xt77h41jm789 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jm789/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 2000 2000 2000-04-04 2020 true xt77h41jm789 section xt77h41jm789 Writing

To get

Here are some tips to
right those papers
ending up the
semester. Hope that
they help and make
you laugh. at least

Avoid alliteration.

Prepositions are not
words to end
sentences with.

Avoid cliches like the
plague. (They're old

Employ the vernacular.

Eschew ampersands 8
abbreviations, etc.

Parenthetical remarks
(however relevant)
are unnecessary.

It is wrong to ever split
an infinitive.

Contractions aren't

Foreign words and
phrases are not

One should never

Eliminate quotations. As
Ralph Waldo Emerson
once said: "I hate
quotations. Tell me
what you know."

Remember to poofeard.

Comparisons are as bad
as cliches.

Don't be redundant;
don't more use words
than necessary; it's
highly superfluous.

Profanity sucks.
Be more or less specific.

Understatement is
always best.

Exaggeration is a billion
times worse than

One-word sentences?

Analogies in writing are
like feathers on a

The passive voice is to
be avoided.

Go around the barn at
high noon to avoid

Even if a mixed
metaphor sings, it
should be derailed.

Who needs rhetorical

Be careful to use

And never start a
sentence with a




Cormlled tm lion Norton



5.4 3.;

Partly sunny,
continuing the ever-
changing trend.


VOL. 3105 ISSUE 8130


News tips?
Call: 257-1915 or write:



April 4, 2000



A GreenCoat

WASHERS Tiger Woods

gives props to
the first black
man to play

the Masters | 6


Former player auctions ring

Heart of gold: In an effort to raise money for his mother's
breast cancer treatment, former champion sells his ring

By Adam Spaw

A pair oftickets to the Final Four: 3600.

Three nights hotel: $320.

An NCAA Championship ring: on
about 1775 bucks, if you shop on eBay.

That‘s what former UK basketball play-
er Myron Anthony‘s 1998 prized possession
is currently going for on the lnternet's pop-
ular trading site.

Anthony is trying to raise money for
his mother. Sharon. who recently under-
went cancer surgery. which cost over

"Myron isn't in any kind of trouble. or
strapped for cash.“ said Jamie Ramirez. a
longtime friend of Anthony who is selling
the ring for Anthony. “He saw that I had

been successful with selling on eBay be
fore. so he let me do this for him and his

L'nder the eBay search title “champi-
onship ring." you'll find the authentic 1998
National Championship ring. issued by the
NCAA to Anthony. who was a freshman on
the Kentucky team that won the school's
seventh crown. As a description for inter-
ested buyers. the seller tells everyone to
“think of all the greats from Kentucky's
past who also own these." and lists such
names as Pat Riley. Dan lssel and Adolph

“It‘s the real deal." Ramirez said. “It's
NCAA official."

Anthony will not be departing from his
championship ring given to him by L'K.

"He‘s not selling the Maodaddv by no
means." said Ramirez.

Anthony played for l'K for a season
and a half before transferring to Texas
(‘hristian University. During the champi
onship campaign. Anthony was the team’s
leading three-point shooter and contributed
valuable minutes off the bench for a fresh-
man. Anthouy later saw his minutes (lwur
dle early in his sophomore season. which
led to his transfer.

“He's still a Kentucky fan." Ramirez
said. who emphasized Anthony is not sell
ing the ring out of spite. “He still has
friends on the team. But he feels he never
was given a fair chance at Kentucky nevv
er received the minutes be was promised
from Tubby (Smith i."

His mother's battle with cancer provid-
ed Anthony ample time put his accomplish
ments on the court in perspective.

"He came to me and said. 'What good is
anything you have in life if you don't have
the people you love to enjoy it with?”



is .5. .‘

Myron Anthony




Microsoft loses $80 billion in ruling

Declared a monopoly, the Microsoft
Corp. violates federal antitrust laws


WASHINGTON - The giant Microsoft Corporation
lost more than $80 billion in its market value Monday
hours before a federal judge ruled that the company vio-
lated federal antitrust laws by building a monopoly and
keeping an “oppressive thumb" on competitors during
the race to link Americans to the Internet.

“I wasn’t surprised with the decision,” said Frank
Scott, UK professor of economics. “The judge gave an in-
dication earlier that this might be the verdict.”

US. District Judge Thomas Penfleld Jackson ruled

. that Microsoft violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by
“unlawfully tying its web browser to its operating sys-
tem” and could also be sued under state anti-competi-
tion laws.

Curtis Harvey, UK professor of economics, said Mi-
crosoft is hoping to appeal and reverse the decision so
that these lawsuits and lawsuits filed by individual
states could not ask for damages.

‘ “The Sherman Act only refers to the United States '

(federal law).” he said. “The states could say now that
.the federal government said they did violate the law.
and so they could sue on a state leve .”
Harvey said civil actions might be even more seri-
ous than this verdict.
“Over 100 law suits have been brought by individ-
ual companies,” he said.

But Scott said the next stage, the punishment, is the

most crucial.

“The remedy could be a structural or a behavioral
change,” he said. “The restructure could be breaking
the company up into different parts. The behavior pun-
ishment would forbid Microsoft to bundle its Internet
Explorer along with its Windows software.” '

‘ Scott said the latter seems more convincing at the
moment. .

“It is my understanding that the Justice Depart-
ment is not stressing a real bad remedy,” he said.

But in an interview in today’s Wall Street Journal.
Gates said that remrdless of what Jackson rules, his
company will continue to integratethe Internet into its
Windows software, even though that linkage is at the
core of the Justice Department lawsuit.

“The ruling is just a step in the legal process. It
doesn’t change’any situation relative to what we do,"
Gates said.

Harold Weinberg, UK College of Law professor, said

Gates has a reason to feel so confident.

“Microsofi has been through something like this be‘
fore,” he said. “There was an earlier case involving Mi-
crosoft and its browser and Windows software. Then.
the judge sided with Microso ."

Gates, kept that attitude after the verdict.

“Innovation will continue to be the No. 1 priority at
Microsoft,” Gates said in a statement released by the
company. “While we did everything we could to settle
this case and will continue to look for new opportunities
to resolve it without further litigation, we believe we
have a strong case on appeal."

Rather than hurting competition he said, “the high-
technology industry that Microsoft has helped create
has unleashed a wave of competition and innovation
that has led to new. more powerful products for con-
sumers at lower prices than ever before."


The Associated Press contributed
to this article.


ruling affects Wall Street

Microsoft devastated the Nasdaq composite index Monday.
falling sharply as Wall Street anticipated a federal judge's
antitrust ruling against the software company. The plunge in
Microsoft set off another stampede away from technology
stocks and sent investors searching for blue-chip issues.
The swmg toward financial, retail and drug stocks helped the
Dow Jones industrials soar 300 points.

The Nasdaq plunged 349.l5, or 7.6 percent, to close at
4,223.68. It was easily the Nasdaq's worst point drop in histo-
ry, surpassing a 229-point plunge on Jan. 4.

The Dow ended the session up 300.01 at 11,221.93.






Kernel shines as advertising staff wins awards

Gloating: After a highly successful conference, your college
newspaper came out ahead, thanks to its student ad staff

By John Wampler

The Kentucky Kernel‘s advertising
staff came away from last week‘s national
College Newspaper. Business and Adver‘
tising Managers conference with a rather
impressive showing.

The Kernel won first place for best spe-
cial section and third for special rate card.

In addition, Kernel advertising repre-
sentative and integrated strategic commuu
nications (ISC) senior Erin Cunningham

won a contest sponsored by the Newspaper
Association of America.

“I was really pleased," said Mike Agin.
student media adviser for the Kernel. “I
did not see a lot of other schools come
away with multiple awards."

Agin added that with a number of the
advertising staff being lS(‘ majors. he felt
their success showed the increasing
strength and growth of the program.

“The awards reflect the improvements
made in the school‘s advertising curricu-
lum.“ Agin said.

The Student Ne_paper at the University of entucky. Leiugton ,

Deanna Masdcn. Kernel advertising
manager and IS(‘ senior. was especially
pleased with the third place finish of the
rate card. it being the first one she had de-
signed. Kernel production manager (‘hris
Rosenthal also assisted in designing the
rate card.

Previous rate cards had been very
text-heavy. Masden said. The new one was
tnuch more graphic-oriented. and had tabs
outlining each section. It also included per
tinent rate information. market research.
and publishing dates.

“The whole point behind it was to do
something that would be easy for clients to
read and pleasing to the eye.“ Masden said

While winning awards is nice. (‘un~

nmgham got a slightly sweeter prize for
winning the newspaper association con
test: an all-expense-paid trip to their .Iune
conference being held in San Francisco.

To win the contest. (‘unningham had
to “sell" her abilities and qualifications to
the assm‘iation using 50 Words or less.

“Normally we try to sell ads. Now I
was1 trying to sell myself.“ (‘imningham
sait .

In her winning entry. (‘unningham
took the letters of her first name. found a
word to fit each one. and then underneath
that wrote four sentences about herself.

Overall. the Kernel's wins were a good
reflection on the paper. Agin felt.

”It showed the growing quality of ad
vertising display in the Kemel." he said.







c T'T‘H‘i‘d's'i'flo'fl





The Low-down

Africans plead tor debt relief

CAIRO African leaders pleaded for sweep-
ing relief of their continent‘s crippling debt Mon-
day at the start of the first Africa-Europe sum-
mit. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak opened
the landmark dialogue between the 15-nation Eu-
ropean Union and the 52-nation Organization of
African Unity with a call for a radical solution to
the debt problem. echoed by all African speakers

Police kill seven in Indian Kashmir

ANAN’I‘NAG. India At least seven people
were killed and six injured in Indian-controlled
Kashmir Monday when police opened fire on
stonethrowing demonstrators. a police official
said. The demonstrators were demanding the
bodies of five Muslim youths who they said were
the innocent victims of a ”fake encounter' with
security forces last week following the massacre
of 1&5 Sikhs on March 20. the official said.

Elian tallts shift to handover

WASHINGTON , Immigration officials and
the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez turned
their attention yesterday to how to reunite the 6—
year-old refugee with his father when Juan
Miguel Gonzalez arrives in this country. a Jus-
tice Department official said. The INS had earlier
said it would end the Miami relatives' custody of
Elian tomorrow if they did not agree to give him
up if they lose an appeal of a federal court deci-
sion they lost last month. The official said today's
deadline has been superseded by the change.

CIA discloses Korean spy records

WASHINGTON The CIA lost so many Ko-
rean agents in futile attempts to operate behind
enemy lines during the Korean War that the
agency later privately judged its use of Ameri»
can-trained loyalists as “morally reprehensible."
declassified records show. The agents‘ missions
ranged from intelligence collection to establish-
ing networks to rescue downed US. pilots. The
judgment is significant because the Central Intel-
ligence Agency had never before publicly ac-
knowledged the scope or the outcome of its
covert operations during the war.

Bodies causing disease in Chechnya

VLADIKAVKAZ. Russia — Bodies of people
killed in the Chechen war are decomposing in a
river and causing scores of villagers to come
down with typhoid fever, officials said yesterday.


IIKD: The Gay
and Lesbian
Alliance Against
Datamation pre-
sented special
awards to gay
rock star Sir
Elton John and
activist Mario
Thomas. John
accepted his
award from
Judy Shepard,
the mother of
gay student
Shepard whose
1998 murder
has become one
at the gay
most potent
recent symbols.


Cuban American
superstar Gloria
Estetan joined
the chorus of
voices in the
custody battle
over Elian
Gonzalez, urg-
Ing the 0.5.
government on
Thursday not to
force the return
of the boy to
his lather in
Cuba. Esteian
said the 6-
year-old boy
should be
allowed to pre-
sent his case In

The report of 74 cases of the potentially fatal dis-
ease in the village of Lermontov-Yurt came dur-
ing a lull in the war that has gripped the republic
for seven months. It adds a new dimension to the
plight of Chechnya‘s people. most of whom have
lost homes and family members in the fighting.

Bush unveils environmental plan

ALIQUIPPA. Pa. George W. Bush chal-
lenged Al Gore yesterday on environmental is-
sues. one of the vice president‘s perceived
strengths. and said his presidential rival had
some explaining to do on positions he took in his
book, “Earth in the Balance." The presumed Re
publican presidential nominee proposed a plan
for contaminated sites that would be modeled af
ter programs already in use in 35 states. Bush
contrasted that with the federal Superfund
cleanup program. which is behind schedule and
over budget.

Clinton pushes for China trade

SAN JOSE. (‘alif President Clinton yes-
terday pushed Congress to approve normal trade
relations with China. (‘linton touted the benefits
of trade with China to members of the moderate
Democratic Leadership Council. Both the DLC
and the hightech community are strong support-
ers of granting permanent normal trade relations
with China. The administration is asking Con-
gress to give China the same permanent low-tar
ifi“ access to US. markets it routinely gives near-
ly all other trading partners.

Education institutions unite on net

NEW YORK Six of the world's top educa-
tional institutions. including Columbia Universi-
ty and the London School of Economics and Po-
litical Science. said yesterday they are forming a
Web site. The new site. called Fathom, is expect-
ed to debut this summer. The for-profit Internet
site will have many free offerings. but other in-
formation will be provided for a fee. Fathom will
offer its own college courses and plans to offer
courses from other colleges and universities.

Back shelves Cardinals' McGwire

ST. LOUIS ~ Mark McGwire. scheduled to
bat cleanup instead of third yesterday for the
first time since August 1997 for the St. Louis Car-
dinals. was a late lineup scratch. McGwire was
pulled just moments from the start of the opener
against the Chicago Cubs because of stiffness in
his lower back. He missed the last two games of
spring training because of the injury. McGwire
underwent acupuncture treatment Saturday
night to hasten his recovery.

Compiled from wire reports.





Horses subject
to drug tests

Keeneland: Thoroughbreds take new blood
tests to detect drugs for racing advantages


As the spring meet at
Keeneland gears up for this
coming weekend. the track is
preparing to become the first
in the nation to participate in
a rigorous new drug testing
program that could become
the industry standard.

“In less than a year. Ken-
tucky has gone from three
tests to 30 and now to 100. I'm
very proud of that." Frank
Shoop. chairman of the Ken-
tucky Racing Commission.
said as he announced the ini—
tiative on Thursday. "Testing
is one of the biggest issues fac-
ing Kentucky racing."

Under the program. urine
and blood samples will under-
go much more detailed testing
than any state normally does
on race day specimens. The
testing will be done under the
auspices of the National Thor~
oughbred Racing Associa-
tion‘s Integrity & Drug Test-
ing Task Force.

During the first phase of
the program. several horses a
day will be tested. Results.
however, will be anonymous.
No matter what is found. no
positives will be called or con-
nected with specific horses.

“Phase I of these tests will
be for education and research
purposes. The fact that we're
first is purely because of the
calendar." said Nick Nichol»
son. new president of
Keeneland. Keeneland's
spring meet begins April 7.

“I think in a year. this
will be the standard. Virtually
every track in the nation will
be doing this." Nicholson

Nicholson said Keeneland

and Churchill Downs will both
participate at their own ex-
pense. at a cost of about $400
per test.

Commission members
soon will tour the new Univer-
sity of California at Davis lab.
one of several that will begin
conducting tests this summer.
Cornell and Ohio State also
are among the labs participat-

Equine medication and
testing procedures are chang-
ing rapidly, said Dr. Tom To-
bin. University of Kentucky
drug testing expert. Tobin has
worked to develop reliable
tests to find small doses of
medication in blood instead of

"1 think we can now find
in serum (blood) agents what
we‘ve had to look for in urine
for 50 years." Tobin said.

With these advancements.
there may be a shift toward
setting standards on the
amount of a medication a
horse could legally have in its
system on race days. Tobin


‘l H lilit‘r'IIt .‘Ii


Spring race meeting: April 7-28
(no racing Mondays. Tuesdays or
Easter Sunday).







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Spartans beat Gators


Michigan State. with Magic Johnson cheer-
ing in the stands. won its second national cham-
pionship as Mateen Cleaves led the Spartans to
an 8976 victory over Florida on Monday night.

It was 21 years ago that the championship
game between Michigan State and lndiana State
— Magic vs. Bird _., changed the landscape of col-
lege basketball.

This one may not have the magnitude. but it
had the drama thanks to Cleaves. the Spartans'
limping leader.

After helping the Spartans build a 43-32 half»
time lead by scoring 13 points. Cleaves rolled his
right ankle early in the second half and had to go
to the locker room.

When he left with 16:18 to play the Spartans

led 50-44. His teammates got the lead to 58-50 by
the time he returned 4:29 later. But the senior
guard who missed the first 13 games of the sea-
son while recovering front a stress fracture in his
right foot. was again the team's emotional leader.

His long pass to Morris Peterson for a layup
made it 6060. He was leveled while setting a
screen a few minutes later but it was enough to
spring A.J. Granger for a 3-pointer that started a
16-6 run that made it 84-66 and put the game

Cleaves certainly didn't do it by himself.

Peterson finished with 21 points on 7-f0r14
shooting and Granger had 19 and was 7-for~11
from the field.

Cleaves was Tfor-lt from the field all the
shots coming before he was injured , and had 18

points and four assists.

The Spartans (32-7) finished 33-for-59 front
the field (56 percent). the best against Florida's
frantic pace by far in the tournament. Michigan
State never seemed fazed by the pressure. beat-
ing it early with long passes. The Spartans were
their usual efficient selves when they did run
their halfcourt game. getting good looks and
crashing the boards when they missed.

The Michigan State bench was considered a
key to any chance the Spartans had. Florida‘s re-
serves had outscored it 175-45 in the tournament.
but .lason Richardson had nine points as the
Spartans‘ backups came up big.

The 1979 final is still the highest-rated tele-
cast of an NCAA basketball game - the one that
hooked the nation on the NCAA tournament.




Club sports remain popular diversion

~ By Chris Markus

Although the most media coverage that
' sports like Frisbee golf. polo and lacrosse may
get is a half-hour time slot on ESPN2 at 3 am. on
a Tuesday morning. they are still a source of
competition and enjoyment for many UK stu-

Since the 19603 students at UK have been par-
ticipating in club sports that range from rock
climbing to water skiing.

“Club sports aren‘t always as demanding as
the regular sports teams. but many times they‘re
just as competitive," said Kathy Cole. director of
club sports at UK.

Cole estimates that 500 to 600 students partic.
ipate in club sports at UK each year.

The reasons that students are drawn to par-
ticipate in such clubs are as diverse as the sports

Jon Durham, a communications junior and

captain of the lacrosse team. played the sport in
high school and took his interest to college with

“Getting to play a sport that you love with
‘Kentucky‘ on the front of your jersey is a really
cool feeling." said Durham.

Durham said that he is looking forward to
playing in the Lacrosse Division Tournament.
which kicks off this weekend at Ohio State Uni

While Durham said that the lacrosse club
was something that he had stumbled upon when
he started attending UK. accounting and econom-
ics senior Jim Braden cites a club sport as the
main reason he came to the university.

“I didn't look at any other schools. I just
knew that I wanted to play hockey and that UK
had the best college hockey program in the
state." said Braden.

Braden said that he has been playing hockey
since the fifth grade and plans to stay active in
the sport for as long as he can.

"i think that hockey is going to be a part of
my life as long as l atn able to play in it." Braden

Cole said that part of the attraction of club
sports is that talent isn‘t necessarily a prerequi~
site to play.

Many of the club teams at UK aren‘t looking
for topicaliber athletes. but rather students who

,iUst have an interest in a particular sport and a

desire to participate.

Club sports also offer an opportunity for stu-
dents to play sports who otherwise would be side-
lined by bad grades.

Cole said that there is no minimum GPA re-
quirement for students wishing to join a club

Right now Cole said that the only sport that
[K has refused to accept as a club team is box-

When asked why. Cole said that it was be
cause. “the nature of the sport is to inflict pain
upon someone."




College puts on
benefit walk

Walking for women: Chrysalis
House to receive proceeds


The College of Medicine's Class of 2000 has
planned a 5k run 'walk to raise money for the
Chrysalis House. a non-profit treatment facili
ty for adult women who are recovering from
substance abuse addictions.

"We wanted to come together as a class
and do one last service project for the commu-
nity." said Chris Miller. a fourth-year medical
student. “We are excited to offer this event as
an opportunity for the entire Lexington com-
munity to gather for fun and fellowship.“

All the proceeds from the run/walk will
benefit the Chrysalis House and its related pro-

The organization also helps children in-
volved in their Family Program.

The Chrysalis House is located near cam~
pus on Maxwell and has students who work
with their facility. It was started in 1978 with
only 6 residents. and now the facility has beds
for 56 women and 24 of the women's children.
Chrysalis House is Kentucky's oldest and
largest long-term treatment facility. Their phi-
losophy: Treat the whole woman to achieve
health. happiness and serenity.




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Campus Calendar

April 3 - April 9, 2000
The (ampus (olendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities. Registered Student Org; and UK Depts. (on submit information for FIE

Onllne ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: http://wur
(all zfl-m7 for morg information.

'Alpho Phi Omogo 7.30pm, 359 Studsnt(tr
'lNl, 7 30pm, Baptist Stud Union
'leltist Student Union, 6 30, m Stud (tr

'Movio Full Metal locltot, 7 30pm, Worshom Thootro

'lugby Practice, 5-7, (lub Sports Field

'Oriontotion for Internships and Shadowing, 73 pm, III S(
'Moxtmiie tour Test Scores Workshop

‘Moth109233.50812324'450, 203Froloo Noll
'Engl01,6~9 ISpm, ltolnies lounge 0 (ommonc Ballroom
'Sponish, 5-7 Holmes lounge 8. 4-0, Noggin (omputer lob
‘Nistory IOB Bl09. 7-4, Nolmos lounge
'llistory IOI BIOS, 6-0pm, 306 (ommons
‘Physics, Hpm, ltolmos lounge
"Moth o-lOpm, (ommons 308A




'iEAP, l-IzSO, From Noll

‘Nislory lOB Bl09, Hpm, Nolmes lounge

‘Eng l0 ,6-9zlSpm, Nolmos (lonroom B (ommons Ballroom
'Sponish, S7. Nolmos (lossroom 8 (307-30, 306 (ommont
'( emiitry, 7'T0prn. Noggin (omputer lob

‘Nalh, Hpm, Nog in lounge

'Pliysics, B>l0pm, ommons Ballroom


'I')linnor ol the Dorms with the Nittol/Jowish Student Org HS, Blaror

'Toble Francois, 3 59m. Nogic Beans (ole lSN Station)

‘UKNOW. 7pm, Rm "5 Student (tr

'I’ro‘Pliysicol Therapy Assoc , 7-0pm, 205 S(

‘Followship of Christian Athletes 9pm, (SF Bldg

“RNA, 7pm, llli Biological Sciences

'Kempo Self-defense (lob, 8 30pm, Alumni Gym loft
'ToeBoxr 5pm. Baptist Stud Union
’UK Bosebo l vs Tenn Tech, 4pm, Nogon Field

'WREl live Remote 8. Bonds, 6.30-9pm, S( Gomeroom


'60” Doubles, Totes (reek Golf (ourse, I? 2 In times

'Nolte Movies. 0pm, 705 Student (enter

'Archilecture. TZ-T 30pm. 2TB E. Main St W
'Orionlotion for Internships and Shadowing, llom~l2prn III S(

'Bosoboll vs Florida, 6pm, Ilogon Field

'KEA Spring Even, loursville, coll 7 3792


'loborl( Nay Photography Sorios Presents William (hirstsnborry

Worihom theatre, 4pm Worshom Theatre


‘Noth t09=3-3 so a. man so, 203 num Noll “ITS
'(homrstry 7 “Igor, Nolmos lounge S7-9prn, Noggin
'Noth, b-IO, Nolmos (lossroom “'9 ,(ommons 30M
‘Nictory l04 BIOS, +5.45, Ilolmoc ( ostroom B 6-0 pm, 306 (ommons
'Sporiish, H , Noggin (omputor lob B H. (ominous 3083
'Nrstory IOB I09, 24. (ommons Ballroom
'Erenrh,4 7 Keenolond

'lhursdoy Night live, Bptn. Christian Student Fellowship
' Freshman Focus, 7 30pm, Baptist Stud Union
~Devotion and lunch 12pm. Baptist Stud Union, SI
'(ompus (rusode For (hits! 730, Worsbom lh
'UK lonibdo. I 30pm, 23l S(.

‘Kempo Sell-defense (lub, 6 30pm, Alumni Gym loll
'Toe [won 00 (lub 5-6 30pm. Alum Gym Basement llml9
'Rugby Practice, S7 (lub Sports Field

'00” Doubles, Totes (reelr Golf (ourse TH Tee Times


'Koroolte Night 7 l0pm Student (enter Gomeroom

‘(otholit Nuts, 6pm Newman (tr

'Bosoboll vs Flondo 7pm Nogoniield

'Noster Student Program 9am tprn. 103 Berlin Noll


'Nfl SpringEyonI louicyille tolll 3792

'Amnocty International Altornoon of Action, Phoonu Porlr (ln front at
libroryl 3*5prn


”genus 79 Ill l

_ mil , ~prn ornos oungo
finalize ringworm ms moms
'Nath, ‘l0prn,(omrnons 30“

orcucsion Ensemble 1. Sml

, ,SU‘
MEETINGS “Winn! locitol J Fisher, 0 pm.

'S oy Morning Worship, tlom, (hristion S(

St tFolIovrship

'Noirrnon (ontorNoss. 90m It New 5pm, and [30pm
'mr Sigma Pi, In, tmtiosu o.

'(ornpoign Reform. Spot. 230 S(, lm to public

'Iosolioll vs Florida, 2pm. Nogsn Field

101 Baker 3311 257-2696












I I announced.” I m-



Forum addresses police, rights



Barue Wilson didn't expect
that he would get pulled over by
the police when his indecisive-
ness about what type of soup to
buy left him circling a neigh-

Wilson. an African-Ameri-
can military police officer in
the Marine Corps Reserve and
UK junior. was one of four
speakers at a forum called “Po-
lice: Your Rights and Theirs.“

The forum, hosted by the
UK Civil Liberties Union. high-
lighted the rights shared be
tween the police and individu-
als alike.

Other speakers at the fo-
rum included Don Alwes. a UK
police officer. Lt. Gerald Ross. a
Lexington City police officer
and Allison Connelly. an assis-
tant professor of law at UK.

Wilson was pulled over be-
cause his behavior was deemed
suspicious by the police officer.

Wilson said he explained to
the officer that he lives in the
area and was just driving
around looking for some soup
because he was ill.

“I don‘t appreciate being
harassed for no reason." he

This phrase. if not the inci~
dent. echoes the sentiments of
UK students.

“I can appreciate his (Wil—
son) feelings as I‘ve been need-
lessly stopped before,“ said
Kenneth Pfeiffer. a biology

However. during Officer Al-
wes’s 20 years of law enforce-
ment. he has never heard of any
racial overtones nor has he
ever seen an officer abuse some-
one physically.

“Sometimes we're not per-

fect." Alwes said. “If you’re not
happy with the way officers do
business. please deal with it in
a mature and professional

During the rebuttal session
that occurred right after each
panelist spoke. Wilson said that
he had no malice towards the
police. but he highlighted the
seriousness of racial slurs.

Officer Ross proceeded to
highlight the difference be-
tween citizens and the police.

“The only difference offi-
cers have is an authority grant-
ed to us by the government." he

Professor Connelly offered
her views on the issue.

She said that it is impor-
tant for students to know what
their rights are so that they can
understand the rights of the in-
dividual and the need and pow-
er of the government to limit

those rights.
