xt77h41jm20v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jm20v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, February 1985 text GSO Newsletter, February 1985 1985 1985-02 2019 true xt77h41jm20v section xt77h41jm20v G SO
February 1985
1 was encouraged to 599 the new faces at our The legerial Dourt of the Bluegrass Empire held
last Beneral Business fleeting. I would like to a bEDEtl on JBWUBVY 9 [$119d t 9 “”155 Ellaneous
thank those who attended and to encourage others to CODtESt-" Proceeds {FBI thiS event "9“? t9 hEIP
also attend. You don’t have to be a s o meober to sungort the Lexington Bay Servues Droamza’cwn-
participate in any of our activities including the 50 H0U1d 11k? t0 EXtEfid OUT SIHCEFE thanks t0
monthly business meetings. the Court and all those who attended, it was an
So come to any activity or meeting and find out EXtFEME SUCCESS, brlnging $479.00 into 650’s
what BSD is all about and ow you can help. There treasury. .
are all kinds of OEportuni ies for you to help. This money will be spent on community serVices
Every little bit will elp us and also give you t e for gays and lesbians in the Lex1ngton area,
pride and satisfaction of doing something including: sgorts activities, 850 newsletter.
worthwhile for our community. Learn w at it Beans phoneline, peakers’ Bureau and many soc1al
to be 'Together-—Bay and Proud.“ activities.
Special thanks go to Greg and Ron for making
this event possible.
We regret to announce that, due to health
problems, Aunt Hary’s column will not appear this This months potluck will be held at Charlie and
month.. She is currently in serious ut stable Darrell’s. For this oonth only ou are asked not
condition at the Univer51 y_ of Kentucky Hedical to bring an entre, although desserts or wine would
Center where she was admitted after suffering a be appreciated. For more inforlation, call
serious heart attack at her home on Nellie Street 299—03JL.
in Berea. According to a close friend who was with
her at the time of the attack, she was stricken
only woments after reading an irate letter fron a
disgruntled newsletter reader who had received a CULLEGE REFUSES DEBREE TU BAY HAN
con idential , personal reply toga probleo he had
written to her about last eonth. A parentl A Chicago man was FEtUSEd a bachelors degree
unhappy with her resgonse, he wrote Each with earned at a grivate Christian college in sout ern
numerous obscene sugges ions as to how Aunt Hary Illinois ased on unsgecifie charges of
could put her typewriter to better use. homosexuality. He reported y had couple ed all
academic requirements for graduation in Hay 1981,
He sincerely hope Aunt Hary will be able tO when a fellow student told he Dean that the Ian
resume her coluwn shortly, and we will keep her was gay. Subsiquently, the college withheld his
many well wishers posted as to her progress. To diploma.
Aunt Mary, all of us at BSD wish you a speedy National Bay Rights Advocates, a San
recovery. Francisco-based public interest law fire and the
prestigious Chicago firm of Jenner Block are
If you would like to write to AUNT MARY, send regresenting Greg Johnson in a suit deoanding
your 1e ter to: Aunt Mary, Z 850 Post Office Box re ease of is degree and monetary dalages. His
1471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. All naees are attorneys noted that Johnsons graduate study and
kept strictly confidentia . If you wish a career ave been stalled because of the college’s
personal rep y, please include a stamped self action.
addressed envelope.

If zoo would like to advertise in the 5 if?“ “(I LEXINGTON
newslet er, please send your ad copy and Eavoent to if \ T Q ‘
OSO, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, Ky. 40 75. See 4 g 4,. t.\, N1
the calendar for the news etter deadline. Due to // “ 0°
postal regulatioies, wetreierve the rightlto lrgfuse 653:??? ‘ GAYLINE ,
advertisin due 0 con en or s ace avai abi i y. 6 ' 231.033
9 RATES p ' fl 5 .
Ouarter age $15.00
Half 3399 ”5-90 Rs reported, the BSD phoneline is now back in
Full 5‘99 “0'00 , . . operation. Anyone wanting information pertinent to
“3551““ ‘ 1'00 ”‘P W 5.1?“E5i ‘ “’5 t e local 'ay community may call the p oneline at
“C" “”1th "0”“ ESIHOESSt firt a recorded message. Far pegple who
. . . . wis o a ‘ o someone in person, t e p oneline
i5: DiangUNTg-(JHECUVE "Iediatelyl will also be aanned b'g volunteers periodically 5
“3‘0” ,2; 1.,‘2' throughout the week (see he Calendar for times). ‘
1]., g“ for non-otofit rou s , verZ‘one has those moments when they need
‘ p 9 p ' soneone 0 tall: to, but imagine what it would be .
like if there was no one you could confide in, ask
The son newsletter is Bublished Ionthlv by the ant/Ice 0f. or Slnnlv that with when you are
Lexington Ba Services rganization Incorporated, experiencingthatineed. haov Of our callers are In
P.O. Box 114%, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is that very Situation, desperatlv needing to tall: to
a non~profit organization whose purpose is to another person who 15 gay, wondering Just what it
provide educational, recreational, social and means it! be gal, or maybe JUSt to S are the pain of
referral services directly involving or relating to being differen with someone who sight understand. _
gay/lesbian people. For many individuals their first call to the 850
Views or opinions expressed in stories or Phoneline way be the first step in toning out and
letters .are those of te writers and do not learning to deal with their sexual iden ity. As a
necessarily represent those of the BSD board or the Phoneline listener, you can make a real difference
newsletter staff. Publication 'of .the naae or in someone’s life. Host everyone can spare a few
photograph of'an‘y person, 9F9in1?3t10n or other hours each month, and this eitreoely worthwhile
entity in articles or advertismg in the newsletter project needs your help.
15 1“ "0 “Y 1OdlfatlYE 0f the sexual orientation Phoneline listener training sessions are held
0‘ SUEDPEFSDM Organization or 9"“th at The Comprehensive Care Center on the 4th Sunday
Submissmns for the newsletter are welcole. All of each month at 2:00 a or as indicated on the
SUbHSSlOOS DECO“ “)9 property 0* the LEXMOl-OD Calendar. If you would lifie more information about
mt $53}:ng tggogma :32; 4113- agégeggblégnggg how to volunteer to take part in one of oso-‘s lost
a ' ' 3. is
author. although no bvline will be published important projects, call Barry at 2‘58 ‘q‘d'
without peroission of the author. Non-original
oaterial oust indicate that that person has given
his/her eraission for the use of his/her one in
the publication. Anonylous subaissions cannot be
accep ed. The editorial staff has the ri'ht to
alter subaissions i'including advertiseoents) to —-~————--—-'--"‘ ’ ' ”fl“— ;
aeet publishing reguireaents. TH B UCHA NA/V g
BSD Sayline..............................231-0335 'i
350 Newsletter, Seneral..................299-0352 7k 05'
Advertisement. . . . . . . . . . . .299-0352 l
lliailiitig List.............§$g-g93§ .
BSD Recreationa Evens ~35 '
DignitnyExingtorfi.£E..éiu......é..,.....299-El?52 3.573 Zfl/VJDOW/Vf— DR/VE ,
la eria our o e eu rass apire...252- 55 __ i
Logisville Crisis Hotline.?........l502l 637-4342 273-/0 971 273 /é/0 E
Owensboro Bay Alliance..,...........(502) 685-5246 i
Cincinnati Ga Switchboard.........(513) 221-7800 "mu—W- '- ‘ '
National Gay task Force Crisis LinelODO) 221-7044
NSTF AIDS Crisis Line..............l800) 221-70442

‘ w
1FP1EE IaflfiF? ::
I announco 9'
‘ Day dance and hen-fit. V.
the door: open at 9:00pm. 0'
ime and help support 650. V.
‘ lntinl . . .
ung what to do this .
50 has this advice
group of friends
ce dinner and then
._ , Bar for the annual
Valentino Day Dunc. to benefit 650.
Tickets are $3.00 at the door and a
door prize will be awarded. Doors
will open at 9:00pm. See you on
Valentine’s Day.
: 224 East Main Street, Lexington. Kentucky
i a Phone 606-255-1551
i Kentucky 5 Most Umque Umw


Previous minutes and treasurer’s report were
read and accepted.

The treasury stands at $4,949.08.

Jim announced that the phoneline message has
been updated, and that the oailing list is upto
approximately 180 names.

Doug gave a report on the activities of the
Speakers’ Bureau.

Edwin announced that volunteers are still needed
for the ghoneline. The newt phoneline training
session wi I be at 2 pa on Sunday, January 2‘0, a
the Comprehensive Care Center.

Jia announced that The Bar is willing to have 1
the Valentine’s Day Dance fund-raiser again this j
year. The entire $3 cover charge will go to BSD. '

David is to contact the Court concerning
entertainment for the dance.

Steve D. volunteered to contact Louisville and
Telecable of Lexington concerning airing the
Hhisgggs video.

fiarshall gave a brief history of the grant from ,
the Chicago ‘esource Center.

A let er acknowledging the acceptance of the .
grant was signed by the Board. ‘

The renting of office space for BSD was ‘3
discussed at length. ' 1

AV .. ‘
—-—-——————————————————-—-—-—-——-—————--——-—— _/ o '_ . , f4 Ir,- '-
eso seowsows esp ,,;0_.-°° ;’ . 33%;”
_____________________.._.__-________________.__.__-______ (bl/3“?“ , \fi "’
,.,:r 1-9 15,20 /- ,_ M9

Unitarian Universalist Church, 3564 Clays Hill 223-1448 . E‘Cfl 1’ l// ' / K"; #97:?" v/

The Bar, 224 E. Plain St. 2554551 W ///.-" /;/ L: \/ /

Joe Bologna’s, 103 H. Haxwell St. 252-4933 / .. ~ 1”," ,1 r/r'T/C' I g ‘
lk‘thD h T d tt 51 L dd D 071097 " m/ ‘//" f /

1ei uc anan, ren se ers 3- 3 an s owne r. .t S- '/ *' ' _, " “SW-75,3. :23.“

. _ (.v / 1"!“ / V I _. /
_ Kentucky Theatre, 214 E. Main St. 254—6010 1' / ,~ { - $- ’71'/ ‘

Drett Johnson Gallery, 144 Harrison Ave. 255-2124 ’ ’ ' . V“: .7 {: line"

Hovieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 279—1451 4 #1 _' 5 «Mg!

1 Fur’N Feathers, 2909 Richaond Rd. 266-0226 , “; ‘gfl’r ' allege;
Reflections in Hair Design, 335 Winchester Rd. 255-5325 ' ‘6/ . l-fF‘
. . . . _ r: I’ll I ‘ 4-
Richardson Vismn Center, 1757 Alexandria Dr. 278—0618 . :‘\*-\; ‘1 W ,2
1 Flowers by Don, 200 Southland Dr. 278—0555 -/. §N§ /. // .‘ V .
Cafe’ twwoP. 337 E. Hain St. 252—7131 KXtEN - '
Bluegrass Landscape Design, #387 Harrodsburg Rd. 223—9114 5\L~‘.‘rr I\\ \ 3C ‘
. . . A\\\\\‘<\‘ \ {five/f .
Sill: Green House, 1050Ch1noe Rd. 268—8100 g‘: gg ;\ gay/f” 2.
x Harque Cross Productions, PD Box 25601, Lex., Ky. 40524 E.’ a {\\‘ 13%; \‘

Jesters, 107 H. Short St. 252-6510 E‘\\‘ i-\\ WT“. ! ‘

_ , _ .\\\\ . - Arl .

Green Earth Landscaping Company, 272-1100 22—“ \w in f, \\\\, '55. -

Brezing’s, 234 East Short Street 252—9190/5§§ \3.
1 Rod Saalfeld, Hair Stylist, 2734097 or 273—1510 ‘ ‘§ ‘-

3 Ask about DISCOUNTS for BSD nemhersll


 Tami-Ami, Covered
Litter Boxes, Kitty thter,
. .
Captm Cat Litter Deodorant,
. .
Toys, Cosmic Catnip and
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 ,' \ e#r[,,,:jfjj:jsf7 Some of these or anizations are:
5; jig ‘f DIGNITY (Roman Catholic) /
saws , l ADVICE rnou A CDHPUTER Endgggylgbggpdgdgcndddm ‘
i V7“ \ I , 1 a
like,;‘£§§5£§;fi?VT/3J - There are Say Synagogues in most major cities.
it (fi\\/‘i‘:57.r . .There are groups of Gay Normans, Seventh-day
Adventists. Lut erans and Hethodists, United
Churches of Christ. y
Ah!, the wonders of the colguter world. The HNehave literally lost track of the groups now
following is free the Consumer nforuation Service ? firing “Street“ and fEIXDNSDIP t0 the 981 or
Network. The article is part of a Computer Forue, ES la".l°ak?"9 for a way bRCk t0 thE talth hey
discussing huean sexuality. werfi raised 1“- , .
Question: is gay acceptable to God? Hill there th l a Y‘CE. t0 thE.DU95tIDnEF 15 to find one of
be any gay people in heaven? th9.0r9:“123t1°”5 mentioned and talk_ to sgneune
Answer: or this guestion we sought the advice E.Blr " o can {FDVIdF the be"5f1t 0‘ “‘5 or her 0"”
of Die Peterean, e itor of the Hashington Cascade ipfiriend§_1nr he 59‘r5h'
Voice in Seattle. I??? {:EtHEIFSI
He are grateful to Mr. Peterman for sharing his or tstn E top 0f HY head, bUt I know how
expertise. — gen he question can be to soee.
He writes: If anyone needs the address of an organization
Your reader who asked if there is a place for 9; QEDUP 1” “ particular City! I “111 be glad t0
gay people in heaven needs to know: 5 pfiryi th H . , .
Firs , that he or she is only one of thousands Harr'l e 5 et dsdington Cascade VOICE! 891 E-
with that nagging question. Cdgd?EIIUI e Du, Seattle, HA 9Blu2
Second. t at many believe the answer is "yes." Jim Pet-y,
Say Catholic fleeting erman
l was driVileged to cover for my aeer the A
biannual in_ernational convention of DISNlT , the 6%7'
organization of Bay Catholics, in Seattle this 4171'i8
supper. ~,,°_ :3 ,
Dyer SOD lay men and woeen and religious «0. aka“ Jan {
(priests and nuns) net in Seattle. "
They were welcomed warely by Archbishop Rayeond lCBE NENS
S. *Hunthausen who allowed them to use the
cathedral of St. lanes for a liturgy the evening Feb 3.........Sunday, Country Western Night at ;
before the closing session. Circus Disco
l interviewed many of the participants and Doors open at 3:00pm, Show at
convention or'anizers, and l was, struck by the 8:509n l .
sincere joy and spirituality they all shared. Proceeds to help start a new
Seen Rs Horally Neutral court system in Coulunbus, GA
Even though the church still views homosexual March 3----.--ICEE At the Circus DISCO
“activity" as morally wrong, the fact of being BOOTS open at 3:900“ ,.
holosexual-—that is, n being sexually attracted to PFDCEEdS fin to FISCD KIGS: a
the same sex--is now enerally viewed by DOVETDDED appointed day care
theologians as morally neutra?. CEHtEF for mentally, PDYSIEallY ‘
There are some theologians who have actually ~ and sexually abused Chl dren
advocated monogamous same-sex relationships as a Narch 17! *1--ICBE Shows, LDDk for CODIDQ EYEDtS
positive good, as an alternative to prouiscuity. form the Court.‘ Also casing in
Aid Froe Religious Groups , Harcb Nr- Gav Kentucky
Perhaps the aajnritz of Dung people th gugt Aprll 13......Saturday, Out of State Show and
face the decision t at {hey are homosexual oust IHPEFIB Roast at LHNUP’S
also deal with the religious teachings they , 53-00 Doors_open at 3:00fil
received while growin' UE' April 14......Sunda6, Corination IV, S eraton
Those to whom the $3i_h of their childhood ueans Inn, pen at 7:00pm
a great deal often suffer terribly from the feeling Show at 7:30pm $5.00 general, ‘
of being "cut off' from their church family. $10.00 reserved 7
There are many organizations like DlSNlTY . For more information call
offering comfort to these people. 268-2329
At the sane time they are working with y
established churches to gain acceptance for r
homosexual believers.

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_./// ;;// WWW/I :I IIMIIIIIEOIQEJ , .234 EAST snom DANCING FROM Io.3o if; W2
/ ,/ / ("I I , /y, , ’ ’ A, ,I: I ". I,‘ a): y\, I . . " V ‘ 27....‘75’
Wfl/W/T/r/fléi/ / K\\E\I§{;§KM§IW ' mu 3. -v-°=7-’-I-:I'.I--' -°-"--~--'-‘--. .-...-...... -- °",‘--I=’.'r-"~,'t*':‘".‘"' M‘ l. 3.5%;
I ' l 422?////// M ’ // L22?\\\\\\\§\\\\\\\\\‘?0YMMJJIMJflWM/Il/l/MI/Ilfllfa » , ; II I ‘ ‘ I I I :1 . a 7' ‘- ‘ 19,, M17”
1M ,' ‘ ’ // ,I I I" . . . 2 , §= . ’
II 1/ / ,/ / /« 7 M '. MONDAY £TUESDAY E; y,» FRI. 2 SAT. I,’ , ,IjngyI’fzgf/{gfi
m: \\\\./,g ,/ HAPPY HOUR ALL NIGHT ; J ARE ALWAYS HOT __ : $31,331.75" :59”
5;: //;/\ //2 " WED. CHAMPAGNE SPECIAL g E BELLE’S ”22%? COVER 1;; "iv 32’ WW”?
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’ Q‘QVA l:— 9?‘0 th/ 5931535333: ALI—WELL DRIAETS‘ER.

3—-——————_‘ 715* *8
9a. 33-.

by Sydney J. Harris
"\ My "other half" and I never really talked about
A young college instructor I not recently said. mogogawy. But we have both been around (Ira 38,
“I never understood much about the na ore of hE‘S 35 and know the score. So I’ve always
Eli! prejudice until last year--when I bought my first assumed that if I’m out of town on business, and
motorcycle. Then, in a couple of non hs, I learned don’t get arrested or come home with a case of the
"' what it felt like to be a aember of a minority crabs, what I do doesn’t hurt our relationship.
group." . . . _ Well, the last time I had to take a trip. it turned
He went on to ewglain: "For the first time in my out that the sales representative I met with was
life, I knew I was eing judged not for myself. bu very attractive and gay. So we just took off after
for what I stood for in the public’s mind. I was our meeting, he showed me all the night life, I
no longer a separate and distinct individual but a found somebody interestin . so did he. and we all
type--or, . rather, a stereotype called a went back to his place lar drinks in the hot tub.
’gntorcycl1st.’ . ‘ Etc. Meanwhile. Tommy was calling my hotel once
“Even though only a small fraction of men who every hour. At eight o’clock in the aornin he
ride motorcycles are hoodlums, or even roughnecks, gave up. I came back to the hotel to find a stack
the public’s perception of the whole c ass is of phone messa es. Nobody met me at the airport.
influenced by the conduct_ of the worst element. Turns out Tommy gas been faithful for three long
i Statistically, that perception 15‘ a very crude years (to hear him tell it) and has turned down
caricature of the average motorcyclist. offers he now regrets because he thought I was
’But this fact makes absolu ely no difference. doing the same thing. I’m confused , pissed off
He are all regarded with the same suspicion and and afraid of losing a guy I really cherish. Did l
uneasiness, if not downright hostility as if we do something wrong? '
were all charter members 0 the Hell’s Angels. _________
Everywhere I rode, I felt the hot breat of
prejudice on the back of my neck. leah. you did something wron . but Tommy was
“find, you know, after a while, I got so teed off oaking the same mistake. Host people assume 'that
at this attitude that I began 0 act like a their personal morality is (or should be)
toughie~-as if to say, OK you expect we to be universe . They also assuae that somebody they
mean, so I might as well be hanged for a wolf as love automatically shares their code of conduct.
for a sheep.“ va1ously, this 15 not true. According to
Host of this is what the psychiatrists call hlodSIQh , you and Tommy probabl should have
"paranoid projection,“ and is far fron being talked about mahogany before you gecaee lovers.
’ limited to a lunatic fringe of mankind. Rather i But Since the no of you disagree on this issue.
2.. , is a grevalent trait in all societies, which tend who knows? Haybe you wou dn’t have had three nice
' ' to disp ace their fear or anger or aggressiveness years.
upon some groug easily i entifiable by race or Heep telling loamy you love him. Let him punish
religion or poli.ical heresay or lifestyle that you for a lltt e whi e, then put your foot down and
deviates from the conventional norms of that tell him it’s time to decide if your relationship
gocjety, really has a future. You don’t sound rampantly
By projection from some small percentage of promiscuous to me, and he doesn’t sound like he’s
motorcyclists to the whole class, we legitimatize‘ ready to be put on a shelf with the knichknacks. so
;: our irrational fears and transfer our own latent maybe a compromise is possible. Remind him that he
=~ aggressive feelings to some “alien“ group. In never told you what his expectations were, so that
‘ England, in the past, he points out, the Scotch, although you are sorry you hurt his, ou have not
. Irish and helsh were subject to the same suspicion deliberately deceived bid; you just kept your own
and defamation that backs, Jews, Latinos, and other rules about tact and discretion.
t minorities have experienced in the United States.
|. Pat Califia
C55 GSO Necdonu! Q
7*? y
I 11

Our church has its roots in Judeo—Christian traditions and we
have a four hundred year old history of celebrating the truths
of all great religious traditions, of practicing reason as a
balance to faith, and of standing for freedom in religion. We
ordained the first woman to the ministry ever to be ordained in
this country (in 1861) and we passed resolutions calling for
civil rights for gays and lesbians in 1967. We are the only
mainline denomination to ordain openly gay men and lesbians.
We offer our church and our minister's services to people who a
wish to make a public commitment of their relationships through
the service of holy union (for gays and lesbians).
We are not a "gay church". We welcome people of all creeds and
beliefs and nonbeliefs, regardless of sexual orientation. You
can be openly gay in our church community and you will be loved
and accepted as you are. Our church community includes families
in traditional married relationship with children as well as
families in nontraditional relationships. We welcome singles and
gays and lesbians, and we do not ask you to declare your personal
situation, although you are welcome to do so.
If you are looking for a place to worship, please consider our
church community. We gather Sundays at 10:45. We also have a
variety of activities going on throughout the week. Come visit
and try us out.
We do not seek converts nor do we send out missionaries. If you'd
like more information, just call or write and we will send you
literature. There will be no attempt to contact you again unless
you request it. All communication from you will be kept in
(Rev) Charlie Kast, 223—1448(church), 252—8143Chome)

_M,sen M, 1 medium onion é RECIPE
r _" . It hamburger CORNER
; ~l can tomato soup (10.75 oz)
" llg gan Hater - r_7
. l l a lespoon chill ponder .e: —:;f55
f salt and pepper to taste n (
, 1 can of green peas (15 oz)
_ f 6-8 slices of velveta
, 4 cups mashed potatoes (can be instant) >
3 3-4 pats butter
! Brown hamburger and diced onion, drain and nix
. , with soup, water and spices. In a large cassarole
‘ 3 dish layer peas, cheese, potatoes. butter and
1 , finally the neat mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for
l approxxmately 30 minutes. Sprinkle with paprika
, and serve.
l l t
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t l as -
l *3"- l
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@Ar+ (Md Ar 1 Ch, 5i
2 Ma “ll/‘9’ r05: X Larqe bedroom. alalLiv‘ileqesil figg 09?]; (SEE: ‘
i 6? . lus ll2 utilities, 1 e .ornwa , i -.a
-RM 3. 273—5419 home.
.11 ill-“l " '
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W- ||... “:1 ...‘ . :5l
Fly” *‘*~L“‘F‘L'l'1t"‘ Newsletter ............------------ Check here to recexve your free
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“thiflt‘t‘ - I 650 lelber 1nclude
h ,..................--.-- o becone a .
Helpers 1p the eelbershlp fee 06 $10.00 or
$5.00 for students.
a: 7“”. "A“: --_-_-_-____-___—_____________________--__—--------|
MOVin 9 ‘J I“? l
"""‘ :LL.”.;_;;;_;_ 9‘;:£ chY/SIATE/ZIP: ____________-_--_-----——---—--—-——-—-—------------—
Please send us Your Change 6 n to: 550 PO Box 11471 Lex1ngton. M 40575
of address before you move. L:Etfl::il:fli:—fl;-————;—-————-—;—‘“‘*—“‘

{ 1 Ground Hog's 2
! Day
rFrrrrr EEEEEE an” RRRRR u u A RRRRR v v 1“ 9999 5588 555555 GSO Volleyball
r E s an RU u AA R nvv “9 99 95 League
F E B B R R u u A A R R v v H 9 9 8 8 5
rrrr EEEE aaaaa RRRRR u u A A RRRRR 1 II 999 9 8888 55555
g E I.) I” was gAAAAAAA R R v 1} 795 g 3 8:00pm Gay AA
A * '
F EEEEEE BBBBB I R UUUIJ A A: : 1 “H 999 8888 55555 Comp. Care Center
1:30pm GSO Potluck 8:00pm GSO General 9:00pm GSO Bowling 7:30pm Dignity Board _ GSO Volleyball Join GSO and
for more information Business Meeting, League Meeting, UK Newman League help us to I
call 299-0352 Comp. Care Center Center GSO Phoneline 7—111) serve the 2L
\. |// 8:00pm Gay AA Lexingco1 ‘ 7,!
' 6:00pm Gay Al-Anon 8:00pm Gay AA, Room Comp. Care Center Gay and 0“ f5}
‘ Room 186 St. Joseph b 186 St. Joseph Hosp. Lesbisnfgé-E ;?
Hospital Community. A \J._'q_n
7 ' V —
» v. // I/// .
10 ~, : 11 12 13 14 MARCH 15 36 .,
. . . , , DEADLINE .
6:00pm Gay Al-Anon 9:00pm GSO Bowling 7:30pm Dignity GSO Valentine 5 Day Doubles Tournament
i Room 186 St. Joseph Take advantage of League Liturgy, UK Newman Dance at The Bar, Rosebowl Lanes, ,
i A Hospital your GSO membership Center 9:00Pm $3 donation EZSgXZIlEYbal Louiville
1. ncc Fellowship Dinner b? “Sing it t° Obtain \ 1/ 5’ / for more information:
t 7:00pm, Unitarian élscswnts at Partic- . ,, 8:00pm Gay AA, Room / 8:00pm Gay AA (502) 589—3A86
‘ . 1. Ch h ipacmg GSO Sponsors 186 St. Joseph Hosp. N . . .
‘ Universe ist urc - 9 Comp. Care Center LOulsVllle Hotline
1 4th a York Streets, I / class 12:00—3:00pm
Lousiville [IA /' / / '
g l
, Take some time and 9:00pm GSO Bowling ' cso Volleyball . , .
' write to 'Aunt Mary'!! League 8:00pm GAy AA, Room League Liumvfilgokjgfisn:
‘ 'q 186 St. JOSeph Hosp. GSO Phoneline 7—llpm C ass ' ’ p
\ J} \ |/ 8:00pm Gay AA
‘ 6:00pm GAy Al—Anon \‘fl ' , Comp. Care Center ‘
Room 186 St. Joseph ‘9) b
Hospital S>
2:00pm Phone—
line Meeting, 24 25 26 27 28 l
Comp. Care Ctr. ' mncu
. _ ‘ ml! 5 " l '4 '_-‘_ 5
6.00pm Gay Al Anon 8:00pm GSO Board 9.00pm GSO Bowling 8:00pm Gay AA Room 753013?“ Dignity 1 2 3 4 5 I 2
Room 186 St. Joseph . League , 6 7 s 9 10 n 12 3 4 s e I a 9
Hospital Meeting 186 St. Joseph HOSP- Program/Meeting II M IS I6 17 [a 19 ID 11 l? u u 15 I6
\ / UK Newman Center 20 21 22 23 24 2s 25 n I: 19 20 21 22 21
, I 21 25 29 30 31 24 2s 25 21 25 29 30
E ii? p” 31 __
I ‘ ‘ > A T > I