xt77m03xw81k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xw81k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1983-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, October 1983 text GSO Newsletter, October 1983 1983 1983-10 2019 true xt77m03xw81k section xt77m03xw81k LEXINGTON GAY SERVICES ORGANIZATION . ‘
PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE Keith Elston. President
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. I lost my mind while I was writing my
message last month.
Anger is one of the most powerful of human emotions and, yes, I was angry when I
wrote the message. My anger had the unfortunate effect of clouding the intended issue
which was perfectly clear in my mind. I had apparently shot the gun without taking
very careful aim. I am reminded of a minister I had when I was growing up. He would
give powerful sermons designed to shake up the complacent members of the congregation
and invariably one of the very people he was speaking to would say, "Nice sermon. I
certainly hope those people got the message.” Obviously not. Those who were innocent
of any of the things that he had spoken of were also those who felt that the sermon
was directed at them.
My last letter needs some clarification.
I was shooting for those who constantly degrade GSO with thoughtless statements,
unfounded rumors and gossip and those who prefer to gripe behind the scenes rather
than bring their complaints and criticisms to a meeting. This is most surely because
they could not or would not present the things they have said at the general meeting if
they had to support their statements with logical reasoning or hard evidence. It is for
those people that I have no sympathy. Unfortunately, the message confused those
people with closeted persons.
There are many individuals who are and prefer to remain closeted for personal reasons.
However, many of them do help G80 and give their support as far as circumstance will
allow. I extend a sincere thanks for everything you have done. There are some who
cannot do anything for the organization but are interested in its welfare. GSO
appreciates them and wants them to know GSO is here when or if needed.
To all who were unintentional victims of my anger, I humbly apologize and ask for your
understanding. ‘
This incident HAS served a purpose, however. I have reevaluated the purpose for
having a Presidential Message. The President of GSO should reflect the thoughts,
ideas, and decisions of the entire organization. With that in mind, I cannot responsibly
present my personal opinions on issues in the name of GSO. Therefore, the Presidential
Message will become a breif statement of notable happenings. Also, other pages will '
contain space for editorials from guest writers and letters to the editor. Letters and
editorials will be edited for space, grammar, etc., and must be accompanied by the
writers name and address. Initials will be used if so desired. This must be requested in
writing and submitted along with the letter or editorial.
GSO hopes these changes will bring about a greater volume of participation. and a.
broader sense of responsibility within the community.

 :J- ‘ 2‘2.---.’;,,' .’-',.-.~-.1. - ' " -, ~— . ’. :5 2 nun"). 2 .'._».-«’.:r,"lni,2-'.~ .‘I w " '- “222: -,',"2.- "‘n."..,.'.\'..:.*:'-..-. :'2-.'_,.;2-.“.
'2 2 1 ‘ 2 ' ”t .‘2
~ Pmb‘indcr’s last i I; to the inter: - ' " ~ ' ~ ' - , A
and mOSt I was surprised to see ' Keith Elston's ‘
tr 0 I fl $322 unwarranted attack (in his September
COI‘I OVEI‘SIa I m. ' ' ‘é ' Presidential Message) on a group of people
x3 who are a valuable part of our community.
, 3 The letter was contradictory to previous
It will take you into “3% . statements made by Keith in the
a surreal world of passion M Newsletter. GSO must _ serve . the entlre
d l . t % lesb1an and gay community, wh1ch 1ncludes
an gay sexua '1 y° both closeted and openly gay persons,
without being judgemental as to how people
It ' s a film that goes s“ _ ..gj choose to live their lives . In reference to
further than mo st would 2 those People Who felt- uncomfortable CPmme
dare to 0 g t0 the publle Gay Prlde Week celebration, I
9 ° 3" know that some Of those People have been
LEXINGTON P REMIERE! _, if i- 2:35,? active, behind-the-scene supporters of
—-————-——— --—-——_..__.. -‘:.:552323532E3323z3552353=' £1 133235 ‘ 2552-1 £22351: .
Starts 0.. 4» b 5 .3 GSO 1n the past. I hope that last month's
"’ :0 er °‘ Presidential Message has not caused them
I ~. ”r121 2:}2i2§:§2§5§2§s§s§E§3§: , "s: , .3223 ‘i: 22: 2532:1232 . . .
See Galen.” ‘ 3- ’_ ' 23:3. g; .2323; to change the1r minds about the importance
. gimme“ ., 4: =;.:.:. of supporting GSO-
SEATS 31° t 5 ' ~. ~
if2,Vj:_3:2,";;,3,3,31,3fgéj533,333.;,,3__,_,, .2323} ‘1' Although the letter was directed towards
.- » :55; two different groups of people. it was
2 . < -' t gays are critical of 080 and vice versa.
”3° " " .{i ‘ The president of GSO should be more
g 3 ..t g " m .2 ‘ 2‘ SetleitiVe t0 the Opinion's of others. GSO
' .. s . “' .. : depends on the support of the community
’3 2 for it's existenee- .
,essssthssthsssrdmmdm V .
3 DIETERSCHIDORandGAUMONPresent In closing, I am sure that Keith had good
in QUERELLE Afilm by RAINER WERNER FASSBINDER is: mtentlogs 33d Simply allowed hls anger to
—Bt:t‘l.:£2“l'2§§2“§ébyfiEfiélEmil?“ESEtéETBEREREST" ltl“ cloud hrs Vtew of what his letter had to
A IL . l. A 9 L U | H '\ .
E_ MCMWHA'WNWW“ "‘ ? say. In the future, he should take his own
,- "3 ‘ advice, stop complaining and start working
1 ll'l IE towards building a better community for
' I. r Y Lexington's lesbians and gay men.
l‘ IEN] ILJ L/ !‘ Mac Mathis
7 2;; 2' .. 3 .. “322’; 33 $53.“ " Fat '33:: 3:33
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" _ WHAT CAN YOU DO? ' . ‘ I. 1,, ' v
nisrounms To PENDING LEGISLATION - , II 9. 5 k
Many times when a crisis feels is part 0i~ IhC National Institute Of Health I '
overwhelmingwerespondbyattcmptingto ReaUlhOTW-a‘ion BHL WhiCh is , together
deny it or withdraw by trying to put it out controversial because of its fetal research ,
ofour mind. Nevertheless. action is the best provisions among other new requirements. 1 ' to
antidote to defeatism and negativity. lt currently takes NIH. the world‘s largest ' . ' ' .
Action on the AIDS issue is something all medical research organization. morethana ‘ _ conq uer '
of us can take. even those ofus who choose year to fund and initiate research projects 5 ; . . ' , ’
not to volunteer for specific committees or dUC to an extensive peer review system. ' _ '
organizations. Politicians respond to their Waxman's amendment will expedite this 5 "
constituency by taking stock of public process for public health emergncy ,
sentiment. measuring their mail as votes. research. Kennedy‘s (D—MA) amendment. ' ' _
Each telegram. letter. or phone call you which is identical, has progressed well in ‘ I ~
initiate represents your opinion and that of the Senate. _,
200 other voters who haven’t takenthetlme The Weiss Bill, HR 2880 ch. Ted Weiss 5' , 5 g .
to respond. Don t thln'k that your oplnlon (D-NY) has written the first bill to help 5 1 . . . _ .
does“ I COW“- h dOCS- people with AIDS directly by calling roi- ' - , . , '
Approximately [4 bills have been automatic Medicaid eligibilitywhenAlDS __ ..
introduced to Congress in response to the is _diagnoscd. The average cost of I ' - , ' ,_
AIDS crisis. Among the fastest moving are hospitalization for a person with AlDS. at ' , '_ ' .
the following: current rates. is $64,000. Since claiming ' , . “ '
The Woman anaemia" Bills, HR 2713 glffiglhljlgiat'gfsan}; :gd'guwroge ”"3 x a . ,
and S [226 Rep. Henry Waxman (D—CA) [4' '0 d tn” {QUE .C 'Uliducrd‘lts rd .j » .. . '
introduced a bill calling rel-a $40 million “PC d“ “ 0W 0‘ ““00“ W C“ "LC L - ' _ " :7 . .
emergency fund ‘0 address RUbI'C health Several state and city administrations have _ g ' _j _ ’
emergenCIes. Sen. Al?” Cranston (D’CA) passed or are considering legislation to 5 .- _ '
introduced acompanlon blll m the Senate. provide funding for AIDS related projects ." - ,
Waxman “ blllwas amended 1") createa$30 and services. We encourage you to write '
W'Hlon .fund. and passed the your local and stage officials as well. and . ' 0 NATIONAL _
Subcommittee on Health and the urgethemto allocatefundsforAlDS. Find . . .
EnVlronment With only one negatlve vote. out' the names of your representatives 3 .
Cranstons bill has been slower due to the today (you can call the local League of , . . ‘
flsea.ly conservative Senate Labol and Women Voters for this information) and 3
. Human Resources Commlttee. contactthem immediately. Get yourfamily ‘ . . __ = » ' y
The Boxer Bills, HR 2762 and HR 2763 and friends to write as well. You can make ' ' 1 = .1" IGIL
Rep. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) introduced a difference! ' -———— ‘ '
two bills to replace similar AIDS research . OCTOBER 8‘1983 IWASHINGTON'DC
funding bills written by the late Rep. Philip . / ..
Burton. HR 2762 calls for $l0 million for I - /' )’ 4:7
CDC research funds for fiscal year I984 Don t be left OUt In (é? 0
(FY 84). Hr 2763 calls for $20 million for the COId. . . . . . . . . . . . a J \ O 5&1
the National Institute of Health research in . , ‘ \
FY 84. There are no companion bills in the ' - -
Senate but the existing Senate Health and ' - DREAMS and REALITIES
Human Services appropriations could be
- amended to include measures similarto the ' ' Submitted by Alley
“at Boxer bills. ' I t
The Waxman and Kennedy Amendments ADVERTISE. Bigger dreams and better realities
HR2350andS773Waxman‘samendment ‘ Are for those WhO are themselves
, You are as free as you dare to be.
ii;— ~‘ i , . Fight not with violence,
i , . _ . ; \ Dont stay in the dark \ But with Pride, Intelligence, Per sistence.
g A ‘ . l. H ‘54 _ ‘ t Hold upyour head and hold your ground,
a t . 923 ID IL EAS E The chome is yours to l1ve as yourself
can .-‘ ’ '
.4 HIDIHG . ~~-l 725 ————-—-—-—- or (he nobody.
lTlrlA l l =r
a“; ~ “:- ‘ .' . . .
. . . Everyone 18 dlfferent and speoial
3%! A . . J
g (\bgfiég- ‘- -. .. i =._ f. , In one way or another:
I i . ~- l 5 SHOW YOUR .
HELP. i --_.';'.‘, SUPPORT t! , Gay people are very special,
15...: - i fiat" I” ‘83 ! Yet not so different as to be
I ._ _ 7.] ‘-.‘.‘:-'3.. L-—.——~—~————* Ashamed of themselves!
. . Let's stand together Proud.

e Lavender Letter 5
Perry Mason, Eat Your Heart Out... Focus POI ItICS
US. District Judge James F. Gordon authority shall, in any case whatever. —_
refused to throw out the suit filed by controlorinterferewiththerightsofcon- —____—
Samuel F. Dorr (president of D/l). who is science." Section 1 promises protection
claiming that First National Bank con— for “the right of [all people] seeking and The National Association of
spired to deprive him of his rights in a pursuing their safety and happiness" and Gay and Lesbian Democratic
dispute over his affiliation with Dignity/ "the right of freely communicating their Clubs has provided an
integrity. While dismissing a number of thoughts and opinions."Gordon's opinion - - - -
constitutional groundsfor Dorr‘s claims, noted his reluctance to interpret Ken- lnltlal 501“]de Of Where
Gordon did agreeto hearthe case based tucky's constitution without clear eaCh Democratic candidate
onemploymentdiscrimination provisions guidance by any state court: “This is for the 1984 presidential
of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VII). especiallytrue becausethe plaintiff's state elections stands in relation
Dorr contends he was discriminated constitutional claims rest on passages to the Gay Rights issue.
against because the bank was going to that, to put it mildly, are breathtakingly
transfer him from his job as a vice presi— expansive. . . [nevertheless]. itwould truly , , ,
dent and branch manager to a lesser beanintrepid courtwhich could everfeel G80 15 pr0V1d1ng these
position, and was going to force him to safe in dismissing a claim like Mr. Dorr’s. stands in an educational
resign if he refused to conceal his mem— Section 5's command...seemsfair|yinsis- series over the next several
bership in Dignity/Integrity. He alleges tent. Discretionisthe betterpartofvalor." issues. spotlighted this
that was illegal because his connection month is Reubin Askew——
with D/I was rooted in his religious con— ,
victions. FirstNational contends its treat- former Governor 0f Florlda.
ment of Dorr has nothing to do with his
religion, but reflected concerns that his AS Governor, ASkeW expressed support for Anita Br ants
public advocacy of gay rights would hurt 1977 Crusade against Gay Rights in Dade CO t Y H
the bank's reputation, and that Dorr’s publicly stated his OppOSition to h' . 111? Y- e
beliefswere political ratherthan religious. government u lrlng Gays 111 state
Gordon said in his rulingthat he could Com . .' ’ nawar? Of the fad: that his 3301118
notdismiss the possibility that Dorr was mISSIOner at the time, Dan Bradley, was a closeted state
motivated bya religious conviction, and employee. When, during Senate confirmation hearin S in
that the bank failed to show what hard- 1979, that such discrimination was no lon er 1e a1 ' g
' ship it would actually have borne by con— federal agencies A k 1 .g g in most
tinuingtoemploy Dorrinapublic position - ’ S ew p Edged to ablde by the legal
. . . . . requ1rements of his office. In 1983 h -
or by allowmg him to publicly identify cam . f _ i aS 8 announced hls
with gay rights.“lthas onlyoffered specu- , palgn or the premdency, Askew expressed regrets over
Iation about the damage to its image,” 113:5 eeclirllel” position of Gay Rights. He Stressed that he now
Gordon said. Views the issue as a question of orientation
Gordon has notyetdeCIded whetherto preference, and that iS rather than
hear Dorr 5 claim based on various prow—
sions of Kentucky’s constitution which At th _ _
assure religious freedom and freedom 8 ngocratlc Natlonal Committee meeting in July 1983
from interference with rights of con- Askew relterated his earlier comments but stressed that in
science. Section 5 of Kentucky's Bill of his opinion, parents do have a right to decide wh th ,
Rights containsthesentence: “No human not they want their h'ld t b e er or
c 1 o e taught by a Gay teacher.
name @881ng K E] ii [ii]
508 East Main Street A A‘
Lexington. Kentucky 40508
, S T Y Ll ST
Tuesday , Saturday
By Appointment Only
2 52 — 4 595 \ '

 “ f if *\ / 4* 51?
n *
3}- ¥¥¥ *«‘¥¥*;}* Y1?
”affliction: 1, Yb
4 1 £22
fiat": 2551(ng :17
V -ths:5rzt1- I
(3&5 025/251 c3215 0/ (you
flf’: d4 Magical goutnay
gags G4 (ju'fi 275101195 fia/[aafioni
Iboéing gfam
(Saga/V5611: (you Can flaafly Be/
835 Winchester float)
Pat Woore 255-3325 Corkv Cor6ett

 J' ‘DIE 103 w. MAXWELL ST. . a
, |
, IB'DIL'D‘GV \’§ 2524933 . \ , BOWLING BEGINS
, 7?- eat.” 277-6155 Bowling is exciting, good exercise, and
1 “IL/5 :97 \K LAKEVIEW PLAZA alot of fun. G50 has organized several
g “mt“ ‘ _ <9; 2909 RICHMOND RD- ' people to form bowling teams for League
jg." 'ETIHEEEJM 269-6332 play. Everyone is having a great time
" " x f" H l'f' 7”" in the ”Slow Starters" league ranging
- ‘ 34'“ MON. -THURS.Hom—Midnight -. from 80 to 180_
FRI. 8. SAT. 11 cm - 2 cm ‘
SUNDAY Noon- 1] m
EAT IN OR CARRY OUT . . _ _ p Another benefit 0? League play is to
' “ . establish an average and handicap.
With this, team members can be more
mlss fl £€X1N SON competative in Gay bowling tourn—
y aments throughout the nationJast
The 1983 Miss Gay Lexington Pageant was held Spr1ng.memb.ers competed in Louisville'
September 4 at the Sheraton—Inn. After a lovely Derby (3133510 tournament > bUt dldn t
dinner, the contestants were introduce on stage have league averages to use 50 thg, were
by interview. Each contestant was required to not as successful as the could have been.
answer a question selected from among eight that _ .
were supplied by the judges. Following enter- However, 1t is the hope 0f team
tainment from reigning Miss Gay Lexington, Xavier, members,lthat_as the season progresses
and others the contestants competed in three the teams p031tions W111 1mprove. 130111}
modeling categories and talent. 2321;232:111 3813;111:113? th sea ofor possmle
e s n.
After an evening of close competition, Rita
Houston was crowned the winner, and Julie Vaughn T _
was named runner-up. Rita was also named Miss QPZHflcnmia 2 r2 ‘ r? ’
Congeniality. E I N @
When asked her plans Rita stated that she in- Ehe GAYEIIEE’ G80 8 reifiriaihphonebline}
tended to provide anyone interested in imperso- slprzu ofazmignce 2' ‘he mgm 2: 3
nation (male or female) an equal opportunity to V0 un eers or e serv ce as ou e °
perform in shows planned for future dates. Her
only requirement will be that the persons be Th: 11:32: thaguzggaphzgglgzrggg naiom
willing to work hard and attend all rehearsals. gptoafl p :ry The number is 23149335
Rita is currently organizing a show to be held The next goal says Edwin Hackney phone
' 9 9
at THE BAR In early October. line coordinator, is to expand operating
Good luck with your plans and congratulations. hours.
. . If on would like to contribute one or
An interview with Rita is tentatively planned . nor: evenings a month to 080, come to the
f” “en “nth" NEWSLMER' GAYLINE meeting on October 23 at 4 p.m. at
, . » . - . . the office on American Avenue.
1'.- --———— ‘
i ‘ x » " \ Don’t stay in the dark
. , \\ b ~
| ‘ 'A.‘ I,
.‘ p.274; DILEAS IE .
HIDIHG . ("‘5 Ii'g = .
IT IN A . ‘ ' .. , Support Our
CLOSET '-.“. i ; . '
I ‘ ' " .5 '. g ' ! I
WOHIT ! ' ‘ ' SHOW YOU“ Advertisers
HELP- . l .. SUPPORT ,
< 33:11!!- \
. i ‘ g.“ '“ §L_ .

M !!
Amber Moon presents the second concert Shadow Was The _.
in their Fall Subscription Series. Most Talked-About
Person Who ' .
. . , .33; ”‘3 I ‘
Come enJoy the blues and Jazz vocal WasntThere! .
styling of Linda Tillery and the pi- E-G-yPndowm . ‘52...-=.'}.L-.L.f'nie.siepdi'hg'mv' . ‘
- - . nnor/Da hll llh .' 'h d‘ k l "
ano artistry of Adrlenne ‘I‘orf, Fr1day, ......°...2,.°;.‘;‘1'.,,.," 353393.532“ ~
October 14 at the UK Center for the :"WMmWM‘": gi55'53¥9“9:.'°§§°95'
. groupo omento .‘ .e"r'1'i¢;e{_94_hér:.she's
Arts RECltal Hall. tho Hyatt Regency Ballroom . -"a7yer.'y}§'o'aq dalei
wllhlcordboord sllhouoflo .. . 12?". ' " "ZN .
4 4 ohm. Although uh. dld 5;? 3" it" ,4. ”33‘5”: ' ». - '
The I‘lCh and powerful sounds of Lin- nolloolshooouldanond ' 3 g y‘ '
. . hemmmuuppomd tho . 25:5“; " . -'
da and Adrlenne promise to be an e- mmm, by 4
vent to remember. The concert is WWI-"chum . x . .
sondlnghor‘shadow' 2 - , t,"
at 8 p.m. lnstud.Horpmnco(or ' 4 w
look of It) drew almost 4 3.543.: _jr 4 ;..-_ 4
. . . mm“ ‘M‘d'm‘ ”Y errefiai‘impafiflnaine
Tickets are avallable at SquILal Me— fingme‘ne m ‘1. . , 4‘ '.f."-.1-(shevpreters to drink
. . . 9- “'1'; 1'»'-:scol<':‘h5and.wal ' h
(118. and the G006. FOOd 00-013 3311 LEXl“ Thosllhouottmwllh not. .4“ 4": Lahoqlr the dancgrzl'ozefnangr
ngton; Carmichels Bookstore 1n Louis- ammummm .. .-..C,.-§:.h.¢|e'bfnpamcipate in the
. orour mat o -- ' Vii-":4, ‘- , enerafme k‘ . ll
ville; the Appalachlan Book and Rec- right. f4 gecomesurrlrrmas'sge hesrhe
0rd Shop in Berea; and Crazy Ladies whim-mun am sf 4“ 4-4ff"";“de"‘“e>"."°d'“m'
. . non rom : “em -’ -
Bookstore 1n Clncinnati or by send— mm........:....:.'.f‘:.".¥, gimme, ceoer .‘orus'hgf'meré.mmgm '
ing a SASE to Amber Moon, P.O. Box Emmmwxm" _ ~54|sa$4é443=fe9c4149312 :Nor'z‘m mint-lien? who
.. 33,-;an
22096’ Lexington, KY 40522“ WWMWW , " way'oul ofi’héb‘butrV (who :‘hsidegv: né'éem
Documollt. 4 ._ 4, .‘ stay in closets? Pennies ,are much more
wgnmoouonnm : .“4' ‘;enlerlaining.) and-3mm lhe'brighl lighls 0!
Al” CRISISLINE lemony WHOM 4. ' '- We Hva'_t369ehoy§ay' Pride Week Dinner.
mag-In. ’ . I' , Bé nice IO'ilfiy shaaowlfllslie is here lor
800-221-7044 . - kmw v
Monday - Friday: 3pm - 90m EST (“”56 m Lauder Lee" - sum...)
‘ I
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
September November 7 ' ‘ ._ V ' M _. ' ‘1 ' " 274'
l 2 3 I 2 I! d 5
t56759'0 67B°i0|1|2
II 1213” '51617 l3” 15 1617 18 I9
18 19 20 2| 22 23 24 20 2| 2? 23 24 7’- 26 "
25 26 27 28 ?9 '1') 27 28 2'3 10
WWWW; ”“W'”"“WW3? "“"'“‘" ‘E _._.____,_.__-;4 "“'”‘”""'W‘W“—?fg W—W 2.33 ’ W"""““"Wga;
2 3030 General Mtg 4 GAYIJINE 5 GAY A.A. 6 GAYLINE 7 Cards & Games 8
St. Stephens 7—11 p.m. 8 p.m. 7—11 p.m. 266—8959
American Ave. 231—0335 Office 251—0335
8 p.m.--Office
'—'_-—_""_"3:? __._,..,,.i__._____;4 __ ——Tm "_“'”—_‘__3§ "—WHM—_m_—2£ _’—'"—’"H“"‘2Ea? " "___""*“_E
9 030 I-‘O'I‘LUCK 10 11GAYLINE 12cm A.A. . 13JAYLIDJE 14 AMBER MOON 15 .
1:50—4 p.m. 7—11 p.m. 8 p.m.—Office 7—11 p.m. concmu‘
4 223—4328 ' 8 p.m.—UK
[)ijcuss-‘nn "may DIGNlTY Recital Hall
7.02 71.145 - 260—8500
1,, |. 50 _ /
_.__.___E_".‘-.-..._iL .-____ _____ MM _-.._ . mm“- __-___.____- ___.___-i.._ -Mfii _____i___,__ ._._..-.____.____-_
16 7—“ 17 7°!) 18 29‘ 19 292 20 293 21 74a 22 295
7~11 p.m. ' 1 48 p.m.—Office 7—11 p.m. 266—8859 '
—-‘_~*—""" Toe __._i.____.__.~._-.-.--4_44 __” ' .___ ...,__._,_4§ _,_._______.______;4; “M“ "mum—"E ”vmvwimlwa_———_363
23 24 25 GAYLINE 25 GAY A.A. 27 GAYLINE 28 129 DIGNITY
7—11 p.m. 8 p.m.—Office 7—11 p.m. I LlTUHGY
m ‘I— "015122.103 304
A p.m.-Offic l