xt77h41jm335 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jm335/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1990 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1990 Vol.61 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, August 1990 Vol.61 No.8 1990 1990 2019 true xt77h41jm335 section xt77h41jm335 " “t . , 0V: (_ C it?
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e e , I UNIV. 0; NEWSPAPER, 344337
“BRA/WES 6 mt f"
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t mt Off1c1al Publicatlon of The Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 61, No. 8 - August, 1990
J t ’if’. t nvlvemenr Sh | n g I er h | red TO SGT U D KPA N 9W3 BU r90 U
l II?“ C.) qaffecflng Pam Shingler, editor of the "I think this News Bureau, in we're getting someone who can do
I «a.» I :Cf Flo d Count Times in the way we hope to have It set up, just that She has experience work-
], , , .JODVGDIOD Presytonsbur hasybeen hired as the W111 be umque and that member mg With the leglslature, she has
.: . , . . . JSaudlArablamtheIraql Association News Bureau. samba tam“? Th°mP5°n sa‘d- dust? aed she has “Penance m
._ . . . nishavmganaffecton Shingler joins the KP A staff on And selfishly,1mglad to turn over establishing and coordinating a
thel991KPAWmterConven~ September 4 , . the reins as editor of The Kentucky program similar to what we envi-
ton The News Bureau the brain- Preset Ikmwthel’astl’residenmf eon the News Bureau demg- As
tuckyaremvolvedmrmhtary HaWpe as a member service of the wanted more emphasis placed on mg won a 1989 KPA first place
budge-3tmtbaekscouldaffeetthat help all KPA member newspapers Besides serving as 9‘11“” 0f the .reportmg and a. first Place 1“ “m"
rehttonstupKPAhssmvstd with news event coverage and in- Floyd CounWTimeePam basal” mg “‘01 Pubhcam “m the
comandmgoffieersofsort formation gathering in Frankfort served as devGloPm-“t direCtor 0f Arkansas Press w°men Wh‘le “(1th
KnFotCompbenandthe The bureau will also otter the David School in David,1
tising and has done numerous semi- Green-Dally News publisher John :glalécsiineggynarnicso . . 40601. and at additional maileiiigcffit’ices .
nars on customer service. B. .Games and mother of Pipes . Migrgiaseflrtizmg serme Subscription Price is $4 per year. Post— i ‘i
Registration information iS Games, dled August 15 in Bowling Call your regional manager Io-Arm Johnson: “135‘“: Send change 0f address I0 the 5
available by contacting KP A Ce“- Green following a lengthy illness. 1- 800-223-16 00 Kentucky Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, 5
tral Office at 1—800-866—1431. Mrs. Gaines was 73. gym Kenmky 40601‘ (502) 223' i-

 ”'2‘ .. . v ._ 2. ~~-wLEIWZLSLlZ'” ~ ‘ we—firvv ---«-‘:~:~r — ~‘rdxw.;_=““ "“""““*'“"“’“""" ' ' " "' ””""‘7"“"‘""" " 1 ”MW" "“fi
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1990 K t k D ' A ° t' ‘
- . l , » ""-~'~v:‘?'.'""”"’“""‘4"“““V" "“59“ ‘ fiend 3‘43; i it "~ V”. 2.9 a r l = =1“ it ‘ . ’ ‘ .- \. u' t» : "mi-Mi ,1 5 a e y : ; aetfi' f ; ‘* -:‘ g 5/ j.
V ‘2““ -n ._ V 1 ‘ ; ’ _ f ' 7 ., ‘ .3": V . __ ._::\,’ ,‘5
- .. : ‘_ : «V _- ' .v .. : . Entrvaeadline: :August 31,1990 - ._» a ‘
‘ ‘ M; 2.“: v , 1'. , v. For Period: Iuly 1, 1989 through Iune 30, 1990 " ' 3 ‘ " 1“
'1 ‘ ; ' . u‘ ' - VV ' ‘ 'f; ., v} ‘1’, _ I A i '
V 2 * ,. ’ " CLASSES .‘ - “ ‘ ' “ '
. i l. . I l l .. ”I i V , Weekly Division . . -. l
p p 7 , _ . T ' Published One Day Per Week r ‘- -,
K , p . Class 1: Weeklies with a certified circulation of 3,000 or less ‘ ‘ =
> Class 2: Weeklies with a certified circulation of 3,001 — 4,700
l ’ ' p ' ~ ' "‘ ‘ Class 3: Weeklies with a certified circulation of 4,701 or more
V ' _ V 5 ' ’ ‘ - i » Muli‘i-Weekly Division
~ ~ '5 ' - ' 'Weekly newspapers published two or three times per week, regardless of circulation
' 2 "I . M _ _ . "Daily Division . _ ,
p - ‘ 3 . _ .. f , ' _ , Published Four Days Per Week Or More - . , -
" _V Class 1: Dailies with a certified circulation of 10,000 or less ‘ '
' , ,7 .2- : ,- Class 2: Dailies with a certified circulation of 10,001 - 25,000 ‘ ‘ '
Class 3: Dailies with a certified circulation of 25,001 or more L
» -. , ’ , . : i. 37-, {all 5.52333 ‘EFt'fi‘EV

 Page 4 .
‘ Entry deadline August 31 for KPA Fall Contest
RULES 14. In the event only one entry is made in any category for a specific
1. Entries must be postmarked no later than August 31, 1990. class, a certificate of merit will be awarded in that category if the judges
determine it to be a quality entry.
2. Contests are open only to paid-up member newspapers of KPA. To
be eligible, stories must have been written by full- or part-time em- 15. An entry will be disqualified if:
ployees of the newspaper submitting the entry at the time the material * the entry is not within the required dates;
was published. Work by wire service employees or syndicated writers * the entry is not properly marked;
may not be entered. * it is entered in more than one category, or by more than one
newspaper. If an entry is entered in the wrong category, KPA reserves
3. A newspaper's entry must be accompanied by payment for all the right to move the entry into the appropriate category.
entries in the contest. Please compute carefully. There will be no '
4. Contest publication period for entries in the Fall Contest in-
CIUdES issues published July It 1989 ' June 30, 1990. Newspapers may submit more than one entry in Categories 1-12, but a
. writer's name may not appear on more than two entries per category. Al-
5. Separate sets of tearsheets or complete copies of issues must be though bylines are not mandatory, the name of the writer(s) must be
furnished as indicated in each 0f the individual contest categories. included on the label for the entry since the writer's name, as well as the
Newspapers should anticipate the submission of entries in the KPA name of the newspaper, will appear on plaques and certificates.
contests by saving tearsheets as prospective contest entries appear . .
through the contest period. Machine copies of entries are not permit- General Excellence " .
ted without specific authorization in advance of the judging. Do not No entries are required. This category is the sum of the outcome of the
send clippings 01' scrapbooks. , ’ other categories of the Fall Contest, establishing the winning newspa-
pers in each class of competition for Daily, Weekly, and Multi-Weekly
6. No entries in any writing or photographic category shall be entered divisions. These results evaluate the content of the newspaper in
in another category or division and any entry is strictly limited to one terms of the effort of individual staff members. Each first place award
category only. For examPle, a story submitted for News Story category will count three (3) points; each second place award or certificate of
may “Of be entered in judging for Investigative Story, etc. AanfaES: merit, two (2) points; and each third place award, one (1) point in de-
WWW termining the winners of the Fall Sweepstakes Award. Honorable
WWW mention awards will be considered only if needed to break ties in cal-
WWJME culating the results of this category.
‘ Category 1: Best Editorial ~ ' ‘
7. Once you have selected your entries and properly identified them, Submit as your entry full-page tearsheets clearly marked. Editorials
- package all together i“ a single packet and mail on or before August 31' must be locally written and willbe judged on community interest, clarity
» 1990 to‘ of thought, and style of writing. ,
Contest Committee - Category 2: Best Spot News Story
Kentucky Press ASSOCiation The stories submitted for this category should be of unscheduled events,
332 Capitol Avenue for which no advance planning was possible, such as accidents, fires,
Frankfort, KY 40601 natural disasters or other breaking news events. Submit as your entry .1
a full-page tearsheet with the best spot news story by any writer clearly
8' A contest entry fee Of $10 is required for “Ch newspaper entering the marked. Judges will take into consideration such points as thoroughness _.'.
contest, “831111935 0f group ownership. A fee 0f $4 for “Ch individual of reporting, sentence and paragraph structure, and impact of headline :
entry is to be paid for each entry in each contest category. These fees and lead.
go toward payment of plaques, certificates and judging expenses.
Category 3: Best General News Story 1
9. Be sure to fill out the entry form and return it with your entries and The entries in this category should be for articles on scheduled 0r 2‘-
payment. organized events for which advance planning was possible, such as .
{ public meetings (city council, fiscal court, school board), dedicatlons,
10. Type information for each entry on a label (enclosed) and affix political appearances, etc. Submit as your entry a full-page tearsheet 2:3}
' securely on the upmlghlhanmmhmgfi on WhiCh the entry with the best general news story by any writer clearly marked. Judges .415:
is located. Make sure it does not cover some important area. On each will take into consideration such points as community interest, timeli—
identification label, enter (a) Newspaper Name, (b) Contest Number, ness, thoroughness of reporting, sentence and paragraph structure, and 2
(c) Division, ((1) Class, (e) Writer/ Photographer Name. impact of headline and lead. . - ._ '
11. All entries, except winning entries, will be retained by the judges. Category 4: Best Feature Story . ' ' ' {
Plaques and certificates will be presented at the Winter Convention, Submit as your entry a full-page tearsheet with the feature story Clearly £33”...
and all winning entries will be listed in a special edition of The marked. Factors to be considered in judging this category will be quality a;
Kentucky Press. of writing, subject matter and reader'interest. Articles should‘be of local . 7
interest, preferably about local people, places or things. , ‘ '. . :
12.‘ Mark the story or picture with a HEAVY RED check mark above the . ‘ - . 1 . , 1
entry. Please mark with a red marker to clearly define the entry. Category 5: Best Column (One Subject) ; ‘ ’ . : x. f
_ One entry should consist of three tearsheets, each from a different issue _;
13- Appropriate plaques and certificateswill be awarded to Winners in . , of the newspaper. While all three columns need not be about the same 5.?
each contest category: plaques going to first Place winner and certifi- subject, each individual column should contain only one subject. The .
cates to second, third, and honorable mention. Honorable mention is . p . ~ - ~ ' .‘ .- v - - ~ " ' ~" ‘ ‘ a;
not necessarily awarded in each category. , e. . . - - . ~ . ‘ (Continued on P38? 5) 1}
.‘.'.:.:.l:.:.'>.':.:.' Llf}flitif}:3};.'-.-..:.j.§.:.j.j.:.j.3[gnu-.93; __ .p . . p .. ,2: u

 i§lfii§i§f‘1'{‘-fi5-24.- 35.93;; .. . . a. g . g it"iiage's' . fl
(Continued from Page 4) Category 14: Best Spot News Picture ,
, . three tearSheets should be stapled together and tabbed as one entry. The The photographs for this category should be of unscheduled events for
3 column must be written by a staff member or a regular local columnist (vivhich no advaflce planlnrng was pOSSIbtle, sSucgr ast accrlclients,k has:1 rlrlatural
‘ for your newspaper. Originality and style of writing will count highly in rsasters, or ot er rea mg news even 5. 11 .m1 we -mar e. -page
judging as well as the style and individuality of the writer. The effective tearsheets. Judging will be made on the basrs of newsworthmess, local
treatment of the subject matter is the deciding factor. interest, and overall quality of work.
Category 6: Best Column (Variety of Subjects) Category 15: Best Feature Picture . .
One entry should consist of three tearsheets, each from a different issue Submit well-marked full-page tearsheets. Judges will be looking for
of the newspaper, each containing a variety of subjects. The three local interest and appeal, imagination and ongrnahty in selection of
tearsheets should be stapled together and tabbed as one entry. The col— subject matter, posing, hghtmg and overall quality of work
umns must be written by a staff member or regular local columnist for .
your paper. The column should be a balance between humor, entertain- Category 16: Best Feature Picture Essay
ment, and information. The writer has considerable latitude in this Anentry must consist of two or more plctures used togetherto tell astory
category. Entries will be judged on individuality, style of writing, and with little written support. Overall impact, appeal, balance, lighting,
subject matter. . techniques and quality of work will be considered in the judging.
Category 7: Best Sports Column Under Regular Heading Category 17: Best Sports Picture ' .
One entry should consist of three full-page tearsheets from different This category is tt)ol:ncoulrag1e more alr‘rdbetter siports 1icovefrage.k("):§lr;11
" dates with column clearly marked. Columns must run as a regular impact, appea , a nce, ig ting, tec nrque an qua ty 0 wor e
‘ feature in your newspaper and must be written by a staff member or local considered in judging. ' . ' . _
columnist. Originality and style will count highly in judging. . . ' " -‘ -
' . Category 18: Best Sports Picture Essay . _
Category 8: Best Sports Story 3 An entry must consist of two or more pictures used together to tell? a story , _
Submit a full-page tearsheet with'your best sports story plainly marked. with little written support. ~ Overall impact, appeal, balance, lighting,
I Community interest, thoroughness, stdry structure and impact of lead technique and quality of work will be considered in judging.
': ‘ will be censider'ed. Entries must be by local staff members. . '
' . - ' . 1990 Kentucky Dress Assocnatronx
‘ Category 9: Best Sports Feature _
' Submit a full-page“ tearsheet with your best sports feature plainly F811 NCWSPEPCT‘ COfltCéSt. awards .
" "marked. Community interest, thoroughness, story structure and impact '2 : . . . ' ' - . > " . ‘ .
of lead will be considered. Entries mustbe by local staff members. . ~- . . g .Wlll b6 pI‘CSC [1th Ffld'c'iy, January 25* 1991’
" " . . . » - . A. .1. is .- ». , . " "during the ‘KDA Winter Conventroa
Category 10: Best Investigative or na ytica tory ; , .. . . - ~ , . g .
This category is defined as a single story or a series of stories on the same . MBI‘I‘IOU. QCSOI‘JL at Griffin CfitC, LCXJflg’LOfl
,. subject which demonstratesthe reporter's/reporters' initiative in re— ,
search, analysis or investigation. If a series, its publication must end . '
within the contest period. ., ‘ . . - < O M I” G UP .
Category 11: Best Story Series '
This category includes a series of stories on any subject other than
investigative story or series'eligible for Category 10. A series must ‘ _ _ . . .’ . ._
include a minimum of three stories and publication date must end within igftegafigéi 11:“ 15: 3:13:22? Assocratron Advertrsmg Semi .
the contest period. Submit one full-page tearsheet for each article within ’ g
the series. Judges will. consider community interest, timeliness, thor- October 1
peggilgness 9f reporting, series structure and impact 0f headhnes and USPS Statement of Ownership to be published in issue of newspa-
. ' w ' - . - " per and filed with local US. Postal Service
Category 12: Business or Agribusiness Story 7 , _ ‘ . . . . . .
Submit a full-page tearsheet with your best business or agribusiness $2932:keg;Naifvgiittoriaézglrlfgfifixrwfifin coach
story plainly marked. ‘ Community interest, thoroughness, story struc- Birmin ham Nevgts y , g I ~...
ture and impact of lead will be considered. Entries must be by local staff g
members. 7. ’ - ‘ ' ' l . October 5 — IG’A News Editorial Division Seminar - Holiday Inn,
DHOTOGDADHY ' . Bardstown - Clarke Stallworth, writing coach, Birmingham News
Categories 13:18:. A photographer's name may not appear on more. 0ctober119 — KPA News Editorial Division Seminar - University of
than two entries m any category. Entries shall be submitted only as Kentucky _ Clarke Stallworth, writing coach, Birmingham
full-page tearsheets with the work of the photographer's entry clearly
marked. Attach an entry blank giving the name of the newspaper, title. N0vember 1 _ KP A /Kps Board of Directors Meeting _ .
of photo, name of photographer, newspaper division and class, and~ ’ g , 4 , ‘.
category number. Photos must have been taken by a full-. or part-time . January 24~26, 1991 _ 1991 Kentucky Press Association Winter
staff member. . Wire service employees are not eligible for considera—- COnvention and Trade Show _ Marriott Resort, Lexington
tion. It is requeSted, but not mandatory, that photographers submit an . ‘
original 5 x 7or - 8 x 10 photograph, attached to the tearsheet. ‘ __ , February 1, 1991 - Deadline for entering Kentucky Press Associa;
~ - - - ‘ ‘ tion Advertising Contest ; . . ~ ., . 1 _ = 4
' Category 13: Best General News Picture - . -' . ~ '
' Judging for Category 13M“ be made. on the basis 0f newsworthiness,» March 15,1991; Deadline for entering Kentucky PréssAssociation
local rnterest, balance and overall quahty of work. Submit well-marked . Better Newspaper Contest . _ 5 _ g _ , .- A .. _ , __ _
. full-page tearsheet. .The pictures in this category should be of scheduled p ‘ ’ ’ . f ; p .1 .I: . ' ' , _ _ g . .- .:
or organized'events for which advance planning was possible, such as~ " “ ‘ " " . » j . . _, r :
public meetings, dedications, political appearances, etc. ' ‘ ' '

 '-'I?agei6 ’ '
- James Morris, who joined the and Virginia. Roger Hawkins, ad- as sports editor of the News and Schreiner's husband, Bruce, works
staff of the Danville Advocate— vertising director of The Ledger in after graduation from Western Ken- with the Associated Press.
Messenger in December, has been Lakeland, Fla-, has been named tucky University, was a reporter Paul Monsour, managing edi—
named chief photographer of the publisher of the Messenger. Both for the Portland (T enn.) Leader. tor 0f theUnion County Advocate
BoyleCountydaily. Morris replaces daily newspapers are members of Julie Pheifer, former associate for nearly 12 years, has joined the
Daniel Price who returned to to his the New York Times Regional editor for the Georgetown News staff of the Sturgis News, selling
home state of Oregon to become Newspaper Group. Hawkins also and Times and Carlisle Mercury, advertising and covering local
publisher of the photography previously worked 16 years with and more recently associate editor news. - 1' - ' ‘
magazineShots. Morris previously the Fort Myers (Fla) News Press, of the Boone County Recorder, has Art Jester, director of college
worked with the Citizen Voice and before joining the Ledger in 1987. joined the staff of the Shelbyville relations at the Centre College for
Times in Irvine, the Bowling Green In Florida, he was president of the Sentinel News as writer/photog- the past four and a half years, has
Daily. News and the Richmond Florida Newspaper Advertising rapher. Sentinel News publisher left that post to rejoin the Lexing-
Register. Additionally, Jim and Marketing Executives Organi- Jim Edelen also said that Troy ' ton Herald-Leader.‘ Jester'previ-
Aldridge has joined the Advocate- zation and implemented a success- McCracken had joined the staff as ously served as higher education
Messenger staff as photographer ful Newspapers in Education pro- advertising account representative writer for the Herald-Leader be-
after serving 18 months with gram. - and Victoria Schreiner has been fore accepting the position - at
Almanac Publications, a group of James Mulcahy, associate edi- promoted to senior staff writer. Centre. ' , , ' ‘
weekly newspapers in suburban tor 0f the Clay‘City Timesfor the ________'_‘___________

“a Maryland. . . 2 past seven years, has joined the ' ' . ' '" " ' ‘ -

‘ Terry Boyd, re orter/photog— staff of the Bourbon Times as sen- N p p ~ th , N ‘
rapher for the Kenfucky Standard ior . reporter/ photographer. CW8 a 6116 111 6 . CW6 -
in Bardstown since February, 1987,‘ Additionally, David Dickassumed -—“—‘_—““—“"———'—"~—"—‘—‘=——
has been named staff writer and duties of editor following the resig— Advance Yeoman celebrates Ava and Mike, served as co-hosts.
photographer for i the Elizabe- nation 01: Ruth Ann Combs, and mom year The AdvanceYeoman hasbeen

. thtOWh NEWS Enterprise; ‘ CharlieCampbelb former sports " ‘ . . . _ - under the same management for
Kevin ' Patton}. former-i sports editoroftheT imes, returned to the - . 'The Advain‘ceYeo‘maninWiCk- the past'44' years. The‘paper was
editor of. the Fulton Leader, has Bourbon Weekly from the-Guam nffe‘telebratéd' its’ toom'amve'r- started by'Pat and Indy Mageé'in
been named? Sports editor of~the Tribune‘i - ‘. 2' - e .. : . : sary with 'a' birthdaypar't August 1946aStheWeeklyAdvancelEight-
Madisonville' Messeng