xt77h41jhq0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jhq0s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1880-07-jun9-uk. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-07-jun9-uk. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-07-jun9-uk. 1880 1880-07-jun9-uk. 2011 true xt77h41jhq0s section xt77h41jhq0s 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 8, 1880 - page 6-7

     On motion of Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. it was ordered that
the report of Prof. Howell relating to the Military Department
of the College be referred to a special committee consisting
of D. C. Buell, P. P. Johnsbon and Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. to
consider the matters referred to and report and make such
recommendations touching the same as may seem to them proper
either to this Boaud or to the Ex. Comr.

     On motion of L. J. Bradford the recommendation of the
Faculty as contained in the Presidents report that the degree
of Bachelor of Science be conferred upon James Crawford,
Alfred Meredith Peter, Nicholas John Weller and George
Croghan whereby is approved and confirmed, and the Faculty is
authorized to confer such degrees on said persons. On motion
of Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. the name of R. S. Bullock as
Treasurer of the College was approved and thereupon the
meeting adjourned until 8-1/2 O'clock June 9th, 1880.


     Board met pursuant to adjournment at 8-1/2 A. M.
Present - W. B. Kirkead, D. C. Buell, A. R. Boone, P. P.
Johnston, L. J. Bradford, Jas. F. Robinson, Jr. R. S. Bullock
and Jno. G. Simrall.  The Minutes of the preceding day
were read and approved.

     The report of the Committee on filling chairs and fixing
salaries was then taken up and the following chairs or professor-
ships were filled by unanimous action of the members of the
Board present as follows to wit:

President and Prof. Mental Philosophy and Civil History,
                                James K. Patterson.salarv

Prof. Chemistry and Experimen-
      tal Physics               Robert Peter
 "   Mathematics - Physics and
      Astronomy                 J. G. White
 "t  English Literature         John Shackleford
 " Natural History & Mech.Dept. A. R. Crandall
 " Ancient Languages            J. H. Neville
 " Theory & Practice of
   Teaching                     Maurice Kirby
 ' Banking & Penmanship Normal
   School and traveling agt.
   when required,               T. C. H. Vance
Principal Preparatory Departmient,W.K. Patterson
Prof. Modern Languages           F. M. Helveti

I  -



"    1500
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it   1200
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MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 9th, 1880 - page 7-8

Other departments to be filled by Ex. Com.

     Hon. L. P. Blackburn now entered the room and took his
seat,, as Chairman of the Board.  On motion of A. R. Boone it
was ordered that the Executive Committee be authorized to
employ an assistant in Practical Mlechanics at the lowest
salary for which the services of a competent person can be
obtained. On motion of L. J. Bradford the Executive Committee
is authorized to fix salaries of the Secretary and Treasurer.
The Board then adjourned till 4 P. M.

                         June 9th, 4 P. M.

     The Board met pursuant to adjournment and in the absence
of the last appointed Secretary Prof. J. K. Patterson was
directed back as Sec. pro tem. Present    Hon. L. P. Blackburn.
L. J. Bradford, A. R. Boone, D. C. Buell, W1. B. Kinkead, Jas.
F. Robinson, Jr.

     The Committee consisting of D. C. Buell with Prof.
Crandall and H. P. McDonald reported a plan for a college
building which was accepted subject to such modifications as
the committee may see proper to make before it passes into
the hands of a contractor. A plan for a dormitory was also
submitted and accepted subject to the same conditions as
those on which the plan for a college building was accepted.
On motion of W. B. Kinkead a home for the President of the
college was also ordered and provided for at a cost not ex-
zeeding $4000 - the plan of which is to be prepared by the
same committee and submitted to the Ex. Com, for their approval.
On motion of R. S. Bullock, it was ordered that all questions
as to rules, government, course of instruction, diplomas to
be given and be necessary to be passed upon by the Board as
and are hereby referred to a committee composed of D. C. Buell,
Gen'l. James F. Robinson, P. P. Johnston, B. F. Buckner and
President Iatterson and report to this Board if it can be
done before adjournment, and if not then to the Ex. Com.

     On motion of P. P. Johnston it was ordered that the
Executive Committee be authorized to employ H. P. McDonald
as architect for the erection of the college and other buildings
on the basis of the plans submitted by him at a compensation


MINUTES (? THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESJune 9th,4 P.M. page 9-10

not exceeding four per cent on $52000 - embracing the following
among other necessary conditions - Viz:  that the architect
or an assistant satisfactory to the Ex. Com, be on the
ground from  the time the first foundation stone is laid
until the buildings are completed and that the work be carried
on with all the dispatch consistent with good workmanship and
substantially of structure.

     On motion of L. J. Bradford, Pres. Patterson and Professors
Crandall and Peter are directed to make out an estimate for
the least possible amount of apparatus, instruments & etc.
necessary for the A. & M. College to begin with in order to
make instructions properly effective and report the same to
the Executive Committee who are authorized to order the purchase
of the same.

     On motion it was ordered that the bond of the Treasurer
be recorded by the secretary in this Record Book.

     Said bond with the words and figures following Viz:

State of Kentucky
Fayette County )

     Bond of the Treasurer of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky.

     We, R. S. Bullock Treasurer of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky, and S. Bassett and George W.
Didlake his sureties and bond and oblige ourselves jointly
and severally to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, that the said
Bullock Treasurer as aforesaid shall faithfully perform his
duties as such, and that he will pay all moneys that may
come to his hands to his successor in office., or to such
person or persons as may be lawfully entitled to receive
the same.

     Witness signatures this 8th day of June, 1880.

                                      R. S. Bullock
                                      S. Bassett
                                      Geo. W. Didlake

     Resolved that the Board now adjourn - Sine die.