xt77m03xwh3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xwh3m/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1984-11 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, November 1984, volume 8 number 8 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, November 1984, volume 8 number 8 1984 1984-11 2020 true xt77m03xwh3m section xt77m03xwh3m Y








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53rd General Assembly





CKJA Delegation Travels to G.A.

The Central Kentucky Jewish Association delegation to the 53rd
General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations travelled to Toronto,
Ontario with much anticipation earlier this month. Led by CKJA President
Jack Miller, the delegates included Marilyn Moosnick, Sheila DeKosky, Joe
Rosenberg and Community Worker Judy Saxe.

The five Central Kentuckians joined more than 2500 delegates from the
United States and Canada. Plenary sessions featuring outstanding national
and international personalities; forums dealing with major issues confronting
the North American Jewish community; and workshops exploring pragmatic con—
cerns such as Campaign Planning, Jewish Education, The Aging, Federation—
Synagogue Relations, Endowment Funds, Leadership Development, The Jewish
Family and more crowded the five—day schedule.

Among the outstanding speakers at the CA were former President of the
State of Israel Yitzhak Navon, who now serves as Minister of Education and
Culture and as Deputy Prime Minister. Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary
of State; Chaim Potok, noted scholar and writer; Dr. Gerson Cohen, Chancellor
of the Jewish Theological Seminary; and Rabbi Gunther Plant, President,
Central Conference of American Rabbis also spoke at various sessions.

The Council of Jewish Federations is the association of 200 Federations,
Welfare Funds and Community Councils, which serve nearly 800 communities
embracing a Jewish population of more than 5.7 million in the U.S. and Canada.

Established in 1932, the Council serves as a national instrument to
strengthen the work and the impact of Jewish Federations through leadership
in developing programs to meet changing needs in the Jewish community; the
exchange of successful experiences to assure the most effective community ser—
vice; establishing guidelines for fund raising and operation, and through
joint national planning and action on common purposes dealing with local, re—
gional and international needs.


Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, symbolic of Excellence in Public Relations,
were awarded at the Council of Jewish Federations Annual Meeting in Toronto on
November 14. In the Small Cities category there were nine Silver Awards. Central
Kentucky received this prestigious recognition for its highly acclaimed TV
program And I Waé Theda. CKJA delegates proudly collected the award while in
Toronto and will present it to the community at CKJA's Annual Meeting on Sunday,
December 2 at 8:00 p.m. at the Mitchell Fine Arts Building at Transylvania

Judging of the entries was completed by a 35—member committee comprised of
representatives of Jewish Federations from throughout North America. Individuals
were prohibited from judging any materials submitted by their own Federation.
With judges asked to assign points to individual entries on a basis of 1—10 with
10 being the highest possible score, Gold Awards went to entries which received
an average score of 9 or higher, Silver Awards for entries averaging between 8—9,
and Bronze Awards for those averaging between 7%—8.






UKJA President Jack Miller was elected to the National board of the Council
of Jewish Federations at the 53rd General Assembly meetings. Representation on

the board is generally determined by the size of the community. In the case of
the many small cities who are members of CJF, the positions are rotated so that
all the communities are able to have national representation. Miller's term

runs for two years, during which time he will also be attending the quarterly
meetings which are held between each GA.

Mr. Miller has served on the Board of CKJA since its inception and has a
long history of service in the community. He is past president of Temple Adath
Israel and has been especially active in working with Jewish Singles and the
Temple Youth Group.

In commenting about his election to the board of a national organization
he said, ”After so many years of working within my community, I am looking
forward to meeting new people and achieving a broader perspective of Jewish
needs and concerns. This will be an exciting and challenging position to hold.”



Sheila DeKosky and Joe Rosenberg have been chosen by the CKJA Board of
Directors as the community's first Young Leadership Award winners. The two
were recognized for their outstanding leadership and commitment to the Central
Kentucky Jewish community.

Sheila DeKosky is currently serving as Secretary of CKJA, and President of
Ohavay Zion Synagogue Sisterhood. She is a member of the Community Relations
Committee of CKJA and served as the first chair of the Public School Liaison
program. Sheila, together with Joe Rosenberg, co—chaired and developed CKJA's
Young Leadership program, Interact. She also serves on the Board of Ohavay
Zion Synagogue and is a member of the Executive and Education committees.

In addition to his involvement with Interact, Joe Rosenberg is a member of
CKJA's Executive Committee and a solicitor for the Men's Division Campaign.
He has served on the Board of Ohavay Zion Synagogue and was chair of the Mem—
bership Committee. He is also a member of the Mayor's Social Service Advisory
Board. Joe and his wife Ricki participated in the 1981 UJA Mission which first
visited Netanyah Selah, Lexington's Project Renewal community.

Both Sheila and Joe attended the 53rd General Assembly of the Council of
Jewish Federations in Toronto. The GA schedule included an intensive leadership
development component relating to the needs of young leaders. The program pro—
vided a mix of "how to" workshops, demonstrations of model programs, a special
Shabbat program, and an opportunity to meet young leaders from other communities.


 The Ofifiiceia
Boand 06 Dinectoni


condiaiiy invite you
to attend


Hanoid Shenman, pianiii
and Fniendé

in a penfionmance 06
Jennin and eoniemponany muAiC

Pneientation 06

Nomination ofi Ofifiieenb


8:00 p.m.
Sunday, the becond 06 Deeemben, 1984

Reeiiai Haii
Mitcheii Fine Anti Buiiding
Thaniyiuania Uniueniiig

Deiieni Bufifiet, Median Anti Gaiieng
RSVP 277-8048



in the Recital Hall of the Mitchell Fine Arts Building at Transylvania University.
While all meetings of the CKJA Board are open to interested observers, the annual
meeting provides all members of the Jewish community the opportunity to review the
accomplishments of our community during the past year. Reports from each committee
chairperson of CKJA will be presented in written form. Suggestions and comments for
future activites are always welcome.

Nominations for directors of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association will be
accepted from the membership at the annual meeting. According to the constitution and
by-laws any member of CKJA (those who have contributed to the annual fund-raising
campaign) may be nominated. The person nominated must have already agreed to the no—
mination and must be nominated by four other members of CKJA. The nomination must be
in writing and signed by the four members.

The Nominating Committee of the CKJA Board of Directors has placed in nomination
the following persons for the five Board positions vacant as of January I, 1985:

Gaii Cohen Vinnie Dubiiien Haiieg Faubi Steven Goiditein
Nancy Hofifiman Leon Ravvin Bobbie Shain Chanieb Stein

Ballots will be sent to each member of CKJA
several days after the annual meeting.

The Ceninai Kentucky Jewiéh AAAOCiaZion

Couneii 06 Jenuin Fedenaiioni 1984 Awandi

.w. WTWWT—w _




. . Not just another meeting, the CKJA Annual Meeting is special, and in 1984
it's being treated as such. The 198A Annual Meeting will be entertaining as
am well as informative. Hahofid Shehman and fitiendé will perform Jewish and con—

temporary music while meeting participants enjoy a special dessert buffet.

Harold, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, has been featured
pianist at the Campbell House lnn for the past year. He has continued for the
past several years to do arranging for ”The Mag Seven” and for Music Works.
During the years he lived in New York, he appeared as a solo performer and in
jazz ensembles in a number of clubs and in concert in a variety of settings.
An extended cross-country tour with the Mark Channing Review culminated in a
featured performance for a number of weeks in Las Vegas.

While you're in the Morlan Gallery enjoying a delicious dessert buffet,
you might enjoy ”The Sexist Series”, an exhibition of painting and collage by
Jack Girard, Assistance Professor of Art at Transylvania, who teaches drawing,
painting and design. His work has been shown at sixty museums and galleries
ndb throughout the United States. The local exhibit includes both paintings and a
large installation titled “The 198A Boat Project Assemblage“.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 198A, 8:00 p.m.
Recital Hall, Mitchell Fine Arts Building, Transylvania University

4 .l. VlV .i.\


2 — 3:30 P.M.


158 N. Ashland Avenue, Lexington

Come and join in on the games, food and
gift exchange for the kids. Please
bring a wrapped present (valued up to
$1.50) to exchange.

Please RSVP to insure a place is reser\

Elayne Crystal 223-4626
CKJA 277—8048


u . ”.mwwww—rw-w—uvmn—w—Wfi _





Two Spectacular events have
been planned by the CKJA/UJA
Women's Division. On Wednesday,
November 28 Paceéettehé will
”trolley” out to Warnerton Farm
to enjoy an elegant dinner and
to meet and talk with Commonwealth
Attorney General David Armstrong
and Former National UJA Women's
Division Chair Mathilda Brailove.
Participants will make a minimum
gift of $500.


On Wednesday, December 5 at
7:30 p.m. Campaign 85 Benefiactonb
will be treated to an evening of
entertainment, education and
edibles at the home of Nancy and
Phil Hoffman. Mickey Baron,
National Chair of UJA Young
Women's Leadership Cabinet, will
travel from Louisville to join
in. Bob Bostrum will entertain.
Participants will make a minimum
gift of $150.


Pfianning Meeting 60% Benefiactohb' Event in
Decemben: Seth Safiomon, Racnefl Eznine, Sue
Ezhine, Benjamin Eznine, Linda Levy, Pameka
ROAQVle/Lg, Ricki Ro/senbejrg, EUzabexn RO/SQVLbQ/Lg.

Partners For Life

ermwy- NW?"


 CKJA Fund Raising Policies

From time to time we become aware
of misunderstandings respecting CKJA's
policies concerning fund raising.
Several such policies are stated in the
CKJA Constitution; additional ones have
been adopted by the Board either with
respect to overall fund raising or with
respect to a particular campaign. We
hope the following will clarify the key

Separate Women's & Men's Divisions:
Like most Jewish communities,
CKJA organizes its Campaign into two
divisions in order to improve campaign
effectiveness and efficiency. For
some activities the divisions combine
efforts. Nevertheless, all records
of pledges and contributions are kept
on an individual basis—~each partici—
pant is treated as a separate, res—
ponsible person making his or her
effort. Accordingly, when pledges
are received it is necessary to as—
certain the pledge account to which
it is designated. These accounts are
maintained by calendar year.



The Campaign Committee encourages
contributors to allow their names to
be published by gift category because
this helps us recognize our ability
to give generously. That is, publi—
cation provides benchmarks for self—
assessment as well as recognition.

The Men's and Women's Divisions
use separate categories for publica—
tion. These are broad in range and
are announced at the beginning of
the campaign. Pledges are not pub—
lished by individual amount.

CKJA also offers an opportunity
to designate that a gift is to be
anonymous. The 1985 Campaign is
adopting procedural changes to
assure contributors that this oppor—
tunity is not overlooked. In addi—
tion, donors may also check with the
CKJA office to make certain that
their names will not be published.

Gift Designation:

Unless a donor states otherwise,

70% of the campaign funds are allocated
through the United Jewish Appeal. The
remaining 30% are used for CKJA activi—
ties and to support other selected local
national and overseas charities.

Any portion of a gift to CKJA may be
designated for (1) a special project
approved by the Board, (2) a special
fund established by UJA, or (3) the
general activities of CKJA (no distribu—
tion through UJA). In recent years spe-
cial designation categories have include(
Project Renewal (Selah, the community in
Netanya, Israel, jointly adopted by
Louisville and Central Kentucky). CKJA
can accept a gift designated in some
other way only with specific approval
of the CKJA Board.

Participation in Fund Raising:


The Campaign Committee needs and
welcomes ideas and help. If you would
like to become involved in this worthy
effort, please phone the CKJA office
(277—8048); 1985 Women's Division Chair
Judy Levine (278—2846); 1985 Men's Di—
vision Chair Alvin Goldman (269—6049);
or 1985 Super Sunday Chairs Susan
Miller (269-5986) and Ernie Cohen



\ ; Jack Miller. President
.‘ i 6 Judith Saxe. Community Worker
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208, Lexington. Kentucky @0503

Phyllis Scher, Editor
Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager


 1984 lsrael Bond Campaign Announced

CKJA General Campaign Chair hrlc Levy announced that the l984 lsravl honds


drive will take place in December. Lctters will be :rnt lo the entire community
soliciting their participation. .

The history of the Israel bond Organisation closely parallels th doVClOpMPfli
of the State of lsrael. Since its historic launching in lUBl, the bond Urganization
has been a principal source of investment dollars to aid lhr development of the
nation's economic infrastructure. it has provided Israel with morr than $0.5 billion
in investment capital for the nation's economic growth.

Potential Bonds purchasers should note the improved fraturcs of lhc $950 Slam
of Israel Certificate. The new Israel Bond instrument was established to increase
identification with Israel —- specifically by encouraging more visitors to the
country. El Al Airlines will accept the certificates after they are at least one
year old as payment for tickets to and from Israel. The certificates will also
have the following graduated increases in their value each year if cashed in Israel
for Israeli currency: after one year, $260; after two years, $Q7b; after three
years, $295; four years, $320; five years (at maturity), $300.

In addition, Current Income Bonds are available starting at $500 and maltiplvu
of $500. Interest is paid scmi—annually by check at a rate of 45 per year. Thesr
bonds may be surrendered in Israel up to $2500 a month per person for lsrael shvhuls
to defray tourist expenses in Israel. Bonds which are five years old can he usvd
for investment in Israel or purchases of real estate in Israel. A t‘ansfer may bc
made at any time to a charitable or educational institution, contributions to which
are tax deductible.

Additional information concerning the $250 Certificate, Current Income Bonds,
or other types of Israel Bonds Issues may be obtained from the CKJA office or Bob
Badanes of the Region Israel Bonds Office in Cincinnati, Ohio, at 513—421—4144.
A I‘BONDS FOR ISRAEL” Parlor Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 12, 198A "
at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Sara and Erle Levy, 1559 Lakewood Court. Speaker to
be announced.


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/ PAY YOUR 1984



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=11 as




As the United Jewish Appeal's fifth annual
National Super Sunday approaches, planning in American
Jewish communities is moving into high gear. As part .3









of the preparation for this one—day nationwide telephone 5? $5 i___ :Zfl
marathon, intensive day—long regional training seminars “$39? 1&3

have been held. Representing CKJA at the Chicago semi— :;———————— ‘, ,
nar was Super Sunday '85 Co—chairperson ERNIE COHEN. BeoPonneMone—-
He returned with information that will help implement An9~enheCoH

this year's Super Sunday program.

The planning has begun, and Ernie and Co—Chair SUSAN MILLER are now recruitin
volunteers for this year's local phonathon. At present, the following persons have
agreed to "head up” important committees: HALLEY FAUST, Records; GIGI WHITE, Food;
JIMMY MISCHNER, Facilities; HARRY COHEN, Celebrities; and ARLENE COHEN, Special
Events. As in the past, each committee will be co—chaired by an individual ”in
training" for the following year. By the next Newsletter we hope to report the name
of committee heads for the Training and Publicity committees, as well as the co—chai

persons for Super Sunday 1985.

In addition to the above, several volunteers are sought to work on each
committee. Telephone solicitors will be recruited to phone hundreds of Jewish Centr
Kentuckians in order to give them the opportunity to support the 1985 Annual Campaig
Reaching out to potential new volunteers and new givers and creating community—wide
interest and excitement are among Super Sunday's proven and attractive campaign

CKJA's SUPER SUNDAY '85 is scheduled for MARCH 31st. Each year, Super Sunday
grows bigger and more successful, so make plans now to ”BE A PARTNER FOR LIFE——ANSWE?
THE CALL." And, make a call, to volunteer in any way you can. Ernie, 272—1459;
Susan, 269—5986.


November has been an outstanding month for both Interact I and II.

Interact I met on November 3 at the home of Carol and Ray Veal. Warren
Rosenthal spoke on ”Being Jewiéh in the BuALnQAA wontd," and a lively discus—
sion followed. The Interact I coordinating committee of Nancy Hoffman, Arthur
Salomon, Carol Veal and Gigi White are responsible for this excellent program.
The group plans to meet every other month.

"0 Come AKK VG Fatthfiufi" was the intriguing title of the Interact II
”production” on November 10. Gloria Rosenberg Lipson, a Social Worker with the
Jewish Family Service in Cincinnati, used a "trigger” script to introduce a

discussion of Jews as a minority in a majority Christian culture. Discussion
centered on the role of the family and how we cope with the questions and
challenges raised by Virtue of our position in society. Thanks to program co—

ordinators Jimmy and Joyce Mischner, Jack and Susan Miller, and Alan and Janice

Both Interact groups will meet again in January, 1985.



CRC Subcommittees Report In


For the last few months, the Community Relations Committee has been
co—sponsoring, with Mr. John Wigginton, Urban County Council Member, a Black—
Jewish Dialogue Group. The group consists of some of the leadership of the two
communities, and the dialogue has a number of purposes:


1) Each to learn more about the other group

2) Identify areas of mutual concern, and

3) To work together on those issues which will be of mutual benefit
to the two groups.

The first topic the group is addressing is the perception that the public
schools have difficulty dealing with students who are different, be they Jewish,
Black, Catholic, poor, etc. A small task force has been set up to meet with
the Superintendent and appropriate school officials to develop a plan which could
solve some of these important problems. Future topics for the group include issues
of social justice, affirmative action, racial bigotry, anti—Semitism, etc.

Anyone who wishes additional information on this dialogue should contact
Dr. David Wekstein, CRC Chairman, at 269—4454.


For the second year the Community Relations Committee has organized a panel
of liaisons to enhance communication between the Jewish community and the public ‘
schools. Each liaison will be working directly with a principal of a school (or ‘
schools) in Fayette County to try to avoid calendar conflicts that have so long
frustrated parents of Jewish children. They will also be available to serve as
a resource for Jewish awareness and education.


We feel that the first year‘s program went a long way to make the Fayette
County schools more aware of the Jewish community. In fact, the central administra—
tion called E§ this spring to find out dates for the High Holidays. Many schools
announced publically that there would be no tests during the High Holidays this fall.

Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go. There are still many problems ——
some we know about and some we don't. But, with the group of liaisons in place,
we now have a vehicle to help the public schools and the Jewish community address
problems and, we hope, prevent their happening in the first place.

Therefore, we need your help. Please let the liaisons know if problems occur,
even if you find out too late to do anything, even if you prefer that no action be
taken. Only when we have a true overall picture of problems our students encounter
in schools can we move together to solve them.

Please make note of your liaison's name from the following list so you can
easily communicate when necessary. Feel free to call CRC Co—Chair Charlotte Baer
or your liaison at any time.

Simone Salomon: Can/suit} EKQJ’HQVl/tafly, Hcmy Clay High Schooli, Mon/ton Jun/Con.

Sue Ezrine: Cflagb Mififi Eflemehtahy, Beaumont Junioh High.

Ricki Rosenberg: GKQHdOUQ/L Efiemehtahg, Lamdowm EKemeMa/Ly.

Charlotte Baer: Gmdeh Spit/0196 Eta, Jamu» Lane Mien momenta/Ly. ‘\
}NeMn}wan:onaCflthwaLth,Simmmdfifflmmthw ,
Susan Mason: Tale/3 Cheeh Elflemehtmg, Junie/z. High and Bahia/L High.

Alice Weinberg: Jufliub Mahhé Efiemehtany, Lafiagetic Senion High.

Connie Loventhal: Southenn Efiemehiahg, Soufhehn Junioh High.

ALZ AchooBA not (rated: Charlotte Baer, 277—3072. ;


 Study, ex lore,

o «o discover, eel,
see, hear, know




TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY: How would you like to meet the 1988 Young Leadership of
the American Jewish community? They are bright, enthusiastic young Jewish
men and women with a special experience of, and a strong commitment to,
Israel. They are Tel Aviv University alumni.

Of all the foreign study opportunities available to them, they chose Israel,
Tel Aviv University, their Overseas Student Program. They've spent a semester
or a year living and studying at TAU, a university known for its academic ex—

‘ . They've toured Israel and the region, discovered its unique culture and ex—
perienced these momentous times with its people. As a result, they've come
back to their home schools with first—hand knowledge of what's really going
on in Israel, and with a desire to be part of the Jewish future. Some of
them could be from our community.

HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM: Hebrew University of Jerusalem offers a variety

'3’ of programs. For all programs, an intensive Hebrew course is required for
all students who do not have an adequate knowledge of Hebrew. The duration
111- of the Ulpan is approximately nine weeks and consists of twenty—five hours

of formal instruction per week. Participants are assigned their class level

(beginners to advanced) on the basis of a language placement examination ad—

ministered in the U.S. and Canada. Final examinations in Hebrew are given at
the conclusion of the Ulpan.

The ONE YEAR PROGRAM, within the Rothberg School of Overseas Students, is
open to academically qualified students who have completed at least one year
of college prior to their departure for Israel. Candidates for admission to
the Program will be evaluated on the basis of scholastic achievement, charac—
ter and motivation. Students under 18 are required to secure the consent and
approval of parents or guardians. A special curriculum has been set up for
students from abroad. Courses taken during this year of study may be counted
toward credit requirements needed by the student for a degree at his/her

home university.

(U \U

STUDIES IN NATURAL SCIENCES are open to qualified science majors in the One
Year Program. A SPECIAL PROGRAM IN MUSIC is offered in conjunction with the
‘\ " Rubin Academy of Music. Qaulified Music majors in the One Year Program will
’ , devote half of the required hours to studying music at the Rubin Academy.
Studies are accredited toward degrees in conjunction with the Hebrew Univer—
sity. Courses are offered in the following areas: Music Theory, Performance,

Dance, Composition, Conduction and Theory.



an academic program leading to a Teaching Diploma in Jewish Education for
students studying for a B.A. or M.A. degree in Jewish Studies. M.A. or Ph.D.
candidates in Education or Contemporary Jewry may specialize in Jewish
Education in the Diaspora. .

A year of study in Jerusalem may be the unique kind of Jewish learning ex—
perience you are seeking.

UJA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' Mission to Israel, December 25 — January 4.


The United Jewish Appeal National Winter Singles Mission has been scheduled for
December 20—30, 1984. The National Singles Mission program has proven to be one
of the most effective, and certainly one of the most popular ways of involving
young professionals in UJA/Federation. It has become a successful tool in
awakening Jewish identity and stimulating a commitment and love for Israel.

Past participants have returned with an increased awareness and understanding,
not only of Israel, but of Jews around the world as well as in their local

** This is short notice. Should you or anyone you know desire more information,
call Judy Saxe at CKJA, 277—8048.


The American Professors for Peace in the Middle East is sponsoring a study mission

to Israel from December 17—3lst of this year. It is planning a similar mission in
mid—June of 1985. It is emphasized that this is a study mission, not a sight—

seeing tour. The American Professors for Peace in the Middle East is an academic
organization whose members represent varied opinions, approaches and proposed solu—
tions to resolve the turmoil of Arab—Israeli confrontation. "

Members of the U.K. Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs have received a more
detailed letter, and again, further information is available at the CKJA office.


Plans are in the making for a CENTRAL KENTUCKY MISSION TO ISRAEL tentatively
scheduled for June, 1985. Think about it! And watch the CKJA Bulletin for more

Additional UJA missions available include a National Family Mission, December 24 —
January 2; and another National Family Mission, July 4—14, 1985.

For specifics about any of the above programs, rv

return this form to Judy Saxe, CKJA, _é11. —LQ%—

258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208, Lexington,
KY 40503.




Please send to me information on:




TO: Name


Telephone ( )





\\\‘< ‘





New York (JTA) —— The Jewish community in Odessa has
become the focus of a wave of persecution spreading across
the Soviet Union, the Greater New York Conference On Soviet
Jewry reported. Jewish activists from Odessa are the
latest to be caught up in the current wave of Soviet perse—

Mark Nepomniashchy, a 53—year—old electrical engineer,
and Yakov Mesh, a 32—year—old tailor, were arrested and
the Conference reported that the Soviets are spreading
rumors that a ”Zionist grOup has been uncovered.” The
third key activist is Yakov Levin, who has been detained
since August 10.

While visiting Moscow, Nepomniashchy was arrested and charged with "defaming the
Soviet State” under article 187—1 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code, a crime which carries
a maximum sentence of three years. Because Nepomniashchy is deaf, the prosecutor has
apparently agreed to let him have a lawyer present during the preliminary investigation.
His daughter's fiance, Levin, may face the same charge. The Nepomiashchy family has
been waiting since 1979 to emigrate to Israel.


In October, Mr. Alexander Ginzburg, a dissident Soviet Journalist, spoke before about
300 people at the University of Kentucky on the ”deep fear” that pervades the Soviet
Union. Ginzburg, who spoke through an interpreter, was arrested three times during his
years in the Soviet Union.


Mrs. Susan Ann Caller
1805 Lakehill Circle
Lexington, Kentucky 40502

Dear Susan:

As I am sure you know, President Reagan will be meeting later this
week with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.

I thought you would be interested in seeing the attached letter I
signed, asking the President to include the plight of Soviet Jews
prominently on the schedule of that meeting.

I remain committed to every effort to improve the condition of these
individuals and certainly hope this letter and subsequent discussions at
the highest levels of our national leadership will be a positive effort
toward that goal.

Yours very truly,


Member of Congress

The signatures of 26 Congresspersons were attached to this note to

Editor's Note: .
we didn't feel it was necessary to reprint the

Susan. Because it is a fiatt a compti,
oviet Refusnik Sonia Melnikova Eichenwald, whom he met

Congressman Hopkins ”adopted” S
on a 1983 trip to the Soviet Union.




The Central Kentuck ky Jewish Association heartily endorses and financiall_y
supports (a token gift) the fine work of The Community Kitchen and God's Pantry— . ,9 .
Crisis Food Center, Inc. The following excerpts from their newsletters partially
explain and update their vital contributions to Lexington's less fortunate. We can
all contribute to both programs by contributing money and/or volunteering time.



Recent surveys have proven what we thought: many
people do not know about the other services we provide
besides food. We want everyone to know that we have 5 im—
portant departments:

Food Services — Open seven mornings and two evenings a week.
The Community Kitchen served 91,686 meals in Fiscal Year

Health Clinic — This is the only nurse—managed, nonprofit
health clinic of its type in Fayette County,