xt77h41jhr0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jhr0b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-10-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1926 1926 1926-10-15 2012 true xt77h41jhr0b section xt77h41jhr0b THE KENTUCKY KERNEL








KY., OCTOBER 15, 1926


SUKY CRCLE TO 'Music Hath Charms"
Pep Organization To Take In
Four Girls and Nine Boys
To Fill Vacancies In



University To Have Saxophone Band, Sulzer

SuKy. circle will hold its annual
pledging services at the pep meeting
to be held at the men's gymnasium
tonight at 7 o'clock in preparation for
the Washington and Lee game. Cheer
leaders for this year will be selected
and university yells and songs practiced also at this meeting. All freshmen must attend and all upper classmen are expected to be on hand tonight.
SuKy circle, official pep organization of the university, was founded
in 1920 for the purpose of sponsoring
athletics at the university. It has
charge .of cheering at games, arrangmeeting pep meetings and send-offing visiting teams, and performs many
other services to the school in aiding
athletics. In addition it has become
the custom of the circle to send the
band on one trip each year with the
football team. Last year the pep circle sent the band to Alabama and this
year it will defray the costs of sending the band to Knoxville Thanksgiving Day to accompany the football
team when it plays Tennessee in the
annuSi classic
Early in the fall of each year SuKy
circle pledges a number of students
to fill vacancies in its membership


Decision Reached at Meeting
Held In Alumni Building
Tuesday Night; Ray Valade
Chairman of Committee

This new organization will allow additional students to participate in the musical activities offered at the university since only
a few saxophone players are admitted to the band and a large
number have necessarily been excluded from band membership.
All men playing saxophones and
not playing in the university band
or orchestra are urged to communicate with Mr. Sulzer immediately.

Dance Is In Honor of the W.
L. Team; Proceeds Will
Help Send Band to

The first school dance of the year
will be given in the New Gymnasium
tomorrow evening by the SuKy Circle
from 8:00 to 11:45 o'clock. The proceeds will go to send the band to
Knoxville when Kentucky and Tennessee meet in their annual game on
Thanksgiving Day. An admission of
one dollar will be charged and all stu
dents arfr. Invited to attend.
The dance is to be given in honor of
the Washington and Lee football team,
which meets the Wildcats on Stoll
Field tomorrow afternoon ,and is expected to be one of the best "affairs"
of the season. Music will be furnished by The Kentuckians, one of Lexington's popular dance orchestras.
The Su-K- y
Circle is an active "pep"
organization for the purpose of sponsespec-

membership drive during the week
Plans for conducting (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
the drive were also discussed.
It is the purpose of the members
of the Y. M.C. A. to see every man
student on the campus during the
campaign week and present him with
a card telling the purpose of the or- Four Men Selected to Fill Vacancies; Squad Meets Oxford
ganization and the advantages. Each
in December
card will contain a place for the name
and address of the student and all
Tryouts to fill the vacancies in the
men wishing to join are requested to
fill this card Snd leave it at the Y.M. university debating team were held
in White hall Tuesday night at which
Any student who subscribes to the time four men were selected. They,
four-fol- d
purpose of the Y.M.C.A. can with three men left from last year,
will represent the univrsity in. all
be an active voting member of the
association. Any other man can be intrcollegiate debates this
The men selected were Albert Kill-uan associate member and will be issued
Ridout, Wilmore, Ky., George C.
a card the same as the active member.
One particular advantage of the un- Bobbins, Florence, Ky., J. C. Burnett,
iversity Y.M.C.A. is the fact that no Tompkinsvlle, Ky., John Y. Brown,
dues are necessary and that the card Lexington, Ky. The meii who won
issued here gives free membership in places last year are Thomas Skinner,
any Y.M. except the one in this city. Lucedale, Miss., W. B. Graham, ArRay Valade; is cjhairman of tlfi lington, Ky., and H. H. Hanratty,
membership committee. In case any- Hopkinsville.
This year's debating team promises
one should be missed they are requested to call at the secretary's office on to be the best in the history of the
the second floor of the Alumni build- university. Several strong teams are
scheduled to meet the university. The
ing and apply for membership.
19-2- 6.

University Debating

The military department of the university will participate in the national observance of Navy Day which has
been designated as October 27 by the
War Department and the Navy
League. Colonel Hobbs, head of the
university military department, has
instructed his staff officers to address
their classes that day on the importance of the navy to the world. Some
800 cadets will hear the speakers instead of receiving their usual instruction in military science.
Navy Day is sponsored by the Navy
League for the purpose of better acquainting the people of the United
States with the work of the navy.
Walter Bruce Howe, national chairman of the Navy League, who issued
the call for Navy Day points out that
the, free fldw of foreign trade is
largely dependent upon the navy.

Approximately 200 worth of new
cnuipment has been presented to the
department of hygene of the university by one of the local physicians,
whose name was not made public, according to Dr. J. E. Rush, head of the









oring all student activities and

JJ n '







Department Will Participate in Observance





NEW MEMBERS ially custom activities. It has been
of the circle for several
years to send the band on at least
At a meeting of the university Y.M. ons
football trip and due to the fact
in the alumni building Tuesd
Kentucky-Tennesstilt is ex- day night it was decided to hold the that










y IfJa.



Dees iPHiPflT

wTr men












flTC ) WPPEClf

IcEEecHl scon-- 1

olus( potrwM



in Not Later
Than Wednesday



The Stroller tryouts, which will be
Balloting on Presidents and
held in the Little Theater in White
Vice-Presideo f Four
hall, will begin Monday 25, and conClasses Was Started
tinue throughout the week. Owing to
This Morning
the late date at which the work has
been begun there will be absolutely
no late tryouts.
All application blanks must be
turned in to Miss Margie McLaughlin, Many Candidates Are Out For
Various Offices ; Interest
completely filled out and with the application fee of $1.00 not later than
Is High
Wednesday, October 20.
Elections for presidents and
A general meeting of former ana
for the four classes are
active Strollers will be held Tuesday,
October 19 at 3 o'clock in the Little being held today, on the campus. InTheater to discuss plans for the terest in the nominations has been
plans for the forthcoming year, finan- 3iigh and the student body is lookcial problems and also to elect a sec- ing forward to the outcome of the elecretary and treasurer to fill vacancies. tion with considerable interest. The
student council of the university is in
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) charge of the electon and ballot boxes
3iave been placed in convenient places
on the campus.

Hold Track Meet


Tradition at the university requires
the nominees for president be
Contests Are Sched- that and the
uled for Next Week
and this is being carried out this year.


track meet will be
An intra-mur- al
held at Stoll field begnning Monday,
October 18, and continuing through
Wednesday, according to a report
office issued yesfrom the intra-murterday. AH those wishing to enter
should report to the intra-mur- al
this week. Entries will close Friday
at 5:30. About fifty have entered the
various events to date and many more
are expected to compete.
The schedule for the meec is as


18100 yard dash

The seniors have five presidential nom
inees and three
juniors five for president and two
the sophomores
four for president and three for vice
president; and the freshmen three for
each office.
Hold Convocations
The freshmen candidates were nom- -






Indiana Parades New Struggle
On Kentucky's Terpsichoreans
'Cross Between a Dance and a Disease" Is Verdict of Feature
Writer on Hoosier's Social Diversion; Visiting
Kentuckians Report Discovery of
Real "Terp" Evil.
We were alone in a strange country.
Kentuckians Could Not "Sock"
The Indiana collegians looked at
us with that "Oh aren't you slow!"
expression. We realized at once that
even getting drunk wouldn't alleviate
the impression. We were impossible
we could not "sock." And to add
to degradation in their
eyes, we did not want to "sock." The
Hoosiers fell into chairs occasionally
to rest after their exertions and
watched us with commiserating amusement. We were social failures;
we knew it. A few inspired Ken?
tuckians in a vain attempt to uphold our reputation in the art of

Hoos-ier- s
lightful inventions the corn-fe- d
have donated to the college world.
By the way, we have never found out
whether corn is a drink or a grain
in Indiana.
In that state all who are socially
elite "sock." When we Kentuckians
arrived at the Cadet Hop in Blooming-to- n
our erstwhile opponents were
"socking" to their heart's content;
exhibiand we stood on the edge of the terpsichore gave
edge of the bouncing, jiggling, writh- tions, in out of the way corners, of
ing mass of dancers, amazed, dizzy,
The noise astounded us. (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)




With the new' uniforms that have
been ordered, the University of Kentucky Band promises to be one of
the best uniformed college bands in
the South. The band will make its
first appearance in its new regalia at
unithe V. P. I. game. Forty-thre- e
forms have already been ordered and
the rest will be sent for shortly.
The caps, coats, and trousers will
be standard A. F. M. (American Federation of Music) style of dark blue
cloth trimmed with dark blue braid.
There will be metal U. of K.'s at the
sides of the collars and the seal of
the university will be on the caps.
Capes, to be worn with these outfits
on special occasions, are of Kentucky
blue and white. The drum major's
uniform is full West Point style with
a high shako of blue fur.
The members of the band are purchasing their own uniforms and, hereafter, all freshmen entering the band
Avill be expected to do so.

Will Raise Local Quota by Sell

ing Souvenir Programs at
Washington and Lee Game



Stroller Tryouts To
I ASS Fl FPTIONS Honorary Math Frat
Grants Charter Here
Begin October 25,Vtr2ri JH",
Application Blanks Must Be AKt
Pi Mu Epsilon Will Install on


Be Fourth Consecutive
Game on Stoll Field Between
Rivals ; Kickoff
Will Be at 2:30 O'clock





Wildcats Hope To Turn Tide
of Previous Years by
Decisive Margin
For the fourth consecutive year an
dark-blu- e
jersied football
gladiators from Washington and Lee
University will walk upon the green
of Stoll field tomorrow afternoon and
do battle with a snarling and fighting
pack, of Wildcats, who will endeavor
to atone for last year's 25 to 0 defeat
at the hands of the Virginians. The
game will be called at 2:30 o'clock.
Three times the Generals have come
to the Blue Grass and two times they
have returned to Virginia with victories suspended on their belts. 1 .
the game of 1923, the Wildcats ove
took a six point lead in the closir
minutes of the contest and tied tha
Generals, 6 in one of the most furiously played games ever seen an
the local .gridiron. Last year Kentucky suffered her worst defeat o
the season at the hands of W. & L.,
being overwhelmed by the count of
25 to 0.
Beaten by West Virginia
This year the Generals made their
big mistake by playing the Wast Virginia Mountaineers in their first
game. As a result, West Virginia,
considered by leading sport authorities as having one of the most powerful teams in the country, completely
scared the Generals into submission
and beat them 18 to 0. But to show
that the West Virginian defeat can
not be taken as an exact criterion of
the General's strength, W. & L. came

array of



l Mik



preliminaries; broad jump; shot put;
880 yard run; 220 yard dash,
Tuesday 100 yard dash, finals; high jump; discus throw; 440 "Will Appear For First Time in
yard run; 220 yard "dash, finals; WedTheir New Regalia at
nesday 120 yard hurdles; pole vault;
V. P. I. Game Here,
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) mile run; mile relay.
October 30

"How Many Tfmes Have I Said Can
You Sock?" is the new college anthem. You have to "sock" if you
want to be ultra and everybody wants
to be ultra something or other. The
"soccer" is a cross between a dance
and a disease and is one of the de-


No students will be admitted to
the V. P. I. game on October 30th
unless his or her picture is pasted
on the inside cover of his athletic
ticket, according to an announcement made yesterday by S. A.
"Daddy" Boles, athletic director.
For the game tomorrow students
may gain admission with their
tickets even if their pictures do not
appear in the books.
For various reasons many pictures taken during registration had
to be retaken. Students needng to
have their pictures retaken have
been notified and they are advised
to do so at the registrar's office at
once if they have not already done
so. The new pictures will then be
placed im university mail boxes and
students are asked to get them
from there and paste in their books

"saxophone band" this fall. This
band will appear at the football
and basketball games in addition
to the regular band. There will
from one to two hours practice a



Photos Must Be Inside
Athletic Tickets Soon

.Elmer G. Sulzer, band master
and instructor- - in the department
of music, is planning to organize a


Plan Navy

Hurry Your Picture!



Two Boys and One Girl Will
Be Chosen To Lead



University of Kentucky
Campus Soon

A charter was granted the university in August for the installation of
a chapter of Phi Mu Epsilon, honorary mathematics fraternity.
chapter will be installed about
Thanksgiving probably by someone
Memfrom Ohio State University.
bership will include faculty members,





The University of Kentucky's con
tribution to the Walter Camp Me
morial fund will be raised by the selling of souvenir programs at the Washington and Lee game played here to.
The Walter Camp Memorial is to
be in the form of a collonide at the
north entrance to the Yale Bowl and
other Yale athletic fields at New Haven, Connecticut. The name "Walter
Camp Memorial" will be cut in large
letters of stone over the gateway,
while on either side of the entrance
will be big bronze panels on which will
be engraved the name of every college
and university which has contributed
to the building of the memorial. Public high schools which contribute will
have the names of their respective
athletic associations on the panels,
while private schools will be grouped
by states.
This huge gateway, to be erected as
a tribute to the late Walter Camp,
graduate of Yale, and known as the



Former Governor of New York
Will Deliver Address
Dedication o f Law


graduate students, seniors and juniors
majoring or minoring in mathematics
Hon. Charles S. Whitman, president
and having a standing of B or better.
of the American Bar Association and
Pi Mu Epsilon has chapters at Syrformer governor of New York, has
acuse, Ohio State, Missouri, Alabama,
accepted an invitation to deliver the
Ames, Illinois, Montana, Hunter Colprincipal address at
lege, Washington, University of
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) the new law building the dedication of
here on the uniand Southern Branch.
versity campus October 27. He comes
There are at present eight faculty
at the invitation of Dean Charles J.
members, three graduate students,
Turck, of the College of Law, who
Y. W. To
in accordance with the custom which
he has established during the last
Mrs. John Hanna Will Be the two years, has been busily engaged in
Guest of University on
securing speakers to deliver addresses
October 21
before the law students on subjects
Money To Be Used To Found
pertaining to their legal work.
Mrs. John Hanna of Dallas, Texas,
Memorial Fund
Governor Whitman is one of the
national president of the Y.W.C.A., best known barristers in the country.
The university has just received a will be the guest of the university on While here he will be the guest of
gift of ?1,000 from Henry Kelley October 21, according to Miss Sarah honor at a banquet to be given at
Brent, of New York City, to found Blanding, dean of women.
the Ashland Golf club by the Fayin memory of his father the "Charles
The Kentucky state committee of ette County Bar Association on OcScott Brent History Fund."
the "Y.W.C.A. will entertain the dis- tober 27.
The fund is to be used for the pur- tinguished guest with a lunheon and
A number of other prominent men
chase of books in the field of Ameri- the University Y.W.C.A. is planning have accepted invitation to speak becan history to be given to the student :i tea in her honor, during her visit.
fore the law student the rest of the
Mrs. Hanna was elected president year but the dates of their addresses
who has done the best work in American history in his sophomore and jun- of the Y.W.C.A. last April in a meet have not been definitely fixed.
ior years. This prize will be offered ing at Milwaukee. She is known to
Among those who have accepted
by the department of history and will be as lovely and charming as she is invitations to speak are: Judge Sam
provide interesting competition for interesting.
uel M. Wilson, Mr. S. S. Willis, an
tho students in that department.
On her way through Kentucky, Mrs. attorney of Ashland, Ky.; Mr. David
Ilr. Brent's gift is another indica-.io- n Hanna will stop at Louisville and Lex C. Hunter, local attorney; Judge J.
of the increased interest of Ken- ington. While in Lexington she will P. Hobson, of the Kentucky court of
tucky alumni in the university. The tddress both the city and university appeals; Judge Richard C. Stoll,
donor is a successful New York bus- Y.WIC.A. The exact date of the ad- (
iness man who attended the university
several years ago.
Cali-forn- a,

National President of
Visit Here



Society To Meet

Sophs and Frosh Stage Annual


Interested in Literary Work
Are Invited to Attend

Riot Today at Clifton Pond itsPatterson meeting of the year next
Society will hold


Both Classes Confident of Result of Historic Struggle; Contest
Is Traditional on University of Kentucky
Campus ; Reestablished After
Lapse of One Year.
To an expectant campus the news
comes from the Men's Student Coun-- j
between j
cil that the annual tug-o-wthe freshmen and sophomore classes
will be perpetrated this year.
date is today, Friday, October 15, on
which day classes will be dismissed
after the fifth hour. This delightful
party which is traditional on Ken-

contest will be refereed by a committee of faculty members and members
of the student council and supervised
by the juniors and seniors with the
juniors on the freshman coach line
and the seniors on the sophomore side
of the pond. The 800 foot steel cable
donated in 1912 by President Barker
will be the "piece de resistance."
Cadet Colonel Goodwin will send a
detail from the R.O.T.C. unit to act
as starters and police. Daddy Boles
will also send a detail to assist in the
Fair play in every respect
is guaranteed by the university rules
governing the contest and will be
strictly observed.
The rancor between the two classes
did not always vent itself in the now

tucky's campus was dispensed with
last year on advice of the medical
department. This was a huge disappointment to the Class of '28 which
in 1924 felt the icy waters of Clifton
Pond and was the following year deGET YOUR PROOFS
nied the opportunity for revenge.
The setting and arrangements will
The editor of the Kentuckian requests that those who have had their be much as in former years. Clifton
pictures made for the annual, to come Pond, whose waters have received
to the Strqller office in the men's some eleven defeated classes will
again embrace the losing side. The (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
gymnasium and get 'their proofs.

Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock in
White hall, according to an announcement made yesterday by the president of the organizaton. All men
students interested in literary or forensic activities are invited to attend
this meeting.
The first meeting of the society
this year was held Thursday night,
October 7. Considerable interest was
displayed at this meeting and the
prospects for the society, one of th"
oldest on the campus, are exceptionally bright this year.
Officers of the society are John R.
Bullock, president; J. W. Jones,
H. H. Davis, secretary-treasure- r;
and R. M. Meuth,
Students expecting to complet?
their work for a degree by the close
of the present semester should make
applcation in the Registrar's office
for their degrees not later than the
week beginning October 18.
Ezra L. Gillis, Registrar.

� Page two



Subscribe for



Alumni organization in every county
in the state and the counties divided Twenty-Fiv- e
met the into districts with a separate district Former Students Present at
Last Saturday the Wildcats
First Luncheon of Year
strong Indiana eleven and at the same organization and district officers
New Members Present
time met defeat. They met defeat would do much toward bringing the
at the hands of a much stronger Alumni of the University of Kentucky 100 PER CENT CLUB IS AIM
team. It was a defeat to be proud closer together in a successful
ashamed. Our gallant an organization that can function for
of rather than
The Buffalo, N. Y., Club of the
boys met with a stronger aggregation the betterment and advancement of Alumni Association of the University
the University of Kentucky. The of Kentucky held its first meeting of
but by sheer fighting spirit and nerve
organthis, year at the Como Restaurant in
wrested from them one touchdown, university needs the aid of the
They displayed ized Alumni, both in Kentucky and Buffalo on September 13. At the
allowing them two.
need meeting plans were laid for a sucagain the fighting spirit which long outside Kentucky. The Alumni
of every cessful' year and one of the prime
has kept for the Wildcats the respect the University. The efforts
of the aims of the club is a 100 per cent
of any opponents no matter how graduate and former student
who University of Kentucky is needed to organization of the Alumni of Buffalo.



There are often those

would criticize the team, the individual bring about this perfect organization.
. players
and the coaches from afar There can be no greater mission for
as well as from the side lines. But any organization, party or club than
a team that can meet a stronger the furtherance of higher education.
adopponent and by fighting spirit and Kentucky needs the educational
nerve alone hold that opponent to a vancement and to make it successful
score like the score of the game with all along the line an improved and
Indiana, deserves nothing but the greater University of Kentucky can
praise of all its backers The Ken play a part second to none.
tucky team always has been a body
of men who knew no defeat until
the final whistle blew, and admitted
no superiors until the final quarter
was ended. What faults in playing
and coaching that may have been
Each and every graduate and formshown in the game last Saturday will er student of the University of Kenas a basis of the work this week tucky is eligible to membership in
in preparing the team for the annual the Alumni Association
Unibattle with Washington and Lee on versity of Kentucky. It is an organinext Saturday. Sometimes a defeat zation of and for Alumni of the uni-



In every sort of a club, political
party or organization which has for
its object a large number of members
working together for a certain aim,
there is a complete organization, by
counties, districts, states and towns.
Along this line it remains for the
Alumni Association of the University
of Kentucky to organize. Every
luncheon club and each political party
represented in the state has its stateorganization, divided into
districts organizations and county
organizations. To this end the Alumni office is beginning to work. An


versity. Each member has a vote and
a right to say what he thinks is best
for the university and the Alumni
Association. For that purpose this
page in The Kernel is published each
week by the Alumni Association. It
is your page, Alumni. It is published
for your information and your benefit. For this reason the editor of this
page is inviting criticism from all
constructive criticism. Letters to this office which set out ways
and means of improving the association are always welcome and letters
that we can publish in this page are
One set of officers
doubly welcome.
cannot make or break an organization
ofthis sort. It takes the concerted
effort of every member of the association. For this reason we invite
your criticism. What do you think
would help the association and the university? Send them in to this office and let us print them. Untold
benefit can be derived from good constructive criticism. It is your organization. What are you going to do
to make it the best Alumni organization in the South?
Wvlie Brodbeck Wendt is professor
of Civil Engineering in the University
of Louisville and is living at 100 W.
Shipp street, Louisville, Ky.

Class Personals
o- -

Alhort Newton Whitlock is an at
torney with the firm of Murphy &
manLlewellyn Chauncey Brown is
Whitlock of Missoula, Mont, lie has
aging editor and part owner of the offices in the Montana building.
PetersEvening Independent of St.
Rodman Wiley is with the Ken
burg, Fla., and is living at 2200 North tucky Rock Asphalt Company of Lou
Shore Drive, St.
isville, Ky., and is living at t&6
Gorge Peck Edmonds is secretary Carolina avenue.
and general manager of the G. & W.
Electric Company of Chicago. He is
Robert Louis Aker is an engineer
living at 6745 East End avenue.
and contractor in Minneapolis, Minn.,
Bess Engleman Goffin (Mrs. Ly- and is living at 3220 Dupont avenue
man J. Parrington) is living in South.
Panitsville, Ky., where her husband is
Stanley T. Baer is assistant manaan oil producer.
ger of the Big Wood Canal Company
Priest Kemper is a gen- of Shoshone, Idaho.
eral contractor in San Antonio, Texas.
Robert Allen Qarse is chief inspecHis address is 3G2 E. Huisache ave. tor of the American Car and Foundry
Lewis is
Alexander Thornton
ComDanv of Berwick, Pa. His ad
and general manager of the dress is 605 East Second street.
Ventilating CorporYork Heating and
Ernest Meyers Denham is chief
He is giving
ation of Philadelphia.
engineer for the Southern Mining
in Merion, Penn.
Company and associated companies.
Fred Coit Mahan is with the South He is located in Williamsburg, Ky,
is living at
ern Mining Company and
William Shacklette Hamilton is an
Highsplint, Ky.
attorney in Louisville with offices in
Philip M. Riefkin is
the Reality building.
Louis Edward Hillenmeyer is a
of the Equitable Fuel Company, Inc.,
of Washington, D. C. His address is nurseryman with the firm of Hillen
meyer and Sons, Georgetown
Beverly Courts.
Herman Clayton Robinson is a Lexinerton. Ky.
Louise Marie Kornfield is an instruc
farmer and his address is R.F.D. No.
tor of Latin in the Louisville Girls
3, Lexington, Ky.
.Tamps Dell Rozers is a structural Hieh school. Louisville, Ky.
(Mrs. E.
Goldye Theo Lazarus,
engineer and is living in Beverly
Oppenheimer) is living at 107 Francis
Hills, Chicago, 111.
Maxwell Waide Smith is general street. Mission, Texas.
Leo Logan Lewis is secretary and
snips manacer of the Duriron Com
pany, Inc., his address is 129 North chief eneineer of the Carrier Engi
neering Company of New York. He
Robert boulevard. Dayton, O.
Harold Edwin Stevens is a plant is living at 724 Carlton avenue, Plain- natholotrist with the Stripes Citrus field. New Jersey.
James Talbott Madison is a civil
Packing Company, of Fort Meyers,
engineer with the Road and Bridge
Robert Craig Terrell is a construc- District No. 9, Lakeland, Florida. He
tion engineer .annraiser and income is living at 825 East Lime street.
Charles Alfred Mahan is an agri
tax expert with the firm of Tucker
cultural Extension leader with the
and Terrell, of Lexington, Ky.

Encloced find check for

Chieairo Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.
Washington Alumni Club, luncheon October 20, University Club.
Homecoming game and Alumni
dance, November 20, University of


$3, alumni dues.
$50, life membership





Coming Marriages




Business Address





(Give maiden name of wife,
ages of children).

date of marriage, names and



Robert WJ. McMeekin, '21, Lexington architect last week was retained
as local architect to supervise the
construction of the new Lexington
Senior High school which will be built
this year in Lexington at an approximate cost of ?300,00. The designers
of the building are Warner and
architects of Cleveland, Ohio.
The new school building will be one
of the most important buildings erected in Lexington for several years and
the magnitude of the position of local
supervising architect is a tribute to
the rapid success of Mr. McMeekin.
He will have complete charge of all
the construction details.
After being graduated from the university in 1921 he attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
where he received his architectural
training. He worked in New York for
more than a year before returning to
Lexington. On his return from New
York he established offices in Lexington and during the last two years
has designed many outstanding residences in and near Lexington.
One of his first contracts was that
of supervising architect for the new
dormitory at the Massie School for
boys in Woodford county.
He has established offices in the
Security Trust Building and is living
at 497 East Main street, Lexington.
Bids for the construction of the
handsome new High Schol Building
will be let within the next few weeks,
Mr. McMeekin has announced, and the
actual construction of the building
will be started as soon as it is possible

The engagement of Prof. William
were present at the first H. McAdams, '13, to Miss Jean Dubbs
of Chicago recently was announced.
At the first meeting this year five Professor McAdams is living in Bosmembers of the class of 1926 were ton, where he is professor of chemwelcomed into tHe
Club. ical engineering at the Massachusetts
R. W. Hogan, J. P. Institute of Technology and also lecThey are:
Holtzclaw, J. W. Stark, C. S. Tucker turer on the same subject at Harvard. The bride to be is the daughand T. G. White.
C. P. Dubbs, who is the inventor
The Buffalo Club following the ter of
custom of previous years wil