xt77d795b073 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d795b073/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1991 1991 1991-10-14 2020 true xt77d795b073 section xt77d795b073  

Kentucky Kernel


Thomas, Hill
come under fire
during hearings

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — In a long day
and night under the television
lights, the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee heard sharply conflicting tes-
timony yesterday about Anita Hill
and Supreme Court nominee Clar-
ence Thomas, accuser and accused
in a drama that captivated the na-

Outside the hearing room, report-
ers were told that Hill had passed a
lie detector test about her allega-
tions. “Ms. Hill is truthful," said
Paul Minor, head of a private secur~
ity firm in Virginia, in comments
that sent consternation through the
ranks of Thomw’ defenders.

But the test was ruled inadmissi—
ble as evidence at the Supreme
Court nominee’s confirmation hear-

Judiciary Committee Chairman
Joseph R. Biden Jr. said he would
not allow the polygraph results to
be accepted because the committee
had not vouched for the credentials
of the examiner and had “nothing to
do” with ordering the test

“If we get to the point in this
country where lie detector tests are
the basis on which we make judg-
ments, we have reached a sad day
for the civil liberties of this coun-
try," Biden said.

Throughout the day and into the
night. panels of Thomas and Hill
supponers testified on behalf of one
or the other.

Four friends Hill solemnly testi-
fied that in the 19805, she told them
Clarence Thomas had made un-
wanted sexual advances toward her.
A fonner associate of the Supreme
Court nominee countered firmly, “I
know he did no such thing.”

“He wouldn‘t take no for an an-
swer," Susan Hoerchner quoted Hill
as saying about Thomas in the early
19805. Hill added that Thomas said,
“You know if you had witnesses.
you'd have a perfect case against
me," Hoerchner told the panel,
which is probing Hill‘s allegations
of sexual advances and Thomas‘
unequivocal denials.

The Senate is scheduled to vote
tomorrow on confirming Thomas, a



come victim of “the most bigot

preme Court noniitiee

picted as an ugly, sexual carton:
character of the black male.
“Language throughout the his-
tory of this country, and certain
1y throughout my life -— m

of black men, language about the
sex organs of black men and the
sizes, eta,” Thomas said. “That

about black men as long as I’ve
been on the face'of this earth."
Thomas’ assertion of the stereo
otype injected race fully into the
renewed continuation hearings
in yet a new way. The fact that
his accuser, Anita F. Hiil, is a
black woman, had seemed to do


:qomas‘ says

'7 racial issue anyway, suggesting
cuser and the accused Sate both.

black but Cheerios Tim” as"
setted Saturday that he had be_~_

. called Thomas‘s comment “so
' 'tmfortunate charge” that implied
.; *_ the Senate Judiciary Committee

that he was in offset “m8 43* that committee, Republican or
-. cany much weight anywhere tn
guage about the sexual prowess '
kind of language has been used Jymgnfmm her charge that
- mesed and harassed her with inr-

fuse race as an overt motivation
, Thomas however. asserted the '

tool of larger. white interests:
liberals. civil rights groups, and
others who differ with his con.
mivc philosovhy- '

Democrat, who fails in that cate.
gory, he said. “1 don‘t think
that is a charge that is going to


Hill, like Thomas a Yale Law
School graduate, remained
poised tiu‘oiigh her seven boars
as a‘ witness Friday. never wa-
Thomas, humiliated, ember.
id sexual talk'when she worked
for him a decade'ago.

’ Thomas’ sympathetic ques-
tioner, Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-

899 RACIST, Back page






43-year-old black federal appeals
judge whose nomination has turned
into a tale of sex and politics unlike
any other.

And to keep to the schedule, Bid-
en held out the prospect of an all-
night session to hear from each of
the numerous witnesses scheduled
to testify. Biden said Hill and
Thomas would be invited back to
close out the hearings on today.

Far from the crowded committee
room, President Bush issued a fresh
defense of his embattled nominee.
“I believe he will make it," the pres-
ident said before heading off to the

golf course.

Thomas and Hill aside, the day‘s
drama demonstrated that sexual ha-
rassment knows no favorites. One
witness for him and one for her dis-
closed that thcy, too. had been vic-

“Being a black woman you know
you have to put up with a lot," El-
len M. Wells told the committee of
14 white male senators. “So you
grit your teeth and you do it," she
said, adding that she had been
“touched in the workplace" more

See THOMAS, Back page

Said Aouita (right), 1,500-meter world record holder and Olympic and World champion, visited
UK' 5 track Friday afternoon Aouita met with Dr. David Caborn (center) a UK sports medicine or-
thopedic surgeon. Aoutita Caborn and Hugues de Longueveal (left) Aoutita' 5 physical therapist
met with the cross country team before the Wildcats left for Saturday 5 Indiana Invitational

GREG EANS’Kernei Sta”



Students end sit-in protest
on Kentucky State campus

Assoclated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. —— Although
students ended their occupation of
the administration building at Ken-
tucky State University Saturday
night after some of their demands
were met, the president of the alum-
ni association accused the governor
of insensitivity.

Vincent Bakeman said Gov. Wal-
lace Wilkinson was “insensitive” to
the issues raised by the students and

that he “sabotaged" the protest by
issuing a letter Friday saying it
would be “ludicrous" to meet with
“anyone illegally occupying a

Wilkinson could not be reached
for comment yesterday.

The students, estimated at be-
tween 75 to 125, occupied Hume
Hall for nearly two days, entering
early Friday morning and leaving
shortly before 11 pm. Saturday, the
day of the school's homecoming.

Unrvcrsrty President John T.
Wolfe Jr. and Bakeman walked out
with the students. Bakcman said the
students had made their pomt and
that Wilkinson had promised them

Bakcnian read a statement from
the students that said tncy had not
tried to disrupt the university. “Our
only attempt was to be properly
heard." the statement Stud.

See KSU, Page 5

Leaders call for cultural understanding

Contributing Writer

Although protest conccming the
publishing of racist lyrics in this
year‘s Student Activities Board
datcbook ended last month. student
leaders are still working to mend
the rifts it created on campus.

But that's OK for the 30 student
organization leaders who met yes-
tcrday to discuss the impact of the

incident, in which outdated lyrics to
“My Old Kentucky Home" were
printed in the datebook.

Discussion and understanding arc
the only ways to heal what has be
come a divided campus. said the
leaders, who also met to discms a
broad range of topics on cultural

Student Organizations Assembly
president David Haslcr. chief org-tr
nizcr of the E Plurihus Unum Lead-

ership Scnsttivtly conlt'rcncc. \llltl
the cxcnt “,tllowcd people
things if] a diftcrcnt perspective. to

590 the other sidc ofthc fence "

It‘. \‘CL‘

The tonlcrcncc was led in R l\li
Smoot ot thc\ . ition ll (ontcr ncc
of Christians and JCWx. ind by

"1 think 11 1.\ a tw0«w;iy xircct
the best resource is each othcr.‘

See LEADERS. Page 5

Program teaches math through new methods

Contrlbutlng ertor

UK and other state universities
are advising kindergarten and early
elementary math students to throw
away their papers and pencils.

Kentucky K-4 Mathematics Spe-
cialist Program trains teachers to be
math expens and to teach their sub-
ject a little differently, said William
S. Bush, director of the program
and a UK employee in Curriculum
and Instruction-Education Depart-

“Math is getting away from using
paper and pencil." said Sue Jones,
one of the initial trainees in the pro

Jones, a second grade teacher at
Cassidy Elementary School in Lex-
ington, is currently using a Mcln-
tosh computer, IBM computer, cal-
culator and the Manipulative Kit
that each trainee received.

The intent of using technology is
to have children in kindergarten to
fourth grade learn problem solving
and have them communicate with
hands-on material. she said.

The students work in small
groups and use clocks, colored
squares. blocks, beads, dice and
measuring tapes to learn about
numbers and how to communicate
about them, Jones said.

They learn that there is more than
one way to approach a problem and
it may be solved in more than one
way, she said.

"What we wanted was a large
scale enhancement program," Bush

The need for enhancement has
been noted in study after study.

The National Education Goals
Panel released findings last month
ranked Kentucky 25th in math out
of 33 states that participated in the

The report showed “only 46 per-
cent of Kentucky math teachers had
a degree in their subject."

The new concept was born out of
the dream of Kentucky educators
who first met in 1987. Wanting to
enhance education in Kentucky,
they formed a steering committee in
1988 and elected Bush director of
the program.

Now in the second year of a
three-year project the program is
receiving national attention.

“The National Science Founda-
tion is requesting proposals for
states to develop similar statewide
programs to be modeled after Ken-
tucky's proposal,“ he said.

The steering committee submit-
ted a grand proposal of $1.7 million
to the National Science Foundation
in 1988 but was turned down. The
foundation encouraged the educa-
tors to try again.

in August 1989, a new proposal
for $1.3 million was submitted and
the universities received $945,000
to fund the program.

“NSF took a chance on us." Bush
said. "This was the first project like
this in the US.“ Kentucky is on the
Cutting edge because it has the first
statewide program. he said.

In spring 1990, 25 teacher train-
ees came to UK for a three-week
summer institute. The trainees,
working with eight university edu-
cators and eight mathematicians.

See MATH, Back page





William Bush reads from the Kentucky K-4 Mathematics Specialist Program manual, The program tinds
new ways at teaching math to students in kindergarten through lounh grade









Page 4.


Wildcats volleyball team extended winning
streak to seven games this weekend. Story,



“The Waiting Game,” a presentation as part
of Alcohol Awareness Week will be per-
formed at 7 pm. in Blazer Hall. Free admis-


Judge throws out
rule on slurs at

Wisconsin school.

Story, Page 5.

Diversions.,...,.... ,. ,.
Spons ,,,,,
Classifieds..-” .







 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 14, 1991


am - us Calendar



information on this calendar of events is collected from the Student Activmes
on the Calendar a Campus Calendar Form must be filled out at

Board Room 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The information is published as su
the Student Activities Office, Submission of photographs or graphics is encouraged!

pplied by the on-campus sponsor. For Student Organizeo'ons or University Departments 5 make entries
DEADLINE: Entries must reach the Student Actividee Office no Ian M a melt pm! A) pin/cedar!





- SAB Movie: 'Hour of the Star'; free: Cen-
ter Theater; 7:30pm; call 7-8867




Tuesday 10/15

- Artist Series: Pittsburgh Symphony Or-
chestra; $23 regular, $13 students and
senior citizens; Concert Hall; 8pm: call 7-

Wednesday 10/16

- SAB Noon Outdoor Concert Series;
Lawn between the St. Center and Lime-
stone St.; 12pm

- SAB Movie: 'City Slickers'; $2.00; Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm (Wed.-

Thursday 10/17

- SAB Movre: Cty Slickers'; $2.00; Worsham
Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm (Wed.- Sat.)
- Choral: UK Chorale/New Voices, Roger
Wesby, director; tree; Recital Hall; 8pm;
call 7-4929

- perforrrtance: The Oresteia; $8 regular, $6
senior citizen; Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts
Bldg; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets, 73297
for information

Friday 10/18

- SAB Movie: ‘City Slickers'; $2.00; Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm (Wed.-

- Performance: Lexington Philharmonic
Orchestra; $24,$21,$18,$15; Concert
Hall; call 233-4226

- Performance: The Oresteia; $8 regular,
$6 senior citizen; Guignol Theatre, Fine
Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets, 7-
3297 for information

- Artist‘s Reception: Terrie Hancock Man~
gat, Stitched Marks; The Galbreath Gal-
lery; 5-8pm; exhibit runs 10/21 thru 11/23;
call 254-4579

Saturday 10/19

- SAB Movie: 'City Slickers'; $2.00; Wors-
ham Theater; 7:30 and 10:00pm (Wed.-

- Festival: Mozart Bicentennial Festival;
free; Recital Hall; 8pm, call 7-4929

- Performance: The Oresteia; $8 regular.
$6 senior citizen; Guignol Theatre, Fine
Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 7-4929 for tickets, 7-
3297 for information

Sunday 10/20

- Performance: Diane Schurer, sponsored
by SAB; $10 student. $15 general public;
Memorial Hall; 8pm; call 7-8867

- Exhibition: Edward Troye: ‘Famous
American Thoroughbreds”; Art Museum,
Rose St. and Euclid Ave; call 7-5716 (thru

- Festival: Mozart Bicentennial Festival;
free; Recital Hall; 3pm, pro—concert lec-
ture at 2pm in President's Room; call 7-




Monday 10/7

. Lecture: ‘Thomas D. Clark Lectures,
'The Birth and Domestication of Venus‘;
Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm

- Lecture: Luncheon lecture, ‘Equrfest’;
reservations requrred; Headley-Whitney
Museum; 12pm; call 255-6653

Tuesday 10/8

- Speaker: 'Use of Animals in Medical Re-
search'; Free; Rm 230 St. Center; 4-5pm;
call 7-8314

- Lecture: 'Thomas D. Clark Lectures,
'Variations on a Theme: Venus and the
Musician'; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm

- Meeting; Cycling Club meeting; Rm 212
Seaton Center; 8pm: call 233-7438

Wednesday 10/9

- Meeting: RHA Assoc; Free: 3060 Com-
mons: 9pm

- Seminar: Eleanor Sayre, connmsseur-
ship seminar on Goya; free; Art Museum,
Rose St. and Euclid; 2pm; call 7-5716

- Lecture: 'Thomas D. Clark Lectures,
'The Goddess in Love: Venus and Adon-
is'; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm

- Meeting: UKANS; free; Rm 111 St. Cen-
ter; 5:30pm

Thursday 10/10

- Speaker: 'The Fate of Economic Reform
and Restructuring in China'; free; Rm 230
St. Center; 4-5pm; call 7-8314

- Lecture: 'Goya‘s Caprichos: What Do
They Really Mean?'; free; SCFA Recital
Hall; 12:30pm; call 7-5716

Friday 10/11

icon Carbide Polytypes'; Free; Rm
MN363: 2pm


- Lecture: ‘Solid-State NMR Spectra of Si!-


Monday 10/14
- Event: 2nd Annual Party-UKANS Home-
coming Tailgate Party on Nov. 2: for de-
tails, call ASSA at 7-3383 by Fri, 18
- Sale: Elegant Passage Sweater Sale;
Student Center Rm 245; 10am-4pm
- Workshop: 'lnstructional Skills in the
Health Professions’. a teacher improve-
ment workshop; Holiday Inn, North; thru
10/16: call 3-6459
-Play: 'The Waiting Game', Alcohol Aware-
ness; free; Blazar Hall; 7pm; call 7-6600
- Presentation: ”Stepping Up to the Chal.
lenge', by Doug Flynn; free; Alpha Delta Pi
House at 6pm: Alpha Gamma Rho House
at 7pm: call 7-6600
- Presentation: 'Alcohol and Advertising‘;
free; Sigma Pi House; 5pm; call 7-(‘600

Tuesday 10/15
- Support Group: Attention Deficit Disorder
Support Group: free; UK Dept. of Psychia-
try, 3rd floor of John Chambers Bldg;
7:30pm: call 233-6021
- Presentation: 'Stepping Up to the Chal-
lenge“, by Doug Flynn; free; Pi Kappa Al-
pha House at 6pm; Lambda Chi Alpha at
7pm; call 7-6600
- Video: 'Calling the Shots'; free; Patterson
Hall; 7pm; call 7-4401
. Seminar: 'Gene Targeting and P-
glycoprotein Mediated and Metal Resis-
tance in Parasrtic Protozoa'; free; Room
MN563; 4pm
Deadline for International Education small
travel grants; Office of International Affairs

Wednesday 10/16
- Festival: United Way Fall Festival 1991;
Raffle, Bake Sale, Food, Decorated Pump-
kins; Student Center Patio; 11am to 1pm
- Presentation: 'Alcohoi and Advertising';
free; Delta Zeta House; 5pm; call 7-6600
. Video: “Calling the Shots'; free; Haggin
Hall; 7pm; call 7-4401

Thursday 10/17
- Seminar: 'Weaving the Fabric of Wom-
en's Lives'; free; 820 S. Limestone. Medi-
cal Plaza Annex #4; 8:30am-4pm; call 233-
Reading: C.K. Williams Poetry Reading;
free and open to public; SCFA, Pres.
Reading Room; 7:30pm; call 7-2901
- Video: 'Calling the Shots'; free; Kirwan
Hall; 7pm; call 7-4401
- Presentation: 'Final Choices'. UK Drink-
ing and Driving Tragedy; Sigma Chi
House; 6pm; call 7-6600

Thursday 10/17

'The Oresteia'

A”. . W.”
U31 “0.. Lutcatcf


- Seminar: 'Weaving the Fabric of Wom-
en's Lives'; free; 820 S. Limestone. Medi‘
cal Plaza Annex #4: 8:30am-4pm; call 233-
- Deadline: Entries for Health Education
Contest. develop a logo that exemplifies
substance abuse-related themes; due to
516 P.O.T.; 4:30pm; call 7-6600



John Benjamin
Director of Artist Residency
Kentucky Arts Council
Friday.12,00-l2 SO
Rm. 118GB




Saturday 1 0/19
- Workshop: For Children with Asthma and
their Parents; free; UK St. Center; 8:30am-
12pm; call 7-2166

Sunday 10/20
- Volunteer: Rent-A-Greek; Chi Omega
House; 2-6pm
- Special: Chili Cook-off, sponsored by
GASC; Sorority Circle; 6-8pm







' SAB Movie: ‘Hour of the Star'

- Artist Series: Pittsburgh Symphony Or-
- Deadline: One-On-One Basketball Sign-
- Sand Volleyball Sand Volleyball Tourna-



- SAB Noon Outdoor Concert Series

- SAB Movie: 'City Slickers'

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Transylvania

- Deedllne: Squash Tournament sign-up

. SAB Move: 'City Slidiers'
- Choral: UK Chorale/New Voices
- Performance: The Oresteia
- SAB Indoor Rec: Bridge


- SAB Movie: ‘City Slickers

- Performance: The Oresteia

- Performance: Lexington Philharmonic Or-

- Artist's Reception: Terrie Hancock Man-

- Golf: Chi Omega Golf Ciassrc

- SAB Movie: 'City Slickers'
- Festival: Mozart Bicentennial Festival;

- Performance: The Oresteia
. UK Football: Kentucky vs LSU

S U N DA 7
. Performance: Diane Schurer,
- Exhibition: Edward Troye: 'Famous Ameri-
can Thoroughbreds'
- Festival: Mozart Bicentennial Festival
- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs MlSSlSSIppI
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Ohio State
- Catholic Sunday Mass;Newman Center
- Canterbury Fellowship, St. Augustine's


Monday 10/14

. Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team 8-
Club; Free; Rm 106 St. Center; 9pm; call

. Weekly meetings: SAB Cinema Comm;
Free; Rm 228 St. Center; 5pm; call 7-

Tuesday 10/15

- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
tee; Free; Rm. 228 New St. Center; 3pm;
call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; Free;
Rm 111 St. Center; 4-10pm; call 887-

. Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Open Student Meeting; Free;
Newman Center. Apt. 8; 11am; call 255-

- Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
Comm; Free; Rm 115 St. Center;
6:15pm; call 78867

Wednesday 10/16

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 5:30pm; call 254-3726

- Weekly meetings: Encounter; Free; Rm
205, New St. Center; 7pm; call 276-2362
- Weekly meetings: S.A.V.E. meeting;
Free; Rm 309, Old St. Center; 7pm

Thursday 10/17

- Weekly meetings: SAB Performing Arts
Collective Meeting; free; St. Center Rm
202; 4pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7230pm; call 254-3726
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Night; Newman Center; 7:30-
8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Thursday Night Live;
Free; 502 Columbia Av.; 7:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm.; Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center;
5pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: UK Clogging Club;
free; Seaton Center Rm 123; 7-9pm; call
231 -7207

Saturday 10/19

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday
Mass; Free; Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 10/20

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686
oWeekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion; Free; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 10:30am and 5:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday
Mass; Free; Newman Center; 9 and
11:30am, 5 and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner, All-
U-Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center; 6pm;
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: University Praise Ser-
vice; Free; 502 Columbia Av.- UK; 11am;
call 233-0313


Tuesday 10/15

- Deadline: One-On-One Basketball Sign-
up; Seaton Center Rm 145; 4pm

~ Sand Volleyball: Sand Volleyball Tour-
nament; $15 per team; Seaton Center
and Kirwan Complex Sand Volleyball
Courts; 4pm to dusk (thru 10/17)

Wednesday 10/16

. UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Transylvania
U.; Seaton Center Cage; 4:30pm

- Basketball: One-On-One Basketball;
Seaton Center outdoor courts; 6pm

- Deadline: Squash Tournament sign-up;
Seaton Center Rm 145; 4pm

Thursday 10/17
- SAB indoor Rec: Bridge; $1; St. Center
Rm 357; 6:30-10pm; call 7-8867

Friday 10/18

- Golf: Chi Omega Golf Classic; Cabin
Golf Course; 1pm

- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs LSU; Com-
monwealth Stadium; 7pm

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Vanderbilt; at
Vanderbilt; 8pm

- Hockey: CoolCats vs Illinois; Lexington
ice Center; 11:30pm

Saturday 10/19

- UK Football: Kentucky vs LSU; Com~
monwealth Stadium; 8pm

- Hockey: CooiCats vs Illinois; Lexington
ice Center; 11:30pm

Sunday 10/20

- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Mississippi;
Commonwealth Stadium; 7pm

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Ohio State; at
Ohio State: 2pm







Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 14, 1991 - ‘3







‘Saturday Night Live’ improves with age, new cast members



In 1975, the landmark television
series “Saturday Night Live" had its
premiere on NBC. This writer was
only six years old at the time, and
never had the chance to see that
“brilliant" cast at work. It wasn't
until sometime in the early l980s
— after the original cast had long
since departed — that I became a
regular SNL watcher.

By that time, everyone was
moaning about how mediocre SNL
had become. Too bad you missed
the original days of Aykroyd, Belu-
shi, and Chase, people told me. Too
bad you missed the Coneheads, the
Czech Brothers, and those wonder-
ful impressions of Gerald Ford and
Jimmy Carter, You missed SNL’s
good ol' days — the days when it

was good. More than good —— great
Hilarious. The funniest show ever,
they told me.

I was indeed sorry to have missed
the hilarity. I was enjoying SNL at
the" time (this was the early and
middle '805), but I realized I had
apparently missed the show's best
years. Alas, I mused, I would never
get to see those hilarious moments I
had heard so much about

But then, about four years ago,
Nickelodeon announced it would
begin showing “The Best of Satur-
day Night Live," a series of edited,
half-hour versions of the show. I
was thrilled. At last, I could see it
all for myself. So, when SNL began
on Nick at Night, I eagerly tuned in.
Suffice it to say I was under-

I saw half-baked sketches that
never seemed to have a point. I saw
ideas that were funny for a minute
or so quickly become stale after
four or five minutes. I heard shock-
value jokes. I heard an avalanche of
drug jokes dumped into sketches


with little rhyme or reason. I saw
running gags used over and over
and over as if repetition would
make them seem funnier.

But, most importantly, I heard
myself not laughing. I barely
cracked a smile. I just didn't find it
funny. Why?

Maybe the times were different.
The nation had different tastes and
needs in 1975. Maybe, to coin a
phrase, I had to be there.

Then again, maybe I didn’t Even
though I wasn't watching the show
at the time and only saw it years lat-
er, I still cannot fathom finding
most of the material funny — ever.
Funny is funny is funny, regardless
of time. If I'm not laughing now, I
can't imagine myself laughing then.

Lorne Michaels and some of the
other guiding fathers of SNL claim
“Monty Python’s Flying Circus" as
a major inspiration. The difference
in the two shows, to me, is this sim-
ple: SNL couldn't pull it off; Py—
thon could. Doing unonhodox com-
edy requires much tighter writing
and well-thought-out structure. The
Python team had that gift the vast
majority of the time, while the SNL
crew only occasionally succeeded.

Classic, the sketches weren’t.
People always praised Chevy
Chase's impression of Gerald Ford.
Well, it’s not an impression at all.

Speedwagon rolls into ‘Second Decade’


0 Music




Stall Critic

You should have seen by the look
in my eyes. baby

There was something rnlssin'

You should have known by the
tone of my voice, maybe

But you didn't listen

You played dead, but you never

Instead you lay still in my grasp,
all coiled up and hissin'

When Kevin Cronin bared his
soul to the world for the first time
in one of his songs, neither he nor
any other member of REO Speed-
wagon had any clue it would be the
band’s big break through.

After you‘ve been touring for 10
years and pumping out 10 rock ’n’
roll albums without a bonafide hit,
it’s hard to believe in anything any-
more. On the other hand, you're
willing to try anything. Even re-
lease a piano ballad as a single.

No one but Cronin believed in
“Keep On Loving You." Not the
other members of REO or their
record company. Epic Records: but
Cronin pushed and got his way, and
REO went from a small—time band
playing clubs around the Midwest
to selling out the largest venues in

Fueled by the amazing success of
“Keep On Loving You," Speedwag-
on’s 11th release, Hi Infidelity
raced up the album chart, going
platinum just 15 weeks after its re-
lease and eventually selling more
than 4 million copies.

This is the stage that was set for
REO's 18th release, The Second
Decade of Rock and Roll: 1981 to

This is not a greatest hits album.
The band had done that with 1989‘s
The Hits.

The new release is more of a his-
torical retrospective of the roller
cozmter ride the band took following
the huge success of Hi lryidelity.

REO has been from the bottom of
the charts to the top and back to the
bottom again. They’ve shifted
members on several occasions for a
number reasons. The sound of the
band has even jumped from the gui-
tar-based riff rock of their early
records to pop to an almost psyche-
delic sound.

Now REO is returning to its orig-
inal sound with the first all-new stu-
dio album since the band‘s shake-

up in the late 805.

This record does an excellent job
of telling that story. The songs on
the album may not have been the
most successful in terms of records
sold, but they demonstrate the one
thing that has remained constant
within the band — powerful. emo-
tional songwriting.

There is just enough of the hits to


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satisfy the casual REO fan, but an-
other of the album’s strengths is
that it offers a special compilation
of some of the bestcrafted songs
the group has ever recorded.

From former guitarist Gary Rich-
rath‘s opening guitar riffs in “Don't
Let Him Go," the tune that has
opened nearly ever Speedwagon
show since 1981, to Richrath‘s re-
placement of Dave Amato‘s youth-
ful performance in a live perfor-
mance of “Live It Up,” anyone can
see this band still rocks in the great
tradition of REO.

The power ballads that have also
become a cornerstone of REO’s
identity also are present in Rich-
rath's “Take it on the Run," Cro-
nin's “Can’t Fight This Feelin‘,“
and Cronin and songwriter Jesse
Harrns’ collaboration on the song
“Love Is A Rock."

The first two are represented on
the Second Decade with live perfor-
mances that feature bone chilling
vocals from Cronin, who brings out
the true emotions the songs are
meant toevoke.

Also included are two songs Cro-
nin wrote about survival. “Roll with
the Changes" was actually released
in the ’705. but the song really be-
came a theme song for the band
through the rough and tumble years
of the ‘805. And “Keep the Fire
Burning" was a song he wrote
about trying to keep the band itself
in one piece.

Three songs from the final album
the original band recorded are in-
cluded in the anthology.

From that LP is “Cronin‘s One
Too Many Girlfriends,” a song he
wrote as a message to Richrath,
who he felt was losing direction.

Whether he got his message
across or not, no one will ever

know. Richrath left the band to
form The Gary Richrath Band two
years later. While the song talks
about a guy with a few too many
women, it implies Richrath had a
few too many other things in his
life 8 well.

The songs “Back on the Road
Again" and a reggae performance
of the smash hit “Keep On Loving
You” were taken from a show in
Hawaii that is interesting for a few
of reasons.

First, REO had a new drummer.
Co-founder and drummer Alan
Gratzer retired from rock ’n‘ roll in
1989 and former Santana drummer
Graham Lear played with REO on
the Hits tour.

Second, it was the last show of
the tour and the final time Gary
Richrath would play with REO
Speedwagon. Richrath's guitar riff
in “Back On the Road Again” is the
most powerful performance I have
heard from him.

Finally comes the most interest-
ing track on the album, the reggae
rendition of “Keep On Loving
You.” It’s completely foreign and
fans of the song probably will not
like it, let it alone recognize it. But
it is interesting to listen to and you
can tell the band has fun with it.

The final four tracks on Second
Decade come from The Earth, A
Small Man, His Dog and (1 Chicken,
the first studio album recorded by
the band's new members.

To complement remaining mem-
bers Cronin, co-founder and key-
boardist Neal Dougth and long-
time bass player Bruce Hall, REO
went shopping. What they brought
back was something incredible.

The result was a mix of all the
band’s dabbling over the years and
a definite jump back to the band‘s


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true niche of classic rock.
“L.l.A.R." (an acronym for Love Is
All Right) is the hardest-rocking
song on the Second Decade and a
live performance on “Live It Up"
will please any REO fan who
missed the harder edge the band
seemed to have lost in the eighties.

The band remains dedicated to
strong songwriting. though, and
that makes it hard for ballads to not
creep in. “Love Is A Rock" is one
of those that is included on Second
Decade. Cronin wrote the song
about stability in relationships as he
was experiencing the break-up of
two very important relationships in
his own life —— the one with his
wife and the one with his best
friend, Gary Richrath. It is a tear—
jerking song and is a definite remin-
der that Cronin will still open up in
his lyrics.

A third decade of REO may be
asking a bit much considering the
age of some of the band members,
but for the time being, REO Speed-
wagon will keep plugging away.

It's Chase —— making no effort to
look or sound like Ford -— falling
down, tripping over or bumping
into things, saying ridiculous
things, etc. Dan Aykroyd's impres-
sions of Nixon or Carter are no bet-
ter; Aykloyd never sounds like ei-
ther of them. In fact, he usually
doesn’t even shave off his mous-
tache for the impressions. This is

But the failure of these impres-
sions goes beyond appearances or
mimicry. The key element of satire,
especially political satire, is real-
ism. A presidential spoof is all the
more effective when it satirizes that
president’s real flaws and foibles.
Who cares if Ford was a klutz'.‘
What about the quality of his lead-
ership? What about his positions on
the issues? Th