xt77d795b098 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d795b098/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-12-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1992 1992 1992-12-04 2020 true xt77d795b098 section xt77d795b098  

Ke ntucky Ke mel



Voi. XCV N0. 38

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Friday. December 4, 1992

United Nations to send U.S.-led forces to Somalia


By Andrew Katell
Associated Press


I'Nl'l‘lil) NA'I‘ltiNS m The
United Nations launched the
world‘s biggest armed humanitarian
rescue last night. sending a force
led by 28.000 Amerierms to silence
the gutis of Somali bandits and help
feed hundreds of thousands of
starving people.

President Bush ordered llS. fore-
cs to prepzuc to go. An announce.
rnertt is expected after he consults
today with Congress.

()nce Bush gives the order. |.800
troops aboard a three-ship strike
force floating in the Indizm ()cczm
could Iaiid on Somali benches witli-
in hours. and the full force of
2S.000 could arrive vvitliiti weeks




'l‘lie 15~member l'..\'. Security


‘11 ’am'rglfbr 'Peai'e


Council. outraged by the plundering
of relief aid destined for refugee
camps filled with the dying. voted
unanimously for the huge operation
and asked other member states to
contribute troops and money.

France was to send about 2.000
soldiers. Belgium mat the African
nations of 7irnbabwe. Nigeria and
Kenya also offered troops ltaly‘
promised aid.

l"or all the boldness of the move.
it catne more than a year after se-
vere food shortages and civ rI unrest
were first reported iii Somalia. And

the Security Council mandate was
vague: to use “all necessmy means"
to create “a secure environment"
for relief operations.

'lhe resolution did iiot say if that
riiight mean creating some kind of
li.N.-controlled civil government iti
chaotic Somalia. or whether the
troops would try to disarm bzmdits
and militiamen. It said nothing
about who would pay for the opera-
iioti. or how Ioiig it would last.

“No longer than is necessary."
IRS. Ambassador Idward Perkins
said. adding that troops would steer
away froirt political interference: “It
is for the Somali people to decide
their own future."

Somalia. a country with no time
tioning government. was represent—

See SOMALIA. Back Page



Associated Press

I-‘(iR'I' CAMPBlil I.. Ky.
Soldiers and their families at the
home of one of the nation's elite
quick-strike frgliiitig rriiits waited
yesterday tor some official word
about a possible US. troop de-
ploytiient in Somalia.


"We‘re hearing a lot ot rumors
and a lot oi people are calling us.
brit we have not been notified."
said May. Id (irrbbins. a spokes»
man tor i‘ort Campbell. home of
the Army‘s liilsi Airborne liivi-

:\ lib it‘lt't‘ iii nearly 331““


Ft. Campbell troops may be deployed

was ready ycslet‘day‘ tor ilcployr
merit to Sotrialia it a buried Na»
trons atriliorr/ed rise oi military
have to safeguard food and inedi-
cine shipments to siarv ing people
iii the \\'.tl':;t\'.tg‘t‘tl last African

‘\ iop Pentagon oitteial who
spoke yesterday on the condition
of anonymity said l.S00 Marines
fioni a ihree~sliip strike ior'ee will
be ttie first to land. followed by
I(t.000 more Marines irotii Camp

l’endleton. Calif. and l0.000
Army troops iioiit loit lir‘inn.
.\' Y

President Bush met ycsterrkiy
with top generals to finali/e plans
for a mission in Somalia pending
l.\ autliort/atiori

l veri without airy indication
tliai a deployment by Iori Camp-
bell‘s paratroopeis immi-
nent. tension aioiiiid the base on
the Ktniucky 'l'cnnesscc border
has been ev ident lot a lew days

‘A .is

lots oi r'rniiois
but nobody really knows
anything." said .lett Motiletth. .t
cleik at l’al‘s Shop My market a
few illllliilt'ti yaids away tiotii the
sprawling littst"\ tiiarti gate.

“ l'liere‘s been




Cats defeat Duke 3-1,
earn rematch against
league rival Florida


By Ty Halpin
Assistant Sports Editor


I wclve clenched fists \llllllilitllC‘
onsly knifed towards the Memorial
Coliseum ceilnig followitig outside
lirtter Molly I)reisbach‘s match-
elosirig block in last night's first
round NCAA volleyball match.

'I'nc next picture overshadowed
the previoris one. A chorus of
cheers from the almost 1.000 fans
who attended the match. tnass
high-fives. hugs. and congratula-
tions were abound.

'I‘he lotli-ranked UK volleyball
terun overpowered the Duke Blrrc
Devils for the first two games. and
then liririg on for the 3-1 victory.
IIK coach Kathy l)eBoer saw her
team‘s perfonnance as good. brit
riot incredible.

"We started out the match very
intense and very focused. After we
won the first two games. our inten-
sity and focus r'ally faded." she
said. “I'm very. very happy for the
win. I‘m very happy to have these
kiird of lessons arid still be able to
have a win."

Duke coach .lon Wilson said llK
didn't show hiiii :utything new in
this match.

“They did what we expected
them to do." he said. “Hats off to
them. 'lhcy really controlled the
match early."

I)eBoer attributed some of the

intensity to the basketball rivalry
these two schools have.

“'lhe tiariic I)rike stirs up leel-
mgs ol rivalry and animosity Ill
Kentucky people I ilirrik since last
year." she said. “We were really
excited about having them for a
first round opponent for that rea-

Senior Angela Salvatore. who
played her last home match for
I'K. led the team in kills with I?
and hit for a .433 percentage. The
middle blocker also added It) digs
and four blocks.

Salvatore was glad to play well
in her last gzune.

“I knew it was my last home
game. I knew that if we didn‘t play
well it could be the last of my ca-
reer. but l wasn't going to let that

Junior Iiunice 'lhomas also had
a strong showing. contributing IS
kills. eight digs and seven total
blocks. Setter Jane Belanger. who
has been one of liK's most consis-
tent players all ycar. put iii 55 as-
sists turd eight digs.

'lhe Cats head to Florida next
weekend to meet the fifth-ranked
(iators. who defeated lilorida State
in three straight games.

DeBoer thinks her tetun should
go into I’lorida loose.

“Florida has everything to lose."
she said. “We can beat It'lon‘da."

Salvatore’s squeakless play gave UK a solid wheel for four seasons

The lone senior on llK‘s volley-
ball team played the final home
match of her career last night for
the second time iii three weeks.
this time against the University of
Scholar Athletes. otherwise known
as Duke Ii.

No special postgame receptions
this time. though. lust another
notch in the win column and the

inspiring shot to play on." more
game. to stay alive in the big
dance ktiowii as the NCAA tourna-

Last riiglii Angela Salvatore
sparked the Wildcats‘ explosion in
their 3—I victory. leaving behind a
slew of monster numbers and more
records than l)irura Ross. which
seemed to be a just conclusion to a







Mark Sonka



qriict career at Memorial Coliseum
that hardly resembled the Big

Salvatore does not draw attcn«

Kernel Columnist

tioii to hersell nor does she corn—
plaiii when tliitigs don't go her
way. as happened 'I‘hariksgrvrrig
Day last week iii Birmingham.
when she was rgiiored in the bal-
loting for the AllSoutheastern
Conference team.

You could think ot better ways
to give thanks.

lior some reason. people don't

notice Angrla Salvatore like they
do her younger l'K teammates.
who teed ott her play like the Chi-
cago Bulls do Michael Jordan.
Krista Robinson isophomoiei. |.ti-
nice lliomas tinnior'i and Jane Be
langcr litiriioii vvcr't named lust
tcaiii .»\ll».\l:(‘. Angela Salvatore
wasn‘t even on the l.‘.~member
second learn.



LEFT: Sophomore outside
hitter Melody Sobczak
bumps a ball during UK's 3-1
victory over Duke last night
in the first round of the

NCAA Tournament at Memo-
rial Coliseum. Sobczak add-
ed nine kills in 27 attempts
and three block assists to the
Wildcats' cause.

ABOVE: Senior middle block-
er Angela Salvatore serves
for UK. Salvatore had 17 kills
in 30 attempts and only four

She lust shrugged it ott

Iler wheel is and has always
been ilic well-oiled one. retusmg
to squeak even rt circumstance dc»
mandcd it. like during her tumor
season when she finished fifth iii
the league in hitting i BTW the year
before. yet still plaved behind two
tiiiddlcs :it her own school.

See SONKA. Back Page




Not-so-regular Joe Dittie is scheduled to pertorm at Rentro Valley’s
Entertainment Center on Sunday. Story. Page 2.


Basketball teams from Murray State. UConn and George Washington
invade Lexington this weekend for the Lady Kat Invitational

Tournament. Story. Page 3,


Cloudy today with a 60 percent chance of rain; high between 40 and 45.
Becoming partly cloudy and cold tonight; low between 20 and 25. Partiy
sunny and cold tomorrow; high around 35.


Diversions .........................................

Sports ...............................................
Viewpoint -. .........................................
Classifieds ........................................

....................................................... 2
....................................................... 3
....................................................... 4
....................................................... 5




Law school


Staff reports


A SI million scholarship endow-
ment honoring fonner (iov. Ben 'I‘.
Combs was announced yesterday in
a ceremony at the UK College of

'Ihe :utnouncemeni of the endow-
tncnt and a campaign to fund it
came on the first anniversary of the
Powell County accident that
claimed (‘ornbs‘ life at the age of
80, Combs drowned after his car
was swept into the rain-swollen
Red River. apparently after he had
attempted to driv ‘ across a flooded
rural road.

Rutheford B, Campbell. dean of
the law school. said at the ceremo-
ny that the endowment already is
well on the way to being frrnded.
The college has received riiore than
$600,000 in pledges and gifts for
the scholarship fund.

“This tremendous outpouring of
support in such a short period of
time and in such a relatively low—
key campaign to this point shows
the great esteem in which people
everywhere held (my Combs."
Campbell said.

“Support for education at all lev-
els is quite obviously the way Bert
Combs would want Kentuckians to
express their fondness for him."

announces Bert T. Combs

added lorrner (iov. Ned 'I. Brea-
tliitt. the chairman ot l'K's Board
of 'I‘rtistces. “l‘here has been no
greater champion oi education."

Combs. a Clay County native and
1037 graduate ot I'K‘s College of
law. ptishcd sc\cra| education ini-
tiatives as governor. brii. arguably.
his largest impact long after leaving
office was supporting the impover-
islicd school districts III the state

In I985. Combs tried a lawsuit
against the state on behalf ot (v6
poor school districts. 'llie lawsuit
alleged that Kentucky‘s system of
financing primary and secondary
education was unconsirtutional be-
cause it discriminated against \lll<


dents in “property poor districts "

Ilic Kentucky Supreme Court
agreed with Combs and. in a sweep
mg I‘N‘i decision. declared the
state's more public school system

(‘ombs‘ court challenge became
the catalyst tor the Kentucky l’xlu-
cation Reform Act. an ornnibUs
package draltcd by the (icneral As-
sembly to trindamentally reshape
Kentucky primary and secondary

Contributions to the Bert Combs
Scholarship l~'rrnd may be made at
30‘) l aw Biirldrrig




By Dave Lavender
Arts Editor

A Ricky Van Shelton song with a
little gender twist says it best:
“Don‘t blame him. life turned him
that way.“

In Joe I)iffie's case, life turned
him into a workaholic. Only this
time around this not-so—regular Joe
has a job most people only dream
about ~ being a country singer.

“A lot of people think it‘s not
any work, In fact. I had a guy stick
his head on the bus the other day
and say. ‘Well. you guys got it
made.‘ I said, ‘Oh. yeah, work an
hour a night and make all kinds of

“A little tongue in cheek thing
there. It's a lot of work. but on the
other hand. it beats the heck out of
working in a foundry. that's what I
did for nine years. So. it‘s really
not work."

I)iffie. who is bringing his Regu-
lar Joe tour to chfro Valley this
Sunday. has proved on his first two
albums. which have garnered nu-
rnerous No. I singles including {our
on his solo debut. that he is one of
the hottest and most country correct
of the relatively tiew faces on the
Nashville scene.

liven at all early age I)iffie. the
son of a school teacher. was a hard
working overachiever. From high
school in Velma. Okla. where he
was voted most likely to succeed to
the oil fields in Alice. Texas. where
he worked driving a pump truck af-
ter getting married, Diffie learned.
as the Kentucky author Jesse Stuart
wrote. that there‘s “no substitute
for sweat."

Diffie brought his new wife back
to Oklahoma. playing in bluegrass
and gospel bands while working in


Diffie delivers new, blue-collar country

Former foundry worker
not your ‘Regular Joe’

a foundry until it closed in 1986.

The year 1986 was about as good
to Diffie as 1992 has been to Brit-
ain‘s royal family. As Queen Eliza-
beth said in a newspaper article.
“It‘s been horrible."

Diffie lost his wife. his kids and
his job. He filed bankruptcy. But.
instead of driving him to drinking.
it drove him to Nashville. Diffie,
who also was about 70 pounds
overweight. borrowed a pickup
truck to move his furniture. hit a
bull and totalled the truck.

Diffie was well on the way to
compiling a life‘s resume wonhy of
only perhaps a blues singer, but all
the chaos made him realize that he
had nothing to lose if he followed
his dreams.

“It's kind of always been there."
I)iffie said. “I always wanted to be
a doctor most of my life. I never
really ever considered (singing
country music) as a career. It was
more of a hobby thing for me.

“I didn't really decide until
around 1986. I thought maybe I
wanted to just do it for a living.“

I)iffie went to work at Gibson
Guitar Company. During his time at
Gibson. I)iffie became known
around Music City as a good demo

“You get little things going here.
little things going there. Little bit of
bright news comes your way, then
you‘d have to wait. It seemed like it
took forever to happen."

But it was the songwriting of Dif-
fie. whose stock was rapidly rising
after penning such hits as “I‘ve



Staff reports


The UK Art Department is go-
ing to let it all hang out tonight.
And even before midnight. From
6 to 0 p.m. every art studio. eve-
ry classroom. every nook, cran-
ny and hallway of the Reynolds
Building will be open and filled
with paintings. sculptures. draw‘
ings. ceramics, graphics. photo-
graphs. fiber and mixed-media

From faculty to graduate stu-
dents to first-year students. the
works of more than 100 an stu-
dents and faculty members will
be on display — and on sale.

The second-annual Art De-


Art sale tonight at 6

partment Open Studio is a
chance for the UK community to
come into the studios of both fa-
culty and graduate students. so
ciali'Ie and come away with sub-
stantial artwork at a reasonable
prices. as every artwork will be
priced less than $50.

Likened to an artistically grati-
fying yard sale. the open studio
sale also will feature the sounds
of three diversified bands. Root
Hog. The Yonders and Serpent
Wisdom, which will perform in
the big gallery area.

Central Bank also will hold its
jury for selecting the student
pieces that will be displayed in
its “Student Showcase" exhibit
in January.




(‘ried My Last Tear For You" for
Ricky Van Shelton and “There
Goes My Heart Again" for Holly
Dunn. that brought in his first cash
from the music business.

"I don't ever write by myself. I
don't like to for some strange rea-
son. So I have three or four co—
writers I write with a lot. I stick
with writing with those guys.

“Basically. I guess you draw on
some of your past experiences to
write some of the songs. I know ‘If
You Want Me To‘ is pretty autobio-
graphical about my first marriage.
but most of the time you draw on
your imagination and situations you
know exist."

After three years in Nashville.
I)iffie secured a recording contract
with Epic and recorded his solo al-
bum whose first single was
"Home.“ a song written by I)iffie.
that hit No. l on the Gavin Report.
R & R and Billboard charts. the
first debut country single to accom-
plish that feat.

I)iffie racked up three tnore con-
secutive No. l singles with “If The
Devil Danced." “New Way (To
Light Up An Old Flame)" and the
autobiographical “If You Want Me
'I'o" off his album A Thousand
Winding Roads.

Although it had been nearly six
years since Diffie had perfomied
live, he found a group of six guys in
Atlanta for his band. called them
Heartbreak Highway and did a
whopping 200 tour dates in 1991,
which showcased not only a new
band. but also a new Joe —— as Dif—


f'ie won the weight battle going
from a size 38 to a 32 iii jeans.

Diffie‘s second album Regular
Joe. has been as equally impressive
both from an artistic turd commer-
cial standpoint. Already “Is It (‘old
In Here" and “Ships ’lhat Don't
(Tome In," his first two singles have
gone to the top. “Next 'l‘hing Smo—
kin‘ " and his duet with Mary-
Chapin Carpenter. “Too Much To
Ask." look like they‘re heading in
the same direction.

“We did a program together.“
said Diffie of how his duet with
Carpenter came about, “It was a
call-in program where listeners
called in. So, while music was play—
ing and mikes were off. we were
singing each other‘s tnusic and the
guy who was the DJ said, -lley. you
ever thought about doing a duet to-

“Mary's eyes lit up and she goes.
‘You know. I got a song I'm work-
ing on right now that I think needs a
duet partner. Would you be interest-
ed‘." I said. ‘Well yeah.‘ I thought it
was one of those "Let‘s do lunch‘
things. but next thing you know I‘m
iii the studio singing with her."

Unlike many of today's new
country singers who have listed in-
fluenccs as wide as Michael Jack-
son and Meatloaf. I)it't‘ie's rever-
ence to the “old farts" of country
music as Marty Stuart said III fun
on his Grand Ole ()pry debut. is
shown in the than and his music.

In fact when listing his greatest
thrill in Music City. he doesn't even
mention making one of the biggest
impacts on the country charts in the
history of the industry.

Diff'ie's greatest thrill since com-
ing to Music City more than six
years ago is not the slew of No. 1
singles he has piled up from only
two albums or his nominations for


The Blueberries: Chad Ward, Otto Helmuth and Andy Mason
will be at the Wrocklage Saturday for an album release party.







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Joe Diffie, one of country’s hottest new acts. is bringing his
Regular Joe tour to Renfro Valley this Sunday for two shows.

the industry‘s top awards. It was the
chance to sing with the ole Possum.
(ieorge Jones.

Diffie first sang with the legen-
dary singer in Rhinelander. Wis.
and recently accompanied Jones at
the Grand Ole Opry.

“I was thinking, ‘I czur‘t believe
I‘m sitting up here with the tnost
legendary singer in country music
and my hero. and I'm getting to sit
there shoulder to shoulder and sing
with him.‘ "

Diffie also stands in awe of the
vast history of country music whose
roots go back to the I940s when
hillbilly music was broadcast to

folks via radio programs on WSM
in Nashville and Rertfro Valley‘s
Barn Dance show.

"It's still about the only place I
get nervous when I go out to sing."
I)iffie said about the Opry. “I guess
the history that's there. Everybody I
listened to as a kid has played on
the Opry.

“It‘s a big thing to do something
like that. I‘m sure Renfro Valley
will be the same situation.“

Joe I)iffie will be in concert Sun-
day at 2 and 6 p.m. at Renfro Vai-
ley's Entertainment Center. Tickets
are $12.50. For ticket information.
call I (801)) 765-7464.

Blueberries ripe, ready
to roll the Wrocklage


By Matt Harrison
Contributing Critic

Every few years a band comes
along that reminds people what
rock ’n‘ roll is all about. Lexington
is fortunate enough to have such a

The Bluebem'es are a three-piece
band that plays straight—forward
rock. The group focuses its music
on rhythm and strong melodies.

Since the guitarist/vocalist Otto
Helmuth and bassist (Thad Ward
were introduced to drummer Andy
Mason about a year and a half ago.
the band has rocked the Lexington
and Louisville region. (‘alling his
band's music “not especially dance-
able just rock ‘n‘ roll." Helmuth
said. “It was hard to get a solid
crowd at first."

Local music in Lexington is
known for being cover or funk-
oriented. and local crowds were a
little hesitant to listen to a band
without a gimmick. But after people
started listening to the music. the
band's popularity has spread rapid-
ly —— except among one group.

“We seem to catch on quick to
audiences our own ages (22-24) and
the high school crowds. but we‘ve
had a hard time getting into the col-
lege scene." Helmuth said.

But when a band plays music this
good. it’s only a matter of time be-
fore a loyal following starts.



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Asked about the difficulties of
starting out in Lexington, Helmuth
sort of laughs. “We found that the
longer it takes to get a fan, the
longer they‘ll stay loyal."

'Ihe new album, Dinner, contains
15 fine-tuned tracks. The band
shows a variety of influences in-
cluding Neil Young, Big Star,
Beatles. the Who, Police and many
others. 'I‘hat‘s not to compare them
to anyone — because that wouldn‘t
do the Blueberries justice.

Songs like “Dreaming" and
"Washed ()ut“ showcase the up-
beat side of the band. whereas
“Baby“ and “As Deeply As" are
captivating slower songs. All the
tracks on Dinner, except “For
You." have been in the band's live
repertoire for a while.

The version of “For You" on the
album was only the second time
the Blueberries had played the

When listening to the Blueber—
n'es. it‘s easy to hear the perfect
blending of each musician. “Otto
comes from one direction. and I
come from another," Mason said.
“It makes a nice combination. I‘m
always trying to do something dif-

Helmuth said: “The songs kinda
come to me every few months or
so. I bring real basic melodies and
Andy and Chad add to them. It‘s
just pop. Some of it just has a hard-
er edge. It‘s a lot different from
(the songs) on the radio."

Dinner is being marketed in Lex-
ington and Louisville. and to a few
college radio stations around the
nation. The cover art on the album
was taken from the Triptych titled
“Dinner" by Charles L. Helmuth,
Otto's father.

The art matches the band‘s
sound — subtle yet gripping.

The Blueberries will have an al-
bum release parry Saturday night
at 9:30 at the Wrocklage. After the
show, Dinner will go on saleJ'he
CD will cost $8 Saturday night but
will cost $10 when it hits the stores

Opening for the Blueberries will
be the Rug Merchants, a band com-
posed of two members of the Nancy
Druids with Blueberries’ drummer
Andy Mason on guitar.










By Lance Williams
Staff Writer


There should be no shortage of
basketball talent this weekend for
the Lady Kat Invitational 'l‘ouma-
ment. Two Top 25 teams till the
slots in this weekend's toumament.
which begins tonight at 6 at Memo-
rial (‘oliseuin

“When you make that kind of
commiunent to put yourself in that
situation with those kinds of tezuns.
you‘re trying to do it from a com-
munity stzurdpoint to bring the best
basketball that you can to letting-
ton “ l'K coach Sharon lianning

' ud

The competition certainly is not
lacking this year. l’K‘s first oppo-
nent is in~state rival Murray State
til-(ll. who finished at l3»|5 last

“I think Murray will be similar to
Marshall. We match tip with
them si/ewise turd cspcrrencevsise
yery similar." Fanning said

Fanning stressed that the Racers
like to ptislt the ball down Ute floor
and fire tip the three-pointers vs hen»
es er they have the open shot.

'l‘onight's gtunes begin at it put.
with tieorge \\'ashington lacing
l’t‘onn. followed by the l ady Kats
lacing Murray State at S pin. The
winners will advance to the fin ils
which Will be held at 4 p. m tomor-

UK going for it all in home tourney

row. following the consolation
game which will begin at 2 pin.

'lhe other two opponents will
provide the big titunes in the tour—
ritunent. George Washington (0-0)
comes into this tournament rtmked
l ltli in the country. (‘onnecticut (l-
0) is no less as intimidating with its
No, 21 spot in the rtuikrngs.

lit‘onn opened its season Tues-
day night with a 05-58 win over
l-‘aiifield liniyersity.

UK will be assured of facing one
of the reruns. either in the champi-
onship or consolation game.

“We would love to play either of
them." tunior center Jennifer Gray

1 ruining said that alter looking at

last season, finding incentive will
not be a problem when the lady
Kats take to the court tomorrow.

'lhe Lady Kats were hrmded loss-
es by both clubs last season.

UK lost to (icorge Washington
on the road. 7l-oZ. last year turd
faced a New Year's lzve massacre
two weeks later at the hands of
UConn with a 8L.“ loss iii llart-
ford. (‘on n

“This is a whole new year.
though. We have new laces on the
floor. and they have new faces on
the floor. We realize the talent lev-
el and respect that. but we have got
to take our system on the floor:
play hard play sin in and play to-
gether. " l ruining said.

Guest’s debut as coach less than glorious

My debut as a “coach" for the
lady Kats basketball team devel-
oped less gloriously than I hoped.

Trying to bolster public support
for women's basketball. the lady
Kats invite individuals to be a
“Guest Coach" for a gruiie.

l have served as mzuiager and
coach for baseball. soccer and bas~
ketball in youth leagues for l5
years. To “coach" seemed an iron
or and a chance to pick rip tips tor
the lexington Parks and Recrea-
tion basketball tezun l coach. Yet. I
wasn't sure.

"You might be asked to say
something to the team before the
game,“ said Sherri llammons. a
team manager who handles promo-
tions for the Lady Kats.

That sealed it. A coach‘s dream.
A pie-game pep talk to a major
college basketball team. Replace
those Knute Rockne legends! Get a
signed contract. Rick Pitjno! Here

Before my moment in front of
the team. as inglorious as it would
become. head coach Sharon Fari-
ning spoke with me for 40 minutes
in her office filled with trophies.

We talked about problems with
women's basketball. Recruiting in
the shadow of a popular men‘s bas-
ketball team is difficult. Crowds
need to fill Memorial Coliseum.
Fans must demand media cover-

Fanning. a college coach for 17


Mike Agin
General Manager


years. the past six at UK. spoke of
her commitment to improving ant-
ateur athletic programs for women
in Kentucky

Jtist before game time. we en-
tered the locker room '1 be women
already had marked a chalk board
with thoughts as they prepared tor
the season opener against Marshall

Soon I would give my pre~g 'ainc
speech and begin my less th; ur glo—
rious debut as "coach."

l‘aiinrng. wearing a l‘K-blue
blazer. looked like a business own-
t‘l’ addressing hct' sltll‘l‘, She issued
instructions in short. quick declara-
tions on what the players must do
to win. She turned to her guests, in-
troductions came and suddenly. too
soon. Fanning was asking if I
wanted to say anything.

I stepped forward. saw the gaze
of 14 women and blubbered some-
thing about “always being the best
basketball player you cart be." I re-
member my voice quayering and
then my brain issuing a nervous
command to strut up quickly.

’l‘bankfully. as soon as I stopped
talking the team prayed. which at
that moment seemed a much better
source for true inspiration than
some coach wanna-be.

Shortly. we were on the court.

turd I got my next “coaching as-
signment." Fanning handed me her
clipboard turd comintutded that at
timeouts l was to hand it to her. I
laid it on a chair. but .I few minutes
later the young man who handled
equipment held the clipboard. I
wanted it back btit did not ask for

A timeout was called. l‘illllllllg‘
reached to me for the clipboard l
panicked. frantically turning my
eyes everywhere for the clipboard.
'l'hc young man thrust it into her
liturd. and another less than glori«
ous moment tor me passed.

After the timeout. I grabbed the
clipboard and refused to give it tip
again until Fanning asked for it at
the next timeout.

My inglorious moments aside. I