xt77h41jm88v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jm88v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 27, 2008 2008 2008-02-27 2020 true xt77h41jm88v section xt77h41jm88v  



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FEBRUARY 27, 2008





No campuswide email after burglaries

Two Blanding Tower women report break-ins;
UK police say incidents were likely isolated

By Alice Haymond


UK did not issue a campuswide
alert after a man unlawfully entered at
least two different females' Blanding
Tower rooms this weekend because
university police and administrators
said it was not an imminent threat to
the rest of campus.

“We had discussions with public re-
lations. and because this was an adviso-
ry. everyone was in agreement that a
broadcast e-mail was not necessary.

simply because it was isolated to
Blanding Tower.“ said Christy GileS.
director of the Office of Emergency

Women in two Blanding Tower
rooms were awakened early in the
morning over the weekend to see an
unknown man who had entered while
they were sleeping. UK police are in-
vestigating the burglary incidents. both
of which happened in unlocked rooms
on the seventh floor. one early Saturday
morning and the other early Sunday

The suspect. who is described as a
tall. thin white man with blond hair.
fled the rooms without taking anything
when the residents noticed him. said in-
terim police chief May. Joe Monroe.

Although the police have not yet
identified the suspect, Monroe said he
is probably a student who resides in
Blanding Tower based on the video
footage and other information police
have gathered. For this reason. he said.
it is likely the incident was isolated and
would not spread to other residence

So rather than issue a campuswide
alert. administrators issued an advisory
to people in Blanding Tower and near-
by areas who might be affected by the
burglaries. Giles said. The advisory

consisted of signs posted on every floor
of Blanding Tower and the lobby: UK
did not have a way to e-mail only
Blanding Tower residents, Giles said.

But some residents did not notice
the signs. Christopher Salata. a market-
ing sophomore who lives on the ninth
floor. said he does not usually pay at-
tention to signs in the lobby because
there are many that usually do not per-
tain to him. Most people would be like-
ly to notice an e-mail advisory. he said.
but it would be helpful if resident ad-
visers talked to students about the inci-

“I‘m the worst at checking e-mail."
he said. “The only way for someone to

See Alert on page 3


t "c. 1.. ‘
sm-tnuiwww’ew W" '


a: .' ‘I V'-


Barbara Hudson and her daughter Clara Gipe, 1, look out the front door of their house in Little Mexico on Feb. 16 in Bowling Green, Ky. Little Mexico, an area that has expe-

rienced a turnaround over the past 20 years, was once known as "across the tracks,"

but is now a safe, colorful area of town.

Shooting the Green


full ride to

By Britney McIntosh


Andrew Lynch began college
like any other freshman ~ stressed
and uncertain about the direction
his life would take. Four year‘s
down the road. his compass is sud—
denly pointing
him straight to
Cambridge. Eng-

Lynch re
ceived the presti-
gious Gates
C a m b r i d g e
Scholarship to
study chemical
engineering for
the next three
years at the University of Cam~
bridge. starting in October.

The Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation awards about 100
Gates Cambridge Scholarships
worldwide each year. and students
can pursue studies in any discipline
offered. Lynch is among about 45
US. students who received the
scholarship. which provides full tu-
ition and living expenses for study
at Cambridge.

Lynch's professors at UK said
it was no surprise that he was se-
lected out of the 600 other appli-
cams. He has maintained a 4.0 GPA
throughout high school and college.
but that only scratches the surface
of what has made Lynch so suc~
cessful. said Douglass Kalika. a
professor in the chemical and mate,
rial engineering department.

“Andrew is clearly one of our



Sec Lynch on page 3

Casino bill
stalls in


ilaster@kykernet com

The bill for a constitutional
amendment allowing for 12 casinos
in Kentucky. including one shared
between chncland and Red \‘lilc

racetracks in l.e\ingtoii. tailed in a
House committee yesterday.

With the BUOX legislative scsr
sion already almost halfway over.
the bill will be on a tight timetable

safe place to use them. All participants
covered different Sunday morning wor-
ship services. finding multiple aspects of
religion in the community.

Participants produced about a dozen
multimedia pieces documenting the
community in three days while working
with Kernel photo adviser Jim Winn.
Bowling Green Daily News photograph—

For one weekend. the entire city of
Bowling Green was up for grabs.

Ten UK students participated in a
photojoumalism and multimedia work—

shop two weekends ago and set out to
document life in the Western Kentucky
community. Diverse stories were not
hard to find.

The task was documenting all of
these events not only through a lens. but
a microphone as well. Past workshops

er Hunter Wilson and Midland Daily
News photographer Brett Marshall.

to make it through the Elections.
Constitutional Amendments. and
lntergmemmcntal Allin“ (‘ommit

At the workshop. students learned
the same software programs that nation-
ally known multimedia producers use

were photography-driven and once a
year. This was the third workshop this
year and pushed to adapt storytelling

tee and then both tht Houst and
Senate. said Rep. Kathy Stc.iii a
committee member.

One student produced a story about
the turnaround of a ghetto to the now



colorful. family-friendly area dubbed

through capturing audio.

Mixed media



"Little Mexico.“ Another told the story
of a skateboard shop that some say
saved their lives with a program that
gives kids not only skateboards. but a


A team of photographers and multi-
media producers. who capture audio and
produce a slideshow. worked in pairs on
each assignment.

I Audio slideshows and video from all participants' stories

I Participants' blogs, including a writer's first time looking through the lens

I One participant's documentary of the workshop

every day. Everyone worked not only to
become better photographers and pro—
ducers. but also better visual storytellers.

Bruu' erm‘cll is (I journalism junior.
[21min] blame/IQkykr’rnelr'mn.



"it's going to be rough sled
ding." said Stein. [)AlA‘UnglOll.

Tlircc representatives in the
committee voted to pass House Bill
550. proposed two weeks ago by
Gov. Steve Bcshcar. Five voted
against the amendment. and three

The bill could still pass it t‘ltc
of the legislators who abstained oi

See Casinos 1; r 3

UK dorms cover up mirrors to raise awareness about eating disorders

By Jennifer Graham


Caleigh Townsend developed an eat-
ing disorder a year or two ago when her
parents were going through a divorce.

“I was seeking attention. and it was
something I could control. It was my re—
lease from everything." said Townsend.
a business management freshman. who
said she has since recovered.

This year. UK is putting on the Mir-
rorless Moments campaign as part of
National Eating Disorder Awareness
Week. Mirrors in residence halls. Greek
housing and other areas around campus
will be covered up to raise awareness
about the struggles of people like
Townsend who have dealt with eating

“It all starts off when you look in
the mirror and tell yourself you‘re fat
and ugly." Townsend said. “What you
have to do is look in the mirror and say.
‘I‘m beautiful.~ "

The campaign should encourage
students to discuss eating disorders.
which are usually considered “hush-
hush situations." said Jilly Kindy. a reg-
istered dietitian for University Health

About 4.5 percent of UK's Counsel-
ing and Testing Center's clients have
eating-disorder concerns. and 19.1 per-
cent of clients have concerns about body
image or eating behaviors. according to
the center. The center offers free eating-
disorder screenings on campus.

Eating disorders are much deeper
than just a problem with self-image.

said Rebecea Tabony. a staff psycholo-
gist for the center.

“They can start with the need to
control something when other areas of
a person's life can feel out of control
Tabony said. “Also. perfectionism can
play a big part in developing an eating
disorder — being more perfect as a
competitor, as a son or daughter. as a
student. as a girlfriend or boyfriend."

Eating disorders do not just affect
the victim. but branch out to family and
friends as well. Tabony said.

“Friends may want to ‘fix' the per—
son.“ Tabony said. “Treating an eating
disorder is not a quick fix. It takes time
and patience from all concerned. even
the treatment team."

People close to Townsend stepped
in and helped her get treatment. and she

began attending a counseling session
every two weeks.

“My friends would say things to me
about my weight." Townsend said. “My
mom basically forced me to go to the

The short—term effects are a loss of
hair. lack of energy. dental erosion and
deterioration of a good immune system.
Kindy said. Long-temi effects could be
anything from the softening of bones to
heart problems and infertility.

“The worst—case scenario with cat-
ing disorders is death." Kindy said. “It is
the deadliest of the mental disorders."

Townsend said she started losing
weight. and gradually her weight loss
tamed into something more.

“I went to the doctor and after a
while. my doctors were switched."

NOT COLD ENOUGH: Freezing temps, sleet and snow

couldn't cool Cats' blazing bats yesterday


4 i

Sronrs. PAGE 7

Townsend \ltld. “I felt like I couldn't
trust my new doctor. and so I started
taking laxatives. That's when l hit rock

Tow iiscnd was able to stop her lasa
tivc use when she began to rcah/c how
much damage she was doing to herself

"Some people don’t i'cali/c that
when you are anorexrc. it doesn‘t ‘]ll\l
make your stomach small. Your other
organs feed off of it." she said.

l'K's‘ Counseling and Testing ('cr‘.
ter offers orilinc screenings for eating
disorders at www ukycdu Student
Affairs/Counseling onlmcSt rceii .htnil,
For psychological assessment and ther
apy. contact the center at 257»87ttl. To
speak with a dietitian about nutrition
habits. call l'nivcrsity Health Serv ices
at 323-5823.

Hm 257-1915; W: 257-2872


 PAGE 2] Wednesday, February 27, 2008 7 W

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ GI



























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating. it) rs the easrest day, 0
the most chal/engr'ng

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 5 w If you can't have or do
everything you want at llllS moment
.n time, don't think of El as dreams
being shattered learn to defer grat
:fication, it's a very useful skill
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is an 8 w Advrse your partner to
watch out for tricks All rs not as II
appears to be To wrn thrs competr
tron, you Will have to be resourceful
Creativity is required

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 5 d It seems like you're getting
nowhere, but that's probably not the
case Check your bearings and per»
severe Do the job because you said

Apuz corn

Collision (Irrttrr

Accepting all insurance claims.
170 Dennis Drive (3 miles from

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 ~ If you want to make a
good impressron, use food instead
of toys You'll save a lot of money
and have much greater success
And you'll look very good

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
6 You're Sllli haying to deal With
a couple of stubborn types Do your
Job and remind them of the overall
olrrertrve, if you must Otherwrse.
lay low

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
an 8 » The more you learn, the
more things you'll find that you've
been (ll)lltg the hard way Carefully
assess your situation and put in the

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today IS
a 5 A review of your budget
could lead to an ugly clash wrth re-
ality Just because you can‘t afford
the toy you want now, doesn't mean
you never will Save up

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
rs a 7 It’s easier for you to see
through a silly facade now Your

('atrrpus) 277-1972

best choice for romance is someone
who never tries to pull any such
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 ~v This day is good for
finishing up, tidying up and throwing
things out You'll be absolutely
amazed at how much space you can
create And II ll be fun
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 ~ It's good to support
causes that further your agenda
Just make sure the people to whom
you're sending money aren't spend
ing it on themselves, for luxuries.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 5 ,,, It may seem there's a
huge barrier between you and what
you want This could be a mirage,
without real substance. Stay busy
wrth practical matters
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To,
day is an 8 ----— The more you learn,
the more old assumptions are chal—
lenged This is OK. You can let them
go Try out a new perspective



Today' 5
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Gossip Girl's Sexy Star

we DiSI‘l

Leighton Meester talks
to Us about her new
scent and hit show

Spottcd at thc bcauty
countcr: smull—scrccn starlet “L"
making hcr foray into fro»
granccsl Gossip Girl will not bc
back until April. but Lcighton
Mccstcr. who stars as prissy
quccn bcc Blair Waldorf. has
bccn kccping busy. Shc's hclp-
ing to launch Flirt! Glam—
ouraui. a fruity. floral new pcr—
fume available cxclusivcly at
Kohl's. Thc singlc Florida na-
tivc.21.gossips with Us.

Q: Besides the new scent.
what other beauty products
are musts for you?

The thing I cannot live with—
out is Smith's Rosebud Salvc
and hand sanitizer. It keeps me
from getting sick ~ I shake so
many hands each day!

Q: Blair always looks so
great. How does your personal
style compare?

I'm proud to say I love thc
samc dcsigncrs and wcar them
in my own lifc. But shc's so
preppy, Shc wcars a lot of black
and many tuilorcd stuff «- that's
totally not me? I lovc color. and
l low a good pair of jcans. l
havc about 20 pairs of Hudson

icons. The} fit so wcll: thcy rc—

ally makc an outfit.

Q: There have been ru-
mors of trouble on the Gossip
Girl set. Do you all get along?

We all arc supcr—closc. We
obviously arc part of a show
that‘s going to crcatc a lot of ru—
mors and buzz. and I think that
wc all laugh and love it cvcn

Q: Which character do
you think is really Gossip

I have no idcu! A lot of pct»
plc think it‘s Chuck (Ed West—
wick). and I think that's a good
thcory. But I like that we don‘t

Celebs' Spring Must-Haves
Hollywood‘s stylc mavens
tcll Us what fashions they‘re
covcting this season
“Transitional coats. l havc a
beautiful coat that's wool but
light. so it‘ll go from winter to
—- Aisha Tyler
“My must have is always a
wife beater. And it s inexpen-
— Carmen Electra
“I saw on Max Azria‘s run-
way this stunning short yellow
dress. I died on the floor."
— Sophia Bush
“I love a classic sundrcss
and a great pair of sandals."
— Shcryl Crow
"1 really want that ncw Pru-
da hag. It‘s purple. blue and all
stripes and leather."
w Nicky Hilton
"I actually got the most gor-
gcous pair of Sergio Rossi pink.
almost patent-leather. shoes.
And I want something to wear
with thcm desperately. So I'm
looking for a pastel-y spring
— Ana Ortiz
"High-waisted. wide-leg
pants. Pctcr Som has really great
— Ginnifer Goodwin
“I’m in love with the Cole
Haan~Nikc combination shoe.

Un \crsiry of Kcntucky Ba oils

It's beautiful but extraordinarily
comfortable. so you‘re the last
one standing at the end of the
— Entourugc‘s Pcrrcy Reeves
“Alcxundcr McQueen
scarves. Always the newest
— Fergic

Will's Silly Sports Flick

Hc‘s mocked Nascar and
figure skating, and now will
Ferrell. 40. is bringing his goofy
athleticism to the basketball
court in Semi'Pro (out Feb. 29).
The actor (who has sons Mag-
nus. 3. and Mattias. 14 months.
with art-auctioneer wife Viveca)
stars as Jackie Moon. who
owns, coaches and plays for an
ABA team in 1976. He tells Us
his game plan.

Q: How did you sculpt
your body into a basketball-
player physique for this film?

I have a basketball physique
to begin with. so it didn't take
that much sculpting. Jackie
Moon is a player from a differ-
ent era and. therefore. a bit more
voluptuous and curvy.

Q: Would you be caught
dead wearing any of the fash—
ions that you wore in the movie?

I may start wearing necker-
chiefs. It covers the neck — any
unsightly blemishes. big Adam‘s
apple or a hickcy.

Q: What‘s your motto?

Just try and get out of bed
every day.

Q: How do you stay funny
on a bad day?

I usually turn to my acting
coach. Jim Beam.


’ see yourself/n UK Burl/ls!




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a g



 Students share stories of multiracial identity

8y Rebeccg Sweeney


Being from multiple ethnic
or racial backgrounds means
more than just choosing which
ethnicity box to check on appli-

During last night‘s Diversity
Dialogues. sponsored by Student
Diversity Engagement and the
Office of Multicultural Student
Affairs and titled “Breeding Be-
tween the Lines: Exploring the
Bi-racial and Multi-racial Expe-
rience." three panelists discussed
their experiences.

Jasmine Whitlow, a joumal-
ism freshman. said her mother
checked the "Other" ethnicity
box on school forms until she
was in sixth grade.

“In middle school. I filled
out my own forms and checked
African~American." said Whit-
low. whose mother is black.
white and Native American. and
whose father is white. Chinese

and German.

Whitlow said when she was
younger. the majority of her
friends were white
because she was
more comfortable
with them. In mid-
dle school. both
whites and blacks
shunned her, and
Whitlow said she
was hurt because
she couldn‘t
choose one race or
the other and real-
ized how ignorant
people could be.


said he wishes

everyone could be multiracial so
they would understand cultural


physically comfortable hanging
out with black people.

"If I walk down the street
with a group of white people. 1

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 | PAGE 3


Continued from page 1


let me know is if they sent a Facebook message, called me or
told me when l walked into the dorm."
Of the seven warnings UK police has posted on its Web

"in high school, a
girl in choir told me
to stop being fake
and dress more
black, so I went out
and bought FUBU ‘
clothes. But they

Stewart, who
has a black father
and a white moth-
er. said he felt like
he had to pick
sides growing up.
but always tried to
associate with both

“in high
school. a girl in
choir told me to

- r - stop being fake and
Now. she has dldn t l00l( Tlght on dress more black.
friends from many me, and they just so I went out and
different back- , I: bought FUBU
grounds. were“ t WhO l am- clothes.“ Stewart

“I hope people
realize (multiracial
people) are here.
and we struggle
with who to identify with."
Whitlow said.

Justin Stewart. a biology


Biology sophomore

socially comfortable hanging out
with white people. but more

said. "But they did-
n‘t look right on
me. and they just
weren't who I am."
Stewart said he feels more


stick out like a sore thumb.“
Stewart said.

When people ask him what
race he is. Stewart said it does
not bother him because he is
glad people are making assump-
tions or setting their own expecv
tations for him.

"I just don‘t like being called
mixed because
much like a dog." Stewart said.
“I prefer biracial.‘

Mahjabeen Rafiuddin. the di-
rector of Student Diversity En-
gagement. said the dialogue was
a celebration of the beauty and
complexity of people who are

"I hope students came with
preconceived notions about bira-
cial and multiracial experiences.
and this dialogue has helped
change their minds and gotten rid
of the myths." Rafiuddin said.

it sounds too

curity Report.


site (www.uky.edu/police/alerts.html) during the 2007-08
school year. this is the second that has not accompanied a
campuswide e-mail. The first was last week when an assault
was reported from the Lexington Theological Seminary across
from the Law Building.

A man attacked a woman on Feb. 19 inside the seminary
with a knife and attempted to tear off her clothing. according
to the release. She escaped. but the suspect was not caught.

UK did not send a campuswide e-mail about that incident
because it was off campus. Monroe said. The police posted it as
a courtesy to make people aware of their surroundings. he said.

UK police issue a campus safety alert when “a credible
threat to the personal safety or property has been identified or
has occurred." according to the 2007 Campus Safety and Se—

“lt wasn‘t an alert." said UK spokesman Jay Blanton
about the burglary incidents. "(Alertsi tend to involve an im—
minent threat or acts of violence that occur on campus."

The two situations in Blanding Tower over the weekend
were issues of criminal trespassing. Blanton said. and UK
wanted to wam students to be on guard and lock their domi
room doors as a matter of general precaution.

“A residence hall isn't different from your house." he said.
“You don't leave your house without locking your door."




Continued from page I

top students,“ Kalika said. “But
it’s about more than GPA. Andrew
has a vision and is able to commu-
nicate that vision. and that is what
helps him win these scholarships."

Other national honors Lynch
has received include the Astronaut
Scholarship. the Arnold and Ma-
bel Beckman Scholarship. the
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
and the Morris K. Udall Scholar-

Dibakar Bhattacharyya.
Lynch‘s research adviser. said
Lynch is more than just another
smart student.

“He is very well rounded."
Bhattacharyya said. “He‘s not just
a good student: he has a grasp on
the outside world as well as many
other talents."

Lynch attributes much of his
motivation to perform well to his
upbringings. He was bom in Vic-
tor Harbor. Australia. and attended
school in both Southeast Asia and
Eastern Kentucky. He said the

time he spent around the world
made him realize all the opportu—
nities he has been given.

“The advantages given to me
are special. and I really want to
take advantage of them." Lynch
said. “I don‘t want to sit on my
butt and look back on it and think
about how I wasted my opportuni-

Lynch has been helping Bhat—
tacharyya study how to improve
groundwater quality. though his
research focus could change when
he gets to Cambridge. He‘s con—
sidering joining a biology or bio-
chemical research group once at
the university.

“I‘m hoping the scientific re-
search I do at Cambridge will be
helpful to Kentucky." Lynch said.

The Gaines Center for the Hu—
manities and other students in the
engineering department have
served as key motivators for his
accomplishments. Lynch said.

Despite his marked success.
Lynch is not one to gloat. said Pe«
ter Frailie. a friend. housemate
and fellow senior in the engineer-
ing department.

“He grew up overseas. and his
background of living in so many
different places has definitely
helped him succeed." Frailie said.
“But he doesn‘t throw stuff like
that around to try and impress

Lynch is good at balancing
academics and play. and working

hard has not sucked the fun out of

Lynch. Frailie said.

When he‘s not studying. re—
searching or typing 7(l—page pa-
pers. Lynch likes to play "Mario
Kart." play racquetball and cook.

“It‘s a nice creative escape
from all the left—brain work."
Lynch said with a laugh.

As Lynch embarks on his jour-
ney to England. he leaves behind
many former educators who said
they are proud of his accomplish-

Kenny Silcr. Lynch's math
teacher at Whitley County High
School. said he always knew
Lynch would be successful.

"I‘ve never known Andrew to
back down from a challenge.
Silcr said. “I expect only the best
for him.”

save somepaper: .


got your


and more...





ii\ '






Continued from page i


voted against the amendment went to the
committee and successfully petitioned for
another vote to be taken.

Another try at the committee is a strong
possibility. said Stein. who said she ab-
stained because she does not think the state
constitution should include the bill‘s require—
ment that five of the casinos be for horse—
racing track's. She did vote for an altemative
version of the bill before the committee yes-
terday. which allowed up to nine casinos in
Kentucky. no more than five of which would
be at horse tracks. That bill failed in a 5-6

“I‘ve always been opposed to expanded
gaming." Stein said. But we‘ve got to
have added revenue."

The govemor's proposal calls for 50 per;
cent of casino revenue. which he estimates
will be about $500 million between July
ZINIX and June 200‘). to go to education at all
levels. from early childhood to postsec-

Rep. Bill Farmer. R-chington. said he
will not be sure if he is in support of ex-
panded gaming until he sees what the bill
looks like when it reaches the House floor.

He also said it is hard to say right now
whether the bill will have trouble becoming

“I don‘t know. I‘ve seen bills come back
from the dead. I‘ve heard there‘s no hope in
the Senate." Famter said. “It all depends on
the leadership by the govemor."

In a statement released yesterday.
Beshear said leadership in the House was
committed to working together to pass a
constitutional amendment. but yesterday‘s
vote shows that "House leadership remains
deeply divided."

During a meeting Monday night. the
governor urged House leaders to make sure
the bill passed. said Beshear spokesman
Dick Brown. Now "the onus is on them" to
make sure the gaming bill makes it through
committee and to a vote on the House floor.
Brown said.

"He called them out publicly and said
get your act together." Brown said. “So now
we just wait and sec."

UK will not comment specifically on
what the passage or failure of the gaming
bill would mean for university funding. said
UK spokesman Jay Blanton.

“We don‘t think it would be responsible
or prudent of us to comment on specific rev—
enue sources or bills in the legislature to de-
termine revenue." Blanton said.








R (i) S


351 Foreman Ave.







 PAGE I | Wednesday, February 27. 2008

Prof tells students to unwind, reflect

gLoiene Dawson


A business professor chal-
lenged his audience to unplug
from all of the distractions of
life and to sit in reflection dur—
ing last night‘s speech. the first
of this semester's The Final
Word series.

"Unplug a little bit and lis-
ten. I guarantee you will hear
more and know what to do."
said Gordon Holbein, a senior
lecturer in the Gatton College of
Business and Economics.

Holbein spoke about how
people should feel their way
through every decision that they
make, regardless of its size.

"The toughest decisions are
the human ones." he said.

He encouraged his audience
of 29 people to see beyond the

obvious. to listen with care. to
walk closely with others. to
think broadly and to feel deeply.

“We often face dilerntnas
that pull us in all directions."
Holbein said. "The question is.
how do we get through our

Sitting in silence allows peo—
ple to really look at who they
are and what they stand for.
which is important because peo—
ple who do not know what they
stand for are ineffective and un-
reliable. he said.

Students were surprised to
sit in on such a philosophical
disciission from someone in the
business field.

"it was nothing l would ex—
pect to hear from a business pro—
fessor." said Tim Hahn. a me-
chanical engineering freshman.

Holbein said he followed his

NEWS Baileys“


VP for Health Care
Operations appointed

Richard Lofgren has been
named UK‘s vice president for
health care operations and chief
clinical officer.

In the position, Lofgren will
be responsible for the day—to—
day operations of clinical ser-
vices and coordinating services
between UK HealthCare and its
regional partners. He and Jay
Perman. dean of the College of
Medicine. will be jointly respon-
sible for ambulatory services.

Lofgren is currently UK
HealthCare‘s chief medical offi—
cer. His appointment to the new
position is subject to the ap—
proval of the Board of Trustees.

UK Center for Oral History
names director

UK named Doug Boyd the
new director of the Louie B.
Nunn Center for Oral History.

As director. Boyd will over—
see "the center‘s collection of
more than 6500 oral history in«
terviews on a variety of topics.

own advice while preparing for
the lecture when he was unsure
of how to begin. He said he
could have checked his email
or fixated on countless other
things. but instead he decided to
practice what he would be

To clear his head. he sat out-
side the auditorium for about 15
minutes and just let his thoughts
run free. he said. Many memo~
ries came to the surface. and he
saw how the speech would flow
and how he would begin it.

Everything people do in life
requires decision making. and
taking that time to reflect getting
through those decisions easier.
Holbein said.

"Look at your own life and
think more deeply." Holbein

according to the center's Web
site (wwwuk).edu/Libraries’
nunncenter). The center is de-
veloping an online database. the
()nline Oral History Projects lni»
tiativc. to offer searchable tran~
scripts of inten icws online.
Boyd has conducted folklore
and oral history research in Ap—
palachia. Northern lrcland. the
Navajo in Ari/ona and other ar—
eas. He is working on a manu—
script discussing how oral histo-
ry and public histor} are related.
according to a news release.




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Information Meeting

Wednesday, February 27
6:00 p.m.
Stuckert Career Center

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