xt77pv6b3j8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b3j8f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-07-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 23, 1948 1948 1948-07-23 2013 true xt77pv6b3j8f section xt77pv6b3j8f The Kentucky Kernel

See Open Letter
To Time Magazine
On Sports Page

Partly Cloudy
Slightly Cooler
High Of 83




Gillespie Named
To Law Journal
Hatfield, Lassiter Get
Managing Editorships
John Richard Gillespie was appointed editor of the Kentucky Law
Journal, succeeding
Warnock and John Hopkins. Prof.
Koy Moreland, faculty adviser, announced.
Gillespie, third year law stud'.-n- t
from Franklin, will take office at
the beginning of the fall semester.
George W. Hatfield, Whitley City,
and James M. Lassiter. Murray,
were chosen managing editors for
the journal and succeed Harry B.
Miller, who will remain managing

editor until his graduation in


Six men were appointed to the
Journal editorial board: Clarence
Creech. Ashland; John J. Larkin,
Lexington; Calvert C. Little, London; D. L. McLaughlin, Lexington;
Marne Q. Miller, Portsmouth, Ohio,
and Robert E. Park. Trenton, Tenn.
These appointments were made to
fill vacancies left by Bernard A.
Wells. Catherine Gillis. Miller.
Warnock and Hopkins, all of whom
will have graduated by September.
Other members of the editorial
board at present are John J. Johnson. Fred H. Daugherty, Porter H.
Gilbert, Norris Reigler, and Wi'-- J
liam F. Threlkeld.
Bais For Appointment
Appointment to the Law Journal
staff is based on scholarship aid
the ability to do creditable professional writing. Prof. Moreland sf.id.
The Journal is published four
times a year, in November, January, March, and May.
Jt has a mailing list composed
mostly of practicing attorneys in
Kentucky, law 6chool liberies, and
other persons and institutions with
a professional interest in such publi-


(See Picture Page Three)

Dr. Dcily Resigns

Library Position
Dr. Robert H. Deily has resigned
as head of the Department of Library Science after tyo years at
the University of Kentucky, to become chief of the processing division
at the New York State Library in
His resignation was accepted by
the Board of Trustees st their meeting Friday. He was appointed to
the position July 22, 1946.
No successor h&s been selected.
Before coming to the University
Dr. Deily spent three years as an
army intelligence officer at the Los
Alamos, N.M. atomic bomb project
He has been librarian at the
Brooklyn Public Library and Wagner College St a ten Island, N. Y.
Dr. Deily has received degrees from
Muhlenberg College, and Lehigh,
Columbia, and the University of

Protests Voiced
On Entrance Setup
At Medical School

"I'm not aware of any discrimination going on," said President H. L.
Donovan, "and I don't believe there
is any."


"The admission of students toi
medical school at the University of
Louisville is a problem for the University of Louisville, not the University of Kentucky," the president
"Their Business"
"We would not think of indicating
to them in any way how they should
go about the admission of students.
That's their business."
University pre-mstudents had
various opinions, some varying with
the official one and some not.
"My application to the University of Louisville has been put In
for two straight years," said one.
"The first year I heerd not a word
from them. This year I've heard
nothing from them. They Just ignore UK applicants."
Another student said that only
ten applicants from the University
have been accepted this year. "That's
a pretty pathetic number of boys
going from the biggest and best
pre-mschool in the state to the
only medical school in the state."
Dr. R. S. Allen, adviser for
students and head of the
anatomy and physiology department, denied that he had made any
charees against the Louisville
Would Make Good Anywhere
He said that UK graduates who
have been recommended by the
screening committee would
make good in any medical school.
At latest report. Dr. Allen said,
"there has not been a single failure
stuof a
dent since the committee's forma,




tion in



senior said, "I'm
One pre-mleft with no alternative but to think

there's discrimination against students, especially UK students, without political pull. I've seen some of
the men who have gotten in that

The situa tion came .up when Dr.
8. I. Kornhauser, executive secretary of the University of Louisville



Ag College Announces
Poultry Study Course


"John Loves Mary"




-- i

claim by a University
of Louisville official that students
are getting into the Medical School
through political pressure, some UK
applicants to the school
raised an outcry against what they
called "discrimination."
But UK authorities gave an officii 1 viewpoint taking an opposite





Medical School, said UL was admitting students, scholastics lly unde- sirable "because they knew the
Dr. John Walker Moore, dean Of
the Medical School, yesterday denied Dr. Kornha user's statement.
Dr. Kornhauser said political pies-suThe summer school mixed chorus
had become apparent after
under the direction of Aimo Kivin-ietn- i. the 'stale legislature passed a biU
will present a musical pro- giving-- . UL $125,000 for research.
gram in the Memorial Auditorium
Gov. Clementls new State Medical
Amphitheater at 7 p. m. Thursday. Research Commission has authority
The program, fifth in the Music to recommend 12 students for reDepartment's summer concert se- search scholarships. They automaries, will include a sacred selection, tically enter the Louisville medical
madrigal, a selection from a mod- school.
ern light choral work, and two
"Those 12 are certainly open to
songs from the operetta, "Naughty political appointment," a UK stuMarietta."
dent said.
Solo parts will be sung by Phillip
Other University students d 1
and Jo Ann Talley. Betty
with the protests. "If LouisMcGinnis will be the accompanist. ville has students as well qualified
Miss Mildred Lewis, acting head
(Continued On Page Three)
of the music department, will direct
community singing before the choral
program begins.

Mixed Chorus Plans
Amphitheater Concert



Will Open Monday

v.-:- -

Cookbook Sales
Increase Funds
For Scholarship
Most of the 2000 cookbooks, published by the University Women's
Club to build up the Frances Jewell
McVey Scholarship fund, have beet
All money from the sales, above
expenses, will go to the fund, which
provides scholarships
for women
students who qualify.
About 1600 of the books, called
"Stay For Tea," were sold during
the formal sales, according to Mn
D. E. South, president of tho women's club.
4,t. -- .
Orders for the cookbook, whic".i
s'-sells for $2.50 plus 25 cents postaac,
are now being taken locally. Mis.
South said. Orders may be placed
with Mrs: South since slow deliver'
Photo Bf Mack Hughe
ies have caused the club to take the
Pictured above are several members of the east of the play, "John Loves Mary," which opens here
books off formal sale.
night. Put on by the Guignol Little Theater, the production is being directed by Prof. Wallace Briggs.
"Stay For Tea" contains many
of the favorite tecipes of the late
Mrs. McVey, former dean of women
and wife of president emeritis
Frank L. McVey.
Vets May Sign Forms
Most of tho members of the University Women's Club contributed
Any Public Law 346 veteran,
either in summer school or not,
their own favorite recipes, Mrs.
Two graduate Bacteriology stu- South said. She praised the "enDr. William R. Allen, U.K. profesmay fill in forms for fall regissor of wjology was made head of the tration any time between next dents have been awarded fellow- thusiastic response" to the book's
Department of Zoology at a Bontd Monday, and Monday, August 30, ships and one has received an as- sale.
of Trustees meeting Friday.
in Room 204, Administration sistant professorship, Dr. M. Scher-ag- o, The amount to go to the scholarhead of the bacteriology de- ship fund cannot now be estimated,
Dr. Allen, a member of the UniBuilding.
partment, announced.
versity staff since 1322 succeeds the
but Mrs. South believes it has "surVeterans planning to be in school
late Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.
Hehise Glessner, who will get her
in the fall will save a delay in master's degree in August, was passed expectations."
. A native of Osslan. IndM Dr. Allen
Mrs. Walter Allen Price was chairpicking up their veterans' cards
received the bachelor of arts, master at registration by filling in the awarded a National institute of man of the publication committee.
Health Predoctorate Research Fel- The idea originated while Mrs, M.
of arts, doctor of philosophy degrees forms now, the Veterans Adminlowship to study for her doctor's de- M. White was president of the club
from Indiana University. Before istration said.
gree with Dr. J. C. Humphries, UK In 1945, Mrs.
South said.
joining the U.K. faculty ha had
Those who wait until the openassociate professor of bacteriology.
taught zoology at Kansas State Coling 6f the fall semester will have
fellowship, given by the U.S.
lege, Indiana University, and Akron
Public Health Service, allots $1600
University. For five years he was to fill in the forms on registration day before obtaining their a year, plus tuition, to Miss Glessthe eleprincipal and teacher in
mentary schools of Hartford City, veterans' cards.
Ind. '
Irving Leiberman, who also will
Dr. A. N. J. den Hollander of the
get a master's degree in August,
Prof. Allen has been a member of
University of Amsterdam will speak
was appointed assistant professor on
expeditions to Peru, Chile, and Bol"The Poor Whites: A Legend of
of "Fishes of
of bacteriology at Miami University,
ivia. He is
the American South," at 8 p.m.
Oxford, Ohio.
Western South America" and has
Thursday in Memorial Hail.
written numerous books and articles
A fellowship for study toward a
Continuing the series of lectures
on roology.
The story of Florence Nightingale doctor's degree was the University of sponsored by the political science
Dr. Allen is a member of Phi Beta
awarded Angeland her fight against the prejudices ina Fabrizio, who received her mas- department. Dr. Hollander
Kappa, Sigma Xi, the American
speak at 8 p.m. the next night in
Society of Zoologists, the American and indifferences of her day will be ter's degree last June.
Memorial Hall on "Hungary Today:
Association for the Advancement of featured on WBKY's transcribed
Behind the Iron Curtain."
Science, and other scientific socie- radio program, "Adventures In Research," Tuesday at 7:45 pm.
Wednesday night's tectum, the
These programs are made availfourth in the series, was on the
At the University he has taught
Miss Pauline Morton, Lexington,
elementary zoology, comparative an- able to WBKY through the Public has Joined the staff of the Univer- topic "Is Mankind Going to Starve?"'
Dr. Joseph Schwendeman of tne
atomy, ornithology, ichthyology, ec- Relations Department of the
sity Health Service as a nurse.
geography department and Dr. H.
ology, and entomology.
Electric Corporation, ElMiss Morton was graduated in Bruce Price of the agriculture colDr. Funkhouser, dean of the mer G. Sulzer, head of the radio June from the Nazareth School of lege discussed the subject.
Graduate School and head of the arts department, said.
Nursing, Lexington.
Department of Zoology, died June
er' PPintment was





Fellowships Given
To Two Students

Dr. Allen Fills

Zoology Vacancy

Lectures Scheduled
Dutch Professor

Florence Nightingale
WBKY Feature


Nurse Joins Staff

West-inghou- se

?ot July



Fence Being Erected
For Maxwell Place
Students of the Department of
Mines and Metallurgy are making
a steel fence to be erected, iround
the president's home.
The fence will extend from Rose
Street, past the president's home
near the new Fine Arts building,

Says Briggs, Guignol Director


Seats are still being installed, and
recently, the building required a
new roof. It seems the old one was
leaking and soaking both stage and
Up to the middle of the week, the
control board and some of the light
ing fixtures were still AWOL. They're
probably derailed samewhere between here and New York, Briggs
surmised. "We don't worry about
the future around here," he added
"we're Just living from day to day."
The theater, when complete, will
hold 216 persons. If necessary, folding chairs will be used to fill out
the seating capacity, if all the seats
aren't installed by opening night.
Radio Adaptation Planned
Plans are underway now to have
"John Loves Mary", the show under
production at the theater, adapted
for radio, and broadcast over local
radio station WVLK.
Prof. Briggs has planned three or
four more shows for jthe coming
year, including popular plays, light
drama, and revivals of the old
masterpieces, including the works
or Shakespeare.

All veterans in the University
who plan to graduate this August musu sign the list in the
Veteran's Office, Room 204,
order for the government to
gradpay for their nine dollar
uation fee.



are on sale for 60 cents
for UK students, but identification
such as a registrar's receipt must be
presented or students will have to
pay the regular $1 adult admission
price, the director said.
which opened at
noon Wednesday, will be open from

Tour, Picnic Close
Business Ed Week
business education con
A five-da- y
ference will end formally today with
an address by Dr. Frederick Nicho!
professor emeritus from Harvard, at
9 a.m. in Room 103. wnite
Dr. Nichols will speak to the approximately 80 students, teachers,
and school administrators on "Planning a Guidance and Placement
A picnic planned by Nu chapter
of Delta Pi Epsilon. graduate business education fraternity, at 6 p.m.
at the Castlewood barn, will close
conference activities. It will follow
a tour of Bluegrass horse farms, according to Z. 3. Dfckerson, Delta Pi
Epsilon president.
Dr. Nichols has given a series of
six lectures on various phases of
business. He has held individual
conferences every afternoon. .
Sponsored by the Department of
Business Education, the conference
is designed to help students preparing for the field and is open also to
teachers and the general public
Luncheon Held
A luncheon honoring Dr. Nichols
was held Tuesday by Delta Pi Epsilon and the University Business
Education Club, an undergraduate
Attending the luncheon, at vhith
Dr. Nichols spoke, were President
H. L. Donovan. Dean W. S. Taylor
of the College of Education. Dean
C. C. Carpenter, of the College of
Commerce, Dr. Edward Wiest, dean
emeritus of the commerce college,
Mark Godman of the state Department of Education, and about 50 of
those attending the conference,
Dickerson said.

Radio Station Has
New Chief Engineer




Mr. Briggs urged all students o
call early for reservations, and w.n
that because of the small sea' hi?
capacity of the temporary playhouse,
"it will be practically impossible to
get seats on the day you call."
Reservations will be cancelled at
6 p.m. the evening of the show for
which they are made, unless tickets
are picked up or paid for before Uiat
Lead Roles
One of the lead parts, that of
John Laurence, will be played by a
University graduate student, Conrad
He has appeared in several other
Guignol presentations, including
"Joan of Lorraine," "Kiss and Tell."
"Junior Miss," and others.
Three UK summer school students in the cast are making their
Guignol debuts. They are Joe Dress,
in the role of Fred Taylor. Tom
Neet, who plays George Beech wood,
and Tom Perkins, as Lt. Victor
Allan Watson, who plays the part
of Oscar Dugan, is a summer teroi
student who has been in one othe- piav -- Joan of Lorraine.'
The role of Mrs. Phyllis McKnW
is played by Maxine Perrine of the
University library staff.
Production Staff
Summer school students on the
production staff are Elizabeth Orig-





Lowrey. prompter; Alma Clarkson,
call girl; Bill O'Bannon. stase manager; C. B. Jones, an assistant: Jim
Steinar. electrician; John Marlowe,
house manager; and Virginia Juett,
musical director.
The last Guignol play appeared in
May, 1947. After the old playhouse
was destroyed by fire in February.
1947, the little theater group tried
only two productions in the University High School auditorium before
giving up the plan as too difficult
without a permanent location.
The plays were "I Renwmber
Mama" and "Joan of Lorraine."
"John Loves Mary" is the first
play attempted in the temporary
structure on Rose Street. Whc-- t the
Fine Arts Building is finished, the
little theater will move in there permanently.

Arnold H. Haun. Louisville, has
been appointed Chief Engineer at
the University's radio station,
WBKY. according to Elmer G. Sulzer. head of the deartment.
Haun, a graduate of Purdue UniFerguson,
Journalism versity, was formerly
N. C. will
senior from Charlotte,
Louisville Radio School
language, where the was an instructor. He
study French literature,
and culture, at the University of was transmitter engineer at staGeneva in Switzerland next year.
tion WKYW. Louisville.
Ferguson, who will be graduated
in August, will attend the EuroIs
pean school under the provisions
of the GI Bill of Rights.
Wilfred I. Owen has replaced
John T. Adair as director of the
men's barracks, effective last Friday.
Mr. Adair has taken a job with
Seniors in the Home Management
House, under the direction of Miss the Hageman Properties In :, as
Jean and Eloise Ewbank, students
general manager.
Helen Wilmore, will entertain with
Owen graduated from the en- in College of Agriculture and Horn?
a dessert party Thursday. They will
Economics, are touring Europe as
attend the Guignol plays after- gineering college in June, and will a reward from their father for their
take graduate work in September.
honors won in raising Southdown
The sisters, from Warsaw. Ky,
visited the sheep exhibits in tri?
Royal Sheep Show in England, and
will go to other countries from there.
Both girls have been outstanding
in showing sheep in campus livestock shows. Jean is a former SO
A device for pumping heat from
the earth and into homes will be- about the pump has been requested representative and both, have been
gin operation i n October i n the from such places as Pakistan. Egypt, YWCA officers.
mechanical engineering laboratory, France, Holland, Switzerland. Engaccording to Prof. E. B. Penrod, land, and some. South American
head of the department.
The objectives of the experiment
are to see if the earth is a suitable
Phi Upsilon Omicron. home ecosource of heat for the pump when
nomics fraternity, went on a picnic
used to heat small homes, and to
and swimmin party at Joyland Pui
make a careful study of transient
yesterday. The event was Hen lei
heat flow through the ground.
A tour of Blue Grass farms "Dies-da- y by actives and some member; of
Prof. Penrod pointed out that
while electricity performs most of
will be sponsored by the Stu- the Home Economics staff, and w,u
the services in the modern house, dent Union. Miss Margaret Bruce under the direction of Mrs. pniiy
heating by electricity is generally Cruise. SUB social director, an- Free Is, according to Miss Mary
Lewis Smitts, publicity director for
too expensive.
Places of Interest to be visited on the College of Home Fconomics.
More Heat Obtained
It has been found practical, how- this tour include Calumet and
ever, to use the atmosphere, the Circle M horse farms and Keer.e iracfc.
earth, waste heat, a river, lake, iana ratewho wish to take
the tour
Continuing the series of free moor even well water as a source of
must sign and
heat for the home. Using an elec- costs of 50 cents pay transportation vies sponsored by the Extension Debefore noon Mon- partment. "The Long Voy;igs
trically driven pump, three or four
times as much heat may be ob- day, at room 122, SUB, Miss Cruise Home." a sea saga cased en thi
Eugene O'Neill stories of Iceland.c
tained as compared with direct said.
Those going on the tour will meet heroes, will be shown in the Amphelectrical heating, he said.
Ground coils are now being laid at the entrance of the SUB at 1:15 itheater at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday.
p.m. Tuesday.
for the pump, and final preparations are to be completed soon after
' Proficiency Exam
the start of the fall semester. ApBe
proximately 500 feet of tubing will
. The last language
be laid five feet underground
the summer term
the pump, and will extend 100 feet hold itsmathematics department will examination ofThursday
annual summer school picnic will be given
and Friwest of Anderson Hall.
at 6 p.m. on next Friday in CastleGreat Interest
wood Park.
Students may sign up for it beSuch great interest has been
Those attending will be members
fore Tuesday in the office of Uie
taken in Prof. Penrod's work that a of the mathematics staff, graduate dean of the arts and sciences
bulletin published recently by the students and graduating seniors in college.
Station the department.


Coeds Tour Europe
As Gift From Father

'Heat From The Earth' Is Aim
Of Engineering Experiment


acted In many a Guignol produc
Show Opens Monday
In spite of the fact that the theater
is riot really complete, the show will
open on schedule. "We said we would
open July 26, and we will open July
26." he added in the best

Guignol site on Euclid Ave.
A cast and staff composed mostly
of UK students are now finishin?
in prrp-aratirehearsal and
for the Monday night opening, according to Prof. Wallace
Briggs, director.
Light. Gay Comedy
The production, according to Mr.
Briggs, is "light, gay, comedy
should provide good summer theater


Group Entertains

and past the east irJe of the library, up to the froi."- - the house.
The metallurgy department has
employed students for the work
which is being done on the campus,
according to Prcf. C. S. Crouse of
the metallurgy department.

"John Loves Mary." Guignol'
first play in over a year, will open
Monday for a week's run in the
playhouse at the old

Graduating Veterans
Must Sign Fee. List


'GreatFuture For Amateurs'

By Stanley J. Schill
The 24th annual poultry short
course will be held at the livestock
"There's a great future for amajudging pavilion August 2 through teur theatricals," according to Prof
August fi. the College of AgriculWallace N. Briggs, director of the
ture and Home Economics an- Guignol Theater.
Prof. Briggs. who is also an assisNo tuition charge will be made tant professor of English in addition
for the course, which is offered to his duties in the theater, is n
mainly for poultrymen and hatch- old hand at amateur theatricals.
ery operators. There are no en- "He lives, breathes, eats, and sleeps
trance requirements, and the work theater," according to one of nis
is essentially practical, it was stat- proteges.
ed. t
He has personally directed seven
or eight shows, and has worked in
Freshmen Fill Dorms conjunction with others on at least
four more. His acting experience
The men's dormitories will be fill- includes countless programs and
ed completely with freshmen this plays.
fall, according to the Dean of Men's
Graduated From I'K
Born in Mississippi, the
No uppcrclassmen will be admitdirector received his bachelor of
arts and master of arts degrees at
UK. and then went to the University
Students Must Fill Out of the South and later to graduate
Reserve University
Kyian Mailing Forms work. He has been instructing at
the University since 1941, except
for a year spent with the counter
Any summer graduate or regular June graduate who has not intelligence service during the war.
The Guignol theater, as it is tofilled out a mailing form for his
day, is the pet object of his efforts.
1848 Kentuckian must do so imThe temporary building that is the
mediately, according to the Kenhome of the theater was started in
tuckian business office.
Students who have already peid January, and work on the producIn full must fill out mailing fo.ms tion of its first play. "John Loves
or yearbooks cannot be sent to Mary," began three weeks ago.
His own duties around the theater
include, as he puts it, "producer,
Mailing forms may be obtained
in the Kernel business office in director, janitor, painter, and what
have you." He does everything but
the basement of McVey Hail.
act in the show, though he has

For First Play In New Theater

Ferguson To Attend
University Of Geneva



Preparations Being Completed





Charles Boggs, D. J. M. Van der Hoop, John Peerebloom, Frank Gilliam

Dutch Students Sample

American Student
By Stanley J. SchiU
Feature Editor
Two Dutch students from the
University of Leiden (contrary to
popular opinion it is not spelled
Leyden) are visiting the campus this
week to get an idea about how
American students live.
John Peerebloom,
student of
history, and D. J. M. Van der Hoop,
a pre-mstudent, are the representatives. Their job is to cement
Kentucky - Holland
under the sponsorship of the International Section of the- - Students
for Democratic Action.



of. their


throughout the country will be
sponsored by the National Student
Association, whose congress they
will attend during the test week in
August, before returning home.
The boys arrived in Quebec from
Holland on June 29 on one of two
ships employed by the Dutch government for the exchange of students
on just such missions as this.
One Hitchhikes
Van traveled to Lexington by bus.


while the more adventurous John
in the best American
college tradition. Both are livln? the
lives of average American students
during their
stay in the
Their schedule since arriving In
Lexington has been very crowded,
what with parties, public appear
ances, ana visits or au kinds, .an
arrived in town Friday, and John,
the day after. They spent Saturday
at Dixiana Farms as the guesti of
Peggy Ellis, and picnicked at Boones- boro beach Sunday.
Following this, they have been the
guests of honor at various ilinner
parties p round the campus and
surrounding areas, including two or
three parties at Cooperstown as
guests of Roy Amidon and Charlie
They left Lexington yesterday to
go to Frankfort as the week-en- d
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Friedly,
whose son. Harold, is the University
representative of the World Stu-- (
Continued On Page Three)




Picnic Given

Yesterday At Joyland

Student Union Plans
Bluegrass Farm Tour


Picnic To







Page Two





tnir.derri th or'-'- o
tnemirirct. mn4 to nut



ccrmn mrt te b Jack Sorrelle
vritrr Ray Fulton


Managing Editor

ntarUi reflect Helen Deiss
News Editor
Dudley Saunders
Sports Editor
Stanley Schlll
Feature Edit r
pcni.isiiEn wErmr dct.ino thk
Allen Terhune . . Business Manager
school TFAn KxetJT holidays Frank Cassldy
or examination periods
Advertising Maoaeer
Fillmore Bowen








OfHce mt Lexington.
shroud ri-- i nutter
s. )
the Act or Mr--




All complaints



I believe



the ralves."









"tfiL- -




bu c,r-



Exchange Of Foreign Students

Benjamin V.
Reew, Otis Perkins, Allen TrJTii.e. v
A: E. Deatow Jolvi
The two Dutch students visiting our campus this week are liv- It. Cox, Jackson llauner, Francis in
examples of the value of the exchange of students J jet ween
all countries of the world.
I he chief reason for the present international tension is the
fact that ieojle of different nations are ignorant of each other's
ix)ints of iew and are therefore suspicious of and antagonistic
Aden; Sammy Collins and Betty towaid one another.
Jew Snowdei; and
Tlie best method of doing away with this 'unnecessary ' evil is
and Dave rheek en- .
with a cockUU party prr-the education of the youth of all nations. In what better
C.neU manner can this be accomplished than through the exchange of
the students.-Paris t0
Understanding and learning of vour fellow man does not come
Bright thought of the week: An
oM fa!ihioned Miss wants an
lroin books alone but also through personal contacts between
duy suciier; a modern Miss wan'-- s
-- venine
individuals who come from dilferent countries and from different
illst fnr .w,











The Spice Of Life
By En!;ve

The U.'lvcrsitv of Kentjcfcv has
o U.e torses -- at least it


P ,r.e

way fc.st

couMn't even
leave the trai-- lcn7 enwifrii to l.ear
EU.Mt l.awere at Joy land Thure- vomc-r.ir.ptK





Couples ,een ct


bhert sua


u Horse Show
rk Include Buuy
e l.mnrey: rrann

Oihis.m nnd t'.ue Alien: nil! MoCatin
ei :d Butty fcith; Billy Hares and
PidRly Park:
Kss and Betty
Tv.fsomcs at the Tlliott Lawrence
cV'ncc were Ja-i.iMermoMi and
. .uu r,iiic
a. ...
..i .
Wlt'-nn- ;
Mont Civens and
f.rmaine Erurr; frt-- Hr.ward and
Aline f.aines: J.u-- Faik and Bar- ana nan- fiara jmhiwi, t.u
Ivn Morris; Kent i'lnd and Ann
1uker; Dave Cheek aud Mary Jane
As new.
BH1 Gatermoth has ret'orned from
euRiiwering camp. Maybe Suzanne
Hai.nalis vuu t iiave to sit in now.
Ii.k Voumrerman. who is residing
v. iUi the RebeLs ;.ir the summer, is
hack slier a weekend off for pleasure. T?ie reason for excitement is
a dakie in Louisville.
Norm, Jean SirUh is making
rddii plans fur September. Roy
E. Stone is the man in the picture.
Tommy WttmRly made a fiving
top nt Uie Birn;a Nu Houe early
tins week. Matt u:o( ?d by to show
tne boys his new convertible now
mjny does this mske?
Bad Duruft is all smiles since 3oan
Iiiiurtrks is bfcck from vaortM.
to took.
Bb Goffy has
t th. rnmns. nenri- ovFr the
ing his arrival back ir the fill as a
tr.ninr ffir ihp itiirri ti,,o
Another AGE is PinMedut the



JjV I llX O




ty'. is entitled
sUUon ln
to some consideration. The request
t mir. Kir is nnlv thatuSt PhySS

ZrfS t hZhtiulZtos

Mistakes, sir, are natural and need
oniy be corrected to be forgiven.
x speak not
one who wishes to
ouibbie. sir. but as one whose slate- menU rest on the rock of authority.
gee sir, Phoebe is my sister
in-la- w.


Editor, the Kernel
Dear Mr. Sorrelte:
Before I start this letter.
to aay that I am an older
not a student, and that
ahays been a friend of your

tubj.,:t of pins. Mike Miils give
not pins.






But do (hese students spend their
K1v,re hours In the library, as one
woid logically conclude?
If you think so, Mr. Editor, you
have been deluded.
A careful check of the library on
a recent hot atternoon revealed Jaut
few students were taking advantage
uit .w.
buiuiica uicicm vijcini.
An equally careful check of some
of tne saloons and other drinking
uariors j this area revealed where
earnWit studenUl spenfJ tnelr





Carter couldn't mak

Tw-sde- y


it to

Salui dav morning. We're not
cn a
week any rr.n-e- . Bob.
Kaldi MrCrarken is enjoying
himself at Iln-inctcLuke. Stan
is b.ick in toxrn asrnin.
Wnat fistcrnitv man
ith plen- ty r.f nrrve) is currently dating the
two Maver s;si--- it
Til.v r.r.Cart- - -the s ivr r.
a nudnvtr' Rfi
Marian Vru.iit
been busy
Eince W'ayLtnd Oivcus hit town for





a vmi.

Bill MrShane is
listing blonde trouble.

to be

At the Fia'.kf.nt
Eull were L'ick Tysnvtt
ubem; Sonny Conp.-V4 vlirimrr; ticrdca 3Mls




nof c. n

I want

I have



The answer? Beer.
Wh an


even more, is incomprehensible

tu.tlire to


Ice Cream


heT iroH

Job Simrson. a towering moun- ,
was lieiZed into court on,
assail It ehaire. The Slate pro- ciir-the weapons that the de- l'i:Uint had tJiwdiy us'-- in t he
a pair ol '
f iark a
shears, a i1.!lfork, and a
c.x-- j
cut saw. But ti-- defense
rr.unti.-rebv .' j pUying the im- I'lemtnts Jcb's b.ivcriary was said
to have used in reprisal
an axe,'
a iJiovcl.