xt77m03xwc7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xwc7r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-08-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 25, 1980 1980 1980-08-25 2020 true xt77m03xwc7r section xt77m03xwc7r 0

\‘ul. l..\’.\'lll. No. V E I 2 l'niversity of Kentucky

Mondat. August 25. 1930 In independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
2 o A " . _ w 0,. . w ' am my ...., .9 .«z o... ...;r.n4 - I 4414' V’ "'W' "3,” "V" “V". ’ H V ‘ , . . w”. _..,; , 2. . 1.2.. m.» ,-.-:- .4 a > - 4- 5' v- 44: «ms

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a 434" " “ "3“ I3; gag?! ' a! I. Vi. 1*‘fi‘¢.?% . a mammww-m-m- ,mmmr . . . 1 an I wm-w>wm mm «a» Main-'4 .5 m was:

. lug} “$22.3...- ' ‘ 8"“ . ' I "1 “2' «In. 4W at ”a ‘V 3" "1!-‘°“'"“'* “a!” . 4;i.4"§""'"“ “5?. .. .' ’. '- “WUWWW w" §~ fiww 4'
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Bt S'll.\l \l \S‘sl\ ll'.t\'\ tttant people ttnttnl go through 1/ l ook at the .Stl/lle/tnu. l. and an \l)l) l)R()l sltp lhe lach thtss seetton _\ou add and l)IR()l sltps are the LOULLl ones.
, {p .. . l .- \ltl) l)R()l’ [UL-“1‘” l)e\tet satd l/tt‘ lull .Stltt'Ju/t' 44/ ( lanes listed ut permtt card allotss toutogothtough drop requtres a computer card. for mth thc rtght course and sectton
”hm“ 5.0le etudum'mw Imp,“ thts edttton and tr_\ to determtne -\l)l‘ l}R()Pa'ttlth-\l)l) DROP example. ll _\ou deetde to add a number.

It . one; tteu.’ tune lor H... It“. process I” the ptst. \thteh courses _\ou tsartt and need to \ltp has sesett sp.ues tor addtttg and sL‘L‘Htttl. then 3011 must ptelt up a Dexter satd students should also
[minnow \[ttt ttkrw pl...“ 1 lit .23. owl to; “Mm“. mm“. slIL'll up lot I .ltopptng classes . eontputet eatd tor tltat seetutn. ‘\nd douhle cheek thetr soetal securtt)
_. .1, 1 ,1... \-.d .I. 1... m4. __ LI”... 1m ] duruw' mm“... \\ hen \ou arrtte at the( oltseum. Alter _\ou Jeerde ttlttett courses tl tott (lClee to drop a seettort. Itou numbers to ensure the} hate entered
: .l w . .. , .-, V I“, . "He“ t ». {.1 Lump”, must ptck up a computer card tor the rtght one,

_..s s . .t,t. ;.4. art. ta“ -h.-~. » .4 . h' .;.'- .._ ..~.t'..-.‘ .. I -..~‘. _ 4t “1 ". . . .-
...s..;~r~. mt... I... ,2. .I I.” _I II..I.I”I.II.[ ‘.‘.5 .. W . “.22. “H, Igle?"%.LX$fiI§§,.S&II7fi at?“ 'T‘A‘ "t9! 5,. s I. . . . , student should (Litttmhtl tolucp
lttt .t, . t... v.4; me mm.- l‘le ‘ l “2’2 '4' ‘- if ‘ "6' s ‘ . g ' - . . llotteter. only one ADD/DROP thetr ADI) DROP sltps tot posstblc
1 ‘t .t ‘ Ll\11,l. .t .t 4 4... ',‘ . “ ' I ' J v x . e. . . . 1 .
. . _ . . t . t .. .q 4 .' f: 4, ” '.,- ‘ ' -' - t' t . .sltp ts needed tor all transaettous. tertlteatton tn the luture. Store tt tna
~.’l:l‘tt.' steps tttesdat . tettttatt/ed lIRtH. hut \att. tts ltatd to 5.} a 4‘ th'-"FI\ u I . . «I ..‘.; A, I” I,
. . . .1 . . . . - -- l . ‘ I ‘ . . - ' ‘ lhe computer cards must he ttlled sale place such as tour ttallet. desk 4
\lll) l)l. 4 ‘4 . - ;. "n t' t t .-
' \l)!) l)ls’l}l’lsllplUL‘LsslllllltllL‘Ll lle dal sat the 9» percent course . ‘ . _ .. . ‘ ‘ . ‘5‘ . _e 1‘ ' . mlm ‘Ir on Ittcsc :2; l “:I “L d8 :I" W‘I“ l ” .“ U stgne “P or or
. r ‘ . ‘ s .. , , "' .. , ‘ t' ‘ ‘ t ' ' ‘ f ‘
ht. l l\. \tlttt h allotts dtssattsltet! teetuests honored dutttn.t spttng pre- 4 ' , I . _ - . . “ 1““ “"5 “n5“ “ or MW"- ' r‘ Pp“ 9‘0““
1 . x . . . . _ 4 . ‘ ' ‘ 4 ' ' 5 >\t .>\l)l) DROP. tou can also ()n “ednesdat artd Ihursdat.
\llltlt'l'l‘» \\l‘.l .ttltattted tegtstetet. to reetstratton ttas up a lllllL lrom the .. w . ... . . . . ,
__ .. . . . ‘ . , 1 t . - ‘- 4 ‘ . - =- change the number ol credtt hours eonttnurng students who dtd not
r.t..t.d it'etr \kllL'lltllk‘\ tthtth \\L'IL Usual «1.. pettent ttgurt. . . . . . A . ,. , tl . hl d . t l th t II II
out to lllLlll dututg the sttttttttet ('ettttalt/eu 4\l)l) DROP ts . .. . I. .I . -, “Hill“ IONA“; Luanumhu‘” ”b" '15". C d! scénssterasuc d5
. r‘ .. 1‘- -.r 1 .=. . i , v ,. . . , . f _ I. _ ‘
‘tltt owl: *t‘ pereertt ol the toutse sLllL'tlUlCd to get underttat at Illam. ‘ , . -- . . . . “h 1‘ “ tanget L g“? _m5 “mm” m m“ ‘ u ents “ to I not ”3N”
‘ . 1 . _ . 1 1 s t. t. * u w . . ‘.:.-- .1 s a letter grade. pass tatl or audtt. It \londat cart do so at the Patterson
tequests tt..t.le tltzt.ttgspt.tt;..a.s.trt. t l uesda» rnottttng at Mctnortal ._ -. - I ,_ . 's - _ .' 4 - .
. ‘ t . '. . . . . . 4‘ “r . .. .' . t ' . 4- ; changtttg eredttlrom a lettergradeto ()tltee lotter Mel/antne hettseen
tz'etsttattot‘. \\tlL honored (teotgt' (ortseutd \ttttlr.ttts should adhere r kt... .0 .W . L . . ~.

‘ ' t t . ' . . 2 I . ‘ ’ 7 ‘ ' . ., ’ ‘- j ‘ 3 .f 4 ‘ pass latl. tou should he sure not to h 10 a.m. and 4:00 pm

ltester l ls assoetate retttstrat. salt. strum to the .llplldl‘t'JLJlt} (last +_ . >4 , ~. ,4. . . . . , ~ . _ . , . -
‘ . _ . , ., , . ' . ' v. '* t‘ " 5 ‘4 ._' .f 4 ‘ Q. oterestend the allotted tltree lhese students should get a course
s'udents ttlto ttere not sattslted \sttlt natttt lttstt dppt‘lltlul ttrttts. th: , \.- 2 , 4P .A. g “I
t . . . . . , . .. . ; ‘4‘;- " . .4' 4 F " ' ,~ '3 :’ 2' ‘4 .1 pass latl opttons granted ht the request lorm at the Mel/antne and
settedttu s and class ltlllk“ ean elttnt: seltedulul tunes are lt\ed to lstep the 4 ~- . 4 . . . l’ . th lt IBM I k I
l'tL'xt' at H)“ t)R()l’ proeess ttrttntttg sntoothlt I . > ,. ‘ I I 4 ,3 7 . .' "3”“) l l d t'll' L. 3“ up an ‘ ll“ “L U .01-
r , -. I: t .. 4 . :s - l 4 t . , .. - . , . t . . \I . s .
l‘t'\’et noted. ltottetct. that \llltl"llls mat shots up a lets t , ' 4*“ “‘- t ’2 I‘ t ' 2' 3‘” M“ “”“l‘ “I“ ' ”1% ““l “ll“ “‘ur“ M l“ “‘l‘mll‘k .
. . . . . . _ . 3 = ‘ _ out all neeessart transaettons1 then department where the course ts
~tttdettts should tealt/t the ttttttuteseatltnthtttttshtohe atthe »»~ ~: . ‘ . J ‘2. . ,4 4 -
. t.~ . . ~ ‘ ‘ " “ 2' 4r ’ : \ou tttttst take tour ADI) l)R()l’ ottered
llllllltlllt'llN ttttposed on ltottt or tlte llllt .tztt lllt doors \tont .-. . 1 2.24 . . .. . - . '. l - d h hl M II h I I It
.- .. ,I . . I . .I . I... .i
\l)l) l)l.e l.’ 5/ Pick up the trtstruetton sheet Millls’iblt‘ M ”W college and "\l l ( sltps. L‘IUISMd ll“ “ml“I ”1T“! orm “H L" turmd
lltL”l {\Lllt‘tllllL' elassest tttth tttult: ton don‘t lslltt“ \\ltt‘ \ottt .tdttsot ls tnlot'mtng _\ou ol tthet'e to go and department tahles loeated on ”‘9 ‘m‘l‘m ‘h‘mld “dd “H d”“““”‘ ”1;” ll“ ‘ Ugmm“ .
\Ihwm ~~ ”1 (mm hate “nI ”Mk mm W“! “ hat to an eorteourses and mum lloor ot and malse sure the course ltsttd) on . tur tnts ItItIIIo are late tegtstertng
\lllttttlglt he had no estttttates on department. ,/ l’tcls up an IBM petttttt eatd \ls‘mttfléll Hall. [h‘ U’ml‘lIILr ““rd‘ and "\l “ ntust l“) ‘l *4- l“-
! A / .tt/ .
I I I f h I I b I IIf
Here 3 a Itst of some helpfu acts to ease t e transutton ack Into college I e
B) J_.\( Kl RI I)” u- (Lt !‘ tt.ut.utts the student .t Ila student losesameal eardttcatt pertod lrom 9 ant to .t p m lor “In a ttrtte tshett no one has an) l.extngton leehntcal I'l‘llllllc
In. t.t.4 .. t‘r-ltrnd ol ‘It pettent ot the he replaced at the loot] Storage rematnutg nteal card patntertts monet. Sll lot a semester Is an ‘lUde\ «'er Cl'g'blc-
t‘et-tstrattott kt patd \o telunds \Hll olttee located on l)ono\an l)tite Students can put the $2] Student attlullt cheap “at ol getttng health “An tttcenttte mtgltt he that
4\mtdst all the hustle and hustle. ot hr road: to students ulto olltetallt hehtttd K—l art grtll lhe olltee ts Health [49¢ tn the Student (‘etttet- cure.” sgttd .lean (‘o\. admtntstratot' students m‘ed to stay health} to do
WWW hael. and tnto the whey.» hug ts Illltll.:\\ .tttet (let. I” opett tteels‘daIts trottt H a rtt. to 4 put. Ballroom this “Ck-t. A Health ot the Student llealtlt Sert‘tce, “ell tn school."(‘ox satd, ll a student
sotttethtng Important ttttght he Student ll)eardse.ttthetaltdated \ temporart and “I“ he Issued son.“ .mmmmmn table “I” he “Students hate the securlt) ol has not patd the Health [49¢ and
lotgottert tshteh later that prote “llL‘l‘ a student makes the ttlttle the permanent eatd ts hetng located at the loot ot [hc Ballroom Isnotttng that II the) pre-pat the becomes \le durtng ”W semester.
rletttntetttal So hue‘te a lets lt_t_'l\lt.tllt\l't lee patntettt tn the deteloped staus lhe Health lee can he patd ltealth lee the) vull not hate a lot ol (‘0‘ satd lts‘ or sh? mlghl end up
temtmtet. .ttttl ltlnls to help get ttlltt Ballroom thts \teelt It regtstmtton A $5 tee \\lll he eltarged tora lust» mm m cheek and [mm he patd out—ol-the~poeket espense." she pattng a $35 or $40 hlll tor one ttstt.
It... “WW ”1 ”mp meek-4,“. lt‘ts \\t‘tc puttl ht mad but the It) ttme card replaeetnettt.rtttdthetevttlt hem“. the .t .10 pm~ SCI“ It; added. A Blue Cross/Blue Shield
l'uition patmmts tltat h;|\c ttot card “as not taltdated. then a hen Slllchargelot the second tirneit deadltne ttt order to he taltd tor the lhe Sll lall semester Student insutnnce PI." '5 “'50 "W'lablc ft"
prettouslt been made ht ntatl.e;ttt he student that also hate tt \;|l|(l;|tr‘d ts lost tall semester. Health l'ee ts tn ellect lrom Aug. 25. “WW” ll utllcotcrcharges ‘UCh 3‘
mun one ot m the student ('ettter tltts tteelt l-ood \‘eruees tstll hate tahles set Alter Aug 291 tlte Health I eeeatt ION). thtougltJan. ll. l9l'tl All lull- hospttalt/atton. surgtcal procedures
ltalltoortt l'ttttl ‘4 .t rtt to l p m. \ttet Mtg 3‘). ll) \altdatton tttll up tn the Student (‘enter Ballroom he patd at Htlltngs attd (‘olleetutne ttme and part-ttme l.e\tngton or KICt-‘ldt-‘nl CJTClhaWanm‘ilUdCd
\lottdat \lll'. 3‘. through ltHl-ls. he taken tare ol ttt Room 220. thts \teek duttng the lee patment 330 scum. Huildtng eantpus students. ttteludtng ('ontinued on page-2
\ug 3‘3 \lter Mtg 7". patnterttol \etttee litttldtrte
tegtsttattort lees can he made or the \eu students can ltate thett lree I l I I -
. lltlltnt‘s and ('olleettotts olltee. 3N) ll)eatrls ntade ttt the Student ('ettter Ina nCIa al Chec ks W'll e author'zed
\etttee llutldtttg, hettteett \ .t ttt .tttd ll-tllrootn \lonrlat through l'rtda)
t to p m \ett students must hate ll) cards . I .
““"""““”“‘ “ ‘ “"‘ “““‘ "" ”"“’ ““""’“ “T" "’~ “M O ICIalS In Student Center Ballroom
alter \A lttelt .t student‘s tall there “tll he a 35 late lee.
vt-Igtsttatton tttll then he eaneeted -\ltet \Hg 7‘). student ll)s “Ill he
4\ student ltt.t\ he telnstated ltottt “hide and rltsttthuted In the l'K 3‘ "4‘ Kl “I I)” [INCH to lltlltngs and (ollecttotts ill‘l‘llt‘éllltms 41nd “Ill conttnue to do 10 BllllngN ilnd (OllCClIOnS- Room
\e‘pl ll llttttuxlt st-pt to. two. l’ltttts‘t‘tdf‘ltzt Serttees otttees. t»... tan... sushlt‘rs ttho “.n he wmmm, to as long as lunds are “Hum.” 220 Setttee Butldtng. to t‘CCCIW.‘ the
upon pastttettt or total ,UKNLHH," Room nous Kastle Hall on ltnanctal atd checks \ttll be between ttnanetal atd tahlts lngle added llnltnt‘lal atd checks,

-~ - . \fit \1 trtdat | l\ 4 S t an tl" ”~th to ret‘t tents thts \teelt 's - . . . .. “l) mu tt ‘ll st tt ... - 4
g. H tn .Iddlllttll to t 1 l < s p rtt to l. p n d l Il‘ II I IIP ttttlutts tsho haw not \tl hurt ' D- l“ r “hl’l‘kllllllllm Ingle sand that m the past the
“HM“, m. n: t“. llll|r\dlg‘_s \- ts .. m to t] .35 a m rt to a m to . p m d.ttl_t tn the ttottlted .thout vthether tltet tttll .tpplteattons “l“ h“ etaluated. h“ ltn'tncltl md lines have been longer

\ student tstshtut.‘ to \tttltdtats '\ student ‘.llll he ehalgt‘d S5 lot (”and Hallroom ”“3 “m9 and PM“ "‘CC'H‘ ltnanctal JV] ”10W “ h” ““d' .tddtng that eHIluattons “1|th on Mond'tt and lucsd'tv hut tended
.. l~ - - .. '. tlt' 't. .. - . . Isll‘tesatnethtstear the metlto I ' - g - 4 . . , - ~ . - > . ' ‘- ‘ ‘- _
lt ttt t.tt l lll\t rsttt and lII:LthL tlIull I II H t l\|ILk "In rItIt tl I lost ll) I II dtltetcvn _ (l \ -|PP:IHl Il Ito. and those tsho plan t.\ It TIN” Ih‘ IlhI‘ ‘Ind ”l TICPl‘mhc' m dchI’IUfillC h\ the end olthc week
It tuttd must do so t.or. t tts « llt ttt tt . managtr o It II . I I . I I app L s tould \satt to thtth tstth the \ lst W 100 \ ar 5 “c \sIt no longu Students usually do not hat‘equtteas
\\ etlttesdat. \tte .‘ t‘lttuotlraphte serttees. satd students ls manual Ald Ulllce “Ill haw ltnatnclal Md olttee ttnttl the last ot hs‘ “”de “l" n”“"cal'“"‘ ll" long a wut then he added
7 L - . , . e . _ ' , . , t . c .
ltettteett \ue 3‘ and \ept 1. a should h.t\e some prool ol PWPls «H-Illdhlt t0 .tuthortle tl.e September or the ttrst ot ()etoth lutanttal atd rectptents). Students
”Ham" l\ ”Hm“! “I III.I“U .I lt'llllHl “Hull” “In“ "[ttt‘lctlthl) a lllttlnt‘ml élld checks ”()Wtflt‘r. said .llm |ngle.dueetorol lltt‘slutlcnl must eonte ”No the OlllCCI" Students “hO haVL‘ been htred for
at W t‘e'tettt ot the tegrsttattott lee lsertrtteltt drtter‘s heense \th a “”J'W'ill 4"" ChCCk‘W'” h? dtsperscd ltnanetal atd olltce ll tlts‘s'h‘ are not PleCd up lhls the “""k‘fitUdy program should go
m“, I. h,, m \ht. mmdm‘“ ,mm ”H. plan“. m, H It not. then mu other ht lttlltngs and ( olleettons “It tstll he at least that long hem“; tteek. students must lirst go to the l“ ”1" Illm‘ floor 0f the Patterson
t “HUN“ lttlnls ”t ,dcnlllu“!mn “(mm by '\n authort/atton sltp “Ill he gtten thetr applteattons utll be processed.“ I‘ In a n eial A td Office for Office lower ‘0 “CC"? "W" JO“
“ tthdratsal In“, “T" .Imd l‘IH" (,Hrmdhh. 4- to the student whtch tn turn must he he satd lhe olttee ts sttll aeccpttng Julhmllatmn procedures and then asstgnments.
I v Q Q t ‘ a

 i s
Z-THE KENTI'('K\ KERNEL Monday. August 25. I980
Aug. 25 Registration tor Slu7dcnt (‘cnter through Aug. students to pick up ll) cards Sept. 25 Last da) tor mm“ in UK Student Blue course schedule and rcccnc Spring Semcster.
new students who in“: not 2X trom 8,30 a.m. to noon and from Photographic Scrum-s in tiling an application tor a (‘ross and Blue Shield plan. any rclund. Dec. '2 End of class
admnccd rcgrstcrcd Ballroom | pm. to 4 pm. ordcrtotnoid replacement lcc. “9“,th dcgrcc m (10“ch work,
“PC" for l“ W) mcnts. H) I)" ‘. \ tl Oct. [7 lastdaytodro a
pictures and \trlidairon Aug. 27 - Sept. 3 Latc Sept. I7 last da) to ”I” i M count Last day 10 withdrii“ Nov. 7l0-l97 Admncc D“; [5.19 Final naming.
‘ between 9 ant and .1 pm. "Cg"”iil'0n for rcturning change grading option Sept. 30 Last du) to from the Uniicrsity or reduce registration lor the l98l tions. 7
through lrrida}, \uguq 30 students who did not admncc (pass {all to Icttcr gradc or
register and no“ applicants letter grade to pass tail; crcdit . g .
Aug. 26 (‘cntrali/cd cleared late lior admission, A to audit or audit to credit), h I f I h ts t h t S t
\l)l) DROP tor Adxanccd 33!) let is assumed students last da_\ to drop a coui‘sc 0' I 'e e p U In 0 ease 9 ran I Ion
Registered Studcnts last day “h” TCENCF late, mthoiit ll appearing on [hr
7 .i student may ott7icitill) diopa Sept 77 7 77777 777777 7777 77 77 students transcript, (‘ontinued from page I 7077 ”W [K 877771777777 Blue Cw» placed in the Student (‘cntcn p.m. to 4 pm. 7
7 ’ urulsr Ul LdllLLl icgistiaiinii 7 . 7. 7 ‘,u.” _ 7t7o7t 7n tilt: Studcnt llcalth FCC and Blue Shield Plan is Aug. Parking permits will be uRu permits and remaining
mth the rcgistrar tor a lull d” ("grim/U] class tor 11k M“ 7 3 . , 7 _ . . 77 7 7 7 .. ,7," , 7. 7. 7 7
i _ . ,t . . l' . , t g l9 1' , , gun-rage, -5 through Supt. 30 I980 An issued beginning lucsdtn at ( - permits vull be issued on
telund oi ices. ~-( .1 parking semester. :dst dd) to7ollitiall) tepl. ,ast dd) .or 77 7 7 7 77770777777770“ tublcwll b‘ 7 the: Student ('cntcr 'lhcv-“ill Wednesday and l'hursdzn.
permits issued at the Student Withdraw lrom tho I nncrsrty reinstatement ol sludcnts 7 \7Mth ihc Blue (ross Britt 777 77777 7; 77 777 est up he issued 70 77777777777777 77777707 7771077 m 77.777777777777777 7 p m 7.77
Center on a mwmmp htm‘ and rcccnc an X0 pcrccnt canccllcd tor non—pa)mcnt ol Shield plan studcnts will 4 roomt '\ “Mik- 7 7 7 7 7 J ~ " ' ‘ ' 1
9. . d -~(- 3" rclund registration lot-s Ruqurrcs rcccnc an "increase in bcriclits stnlt)r77 and graduate studcnts 4 pm.
1 iii: 7:5177:(;“7;’:7“dn '- pal’mcnt ot registration lots at a decrcusc tll cmt." (‘ox (“H “'1le students to take on a llrst~comc basis.
u i ‘ Sept. 10 last din tor plus $50 reinstatement lt-c. said. “'th plan can he pur- carc ol the Health Fee and Remaining "“7R Parking
Aug. 27 Classcs begin payncnt of registration too in last da_\ to par) Student chased at a rtitc loncr than last insurance plan Pillmcnls dur- 7 “(‘-l “ permits will be issued Pfrm'l‘ “I” ill-80 b6 Issucd Hi-
"R" and remaining "(12" order to amid cancellation ol Hcalth Pcc \ltlld lor tall tall." shc addcd. ”‘87 lht‘ 17”“ “STA 0‘ Who‘ll lucsdu)‘ lrom 9 aim. ‘0 ”00“ dd." 8‘30 a.m. ‘0 ”00” and '
parking stickers issued at rcgisiration. last day lot He“ scmcstcri l‘hc opcn enrollment period whllt.‘ intormatron areas arc and "(12“ stickers l'rom l_3() P-m- l0 3:45 pm.
' r-----------l.----------------‘.
' i K i i ' F R E E '
' M m E *‘ To UK Campus: Surrounding Area l
g t .tf-‘é '~.‘-.’:~.'-_=‘,'-.:=_'-,-.-t-.-.,-.-.-.”runway . .
1 , 7 . i gigfilggggj. WWW" sundayrpeay 5:00-12:00 midnight l
= * YOUR HEAD- 1 .
' , QUARTERS \ E Cheese Pizza....'... ......$4.10 5.90 f-----'.'--------.-l----1 E
7- . , E Each Additional Topping... .SO .70 : Delivery Specia | E
' i 1 FOR / ,. i gdkggfigggg‘"““*“_%—*—*—*— I Buy one large pizza - l l
' 7 ’ ’ BOOK BAGS /, " i MORE TOPPING SUPERSTYLE E Get a FREE 2 liter I i
v ’7’» ,, “ E Thin Cnm b l f P ' I
, ' 1 ,/ i» T ASTY ”a- ——---—— 7AA -- l Ott e 0 GDSI I E
L » .v' a p l M E 255-3078 I .
i i ‘ offerin ‘ - ‘7 3‘ E TOPPINGS S ORGASBORD I Offer expires 9/15/80 l
r , 7 77 » /, ’7’ \ 7 - - _ - _ . .
. 7 g 7 , r 77 77 . Pepperoni Mon. F“. 11.30 1.30 . One coupon per party per Visit I l
t h la , 7/ — 7 v 3: Italian sausage I L-------------------M E 7
. ~ t e rgCSt fl / 7’” 7,7 E Mushroom l s 2 99 II--------------------' E
i 7 ‘ . r}, “ 1 ‘ "o ‘7 B _ E u I
1 t ef To i ,
,7 7, , SEIECtIOII 7/7 -. ~ i 8 ,PP "9 .ALL YOU CAN EAT E $2 .00 OFF | l
g ,7 E Canadian Bacon , . I
', ,. z ..1 ' t -‘ ,1 ,1 Green Pepper l Salad, Pasta, Pizza | _ I E
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v' , . 1 11’ Pork Topping l I . . I E
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f V» , ‘ Meet BC & T's new account counselors and learn about our regular
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. With our regular checking account, there IS no service charge on
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l‘. ' 7" The Club IS BC 81 T's multi benefit checking account The Club, for
1 . '~ " only $3 per month, otters no servrce charge checking free personalized
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715mm, Am“, 2500 Nicholuwllo Road at such affordable prices, its easy to see why we
soy . . For Allseosons, we re Allsports.
' “we” ”1’” “1 ““1”“ WW m Fayette Moll, Lexington Moll, and Our newest location
in the Lexington Tennis Club on Redding Rood.
. an ' O I U 5

 llll klNll(k\ klR\H.\I1mda\. \uguslli WM) 4 '
SUPPLEMENl 10 , ‘ , , , _. .
lhis Schedule of Clan-.14; Supplement lists all of (he OPEN 1 » V' r, ' ,
Clduws for the l9250 lall Semwtor which are available for Collseum ‘ . ,1
11411115t1‘ati0n on Auqmt 2"). NW). 801110 01 H10 ammo". lixtud have “ 1 ‘ ' ' ‘ " ’ '1‘
very few Spaces available. ' . 4
‘ H115 Supplement must he used in conjunction with the regular , _ ., -' 1
50000qu oj 91.131149" ulnLt‘ U11: 1111,, «1.111 Clu.11:,1111::t, 0110.. 13111.41 ‘ 1 - f 1 .' 1 -‘
1‘00111» are ONLY listed for 1001.0 course: (or sections) 41111-11 haw , 1 ‘ 4- ’. ‘ 4 .
been added or where therw hau {1121411 11 (111111110 in the Ol‘lqllldl inforl 1 ' ' ' ' ' .1 '7’,
111011011. 4"" ,g‘ '11r.
The format of “11"» Supplement 11: the Same as the re1111lar 111:11111lul11, _. . 1 _ 1 1’ 1
1.1.1., the collqu', 0119 llSCE‘ddll)l11)l)PCl(,dlly. ' - - 1 1' ‘1; :13‘1,'..1:',»;
T ‘ "_ .J'. .‘,
THESE 3RL 1111111121 1,11'1110‘118 11le ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ :1 * 1. '1” ‘ 571"”
--1 "1.‘1‘i';. .‘4
WM l: Advance registration 11011-1, for 01111111; Semester lrhl are 1 j','.1.,1'1-":,'
NOVDIYllAEr lll-l9. 1300, 131mm»: reumtmtion 1-, 11011111110111 ' ' ‘1".1" "1..." "f;
for all 00110111111111; 1.1 111111101. Angrf", 111'
1 1 '1 ,.f~43 ,1},
'1'an IT: Universitv Senate ronglntion1; '11ve faculty 111111‘1lier5 1'1111'::}.1"a'»".~_,,_
011L100 of dropping 511111-1115 who 1’10 not attvnd 11111 Hrst ‘33::5","‘,. 1'1";
two (1332 1110001111»: 1 .1} ~_; :1 "11“."
A ‘ 1’ .1 19:11. 1'11} .
' '10 VFIL’. ;
:L'L'F'..":""€ Cuz‘,
_ 7 , ' - 4 ‘1 1715111451
SPECIAL COURSES A1‘l0l PROGRAMS ‘1 ‘ 1 . ‘ 1 ' 1 ‘4 f.
‘ T 1 ‘ I " ' ‘ ".1?”.’I}L'§'1“,”
' ‘ ' 1 ‘ " " "41"“.1-"4
544101141141 100141001 1 1 .- 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1- 13;,3f211fije-
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[XP 306 001 1 ' ‘ '_"1..'=~§;-"g1;‘.'_:;'1i
' A ' V ‘ - 11.39.1011. 5‘1"»;
FRESHMAN 31141041: . . .‘4.,-,~_.1-; .g‘ :15“;
' " A ’ ' ' ‘1' '-. :V'w‘f'f;
ulSX 140 001 1101 142 001 ‘ _ :?=}1,Q:i EH;
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COLLEGE OF AuRlCULllJRE 1 ‘ 11-1‘1'.‘Isr.i1i-'.“:1
vv’.n;' rvv:
’10va,CVL1L10047LmE00N01411:5 i ' ‘ 1 '1 '- - ' ' ' ‘3"'!“--1V':"‘L3~"‘?::'
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