xt77pv6b3d2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b3d2q/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Caldwell County--Directories Kentucky--Caldwell County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Caldwell County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Caldwell County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt77pv6b3d2q section xt77pv6b3d2q       GUIDE TO    
I   KENTUCKY     _
      Compiled for  
      LOI``   BY THE I
A I $6 wAR SERVICES snzcmom
  1 C A I-] smzvncn mvxsxow
I 1  i uv Kamucxv

 ` YL
aézaséwé i
;w;§R$2i3"z’ arf Ki ?%“€'1§£%#5; Program, Mrs. R. B.
f l=lurtin;`R. R, .; V’~‘' 3, both cf Princeton. ‘
` `
‘ Egfpeso: To improve agriculture end living conditions among the form people.
Nvrmol Civic Activities; None othervdse thauagricultural promotioncl programs.
ng ·
Er _~

 I - 4 - _ §_
Caldwell County Farm_Bureau(Continued) Q
Defense Activities: Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red §
Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving of Food, Family Social Service in E
Industrial Areas, ‘ ` ` ` D
‘ Local Publications: None. i` ` A §
. . ij,.
J CALDWELL COUNTY 4-H CLUB(State and National 4-H Clubs), o/o J. F. Graham, §
· . . . ., s
County Agent, Princeton. Founded 1925. President, James D. Mashburn, R. R. g
. . ,,. . _ .. j . s
5$o, Princeton. Qirectors for Caldwell County Club, J. F._Gr&ham, M1SS Nancy g
Scrugham, H. D. A., Princeton. Terms expire January, 1945. . Q
Membership; SOO. {pt; to young people between lO and 21 years of age, who are % _;
engaged in sexe farm project. Q
Committees: Wero._The nine local @roups represented appoint their own comm- F
y ittees and officers. {Q
, _ · I; 
Purposer jducrtien and edvancewent of rural youth. Q
y Normal Civic Activities: Keno. @
` Defense Activities; Engancj in Preparation and bozring of Feed, Collection E
of Scrap Lrtals and Other Qcpels. Training for Sewinp a,d Preparation of j
. . . ···~~······· r··•———< ···.. , .. . .  
It Surgical D ‘··· essings, Prepcrrsien and cerxing el Econ. interested in First Qj `%
i Aid, Recreation. -` i` Ii
Q J . , ·  ii 
2 Local Publications: lone. Q
· Sportsnvn), e°e J. L. Green, Frincrtei. Founded l96E, President, tk D. Arm- Qi
strong, SJC South J ffcrson Stpeet, fyinceton. Telzphone @25. Secretary, E§
J. L, Grgom, T~lephone lO&. Ierms erpire January, l9%f. ·§,
1 Msmbership; lCO. Open to any one interested in game conservation and good li
l sportsmanship. gg i
T · Committtes:Quail, A. P. Y.tes; Fish, Hyli {oben; M§Le; p_·’o Solomon, Nest Main
§§ `% Street, Princeton. Secretary, Sirah Pltett, North Jc?;mtsei Street, Prince-
t§ ton. Telephone SOO-AA, Terms expire September, ]€&P. ¢_ M N _ A VMWU
Fi? .
tg lbmbcrship; 25, Op;r to any on; iiterestee in chirxh Rock.
L'? .   V ~ . i ‘ ·
kg Committcesv Acne reported. · ° — ° - ~i
  """**·"‘**""" _ >‘ V . p L
ii Purpggvz Ja »·;wmote Christie; t sininr.
Q . . . . .. ... , ·· ·Mr"·
tg Normal Civic ncqivitioc; None scportso.
s ~ . . . . . . . l _ · _.l . . L »z"· W
tg Uefense lztivitics; Interested in Red trees ncsisreiee, P¤rs» nid.
  " `”""`““"`  `""""`d‘? r
tg Looe} Publications: None. = » f° ._ _
gf CHURCH CLUB #1, Colored Presbyterian Church, e/c innel Fac Wilson, Princeton.
Z X ZF©uHded‘l939. President, Ludie Wharton, Priiroten. S,crotary, Ethel Mao Wilson.
ierms expire 1942. - r· ·
  Iiembership; 6. Qualificatioiis, mLIS'b `Oé: il TY?-iZilb’$}° Qi` thi!  .7 . · . _, ¤ ·  
M T Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with missionery societies. T _;, Q
· Y" ` ` ° ` __l" .Pri. r _ ‘ _ V, ·... ‘I S " g
Defense Activities; Interested in Hospital end Clinical Assistance, Sewing i
end Pneperetion of Surgical Drcssings,_Red Cross Assistance. g _ §
4 Local Iublieations: None. _ _ A V C _ ~ N
[ ·f*i·· ·#·i*·*r q.;., . = T - Q
; _ — " » - · · · ZF;
. - ~; - —~·,—. — N-. · —. · ‘ .· T · ·‘ · · · ‘·  
LnDlEc lll SCCl?T{, SmC0FD BAPTIST CHURCH, c/b Second Baptist Church, Prince- g
ton. Founded lQd0. President, Hrs._C. Driskell, Market Street, Princeton, gc
Secretary, Mrs, ?oodoll· Market Street, Princeton, Terms indefinite. ` §.
. · F . _ c MJ
Membership; S. lust be e member of the $econd Baptist Church and willing to E
sid fineneidllv. 4 “' ` l n
f` Committees; None. _ P ‘ I T P @
Purpose: To benefit the church by siding the poster and raising funds. fg
1 Normal Civic Activities: Conductine programs for the unkee end advancement ¥
.......- ..............-.... —¤ - _ <-I L Q2
of the chrr ch. ` _ P _ · ~  
D; · _¤_ • _· y_ • I __ _y__ _ A n vj _— _ · ~ _ _ 1 • r • _·  
ifense hceivltics; lnterestc- in nee Cross nssistmncc, First nid. ig
‘ Local Publications: None. _ _ e. _ P?
-—·-+-——·-•— ·-·· ———·-—-—··-·-~; V I - _ — . z — - . ‘ _ _ _ _ 4  
,. · V T . . =r
, _ ,._ 1 _ _ , T - — J~. §
· . ` n,..¤ 4 . P . . .‘.» i.¥ 1 “· ' AP. ” in
l ,e MEBRY rilDw CLlB, e/b Helen Hopper, 409 Hopkinsville Street, Princeton. e
{ Founded lQ$9. President, Virginia Wylie, Princeton. Telephone 2l?. Secretary, Q
Q Helen hopper. ielephene 45l. Terms expire Jennnry, lQ4s. 2%
_ Membership: 25. Bust be e resident of Princeton end between the ages of lT gg
, p and 26 TCQBS. rt
e és
Committees: Uelfure, Elizabeth Stephens, Princeton; Pinencc, Ruth Hcrgeod, §§
l 408 South Jefferson Street, Princeton. P ig
: V, . §*
Purpose; Socizl and welfare activities. ` %%
P W`. _ .   Y
_ Norms] Civic Activities: None reported. I gi
·Dcfonse Activities: Interested in Red Cross Assistance Enterteinmentl it
` —_ —— ....—.... .——;-.....—.   _ ’ , 5312
. Recreation. · J ` ‘ ` j§
- Local Publications: None. Q$
E HOD]?` PPISCILLRSCF TIITCQTOY, c/E Irs. R. G. McClelland, El4 North Jeffer- ps
1 son Street, Princeton, Founded 1025. President, Hrs. Rev Williams, 205 Cove Lg
¤ - . , . °.. if
5 Street, fT1HC;tOH• Telephone e47, Secretary, lrs. R. G. hcClcllend, Telephone pi
· l2. Terms expire February, lQé5. EF

  — ll -
Q Modern Priscilles of Princeton (Continued)
E Membership: 17. Open to representative women of Princeton.
e "‘T““`“”"
§ Committees: none reported,
gg }uypOg@;To improve sewing end needle work of it members.
IQ Normal Ciidc Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross.
_i Deiense nctivitics: Engaged in Red Cross nssistunce. Interested in Sewing
be and Preparation ex Surgical Dressings. .
ai i`‘, Local Publioeticns: None. A
{ Jensen OT E4STERN STAR, IPINCETON CHnPTER #515 (Grand Chapter of Kentucky O.
if E. Sr), Masonic Hell, Princeton. Founded 1920. Worthy Hetron, Mrs. L. C. Foley,
{ 2 Fredonid. Telephone 12. Secretsrv Mamie Curri Eevle Street Princeton. Te1—
I _, . . 3 5 Q J
2. ephonc 146. Exncutive Secretary, H. E. Triylor, 655 Madisonville Street,
EQ Princeton, Terms expired August, 1942. Worthy Patron, L. C. Foley, Fredonia.
V ` .
it Membership: 18. Open to wives, sisters, mothers and widows of Masons, also
Ei Ms§?E7**
l` Committees: Red Cross Hrs. Mov Heel- Finance Hrs. Eu h lhoein, both of
, X ___•__·m___h J Y. J .9
Q   Princeton. ‘ °‘
Q  ·
. Purpose: Fraternal social and charitable.
....-......f..._.`..... ’ .
r P n . . . . . . . .. . .
’ _ mmwn;l Civic nctivities; iiding the widows end orphans ei Masons. Contribut-
g ing to the smpport of Masonic Homes.
my Defense Activities: Engeged in Red Cross Lssistcnce. Interested in Sewing
E end Proper tier of Surgical Dressings, First Lid, Chile Core, Teaching Class-
gl es in Ucehnnicel Skills heeded in Defense lndustxies, Consumer Protection
'— .1ctivitics.. V
;{ Local Publications: hone.
9 I— YTRINCETOH CGHQHRCIAL CLIE, 128 East Hoin_Strcct, Princeton. Founded 1920.
pl Prcsident, Jmues Ratliff East Hein Street, Princeton. Telephone 549.
‘? Secretary, Charles J, white, Hopkinsville Street, Princeton. Telephone 79.
6, Terms indefinite. . .
` >
{.. Membership: 150. Open to business and professional men interested in the ‘
L ` `_° —* ‘* , , ‘ . _ __ ‘
  welfare of the community.
1 Committees: Board of Directors, President, Janes Rdtliff, Princeton.
L "***——·~—— ·
O Il Purpose: To encourage building and secure new industries for the benefit of
1 `?**•··•——
1 Princeton.

— l2 —`  
Princton Commorcial Club (Continucd) ‘ . . · ‘ > · E
Q X`
Normal Civic Activitics; Coopcrating with Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs for bot- ,@
tor civic improvcmcnt. " il " $
Dofcnsc Lctivitios: Intcrcstcd in Hospital and Clinical Assistants, Rod “ é
‘ Cross Assistancc, Entcrtainmcnt. *%
-  hg
Local Publications: Mono. gg
•—-•.-............- ~... ..».- -.~—»-..- .. - —  gf
PRINCETCT DlijYl·“€;"HjR ;SS3Cl;TlON (Stats and National Congrcsscs of P. T. ‘§
A. Butlcr Binh School. Princeton; Foundod 1924. Prcsidcnt Mrs. Paul Gunn- CE
3 as .. 3 I  
ingham, FEB South siffcrson Strcot, Princcton. Tclcphonc 597. Sccrctary, R. §
P. Uhittcn, QUC South Jcffcrson Strcct, Princeton. Tclcphonc 512. Tcrms ox- Q