xt77h41jm497 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jm497/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1975 1975 1975-04-01 2020 true xt77h41jm497 section xt77h41jm497 LXVl No 136
Tuesday Aprill 1975




an independent student newspaper












































































































































































































61 University of Kentmhy

Iexington Ky. 40506

UCLA wins tit/e;
Grevey scores 34

By JOHN thfllil.
Kernel Staff Writer

SAN DIEGU— The state of Kentucky will go home
without a national champion as the wildcats fell victim
to coach John Wooden's suad 9285 here last night in the
San Diego Sports Arena.

The Bruins failed to crumble under Kentucky's
tenacious defensedinstead asserting themselves as
the game wore on

Joe Hall‘s team rallied from a 70—61 deficit with nine

minutes remaining behind senior forward Kevin
Grevey's inspired play. The 6-5 scoring ace popped
three baskets in the next four minutes to pull the Cats
within one, 78-77.

l'(‘l.A‘s Rich Washington, named the Most Valuable
Player afterwards. tipped in an errant Bruin shot to
widen the margin to three, Freshman Rick Robey
fouled Pete 'l‘rgovich on the next play and the 6-5 swing
man upped the Bruin lead to 82-77. all but sealing
Kentucky's doom.

THE TWO TEAMS traded baskets in the next three
minutes before UCLA‘s point guard Andre McCarter
and AllAmerican forward Dave Meyers delivered the



































































































































































Student C

Sports Editor

S'l'l'IHCNT('ENTERaBy 8:15 last night
there was an unusually large crowd here
on the second floor watching TV on the
large screen set up outside the SF Grill.
The viewers came in groups of all sizes;
some were settled. most weren‘t But
there was an unmistakeable feeling that a
sportsmanlike order would come within a
short time.

IT WAS A VERY composed crowd that sat
disjointedly and diplomatically cheered
for the Louisville ('ardinals in their NCAA
consolation game against the Syracuse
()rangemen, who were 95-79 losers to
Kentucky in Saturday‘s semifinal round,

Louisville had lost by one point in
overtime, 75-74, in its semifinal game

crushing blows on driving layups.

(‘ontinued on page I]

er viewers participate in action

against l'(‘LA The ('ardinals were now in
overtime against Syracuse

More people were straggling in and the
game began to draw more attention

The TV sportscaster announced that
[)enny (‘rum was attempting to put Terry
Howard. the (71. player who missed a
critical freethrow on a bonus situation
against UCLA, into the game.

Tlllfi l.tl(‘Al. ('RUWI) oohed and aawed
sympathetically like a protective mother
would to justify giving her disobedient
child some candy.

At this time UL led 87-80

Then an interesting thing happened,
Syracuse suddenly cut the Cards‘ lead to
one point, and a throng of latent Louisville

haters sent up resounding cheers

THE (‘RUWD WAS noticeably divided.
Interest was growmg and more people
were taking their seats

With Howard dribbling and Louisville
going for the sure point. someone wise-
cracked. “Foul him "

The crack was greeted with laughter.
and it momentarily put an ease to the
mounting tension.

L0l‘lS\'ll.l,l‘1 WENT ()N to win going
away. More (‘ardinal fans became vocal,
and though it was the end of a split
decision. the once complacent crowd was
now wide awake and sat in eager
anticipation of what it had obviously come
here for in the first place.

Suddenly the crowd was united.

There was standing room only in the
room and hallway that housed the giant TV

A Student (‘enter employe came in to
adjust the set and announced. “There is a
good chance this TV will go out during the
night.” and that there were four other
smaller sets accessible at other points in
the Student Center.

The crowd laughed reassuringly as if
nothing like that could happen during this

.IE RI“ ll"( AS AND NBC Grandstand
came on the set. Lucas was booed

Moments later. when he explained how it
was possible for Kentucky to take the title,
he was given a tumultuous round of
applause and cheers.

(‘ontinued on page 10


 Editor‘inclhet, Linda Cames

Features editor, Larry Mead

Manag‘ng editor. Ron Mitchell Arts -.~ Snot, Greg Hotelicti

Associate editor. Nancy Daly

Sports editor. Jim Manon:

Editorial page editor. Dan Crutcher Pornography editor, Ed Gerald


Editorials represent the opinions or the editors

Friend thrives on black lung legislation

Most people look out for their own
interests. Some people look after
their own interests so well that they
end up gaining at others‘ expense.

State Senator Kelsey E. Friend was
indeed looking after his own interests
when he sponsored legislation in the
1974 General Assembly guaranteeing
a $5000 fee for lawyers in many black
lung cases. Friend has reaped legal
fees to the tune of $224.06?) for three
months this year compared to 347.073
for the same period last year.
according to yesterday‘s Courier—

The prime supporter of Senate Bill
114 which was passed in the legisla-
ture last year. Friend has been
awarded $5.000 fees in 28 of 47 cases
this year. using the lawyer-client
contracts. as permitted by the new
law. Other black lung lawyers have
also gained from the legislation with
their overall average fees increasing
from $4.249 per case last year to $4.666
this year.

If there ever was a textbook
example of conflict of interest.
Friend‘s role in helping to pass the
black lung law seems to be ideal.
Being a state senator. he was able to
lobby and vote for a bill which would
later benefit him in his law practice.
Being in the position to help pass a
law that will personally help one
financially is blatantly a conflict of

However. the General Assembly‘s
Board of Ethics did not see the action
as such. Friend appeared before the
board earlier this year defending his
dual position as a lawyer with a large

black lung practice and as a law-
maker who voted on the bill. The
board found “no actionable wrong"
against Friend.

Being a state senator. Friend was in

a key position to serve his and other
black lung lawyers“ own interest.

Since there is probably no way the
legislature could prevent its members
from sponsoring bills that would

serve their personal interest. it is up
to the voters to monitor their repre~
sentatives in order that the public and
not the legislators are served by
passage of state laws

The other light at tunnel's end

The light at the end of that
lndochinese tunnel appears to be
getting brighter every day. but it is
not the light which Lyndon Johnson
constantly foresaw. All the indica-
tions point to a military victory for
Communist forces in Cambodia and
South Vietnam.

For the United States the recent
turn of events in Indochina is sure to
provoke a good deal of soul-searching
discussion about its role in Southeast

Already there are those in South
Vietnam and (‘ambodia who are

“t‘ A

blaming American withdrawal of
military aid for the failure of their

So Kam Khoy. who will become the
interim president of the Phiioiii Penh
government when Lon Nol leaves
(‘ambodia today. still hopes for an
American deus ex machina “He
could send troops into Phnom Penh
and then resign." he says of President
Ford “If I were president ot the
L'nited States. I‘d do that to save
American honor.America's power.
with its B~32s. its I~‘—4 Phantoms. its


Nicholas Von Hoffman

Seventh Fleet and Marines it's to
save the honor of America."

It takes incredible naivete to make
that kind of a statement. particularly
when the "honor of America” has
already suffered through too many
years of lndochinese involvement

If there is any honor left for the I' S
to salvage in Southeast Asia it is in
assuring. to the best of its ability. that
Indochina returns to stability as
peacefully as possible There is no
use in pretending any longer that
either \guyen \‘an 'l‘hieii or l.on Nol
haie any legitimate claim to govern
their respective territories

The l' S should now direct its
ettorts toward helping evacuate South
Vietnamese and tainboiliaii refugees
and seeing thata l'nited Nations force
llt‘ permitted to o\ el‘see the treatment
of South \ietnams population by the
North Vietnamese and \'iet ('ong

There will probably never be any
tinal answers to what the l' S should
or should not have done in Indochina
But when the soul searching comes
don't let it he said that the I' S is to
blame tor the tall of governments
which were undermined by their own

Portuguese running their revolution backasswards


WASHINGTON ~ Let’s hope
the Portuguese know something
about running revolutions that
nobody else does. From a dis-
tance they look like they're
making the kind of classic mess
of their country and its institu-
tions that the Left so often
blunders into.

The act of nationalizing the
nation‘s banks and insurance
companies at one stroke has
more of retribution about it than
well-thoughtout socialism — a
response to a feeble attempt as a
coup d’etat against the new
government by some elements of
the Right.

Doubtless one of the reasons for
doing it was to deprive the Right
of the economic resources to try
another and perhaps more dang-
erous coup. The same results.
however. probably could have
been achieved by freezing certain
people‘s assets. By proceeding as
it has. the new government gets
itself involved in a dialect of
chaos. repression. thrust and

counter-thrust that ususally ends
in bloody authoritarianism of
either the Left or the Right. In
either case. the inhabitants lose.

SORT happened in Chile. Pushed
to act too quickly. both by the
demands of his followers and by
the provocations of his enemies.
Allende‘s nationalization of the
economy far outstripped the ca-
pacity of sensible planning or the
available bureaucracy to carry
off such enormous changes.
Without ITT and the CIA, Allende
probably would have fallen. the
victim of a bellywhopper of a
stomachache. anyway.

The task is to achieve socialism
with freedom. and that's not
going to happen the way the
Partuguese are going about it.
It‘s hard enough to operate one
capitalist bank w look at the hash
so many bankers make of it — but
to swallow the whole banking
system by issuing a decree is
inevitably going to lead to the

absurd and costly errors char-
acteristic of haste and ignorance.
Then. just as inevitably. the

government will try and rectify
the errors by fiat.

There must be better ways.
Some people. like the English
economist EF. Schumacher (see
“Small Is Beautiful: Economics
as if People Mattered." llarper
Torclibooks. 1973. $3.75). have
been suggesting some of them.

S(‘IIl'.\lA(‘HER IS AS unim—
pressed by private ownership of
large corporations as the Portu~
guese Left. but he says: “Instead
of creating a large enterprise by
nationalization - as has invar-
iably been the practice hitherto
— and then attempting to decen-
tralise power and responsibility
to small formations. it is normal-
ly better to create semi-auton-
omous small units first and then
to centralise certain functions at
a higher level if the need for
better coordination can be shown
to be paramount.“

In other words. the Portuguese
are going about it bassackwards.
They're also falling into another
trap They're nationalizing whole
industries at one swipe. Schu-

macher contends it's much wiser
to nationalize companies one at a
time. so that the new managerial
system acquires the experience
to do the job

Centralized. industry wide so
cialization also runs the risk ot
magnifying errors If you make a
mistake. you make it throughout
an entire industry. which would
not happen it you went at ll on a

step-hystep. semiautonomous

S('lll'.\l.\('llElt ISN'T
convinced ll"~} a good idea to
eliminate private ownership
completely. Mixed systems are
more conducive to individual
liberty and perhaps also to

For England it might not
work in a country like Portugal
he suggests that. in return for
complete tax forgiveness. ma ior
firms give local public bodies a 30
per cent ownership position in the
forth of what would be nonrvoting
stock except under certain extra
ordinary conditions Tllls public
body. which he calls a Social

(‘ouncil would be composed
equally of representatives from
unions. picked in much the same
way people are picked for jury

The Social ('oimcil or the
government would receive half
the profits. but would not inter
tere with management unless it
felt the public interest demanded
it In that case it would have to go
to court to apply for power to vote
its stock The advantages of this
approach are that it would "re
structure large scale industrial
ownership without revolution.
expropriation. centralization or
the substitution of bureaucratic
ponderousness for private flexr
ibility It could be introduced in
an experimental and evolution-
ary manner.“

Small. slow and steady might
spell the end of the heroic age of
socialism at the barricades. but
the firing squads and the political
police would disappear. too


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features



day. .
paid t
put i
be u.









'We demand...’
University employes state grievances

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three part
series of comments on UK workers.

Working conditions at UK bear out the need for
unionization. Workers at UK hospital who
provide the community with health care during
Christmas, New Years, Easter, weekends and
other holidays are paid only straight time. It is
necessary for a hospital to operate 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. but employes should be
paid overtime for such schedules. Further. UK
doesn't pay overtime for more than eight hours
worked in one day. This means a worker who has
put in 16 hours of overtime and gets sick later in
the week will only be paid straight time if the
total time worked in a week doesn‘t add up to
more than 40 hours. Even if a person has sick
leave coming and a doctor‘s excuse ~ still no
overtime. ()n the other hand, overtime should not
be used to get around hiring more needed staff.



‘Gross wages at UK hover
around poverty level in a
majority of cases . . . but the
take-home pay is even worse.’



We demand: overtime pay for holidays and
weekends. overtime pay for more than eight
hours worked in one day, overtime strictly
voluntary. rehire those Iayed off or refill
positions eliminated, increase personnel in
proportion to increases in enrollment, buildings
and services.

departments they are given a vague “you will
work ‘some' weekends" schedule which can
easily escalate and leaves the workers to the
whim of the supervisor or department head.
There have been some people hired for the first
shift who are told later they must rotate to the
second shift.

Because employes have no organization to
fight those dictates they are subject to the
experimentation of UK . which is generally
trying to figure how to get more work out of the
staff they have without hiring more workers.
This is grossly unfair to people who took certain
jobs in part because of the schedule. especially
those who have children and family responsibil-

We demand: a definite schedule be given to the
employe when hired, no schedule change without
consent of employe.

I'RESENTI.\' II“ A l'K EMPLOYE is injured
on the job he or she must go to the emergency
room even if the injury is relatively minor. This
means a two to four hour wait since the
emergency room is already overflowing. Some
employes don‘t bother to go. (Certain supervis-
ors have been known to discourage it also.) But if
an injury is not reported and complications
develop the employe is not entitled to workman's
compensation and will have to foot the bill alone.

We demand: expansion of the employe health
service to provide immediate attention to on-the
Ajob injuries.

(iross wages at UK hover around poverty level
in a majority of cases. but because employes pay
for most of their benefits themselves the
take—home pay is even worse. UK provides no
paid health insurance. only slightly lower group
rates for Blue-Cross. Blue—Shield. This is ironic
since a large portion of the work force at UK is
engaged in providing hospital or medical
services. Also, IYK doesn't provide free parking.
Staff members have to pay a monthly fee which
does not even guarantee them a parking place; it
only gives them a hunting license.

We demand: paid health insurance. free

ALTHOUGH THE UK administration has
(only recently) begun to talk about its concern
for eliminating race and sex discrimination all
this amounts to is just talk. Unless there is a
specific plan for eliminating inequalities,
“concern" about discrimination is meaningless.
(UK was charged with discrimination in 1971.
This is 1975 and the University says it will come
up with a plan to eliminate inequalities “soon.")

The University‘s own statistics show most
blacks are concentrated in the hardest, lowest—
paying jobs. Blacks constitute 11.2 per cent of the
total UK work force. but they are 38.7 per cent of
the maintenance and service workers. Even this
statistic is misleading becuase if it were broken
down into skilled and unskilled jobs and
unskilled jobs the percentage of blacks (and
women) in low paying jobs would be even higher.
Women make up 47.6 per cent of the entire UK
staff. but they had 95.7 per cent of the office and
clerical jobs — which are among the lowest
paying jobs on campus.

Since there is a limited number of supervisory
positions the main way for an employe to
advance is to transfer to a higher-paying, more
skilled job. However, many emplyes apply for
such jobs only to find they have already been
filled by someone not previously employed at
UK. Jobs are awarded strictly at the depart—
ment‘s discretions regardless of seniority,
although UK workers are supposed to be given
preference. This paves the way for discrimina-
rion or favoritism. Those in charge can deny
people jobs because of personality differences or
just because they don't like their looks! On the
job training could overcome lack of educational

treats pregnancy as an illness, allowing women
only 24 paid days off if they have enough sick
leave. While employes are excused for jury duty
with full pay and allowed to keep any court-paid
compensation. women are not paid for the
perfectly normal and societally beneficial
function of bearing children.



‘UK has a grievance

procedure which is supposed
to handle any mess-overs.
But the procedure is a joke.’



We demand: promotion from within. job
bidding on the basis of seniority, on the job
training. paid maternity leave. '

UK has a grievance precedure which is
supposed to handle any mess-overs. But the
procedure is a joke. It is totally controlled by the
administration and is a bunch of red tape. This
discourages most employes from pursuing a
grievance and is set up just to make the
University look fair. The committee who hears
the case is appointed by President Otis
Singletary, who is designated by the Trustees as
our top boss. The full—time employe counselor is
also appointed by Singletary. The final outcome
of a grievance is decided by a procedure set up
by the administration and heard by people
appointed by the administration. Slightly bi-

We demand: equal participation of employes.
elected employees on the grievance committee,
stewards elected by the employes to handle
initial grievances at the department level.

These are some major concerns of UK
employes . although certainly not all. These
demands are only a minimum necessity for
reasonable. healthy working conditions and a
decent standard of living.


Margaret Roach is a l'niversity hospital
employe a member of the LR Workers
Organizing ('ommlttee.


THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. April I. I975—3



William H. Miller, Show Productions

8 p.m. SI admission
sponsored by the
Student Center Board




Kentucky State Government Is Now Seeking Qualified
Engineers To Work in Air Pollution, Solid Waste, And Water
Pollution Control; Land Reclamation; Transportation
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All Positions Require A B. S. In Engineering. Salaries Are:

Degree + No Experience $782 Per Month
Degree + 1 Year Experience $862 Per Month
Degree + 2 Years’ Experience $951 Per Month

Please Send Resume To:
Dale E. Shelton
Department of Personnel
Room 280 New Capitol Annex
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
An Equal Opportunity Employer F-M



[ ,


June to December, I975

Deadline April I4, I975

0 ttice for Experiential Education

303 Administration Bldg.




 I—TIII‘I KENTUCKY KI‘IRNI‘IL. Tuesday. April 1. I975

,____-_________.._______________________.| news briefs


to Ron Royse


PRG wants negotiations
begun without Thieu

: TOKYO tAl’t Declaring a new turning point has been reached
I as a result of overwhelming military victories. the Provisional

We Repair ALL Foreign Cars!

Sick Bug Tune-up on'Y $22.50

T!” INCLUDES: Valve adjustment, WITH



Revolutionary Government said Monday they are prepared to
quickly settle all the affairs of South Vietnam in talks with a new
Saigon government that excludes President Nguyen Van 1‘hieu and
abides by the Paris cease-fire,

The statement. broadcast by North Vietnam‘s official Vietnam
News Agency. was in an appeal issued by the PRU which declared



‘ Paints, Plugs, Oil 8' LUbe' Con- THIS “The Nguyen Van 'l‘hieu junta main obstacle to the settlement
densor' and tax and labor PON | of the political questions in South Vietnam must be overthrown.
Ron Royse CO” I and an administration standing for peace. independence,
* “i " z 4 i ' ' 'lz ixtri 't a ) )lication of the Paris

Used VW Sales 253-055] 655 South Broadway imports I dunou it). n ition il ((IIKOH ln( s ( ll

agreement must be established "

It said the Provisional Revolutionary Government "is ready to
hold talks with such an administration to qtiickly settle a!l the
affairs of South Vietnam '

But it added. “Realities have proved that the l'S imperialists
WKQQ LOVES LEXINGTON still refuse to end their military involvement and interference in
the internal affairs of South Vietnam Though its situation is

Tonight hopeless. the Nguyen Van 'l‘hieu Junta is clamoring for war.
WKQQ APPRECIATION DAY PARTY feverishly stepping up . forcible evacuation of lllt'npltplllillloll.
exploitation. repression. persecution and massacres

The appeal said victories won by the PRU since early March
mark a new turning point from which the PRU “will advance to

’ I new and still greater victories whereas the Nguyen Van ’l‘hieu
0§a§ junta. lackeys of l' S imperialism. will surely tace complete
- disintegration and collapse "
Coliseum Plaza Location TONIGHT 8 p.m. — I a.m. ,
Sutton opposes Miller
WKQQ Shows You How Much We Appreciate You

NO COVER CHARGE in 4th district race

A Bil-y'earold process engineer
announced Monday he will seek



Beer -— $.l9 Door Prizes (real good SiUffl the Fourth District l'rban (‘ounty
Pizza by Slice — $.19 Games (‘ouncil seat
Contests (‘harles Sutton. a graduate of

Eastern Kentucky l'niversity. is
LIVE JAZZ — KOKOPELLI -— ALL NIT: the only person so far to oppose

(‘ouncilwoman l’am Miller in the



Remember It’s April Fools Eve, 50 Be On Your Toes! All Of Us At WKQQ May primary The Fourth Dis
Will Be There - So See You Then! trict includes several precinctsin

the l'niversity community i

“The financing of sanitary ' i I .

sewers Wlll be a major issue of '

my campaign." said Sutton in a ' .
STEREO prepared statement "l do not
ALBUM ROCK oppose sanitary sewers but I do ‘7




oppose the high cost and the
method of financing the Eliza
beth Street Area Sewer Project "
Sutton. a political newcomer, borhoods. bicycle paths and
said he opposes the ltosemont neighborhood parks
Garden Extension. a proposed “I will emphasiye careful plan
DELTA TAU DELTA highway which would run ning and economy."Sutton said
through the Fourth District Hr "We have an extravagant brick
congratu'ates supports the l'rban (‘otinty (iov sidewalk downtown that was paid

- ' -.v , . -- coach Joe Ha" ernment Llfflrnlilith' taciiion pr;i tior by the taxpayer and not the
. gram. preserva H)” o or nci ’1 (twin wn )ri )erty owners "
3323a zEpoLlim “1118;1th and the L ) H I ll ‘

line""*u°‘3‘""“‘k“ KENTUCKY WILDCATS Connolly on trial for bribery

\I‘ASIIINGTUN «Al’i .lohn l4 ('oniially. once praised by
Richard M, Nixon as "a tower of strength for the President." goes
on trial Tuesday on charges that he accepted two $5.1m bribes
while he was Secretary of the Treasury


Seeks Miller's seat


The Sepcial Watergate Prosecutor's office accuses (‘onnally of
raking the bloom) from the nation‘s largest dairy cooperative for
helping persuade Nixon to raise milk support prices in W71

'l‘he 587yearold (‘onnallyz three times governor of Texas. is
charged also with conspiracy to comit perjury and obstruct justice
and lying to a federal grand ~iiiry But 'l‘iiesday 's Jury trial will be on
the bribery counts only

('heif l'S District Judge (ieorge l, llart .lr . who will preside
over the trial. estimates it will take up to three weeks. The jury
selection process is expected to last several days,


rThe Kentucky Kernel, ltd Journalism budding, University at
Kentucky, Lexmgton, Kaitucky, 0506, is mailer! live tines
weekly during the school year except (”ring tnliaays am
exam periods, aid twice weekly airing the simmer sessuon.
Thirdctass postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, 40511,

Rick Robey Joey Holland Pubiisneabvmexm Press,lnc.tomdedint‘771.aegmas lily?

theCadetin 1894 and published continuwsl efltudty
Kernel since 1915. yastheK

Advertising pubiished terein is 1mm to help the reachr l< Ql l llJC/ RV

bUY-Anytalseor nisleadi a ertisi
DELT WILDCATS 2,273.2“... M WWW mm

Editor, Editwual editor 257-1755
Managing editor, News desk 37 I740
Advertismg, Business Circilation 1584646

LSports, Arts 157-1800













April 2nd, 7.1!), Rm. 113 T,P.C. ln'portant
into tor quicksand 8. Mississippi conclaves,
picnic, new officers election. IA?

iunior or sophomore interested in running
tor Senator from Home Economics College,
Wednesday, April 2 at 6.00 pm. in
Multipurpose Room, Eriléon Hall. 1A2

Tea Room: Tuesday, April I, IOJHI-(I)
a m, Chanoyu or Japanese Tea Ceremony
Demonstration Ms, lmanish, IWS. La
Breque. I m2-mp.m., Chinese Calligraphy
Demonstration. Lily and Thomas Hsieh.
7.00800 pm, Suzuki Children Violin,
directed by Brice Farrar 1A2

uate AdVIsory Committee will meet Wed
nesday, April 2, at 3,1) in 1673 CT All
members must attend 1A2

ROBERT ALTMAN'S ”Images“ will be
shown by the English Department on
Wednesday, April 2, in CB I18 at 6'1) and
8 30 p m AdmisSIm is free 1A2

mayoral candidate Bob Bresnahan speaks
on "What Socialists Stand For,” Thursday
at 8 (ppm in SC 116 Sponsoredby Young
SOCIaliSi Alliance 1“

FOLK DANCING: 7 30 every Tuesday
night in the Women's Gym University
community welcome All dances are taught

FREE UNIVERSITY Will have elections
tor co ordinators Thursday, April 3, at 7 1)
p m , Room 113 Student Center Also plan
making tor summrv and tall 1A3

(limmittee is accepting applications for
no“ year's (OnTtT‘IliltR‘ It interested, come
by Ibardotticc, Rm 204, Student Center or
contact Sherri Herman, 84m 1A3

PHI BETA LAMBDA WIII hold its next
meeting this Thursday, April 3, 1975, in
Room no, Taylor Education Bldg All
interested busmess students are invited

VOTE! E LECTIONS ta TYI’W otticers in
UK Recreation Maids Out) being held
Wain Apfll3 85pm dailyinroom
IIISaaton Building JIM

APRIL MEETING ot UK Recreation
Maids Club Will be held Thus April 3 at
71) pm 2706 Seaton Buddirn Rseults ot
electmns Wlll be annanced 3IA3

THE HISTORY Undirqraduate Advisory
wull hold Medians and a mtim On
Tuesday, April I, at 7 (I) p m in Room 116
()I the Student ('mtrr All menhers please
.Ittiv‘td 78A)

CW CAUSE of Kentucky Sixth
Crmrmwonal District will hold an open
meeting Wed , April 7, 1075 at 8 (X) p m at
the Bell House located on Bell Court in
Limnoton This meeting is open to the
pubm 31A?

Tuesday I8th tloor Ottici- Tower Otiicers
meet 6 l5, initiati-s 6 1), active members
6 4S [BAI

shipwll meet 1uesday, Acril I at 7 (X) p m ,
S C 109 Everyone is welcprre to attend

lnteest Research Group, The Ralph Nader
Cornurmr Group Willholdarreetinq Wed,
April 2,7 00p m in Rm II3ot the SC 31A?

Martin University OI Illimis, on ”Recent
Studies on Sullurancs and Related Hyperva
lint Spams,” Tuesday, April I at A p m in
(P 137 ’28AI


kit‘stunty rmpnal, Madisonville, Ky, will
matthe Placement Center on April I from
900? 00 p m to interwcw RN. students.

rmdnq Tues, April I, Impm, 1445 PCT

TI-E HISTORY Undergramate Advisory
will have elections on TuesApril I, at 3:1) .
in Rm III: at the Studmt Center. All
rnerrbers should attend. JIAI

lical scenes tothematyrdomot saints. Rare
Books Gallery, Ml, King Library througi
April 2, 85 weekdays, 812 Sat. 28A?



\Inelfl'ODe "/
‘ b‘I iiiii Auviwul 2


ii: Ill" ill Ilnl ital/Pl Chatlt’lx

0 CALL TOLL FREE 1800 325 4867.



THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. April 1. 1975—5



9:15 Welcome






and Introduction of Guests


The Grain Reserve Issue


Land Reform Issues in the
Developing Countries



International Research Centers
and the Green Revolution

The UK/Thailand Program

Hunger : Research at UK
That May Help Alleviate It





Evening ‘ Recess


Keynote Address by Under-
Socrotary of Agriculture,
Philip Campbell




10:00 (214 SC Theatre) Hunger;


Horror or Hoax
(214 SC Theatre) Hunger:


Disease - Disaster - Deprivation







(SC Theatre) How Many
Can We Feed?

(CB 106) Keynote Address
by ‘Senator ‘Doo' Huddloston

(CB 106) Hunger:
The World Food Conference

Evening Recess






Closing Address
by Congressman

John Brockinridgo
Soay Auditorium

April I 8. 2 The Film "A Right To