xt77h41jmb2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jmb2f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-11-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 8, 1943 1943 1943-11-08 2020 true xt77h41jmb2f section xt77h41jmb2f  

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Minutes of the University Faculty ~ October ll, 1943

The Secretary announced the next University Convocation for Thurs-
day, October 21, at 11 a.m., with John Temple Graves II as the speaker.

President Donovan introduced to other members of the Facvlty, Mr.
Vincent Spagnuolo, President of the Student Government Association.

On motion by Dr. E. N. Fergus, duly seconded, the Faculty voted
its appreciation of President Donovan's leadership in bringing about
the reorganization of the Faculty.




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The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
on Monday, November 8. at 4 p.m. President H. L. Donovan presided.
The following members were absent: Deans Paul P. Boyd and James H.‘
Graham, Col. B. E. Brewer, Professor Perry West, and Mr. Vincent

The minutes of October ll were read and approved.

Dean Taylor read the following report for the committee appointed
at the previous meeting to recommend the standing committees that
should be organized by the FaCulty:

A Careful reading of the report of the Committee of Fifteen
would seem to indicate that there would be in the future two types
of University Committees e administrative and faculty. The re"
vised regulations of the University of Kentucky as recommended
by the Committee of Fifteen under Section III authorizes a
Committee on Elections. It would seem, therefore, that a Committee
on Elections would became the first standing committee of the
University Faculty.

It is the opinion of the members of the committee appointed
to study standing committees that it would be good policy for the
University Faculty to start its work with a minimum number of
standing committees. As the need for new standing committees
arises, the University Faculty can authorize such committees.
After thoughtful consideration of the functions and work of the

















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Minutes of the University Faculty ~ November 89 1943

committees that haVe served in the past, we desire to recommend m
that only one standing committee in addition to the Committee on ‘H,g
Election be authorized at this time. [This additional committee

would be known as the Committee on Rules, to which would be sub~
mitted all reco ommendations concerning changes in rules or new
rules which should be brought into exister ce.

After brief discussion the report of the committee was adopted.



The Faculty voted that its minutes should be sent to the deans of
the colleges and the heads of departments and that these officials
be instructed that the minutes are to be made available to any member }
of the University staff that may be interested in seeing them.







President Donovan introduced to the Faculty, Dr. J. Holmes Martin,
formerly Head of the Poultry Department of the University of Kentucky
and now in a similar position at Purdue University. Dr. Martin was
on the campus to study the organization here that has resulted from the
work of the Committee of Fifteen.

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On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the following
new course in Library Science was approved:






Library Science lOland. Independent Work. (3) This course is
designed for upper division and graduate students desiring to )
study some phase of bibliography er library science related to

their major, theSis, or dissertation.






The remainder of the meeting was spent in a discussion of the
report of the Committee on the Lower Division Program of the University.
After an introductory statement by Dr. M. M. White, Chairman of the Q
















Committee, the discussion was carried on informally by several members
of the Facxmlty participating. No action was taken. r
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