junior in the and Jumping Kelly, Captain "Jake"


Kingsbury and Kane Are
Kelly, O'liryant. linker and
Named Chairman and
Roberts to Make Southern Trip
Coach Bernie Shivcly's Wildcat
have all hung up their


TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1912






Combined Y' Retreat
Held at Camp Boone








Chemical Society

Hears McIIargue


Geological Material

Being: Transferred
To New Quarters
two-tnir- as




Law School Holds
Final Convocation


� Best


T fl E

The Kentucky Kernel




Nnlici nl Cnll-i!" )lwn
K"Mtui kv lntrrcoilf iiml? rri"
l.fxn.lMnn Unurd of t'oiiitmrit
Orflrlal Ncwspttlrr of tt-- r Ptiifli-tlUnlVirmtv of Krl'tu.kv. Lrvtirt T.
Siihsrriptinn 12 nil a vrar Fi.tprrd at
ington, Kv., f'otolMr a second
r'ftsit mail mattrr




LAWRENCE HERUON . . tiilar-ln-Ch.




Annuitant Irfifoff
Anil''U .1 Tnmnetiln


SporU Ei(Io
J Ivlmnr Adams




sichii'tt mm;- - but his ilnimhtrr (he only sonvrnir ol
ilr h 'ii
ihr bin ht upon lui lifi- which left
c pi
nivr muMr his soli' niisfrrss Ho
- fo'iii('".i
lip- Jiimus linlil IT ill tcil
compo.rr of thr rvqniMtr
lion !io niinl". Hiiydn closed Ills
pi'iici'ful lilo in thr aims of Miwnit.
inr niiiiit clnrl lone on thrsp
I ho f lllnw inir H nn rilitorinl
rrniinisornrrs of thr
rluss on rditorlnl inl i imiiiur
mitted lo thr
i,v Miss Susnii (ivovcr. of nuistrrs of this rlivinr
t l it liic
01 Id honors thrm wit hout rompro-Ih- r
Groreptown. mid was inspirr.i by
Damrosch hour yivrn ovrr thr hmdine thru- inner lives. Hrnrnth
spell of thrir witchery mnn-ii.,- .,
radio on M.iy di.y in lirhiiK of thr
kind wrrns, lnnclis nnd shouts. Fv- ......
iiiu.h mil., ii.'" efferimrr fvom thr
ery preat event in the drama of
rffrrts of drprcsslon:
life is celebrated In music. At the
"The origin of music dntes buck
marriage service the strains of
to thr vouth of thr world: it is far,
Mcndelsson's 'Lohengrin." and at
Or PlKlkOll
olrlnr thnn nnv Wl'i'trll
- the solrmn service for the dead
laninince. It Is older than trip miChopin's Funeral March", is heard;
man race: buds trilled swrH notps.
"0,M of
Insects hummed in drowsy num-nd nt tnp
brooks rippled over pebbly
rtxil tone of thP dirpe.
bottoms, the wind sighed in the'""1
Mumc is the
pines, the billows of ocean brokp
"1P "Pnnent of patriot- and rolled l"1'1
"' " J
back with numrlprniis rarienres
vast solitude trembled with of the pious, the nponizing
all the
for liberty of the oppressed. It
sound before the voice of man was
speaks n universal languace comheard.
by all.
"The primeval language consisted prehended alike
and crude
of rude
each particular
sound came to have and to express
a definite meaning, and pantomime
ceased to be an essential part of
speech. There are orators who
"saw the air with their arms to
give greater force to their words. gow epntlv. kind wind, a note
But the highest type of orator yv tune, a chord of some old song:
stands quite still before his au- - siRh reverently thru the high
and holds it
the intrinsic excellence and beauty The cypress, the pine, the elm. and
of perfect speech. So we find that
tne maple.