xt77h41jhn2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77h41jhn2v/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Adjutant-General s Office. 1866  books b92e5092k372009 English Kentucky yeoman office : Frankfort, Ky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky --Militia. United States --History --Civil War, 1861-1865 --Regimental histories --Kentucky. Report of the adjutant general of the state of Kentucky. Printed by authority of the Legislature of Kentucky...1861-1866 text Report of the adjutant general of the state of Kentucky. Printed by authority of the Legislature of Kentucky...1861-1866 1866 1866 2009 true xt77h41jhn2v section xt77h41jhn2v 






VOLUME L-1861-1866.





. .i

' J975

8 613 5 


Adjutant General's Report----------------------------------- v

Officers of the Military Departments of State------------------- vn

First Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------------- 2

Second Kentucky Cavalry----------------------------------- 46

Third Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------------- 63

Fourth Kentucky Cavalry----------------------,-------------- 81

Fifth Kentucky Cavalry___________________________________    108

Sixth Kentucky Cavalry-------------------------------------- 136

Seventh Kentucky Cavalry----------------------------------- 180

Eighth Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------------ 209

Ninth Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------------ 228

Tenth Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------------ 250

Eleventh Kentucky Cavalry---------------------------------- 270

Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry----------------------------------- 302

Thirteenth Kentucky Cavalry-------------------------------- 352

Fourteenth Kentucky Cavalry-------------------------------- 372

Fifteenth Kentucky Cavalry---------------------------------- 393

Sixteenth Kentucky Cavalry--------------------------------- 403

Seventeenth Kentucky Cavalry------------------------------- 404

First Kentucky Veteran Cavalry------------------------------ 423

Second Kentucky Veteran Cavalry---------------------------- 428

Third Kentucky Veteran Cavalry----------------------------- 441

Fourth Kentucky Veteran Cavalry---------------------------- 452

Fifth Kentucky Veteran Cavalry----------------------------- 464

Sixth Kentucky Veteran Cavalry----------------------------- 464


Mechanics and Engineers------------------------------------ 492

Battery A, 1st Kentucky Light Artillery----------------------- 496

Battery B, 1st Kentucky Light Artillery_______________________ 506

Battery C, 1st Kentucky Light Artillery__________________^---- 509

Battery E, 1st Kentucky Light Artillery----------------------- 512

First Independent Battery Kentucky Light Artillery------------ 514

Veteran Battery C, 1st Kentucky Light Artillery---------------- 518

First Kentucky Infantry----1-------------------------------- 524

Second Kentuckjr Infantry___________________________________ 556

Third Kentucky Infantry____________________________________ 592

Fourth Kentucky Infantry----------------------------------- 628

Fifth Kentucky Infantry__________________---------1---------- 684

Sixth Kentucky Infantry____________________________________ 718

I Seventh Kentucky Infantry__________________________________ 748

Eighth Kentucky Infantry___________________________________ 769

Ninth Kentucky Infantry_________________________.----------- 786

Tenth Kentucky Infantry------------------------:------------ 806

Eleventh Kentucky Infantry_________________________________ 824

Twelfth Kentucky Infantry__________________________________ 840

Thirteenth Kentucky Infantry________________________________ 855

Fourteenth Kentucky Infantry-------------------------------- 872

Fifteenth Kentucky Infantry--------------------------------- 892

Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry--------------------------------- 924

Seventeenth Kentucky Infantry------------------------------- 940 


To His Excellency, Thomas E. Bramlette, Governor of Kentucky:

I have the honor to submit the following Report from this office, in conformity with a resolution of the General Assembly, approved the 12th day of February, 1864, which resolution reads as follows: "That the Adjutant General of this State be, and he is hereby, required to procure complete descriptive rolls, as far as practical, of every enlisted man who has entered the service of the State or United States from Kentucky during the present rebellion, and include the same in his next annual report; also, that he embrace in said report a succinct historic record of each Kentucky regiment in the field, or that may have been in the service or may hereafter enlist, and such other general information as may be of interest to the people of the State."

In order that anything like justice might be done to the requirements of the Legislature thus expressed, it has been necessary to make this report emphatically a report of the war, so far as our State was concerned in the same; to take up each officer and enlisted man individually, and trace his career from his entry into the service to his exit therefrom, and to reconcile the discrepancies which would almost unavoidably occur in the various rolls. The resolution itself conveys but a limited idea of the work necessary to be performed in procuring the requisite rolls and papers, aside from the preparation of the report in manuscript. In order, therefore, to account for the delay in presenting this report, it may not be improper to make some mention of the difficulties with which I have had to contend, and of the amount of labor expended in obtaining the necessary data for the compilation of same.

When the late war of the rebellion burst upon us, our State was in a sad condition to meet it. The administration of the State, both in its civil and military departments, was regarded as hostile to the General Government, and, from the political views of its principal officers, in sympathy with the insurrection. The Chief Executive, Governor Magoffin, having refused to furnish the quota assigned our State under the first call made by the President for seventy-five thousand volunteers for three months' service, and the absurd idea of a State owing allegiance and service to a General Government assuming the attitude of armed neutrality toward that Government having lived just long enough to become ridiculous even in the eyes of those to whom it owed its origin, the Legislature, to meet the next call for volunteers, which was made early in the summer of 1861, created a Board of Commissioners, termed the Military Board of Kentucky, to whom were intrusted the arms of the State and all the duties pertaining to the raising, organizing, arming, and equipping troops for the national service. This Board, on entering upon its duties, found the material with which it was to act in the uttermost confusion; but, calling to their aid those two distinguished gentlemen and efficient officers, Genl. John W. Finnell, Adjutant General, and W. A. Dudley, Quarter-Master General of the State, they went rapidly to work, raised the requisite funds, purchased stores, and, in an exceedingly short time, placed in the field, armed and equipped, thirty-odd thousand men, a number largely in excess

Adjutant General's Office, V Frankfort, December 1st, 1866. J

of our quota. Under this system, several regiments having been previously raised at Camps Dick Robinson and Joe Holt, Adjutant General Finnell had but little opportunity to obtain the requisite rolls and reports necessary for perfecting his records. The vast amount of business transacted through this office, growing out of the large number of troops called for,' organized, and placed in the field, the hurried manner in which it was done, and the want of a matured military system, rendered it impossible to procure properly certified rolls and- reports. The General Government not then having a thoroughly organized mustering department, almost every regiment of the first twenty-eight raised by the State were placed in the field during most active military operations before being mustered into the United States service; and, in several instances, where musters were made, the same were set aside by the War Department, because made by unauthorized persons. To supply the deficiencies thus existing, and with a view of complying with the resolution above referred to, Gen. Boyle, who succeeded General Finnell, applied to the War Department for certified copies. This request was at first refused, but the refusal afterwards modified so far as to grant authority to have the copies made and certified by commandants of regiments in the field. In accordance with this privilege, efforts were made by General Boyle, and renewed by myself, to obtain deficient records from the different regiments, but without success. Such was and had been the activity in the various campaigns of our armies, and Kentucky organizations being constantly where the true soldier is placed, in the front, either through abandonment of baggage consequent upon forced marches, or other vicissitudes of the service, the original papers from which certified copies were to be made were lost, and the officers called upon were unable to furnish the same. The office of the Adjutant General at Washington being overrun with business, I had to look to the assistance of the United States Mustering Officers in the field, and at points of rendezvous of Kentucky troops for discharge, in obtaining records of such troops as were mustered in and discharged in their respective departments; and owing to the kind and uniform courtesy and assistance of Brevet Colonel W. H. Sidell, acting Assistant Provost Marshal General, and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer for Kentucky, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Alfred L. Hough, Chief Commissary of Musters of the Department of the Tennessee, and Brevet Major Charles H. Fletcher, United States Mustering and Disbursing Officer, stationed at Louisville, Kentucky, to each of whom I desire in this connection to express my warmest thanks, I have been enabled, notwithstanding the troubles experienced, to make the records of my office aud the statistics of this report more complete than at first I had reason to hope for. I have exhausted every means known to me of supplying the lew deficiencies now existing.

Another source of great inconvenience and cause of delay was removed by the Legislature at its last session, by providing for the publication of this report; since which time the work has been pressed with all the vigor 

my limited force hns been capable of. The report consists of two volumes, and, for convenience of reference, has been made up in four schedules. Schedule A contains the individual history of each officer and enlisted man from the State mustered into the United States service, by companies and regiments, as compiled from the rolls and other authentic records in this office, with a short historic statement of marches, battles, skirmishes, &c.,~together with a table of casualties at the end of each regiment, in the following order as to the arm of service, viz: Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, and Infantry, the non-veteran organizations of each arm followed by the veterans.

Schedule B is similar to A, but only embraces State troops, not militia proper.

Schedule 0 gives the same information in regard to the militia proper ordered on duty.

Schedule D contains an alphabetical list of officers, original rank and promotions, number of regiment and residence.

Schedule E is a complete list of General and Staff Officers from Kentucky, appointed and commissioned by the President of the United States.

The first volume contains so much of schedule A as embraces the Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers, and the first seventeen Regiments of Infantry. In this the statistics of the 2d and 3d Regiments of Cavalry, and the 8th, 12th. and 16th Regiments of Infantry, are defective, the extent of, and the cause for which, is set forth in a proper remark in each case. In the 4th Regiment of Infantry the non-veterans were not regularly mustered out of the service, but their names were borne upon and accounted for on muster-out rolls of the veterans.

I may here remark, that, in some few instances, a just standing upon the records is not exhibited herein, owing to the fact that the status of the officer or soldier has been changed by orders from the War Department correcting errors on the rolls since the report had gone to print. As an instance of this, I would cite the case of Sergeant Humphrey Hyde, of Company A, 4th Kentucky Infantry. On the muster-out roll of Company A, 4th Kentucky Infantry, he is reported as a deserter, which is manifestly an error, and by order of the War Department, dated November 7th, 1866, the charge is removed and the records corrected, showing him to have been discharged April 15th, 1862. These corrections and alterations will appear in an appendix to the second volume of this report.

The historic records are not as perfect as I could have wished them in some instances; and if injustice has been done any organization in this respect, it is owing entirely to the officers of that command, who have

been repeatedly called upon for such information as would enable mo to perfect their regimental history.

It has been fashionable with some to reflect upon the loyalty of our State; but every true man must feel and cordially confess that Kentucky has, during the late war, under circumstances far more trying than those surrounding any other State in the Union, discharged her whole fluty. She has at all times, and under all circumstances, promptly responded lo the quotas assigned her, and not with the mercenary purchased by excessive State or local bounty, but with citizens prompted by patriotism to the defense of their Government. In proof of this, the gallant record of our State, I would refer those doubting to the casualty statistics of this report, the record of battles in which Kentucky troops have borne an honorable part, and, lastly, to the seventy-nine stand of colors, those silent yet eloquent souvenirs of toil and danger, now displayed in the Capitol of the State, to remain as evidence of the bravery of her sons, and as an incentive to continued patriotism and sacrifice whenever duty calls. Many of these flags have been pierced by shot and shell, and their folds stained with tho blood of their bearers, but all bearing evidence of the duty which Kentucky troops were expected to and did perform. Certainly, no one will rejoice more than your Excellency in the fact that there is not a blemish upon the escutcheon of a single organization from Kentucky.

Notwithstanding every possible care has been taken to insure correctness in names, dates, and facts, by careful revision of the manuscript before submitting it to the printer, and by re-reading after him the proof-sheets in the office, errors and omissions have doubtless been made; but it is confidently believed that the number and character of defects and inaccuracies that may have occurred will be readily overlooked, when tho extent and magnitude of the work is considered.

In submitting this to your Excellency, I would be doing injustice to my own feelings if I failed to express the obligations I am under to the clerks in my office for their faithful and efficient aid. and especially to Captain Jno. B. Tilford, jr., Assistant Adjutant General, Charles J, Clarke, and Charles Hayden, having charge of departments. It were impossible to find employees more faithful, or whose services could have been more valuable to the State.

Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


Adjutant General of Kentucky. 



MILITARY BOARD. Under act of May 24, 1861.

Beriah Magoffin------------

Samuel Gill---------------

George T. Wood-----------

Peter Dudley--------------

John B. Peyton-------------

MILITARY BOARD. Under act of Sept. 25, 1861.

John B. Temple____________

Peter Dudley______________

Samuel Gill_______________

George T. Wood-----------

E. H. Taylor_______________

MILITARY BOARD. Under act of March 15, 1862.

John B. Temple-------------

Geo. T. Wood______________



Beriah Magoffin__________

James F. Robinson_______

Tho. E. Bramlette.


John W. Finnell, Adjt. Gen___

John Boyle, Adjt. Gen------

Daniel W. Lindsey, Adjt. Gen._

Robert A. Athey, A. A. G_____

James T. Bramlette, A. A. G.John B. Tilford, jr., A. A. G.__ Charles Hayden, Must. Officer.

Chas. J. Clarke, A. D. C_______

Wm. E. Cox, A. D. C_______

QUARTER-MASTER'S DEP. W. A. Dudley, Q. M. General    Jas. F. Robinson, jr., Q. M. G._ Saml. G. Suddarth, Q. M. Gen. Geo. W. Monroe, Q. M. General W. T. Povnter, A. Q. M. Gen..

F. J. Austin, A. Q. M________

A. L. Burke, A. Q. M________

John E. Murrah, A. Q. M_____

Saml. C. Sayres, A. Q. M.    

INSPECTOR GEN.'S DEPT.* Wm. H. Hays, Inspector Gen._ J. T. Bramlette, Inspector Gen. J. Mason Brown, Asst. Ins. Gen.

PAYMASTER'S DEPT. J. B. Temple, Paymaster Gen._ Wm. T. Scott, Paymaster Gen. M. Scott Dudley, A. P. M_____

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Isaac W. Scott, Surgeon Gen._ J. G. Turk, Asst. Surgeon Gen


Chas. D. Pennebaker_________

Jas. W. Gault______________

W. DeB. Morrill_____________

Jas. F. Flint________________


Commissioner. Commissioner Commissioner. Commissioner.

President______	Sep.	25,	'61__

Commissioner___	Sep.	25,	'61__

Commissioner___	Sep.	25,	'61    

Commissioner___	Sep.	25,	'61    

Commissioner___	Sep.	25,	   61__

President Associate



May 24, '61.

May 24, '61.

May 24, '61.

May 24, '61.

May 24, '61.



Brig. General___

Brig. General    Brig. General___

Major. Major-


1st Lieutenant__

1st Lieutenant__

1st Lieutenant__

Brig. General___

Brig. General___

Brig. General.

Brig. General___









Colonel Colonel Major__

Colonel. Captain.

Mar. 15, '62. Mar. 15, '62.

Sep.    1, '59   

Com'der-in-Chief  Aug. 18, '62   

Sep.    1, '63__

Oct. 14, '61. Sep. 1,'63. Aug.   1, '64.

Sep.    1, '63__

April 8, '64. Jan. 23, '64. Mar. 6, '65. Mar.    6, '65.

Oct. 3, '61.

Dec. 2, '62.

Sep. 1, '63.

Jan. 13, '66.

Jan. 7, '65.

Jan. 7, '65.

Jan. 14,'65.

Feb. 17, '65.

Mar. 6, '65.

Mar. 22, '65. Nov. 13, '65. Nov. 30, '63.

Sep. 6, '62. Sep. 2, '63. April  1, '65.

Sep. 2, '63. Oct.    3, '63.

April 19, '64. April 1, '65. Aug. 8, '65. April   7, '64.

Harrodsburg, Ky_____

Louisville, Ky_______

Munfordsville, Ky____

Frankfort, Ky_______

Frankfort, Ky_____

Frankfort, Ky_____

Louisville, Ky_____

Munfordsville, Ky.___

Frankfort, Ky.___.

Frankfort, Ky_______

Munfordsville, Ky____

Harrodsburg, Ky_____

Georgetown, Ky______

Columbia, Ky.

Covington, Ky. Louisville. Ky. Frankfort, Ky.

Covington, Ky. Columbia, Ky.

Danville, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Frankfort, Ky.

Lexington, Ky-----

Georgetown. Ky._.

Columbia, Ky_____

Frankfort, Ky.

Winchester, Ky______

Bowling Green, Ky.   

Falmouth, Ky_______

Lebanon, Ky______

Frankfort, Ky_____

Springfield, Ky------

Columbia, Ky_____

Frankfort, Ky-----

Frankfort, Ky. Lexington, Ky. Lexington, Ky.

Louisville, Ky. Columbia, Ky.

Washington, D. C.

Louisville, Ky-------

Louisville, K}r-------

Louisville, Ky_______


Term of service expired September 25th. 1861. Term of service expired September 25th, 1861. Term of service expired September 25th, 1861. Term of service expired September 25th, 1861. Term of service expired September 25th, 1861.

Term of service expired March 15th, 1862. Term of service expired March 15th, 1862. Term of service expired March 15th, 1862. Term of service expired March 15th, 1862. Term of service expired March 15th, 1862.

Resigned August, 1862. Resigned August, 1862.

Resigned August 18th, 1862.

Was elected Speaker of the Senate, and became Governor upon the resignation of Gov. Magoffin; term of office expired September 1st, 1863.

Term of service expired August 31st, 1863. Resigned August 1st, 1864.

Was Inspector General from October 31st, 1863, to August 1st, 1864; then Inspector and Adjutant General to February 15th, 1865; then Adjutant General.

Term of service expired August 31st, 1863.

Resigned November 9th, 1863, to accept commission as Lieutenant Colonel 12th Kentucky Cavalry.

Assigned to duty in Adjutant General's Office. Assigned to duty in Adjutant General's Office. Assigned to duty in Adjutant General's Office.

Resigned October 30th, 1862.

Term of service expired August 31st, 1863.

Resigned January 13th, 1866.

Resigned March 14th, 1865.

Resigned March 25th, 1865.

Resigned March 6th, 1865.

Relieved from duty November 7th, 1865.

Resigned May 15th, 1865.

Resigned November 13th, 1865. Resigned February 15th, 1866.

Commissioned Colonel of the 45th Kentucky Infantry.

Term of service expired August 31st, 1863.

Accidentally killed on Lexington and Frankfort railroad June 9th, 1866.

Term of service expired February 15th, 1866. Term of service expired February 15th, 1866. Term of service expired February 15th, 1866.

* The rank of Inspector General was reduced from Major General to Major, and the rank of the Assistant Inspector General from Colonel to Captain, by an act of the Legislature, approved March 6th, 1865. 
   schedule: a.




N A M B.

Frank* Wolford...,------

Silas Adams-----------

John W. Letcher-------

Francis N. Helveti------

John A. Brents---------

William A. Coffee------

William N. Owens------

Thomas Rowland-------

Alverson T. Keen-------

Fountain T. Fox-------

George W. Dryc--------

Francis M. Wolford-----

William 1). Carpenter... Matthew H. Blackford__

"Elijah Cox------------

John A. Brady---------

Hawkins Brown--------

James C. Rifle---------

Andrew A. Campbell   

Albert G. Huffman_____

Win. H. Honnell_______

Philip W. Cox.___-----

David A. Davis--------

James M. Swiggett-----

George H. Norton------

|)1S( 'II A I!(JED.

Feland Bland__________

Benjamin Owens-------


Clinton Hocker________





Lieut. Colonel     Lieut. Colonel    










R. Quart" r-M aster Reg. Com. Sub. _

Surgeon _______

Surgeon _______

Ass't Surgeon   

Ass't Surgeon___

Ass't Surgeon___


Sergeant Major. Q. M. Sergeant-Corn. Sergeant__

Hospital Steward

Sergeant Major.' Hospital Steward

Com. Sergeants!

Julv 22. 1861. Jufv 22, 1861. .Julv 22, 1861. Aug. 4, 1861.. July 27, 1861.

Sept. 11, 1861. Sept. 12. 1861. July 25. 1861.

July 18, 1861. July 27, 1861> Aug. 24, 1861. July 27, 1862. July 18, 1861. Oct. 28, 1861.. June 28, 1862. Oct. 28, 1861.. Dec. 27, 1862. Mar. 14, 1863. Aug. 10, 1861. July 23, 1861. Nov. 9, 1861.. Nov. 1, 1861.. Aug. 13, 1861.


.   Aug: 25,;r&lj

July h[ 1  61;_



Oct. 28, ;61. June 16.'64. Oct. 28,''61.

Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Julv 31, '62. Julv 16,'64. July 14, '64.


July 27, '62. June. 6, '63. Oct. 28, '61. Aug. 24,'62. Oct. 28, '61. Jan. 9, '63.. Mar. 14, '63. Oct, 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Nor. 9, '61. Nov. 1, '61 Oct. 28, '61.

I 6ct. "28**11


Camp Dick Robinson.

Lexington, Ky.:------

('amp Dick Robinson.

Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson.

Columbia, Tenn-----

Marietta, Georgia----

Lexington, Ky-------

Mt. Sterling, Ky_____

Murfreesboro, Tenn._.

Somerset, Ky________

Camp Dick Robinson. Murfreesboro, Tenn._. Camp Dick Robinson.

Somerset, Ky_______:.

Stanford, Ky________

Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson.

Somerset, Ky________

Camp Williams_____

Camp Dick Robinson.

Damp Dick Robinson.

: OcK 2S,' 'fc'll Camp Dick Robinson.

3 yrs. 3yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. :;. vrs_

3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs:

Cujr^Dick Robinson.

3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yes. 3 yrs.

3 yrs. 3 yrs.

3 yrs.



Dec. 31. '64. Dec. 31, '64.

Dec. 31, '64. Dec. 31, '64.

Dec.-31, '64. Dec. 31, '64. Dec. 31, '64.

Dec. 31, '64.

Dec. 31, '64.

Dec. 31, "64. Dec. 31, '64. Dec. 31, '64. Dec. 31, '64. Dec. 31, '64.


Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky.

Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky.

Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky.

Camp Nelson, Ky.

Camp Nelson, Ky.

Camp Nelson, Ky. (.'amp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky. Camp Nelson, Ky.


George W. Sweeney.

Silas G. Adams______

Francis M. Wolford.

.lames Humphrey____

Thomas Watson_____

William Adams_____

Win. T. Humphrey

Eastham Tarrant___

John G. Brown_____

George S. Wesley__

Robert S. Pierce____

James W. Stephens.

James M. Logan____

George W. Gadbury

William Bailey____

John M. Sharpe____

Wm. L. Brown_____

John 0. Staton_____

Brown, John C_____

Butt, Richard______

Bowman, John L.__

Bill. Joseph G:_____

Brown George W.__

Chapman, John____

Carman, Alex. C____

Carman, James R ._

Coirey, Joseph_____

Carins, James F_____




1st Lieutenant 2d Lieutenant. 2d Lieutenant. 1st Sergeant._ 2d Sergeant    3d Sergeant    4th Sergeant__ 6th Sergeant-Corporal _____

















July 17, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 17, 1861. Dec. 10, 1861. July 27, 1861. Nov. 11, 1861. July 26, 1861. July 24, 1861. July 26, 1861. July 26, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 20, 1861. Aug. 3, 1861.. July 27, 1861. July 20, 1861. July 27, 1861. July 26, 1861. July 21, 1861. Aug. 5, 1861.. July 27, 1861. July 27, 1861. Nov. 14, 1861 July 27, 1861. Dec. 21, 1861. Aug. 5, 1861..

Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61_ Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Dec. 31, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Dec. 31, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Dec. 31, '61. Oct. 28, '61. Dec. 31, '61. Oct. 28, '61.

Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson-Camp Dick Robinson-Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson.

Liberty, Ky_________

Camp Dick Robinson.

Liberty, Ky_________

Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson-Camp Dick Robinson-Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson Camp Dick Robinson-Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson. Camp Dick Robinson.

Liberty, Ky_________

Camp Dick Robinson.

Liberty, Ky_________

Camp Dick Robinson.

3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs_ 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs_ 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs.

April 14,'62.

Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

31, '64. 31,'64. 31,'64. 31, '64. 31, '64: 31,'64. 31,'64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31,'64. 31,'64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31,'64. 31, '64. 31,'64. 31, '64. 31, '64. 31, '64.

( 'amp Camp Camp Camp ('amp Camp Camp Camp t 'amp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp ('amp ('amp Camp ('amp Camp Camp ('amp Camp

Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky.. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. Nelson, Ky. 




Dismissed the service.

Entered the service as Reg. Q. M.; promoted Capt. Co. "A" April 14th, 1862; promoted Lt. Col. Nov. 28th, 1863; promoted Col. June 16th, 1864. Entered the service as Lieutenant Colonel; resigned November 28th, 1862.

Entered the service as Major October 28th, 1861; promoted Lieutenant Colonel June 16th, 1864. Entered the service as Major; resigned July 2d, 1862. Resigned October, 1863.

Entered service as Capt. Co. "L"; promoted Maj. July 31st, 1862; captured at Phila., Tenn., Oct. 20th, 1863, and a prisoner at muster-ont of regiment. Entered serv. as 1st Serg. of Co. K; pro. 2d Lt. Co. K, March 3, '62; pro. Capt. Co. K Nov. 13, "02; pro. Maj. July 16, '64; wounded at Dutton Hill, Ky. Entered service as 1st Serg. Co. J; promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. J March 10, 1862; promoted Capt. Co. J July 4, 1863; pro. to Maj. June 27, 1864. Resigned June 4th, 1862.

Entered serv. as Adj.; pro. to Capt. Co. B April 14th, '62; pro. to Maj. Feb. 28, '64; wounded at Rockford, Tenn., Nov. 14, '62; resigned June 9, 1864.

Entered service as 2d Lieutenant Company A; promoted Adjutant July, 1862; promoted Captain Company A November 14th, 1862.

Entered service as 1st Serg. Company G; promoted 2d Lt. April 14th, 1862; promoted Adj. Nov. 14th, 1862; wounded in siege of Knoxville, Tenn.

Entered service as Sergeant Co B; promoted Regimental Commissary Subsistence June 3d, 1863. Resigned December 26th, 1862.

Entered service as Assistant Surgeon; promoted Surgeon December 26th, 1862. Resigned June 11th, 1862..

Resigned June 9th, 1864.

Entered service as private; promoted Sergeant Major December 24th, 1862. Entered service as private; promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant June 6th, 1863. Entered service as private; promoted Commissary Sergeant December 20th, 1862. Entered service as private; promoted Hospital Steward November 1st, 1862.

Discharged December 24th, 1862, to enable him to accept promotion in 8th Kentucky Cavalry. Discharged December 24th, 1862, to enable him to receive promotion in 32d Kentucky Iufantry.

Died December 20th, 1862.


Mustered out of service April 14th, 1862.

Was 1st Lt. from organization of Co.; promoted R. Q. M. June 7th, 1862; promoted Capt. this Co. June 7th. 1862; promoted. Lt. Col. Nov. 28th, 1862. Was 2d Lt. from organization; promoted 1st Lt. June 7, 1862; then Adj. to Nov. 28, 1862; then Cap.; killed in bat. of Hillsboro, Ga., July 31, 1864. Was Serg. from organization; promoted 1st Lt. Nov. 28th, 1862; wounded in battle of Hillsboro, Ga., July 31st, 1864, and left in hands of the enemy. Was Sergeant from organization; promoted 2d Lieutenant June 7th, 1862; resigned November 24th, 1862. Was Sergeant from organization; promoted 2d Lieutenant November 28th, 1862. Was private from enrollment to November 28th, 1862.

Was private from enrollment to November 28th, 1862. Was private from enrollment to November 28th, 1862.

Was Corporal from enrollment to---, 1863; was captured by enemy at Rockford, Tenn., November 14th, 1862; exchanged April 28, 1864.

Captured at Rockford, Tenn., November 14th, 1862; exchanged June 20th, 1804.

Was private from enrollment to July, 1863.

Was private from enrollment to July, 1863.

Was private from enrollment to July, 1863.

Was private from enrollment to July, 1863.

Was private from enrollment to July, 1863.

Was private from enrollment to May 1st, 1864. 




Coffey, Willis A--------

Coffey, Shelby_________

Douglas, Wm. A.------

Durham, Thos. J-------

Durham, Milton H------

Die, Isaiah C-----------

Edwards, James--------

Elliott, John J---------

Faleanberry, Jno. R-----

Gilpin, Eli_____________

Goodin, Pleasant-----

Good, Thos. J--------

King, James, E-------

Logan, John P-------

Lawhorn, Jno. A.____

Minion, James R-----

Minion, Marion------

Marples, David J------

Marples, John________

McGuire, Wm. J--------

Mecks, Andrew J-----

Pierce, Wm. M.______

Partman, James C.___

Patterson, Geo. B-------

Phelps, Larking________
