xt77pv6b3404 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77pv6b3404/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-01-mar20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-01-mar20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-01-mar20-ec. 1911 1911-01-mar20-ec. 2011 true xt77pv6b3404 section xt77pv6b3404 


                        OF THE

                   BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                   Miarch 20, 1911

     The Executive Committee of tlhe Board of Trustees met at
the Phoenix Hotel on Monday, March 20, 1911, at 1:30 o'clock.
There were present Mr. Clay, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Stoll, Mr. Davies
and Mr. Terrill of the Committee, and also President Barker,
Vice President White, President Emeritus Patterson and the
Comptroller, with Mr. NIichols as Chairman.

     Resuming the consideration of the recommendations of the
Deane of the University regardiag a reorgani2ation:

     Mr. Stoll offered an amendment seconded by Mr. Clay that
the College of Meochanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering be
designated as tx-b College of Engineering, and the College of
Mining gnnineering be called the College of' Mines and 1-4eta-

          On roll call the vote stood,    e
          Ayes: Iessrs. Clay, Stoll, Terr'll, Davies, Nichols.
          Noes   None
          Motion carried.

     Vr. Stoll also offered an amendment to that portion of
the recommendations which reads - "The Faculty shall prescribe
all rules, regulations, etc. ", so that it shall read -   NThe
Faculty shall, subject to the approval of the Executive Commit-
tee, prescribe all rules, etc."

     After that nortion of the renort under consideration re-
lating to the duties of the Deans oi each College, mnotion was
made and see-cnded that the Deans of the Departments be appointed
by and removed by the Presint, with the consent and approval
of the Executive Committee.

     Motion was made that Dr. Jae. K. Patterson be heard in
tegard to doing away with the Academy in connection with the
University.  Dr. Patterson stated tnat as he was not a memaber
of the Executive Committee, hle would save hi's remarks until the
meeting of the Board of Trustees.

     Professor White read a recommendation of the Deanes set.
ting forth the duties of the Dean of Women as follows:-

                        Dean of Women

The Dean of Women shall be empowered to undertake and


execute all matters connected with the welfare and discipline
of the Women students, both at the University and at all Dormi-
tories and houses provided by the University for its women stu-

     She shall have under her jurisdiction and authority the
direction and supervision of Patteson By 11 and all Dormitor-
ies and Buildings used and controlled by the University for the
use and occupancy as dwellings for the women students.

     She shall have under her direction all Matrons, Assist-
ant Matrons and G'haoerones, and the problems of any of the
Denartments of Wofmen connected with the University.

     She shall have authority to assign all women students to
rooms at Patterson Hall or other buildings mentioned by the
Unive:sity for the dwelling of women students, and she shall
reassign any students whenever the may deem it advisable.

     buildings erected, leased or bought and held by organi-
zations such as Sororities , Literary or other Societies whose
membership is composed of women students of the University,
shall be open to her inspection at all times. !his shall also
apply to all Society rooms of women on the campus and all Sor-
ority rooms in any of the Dormitories for women.

     She shall make such rules for the government and control
of women students dwelling within Patterson Hall and other
Halls or Dormitories and on the campus as she shall deem wise
and in keeping with the policy of the University.

     She shall regulate the hours for study and for recreation,
for rising and retiring, for entertainments and calls,    the
shall have charge of the privileges of the women students in
the Dormitories and shall withhold the same whenever, in her
judgement, she may find it necessary.   8he may grant leave of
absence in cases of emergencies and whenever necessity arises.

     She may direct the withdrawal of any student from the Dormitory,
who, for any cause, disturbs the welfare of her fellow-students.

     She shall assist the University in all of its social
functions and shall co-operate with all committees of the Uni-
versity concerned with social affairs where women are concern-
ed. She shall advise with student nrganisations and regulate
their social functions whenever necessary.

     She shall at all times see that students maintain a
high order of excellence in the conduct of   :r4-vate and public
entertainments where women students are concerned.

     She shall assist in the registration of all women students
and shall advise with them in their selection of courses of
study. She shall also advise with the Deans of the different
Colleges from time to time with reference to the work of the
women students and regulate their work when found not to be in
keeping with their ability, health and purpose of study.    In
case of a disagreement between the Dean of Women and the Dean
of the Department concerned, the matter shall be referred to
the Council whose decision shall be final.


     The Registrar of the University shall keep her informed
of the standing of the women students by report at the middle
and at the close of a given term and at such other tines that
she desires.

     The Dean of Women shall teach one or more subjects in
the tUntversity curriculum as her time may permit, so as to
be in touch with the women students in their intellectual
life,  She shall give lectures on subjects pertaining to suc-
ial and ethical conduct whenever she deems it advisable.

     The Dean of women shall present to the President an An-
nual Renort in writing of the character of the work done for
the year, with Rny recommendations for improvement or effic-
iency either in. conduct of the Dormitories or University con-
ditions concerning the welfare of the women students.

     The duties and privileges of the Denn of Women enumer-
ated above are subject at all times to the approval of the
President and of the governing authorities of the University.

     Motion was made and seconded that this paper be adopted.

     On roll call the vote stood:

     Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davies, Nichols
     Noes - None.
     Motion carried.

     Miotion was made and seconded that the matter of reorgan-
ization of the 11nivctrsity be postponed until Saturday, March
25th at 9:30 o'clock when the matter would be taken up and
settled in order that the printing of the catalogue may not
be delayed any further.

     On roll call the vote stood:

     Ayesi Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davies, Nichols
     Noes - None.
     Motion carried.

     A paper was presented by Professor White setting forth
a olan for preparing estimates and requisitions covering ex-
penses In all departments of the institution.

     Mr. Stoll -made a motion which was seconded that these
resolutions be referred to Mr. Davies as a Committee of one
and to report his judgement back to the Executive Committee
on Saturday, March 2;5th.

     On roll call the vote stood:

     Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davies, Nichols
     Noes - None.
     Motion carried.


Professor White read a -aner from the Y.W.C.A. which was
signed by Miss Anne Sirmrall and Miss Jessie Jones asking that
the Trustees allow them $50.00, the same as allowed in former
years.  Mr. Davies made a motion which was seconded that this
amount be allowed.

     On roll call the vote stoodl

     Ayes: Messrs, Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davies, Nichols.
     Noes - NYone
     Motion carried.

     Professor White then brought up the subJect of the advis-
ability of attemptin- to have a Summer School this sumror.
This subject was thoroughly discussed.   Mr. Stoll made a motion
that a Summer School be established this year and thlat $1900
be appropriated for that purpose, and that the Summer School
be run under the supervision of the President of the Univer-
sity, and that all fees coming from the Sumrer School to go
into the Trasury and that the detail be left to the President
of the University.  Also the amount of tuition and students
entering free to be left to the discetion of the President4

     On roll call the vote stood:

     Ayes: JAessrs. Stoll, Terrill, Davies, Nichols.
     Noes - None.
     Motion carried.

     Mr. Clay did not vote.

     Mr. DaVies asked for a statement of the financial con-
dition of the 'University as compared with that of last year.
Judge Lafferty asked the Committee to wait until the meeting
on Saturlay, March 25th, then he would have a complete state-
ment made out.

     President Barker asked that the salary of Miss Graddy,
Secretary to the President and Vice President, be raised $10.00
of  $15.00 a month. Mr. Stoll made a motion which was sea cnded
that she be allowed $60.00 a month.

     On roll call the vote stood:
     Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrll, Dpvies, ichols.
     Noes - None.
     Motion Oarriei.

     Professor White nreseinted the following requisitions:

     120 Diplomas amounting to about $120.OO

     From the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineer-
ing, requisitions amounting to 3P266.70.


     rrom the Department of Agriculture, requisitions amount-
ing to $141.63.

     From the Department of Domestic Science, requisitions
amounting to $63s50.

     From the Law Department, requisition amounting to $24.35.

     From the Department of Civil Engineering, requisition
amounting to 854.25. Also a requisition for repairing door and
glass in door. The amount not known at this t ime.

     From the Library, requisitions amounting to $337.99..
Also one requisition fm B. F. Stevens and Brown amounting to
24E5s-lld. Also one requisition for 3 dozen Bent Wood chairs
amounting to $72.00.

     From the Department of Mining Engineering, requisitions
amounting to $14.95.

     From the Denartment of Miilitary Science. requisition for
a Filing Cabinet amounting to about $10.00

     From the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, requtisi-
tion amounting to $3.70.

     From ,,he Denartment of Physics, requisition amounting to

     From the Department of Modern Languages, zequisition amount-
ing to $14.25.

     Departmont of Chemistry, requisitions amounting to $201.75

     From the Department of Geology and Zoology, requisitions
amounting to $89.55.

     Mr. Stoll made a motion that the above requisition be
approved and charged to the proper accounts.

     Roegarding the above requisitions presented by Professor
"hite, Mr. Davies made a motion that the requisitions be approved
with the understanding that the prices -named are subject to
correotion and that the aggregate value of the purchases shall
not exceed that stated in the requisitions.

     On roll call the vote stood:

     Ayes: M1essrs. Clay,Stoll, Trrill, Davies, Nichols.
     O e 8- None,
     Motion carried.

     !yr. Stoll stated to the Executive Committee that an or-
dinance was now before the City Council requairing a sewer


to be laid adjacent to the University property ard that ,the
University would be required to connect its sever system with
that of the City.  A map of the grounds prepared by Professor
Terrill was exhibited by Mr. Stoll and the best Methods of mak-
ing connection between the University and the City System of
sewerage.  This matter was referred to a Committee composed of
-resident Barker, Mr. Stoll and Ptsofessor Terrfll.

     Judge Lafferty called the attention of the Committee to
tha "act that as Business Agent he is not under Bond as he
should be for the faithfal performance of his duties. -On mo-
tion of Mr. Stoll seconded by Mr. Clay it Was ordered that
Judge Lafferty give Bond in the sum of $10,000 for the proper
discharge of his duties and that his clerk, a4r. Calvin Lenag-
han, give Bond also in the sum of $2,000.00; the premiums on
these Bonds to be paid by the University;   the Pond to be
subject to the a    proval of the Bxecutive 0ommittee.-

     On roll call tho vote i toodl

     Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Stoll, Terrill, Davis, Nichols.
     Roes - None.
     Motion carried.

     Professor White then made a st.ntement that Jite  Lafferty
needed some grass seed to sew on the camrpus.  Motion was made
and seconded that he buy lJ bushels of grass seed for the
above named purpose.

     'otion was made by Mtr. INTichols and seconded to adjourn.

Secretary of the Bxecutive Committee