xt77m03xwb8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xwb8s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1971 1971 1971-10-25 2020 true xt77m03xwb8s section xt77m03xwb8s M t ' ‘ h ’ ' J
L r ea men ouse c ' e ' ’ " "
ocal d ug tr t t h ombin s chantre w1th concern . ~
BY JERRY W. LEWIS swigéwfig ‘ 3 ”TI 1‘ ‘1 ’- l . § :1” l Meal time is one part ".7 the dc“. at Matrix , V
Associate Editor g“f;s’s;g;;r T W“ i l. R i I”, ' ; t I; House when the members (an relar from i. ‘
77’" journalist is Often accused 0f exitwk y '2’: ‘ . ..- g; g the busi- .S't‘ilt'dll/t' of the (fill l' l‘t'tl .1! the "
letting his emotions interfere with his $293k I“ - i» f.( a: W ' I » ‘ meals, howling members am (Hi winner «,1 , - u
writing, of slanting his writing ’0 his . I “93 ’ . ”w ,r _ j 3“? to disem‘s l/llllTl’S l/lt‘l .1 re (/1 am! it wag. '
particular Ul’i'li()'7- All” living, working if ‘i* , l. I “9%” a g: learned during lite lla; In li:!\ w. , .'
Matrix, there is no possible way emotion m 13.3“? if; 5"? vI a, 3”“ all/mt [1' tin liar/i; h n w; x ‘4 .-'. . .
cannot be a part of these stories, that ”If?“ 2:. fit 3d; a;, T [mo/..- in ,/m-. h' 1‘ it, 7‘
rigid news style can edit our feelings To :A w j. " § " :i m 1%?” is a» ' .-"
the reader, understand that much of this “New ' IN 91?} I I .- I‘ III
series is my own individual feelings, to _ ,I T ,. . . , s:_ i", I. I.
the people of'illatrix, the game is on. ". '-I' é. “1% I \ I . I I i
I.. I I I IIIIIIIIII - w; ~ ””36 pr ‘ ”fig: _ v lllk‘ ll.l lllL‘ (I)! IIVII”; l\ 11“.” “If 1 PHI . I v R; , I“.
House, a treatment modality I used Iby the = V. > ' M3 {y “T; ‘Q 5 ' ;< . ~ «I mm _d[ , IhIL) ”qu“. ”Damn“ I ”H“; ‘ .-I'_I r
Federal Government for the rehabilitation and ' -- Wan-w .T «qu" ‘ ~, ' A. ..W . dlc ill) Ha ry , I ll c u orii M a In x r . , I. ,
re-education of drug-dependent individuals.I It is " I IIIIII , . §I~ , {If '. “something wit hm \\ hit it \I line! it I rig else: i 2
located on the ground? 9‘ the Nauonal "Emu.“ h XX ; he: ...r: ”g; , «k _ ori in aim or dcvclo N " l‘ x l' me i hx " 5
of Mental Health, (Illimcal Research Center in I “axe , wing . «,Qfi ' at” . . g i . I , l. f, P d L , . .
Lexmgton. The writer spent a weekend and .. - somconc who hvcs m Matrix. it becomes
several evenings “Stems ‘0 and lemmg from '3‘ ”“ 4‘ will“ a much more ncrsonul definition I I i
the members of Matrix for this series. "43;? "3?ng ’ W” . k b .1 r: V
were” ., WK; refit a P0? 8” 0t the PCOPlc wno 1m .1: r. I .
3 ' ‘W . Matrix, their philosophy of tlange .; vI
Only orange pumpkins, unripe ””v i I ' becomes their new hie style, l-or most «1 "I I,- I
watermelons, a few green pepers and k / - 13:53:33? . them. the change must be extreme I'.II .~; , I . I. II
weeds remain in the large garden just ' ~ ' '-- DCCLlUSC their pasts rC‘flCClICXIrLIIHCS - II -I
outside the institutional red brick IFormer ‘dope fiends . 2 .I .' ,
' building of Matrix. Matrix House itself pumpkins and watermelons in the garden For Marshall, a newcomer at Matrix of I”. ”W” own words the l‘kI'I'iPlc a"! I.‘I ' '. _ ..1 I‘~
sits off alone staring out over several acres will be picked. Although the weeds will four days who once lived on a farm and mall“ have been ”(10W “CNS - mam 'I . '
of government property towards completely take over the garden, the now delights at just digging up the old “dd'thTd to hard ”3“”me “1”" J” , ,I’ ;.
Leestown Pike in Lexington. Several ground will be tilled in the Spring. Seeds tomato stakes in the garden, the changes CXCICPUOM- SOmC Who Iound ilk‘lhsclvcx ' r , ' ‘ ‘
hundred yards to the left of Matrix lie the will be planted and the green leaves of will be as radical as the blooming plants taking WWW iIde ”WW lliilllh‘lnwb’t‘m! . -. .T.
other buildings of the Clinical Research vegetables will offset the rainbow of The change wm be just as intense for drugs With the” ”lends came to Matrix
Center, a drug rehabilitation and research colors that will appear as the garden Pete, his shavcn head 3 mark of changes before ”WY dIC‘VClOPtI‘d ll WHICH] habit 'I, I
center sponsored by the UHS Public growsI that have already taken pl'dCC. if” n‘dl'COthS. erOISl OIlI lllClll C(lllSlClCl‘od ll ,
Health Service. It will be only one change in the Or Lyn, a college psychology major only a matter time before that WOUM \TI'.
Soon, as fall begins to change the color environment of Matrix—only a fraction of who put off school to live l8 months at have happened. . ,- .-
of the leaves of the surrounding trees, the a life-style that is change. Matrix. No one knows what she will think Continued on Page 5. (‘01. 1 '
an independent newspaper published by student59 at the university of kentucky " 5' IT'.
Monday, Oct- 25, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 WIT u,” M. I“,
m "_ .
.I II,
M the is subject of study I
a , , .
UK lab seeks natural “1 1] tr )1
. . ._ pes CO .(.
By RALPH C. LONG .knttr‘ “hi e. 1‘; l\i<‘t'li-'kl,11:\ w ,., c. ,1;, l\"\l"l"~ ‘~.' . -:: .. ' '. ‘ .‘ ~ . . : '
Kernel Staff Writer llllilllnim‘E‘L‘1\iiiillle'hmYlN.’ I- .. -:2 .- ,»~ J if .g T ~ ., : . I, . .II
Niil‘lin. lllk‘ullx ot lighting user? ,i.:.t~ that l‘l‘~_ii‘.xl,lik'/ \LHC Iiiilz‘ . r“ I '3 ‘V‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . I ~, II.I-
attack man .itc heme (lcx'eaol'a‘u :z': the lK Ml'k'l‘lllllt‘ ’53“ lllili'llli‘r" ‘ " ~ V' :w ‘7 =2: “ , *~ ' , “ ,9 T“ '.
Auditing}. lulwunni "‘:.-'rl'itg—.i;‘immortals ? 1 . j 'I"‘.\ ~:.,.n;,r:1,,~,»rr 5;, ,. - I . *
Mll'r'\ [Hi :mni: ‘x-l'll’ 012'“ I::‘.H.,i» .' wig} .- ‘I
l'k‘lLIlk‘il ‘r i‘u'l; E. ‘2- .» 3" It. 3' i; .. " - I. 5.; f" ‘g ‘ 7 . ‘ ‘ i l ' a ': _ ,, > ‘I .' -I"-t, e1“ If , .
he no longs-2 ting, r :.. -'.. s . 1;! ‘ . ‘;~. ., ' ”Q . . ‘ " ' ' ' T . ' ‘; :,~ : . . w .
to semi.” M- tnnn‘s hum: \_ a!» 3 “ a H , I: f A , ; ‘ ,_ . I ' ‘_ ,
Thrrk- l .‘ Phi I I ’ {Xx INN III W I ”M II I . . :I I a ' .
At L’Hlklllly. 1H Dr l l: Ri‘ilf’lglu‘t’ Lil {tit , ' ,. ,IT . ‘=’ m . ‘ II : , . . '. T
Acumlogy Lab there .lli‘ three cglchLfiillL‘S' o! lllll\\. if 35: _ ‘ , ..c so II am, _I . .
} “Frcc living mites” arc scavenger,» important in .. ,. , . We "* my . K ".3 ‘ 'T ' '
decomposing organic matter \ncl': ‘ex‘ falling leaves § . a! ' I ‘ " .T ‘ it"
during the autumn. \ ’ .s ’ .. . ‘ , I ' : ,.
) “Predatory mites" live by attacking insects and fi '_ , ~ .. 1‘1 I ,
other small animals including other mites. .I' .. IIII _ I
) “Parasrtic mites" live on many animals. both w m .. ‘ ,4: V I , ". .
M k 1 t' 1 d l i z
, . . . .. ,. -. . . i - s at.
The Student Government gubernatorial mock election, originally , -' "ia 4” , I I . \‘I . _ ‘ . _. ' I:
scheduled for today, has been cancelled. . 5' m2§% . a! " ‘ 2 ' ' I / Q ~ I 4. , ,I
According to SG administrative assistant Tim Guilfoika thc ‘ ““52.- . , ’ ' t ‘(I * - I . .2, a, < , I , 5 ~ . ,
problem was getting enough poll workers. “There were supposed to .1 g . 1»; (’ I? .I re - IT ; l 1... ’a . ‘ .
be four polling places,” (iuifoilc said. “Wc thought we had enough * _, _ ‘ " &\ ,s. - II‘ ' f . $i , .
SC workers, but when we called a mccting last night only five i ,’ ” » w “ \y s; ‘ ,
showed up." , ,f I . - I, ~’ I. 3’ I l .
(luilfoilc said the alternatives he presented to the ('ollcgc i , 1 * . K. [‘1‘ I \.I I ~ ’.O’,~ ‘ I I .
Republicans and Young Dcmocrats last night wcrr running .I ample , z > .51!!! ‘ \ tn I a 'I
‘ ollin i ilacc havini onc Youn i Democrat .nnl .nn- (‘nllc'vc ' , - ‘ , 2...; ‘ a °' . _
llcpulélicim .it ctlcli [Milling place, orinnecllimv the \‘it‘Vill‘il‘ P if in {I ‘ . (if 5 " I . K ‘. h I, k ‘ “ . , .
. l Wasri [I going .ilongI Iw1th one polling! l‘lJLi‘T mill. \trk. ? III . ,Iyip’ I , g, 4. .3 II .
.\l;lli)l\‘(lll, (ll.llllll.lll ol l.‘l\ llcmornnn‘ \ nuwnm tonirnitlu- “it i ,. “W" " ; ‘ ' V ,j .
Would have liven {I mockery " if”: "° _ . ...w-w , 3”"! .. ‘ , I
“()f course, l doubt flicrc was enough intcirwt Iv lune .1 roll gm d .3. ’5, '- _ . t \ -‘;:IIIIIII t «a» I .
mock clcction, it wc couldn‘t cvcn gct poll Workers." ‘ 3‘ ‘ " _ ’ . ' .. T‘s a»: v, '
“We‘re still willing to have an election," said l‘hil Dunnsgun, If T ' v'.’ .
second vice president of Young Kentuckians for lnnbcrton. “i think I . ‘ . ' C
Young Democrats are using this as an excuse to get out of having an It mil? [)9 (sal(xlllng I --. I I
election.” ' ' - . I
“I would rather have the first choice (“"9 polling place)," This mite, magnified 1,000 times and photographed by a new $70,000 scanning electron ‘ . . '
Dunnigan said. “I'm afraid if both parties worked at the polling microscope at the UK Experiment Station Farm. is one of the subjects of astudy aiming - - -'
place whoever l0“ WOUId claim “311d“ at finding natural means for pest control. . .

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. Oct. 25. 1971 —____—______________________—————————
B h 9 . d . l racis m
BY KEITH BRUBAKER dUIde from LON-Wine, and 1 UK Baha'i’s. said “Pe0P1e are first place.” She accused the protect yourself you could end
. Kernel Staff Writer think he does change. People d0 afraid to act outside of their administration of having a “you up in the same position as the
. You haye “the small-town kid come 0‘“ more liberal when 0W“ SIOUPS- HOW many go do your own thing” man you’re trying to help.”
I who gets m a room with a black they get together Wlth people Of students, for instance, are aware attitude—“We’ll pay you to leave How to keep out of mud?
I Other races. of the foreign students on us alone.” A black student agreed with
Speaking was a IbhiCk UK campus, and the wonderful . d t this but said “1 don’t know how
' STEREO :“d'm' at. the Dialogue 0“ opportunity this could bring in The ‘1'?“ng aheaagutrg Ml: to keep the mud from spraying ”
‘ ’ - ' I ,7 “ - O I
acism Friday night in the broadening one’s knowledge? White 1 eIasw . t 0 Ms. Bruflat told the group it
Student Center. Sponsored by Students separate blacks without getting 0- was time for them to “st t
AM-FM stereo, stereo UK B'h " A. - h . d' ” A white student said . . . . ar
Chan er and . k f YWCA 3nd 10th 559Udt10", t e Another student said, “When “Ifty' b bl s ecimen of painting out raCIsm’ when they
, - g ' I 10C 5 or i n . o n n ertcampus group: students get mixed together they I m pro at 3k." thout H see it, to tell those involved in it -
. tape cartridge, $89.95 U ‘t :1 N' eIC ‘ 0 n w 1 t separate into their own groups. what you re a mg ' “Stop! You’re wrong.”
' . ‘ . each. AF on AM—FM digllo Cue bations 1an8 th: NOthlhg happens to them He went on to say “White She cited her own actions as
. , _ ‘ ' n - 9y _ . . .
: . _ stereo receiverS, with headsg and sOglgmn tit/lords ugly: outSide that group. liberals have been frightened by examples of failure In this, and
. built—In 8 track $89.95 for unit 1 g IA I Whlte student strongly the culture of the ghetto. It 15 reminded the group of the
_ h ' , y. . . . cntrcrzed the administration for illogical to expect someone in a YWCA theme for 1971: “To
. .. eac . Also, available Most who partiupated In the cuttin funds to the B1 ck . . , ., - - . . .- ~ -.
, _ . d' l . . , “ .- . g a better posmon to change places eliminate racism wherever it Is
. . I B S R Slash McDonald ‘3 0g“? agreed racism 15 “0t Student Union. This drew a with you When you don‘t and by any means necessary.”
I. _ ; Changers and Webcore somethiIIing JUSt EIeItweeh ItIhIe response from a black student '
. . races, u some iin w l ‘l .- “ ' '
. .' II 0”, suspenSIon speakers. . .. g, It who said The UniverSIty has
I . , comis between many other done a very good job of -
'v .' . . . EFOUPS 1“ society." stamping on black people by I d d I ‘M
I . , . . Un'ted FI’EIth sales MS. Anni] Brllflill, Cllillrllliln or giving them that [money in the O ay an omorro
, - . 2123 Oxford Circle
‘ ‘ v W f d
' ’ e g0() e . The deadline for announcements is Lobby, Complex Caletena and
II . ' Z ——-—-—-I——--—-—:':——-I" 7:30 p.m. two weekdays prior to the Classroom Building first floor.
' ' -‘ ‘4‘" “a-.. ~. . .. . . ,. , , fi t bli t' r 't ' this . .
. . ”9i ?* I. T n i: Kernel Incorrectly film. “The Magic‘ian. The mOVIC céfumfif' ca Ion 0 l ems m mmf‘ffilcfluffl‘gfifi‘flflAfigfimfi
, . tw KL? ,, > , reported that the mock will be shown Monday and ' TODAY and Space Sciijnccs. Battelle-Pacific
"—5 // (““51” gllhemdmriul election will be Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and 9:15 CAMPUS FRIENDS OF PCCA Northwest Laboratories. 4 p.mI
' . l -. 13%" I Ted)“ , sponsored by the Y'Hlnu meeting 8 9-” Mondd-‘V 0“ 25“ MOM?” 0"". 25*. ROO’“ 153-
, . ' 5 ' ‘ and,“ :3} «"6357 A v ' beniot‘r'its Stud-cm (‘overnhi n: P-m- * * * Room 309‘ smdem Gem”. CheITdSIEZW-Pll‘mcs Blald'mg.
. .I -. I, s » , . _. ., I ,. e , B G ASS G 0UP OF THE
- : tw- ' .- ‘ .. <.- . . . .. MOCK ELECTION . - d by r .
. , . . . ’ ’09) I \Hll SlvliOOf llin L\tlll. The name 01 Constance Wllson the UK Young Demogrlifigqgfiii UK SIIElzRA ((‘SLIIJB2r5neeceingt 71.3% p.m.
- . . . . . . . on av. c . . e ' '
2 . . ‘ 1. an 3:2” * * s was inadvertently omited trom College Republicans , between ‘Chumh-I 1644 NICliolasyirl‘leraRd, dptlst
' ' ' ' OUT ‘ 'i ~ ‘ - gubernatorial candidates lom
.- 4" ' T , I thC 115' 0' “PPO‘MWS t0 the Embcrton and Wendell Ford. Polls PROBLEM PREGNANCY AND
. I.I . . , I he heme. Incorrectly stated search Committee tor a new will be open 9 a.m. to (3:30 p.m. QBORTlgN COUNSELING.
. . « _ ,,,I« ./'/ I I 1. .131 xg for . . T . ,, c i s Monday. Oct. 25. Student Center ’iimen’s enter. call: 2529358
. ., .‘ . ”MT-.cz~-..: . iI t t the SC Birgman dLJI‘l of Arts and Sciences. first floor Commerce Build“, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday
our our , I, . - ~ g
. I I. . . .I I _: . // . , . through Wednesday. and 2 p.m. to 5
. ', . m: “1:.- II” I//- p.m. on Sunday. It emergency during
. I, .. . _ _ I . ther hours call Patti or Laurie at
. _ no ..u. m .4 \ 0
, , ,_ m — ., 0" ti" I c N 0 253-2284.
, _ . , , ,f f i BIRTH and BIRTH 0 TR L FILMS SW.
, I , I I . _: I_.-I , .I . the end of October for a raffle to
. . . I . , I” ~... to l PLUS DOCT R V raise funds for the North End
‘ I 2' I g .3 o" f, . l:051-OANsw————:UES:h—l:j community center valumeer
% ?“‘"' A '0 Recreation Program. Contact Dan
. ~——. .. u. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY G '
, . I ' ossett at 254-0791 or John Rotter
___.' m -..; -..-.; -——- at 233-1883.
. -. . i. \ G TOMORROW
. I . _ .- I, _ -7. , . E’ II. Films will b h T d LEXINGTON ASSOCIATION
. . . -— l e s own ues ay, Oct. 26 and Wednesday, Oct. 27 from 7-9 p.m. FOR PARENT EDIUCATION
‘. . -. Be is 5" R°°m ”8: CB Building il’a‘l‘s‘SE'sforaifinisufifzef‘ln'etifliim’é‘é
. _ . I ‘ . childbirth preparation 8 p.m.
. ‘ , an ! ; Sponsored by AED—Pre-Med Honorary Tuesday. Oct. 26. Good Samaritan
, . _~ . '. Hospital; 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27.
.I . . . m 4.1% a.- UK Medical Center; 8 p.m. Thursday
. - :' 0‘ . .. Oct 28, St. Joseph’s Hospital. These
~. , . I . . . ,0, I. ‘Q. are beginning classes. For
I . . . i I ’0 I, I. \‘ information contact Ms. Donna
, I .I ,. . . '. I , Rogers at 299-5000.
- . I I ‘ .
. » . ‘i. . . I 3 A N N U E M E N T ! meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Oct. 26.
: . . .' CW 5 Notes are great any time you . Room 453 F. Anderson Hall.
j ‘I . . ,' need help in literature‘ We : Election of Officers.
‘ I . , .' ' . * . recommend buying early so that z o . . PRE-LAW PANEL DISCUSSION
. , .. . . you can use them as you stud. : 7:30 Tuesday. Oct. 26, Law
‘. .. . the ass:gned play Or novel and III. . OCle y 0 e lg ’ ’ [a l Courtroom.
' f " ., a helpful review prior to exams '
. I' .‘ Get the Cains Notes you nervi : O E N v ICSLOINNGIgPE N T A L '
_ » .' ' :1 ms... mi: see whylhey'tethe ; ' AWARENESS SOCIETY open
‘. , I . . [.,PIC.I.9d study M1 Of my.“ of . CtOber Meeting meeting 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Oct.
I .' . ‘ gtudpnfs nationwide p3. It I...“ z , I . 27. Room 245. Student Center.
. I .' ; . .. . . , deaTe' I out gt a titie. he can get : PUbIIC InV'ted Guest speaker will be Walter Strange.
_ I I .' , .- .mnine: last WM Ciiit's Hot use , state government.
I_ , ,. - M : SPEAKER; the 1971-72 season. “The Birthday
I I, . .I ,i . . Party“ opens 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
I _ I ’\ . . . _ 9
, . I M . . Oct. 27. Fine Arts Buildin
. . , X i... . DR. JOHN SCARBOROUGH, ASSOClate PrOfeSSOI' Laboratorv Theatre Admission? ‘
, .' I. .. I. I .1 . . .'. D. ESL : University of Kentuck De t t f Ho I non-students $2: student $1 and for
.. : ‘. , . , . : y par men 0 Istory groupsoften ormore s].
. ' . Nearly 200 tltles~~always avaiiaiiie : TOP/C' FRIENDS OF THE LEXINGTON
'. , .- wherever books are sold : . :PBLIC LIBRARY presents Mr. and
. - . ‘. Bill Cohen in a multi-media
. ~ . WNW - "What The Roma “ s ‘ ’
. -. , I I . . I‘IS Tho“ program on Appalachia 7:30 p.m.
I. . . .- . Herel : ghf Of TeChnOIogy \Ii/Iii’dnesday. Oct. 27. Gallery of the
L . . . irary.
II ‘1 . ,'. \l/ : TIME EITA KAPPA NU. electrical
: . I ‘. . .. I z . engineering honorary. sponsors a film
. ‘; , '. . . 7.00 p.m. "— OCtOber 27 197] series every Wednesday at noon in
. . , ; . . _ w II I . ’ Room 255 Anderson Hall
-' a ace 5 = M.
‘l I. '. . z . MW
., I ' .' r : R0 0 n r; I
. I . III . II 385 : om l 10 White Hall (Classroom Budding) >§ Dmgs—DRUOs—Drugs Q
‘ 1 . . . . 2 Refreshm , - , . . _ jv SG Dru Center— g
. I I _ South lecstonc : h Id en 5 WI" be served at 7.00 p.m. A short busmess meeting to be (5 25514. t 9
.‘ I e at 7:30 p m. WI” precede Dr. Scarborough's lecture at approximately 7? ‘ [ma one X
'. (I . ‘ r - ' . chmgton, Ky, : 7145 p.m. The public is cordially invited. :7 Health benicc— ;
.I -II . , .‘ j I; 233-5823 2
_ , I, .- . :7 _ . ,,-.. m. ... .. . s. a... m a..-..-..._s-v-.-...-.,...“mm.-.” . ..._.. . . W. W. .. - MM.-.,-.-_,.,. WIMRWWVau—mamam_ (1 ( hr“: ( .vntI-r /
.I , . ‘- 21: . a I" , "NW“MM N ' " / a~ ' ’1
_ . . . I . . . . . . .‘rl W \laxwell ;
. iI I i ‘, 1 kg PC'TTWSHGhy Plapers by [In-III, '5 .' I“In“; -:?s§i‘ “is/f. in", ,., /‘
'. . - .. M W ‘ U . ~ “i\‘-.\‘.\.‘.\.»‘u'»A
II' . I ~'. ... .r '5 filigree;
. II I . . ‘I I ' I I. ...l l. I; I'
. , : , . _; ‘i‘ a,“ I ..I I Pi . II i ii i h . sis. I . l‘ I
. - f\ 1 . e I ./ ‘* '- , 2 ".1 ’ l i ~ ' . l .5 » ~ m... -
. . . I, 2‘.“ . 'j.' v -; ..i . ,: , " it: i . . I “. . '- ‘ "i M! cur-4
. I , _I , ,. II ,. .1 - ,_,./ . or) {1; v ... I 3“ $2; ; I \ . ._ .l I I III. ‘WIM
' ' ‘ 3 ~ ' '2"? / ' \Ss rem... 13/“?- - "a? .’ I; ~' « «if. 21?. / ‘ p? m mm. in-m 5...... sin
e i . l' ‘ - - A, »" v » 1’ ' Q KFRVE‘I Tri rpm \- ‘s
, ' ‘ o . \ .I J \ '.' f;.' l \I /I _ . __I I - "t'li I , ,E.’ ,' I 4 :4.” \‘ I I I AI 4 . :4 . )i E.
V) ’ ._ " ' :1 .ll |I 'z \‘ 2 ’2' ., . 7 "3/ '1::':‘:'," :5", . i ll ' ' _ 1'4"" "' \I'm'mmu 13‘1”“? -- 257—1755
’ i ' ‘ i ‘i' . . f "J" .i‘ ‘ ’ ‘. ‘ ‘. ? '"‘ " {‘7/ I, 2',” 4 9“; .Qi l'A‘lltmml Pail? Editor.
‘ Lu ' -' * is.“ , ‘ is. ~ Q " ' I « 7° Artits‘sifs 5
. - a... n v- . _ iinn . . . .258—4646
. w
’ t

 __________________—__________ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, On. 22, 1971—3 . ' ' '
v. . .355». i. \‘Jf’o‘y‘ j“ 5: 3 fl, ‘2 j2'-‘ ;_ 3,; , 12.51“", ‘V,§4g :"I""’.--‘3' V. 0 $3155" » . \. :8 2%“ > {V .0 . \x . ' .2 _ . .
1th '- ‘r-:-.~° W» 1?; 1: ‘25:." " . :.=2::...;-::-.' «J ‘r ’21»! 2'°"‘..::.:ii‘ M , ‘ >- ' ' " r3» a?“ «v > .. '
.OW {555% E51793“ E:P-Ef'v§-v-..‘.g;f.':: ,~,:(.( 2"v'I-:IY- 2 2;. . .- 5 > 4": _:V 5“ . .. .- f: , fj’ .. - , » , . ,' .
g.” A" (f FgAaY ETTE“ M‘A‘ ”° ‘5'” . ». .’ » ‘1 “Wyn”, .( -'
' 5: .- .3 ..f ..'?l§:;., . - .w3‘§§;§;ij§§§;.‘. ‘53:. f .: ‘3'31553313;;,':;~-.;-- ,, fwfi “:‘ ‘ ' r. '- ,2 - V . " “' v. .-‘ ,0 Z *8 ‘-
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y actww
8 mac r ac m .
h w b' t
Mr. Agnew props up anot or t 0- 1t tyran
, -’ T
' peo
' P r e s i (1 cut Nixon’s trusty government of Premier George carrying out its country’s role as a in which an estimated 90 percent of 11
' globetro tter a nd official Papadopoulos. member of NATO.” Diplomatic all registered voters oppose their Ens;
' mouthpiece. Spiro Agnew, has done “I depart your country with a sources said Agnew’s remarks went government. It is a nation where ther
it again. sense of accomplishment and far beyond past support of the some 50,000 state spies keep tabs to .
‘ This time Mr. Agnew wound up personal fulfillment,” Agnew told Greek regime. on the activities of the citizens. The x2e
'» -- an official visit to his fatherland. the premier in Athens. “And I leave it figures. It is useless to rant premier drives to hls palace m a “de
l ‘ Greece, with a gush of praise and with renewed respect for the efforts again a b out Mr. Agnew’s bulletproof limousme along a route .. i
' . - support for the one-man of the government of Greece in bear-hugging Ot yet another cheap sealed off by 300 armed policemen. btet
j. ' dictatorship. He has done it so And Greece is a nation where :16:
often before—in Ethiopia and journalists are gagged by. a go .
. ' ._ South Korea. for instance-wthat his rubber-stamped “code of ethics” our
, _ I actions and the tacit support of Mr. which metes out severe punishment Mi;
-* i c enlu¢ 9 erne Nixon are how old hat. for publication of “anti-Christian” Nov
' ‘ ‘ ' Instead. let us look at some facts or anti-Greek news. of
' . .' "V‘l'w" "' M‘W“ . . . , , , , about the type of government our It is a place where hundreds of R65
. .. isi \l‘.l.l\lll-l) rm: l.l‘.\l.\('.l()l\. M. . . ,. . . the
. j ' . .. . WWW.-- h. Vice preSIdent so unreservcdly political prisoners langUISli on the
- ' ‘ ' l" it!" t "I\t ' .' 71/ H'u‘t'tlt ‘. :vr' l.[..' ll lll'v l t) I' ‘ i' ‘\ . ‘ ‘ ' 3 “ ' » ' ’ -
. g . . l”‘f' "i l 1 ’ 'l' - t " ’ . I i ’., ",1. '1.”J,,"_’_’,,_’-TW - commits his nation s support to. ottsliore islands. awaiting a release whi
: ' \l‘l" “W“ "’V”"’"”"(i""” Greece is a nation which has that may never come. It is a nation grO
., . it; \' ‘:.’rr. .: ' ' 1‘ 2“!" it "\ .\‘\tl"1 ’ .Il 1‘" - . . ~ - l
' , ,. .1. \ ' ' ., . I 'g‘ ‘7" l ,"I‘ [.1', ' been promising.' democratic where the premier has assured his ‘1’“
w‘ . ' ' . \ N. _ bu ‘ ,.. .. ‘ l. ‘ r. \vl.t_\ l.(llf{>."l(ll little l‘.(lllt)t‘ _ . ' . . . . the
. , . r. . . . - . . n . , . u. ». i. m: s»... u- it lv-tm 1' elections Since a military coup continued reign by demoting all 51m.
. . , ‘ ‘ ' ‘ '\‘ 3‘ ' ? ‘ ' ‘I’ ’ [till 111 ousted a left-leaning government iii possible rivals to innocuous cabinet real
' u w l'w-r‘ '. ‘~ 3’ .‘fl‘.’ ' it '. i<-. 'ri‘t‘ 'lii\-‘ HM. i“.\..’\! L I . . . - ..
.1 1 , 1’ , ' ‘ H 0 ”l M “m 1967. Those elections have _\'et to posts and setting himselt up as a ””6
' . ' ' . M be held. tyrant. Martial law is the rule. Says had
1 _ g .‘ lnstead. Greece is now a nation Papadopoulos: “I am the captain of rim
' . ~ this ship. And I will decide when out
, y . ' . ' 1 the ship puts into port.” 3:10
. . . 1-} ‘ I ‘. \\ ‘. . 4‘ -
' I ' 7 9 I .3 to “ H ll“; And what does this mean to the
- . _ , ’ . sex 5‘: ..'. 1; E i 1...; \ fl '. United States? Simply this: Greece
. ii , ~. 9 ' ‘ 3‘ l, '7? a. R f i V f. f is also a key to U.S. and NATO
' ' “5"": l”\ _ "/é ~ / "L . _- military operations in the
' ' J i 5 x ,, ‘| s‘ . ‘ F\\\. . ‘ . .
. . _ ‘2. M if: C2 PM :\\‘ , . M 1;“ Mediterranean. Greece is a nation
. - , -§—J. 1-1“ \ V” . -U \ a W In...) 3 us. where U.S. busniesses hold lar e
. M V' ‘1“. / V.' 21.... i / t W’ \ .30: ~ . . . g
- . j . . ' 7 \r-f’ / , . ‘ 1/ \\ ’ ‘5 . 1/” 4 , , I. '3 investments. including a recent $60
I.‘ . . 3 ‘ 3 .‘ é; , ', ' 1\ ’ ' " ., fl million loan to the dictator
_- i , ' _ " J..'n_ ' ’. ,; ~ I I 0 I ' ° Papadopoulos’ treasury. And it is a
. ‘ . 1‘ . ’CHOU, OLD MANLWE’RE I Llé:::EYF33’RE 'EQSTATIC?’ nation which will receive $70
INVITING YOU INTO THE U.N.!’ ' million in U.S. military aid this
.‘ , -' - . 1 =“ \ .- , \ n- \~-.. I. y t ‘\‘, year.
.1 . ‘ s. :_ / l1 /..,—'§" '3. ' 4;}. ‘3; , Those are all the facts—~except
. ._ . ~ ,, C , i g t.;\\\ ‘ ; ( , \ fl one. Greece is also another in an
_ .. . / y I ‘QTWJN err-w ' ‘ l -, '. ' ‘ - -
. .f .‘r ’ , WJME? /. . .. , t unending string of ruthless
- Z - . i . ~ .fry; - 35%] ‘ .1 “I 1‘s. tyrannies shored up by‘our nation
V' i " ’V = ' it “5 \‘ \\\ §§F\ %” \‘v‘i‘h' for its own )ersonal ain
, ‘ ' ; ‘ ._ . 7/4 ‘ 91L.) 1“; ~\ \ l w \‘\~.: \ J"'/ ‘w ‘ \ f§ I g .
f .‘ . . L/I/V/ l 4 ’ ‘.;¢;:.\ . \>.::\\§.\\ 1,? \ 7 , . \\ cc . .
. _. .» y‘ , 99/ ‘ 2 "Y \Q .w 1 ‘ ’ ~" 3*. ;/_\ fi. 44!}: _ We are friendly With many
, , . - >§ \\ o ovarian < .l .. »~ . \ . \ ~ '- . dictatorsnms that contribute to
i i i I i ‘ . K :‘ h . tlhjg‘LhinE ' i l o "‘ ’ ' I ¢ what the the Pentagon sees as our
. ' l Wt. , ,. , 4 .- - . . ,,
_ .1 \ | KNOW—YOU'RE JUST TOO world miSSion, laments The
. ‘ . . i; . ‘ ‘ I ,l l I E, I ' '
. g4 OVERJOYED-. -- Q YOU *5 HATED OVERCOME TO SAY ANYTHING.’ Nation. We sadly agree, and we are
- : A. _ .i ., . ashamed for our government.
i . _.: | ~ ‘ ~ . é...
: ‘ 'i V -. . ’I‘Vx’aflefdmmoVéi‘J’iSV3 35335 K I F . t h d t :3:E¢E:3:E:S:E:S$}“c"=:" - shag-gee;-:;:.---.. .:..‘t...r;:.I;:;:..';:::;:;I::.:::.-:;";r;:;:;:::-. 3
_-_ . V , . g M erne orum. e rea ers wrl e Mew 3
‘ f ‘ 0 w" l‘isilntion )olipy The girl intending to Visit a friend in a man other University students would If we cannot et the Universit to E
. . - . l I . . y . . . . . g y :
. .. , . -. , , f _. Th it t b l b f male dorm Checks in at the desk and the jOin our organization, and part1c1pate 1n remove this unfair assessment from our 3
. ' . . '. t de ta temphs y ilh arge “”73“," female attendant gives her a numbered our other activities. records I propose that in the near future 5
‘ , '1 '. S ”1.6“ Sf :1 cUange ‘t e {0}?“ “in“?! chasity belt With 100k and key for her to Mike Wilson everybody who feels nauseated by this 5
, . . ‘ i porcylo . ic "well“ y 0b entuc y told put on. After putting it on in a neatly Young World Development form of socialized medicine should report
‘. ‘ more .Oglca one “We. ee’.‘ “onsmmy provided room the girl gives the key to Public Relations to the Student Health Service for a 3
. , . ‘ , . cast aSide by the administration. Could it - - - ‘5 ~ . n 2
. , . , . . y , , the attendant and is free to ViSit her Sick-in . At least we would get our '
.. ‘ '. . . . be that the administration has a new plan . , 3
'1 . .. f . _ , f } _ 9 W' friend for as long as she wants. When she , moneys worth. 5
. g ' lgtrtlgpe'n "Snail?” 0 he” ‘Owlrgj' ”hid is ready to leave she returns to the desk, Th? llt’allh Insuranfl’ No It Gorback D.D.S. ;..
'. 1 ._ - l. ., ‘mag‘n‘.’ Km one .eou 685‘ y gets the key, takes