xt77m03xwj83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xwj83/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1934-09 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "School Census and Attendance Administration", vol. II, no. 7, September 1934 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "School Census and Attendance Administration", vol. II, no. 7, September 1934 1934 1934-09 2021 true xt77m03xwj83 section xt77m03xwj83   


L 0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0



















I .
PublIshed by
Superintendent of Public Instruction
I Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at

Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.


Vol. II 0 September, 1934 0 No.7















This edition of the Bulletin has heen prepared, in the main, by
Mr. Moss \Valton. Ile, likewise. is responsible for the census and
attendance forms which the superinteudents have received, or soon will
receive. Mr. \Valton is to he commended for their excellence and

It is a, pleasure. at this time. to announce Mr. \Valton’s appoint-
ment as Director of Census and .ai'ltcmlmmc.

At the fall meetings of the various district Educational Associa-
tions Mr. Walton, or some one from the Department delegated to re-
present him, will hold conferences with the Attendance officers of their
respective educational association districts. It is highly essential that
all Attendance officers attend. these meetings. More complete 111-
iormation concerning these conferences will he sent out later.

JAMEs II. RienMoNn, .
Superb)lcndmt Public Instruction.

A.._t._ _. 3. ..





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i It has been said that the education of a child involves two factors,
} namely: (a) Securing his attendance at school; (1)) providing the
'{ proper educational opportunities for him while in school.

It is the duty of the Commonwealth to insist that every child re—

ceive at least an elementary school education that he may become an

( intelligent and law abiding citizen and be intellectually equipped to
earn a livelihood for himself and those who may be dependent upon

him. If the parent will not urge the child to take advantage of the
\ free educational opportunities offered. it becomes the duty of the
i Commonwealth to insist that the parent do his part, as a parent, to
l Secure the education of the child. When the parent treats the child


111, by unjustly the Commonwealth steps in and protects him. The parent

sand ’h V g - .. . . v '

‘n will 1 \\ 0 would allow his child to glow to manhood 01 v. omanhood without

6 and . at least a common school education is domg him a greater wrong than
} When he physically maltreats hnn. lt 1s. therefore, that the child may

_ receive his educational birthright and that a democratic government

pomt- may assure itself of a citizenry sufficiently educated to appreciate and
3 to be able to enter intelligently upon the responsibilities of citizenship,

isocia- that there are laws requiring school attendance.

to re- '

Itililii The Work of the Attendance Officer

'e in- The School Census—The School Code provides that each board

0i; education shall maintain a permanent and continuing school census

6 or all children between the ages of six and eighteen years that reside

‘ I inthe school district. The responsibility for instituting and main-

on. . taming this census is placed upon the attendance officer working
‘ under the direction of, the superintendent of schools,

. An accurate census enables school authorities to speak with defi-
mteness concerning their enforcement of the law and replaces vague
guesswork and pretense. lt assures an opportunity, as intended by

r the Commonwealth, to the under privileged and makes it possible to
carry out the present day intent of the law—the prevention of the
neglect of children. The continuing census means the amendment of
The census records from day to day in accordance with the changes
Made by the school population and places in the hands of school
authorities facts which will show the number of children of census age
Tending in the school district. the number who are of compulsory
[ school age, the number in each grade and the number in each age

The enforcement of the compulsory attendance laws depends
“P011 the school census, since it furnishes the names of. the children of
school age living in the district who are not enrolled in school. It is






















._‘.‘ .—

of vital importance in planning school building programs, indicating
kindergarten and first grade needs and providing valuable statistics
for the economical and efficient administration of the school program.

The State Board of Education, in accordance with the provisions
of the School Code, has prescribed forms and rules and regulations
for the administration of the census laws.

The area of each school district is to be divided into census dis-
tricts which are coterminous with the areas served by the various
schools. In county school districts the census districts will be the
same as the subdistricts of the county. In independent school dis
tricts the census districts will usually be the same as the elementary
SChOOl districts.

The census enumerating sheet (Form C-A-l)1 is to be used when
an actual enumeration is made of the number of census children in
the school district. The principal. or teacher in charge will assist the
attendance officer in making the enumeration in their census district.
I t is not deemed necessary TO make an enumeration at this time since
the census was taken in April, 1934.

The permanent census record card (Form C-A—2) is designed t0
give to the school authorities important information concerning each
child of census age residing in the school district. This card must be
continually checked in order that the information of a changing
character may be kept up to date. Space is provided for indicating
the changes of residence and accompanying changes of census district
and school with the dates of these changes. The census record of each
child is to be filed in the district attendance office. In case of the
transfer of a child to another school district, death of child, or hlS
having passed the census age, this record will be placed in an inactive
file to be retained indefinitely. Vthncver a child moves to another
school district a copy of this record shall be forwarded to the school
district to which the child has moved.

The school enrollment card. (Form C-A—3, shall be used by the
principal or teacher in charge of reporting the enrollment in ill-‘5
school. A card shall be filled out for each child enrolled and sent to
the superintendent of schools of the district in which the school '13
located. The attendance oiticer shall file these cards by schools 111
alphabetical order for each school.

This enrollment record will be used by the attendance officer to
check the permanent census records of the various census districts 111
order to determine whether or not all pupils of compulsory school age
are enrolled. The information 011 the reverse side of the school €11-
rcllment card will enable the attendance officer to determine if 311
children of census age are included in the census.

The membership of each school for each month must equal that
of the preceding month, with pupils gained added and pupils lost sub-
t ‘aetcd. The number of: such pupils gained or lost, as shown by the
monthly attendance report (Form 3—145 or R450), must balance the

1 This is the form which has been used heretofore in taking the schoOI census-



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names and amendment facts reported during the month for the amend—

ment of the census.

Changes of residence in any school district will soon render the
census inaccu etc unless it is constantly amended; The main sources
of facts for such amendments are the schools. Notice of transfer
(Form C—A—Llr) shall be used by the principal or teacher in charge to
report immediately the transfer or discharge of any pupil whether
within the school district or to another school district. This notice
shall be made in duplicate and both copies sent the attendance office.
The principal or teacher in charge will retain the stub. The attend-
ance officer shall. trace each transfer to its completion before changing
the record on the permanent census card. 111 case the transfer is to
another school district the attendance oflicer shall mail. the duplicate
of the transfer notice to the attendance officer of the school district to
which the child is moving. The attendance officer of the school dis—
trict to which the child moves shall locate the child and return the
duplicate transfer properly tilled in to the attendance officer of the
school district sending the transfer notice. Attendance officers shall
change their census records when the above procedure has been com—

The withdrawal of a pupil without a transfer notice shall be im—
mediately reported to the attendance officer by the principal or teacher
lll charge (Form (LA—5). The attendance officer shall promptly start
an investigation to locate this child.

The principal or teacher in. charge shall report to the attendance
Officer the reent ~ance of a child who had been previously reported as
withdrawn (Form C- 1&6). I

The principal or teacher in charge should develop a plan whereby
the attendance offilee would be informed when a family moves in the
district or moves out. The pupils could be organized so that each
child or group of children would be responsible for a certain area and ‘
report to the teacher the changes of residence. In no better way can ‘;
the interest of school children in the district where they live be de—
veloped and maintained than by asking them to report the changes
that take place in the membership in the school “family”, made up ‘ ll
of its parents and children. Various modifications of the above plan . l
are possible. ‘ l1

School Attendance—G00d attendance is essential to successful
work in school. If the schools are to educate a child we must see not
only that he is enrolled but. also that he attends school regularly. Ex— 1 . 1
perience has shown that the child who is present during only a part of 7 ‘
the term is frequently not. promoted at the close of the school term. : l
.l‘he cost of re—educating these children who have already been over l
the work is a very large item of expense to the school district and the l
cost in the loss of many years of time to the children involved can not l
be reckoned. Improved attendance would prevent much of this 1055 l
both to the district and to the children.

If, then, attendance is of such vital importance it is essential that, I l
l l



















in so far as possible, we prevent absence. We must consider not only
absence with valid excuse but all absence. From the standpoint of
the loss of educational opportunity to the child, it probably makes
little difference what the cause of the absence may be.

Absence is an effect not a cause, therefore, all absences should be
investigated to determine the cause. An investigation may bring to
light causes which may be corrected, and thus prevent future absences.
Since actual violations of the law constitute but a small proportion of
the total sessions of absence, the actual enforcement of the law should
be but a small part of the duty of the school with respect to attend-

The School Code designates as an attendance officer the person
who in many school districts is the only person who investigates
absences. This person is really the point of contact between the
home and the school and is often the only point of contact. He must
know how to investigate causes of absence without arousing opposi-
tion; 110w to get the facts and, at the same time, build up and
strengthen at each contact the belief in the minds of parents, pupils
and in all with whom he comes in contact, that he is fair and just,
impartial and sincere in his efforts to fulfill the duties of his position.
Since he is to go as a representative of the schools to homes of the
taxpayers who support the schools, he should go not as a. militant
representative of the law but rather as an ambassador to establish the
best possible relations of cooperation and helpfulness between the
school and the home. He must feel himself to be an essential part of

[the educational organization of his district, not an arm of the law in‘

jected into the educational field.

Many parents are not acquainted with the modern educational
system and the advantages which the school has to offer to their chil-
dren. The attendance officer should have a comprehensive knowledge
of the school and what it is trying to do so that he may carry to the
home, when necessary, the story of the advantages of education in
general and be able to explain in particular the opportunities offered
by the local school system. .

It is equally important that the teacher be informed of condithDS
existing in the home. Often this knowledge will bring about a 11101‘6
sympathetic and helpful attitude on the part of the teacher. Some
teachers do not take advantage of the opportunity to visit the homes-
ln such instances it falls to the lot of the attendance officer to bring
to them the information in regard to home conditions.

Nearly every case investigated will present its special problem
which must be analyzed to determine the cause. The ability to diag-
nose a situation is of fundamental importance in work of this nature-
Having determined the cause for the existing situation the remed."
must be applied. The nature of the remedy varies as much as the
nature of the cause.

There are in general two aspects to attendance work:
1. The preventive measures that help to keep children W811

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adjusted in their school work. These include providing
the child with a well trained and competent teacher, the
use of modern, well written text books, a course of study
adjusted to modern needs and flexible enough to make pro—
vision for individual differences in pupils, a study of the
individual child to determine his needs and make adjust-
ments to satisfy these needs. This phase of the work be—
longs largely to the stmerintendent, the principal and the
teacher but requires the cooperation of the attendance of-
ficer to make it most effective.

The corrective measures that remedy more or less per-
manently conditions deterrent to the child’s normal de-
velopment and to his regular attendance at school. These
will be largely the problem of the attendance officer.

In addition to the above there is a more technical type of work
required. Only a very small percent of absences are due to deliberate
violations of the law, and are readily disposed of. In this connection
the suggestion is pertinent that a threat should not be made unless
there is every intention to have it carried out promptly.

The attendance officer’s duties, then, will also include:


The investigation and treatment of poverty, parental in-
competency, and social and economic difficulties in families
any one or all 01" which may contribute toward depriving
children of educational opportunity. The difficulty fre-
quently lies in the fact that the adjustments must be
immediate where the child’s attendance at school is con-

Investigation of absences that are due to alleged valid ex-
cuses, but are scattered absences, and have been accumu-
lated by a child who is not interested in school. It re-
quires skill to find the real cause of the condition. Some-
times excuses do not reflect the real reasons for irregular
attendance. The child ’s physical condition, his inability to
succeed in tasks assigned him in school, or lack of interest
at home, may be responsible for this problem. If the habit
of irregular attendance is fairly well fixed before it comes
to the attendance officer’s attention, the problem is all the
more difficult.

Investigation of all cases of illness causing irregular at-
tendance or continued absence from school. A large por-
tion of absences are due to illness and need to be a matter
of as much concern as the absences without valid excuse,
particularly, if the parents are unable to secure the services
of a physician. Due cautiOn must be exercised, of course,
not to require a child’s attendance at school when he is not
in physical condition to do so. The cooperation of a school
















nurse or family physician will be necessary in some of
these cases.

4. Securing regular attendance on the part of pupils of non-
compulsory attendance age. This is important from the
standpoint of worthwhile habit formation, and conformity
with a group requirement, as well as from the standpoint
of the pupil’s progress.

a. The investigation and treatment of maladjustments of
children including the truants, and the use of agencies that
might help in dealing with such problem children. This
sometimes requires a careful analysis of home and neigh-
borhood situations, with a solution arrived at coopera-
tively with parents, teachers, principals, and superin-

In each of the tasks enumerated above the child is the center of
concern, and of interest. Routine work can be done quickly7 and
without much, if any, knowledge of the child. But where adjuSt-
ments are needed, one must get a complete picture of the child in-
cluding his reactions in school, on the playground and at home with
brothers, sisters and parents.

The work of the attendance officer should be closely supervised by
the superintendent of schools. He should set up a definite procedure
for the attendance officer to follow in receiving cases of absence for in-
vestigation. All cases of absences coming to his attention should be
investigated promptly and if possible a report made upon them the
day they are assigned. Nothing gives greater value to the work of
the attendance officer than promptncss.

Principals or teachers in charge shall use the absence Report
Blank (Form C-A-T) to notify the attendance officer of absences 01'
cases of tardiness in need of investigation and adjustment. The
absences are indicated by encircling on the calendar the proper dates.
Space is provided for the attendance officer to make a report of the
results of the investigation. The attendance officer will make a copy
of this report for his files. It is not expected that the attendance
officer will be notified of all cases of absence or tardiness. To do SO
would usually nullity his efforts. The principal or teacher in charge
should make an investigation of all absences and report to the 21t—
tendance officer only those absences without valid excuse and in?!11
instances absences which have continued for three consecutive days-

Attendance officers should remember that the attendance of 5011001
children is primarily a matter for school authorities to handle and
that the assistance of the courts should be involved only when neces—
sary. Resort to the courts should be made only when defiance 0f law
on the part of parents or children makes such a course necessary.

The district superintendent should make it. possible for an at-
tendance officer faced with a troublesome case to summon parenlS
and children to a hearing where the superintendent may hear the









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facts and secure, if possible, the cooperation of the parents concerned
in bringing about the enforcement of the law.

The fact that attendance is primarily a school matter and that
the losses due to irregular attendance are felt particularly by the child
and his teacher, should result in the cooperation of all school agencies.
r[he school nurse, principal and teacher can often give valuable as-
sistance. They are glad to do so if opportunity is given them, and a
wise attendance officer will, by his tact and willingness to assist them
in their problems, merit and secure their assistance in helping boys
and girls in their charge.

The school authorities and the attendance officer are interested
in the regular attendance of all pupils enrolled. Absence on the part
of pupils over 16 should be reported to the attendance officer and
investigated by him. The officer should make clear to the parents
that regular attendance is necessary for the welfare of the child, the
teacher, and the school. The right of children to attend school is not
to be interpreted as a right to be in and out of school at will to the
detriment and loss 01‘ all concerned.

A very important item of the work of the attendance oliicer in the
early part of the school year is the investigation of failure to enroll
and attend on the part of children of school age in the census. Vigor-
ous action at this time on the part of the attendance officer will save
the pupils and the school considerable loss and will incidentally save
the officer much useless labor later on. The teacher can give valuable
assistance in this connection.

lt is highly important that the attendance officer keep an accurate
record of his activities together with the various tasks he is called
11Don to perform. A monthly report (Form C-A-ll) shall be made
to the district superintcmlcnt and state attendance officer.

Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Education for
the Administration of the Compulsory Attendance
and Continuing Census Laws

Camus Eemmcrating Sheet. Form C-zl—7.—'l‘his form is to he
used when an actual enumeration is made of the, number of census
children in the school district. This form will be prepared later in
the year.

Permanent Census Record, Form. C—A-Br—‘l‘his form is to be used
:lor the purpose of keeping a continuous census record of each child
between the ages of 6 and 18 in the school district. This record is to
be kept up to date for the entire census life of the child and is to be
kept on file in the district attendance office. This card is to remain
1n the tiles of the attendance olii‘cc as a permanent record. In case of
the transfer of a child to another school district, death of child, or his
havmg passed the census age, this record will be, placed in an inactive
file to be retained indefinitely. Whenever a child moves to another

















school district a copy of this record will be forwarded to the school
district to which the child has moved. .

School Enrollment Cord, Form (1-11-51—This form is to be used by
the principal or teacher in charge of any school to report to the dis-
trict superintendent. The principal or teacher in ci’rarge of any
school shall have this card filled out for each child enrolled and sent
10 the superintendent of schools of the district in which the school is
situated. These enrollment cards shall be filed by schools in alpha
betical order for each school. These cards will enable the attendance
officer to check the school enrollment against the permanent census

Notice of Transfer, Form Catt—The principal or teacher in
charge of any school will use this term in reporting any transfer of
pupils. This form is to be made out in duplicate. 730th copies are to
be sent to the attendance office. The stub ot' the original Will be re-
tained by the principal or teacher in charge.

Report of Withdrawals, Form C-A—.'3.——The principal or teacher
in charge of any school will use this form in reporting withdrawals
when the withdrawals have occurred without. a transfer notice. This
form is to be made out in duplicate. The original is to be sent to the
attendance office and the duplicate retained by the principal or teacher
in charge.

Reontrcmco Report, Form Colo—This form is to be used by the
principal or teacher in charge of any school to report to the attend-
ance officer the reentrance of a child who had been previously reported
as Withdrawn.

Absence Report Blank, Form C-A-V.—This form is to be used by
the principal or teacher in charge of any school in reporting absences
to the attendance office. Absences will be indicated by encircling 011
the calendar the proper dates. The attendance officer will report the
results of his investigation to the principal or teacher in charge.
Further absences of the same child will be reported on the same blank.
The absence of a child shall be reported when the teacher is not certain
that such absence is with valid excuse; also, in all instances when the
absence has continued for three consecutive days. Records on absence
report blanks are to be kept in duplicate. The duplicate copy is t0
be retained by the attendance officer and the original is to be kept by
the principal or teacher in charge.

Record of Case in Court, Form C—A-S.~Thc attendance Officer
will use his form to keep an office record of court cases.

Physician’s Statement, Form C—A—Q.—The attendance officer shall
require the parents or guardians to secure the statement of a physicran
in all cases of protracted illness and in the cases wherein the attend-
ance officer is in doubt as to the accuracy of the information given
by the parents or guardian concerning the physical condition of ”the
child. The attendance officer shall furnish the parents or guardlafl
with the form to be used in securing a signed statement by the phySI'
clan as to the illness of the child. The attendance otficer shall send a









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copy of this statement to the principal or teacher in charge of the
school. This statement of illness will also be accepted when signed
by any public health officer.

Final Notice, Form 0—A—ZO.—This is to be used only in extreme
cases after repeated efforts have failed to secure the compliance to the
provisions of the attendance law.

The following are reasons which may be accepted as valid excuse
for the absence of a child from school:

Illness of child.

Illness in family.

Death in family.

Reporting to court.

Lack of sufficient clothing.
\Veather conditions.



l. Chatfield, G. 1-1., and others—Problems of School Attendance and Pupil
Adjustment. University of the State of New York, State Education
Department, Albany, 1932.

Denver Public Schools»0rganization and Work of the Department of
Census and Attendance. Monograph No. 8. Denver Public Schools,


3. Heck, A. 0., Administration of. Pupil Personnel. Ginn and Company,
Boston, 1929.

4. Heck. A. 0., Study of Child-Accounting Records, Bureau of Educational
Research Monograph, No. 2, University Studies, Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, 1925, Chap. "ii.

5. Moehlman, A. B., Child Accounting, Friesema Brothers Press, Detroit,
Michigan, 1924. Chap. viii; appendix, pp. 177-183.

6. Mosher, C. L., Digest of Laws; Rules of Procedure and Forms, for the
Use of School Authorities, Superintendents, Attendance Officers, and
Others. Rev. ed. with index. University of the State of New York,
State Education Department, Albany, 1933.


Pennsylvania. Department of Public Instruction, Digest of the Laws
Controlling School Attendance and Employment of Minors. The Depart-
ment, 1928.

3- StFaYer, G. D. and Englehardt, N. L., The Classroom Teacher, Chap. xii,
American Book Company, New York, 1920.













School Po_pu!ation at Each Age1


12 f’ , Total






32,377 . ~ 9 33,064







Ages l ‘ 15 Total


Boys l 8.48 . . . 9‘15


Girls | . . . . 9.12 100

l l

l l ‘
1| . I . 100
r l

l l

I l

l 1
Total[ 8.55 . . . |8.98 9.14 . 100

I I‘l‘

1First class city districts were not required to take census. Data adjusted from latest available report.




88 ’ 8.21





Physical Disability Number enrolled in private or parochial
' schools ................................................................. 18,950



Blind Deaf ’ Crippled


Number over 10 years of age unable to read

257 1,330 or write


161 ‘1 889 Number who have completed eighth grade“. (38,368















The State Purchases School Books for Children in
the Lower Four Grades

Purchase orders have now been placed with the various publish-
ing companies, in accordance with requisitions from superintendents
for free textbooks for children in the lower three grades of the public
schools of the state, with the exception of two districts from which
requisitions have not been received.

At a meeting of the State Board of. Education held in the office
of the Superintendent of Public Instruction on August 28th, an order
was passed authorizing the Superintendent of Public Instruction to
purchase reading, writing, arithmetic and language textbooks for the
children of the fourth grade of the public schools of the state. The
order also stated that in so far as funds were available copies of spell~
ing texts should be ordered for those districts where needed. Since
this date requisition forms have been mailed to superintendents and
orders have been placed for reading, writing, arithmetic and language
textbooks for all districts for which requisitions have been made by
the superintendents. Forty—five districts have not yet requisitioned
free textbooks for the tourth grade.

Up to the time of this writing, September 10th, 8029 purchase
orders have been placed with the various publishing houses for free
textbooks for the lower four grades. lt is estimated that these pur-
chase orders, together with transportation charges and the cost of ad-
ministration, will total approximately $445,000.00. Purchase orders
are being mailed the publishing companies as soon as the requisitions
reach the Department of Education, and it appears probable that
orders for the remaining districts will consume a large portion of the
balance of the $500,000.00 appropriation for free textbooks. A smél11

amount of the fund may remain for the purchase of additional spell-
ing texts.

A great-many receipted invoices are being received daily by the
Department of Education indicating that prompt deliveries are being
made by the publishing companies. Proper forms for administering
the distribution of the free textbooks have been mailed each superm-
tendent of the state and within a. very short time each child in the
lower four grades should be furnished with free school books.

Mr. Harry W. Peters, who has served as Superintendent of
Schools of Christian County for the past nine years. has been ap‘
pointed by Superintendent Richmond as Director of Free TextbookS
in the State Department of Education. Mr. Peters has made an enVi—
able record in school administration in Christian County and is Well
qualified to discharge the duties of his new office, Supt. Richmond
is to be commended and the school people of the state are to be con-
gratulated upon his selection for this important position. Under date
of S