xt77h41jj43p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jj43p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-05-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 11, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 11, 1945 1945 1945-05-11 2013 true xt77h41jj43p section xt77h41jj43p Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel

War World
By Dr. Cbarles M. Knapp

Today. Monday, May
it was announced that Germany had surrendered all of her
forces in Europe. As this is written
Congress and the American people
are awaiting a formal announcement by President Truman, Prime
Minister Churchill, and Marshall
6talin of the total and complete
surrender of all of Germany's armed
forces on land and sea. According
to unofficial but apparently authentic reports the terms of the German surrender were signed at Gen.
Eisenhower's headquarters in the
city of Reims, France, at 2:41 a.m.
French time, that is 7:41 p.m. Sunday, Central War Time.
The facts of the surrender were
broadcast by the present German
Foreign Minister von Kroslgk over
a German-controllradio to the
German people. The terms of the
surrender were signed by Lt. Gen.
Walter Bedell Smith, chief of staff
for Gen. Eisenhower, Col. Gen.
Gustav Jodl, chief of the German
general staff, and representatives
of Russia. Great Britain and France.
They called for the surrender of all
German fighting troops, including
the German submarines now at sea,
of all troops resisting the United




7. 1945


Mighty Seventh
Will Begin Monday








Students Hail News Of Victory In Europe


Kyian Distribution
To Begin Monday
Seniors To Get
Yearbooks First

Gilts Given
To University

The 1945 Kentuckians will be distributed beginning Monday, June

Vic ptMnttc
Not without solemnity was Victory In Europe day, and the University
honors its graduates and former students who died in the four years of
war before Tuesday, May 8, 1945.
Two hundred and nine University men are listed on this roll of those
of total victory and there are others
to whom we owe this half-manot yet recorded. To all of them we dedicate this edition of The Kernel.


Bullock, Harry E., Jr.
Baker, yearbook editor, announced
Announcement of the gift of a Evans, John R. Jr.
this week. The books arrived at
noon Tuesday, but distribution was valuable collection of paintings and Johnson, Emery Hill
held up until all plans could be ceramics to the University, from Meyer, Ted H.
Mrs. Charles H. Bowyer of Lexington, the gift to be known as the
Charles H. Bowyer Memorial collection, was announced to the members of the Executive committee of
the University's board of trustees,
in monthly meeting at 10 a.m.
Thursday, May 3, in the offices of
President Herman Lee Donovan.
The gift, announced by President
Donovan, comprised the collection
of the late Mr. Bowyer, and will be
catalogued and displayed in an ap
propriate place on the University
campus, pending the erection of an
art gallery on the campus at some

Beginning Monday, the Kentuck-ia- n
office in room 53. on the ground
floor of McVey hall, will be open
from 1:15 p.m. until 4 p.m. for distribution of the annuals. Seniors
upon presentation of their senior
fee receipts may secure Kentuckians between those hours on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
Student Distribution
Students holding deposit receipts
and also those who have not made
a deposit, but wish to buy an annual,
may get their books on Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday afternoons.
Students with deposit slips must pay
the remaining price of two dollars;
those who have not paid the
deposit, but wish to purchase

Pride, Lewis Bailey
Young, George O.
Regan, Conrclius L.
Wright, Walter Franklin
Nisbctt, Sam Thomas, Jr.
Smith, Charles Addison
DcHaven, Ben Perry
Ware, Ras Scars Jr.
Rons, Jarle Herman
Hunt. Phillip Wood
Stene. Donald John
Alexander, Robt. Warren
Gardner, Andrew J.
Beasley, Virgil K.
Hill, Fred Bruce
Bywatcrs, Mm. Benson
Montgomery. John Wm.
Lawrence, George S.
Crowe, R. Lee
Back. Wm. Breckenridge
HopplcwcU, Wilbur H.
Stephenson, Wm. Letelle
Barclay, Llndsy Hatch
Wallace Joseph R.
Rehm, Walter G. Jr.
VanArsdcll, Marion C.

ft it
Davis, Robert C.
Willock, Shelden B.
Howell, James R.
Gholson, Edward L.
Corner, Eswin F.
Theis, Francis W.
Adams, William F.
Riley, Thomas R.
Boyd. Harry M.
Thomas. Robert D.
Gross, Leslie Morris
Smith, Tyron Y.
Estcs, James A.
Lord, Bascom E.
Wilson, John D.
Hackney, Harold T.
Congleton, Clayton
Eye, Robert Anthony
Barnctt, Paul T.
Rogers, Fred C.
Lorcn, Lewis M.
Manning, Vernon
Pcttus, Alfred
Baker, James William
Caldwell, William L.
King, James L.
Brady, Fred Godwin Jr.
Sh;iin, Layman E.
Gentry. George W.
Sanders, Russel A.
Henshaw, John W.
Mclloam, Berry E.
Johnstone, William Joe
Goforth, James W.
Howington, Orville J.
Cundlff, Morton Athcrton
Johnstone, Henry H.
Hopkins. William B.
Allison, Leslie
Rose, Earl B. Jr.
Alfrey, Malcolm P.
Duff. William H.
Moore. Carleton, C. Jr.
Styles. Joseph A.
Payne, Joseph Houston, Jr.
Ellis, George S.
Litrcll, Leon G.
Wisner, Oscar E.
- Melbourne, John W.
Coons, Brooks M.
Grayson, Henry Thomas
Gilliam, Clyde S.
Turner, Henry F., Jr.
Fish, John W.
Baker, William H.
Clore, John G.
Parrish, Rhodes S.
Huhlein, Frederick E.
Oldham, Robert M.
GrccnwcU, Charles Edmund

Veterans' Club Calls
For Banquet Meeting
A banquet on May 25 at a
downtown hotel for all members
of the University Veterans' club
was planned at the last meeting of the club.
ATI veterans on the campus
are asked to attend the next
and final meeting this quarter
so that the correct number of
plates may be reserved for the



V-- E

Held At University
By Mildred Long. Kernel News Editor

Just aliout the time that the brilliant light on the capitol'
dome could be seen across the darkening city of Washington for
the first time since Pearl Harbor, University students were atday Vesper services in the Amphitheatre. At
tending special
about 6 p.m. E.W.T. the war in Europe had officially ended.
V-- E

At G:30 p.m., C.W.T., a large part of the student body gathered to hear a brief talk by the Rev. Leslie R. Smith of the
Central Christian church. The en
tire audience Joined in singing
"America the Beautiful." and the

Everything Looked So Dark

Women's Glee club sang "Rise Up
Oh World." Joan Scott, of the
Inter-Fait- h
council which sponHave faith in pandemonium!
service, presided. Rita
There are two kinos oi excitement. sored the Ed Bary offered special
one that stimulate the brain, and Redden and
day prayers. The speaker was
This week has seen the successive
another that stimulates the lungs. Introduced by Dr. Leo M. Chambersurrenders of Berlin to the Rustype seemed to stalk
The latter
sians, of the German armies In
about the ckmpus, Monday, the lain, dean of the
northern Italy, of the German pockday before E day. driving- - profesSoldiers Assembled
ets of resistance along the Baltic
sors to distraction, burning out
Soldiers stationed with the ASTP
Sea; that is Hamburg, Bremen,
in radios, and puncturing on the campus assembled at 12:30
Kiel, in the Netherlands and Denmany a good ear drum.
pjn. in the Armory, and were told
To illustrate my last remark, one of the victory in Europe, but they
At the week-en- d
future date.
there remained
announced that she wouldn't were also told that their work would
only pockets of resistance in NorOther Gifts
stop screaming
until President continue as usual, and perhaps be
way, in the Atlantic ports of France
acOther gifts, all of which were
Truman decided to accentuate (he even harder.
and in northwestern Czechoslovakia
cepted by the committee with "deep
Otherwise, to all outward apApproximately 200 University stu- positive, concerning the victory In
where Gen. Pntton's Third Army
Kentuckians must pay $4.50. No gratitude," included a check from
dents will be singled out for scho- Europe. For a!! we know she must pearances,
on the north and west and RusHcrschel Weil for $100 for the Jonas
checks will be accepted.
lastic achievement at the first an have screamed a good fifteen hours. was Just another school day at the
sian armies on the south and east
Weil Memorial scholarship in the
Classes as usual, no
And what did they do? students University.
nual Honors day convocation to be
Features Campus Beanty
held German divisions in their grip.
College of Agriculture and Home
held at 10 ajn. Tuesday In Me- in the Journalism department con- cheers, parties, or fireworks. In1945 yearbook, featuring the
Possibly the last important action
Economics; a gift of $300 from the
morial hall. A special section In tributed pennies to form a large wardly, every student was quietly
theme "Beauty on the Campus,"
of tliis war in Europe was Gen.
League of Chiboar-graithe front, center section of the Me- V In a plaque cut in plaster over elated, that after six long years of
capture of the great Czech has a padded cover of blue
cago and one of $100 from the Bnal Cole, John Sherman
morial auditorium has been reserved the door of one of the rooms being war Nazi Germany is wnippeo.
with a sketch of Memorial
munitions city of Pilsen, the site of
Brith Lodge, Adath Israel Temple Winfrce, Benjamin S. Jr.
Workmen who have Quietly because they feel the time
for the students to be honored, and remodeled.
hall embossed on the front. The of Lexington, for a course being Cogdill, Alfred John
the great Skoda works.
each one of the selected group will been hammering and plastering for for noisy celebration will be the
shows a campus scene taught in
Thus, on Sunday, the real .questhe University's depart- White, John Kenneth
wear a University color emblem to the past week In the Journalism day of final great victory over
tion mark had to do with the in- taken from an original sketch by ment of sociology on "Cultural Pro- Wiggin, Edwin Pardow
department's enc of McVey hall Japan.
the convocation and for the remaina Junior in the Univertentions of the Germans in Norway, Joe Ward,
cess and the Hebrew-ChristiConrad, Howard Robert
Formal Declaration
helped memorialize the news of
der of the week.
where the reportedly large Ger- sity Art department. The first 16
and a gift of a set of law Jacobs, Mark Elmer
am. when President Harry
Special notices to the individuals Germany's unconditional surrender.
man forces there might nave made pages are printed in green. In books from A. L. Stone of Ashland, Archdeacon, John Joseph
and groups to be recognized will be The inscription consists of the V. Truman made his formal declaraa prolonged and costly resistance. cluded in the 208 pages are nine Ky, to the University law library. Clarke, Carl Manlcy
mailed out by the office of the dean with "Class of '45" printed above tion to the world of the uncondipages of snapshots covering such
In one sense, the war in Europe is
, mi, .
ti.. .,- -, .toff nhanirp. annrovprt and Dorris, Donald Hugh
of women, who will request that the the letter and beneath it the date, tional surrender of Germany to the
venu us .i
nie niuiuji
over today. In fact, however, the
hv Rome, A. Thomas
Allies, first hour cUsses were beM?y 7.
students notified report to her
war in Europe is no more over Sadie Hawkins dance, dorm parties,
Executlve committee were as Buckley, Sidney
Monday to obtain their ribbons
One girl who had been doing noth- ginning. They were uninterrupted.
events follows.
today than it was yesterday or the and a calendar of the year's
Salce, Phillip R. Jr.
and Instructions as to the procedure ing when everything looked so dark. Some few professors had radios In
day before. The end of the nearly with Introductory poems by John
of Mullins, Harry Clinton
Appointmcnts m tnc
to be followed at the convocation Just coukm't IxSlcve her ears. She the classrooms and their offices,
struggle has come grad- Violctte.
Arts mi sciences included; Mrs. Hillard, George Elmer
turned with a pessimistic snarl to but they were the exception. Sevually, though the surrender of inwas Betty Crawley, part-tim- e
The 1945 Kcntuckian staff
Instructor Walker, AUcn F.
Donovan To Preside
the loud speaker in the Union build- - eral political science and history
succesjm mathematics; Mrs. Lydia R. Benton, Mortimer Murry
dividual German armies
composed of June Baker, editor;
President Herman Lee Donovan ing and asked the commentator classes heard the first historic ansively, last week and the week be- Merl Baker, managing editor; Jean
instructor in mathematics; Updike, Edwin
Some professors exwill preside at the convocation, and point blank, if he was sure it was nouncements.
fore, when the German's military Crabb and Eleanor Bach, business John T. Seamands, - graduate as- KlttengW. William "
will consist of an organ pre true that the Germans Bad sur cused from classes students wri
organization broke down, when the managers; and Mary Lillian Davis, sistant in philosophy; Laura Nell Kees, Frank J.
! wished to attend their churches.
ludc and postlude by Mrs. Lela W. rendered.
German general staff no longer was Sara D. Rainey, and Cornell Clarke, Hendrick, graduate assistant in Candioto, Charles Francis
In University radio
happy creature went
Cullls. Dr. Robert Whitfield Miles,
in touch with its various armies associate editors.
chemistry; Alice Siviter, graduate Dean, Ralph Lee
pastor of the First Presbyterian skipping about the campus, spread- WBKY recordings of the shortand when it had no clear picture of
assistant in chemistry; Patsy May Jackson, Stonewall
church will offer the Invocation and ing joy up to the maximum, by wave broadcasts from Europe were
the locations of the various Allied
Newell, graduate assistant in chem- Wilson, Harry B. Jr.
benediction, and Phyllis Freed, sen- chanting over and over, "I ain't begun at 7:30 a.m. and stopped
armies in the west. They knew
istry; Mrs. Ruth T. Young, visit- McGinnis, Joseph Justin
when the tired staff went home at
ior student from Passaic, N. J., will gonna be an old maid now."
where the Russian armies were being instructor in library science; Calvert Reynolds
deliver the student message. Dr.
all of this 3 p.m. The records of Churchill's
Believe it or not. and
tween the Oder and the Elbe, but
Mrs. Eileen S. Hillenmeyer, secre- Hargctt. Paul M.
of is the unvarnished truth, but the and Truman's talks were re broadCharles J. Turck, president
the Germans did not know where
tary in the Departments of Socio- Suter, Willim Wesley
Paul, Minn., first news of Allied victory played cast following the Vesper services
Macalcstcr College, St.
the British, French and American
logy and Geography; F. G. Daven ImwaU, William F.
who wished to hear them.
former dean of the University's beautiful
havoc with education. for those
armies were advancing in their
For the first time in the history port, part-tim- e
instructor. Depart' George, Robert S.
listening engineers recorded
Chemistry experiments completely The
(Continued on Page Four)
rear. The German system of com- of the University, a farewell to ment of Political Science; James H. Bowling, William A.
sounds of celebration from New
Jones, Bryant C.
flopped, pig latin crept into French
munications as well as their trans- senior program, honoring all grad- Poteet, part-tim- e
instructor in De- Mayo, Richard E.
Masters, James E.
was York and London, and even the
translations. Shakespeare
port services broke down. Neither uating seniors at the University, partment of Political Science; Bar- Hatter, Emmctt R.
description of the be crowned royal
Gard, Richard E.
brutally snubbed, and when a his- family
troops nor trains nor trucks nor will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. bara Watson, graduate assistant in
of Britain entering WestminStclle, Henry P.
Sanders, Jesse A. Jr.
tory professor read Patrick Henry's
planes could move by day without Saturday, May 19, on Stoll field.
Department of Bacteriology; Mary Gaines, Thomas Carlton Jr.
ster Abbey for services of praise.
McNash. Capcl W.
speech, the whole class broke down
observation of Allied airmen. For
Since most undergraduate stu- O'Brien, Junior technician in De- Rose, Conrad A.
L isles To Radios
Walker. St. Clair
and cheered.
three weeks supplies of gasoline dents feel that some kind of a pro- partment of Bacteriology; John E. Hollan, Dean S.
Men and women in residence halls
Karr. Edmund P.
were no longer available for either gram or party should be given to Reeves, acting head of Department
hard-boilWhile several
England, Kenneth H.
and sorority houses listened to the
Cole, William ft.
trucks or planes.
all graduating seniors, several of or political science;
The Tth War Loan Drive on the journalism majors were poring radio programs devoted by most
Everett yan jjooij; Carl R.
Canlrcll. Lewis F.
Chaos reigned therefore within the organizations at the University Elsey. instructor in physics with the Lipscomb, Lyall
campus will open Monday. Frank over The Heraltt extra, one was major networks entirely to
Jones, Kenneth B.
the German lines. It was every planned the occasion. The organ- ASTR program on temporary basis Coblcntz, Myron P.
heard to exclaim In a reverent voice,
D. Peterson, comptroller of the Uniwar news. They heard
Blummer. Philip E.
army, every division, every bat- izations in charge of the program R. C. Layson, Instructor In physics
God bless the Associated Press."
versity, and chairman of the camBig Ben in London strike the hour.
Blythc. Winston L.
Wilson, William C. Jr.
talion, every German for himself, plan to make this an annual tra- on same basis; and F. B. Pauls, inwho was desperA law student,
paign announced Wednesday. The
and the jubilation of the British
Metcalfe, Andrew
Mattingly, Spencer Edward Jr.
thereafter. Hitler, Goering, Goeb-bcl- s, dition.
structor in physics, employment Nollau, George F.
drive will seek to surpass the $200,-00- 0 ately trying to prepare a Jury people, the Scottish Grenadier
Parker, Samuel F.
Himmlcr, were either dead or
goal reached In the last drive speech, suddenly threw down his Guard's band play the stirring
continued through July with ASTR Blanton, William L. Jr.
Matthews, Church M.
in hiding.
papers and shouved, "To hell with "Cease Firing." and then, most imon the campus.
The program will consist of short program.
Young, Paul S.
Bolts, Sctte Saunders
Doenitz proclaimed that he was the talks by Dr. Herman L. Donovan,
Leaves of Absence
Mr. Peterson announced that he the jury, I want to go to church." pressively. "God Save the King."
Gardner, Charles L.
Reynolds, Paul M.
successor to a dead Hitler and it and former Governor Keen JohnA Phys. Ed major, in the middle Some confessed to a few tears over
would ask the Student Government
Leaves of absence In the college Hudson, John R.
Caldwell, Edwin O.
was his government which has just son, an alumnus of the University.
association to take charge of the of a tennis game, suddenly returned President Truman's announcement,
were granted to Charles E. Snow, Cook, Billy B.
Pcrrine, Samuel H.
agreed to the surrender of all Ger- Miss Betty Ann Ginocchio will
student portion of the campaign. her opponent's ball with such force but there was none of the joyous
professor of anthropology Penna, Stanley W.
Kent, Walter Thompson
man armed forces on the conti- preside. Following the program on associate
He said that the SGA would have that she knocked the racket out of confusion that went on in London.
and archaeology who has been on Shadwick, Randolph
McCord. David Carter
nent. Apparently the sole surviv- Stoll field. Miff Mocl and his or- temporary leave and who was
full charge of all arrangements for her hand. "So sorry," she mutter- The premature announcement of
Dcvcr, Harold S.
Mason. Harry A.
ing aim of all the Germans has chestra will play for a Senior dance,
contacting students on the campus. ed to her amazed partner, "but I victory on last Saturday was somegranted an extended leave for an Lofink. Phil
Khmf t. Joseph D.
been to surrender somehow to the at which all graduating seniors indefinite period to
Any bonds purchased this month was pretending the girls across the thing of an
to the real
continue serv- Condor, Thomas B.
Hammack, William D.
armies rather than will be admitted as guests of honor. ice with
will count in the campaign, and net were Japs."
thing, and by the time students had
the Climatic Research Minor, Arthur Cassington
Wheeler. Jack W.
to the Russians. Had Gen. Eisen- The theme of the dance will be Laboratory of the U- - S. Army; and
anyone who has purchased a bond
One harassed looking man was waited for the final announcement
Winn. Harold E.
Nral. Bernard G.
hower been authorized to accept carried out in University colors, to
should contact Mr. Peterson's office j st.Hldu1g bv the wkt machine in the all day Monday, most of the exciteDr. Amry Vandcnbosch, profes- Oliver. Darwin K.
Frederick. Iwis S.
such a surrender to the western al- blue and white, and will present the sor
building and book store passing out cigars. A ment had worn off.
in the Administration
and head of the Department Corn In, John S. Jr.
Disney. John E. S.
Day might have graduating senior as the motif.
lies .alone
notify them of the purchase, said recipient of one of the weeds conFlags of victory were flying all
of Political Science, leave for the Young, Don
Fisher. John Henry
been proclaimed any day last meek.
Mr. Peterson.
women's remainder of the quarter to attend Hardyman, James C. '
The AST and
gratulated him on his foresight in over the world on Tuesday. May 8,
Mains. Charles K.
sur-- .
The Germans had finally to
Mr. Peterson will make arrange- having the cigars on hand for the President Truman said, but at the
drill team, will present an
the San Francisco International Dutton, Kenneth "C.
Freigel. Frederick A.
render to all the Allies.
ments for contacting faculty and day of victory. "Day of victory," he University the flag hi front of the
on Page Four)
Security conference.
Howard, John Jackson
Craif, Gavin G. Jr.
staff members during the campaign, screamed. "I just had a baby this Administration building was still
Resignations in the college in- Dammciihold. Cyril O.
Basscll, Paul G.
in units. Each building on the morning."
flying at half-main honor of the
cluded Julia Anne Waters, part-tim- e Elmore, Cecil L.
Rejoicing over V-- E Day must be
Winchester, Frank
campus will consist of a unit, and
secretary in Department of Leonard, Joseph
to be more late Franklin Roosevelt.
tempered by the knowledge that a
Maliany, Jan
The faculty seemed
professors will be contacted there
secretary Brewer, William C.
Sociology and part-tim- e
Streets Deserted
Wallace, Leon Wilson
hard war lias yet to be concluded
excited than the students. One proin their offices or classrooms.
in the Department of Geography; Mountjoy, Jesse Thos.
Red. white, and blue wlc, the
Porter, James A.
Pacific. The Amerin the far-o- ff
fessor, a specialist
in exacting
The national goal is $14,000,000,-00William Morris, student assistant Elder, Wm. B.
Zlnn, Thomas F.
ican forces there must soon have
physics lectures. lott all sense of theme of store decoration In downThe campaign, opening May
in Department of Social Work; Porter, Fletcher S.
complete control over Okinawa, the
Phillips. Frank S.
time when he announced to his town Lexington Tuesday afternoon;
14. will close June 30th. Of the
The names of five University Charles K. Jones, student assistant Martin. Waiter F.
site of land, sea and air bases to
Monday morning classes that "this flowers and flags made up window
Hasan, Louis P.
$14,000,000,000, half of it will have
seniors elected to Phi Beta Kappa in Department of Art; Henry Noble Kratz, Harold R.
displays. However, students who
. O'Brien. Georee V.
be built less than 400 miles from
to be collected from Individuals, day. November 7. would go down went to town found the streets almeeting on May 3, were an- Sherwood, professor of political sci- - j Johnson, Paul F.
at a
Hicks, James Gianam
tlie Japanese homeland.
land of that $7,000,000,000. $4,000,-- 1 in history."
L. ence; Lee Powers, caretaker of ten- - Johnson!
nounced yesterday by Dr. L.
most completely deserted. Resta(Continued on Page Four)
James Hisle
Harris, James Thomas
All day Monday there was much
000.000 will have to be sold in series
Dantzler. secretary of the society. nis courts; E. J. A.shcr. associate
urant, drugstores, bars and stores
Nollau, George F.
tense waiting confirmation of the
E Bonds. These quotas are unpre-- i
They arc: Phyllis R. reed,
signs on the doors
(Continued on Page Four)
news by President Truman, so when were closed, with
N. J.; Mary B. Phelps, Clover-por- t;
a professor began a statement to saying "Closed for in Day." The
Mary E. Crawford. Lexinggeneral feeling was
accord with
his rlasses with "The president . .
ton; Anne L. Stephenson, Pikevillc;
the scroll iv Purcell's window "Let
his class prepared to leave the room,
H. Hunt, Lexington.
and Richard
this day be an eternal warning to
but when he finished lamely with
Miss Freed is majoring in lanall men wh. would defy human
of the University, announced
guages. She is president of the
rights and ousrage human decency."
will go on as usual." many
that work
By Mariamne Cross
Inter - Faith council. Inter - Race,
scenery, named many times, sound- "one of Robinson's favorites."
j barracks we argue about
who came
Lights are .licking on again all
to see someone throw
council, Le Cercle Francais, secre- To a soldier lugging his barracks-ba- g from the hardest camp, but we all half expected
According to the new AST's inter- ed suspiciously like a GI coinage
over the world, but there is one dark
a book at him.
Mortar Board . . . will sponsor the tary of the Spanish club, and a viewed in
object on campus of a
toward a place for a night's agree this is the best place," said
rwner left.
three day's traffic through for the
Towle Silver di.splay from 9 a.m. member of the Hillel Youth group,
feminine nature.)
sleep after a long train ride, any an AST from New Jersey who was
the bookstore, UK women are by
o 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Union YWCA, and secretary of the
campus mifilit look extra good, but here last quarter.
far the biggest interest on campus
Connecticut 'Yanks'
mopolitan club.
the men questioned 12 hours after
The Woman's View
outside of classes of course.
secretary of
Philosophy club . . . will meet at
Miss Stephenson was
Said one of a whole school of their arrival here held their first
do the women think of the
There's no sectional difference on Cunnccticans, "I've never seen so impressions three days later.
7:30 p.m. Monday in Frazee hall. Delta Delta Delta sorority in '44- new men on campus? "Quite an imDr. E. J. Asher. associate profesScott Reed will review the book '45, a member of the German club, this point of view. Engineers from many
girls at any colNow that one Californian has had provement," says one coed. Other
Capt. Geoigp p. Nollau. son of
lege and," he stated. "I've been a chance to get around, he expands observations were that they are sor of psychology, has resigned to
"The Road to Serfdom" by F. A. War Effort committee, Koffee Klub, California, Florida, Texas, Connecaccept a position as Instructor in the Prof, and Mrs. L. E. Nollau. has been
YWCA, and secretary of the Philos- - ticut, Arkansas, South Carolina and around." (P.S. He added cautiously, his original approval of the "girls,
more attractive in their simians, are
psychology laboratory
Independent . . . meeting to elect lophy club in
She is in the New York list the same number "Maybe I have been In basic trainat Purdue killed in action in the Philippines,
greenery, and Union" to include interested in college life, aggresaccording to a message received this
one interest. Following in order of ing too long.")
University, after 17 years of teachnew officers at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- - College of Arts and Sciences.
"the lack of a certain type of
sive, friendly, and the most univerweek. Captain Nollau. a member of
day in the Union building.
Also a member of the Arts and preference,
the attractions arc:
"It's the best state I've been In
sal conunent from the women, who ing at the University of Kentucky. the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity
Business Kduration club . . . will Sciences college, Mr. Hunt will women, "scenery," buildings, womand the southern hospitality is
There's a good chance the new are still on the large end of the
Prior to coming to the Univer- - and business manager cf the
en, friendliness, Lexington, land-c?p- s, really something," said an Arkanmeet at 4 p.m. Monday in the Gaie graduate with a BS degree In Chem-rooengineers will continue to be
ratio. We haven't seen enough of sity Dr. Asher was an instructor at
had been In forces iince his
(Continued cii Page Three)
tvumen. (The ikj'.!!1 sas AST v.ho identifies hirricel! as
of JereU ha!!.
' Back !a the
abcit UK.

States, Great Britain, France and
Russia on the European continent.

two-doll- ar









six-ye- ar



Senior G'Byes
To Be Said

By Adele

Honors Day
To Recognize
200 Students




First Annual Day
To Be Observed


With Convocation




War Drive


Opens Monday




anti-clim- ax



exhibi-tCoiitinu- cd

Five Named
To Phi Beta







V-- E


The Good Word' For Coeds - New AST's


J. Asher
Leaves University


Capt. George F. Nollau
Killed In Philippines


'44-'4- 5.


Ken-tuckia- n.



� eest uopy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page








EMrrrd at tli Pout OfTlro at Lexington. Ktnfurkj,
maiwr nnd the Act of March , linn.

oi. u



Prrsa- - Asaorlaflon
Islington Board of Commmt
K'nturay Prrra Association
National F.dirortal A?onatli.n

420 Mwal



al aacits



so On



By Billie Fischer


tianrd arttrlet and column! re to be eontidered tha
ovinicnt of tha wrtfers Memsevet, ad do nttt ntrentaritw
Teller! the. opinion o Thi Knfl.

One Year

it ln'iX(l ll.iilx)!.
aii.ukril lY:til




Inn urn


lio tine

tin- out I't iiiLiiiiiiijr hiiiilt ant e to
ic.i( t'ltil i i ili;uion. is girded lor iiO ve;irs of
Nil ;i:m won't Ik- .1 pushover. ust ask
:in oh i lie ;i.".KKI,000 workers tin tlie home
uIm an- vvoiking every d;tv in (lie week,



it iitx .



fii.m I'lin icen to sixteen hours a day. luriiinr
tun the w ar ( juiiiieiit nieant lor tlie Amei irans
ubo will lit- seeking revenge lor Pearl Harbor.
J iim ask the Marines wlio withstood four
u ( ks l (lie liaidest lighting in the liistory of
tlx- - e i4 . when they
Iwo Jiina. an
island mi small that a gun tonld shoot clear
ati-isii. Ask the men who were subjected to
loi line on U.n.ian and Oinegidor in the Hist
slaves ol the Pacific war the men who had the
first taste ol Japanese barbarism.
As lar as Japan is concerned, their empire is
t vp ndahle.
The Jap will fight until the last
member f the "honorable" fortes is dead, for
is the
their belief is that death for the F.nix-roonlv wax to assure an immediate entry to a
pleasant a ft ei life.
This idea has been enlarged and deeened
as the Yanks have steadily closed in on their
beloved native soil. Guadalcanal was bloody,
Saip.m was a terrible confusion of mass suicides,
Iwo Jiina will go down in history books as being
a living nightmare of death, and Okinawa has
yet to be completely completed.
pins us a litlle closer to



Japan's front door. Each conflict stirs up more
determination on the pan of the enemy. Each
step of advancement gets mot e treat herons, and
when the final day of reckoning catches up with
the Jap a few thousand more American bovs
will have paid for it.
To trush Japan will mean the total collapse
of the clique in that country composed of high
ranking soldiers, industrialists, wealthy landowners, and members of the imperial household. It will also mean that the huge gap between Tokyo and the American forces will have
to be bridged. While in the Rattle of Euroe
supply ships from Amciican bases in England
had only an overnight run to make ships in
the Pacific have long-reacround trips taking
up to five months in sonic c