xt77m03xsw82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77m03xsw82/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1961-11-nov17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-11-nov17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-11-nov17-ec. 1961 1961-11-nov17-ec. 2011 true xt77m03xsw82 section xt77m03xsw82 

           Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky, November 17, 1961.

           The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
Presidentts Office on the campus of the University at 1:30 p.m. CST, with
the following members present: Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Robert H. Hillenmeyer
and J. Stephen Watkins.  Absent: Harper Gatton and Smith D. Broadbent, Jr.
President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D, Peterson were present.

           A. Presiding Officer.

           Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees,
presided, expresseda welcome to the press, and proceeded with the agenda.

           B. Financial Report.

           The current financial report for the four months ended October
31, 1961, was presented by the Vice President, Business Administration, and
Treasurer. He read the balance sheet, and Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer stated
that the report had been sent to members of the Executive Committee several
days in advance, and he assumed that the members had read the report. He
made the motion and, upon second, same was carried that the financial report
be approved and authorized filed.

           C. General Electric Company Loan Agreement.

           Mr. Peterson submitted a Loan Agreement between the General
Electric Company, X-ray Department and the University of Kentucky for one
(1) A0034 GE 90-II Stationary Dental X-ray Unit, 110 volt, 60 cycle. He ex-
plained that the machine would be very useful to the College of Dentistry in its
teaching program and that the General Electric Company would keep the machine
insured. He recommended that the Loan Agreement be authorized.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Loan Agreement
was approved and authorized executed.


                       .                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2

           D. Cooperative Agreement between the Geological Survey, U. S.
Department of the Interior and the Kentucky Geological Survey.

           Mr. Peterson submitted a Cooperative Agreement for investigation
of geology in the Eastern Kentucky coal fields. He stated that the contract
provides for continuation of an existing contract, July 1, 1961 through June 30,
1962, and provides for $16, 000 to be made available by the State and same to
be matched by $16, 000 to be made available by the Federal Government.  He
recommended that the contract be authorized approved, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the Cooperative Agreement was approved and
authorized executed.

           E. Agreement between Kentucky State Department of Health and
the University of Kentucky Approved.

           Mr. Peterson submitted Agreement between the Kentucky State
Department of Health and the University providing that the University's College
of Nursing will offer a three-day training course in nursing home care pro-
cedures, and that the State Department of Health will pay to the University
the sum of $360. 00 for instructional fees incident to offering the nursing home
care procedures conference.

           Mr. Peterson recommended that the Agreement be approved and,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was approved
and authorized executed.

           F. Agreement between the University of Kentucky and Greis Office
E quiprment C ompany.

           Mr. Feterson submitted an Agreement between the University
of Kentucky and Greis Office Equipment Comnpany, with recommendation that
the Company be employed to give forty hours of service and a study and
analysis of all aspects of the Registrar's Office at the University, with recom-
mendations therefor.  The Agreement provides that the charges are not to
exceed $525. 00. Mr. Peterson explained that the Registrar's Office is in
need of expert advice in analysis and study of all aspects of its records system
and that same had been recommended by properly approved parties.

           Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement
was authorized approved and executed.



         G. Disposal of Surplus Property.

         Mr. Peterson presented a list of surplus property, which list is dated
October 2, 1961, consisting of seven trucks which have become obsolete and sur-
plus to the needs of the various departments. He also submitted a list consist-
ing of a Type-O-Write Keyboard and a Sulby Book Covering Jig, which are
surplus to the needs of the printing office. He recommended that these items
be authorized disposed of by competitive bidding.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in.

         H. Injurie s.

         Mr. Peterson submitted the following letter reporting certain injuries
to various employees:
                                              November 14, 1961

        Mr. Frank D. Peterson
        Vice President, Business Administration
        University of Kentucky

        Dear Mr. Peterson:
        We have the following accident cases which have been referred'
        through the department heads with the recommendations that they be
        considered by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and
        the expenses involved be approved for payment. The cases are as
        1. Andrew Marshall, Jr., an employee of the Agricultural
            Experiment Station.
            Mr. Marshall was injured on August 21, 1961: at the Robinson
       Forest, Quicksand, Kentucky. While planing lumber a piece of wood
       hit Mr. Marshall in the right eye. The following charge has been
       made for emergency treatment and is recommended for payment:

            Homeplace Clinic & Hospital, Ary, Kentucky              $ 4. 80

        2. Charles Nichols, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment
            Stati on.
            Mr. Nichols was injured on August 28, 1961. While working at
       the Coldstream Farm his right hand was mashed. He reported to
       the University Health Service and was referred to St. Joseph Hospital.
       The following bill has been received and is recommended for payment:

            St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky                $14.45
               8/30/61 Use of Emergency Room              $ 3. 00
               8/30/61 Surgical Supplies                    1.45
               8/30/61 X-ray                                10.00



3. Gary W. Hicks, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment
    Mr. Hicks was injured on September 1, 1961. While working
at the Farm Metal Shed on equipment he cut his arm on a piece of
steel. Mr. Hicks did not report to the University Health Service
as he considered the wound superficial. He later found that there
was a piece of steel in the wound and reported to the Emergency
Room of the Good Samaritan Hospital as it was after office hours at the
Health Service. The following charges have been submitted and
are recommended for payment:

    Good Samaritan Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky     $ 7. 75
        9/1/61 Emergency Room               $ 5.00
        9/1/61 Drugs                          2.75
                                            $ 7,75

    Dr. Melvin L. Dean, 288 So. Limestone, Lexington,
    Ky.                                               $10. 00
        91/1/61 Examination & Dressing at Good Samari-
               tan Hospital, Tetanus toxoid #1 $ 7. 00
       10/13/61 #2 Tetanus toxoid given       3. 00
                                            $10. 00

4. Gilbert Jones, an employee of Maintenance and Operations Division.
    Mr. Jones was injured on September 5, 1961. While working in
the Service Building moving lumber he struck his right elbow ohi a
board. He reported to the University Health Service for X-ray. He
was later referred by Dr. Noback to Dr. Rothrock Miller for examina-
tion. The following charges have been submitted and are recommended
for payment:

    University Health Service                          $ 3. 00
        9/6/61 X-ray right elbow            $ 3.00

    Dr. Rothrock Miller, 203 W. Second St. , Lexington, Ky. $10. 00
        9/28/61 Examination                 $10. 00

5. Joe Helmburg, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
    Mr. Helmburg was injured on September 19, 1961. While
hanging tobacco on the Experiment Station Farm he pulled a muscle
in his right hip. He reported to the University Health Service. X-rays
were taken and he was referred to Dr. Carl M. Friesen. Mr. Helmburg
has been discharged by Dr. Friesen without evidence of any permanent
physical impairment due to the injury. The following charges have
been submitted and are recommended for payment:



              University Health Service                           $15. 00
                  9/20/61 & 9/22/61   X-rays

              Dr. Carl M. Friesen, 288 So. Lime, Lexington, Ky.  $20.00
                  9/21/61 Orthopaedic consultation, diagnosis &
                          recommendations              $15.00
                 10/ 12/61 Orthopaedic re -examination  5. 00
                                                       $20. 00

          6. Willard Harney, an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
              Mr. Harney was injured on October 4, 196 1. While working on
         Coldstream Farm he injured his left hand on a tractor spring. He reported
         to the University Health Service and was referred to the Central Baptist
         Hospital. The following charge has been rendered and is recommended
         for payment:

              Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky     $ 8.50
                  10/6/61 Emergency Room               $ 3.00
                  10/6/61 M & S Supplies                 4.50
                  10/6/61 Pharmacy                        1.00
                                                        $ 8.50

         If in order, please present these accident cases for consideration by
         the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. My recommenda-
         tion is that approval be given to pay the respective charges made for
         services rendered in these accident cases, on the usual condition that
         the University assumes no responsibility in connection with these
         accidents and that such approval establishes no precedent.

                                             Sincerely yours,

                                   (Signed)  George R. Kavanaugh

           Mr. Peterson recommended that these charges be approved for pay-
ment, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the medical and service
charges relating to Andrew Marshall, Jr. , Charles Nichols, Gary W. Hicks,
Gilbert Jones, Joe Helmburg and Willard Harney were authorized paid, with
the expressed understanding that the University does not admit negligence or lia-
bility in connection with each one of these accidents and injury claims and that
the approval herein does not establish a precedent.

           I. Purchase of Property Authorized.

           Mr. Peterson submitted the attached letter recommending purchase
of certain pieces of property:



                                                         November 14, 1961

           President Frank G. Dickey
           University of Kentucky

           Dear President Dickey.

           Following is a list of properties, located near the campus, which
           have become available for purchase since the last meeting of the
           Board of Trustees:

           Z64 East Maxwell Street from Mrs. Mildred C. Peed for a
           purchase price of $18, 750, This lot is 40 feet by 408 feet and
           contains a two-story brick and frame residence, a one-story frame
           cottage and a frame garage.

           459 Clifton Avenue from John Albert Powers for a purchase price
           of $14, 000. This lot is 54. 5 feet by 185. 5 feet and contains a one-
           story frame residence.

           319 Clifton Avenue from Ida Hedges Tucker and LeRoy Hedges
           for a purchase price of $17, 500. This lot is 50 feet by 197. 5
           feet and contains a one-story frame residence and a one and one-
           half story garage with apartment.

           I would like to submit these properties to the Executive Committee
           of the Board of Trustees and recommend that their purchase be
           authorized at the prices indicated, representing a total expenditure
           of $50, 250.

                                                         Very truly yours,

                                            (Signed)    Frank D. Peterson
                                                         Vice President
                                                         Business Administration

           Members of the Committee discussed the proximity of these prop-
erties to the University and upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried,
approved the purchase of the property and authorized the Treasurer to proceed
with acquiring deeds and payment.



          J. Consultive Services Approved.

          President Dickey reported outside consultive assignments for Dr.
W. R. Willard.

                                                        October 31, 1961


          TO:       President Frank G. Dickey

          FROM:     William R. Willard, M. D.

          SUBJEC T: Outside Consultation Assignments

                     In accordance with our understanding, I am reporting
          to you outside assignments which I have accepted. Unfortunately,
          I have been negligent in keeping this report current for which I
          offer my apologies.

                     During the academic year 1960-61, I was involved
          in the following projects not previously reported:

                     University of Massachusetts      2 day
                     University of Arizona             2 days
                     National Institutes of Health    1 day
                     Kellogg Foundation - Advisory Panel 1 day
                     Froedtert Trustees, at request of  3 days plus a report
                       Marquette Medical School      (summer vacation)

                     In these cases, stipends were provided which ranged
          from $50 to $100 per day of service.

                     During the current academic year, I have an appointment
          by the Surgeon General of the USPHS to the Consultant Group on
          Nursing. It appears this will involve 5 or 6 days at $50 per day.

                     During a part of my vacation this summer, I spent one
          week in Toledo, Ohio, at the request of President William S.
          Carlson, making a medical school feasibility study. The City of
          Toledo will reimburse me $100 per day, includling a little additional
          time here in preparing the report.

                     If there is further information which you want, do not
          hesitate to call upon me.



           These activities were all relevant to our primary job of medical
           school development and represent in part a needed service be-
           cause of the interest in new medical schools in many communities.

           K. Free Fees Approved.

           The Committee on Foreign Students recommended that the following
persons be granted free fees for the fall semester of 1961: Li Lee, China;
Bipin Parikh, India; Ali Paydarfar, Iran.

          The Committee also recommended that a $600 scholarship be granted
to Inna Iljin, Finland, in addition to the free fees for the Spring semester of

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendations
were approved, and the scholarship and free fees were granted.

          L. Change-of-Work Status for Ernest E. Fish.

          President Dickey recommended change-of-work status for Ernest
E. Fish, Field Agent, 4-H Extension Program, effective November 1, 1961.
He stated that Mr. Fish had been employed at the University since March 16,
1922, and had rendered continuous service for a period of 391 years. He
recommended that Mr. Fish be given change-of-work with an annual salary
of $3, 391. 50 and that his change of duties be as follows:

          1. Develop 4-H project literature in Entomology and Safety.

          2. Keep a running inventory of 4-H literature in stock.

          3. Assume responsibility for keeping the supply of 4-H literature

          4. Assist in developing and carrying out State-wide 4-H activities
             such as Annual 4-H Week, Leadership Development, participation
             at State Fair.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, change-of-work status
was authorized for Mr. Fish as recommended, effective November 1, 1961.

          M. Change in Governing Regulations, Graduate School.

          President Dickey stated that the Graduate Faculty had recommended
a change in the Governing Regulations of the University, Article VII, page 10,



so that when amended the Article will read as follows:

             The Graduate Council shall be composed of eleven members
         and the Dean of the Graduate School, who shall be chairman.
         There shall be eight elected representatives and three members
         appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. One of the
         elected members shall be from the College of Agriculture and
         Home Economics, two from the College of Arts and Sciences,
         one from the College of Commerce, two from the College of
         Education, one from the College of Engineering, anrd one from
         the College of Medicine .

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommended
change in the Governing Regulations, as noted above, was authorized approved.

         N. Graduate Faculty Nominees Approved.

         President Dickey advised that the Graduate Council, with recomrnenda-
tion of the Graduate Dean, had nominated for membership on the Graduate Faculty
the following professors:

         John Joseph Begin, Associate Professor of Poultry Science
         Charles F. Elton, Associate Professor of Psychology and Dean
                    of Admissions
         Arthur W. Fort, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
         Harold W. Guthrie, Associate Professor of Economics
         Jesse G. Harris: Jr., Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
                    Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine;
                    Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of
         Enno Kraehe, Associate Professor of History

         President Dickey concurred in the recommendation, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the professors named above were approved
for membership on the Graduate Faculty.

         0. Personnel for Indonesian Contract Approved.

         President Dickey submitted a recommendation of Dr. Merl Baker,
Coordinator of the Indonesian Contract, to add the new staff members assigned
to ICA contracts #688 and #699, as follows:



         Bandung Institut of Teknologi, Bandung, Indonesia

         Professor Ralph L. Dunckel, Professor Production/Industrial
         Engineering, two year assignment, campus base salary of $10, 600

         Dr. W. S. Heath, Associate Professor Chemical Engineering,
         two year assignment, campus base salary of $9000

         Dr. V. E. Nelson, Professor Geology, two year assignment,
         campus base salary of $11, 300

         University of Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia

         Dr. H. F. Massey, Professor Agronomy, two year assignment,
         campus base salary of $10, 700

         John W. Tuttle, Associate Professor Poultry Husbandry, two
         year assignment, campus base salary of $7, 800.

         President Dickey joined in the recommendation, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the persons named were employed for the positions
assigned, with the understanding that their employment is for the duration
herein stipulated or the duration of the contract referred to, whichever terminates

         P. Consideration of Social Worker Salary Schedule.

         Without objection, the consideration of the social worker salary schedule
was deferred for further study.

         Q. Request for Assignment of Patent, Referring to Patent of Barnhart
and Chaney, Serial No. 144, 289.

         President Dickey submitted assignment of above captioned patent and
stated that this assignment conveys such interests as the University may have
in the patent. He further stated that the recommendation made by the Kentucky
Research Foundation patent committee was to this effect and he wished to concur
in the recommendation, and he suggested that the assignment be approved,
executed and filed with these records.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the assignment was
approved and authorized executed,



          R. Gifts.

                             From: Kentucky Section, American Society of
                                       Civil Engineers, Frankfort, Ky. --
                                       $250. 00.

          F resident Dickey reported that the Kentucky Section of the American
Society of Civil Engineers had given to the University its check for $250. 00
to be used in support of one scholarship for the school year 1961-62.  He
recommended that this be accepted, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the check was ordered accepted, and the President was request-
ed to write a letter thanking officers of the Society.

                             From: General Motors Corporation- -$700. 00.

          President Dickey stated that the Kentucky Research Foundation was
in receipt of $700. 00 from the General Motors Corporation to cover payment
for an additional award from the Corporation.  He recommended that this
check be accepted and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
grant was ordered accepted and placed to the credit of the General Motors
Corporation Scholarship Fund.  The President was requested to thank the

                             From: Kentucky Utilities Company, Lexington, Ky. -
                                       $2, 145. 00.

          President Dickey reported receipt of check for $2, 145. 00 from the
Kentucky Utilities Company to be used for improvements on the Mercer County
Farm. He stated that this gift will enable the Experiment Station to make
much needed repairs and recommended that it be accepted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift was ordered
accepted and the President was requested to thank officials of the Kentucky
Utilities Company.

                            From: Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories, Kansas
                                      City, Missouri -- $3, 600. 00.

          President Dickey stated that Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories had given
to the University check for $3, 600. 00 to be used for expenses in connection
with the Dibrom evaluation project. He recommended that this be accepted,



and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
concurred in the recommendation and requested the President to write a letter
of appreciation to the donors.

                            From: Mr. Keith V. Slack, Arlington, Virginia--
                                     $447. 00.

          President Dickey reported that Mr. Keith V. Slack, a graduate of
the University, had given to the University his check for $447. 00, this being
the veterans' bonus he received from the State of Kentucky. The President
expressed his appreciation of this generosity and recommended that the gift
be accepted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered
accepted and the President was requested to thank Mr. Slack on behalf of the
Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.

                           From: Chemagro Corporation, Kansas City,
                                     Missouri--$980, 00.

         President Dickey stated that the Chemagro Corporation had given
to the University its check for $980. 00 to be used for the study of internal
parasites and nose bots of sheep. He recommended that this be accepted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted
and the President was requested to write a letter of appreciation to Chemagro

                           From: Hinkle Contracting Corporation, Paris,
                                     Ky. -- $1 00. 00.

         Fresident Dickey reported that the Hinkle Contracting Corporation
had given to the University its check for $100. 00 in support of its scholarship
for the second semester 1961-62. He recommended that this be accepted,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered
accepted and the President was requested to write a letter of appreciation to
Miss Susan T. Hinkle, Hinkle Contracting Corporation and Associates.



                           From: Mr. John F. Fritts, New York--$6. 00.

         President Dickey reported that Mr. John F. Fritts had given to the
Kentucky Research Foundation his check for $6. 00 to be placed in the James
H. Graham Scholarship fund. He recommended that this be accepted, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was ordered accepted,
and the President was requested to thank Mr. John F. Fritts for his continued

                           From: Estate of Samuel M. Wilson--Cash Amounting
                                    to $2, 755. 52 and Stocks Amounting to a
                                    Value of $36, 087. 00.

         President Dickey stated that, following settlement of the Estate of
Samuel M. Wilson, the University had received cash amounting to $2. 755. 52
and stocks with a total value amounting to $36, 087. He recommended that
this settlement be accepted and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Executive Committee concurred in his recommendation.

                           From: Mrs. Pansy Yount, Beaumont. Texas--

         President Dickey stated that Mrs. Pansy Yount had given to the
Kentucky Research Foundation furniture amounting in value to $61, 330 to be
used in the Spindletop Faculty-Alumni House. He expressed his pleasure at
this valuable gift and recommended its acceptance. Upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the furniture was ordered accepted and the President
was requested to convey to Mrs. Yount the appreciation of the Executive
Committee and the University.

         S. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

         President Dickey submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and other staff
changes requested by deans and heads of departments.





         John E. Davis, Jr. , Fracticum Supervisor, Department of Psychology,
beginning October 1, 1961, ending May 31, 1962.

         Jack J. Monroe, Practicum Supervisor, Department of Psychology,
beginning October 1, 1961, ending May 31, 1962.

         Carolyn Davis Scott, Part-time Instructor, Department of English,
beginning October 11, 1961, ending January 31. 1962.

         Alexis G. Foote, Part-time Secretary, Department of Physical
Education, beginning October 1, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.

Changes in Status

         Rhoda Virginia Glass, Part-time Instructor, Department of English,
to Full-time Instructor, with adjustment in salary, beginning November 1, 1961,
ending January 31, 1962.

         Thomas C. Barr, Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology,
extend appointment through June, 1962.


App ointments

         Carl Sigler Corbin, Assistant County Agent, Nelson County, begin-
ning October 16, 1961.

         Alma Oneta Dellamura, Secretary, Agricultural Engineering, begin-
ning October 12, 1961.

         David Eugene McKechnie, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, beginning
October 16, 1961.

         Carl B. Hall, III, Technical Aid, Horticulture, beginning October
9, 1961.

         Sara Burwell Moore, Temporary Extension Specialist, Foods &
Nutrition, beginning October 2, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.

         Carolyn Prueitt Knight, Machine Operator, Extension, beginning
October 9, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.



Re signations

         Sally Jo Beverly, Secretary, Agricultural Engineering, effective
October 31, 1961.

         Charlotte W. John, Clerk -Stenographer, Experiment Station, effective
October 13, 1961.

         Phyllis Sanderfur, Associate Home Demonstration Agent, Christian
County, effective November 8, 1961.

Changes in Status

         "Arma Adams, Machine Operator, Public Information, transferring to
Accounting Office as Clerk Machine-Operator, effective October 1, 1961.

         Agnes Dinsmore, Rural Development Specialist, Lexington, to be,
also, Acting District Leader of Home Demonstration Agents, beginning October
1, 1961.

         Nyoka M. Stotts, Machine Operator, Agricultural Extension, adjust-
ment in salary, beginning October 1, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.

         Bobby Peek, Assistant County Agent in Training, Fleming County,
title to Acting County Agent, beginning October 1, 1961.

Leave of Absence

         J. T. Hatfield, County Agent, Crittenden County, leave beginning
October 23, 1961, to go into active military service.


Leave of Absence

         William F. Rehberg, Associate Professor, leave beginning October 1,
1961, ending October 31, 1961.


Re signation

         Patricia Dargavell Wilson, Clerk-Stenographer, Civil Engineering,
effective October 23, 1961.





          Carol Joyce Wahistrom, Secretary, Vocational Education, beginning
October 9, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.


          Charlotte T. Marks, Secretary, continue appointment beginning October
15, 1961, ending November 14, 1961.

Re signation

          Audrey Ostrander, Secretary, Vocational Education, effective October
6, 1961.

Leaves of Absence

         Harold R. Binkley, Associate Professor, leave beginning October 1,
1961, ending June 30, 1962, to serve with the armed forces.

         Myrna Dixon, Secretary, continue leave beginning October 15, 1961,
ending November 15, 1961.



         Edwin P. Jenevein, Jr. , Third Year Resident; Assistant in Pathology,
Department of Pathology, beginning July 1, 1962, ending June 30, 1963.

         Donal D. O'Sullivan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pathology (Legal
Medicine & Toxicology), Department of Pathology, beginning December 1, 1961,
ending June 30, 1962.

         Maude Slaughter, General Duty Worker, Department of Medicine,
beginning October 14, 1961.

         Allan J. Morris, Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry,
beginning October 1, 1961.

         Margaret Lee Mitchell, Lab Aide, Department of Pediatrics, begin-
ning November 1, 1961.

         Peggy J. Rogers, Medical Technician, Department of Medicine, be-
ginning November 1, 1961.



         Alice G. Smith, Technician, Department of Anatomy, beginning
October 2, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.

         Dorothy Jean Turner, Clerk-Typist, Department of Surgery, begin-
ning October 23, 1961.

         Helen Weaver, Senior Dietitian, University Hospital, beginning
November 1, 1961.

         Lydia E. Arnold, Departmental Secretary, Vice President's Office,
State & Local Services, beginning October 2, 1961, ending June 30, 1962.

         Boyd Hardesty, Research Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, be-
ginning November 1, 1961.

         Murray A. Diamond, Ass