xt77h41jhp6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jhp6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1875-04-jun8. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-04-jun8. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1875-04-jun8. 1875 1875-04-jun8. 2011 true xt77h41jhp6r section xt77h41jhp6r 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
Morrison College June 8th, 1875

Meeting of
June 8,



Henry F.
Hiblert s

Report of
Ex. Com.
read. &

Motion to
approve i s
wi thdrawn

     The Board met at the usual hour 2 ofclock P. A;. and the
following Curators answered to their names or came in soon afterp
Chmn. Bishop in the Chair- Bishop- Gratz- Steele- Wasson- Goodloe-
Woolfolk- A. H. Bowman- Worthington. Jos. Smith- Herndon- Ricketts-
Groom- Z. F. Smith- Tgrbitt. Sloan- Campbell. Miller. Rogers- Kin-
naird- Crutcher- White- Barnes- Price- Dr. Givens- Withers- J.AJ.
Leer J. B. Bowman- Dr. Shackelford.
     Curator Campbell opened the session with prayer.
     Report of the Regent was first in order but he was not present-
     Report of the Treasurer was next in order but the Treasurer
ask for a short time until his Bookkeeper could be present-

     A communication herewith filed and marked. was received from
Mrs. Mary E. Hibler requesting that she be released from paying
the subscription of $500 made 1869 or 70 by her Husband. Henry -.
Hibler to Ky. University and upon which suite has been brought
and judgement obtained.
     On motion of Curator Ricketts it was unanimously ordered that
she be released from paying same on condition that she pay the
cost of the suite insured on account of said subscription and
that Regent Bowman is authorized to nave suite dismissed as soon
as said costs are paid-

     Curator Dr. Smith then read the report of the Extive. Committee.
     Curator Worthington moved that the report be received-adopted.


Report of
Regent &
motions con-
cerning same

from Sub. Com.
of Educational
of May 1874

     Curator Tarbitt moved that it be approved but afterwards with-
drew his motion leaving the report to be taken up at some future
time during this session of toe Board.

     Regent Bowman having come in read his report giving detailed
statements of the different colleges of the University.
     Curator J. P. Tarbitt moved to distribute the different por-
tions of the report to the different appropriate standing Committees
     Curator Z. F. Smith moved that two additional committees be
created to take the reports and consider same-
     Curator Smith then read the following communication from Messrs
Hargis  Wlhitaker & Brning-
                                 Maysville, Ky- June 4th/75
     To the Board of Curators of Kentucky University-
          At an Educational convention of the Christian Brother-
hood of Louisville in May 1874 a Committee of twenty one Brethern
was appointed to look after our educational interests in the State-



to raise

     Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June 8th, 1875

     At a recent meeting of said Committee the undersigned were
appointed as a sub committee to take such steps as may be thought
necessary to place Kentucky University in sympathy and accord
with the brotherhood of the State to whom it properly belongs
We therefore respectfully request you to appoint a Committee of
three or more brethren of your members to meet and cooperate
with us in an effort to bring about an amicable and. satisfactory
settlement of all difficulties and Misunderstandings that may
exist between the present managers of the University and the
brotherhood that we nave the honor to represent-
     Hoping to hear from you officially and favourably to the
foregoing request at your earliest convenience we remain very
                         Uour 6bt. Svts.
                            Thomas F. Hargis
                            Emery Whitaker
                            J. B. Brning
     Curator Z. F. Smith then renewed his resolution as followss-
Res. that special Committee be raised to whom shall be respect-
fully refered
1st. The communication of the Sub-Comtee. of the Committee of 21
appointed by the Louisville Convention on the educational interests
of the Christian Brotherhood in the State together with the sug-
gestions of Regent Bowman on the endowment and reorganization of
the Bible College
2. The suggestions in the Regents Report on the finances of the
3. On the suggestion in same report on the representation of the
University at the Philadelphia Centennial
4. On Obituaries-

             /319/     The following Curators compose the Comtee. on the 1st Committee
Suggestion        Viz_ Z. F. Smith. B. B. Groom- J. Z. Price.
                  2. Committee
Finance           Viz. J. P. Tarbitt- P,' C. Ricketts- W. E. Rogers.
                  3. Committee
Centenial            Andrew Steele. Dr. Givens- Geo. White
                  4. Committee
Obituraries          C. T. Worthington- A. Mi. Barnes- L.G. Kinnaird.
                       Professor Patterson having received from Gov. Leslie the
Communitation     appointment of delegate to the International Geographical   onven-
from Prof.        tion to be in Paris, France during the Autumn_ petitions the Board
Patterson adk-    of Curators for a leave of absence for one year on condition that
ing leave of      he supply his place with the services of his Brother and Prof.
absence           Neville or for two months with continuance of his salary moved by
                  Curator Withers that the petition be refered to the Comtee. on
                  A. & M. College - adopted.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1875

Committee on


Session of
June 9,

Curator J. B.
Beck resigns

amended &
approve d

Report from
Comr. on Col.
of Arts.


Report laid
on the table

Report of
Con. on rep-
re senti ng
the Univer-
sity at the
National Cen-
tennial at

     Moved by Regent Bowman that the Committee on amending charter
be discharged - adopted-
     Moved and carried that we adjourn to meet to-morrow morning
at 9 o'clock
     Benediction by Curator Ricketts.

     Board met at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjournment R. M. Bishop in
the Chair.
     The following Curators answered to their names or came in
during the morning session- Curators- Allen- Gratz. Steele- Wasson.
Goodloe- Beck- Woolfolk- Z. F. Smith- Tarbitt- Sloan- Withers-
Campbell- Miller- Rogers- Kinnaird- Crutcher- G. G. White- Barnes-
Lee. Price.
     Session opened by Prayer by Professor Everest.
     Curator James B. Beck tendered his resignation as a member
of this Board which was accepted some voting no-
     Curator Sloan- moved that the minutes be corrected by strick-
ing out the recorded suggestions of Curators Worthington and Sloan-
Adopted and minutes approved.
     Curator Z. F.Smith Chm. of Standing Comtee. on College of
Arts made the following report viz- The undersigned Standing Com-
mittee on College of Arts would respectfully make the following
preliminary and partial report-
     That the Board of Curators are and must be embarrassed in
considering and acting on that portion of the Regents report which
suggests the necessity of consolidating and rearranging the Pro-
fessorships with a view to bring the expenditures with in the
means of the University and to provide for the accumulated indebt-
edness of the same .
They would therefore recommend that the Board request the Profes-
sors in the College of Arts to tender their resignations so as to
leave the Board unembarrassed in carrying out the proper measure
of economy and reorganization.
                             ( Z. F. Smith
                Comtee.     ( Enos Campbell
                             C A. H. Bowman
     On motion of Dr. Smith the report was laid on the table-
     Dr. Givens Chm. of Comtee. on National Centennial made the
following report-
                 We the Cowtee. on the Centennial Celsbration to
be held in the Institution of learning in the United tates gener-
ally are expected to be represented on that occasion and as a
means of presenting the just claims of Ky. University before the
world we would recommend she should be fairly represented at the
Exhibition provided it can be done at a very small or no cost.
Her financial condition being in our Judgement- such as to for-
bid any outlay of note-except for indespensable purposes.
     The above being respectfully submitted we as to be discharged
                        C Geo. W. Givens
            Contee.    ( And. Steele
                        G G. G. Whi te