xt77m03xtj4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xtj4q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1988-1989 text University of Kentucky Bulletin, 1988-1989 1988 1988 2013 true xt77m03xtj4q section xt77m03xtj4q   UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
  A Tradition of Value
I l988-89 BULLETIN


 i i` K
8 8 K 1988-89 BULLETIN
i · r Official catalog of the University of Kentucky
_ V ‘ _ V University Archives ‘
  _» S ' MCFBIYBY   King Library - North
  s * University of Kentucky
é y, ·   _ { Lexington, Kentucky 40506 _
i  A S y ‘_ summeau 8 K Numeen 2
»` V V _. I The University of Keatueky Bulletin (USPS 384~610) is published six times e year, once in the Spring, three times in
_ ` j the~Sumrner (Summer l, Summer ll, Summer lll) and twice in the fall (Fall il, Fall ll) by the University of Kentucky,
_ \· _ · 1 Lexington, KY 40506. Second class postage paid at the Post Office, Lexington, KY 40511. Postmaster: Send address
  A ’ changes to the Registrar} Office, Att; Mailing Center, University cf Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. A COODBTGUVE
1 I s f _ · — publication of the Registrars Office and the Publications Bureau of Public Relations.
ii ·

. I
_ l
PU BLICATIONS Affirmative Action Office, 203A Administration Building, (606) 5
-l-hls Bllllgtlll ls dlslllbllmd to all newly admltled 25Ef?gr?t;·to comply with the laws and regulations applicable l
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ditional or replacement copies may be purchased through the Rehabiiitation Act Ot Io./ot '
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In the Commosweaith of Kemuckyi 9 directed to UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director I
Information about the Community College System may be 4 scggsinziilgie Igf(.?ll3lu;$il;)?é glujtitggzzlggoennioofhidggg  ·
Oblalllad by Comacllllg the Communlly College System Ol-llC€’ ty should be directed to the appropriate admissions office.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0056. `
Specific information about different parts of the University Atxltgcfggalciligvlggliltglgil?;lil:il§cic:Iu;?·ité;?_i;lg;§/iililz   i
may be Obtallled by dllectlllg lllqullles to members Ol the ad` review inspect and challenge the accuracy of information kept
ministrative staff. The post office address is: University of Ken- . ' . ’ . . . . .
tuckyi Lexington, KY 40506- Tgiephongi (606) 257-9000. ina cumulative file by the institution unless the student waives i
_ _ _ _ this right in writing. Records cannot be released in other than l
G‘°Z‘€'a' ‘_';f°F:""f’=;°':· "a"s°"'pt$ °f °'°d'tS` emergency situations without the written consent of the stu-
Adr:I;;E:nys_€§Ilr€;iOr Of Admissions dent, except in the following situations:
Stuuont Attoiis_Vioo Cbooooiioi ioi Studout Atioiis A. to other school officials, including faculty within the educa-
Living Aeeelnnledetlene-Unlveieny Housing Office tional institution or local educational agency who have
A particular college and its programs- legitimate educational interests;
Dean of the College, Director of Admissions B. to officials of other schools or school systems in which the ‘
Cemmunitv C<>|le9es—Ch¤n¤e|l<>r fer the Community student intends to enroll, upon condition that the student
G CZIIBQB ii'/$t€I;N D fTh G d S h i be notified of the transfer, receive a copy of the record I
ra uate or — ean o e ra uate c oo · - - · l
Student Financial Aid—Director of Student Financial I ghgi?;2r;g'tha€n?:O:i;:t Z? tggplzgggiy for a haarmg to i
Aggemic Sch°Iarships_ViC€ Chanceiioi for C. to authorieed representatives of 1) the Comptroller General I
Academic Affairs . of the United States, 2) the Secretary of Education of the  
Gouoiol oubiiootiooo about tho Univotsity_ United States, 3) an administrative head of an education I
Office ef punlle lqelenene agency or 4) state educational authorities;  
Placement services—Career Planning and Placement D. in connection with a student's application for, and receipt  
Center · of, financial aid; · _ Q
Counseling and Testing—Director of Counseling and E. where the information is classified as "Dlrectory informa-
Testing Center I tion/’ The following categories of information have been
E"t°"S'°"* E"°"""g* W?°k‘°{"d’ °"d 9°"°sp°"d°"°° designated by the University as directory information:
F0$t°:$:;E;)i°;l;lr°::;lI;ll;?1E;y I5;ll;g$;°Ill name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth,
' ' major field of study, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, weight and height of members of
COMPUANCE WlTH REGULA-HONS athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards
The University of Kentucky is eelninltled te e pelley ef pre- received, and the most recent previous educational institu-
viding educational opportunities to all qualified students TION aU€Nd€d bv the $TUd€N’f· $T¤d€N’fS WNO do N0t wish
regardless of economic or social status, and will not discriminate Such lNf0NN¤’fl0N F€l€¤$€€l WlTN0Uf their CONSENT should
- on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, netifv YNB RBQISUBVS OHICG IN WNTINQ- _
age, national origin, or handicap. 4
Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of Questions concerning this law and the University's policy con-
1972, which prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title Vl of cerning release of academic information may be directed to the
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is coordinated by Ms. Nancy Ray, Registrar’s Office, 257-1826.
· 2

l ,
_ Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 5
i The University ............................................................................................................... 11
  Undergraduate Admission ................................................................................................ 13
Fees ................................................................................................,........................... 19
, Student Financial Aid, Awards, and Benefits ...................................................................... 25
; Special Academic Programs ............................................................................................. 31
, V Libraries ............................................ 1 .......................................................................... 37 _
Cultural Opportunities ........................... t ......................................................................... 39
‘ Living Accommodations .................................................................................................. 43
_ Student Services and Activities ........................................................................................ 47
. Academic Requirements .................................................................................................. 52
I University Studies .......................................................................................................... 61
V Curricula and Degree Requirements ................................................................................... 65
  Agriculture .............................................................................................................. 65
l Allied Health Professions ....... A .................................................................................... 73
i Architecture .....,..............................,....................................................................... 79
‘ Arts and Sciences ...................................................................,................................ 81
Business and Economics ...................... i .................................................................... 103
5 _ Communications ..................,.....................................,............................................. 106 I
I Dentistry ................................................................................................................ 109 l
‘ Education ............................................................................................................... 110
_ Engineering ............................................................................................................. 120
Fine Arts ................................................................................................................ 127
1 The Graduate School ............................................................................. ’ ................... 1 34
T Home Economics ..................................................................................................... 136
l Honors Program ...................................................................................................... 141
  Law ....................................................................................................................... 142
`i Library and information Science ................................................................................. 144 4
I Medicine ................................................................................................................ 145
I Nursing ........................................................,.............................,........................... 146
i Pharmacy ............................................................................................................... 148
{ Social Work ............................................................................................................ 151
1 University Extension ....................................................................................................... 152
1 Community Colleges ....................................................................................................... 156
i Course Numbering System ....................,......................................................................... 157
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 158
& Course Descriptions .............................................................................................. s ........ 159
College of Law ......,................................................................................................. 270
V College of Dentistry ...........................................,...............................,...................... 271
College of Medicine .................................................................................................. 275
Faculty ............ . ............................................................................................................ 284
Administration ............................................................................................................... 308
Campus Map ................................................................................................................ 312

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A  I   1 C A L E N D A R I
Students should check the Schedule of C/asses for each semester for any calendar
r changes which may have been approved after publication of this Bulletin. _
1988 Fall Semester September 14—Wednesday—Last day to change grading op-
Appncation for Admission tlon llpass/fail to letter grade cr Iettergrade to cass/fall;
credit to audit or 8UdlI to credit) ln college dean s office
February 15—Monday—Recommended date for freshmen to S . .
. . . eptember 14-Wednesday- Last day to file for repeat option
submit 1988 Fall Semester application . , . . . . .
. . . . ID college dean s office lf student IS retaklng a course ln the
March 15—Tuesday—Dead|lne for submlsslon of all applica-
. . . . 1988 Fall Semester
tlon materials, College of Medicine, for Fall 1988 . . .
- . . . November 7—Monday—1989 Sprlng Semester Advising Con-
June 1-Wednesday—Undergraduates planning to partlclpate f .
. . . . . erence for new and readmitted undergraduate students
lnlthe Summer Advlslng Conferences, ln preparation for the
1988 Farr Semester Should apply for admission Or November 9—16—Wednesday through Wednesday—Advance
. . ’ ' ` for the 1989 Spring Semester
readmlsslon reglstratlon r
V June 15—Wednesday—Earliest date to submit application for Add/Drop _
regular and Early Decision Program admission, College of August 23-1-u0$00Y—C0111161lZ00 61-101010P 101 AdV61100
Medicine, for Fall 1989 R091$10l’0d students
July 22-Friday-Deadline for applying for admission or read- August 23—Tussdoy—l-ast doy o student moy officially droo .
mission to The Graduate School for the 1988 Fall Semester I 6 00ul’$0 01 0611001 109l$11611011 11111111 1110 U111V01$l1Y 1109101101
August 1—Monday—Dead|ine for application for Early Deci- r 101 6 full 101u11d of 1000
. sion pregrern, College ef Medicine, for Fail iggg August 30-—Tuesday— Last day to enter an organized class for
‘ August 10—Wednesday—Deadline for undergraduate and 1110 1988 1:011 8011100101 " _ _ _
graduate students applying for admission or readmission for 1109001 39f-1-110$d0V" 1—0$1 00Y 10 01`11010"V V111111010‘111110111 1110
tne 1988 Fall Semester in Order tc register August 22 end University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
avoid $40 late fee 1 10101101
October 15—Saturday-Undergraduates planning to participate $0010111001 1_‘1—111100110$00Y" 1-601 06Y to 0100 6 00u1$0 V1111110u1
in the November Advising Conference for the 1989 Spring 11 0000011119 011 1110 $11100151 0 11011$01"P1
Semester should apply for admission or readmission 0010001 17*111101106Y— L0$1 0Y 10 Wl111d16W 110111 0 00u1$0
November 15—Tuesday— Deadline for application, College of 00101101 17- 1111011016)/- 1-601 06Y 10 VV111'1011=1W1101f1 1116 Univer-
Medicinel fer i:eii 1989 · sity or reduce course load and receive any refund `
`-1 December 1—Thursday-Deadline for submission of applica- witndrevvei
» tion and receipt of all materials for admission, readmission ,AuguSt 23_·i·uesdey-Lest dey e student mey Officiauy drop
01 11011$101 10 1110 8011090 of L61111 101 1110 1989 8011119 a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar
S01110$101 ____ _ for a full refund of fees
December 9-- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or August 3o-Tussday- Last day to officially withdraw from the
1000111'1'$$'011 10 1-1"10 G10011010 9011001 101 1110 1989 8011119 University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
Semester refund
December 14-Wednesday- Deadline for undergraduate and October i7_ Mendey- Lest day to withdrew frem tne Univer- _
graduate students applying for admission or readmission for sity er reduce ceurse Ioad end receive env refund
the 1989 Spring Semester in order to register January 9 and
avoid $40 late fee Fee Payment
‘ ` August 3-Wednesday—Last day Advance Registered students
R091$11011011 _ _ may pay $50 to confirm their 1988 Fall Semester registration
Juno 20-July 22- Summor Ady·s·¤o Cooforoooos for now August zsquasday- Last day a student may officially drop
110$11111011· C0111111u1111Y C01109011011$101$r 0011011000 $101101119 a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar
(transfer) students, auditors, nondegree and readmitted for e fuii refund ct fees
$111001110 01110111119 101 1110 1988 Foil S011"10s101 August 30—Tuesday—Last day to officially withdraw from the
Au9u$1 22_111101100Y" 1109101101'011 101 1101111 $10001110 1111110 110110 University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
been cleared for admission but did not advance register · refund -
August 24-30—Wednesday through Tuesday- Late registration September 7_Wednesdey__ Lest dey for payment ef registre-
for returning students who did not advance register and new tion fees endydr housing end dining fees in erder fe avoid
applicants cleared late for admission. A $40 late fee is as- cenceiieticn cf registretien end yer rneei eerd
sessed students who register late.

 t September 16- Friday- Last day for reinstatement of students April 7- Friday- Deadline for applying for admission or read-
cancelled for nonpayment of registration fees and/ or hous- mission to The Graduate School for the 1989 Summer
ing and dining fees. Requires payment of fees and may re- Sessions
quire payment of $50 reinstatement fee. April 26—Wednesday- Deadline for undergraduate and grad-
October 17- Monday- Last day to withdraw from the Univer- uate students applying for admission or readmission for the
sity or reduce course load and receive any refund 1989 Four-Week Intersession in order to register May 8 and
December 16- Friday- Last day to request a refund for the 1988 I avoid $40 late fee`
Fall Semester May 24—Wednesday— Deadline for undergraduate and grad-
December 21-Wednesday- Last day Advance Registered uate students applying for admission or readmission for the
students may pay $50 to confirm their 1989 Spring Semester 1989 Eight-Week Summer Session in order to register June ‘
registration 7 and avoid $40 late fee ‘
Dsorsss and Graduation 1 June 1—ThtiArsiday—Uéwdeigraduates planning to piarticiipaitgg;
September 22—Thursday- Last day for filing an application for Elwlglal tvlslni? ;inaalarc§S’ ijieiieégeigee ;;i:n;siOn
a December degree in college dean’s office a ereee ee S °ll_ ppy Ol _ ml sl ll lla '
November 3-Thursday- Last day for doctoral candidates for July al T Fllday" Daadllna lol applylllg for aclmlsslon Ol lead-
s Dsosrnbsr dsorss to submit s Notification of intsnt to mission to The Graduate School for the 1989 Fall Semester
schedule a final examination in The Graduate School Registration
November 17-Thursday-Last day for candidates for a January 9—Monday-Registration for new students who have
December degree toschedule a final examination in The been cleared for admission but did not advance register
Graduate School . January 11-17—Wednesday through Tuesday-Late registra-
December 1-Thursday-Last day for candidates for a tion for returning students who did not advance register and
y December graduate degree to sit for a final examination new applicants cleared late for admission. A $40 late fee is
December 16- Friday- Last day for candidates for a December assessed students who register late.
degree to submit a thesis/dissertation to The Graduate · January 31 -Tuesday— Last day to change grading option ~
School (pass/fail to letter grade or letter grade to pass/fail; credit
Other Important Dates-Beginning and End of Semester J te aug? °fi_aud(;t te ilaailig lntczllaia daanli lafflaa _ I
and Academic Holidays V anuary — ues ay- as ay o rei or repea op ion in co -
August zo~zz-sgtutggy through tvtghggctgtt Ottgtttgttgtt tgt gee dee; e edieet d Student ·e rete*<·¤¤ e eewee ·¤ the 1999
all new undergraduate students pr'"9 emas al
August 24_Wsdnssdsy_Cisss Work bsoins April 3- Mondays- 1989 SummerdSessio2 Advising Cortifereitcei
September 5_NiOnday_ Labor Day_ACad8miC   Ol' DEW FBS. TDGR, TICW i H VBDCS S an ||"IQv |’8l`iS €I'
November 8—Tuesday-Ffresidential Election-Academic ?udamS·_tal€'TrS* Fadgllttatd dam: n°%dg9raa StlJ;°£ti*
Hoiidsy ommuni y o ege rans ers u en san ommuni o-
Ngugthggt z4tz6—thutgggy through sgtutggy—Thghkggtuthg lege e¤¤*·ee¤te deered fer the 1989 Fell Semester
i_ioiidsy_Assdsmis Hoiidsys April 5-12-Wednesday through Wednesday-Advance
Dsosinbsr 9_i;ridsy_End of sisss Work registration for the 1989 Fall Semester and both 1989 Sum-
December 12-16-Monday through Friday- Final Examinations mar Sasslans A
December 16-Friday-End of the 1988 Fall Semester Add/Drop
December 19—Monday-Final deadline for submission of January 10-Tuesday—Centra|ized add/drop for Advance
grades to the Registrar's Office by 4 p.m. Registered students
_ January 10-Tuesday- Last day a student may officially drop
1989 SPrm9 Semester a course or cancel registration with the University Registrar
Agtthggttgtt tgt Agttttggtgtt fer e fel refund ef ieee _
December 14, 1988-Wednesday- Deadline for undergraduate January l7_TlJaSday` Last day t° enter an Olgamzad class fer
and graduate students applying for admission or readmis- l la l989 Spllng Samaslal _ i _
gtgtt tgt the ttm stttthg sgthggtgt tt. gtggt tg tggtgtgt ughugty deederv V- Teeedev- Led dey te e'd·e·e"v wddrew dem the
9 snd avoid $40 isis iss University or reduce course load and receive an 80 percent
February 1 —Wednesday— Deadline for submitting application *9*999 _ _
for admission to College of Dentistry for Fall 1989 January 3_l _Tl‘laSday`l‘aSl,aay t° drop a Course Wlthoul ll