xt77pv6b341q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b341q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1956-08-jul20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-08-jul20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1956-08-jul20-ec. 1956 1956-08-jul20-ec. 2011 true xt77pv6b341q section xt77pv6b341q 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, July 20, 1956.

       The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President, s Office at 10:30 a. m. Friday, June 20, 1956, with the follow-
ing members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman; Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci,
Louis Cox, J. Stephen Watkins and Harper Gatton.  President H. L. Dono-
van and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Committee.  Dean
Frank G. Dickey, President-elect, by invitation also met with the Commit-

       A. Approval of Minutes.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Execu-
tive Committee of May 18, 1956, were approved as published.

       B, Funds for Repair of Maxwell Place.

       President Donovan stated that Maxwell Place was put in a state of good
repair in 1941, that being the time when Dr. Frank L. McVey vacated Max-
well Place and the incumbent president moved in to occupy this lovely old
home,   Very little work has been done on Maxwell Place during the interven-
ing years and, consequently, it needs interior redecoration and some repair.
President Donovan recommended that the Executive Committee authorize
Maxwell Place put in a good state of preservation at this time before Doctor
and Mrs. Dickey move into the University' s home.

       Members of the Committee were quite sympathetic to this recommenda-
tion, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the funds necessary,
up to $15, 000, 00, were authorized used to repair, redecorate and equip Max-
well Place.

       C. Report on Progress of the Medical Center.

       President Donovan stated that the firm of Ellerhe and Company, con-
sultants for the construction of the Medical Center, had been furnished site
and elevation surveys, and one general meeting between the consultants, the
local architects and University administrators had been held on the campus.
Various other meetings had been held between Ellerbe and Company and 'iUi-
versity consultants, Doctor Lippard of Yale and Doctor Willard of Syracuse.
A meeting is scheduled between Ellerbe and Company, Meriwether and Marye,
local architects, Doctor Willard and University officials in Lexington on July

       Core investigation of sub-surface for foundation purposes has been
requested. The definitive plans for the teaching building of the Medical Cen-
ter will be completed by October and turned over to the local architect for


final plans and specifications. Similar information for the power plant and
laundry will be available soon thereafter.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the information was
received and ordered placed of record.

       D. Report of Cooperstown, Holmes Hall and Shawneetown.

       Vice President Peterson reported that buildings D and E, to be known
as Noe House and -Allen House, fronting Woodland Avenue, have been complet-
ed and accepted by the University. Approximately 45 families are now liv-
ing in these buildings. Buildings F and G, to be known as Fox House, Grant
C. Knight House and Annie Fellows Johnston House, Cobb House, should be
completed by the first of August.  Buildings known on the site plan as A,
B and C, later to be known as the Theodore O'Hara House, Rice House, Rob-
erts House and Cawein House should be completed in September.  The con-
tractor has experienced some unavoidable delay due to a strike of the plumbers'
union, followed by a strike of the carpenters, union. The roadway around
the project, known as Huguelet Drive, is about two-thirds finished for curbs,
grading, rock and blacktop. The remaining part of Huguelet Drive has been
graded and is ready for rock and blacktop. The lawns facing Woodland Avenue
have been sodded.

       Contract for the construction of Holmes Hall was awarded to Gilson
Construction Company of Lexington in May.  The contract was signed in
June and the work order was issued in July.  Work began today on the site
for Holmes Hall.  We anticipate that progress on this building will now go
forward without further delay.

       The plans and specifications for apartment buildings, to be known as
Shawneetown Apartments, have been completed, received by the University
and placed in the hands of the personnel of the Department of Finance.

       The Department of Finance has been requested to ask for bids for the
construction of these buildings at an early date. The Loan Agreement be-
tween the University of Kentucky and the Housing and Home Finance Agency
of the Federal Government has been approved by both bodies and executed
by administrative officials representing the University and the Federal Gov-
e rnment.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the information was or-
dered received and put to record.

       E. Doctor Willard Aupointed Vice President of the Medical Center and.
Dean of the College of Medicine.

       President Donovan stated that Dr. William R. Willard, Dean of the
Syracuse College of Medicine of the State University of New York, first visited
the campus of the University of Kentucky on April 8 and 9, 1956.  Several
guests had dinner with Doctor Willard and President Donovan at Maxwell Place
on the evening of April 8. Several others had breakfast there on the morning
of April 9, and a group of approximately 30 had luncheon with Doctor Willard


at the Student Union building on the 9th.

       During the first week of June, Doctor and Mrs. Willard visited the
University.  In July, Doctor Willard decided to accept the post offered but
requested that no formal action be taken until he was able- properly to ac-
quaint his colleagues of the Syracuse College of Medicine of the State Univer-
sity of New York.

       Doctor Donovan and Dean Dickey submitted the following brief bio-
graphical sketch of Dr. William R. Willard:

              Dr. William R. Willard, now 47 years of age, was born
      at Seattle, Washington, is married and has three children.  He
      received the degree of Bachelor of Science. from Yale University
      in 1931 and the M.D. degree from Yale in 1934. He interned at
      Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore in 1934-35, was assistant
      resident at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York, in
      1935-36, and received the degree of Doctor of Public Health from
      Yale in 1937.

              He was then appointed Deputy State Health Officer for
      Maryland and served some six years.  As a surgeon with the
      United States Public Health Service, 1944-46, he was in charge
      of malaria control in war areas and later served as Acting
      Director of the Public Health and Welfare Department of the Unit-
      ed States Military Government in Korea.

              Dr. Willard was appointed Assistant Professor of Public
      Health at the Yale School of Medicine in 1946, was promoted to
      Associate Professor in 1948 and to Professor in 1951.  From
      1948 to 1951 he served as Assistant Dean in charge of postgraduate
      medical education at Yale.     Since 1951 he has been Dean of
      the Syracuse College of Medicine of the State University of New

             He is a Fellow of the American Public Health Association,
      a member of the American Medical Association.  He has been
      very active in a variety of organizations including the Central New
      York Regional Hospital Council and the Handicapped Children, s
      Association,  He has had considerable experience working with the
      Veterans, Hospital at Syracuse and with Group Hospital Service
      (Blue Cross).  For three years he taught a course in community
      organization for health,  He is the author of a number of articles
      and reports.

             Dean Willard, s wide experience in both private and state
      medical schools, his splendid record, his attractive personality,
      and his deep interest in public health and the problems of improving
      health services to the people, as well as the splendid recommenda-
      tions we have received concerning him, would seem to assure that
      he is outstandingly qualified for the position of Vice President in
      Charge of the new Medical Center of the University, and Dean of the
      College of Medicine,



       President Donovan stated that the Board of Trustees, at its meeting
on May 28, established a Medical Center which includes a College of Medi-
cine, a College of Dentistry, a College of Nursing, and a University teaching
hospital. The Medical Center was authorized placed under the supervision
and direction of the Vice President (Medical Center) of the University.  The
Dean of the College of Medicine, the Dean of the College of Dentistry, a
Director of the School of Nursing, and the Hospital administrator were direct-
ed to report to the Vice President 'Medical Center). The Vice President
(Medical Center) was directed to report to the Vice President, Business Ad-
ministration, on all matters pertaining to business and finance and to the
President of the University on all other matters.

       President Donovan and Dean Dickey, President-elect, both recommend-
ed the appointment of Dr. William R. Willard, Vice President (Medical Cen-
ter) of the University and Dean of the College of Medicine, at a salary of
$20, 000 annually, effective as soon as Doctor Willard can come, preferably
August or September, 1956.

       It was further stated that Doctor Willard, s major duties at this time
would be to serve as a consultant to the architects on plans, specifications
and construction of the Center.

       Members of the Committee recalled that the appointment of Doctor Wil-
lard was informally discussed with the Board of Trustees at its meeting on
May 28, and at that meeting it was the unanimous opinion of the members of
the Board of Trustees, informally expressed, that Doctor Willard was most
admirably qualified through training and experience to head the Medical Cen-
ter at the University of Kentucky, and was the overwhelming choice of the
people that conferred with the four possible candidates.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, on recommendation of
President Donovan and Dean Dickey, President-elect, the appointment of Doctor
Willard at a salary of $20, 000 annually was unanimously approved, effective
as soon as Doctor Willard can report for duty.

       F. Site of Medical Center Discussed, and Request of St. Joseph
Hospital Co~n_;_ia er~eT.

       President Donovan reported that a group of individuals seemed to be
questioning the proper location of the site of the Medical Center. He stated
that the location of the Medical Center had received considerable discussion
and thought. The site finally selected was approved by Dean Lippard of Yale,
by Dean Willard of Syracuse, by representatives of Ellerbe and Company,
by the President and administrative officials of the University and by the Board
of Trustees. He stated that, since the question had been raised, hc thought
he should report to the Committee.

       Members of the Committee were explicit in stating that the question
of site for the Medical Center was settled by the Board of Trustees at its
meeting on April 3, 1956, and that no further action needed to be taken.



       President Donovan then reported that sorne individuals had visited him
with the request that the St. Joseph Hospital be permitted to secure a site near
the Medical Center for the erection of the new St. Joseph Hospital. Members
of the Committee felt that this question should be answered so as not to delay
the future progress of St. Joseph Hospital in the event there were some who
desired to hold up progress on the St. Joseph Hospital in the event there was
a possibility of changing the proposed location of the hospital to the Experi-
ment Station farm.  The Committee agreed and after a thorough discussion,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the request for site on the
farm for the St. Joseph Hospital was denied, because the farm is dedicated
to University purposes and the University is not in a position to give, sell or
lease private interests sites for such purposes, The University welcomes
hospitals, doctors, office buildings and medical clinic buildings located near
the campus but does not feel that property should be diverted from Universi-
ty use,

       G. Purchase of 162 Shawnee Place,

       Vice President Peterson reported that the apartment house at 162 Shaw-
nee Place was available for purchase.  He stated that this apartment house is
located at the end of the street known as Shawnee Place and is adjacent to the
Shawneetown housing apartment site.  The lot has a front footage of 54. 5 feet
and a depth of 144. 3 feet, The south entrance is a little wider than the front
entrance. The east side and the south side of the lot are bounded by the
Shawneetown site,  Each apartment consists of a basement, first and
second floors, and includes two bedrooms,  Each apartment has its own fur-
nace and separate utility meters. President Donovan and Mr. Peterson
joined in recommending that this apartment house be purchased for the sum
of $18, 000.

       Members of the Committee discussed the cost of apartments and, be-
ing of the opinion that this house was strategically located, on motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the Vice President, Business Administration,
was authorized to proceed with the negotiation and consummate the purchase,
same to be paid for from the Haggin Fund,

       H. Award of Diplomas to Graduates at the Summer Commencement.

       President Donovan submitted list of graduates who will be recommend-
ed by the faculty for degrees at the summer commencement,  He stated that
the Faculty would meet August 1 to consider the list and recommended that
the Executive Committee approve the award of diplomas, subject to action
taken by the University Faculty August 1,




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Larry Brown Aicken
Thomas Barton Ambrose
James Lyle Beck
Martin Joseph Concannon, Jr.
Jack Elkins Congleton
Raymond Francis Connell
David Honeycutt DuBiel
Herbert Waldeck Ellington
William Ray Forester
Ruth Grimes Gillespie
Lowell Baugh Griffin
Mary Susan Hieronymus
Sidney Lynn Hudson
Dallas Ison

John Robert Kelly
Eddie C. Lovelace
Cline Graham McCauley
Margaret Gray McKis sick
Robert Kennedy Main
Marguerite Karol Martersteck
Leonard Kay Nave
Fredy Perlman
Jean Elizabeth Gardner Pival
Joseph Raymond Schwendeman
David Egbert Simcox
Thomas Martin Temple
John Wesley Whitaker
Edith Louise Wile

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

George Merrill Bartels
Joe David Bernard
Robert Morton Biltz
Ova Burnham Combs
Robert Wells Darlington
Philip Frost
Mary Eleanor Garnett
James Monroe Hall, Jr.
Joseph Ray Hourigan

John Wesley Johnson
John Walthal Little
Gary Blaine Newton
Harold Wilbur Owens
Franklin Joseph Scinta
John Theodore Teegen
Mona Marlene Tiller
Barbara Burns Young

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Louis Franklin DeRosett

Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

Ronald Dochus Anderson

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

Betty Ellen Caywood
Sarah Katheryn Schumann

Judith Ann Tinker




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Glenn Leigh Adams
Harry Brandenburg Holder
Paul Thomas Kirby

Edward Del McMahan
Earl Edsel Moore

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics

Lenora Goff Callahan
Betty Deane Giddens
Jessie Rose Harkleroad

Jeanine Osborn
Carolyn Louise Points
Mary Anne Purdy Winstead


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Harry Watson Alexander, Jr.
William J. Barrows
Jimmie Lee Campbell
James Donald Crutcher
William Kenneth Downs
William Robert Elsaesser
Bobby Ott Hardin
James Franklin Hardymon II

Charles Fowler Judd
Sanmuel Preston Maggard
Fredrick Anthony Meyer,
Ray Ernest Moses
Richard Jackson Roberts
James Robert Stephens
David Warren Vories
James Paul Wampler


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical
   Enginee ring

James Kenzie Crutcher
Walter Floyd Currie
Gerald Floyd Dodge III
Daniel Morgan Duty, Jr.
Benjamin Kenney Erdman, Jr.
James Rodney Jackson
Charles Victor Meyer

Fred Claude Minning
William Marshall Page
Melvin Dale Perkins
Marvin Douglas Pilkenton
Russell Elwood Puckett
James Harry Stamper, Jr.
Richard Lee Strosnider

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
   Enginee ring

Walter Jones Blackson
Judson Pratt Cramer
Kenneth William Moser, Jr.
Charles Wortley Ray, Jr.

Albert Morton Roberts
Thomas Neville Watkins
Jimmie Dee York, Jr.
Donald Viers Young


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical
   Enginee ring

Robert James Hoag                       Robert Lee Stephenson, Jr.
Alexander Reed Innes


Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

Charles Stockdale Sinnette


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

Edith Faye Belcher
Deirdre Jane Nolan Berry
Virginia Gore Berry
Barbara Jean Burcham
Esther Kennoy Cannon
Howard Lowe Corder
Joseph Robert Donovan
Emma May Farra
Martha Stuart Fox
Barbara Downs Gambill
Kathryn Day Gordon
Alma Collins Gray
Patricia Ann Gray
Jane Frost Haist
Margaret Price Hare
June Marie Ison
Kathleen Fisher Jackson
Suzanne Jackson
Vernon Roger Johnson
Frances Price Jones
Cecie Ann Lawson
John William Frederick Laycock
Anne Beeler Lykins
Mildred Pope McDaniel
Avonell McGaha
Sue Gardner McLemore
Lily Christopher McWhorter

Allie Baker Martin
Cleo Witt Masters
Edith Hinkle Mills
Katherine Adell Gaines Murphy
Owen Teddy Myers
Cornia Osborne
Harry Edward Owen
George Bernard Perry
Noreene Elizabeth Petro
Robert Bane Phillips
Myrtle Osborne Ray
Jane Ellen Rizor
Vivian Albright Robbins
Gayle Robert Rouse
Alice Preston Shank
Leslie Clay Smith
Wiley B. Stamper
Barbara Hughes Stevens
Lucille Chandler Taylor
Maxine Taylor
Courtney Noel Te rrill
Gladys Threlkeld
Harry Edward Troutman
Charles Herndon Tye, Jr.
Helen Louise Fogle Wilson
Sabra Ann Wood




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

Burtis Gene Adams
Theodore Adkins
Fred Louis Barla
Harry Hill Baughman
Charles Francis Biddle
Harold Gene Bunger
Ralph Eugene Campbell
John Blackwell Chenault III
Walter Scott Collins
William Wesley Denes
Jessie Lynne Doyle
James Vernon Duncan, Jr.
James Wendell Flynn
Donald Harmon
Margaret Ruth Harp
Fred Hensley

Edward Everett Hogg
Harold Eugene Johnson
William Ransom Jordan, Jr.
John Triplett Mayes
Jamres B. Miniard
James Thomas Myers
Arthur Gene Oliver
Gloria Ann Richards
Joseph Lee Rodgers
Ronald Wesley Roe
George Edward Spalding, Jr.
Martin Thomas Swanson
Charles Edward Taylor
John Silas Thacker
Clifford Norman White


Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

Raybell Maupin Adams                      John Thomas Martin
Ertem Asral                               Richter Hermann Moore, Jr.
Vincent Whitney Byers                     Molly Hamilton Myles
Betty Ann Fawkes                          Maxine Bonner Patterson
Manocher Ganji                            Hershel Clayton Reeves
Walter Gilliard                         * Robert Edward Shely
Henry James Irvin                         Frank Eugene Sormogyvary
Lindle Floyd Jarvis                       Juanita Todd
Joan Cook Lee                             Richard Tretiak
Mary Ann Marston                          Thomas Lockart Wilborn
                 * Degree awarded posthumously

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Lilburn Glenn Collins
Leantha Louise Duke
Merrell Lee Patrick

George William Pope
William Thomas Soper

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture

Frances Elliott Barkley
Herbert Brown
Joe Boris Dixon
Earl Franklin Ellington
George Allison Everette

Joe Eugene Fuqua
William Rufus Hourigan
Donald Gordon Paris
Shirley Hobart Phillips, Jr.
John Leonard Ragland


John Leonidas Sims
Noel Stephens, Jr.
Philip Glenn Stiles

Charles Hubble Swearingen
James Taylor Williams

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Home Economics

Mildred Read Wightman

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Paul Glyn Lucas
Maurice Keith Marshall

James Theodore Miller
Kadaba Verkatarama Prasanna

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

William Lunsford Mitchell III

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

Dorothy Margaret Austin
Leo Brance Ball
John Daniel Beam
Robert Hurst Berry
Geneve Helen Walter Blanton
Bobbie Lucille Boyd
James Dee Boyd, Jr.
Madeline Clark Boyd
Corneilius Vom Boyer
Beverly Anne Broadbent
Glen Earl Brolander
Hattie Lee Brown
Bobby Burkich
Connie Hubert CallahamJr.
Amanda Thompson Campbell
Hugh Bethel Cassell
Mary Dolores Slaughter Cheek
Cleo Hubbard Click
William Nathaniel Craft, Jr.
Amy Phelps Dawes
Louise Ellid'tt Fallon
Gordon Davis Feese
Joseph John Feldhaus
James Russell -Franks
Othello Gaskin
Odell Gross
Carroll Gene Hall
Jessye Hurst Hamilton
Audrey Nell Hardin
Marietta Anna Hardman
Ellen Clarkson Hart

Wilma Gladys Higgason
Robert William Hoagland
Dudley Harris Hoff man, Jr.
Louise LeCompte Hopkins
Silvion Conward Hopkins
Ann Ruth Hulker
Jerome Hyder
Flora Bryce Inman
Greenie Lee Jackson
Emma Virginia Jayne
Stella Williams Johnson
Woodrow Wilson Johnson
Elmer Lloyd Jones
Lucy Belle Yelder Jones
Otha Victor Jones
Audrey Ballou Keith
Charles George Kolasa
Sara Frances Lamb
Zula May Levingston
Taylor Harding Lowry, Jr.
Gonziel Vivian McClure
Pranab Kumar Mandal
Walter Marcum
Edna Virginia Carson Mays
Leon Meenach
RosaBelle Lorig Morgerson
William Frederick Murray
Ercel Humfleet Nolan
Ora Lee Osborne
Hubert Hayden Page
Joan Liddell Parkinson



John Hiram Patrick, Jr.
Ray Pigman
Samuel Potter
Eva Kathleen Powell
Suzanne Frances Prough
Emmy Glo Davis Purdom
Audrey Pauline Renfro
Zane Bays Roe
Marian Jean Pumphrey Romo
Eugene Cecil Sanders
Franklin Lamar Saunders
Nelle Heath Siler
Frank Grouschow Simons
Charles Singleton
Mary Lee Smedley

Clara Elizabeth Smith
Nelda Russell Smith
James Robert Spalding
Selma Pearl Stephens
Lillian Goodan Stivers
Willard Stratton
Lillian Tate
Stella Ashley Tietze
Frances MacLea Warren
Frank Adelaide *Watkins
Charles Maurice Wesley
Joan Kathryn Wheeler
Ben Knox White
Harold Burton Williams

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education

William Ralph Alexander
Roy Lee Cole
Clarence Woodrow Crabtree
Lora Louise Edwards
Charles Leroy Eldridge
Iven Allen Ellis
Ralph Lindon Estes
Bishop Yager Fentress
Moss Carroll Hill

Hobart Kinder
Calvin Martin, Jr.
Charles Edward Miller
Grace Evelyn Miller
Louis Kenneth Riddle
Frank Burnett Simpson
William Matt Todd
Vernie Ray Vaught

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Paul Richard Hopper
Harold Lynn Latham
Charles Monroe Melton

Eugene Wilson Morgerson
Ray Miller Ware

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science

Eloise Edna Balz
Eloise Austi-n Cameron
Virginia Mae Covington
Mary Frances Crawford
Eula Marguerite Fields
Ethel Martin Hampton
James Creighton Hearon

Edwina George Klaene
Alma Elizabeth Richards
Mildred Carolyn Roberts
Grace Haley Thomasson
Ruth Eliza Tucker
John Barry Vigle, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

Edward Eugene Maupin


Mary Ellen Merrick



Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

George William Hopkins                     Denver Sloan

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Robert Armistead Bryan                     Paul David Richardson
Virgil Langdon Christian,Jr.               Francis John Shannon
James Allen Ellard                         William Jacob Sowder
Leonard Earl Griswold                      Eugene Dennis Wilhoit

       Members of the Committee heard the recommendation, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the list of graduates submitted was approved
and the President was authorized to confer upon each the degree to which he
is entitled at the Commencement exercises August 3, 1956.

       I. President' a Report to Be Published.

       President Donovan stated that he desired to write the President' s Re-
port this summer and same would include a resume of the progress of the Uni-
versity since July 1, 1941 to August 31, 1956. He reported that Mr. Hal
Price Headley had consented to make a gift sufficient to pay for the cost of
publishing the Report and that he desired to advise the Committee of this fact.

       The Committee heard the President' s report, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, congratulated the President on the contemplated
report and receipt of gift to pay the cost of publishing the volume, and ordered
same made of record,

      J. Cooper stown Buildings Named.

      President Donovan stated that the Board of Trustees had heretofore ap-
proved the naming of seven of the twelve buildings in Cooperstown. He sub-
mitted three additional names; Annie Fellows Johnston, Theodore O Hara and
Grant C. Knight. Theodore O'Hara' s most distinguished writing was The
Bivouac of the Dead; Annie Fellows Johnston wrote the "VLittle Colonel" series
of gi-rls'books; and Grant C. Knight was the author of a book of poetry and
other writings in the area of literary comment and criticism.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of
the President was concurred in, and Building F, east, was authorized named
for Dr. Grant C. Knight, Building G, north, was authorized named for Mrs.
Annie Fellows Johnston, and Building A, east, was authorized named in honor
of Theodore 0' Hara.



       K. Association of Governing Boards.

       President Donovan called attention of members of the Committee to
a meeting of the Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and
Allied Institutions.  The Association meeting is September 7-10 at the
University of Massachusetts, the home of Amherst College. President Don-
ovan urged members to attend, and on motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the Chairman of the Committee was authorized to contact various
members to see if representation could be sent to the meeting.

       L. Employment of Counsel for Various Bond Issues.

       Vice President Peterson reported that the University needed to employ
counsel to prepare the Holmes Hall and Shawneetown bond issues.  He recom-
mended the employment of Franklin Hays, attorney, Louisville, Ky.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President,
Business Administration, was authorized to negotiate employment of Frank-
lin Hays as counsel for Holmes Hall and Shawneetown bond issues.

       M. Employment of Fiscal Agent.

       The Vice President, Business Administration, reported that Phi Delta
Theta fraternity plans and specifications were ready for the construction of
a small dormitory on Clifton Avenue.  He also reported that the six sororities,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Delta, Delta
Zeta and Zeta Tau Alpha, were ready to construct six small dormitories to
be used as sorority houses on Columbia Avenue, and that the Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority would soon be ready to construct a sorority house on Rose
Street. The Vice President asked permission to receive quotations for em-
ploying fiscal agent for the University in handling these bond issues.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President,
Business Administration, was authorized to proceed with negotiations for
employing fiscal agent to handle these issues.

       N. Donovan Hall Dining Room to Be Air Conditioned.

       Vice President Peterson recommended that the dining room at Dono-
van Hall be air conditioned.  He stated that the duct work for air conditioning
was installed at the time the building was constructed and it was then agreed
that the air conditioning would be deferred until such time as funds were avail-
able. Funds are now available and it was recommended that the units be in-
s talle d,

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President was
authorized to proceed with taking competitive bids and awarding a.contract
for air conditioning of the dining room in Donovan Hall.



       0. HeatingPlant- -Combined Shops Building Ordered Moved.

       President Donovan stated that the heating plant and combined shops
building on the old Experiment Station farm is no longer needed. It has been
abandoned for some five years. He recommended that the boilers in the
building be disposed of in the most economical manner possible.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President was
authorized to dispose of this building in the most economical manner possible.

       P. Contract for Foundation Sub-Surface Investigation of Medical Center.

       The Vice President, Business Administration, submitted specifications
for foundation sub-surface investigation for the Medical Center. He stated
that these specifications had been prepared by Ellerbe and Company and it was
highly desirable to proceed with this work immediately. He stated that two
or three firms would be invited to bid and a local architect would be appoint-
ed as consultant on the work.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President was
authorized to proceed with having the foundation for sub-surface investigation

       Q Role of State University--Hatcher.

       President Donovan distributed reprints of the address of Dr. Harland
H. Hatcher, president of the University of Michigan, an "The Role of the
State University.," He urged each member to read the address of Doctor
Hatcher and recommended it as one of the finest statements on the role of the
state university that he had seen in print.

       The members received the Mprint and thanked the President for calling
it to their attention.

       R. Report of Health Service of the University.

       President Donovan presented the report prepared by Dr. J. S. Chambers
of the University Health Service.  Members of the Committee recalled that
they had asked for such a report and expressed delight that same had been
prepared.  They stated that it was their desire to know more about the opera-
tion of the various departments of the University and this was one way that
they could have the opportunity of becoming familiar with the work of the Uni-

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received
and authorized put of record.



                    REPORT - HEALTH SERVICE

 L. The functions of the Health Service are twofold, namely:

    1. The teaching of College Hygiene.  The objective of the teaching of health
       at the'college level is to give the student some of the basic principles
       of health and the control of disease and to give him an enlightened atti-
       tude toward his own health and that of his commuxiity.

    2, Medical care, The medical care of university students is curative,
       corrective, preventive and educational.  The objective is to provide
       for the student away from home and away from the medical service of
       his community a service that goes somewhat beyond civilian medical

 I. Policies.  The Health Service owes its origin and growth to the two World
    Wars. In 1917 the Army required medical care for soldiers in training at
    the University.  The organization set up to care for the soldiers grew
    into the student Health Service but remained as an out-patient clinic until
    the second World War. At this time the Army required an inf