xt77d795b03r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d795b03r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1988 1988 1988-04-18 2020 true xt77d795b03r section xt77d795b03r  




Sports Monday

Claiborne disappointed in offense during
scrimmage.SEE PAGE 3.





For a review of Echo and the
Bunnymen, SEE PAGE 5.


Today: Morning showers
Tomorrow: Sunny. cool. breezy



Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentiioky. Lexington. Kentucky

Vol. XCI. No. 148

W 1894

Independent“ 1971

Monday. April 18. 1988


Investigations into payment scandal continue

Associated Press

L()S ANGELES — A security
manager for an air freight company
said he saw $1.000 in cash in a pack-
age allegedly sent by a University of
Kentucky coach to the father of a
high school basketball star, a news—
paper reported Saturday.

(‘huck Bullerman. manager of Se-
curity Experts Inc.. a private firm
contracted by Emery Worldwide air
freight. also said Friday that he was
interviewed about the matter by an

UT athlete
files lawsuit
for injuries

Staff and AP reports

NASHVILLE. Tenn. — A Universi-
ty of Tennessee track team mem-
ber. comatose since he was hit in
the head by a hammer at a track
meet at the University of Kentucky
last April. has sued the University.

The lawsuit, filed in US. District
Court in Nashville on behalf of Scott
Hartman. contends that UK did not
provide a safe place for the hammer

Hartman. 20. was hit in the head
with a track hammer M a 16~pound
ball attached to a chain — thrown
by a Berea College student at the
Kentucky Relays on April 17. 1987.

He underwent surgery at Central
Baptist Hospital to relieve pressure
on his brain caused by a compressed
skull fracture. in mid-May. he was
moved to a Vanderbilt hospital and
then on to the Rebound Coma Man—
agement Unit at Nashville Memorial
Hospital. where he is now.

The lawsuit. filed by his mother,
Kay Hartman. says he has been per-
manently injured and has lost the
ability to earn a living.

The l'K Athletic Association.
Berea College employee Mike John-
son and [SK athletic department em-
ployee Donald Weber are also
named in the lawsuit.

in an interview last December.
Hartman‘s father. Cleon Hartman,
said Scott was still at coma level
two. He said his son came to the sur-
face every now and then and can
answer questions with eye blinks or
with his hand.

His father told the Kernel last Sep-
tember that Scott could commu-
nicate through facial espressions
and hand gestures and said he
yawned. stretched. and could move
his right arm and leg.

Hartman was the 1986 Tennessee
high school state decathlon cham-

awarded to
10 students

St at I reports

Ten Gaines Fellowships have been
awarded for 1988-89 academic year.

The Fellowships. worth $5.000, are
a two-year study in the humanities
culminating with a senior thesis in
the second year.

The first year is an intensive in-
terdisciplinary study.

During the first year. several pro-
tessors from different areas in the
l‘niversity are brought in for semi-
nar discussions.

Fellows have a variety of assign-
ments. ranging from standard es-
says to designing a university.

Near the end of the first year of
the program. fellows are required to
pick a thesis topic which must be
completed in the spring of the fol-
lowing year.

Fellows may take the thesis for up
to 15 hours of academic credit.

The new fellows for 1988-89 are:

Mary Beth Brookshire, Summer-
sville. Ky.

Peter J. Dendle. Lexington Ky.

Yolanda Estes. Lexington, Ky.

Kathryn Heather Kennedy, Lex—

Mary Lynne Lange. Richmond.

Elirabeth J. McMichael. Coving-
ton. Ky.

investigator for the National Colle-
giate Athletic Association, the Daily
News reported in a copyright story.

The newspaper reported that the
package was sent by Dwane Casey,
an assistant basketball coach at
Kentucky. to Claud Mills. the father
Fairfax High School star Chris
Mills, who has signed a letter of in-
tent to attend UK on a basketball
scholarship this fall.

The newspaper previously report-
ed that employees of Emery found
and counted the cash and then deliv-

ered the package, which opened dur-
ing handling. An employee. Eric 0s-
born, said he saw money sticking
out of a videocassette box.

The Daily News reported that
Casey acknowledged sending the
package but denied knowing about
the cash; that Claud Mills
acknowledged receiving the package
but denied that any money was in it;
and that Chris Mills denied knowing
anything about the cash.

Bullerman, the security manager.
said he met with Chuck Smrt of the

NCAA. and a representative from
the university. on Thursday. Snirt
has refused to identify the university

Bullerman said he told Smrt and
the UK representative that the pack-
aged contained 20 $50 bills and that
he saw the names of Casey as the
sender and Claud Mills as the recipi-
ent. the newspaper reported.

"All I did attest to was the
money." Bullerman said. “I was
there and I watched them (Emery
employeesi counting the money. i

personally didn‘t count it. but 1 was

present when it was counted.”
Bullerman was adamant

seeing the money and the names


“I'm sure on that." he said.

Emery supervisor Paul Perry said
he had several employees watch
while be counted the money and had
the package resealed. Dispatcher
Richard Flanders said he told deliv-
eryman David Jones the package
contained money and directed him
to take it to the Mills home. Jones

said he dehwred the package but
(lid not actually sec the money

The Dull} News reported that
Flanders said he talked to (land
Mills on the phone about the [titt‘k
age and Mills was upset that Int cn
velopc had been opened

l'K President David P ltwst-Ilt-
said on \‘l'ednesday that the schoot
was concerned and hail asked t'ni
M 'AA to investigate

David Herst. the \f'AA's director
of enforcement. would not comini-nt
Friday on the investigation



Kwang Ha Suh's class on mar-
tial art includes instruction in
breaking bricks and boards.
Below. students practice their
technique in the class.



arate CllOp

UK class gives students a big
kick by teaching self- defense

Staff Writer

Exercise. concentration and re
spect are a few of the benefits
students have received in Kwang
Ha Suh‘s Introduction to Martial
Arts and Self-Defense class in the
past two semesters it‘s been (,1.

Suh‘s class for

mental and physicat

Suh says his class t‘.\t't‘t'i\t'~ 7h.
muscles. [,tLtl'llt'llltll'l} llit' than»
chest. arms and wrists lit-tun
mg to Sub. some of Ill\ ~’tltft'2t‘\
are bewildered by thc t‘\.t‘lt‘.\t'

Suh recalled that
took her fll'\l

iit‘ai'tti 1'


ll. ' 'llaii

lessor at»? ~ 1".t'i


t‘.il‘.)i ".ti i


cuses on Tue
Kwon Do. which is
the Korean ltllll‘~
tial art. and stir
dents learn un-
armed self
defense. (in a
campus where no
leiice atid protec»
tion have become
a primary concern
in the past school
year. resulting ill
the installation of an escort >t‘l'\’lt't‘.
classes in self defensi- are in sty It‘


“If someone tried to attack me.
I‘d have enough knowledge to get
out of the hold and run.” said
Melissa Borich. an undecided
freshman. "i don‘t think I could
hurt them terribly though."

Amy Harper. a sociology fresh-
man. also has gained confidence
from the class. "i think if some-
one tried to attack me on cainr
pus, I could keep them off a lot
better than i could before taking
this class." she said.

While Suh admits his class
teaches effective selfdefense. he
says students get more out of his
class than the ability to deliver a
few kicks and punches.

“Some people think of martial
arts as street fighting. but it‘s

“If someone tried to
attack me, id have it?
enough knowledge to
get out of the hold and

“lies. .\ .?

tattc-l it
.‘t V

l nit " t
Si.lt‘l\ lii.i.,~
\Il|l ~\.i“ "tell


Melissa Borich, up .m
undecided freshman.





her to t'fllllt‘ litii t\ \M \ V -

“She had to come back said
Nil: 'Siii' had already paid out“
or time hundred dollars Itit' ‘lic
lt’.\.\ttll.\ U

Nth aim ft‘t‘l\ that exert ‘.\t'
the ii.ai‘tiai arts will keep tht a’
lcmttiiii it“. s'tt'li'ttls liclli': 'liazt
other programs llc-
It‘t'l\ that :wt‘atise tlicyrc lcartt
mg. the} win! ltecoiiic tfisiiitey
estcd llis studentsagrcc

‘lt's a tllllz‘l't'lil \\.i_\ to ut‘l m
shape. \iiiy 'l‘honipsoii .,
iiizittttuctizcttt sophomore
good way to learn balanci- and
self-deteiisc ‘

Scott lltit‘ilzi:
uiiiccriiig \t‘lllttl
classes for exercise "Alter bciiiL‘
a slob for about tour yearsan
school I llI't'ltIt'fl to pit-t Ill




an electrical “it
enrolled in the




DAVID ammo/Km St."

New Gaines Fellows from left to right: Lynn Posze. Mary Beth
Brookshire. Shawn Metts. Mary Lynne Lange. Heather Kennedy
Donald R. Yates. Beth McMichael. Yolanda McMichaet. Peter Den-


Shawn Coleman Metts. Frankfort.
Lynn A. Pace. Mt. Sterling. Ky.
Lynn R. Posze. Cadiz. Ky.
Donald R. Yates. ll. Ashland. Ky.

Raymond Betts. director of the
Gaines Program. said the program
is unique because of the “size and

structure.” which allows for the ex-
pansion of ideas and subjects that
“a standard university course can
not allow for."

“Most appealing of all . . . is the
opportunity for intellectual en-
gagement." Betts said. ”A well-used
term that is particularly significant

Collegians pick new officers

Staff Writer

The Collegians for Academic Ex-
cellence will continue to recruit aca—
demically exceptional high school
students to [K as the new oflicers
were chosen and formally installed
for the 1988-89 school year this

“This is the strongest group of of-
ficers CAF. has ever had." past
Chairman Bill Swinford said “This
year's group will be strong. "

The officers of CAP: were chosen
based on having a grade point aver»
age of 3.0 or higher and being at [K
for at least one semester.

Swinford said (‘AE is an organiza-
tion that helps make CK stronger by
recruiting top high school students
in Kentucky and other states in the
United States to the University.

Newly appointed Vice Chairman
Tom Wade said that in recruiting
students CAE is trying to formulate
some new ideas to expand on their
mission of promoting CK.

Even though recruiting is (‘AE's
main project. the new officers will
have other tasks too.

(‘AE operates fund-raising pro-
jects and is a service to the current
students of UK. Swinford said

Wade said (‘AE may try some-
thing new besides just bringing the
top academic achievers to UK.

“Last year‘s officers did a great
job and made it tough to follow . . .
we have our hands full keeping the
status quo but we have. ideas of


“This is the strongest group of officers CAE
has ever had. This year‘s group will be strong.”

bringing in prosiwctive faculty." he

Wade said as the vice chairman
he has been brainstorming about the
idea of bringing highly skilled tac

“It‘s something to consider be-
cause we're trying to make l'K a
better place of education. and edu-
cation is a two-sided street.” Wade

Wade. as vice chairman. is re
sponsihle for financial dispersals

Bill Swinford,
former chairman

and \till he liaison to the t tutriiiaii

Michael Huang. the acadciiiic ri-
cruitineiit (Ill‘t‘t‘lttl'. said he '\lII work
as a haisoii between (Ali and the

“We coordinate our efforts to re
cruit the most talented students to
{K and keep high school students iii
Kt‘lllllt‘k\ coining to the l'niwrsi

Group to sponsor fund-raiser
for desecrated Indian tombs

Staff reports

The International Indian Treaty
Council tteburial Committee is spon-
soring a benefit to assist traditional
Native American Elders in a reburi-
al of a desecrated Indian burial
ground tonight at 7 at Alfalfa‘s. 557
S. Limestone.

With offices at Victorian Square
Matt. the group is also planning an
awareness program on the dese-
cration issue and sponsoring a fund-
raising drive to bring in people for

reburial ceremonies on May 2630 in
l'niontown. Ky

If you wish to attend the benefit.
call 272l<6mo for reserved sea t mg

The American Indian institute is a
federally registered. non-profit
organization. Contributions will be
gratefully acknowledged and are tax

(in April 29 and 30. the group is
sponsoring a dance and powwow in
the Lexington area


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Mondey. April 18. 1988

Information on this calendar or events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with ed-
itorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity or expression. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus Calen-
dar form must be tilled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceedlng the
publication date.




'RO‘iOiOUS Free Meditation Group. Free Newman Center 6 p ni

- Religious. Worship Service. warm A casual gathering time or sing
lng prayers. 8i messages, Free. 508 Columbia Ave 89 30 p m. Call

- Religious Monday Evening Fellowship - lriendship group dis
cusslon parties 8 pot luck dinner Free K-House 4'2 Rose St 6 p F".

~Relrglous Creative Prayer Group ~ Time to relax share 8- relate
with students Free Newman Center, 8 p r. Call 255-8566

s Religious Student Meetlr discusSion oi upcoming events - all
students invitedl Free. Newman Center. 9 p m Call 255- 8566

-Reiigious Cornerstone" Musrc PVOCr‘iCt enthusiasm is the only
requu’emenl‘ Free 508 Columbia Ave , 6 30-8 pr Call 254-3714

. Sports Campus Aerobics Free K-House 412 Rose 5' 3 30 pm
Call 277-5190

. Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alum-
ni Gym Lott 8 30 p m Call 266-0102

-Sports Aldo Club - Beginners welcome Wrestling experience
valuable Free. Alumni Gym Lott. 56 30 p m Call 84156

- Sernlnars Learning Skills Program Coping With Test Anxiety
$10 semester S25 semester 30! Frazee t-tail, 33.50 p m Call 78673

-Lecture "Intergeneralional Relationships in on Aging Socrery Re-
search Frontiers Free 112 Sanders-Brown. 2 p rn Call 36040

-Concerts An Evening with Paul Martin Zonn - Contemporary
Music Festival. Free SCFA — Recrtal Hall, 8 p m Cali 7 4900

- Other "Trends in Contemporary American Oboe Concertos Lec-
ture Recrtal Bruce Morrison. Free. Peal Gallery Noon Call 75895

- Other Robert Maxwell "After Contextuailsrn ‘ Free. 117 Ponce Hall
6 30 p m Call 71244

-Other Dr Scott Button Demonstrates t-lls Award Winning Stock
Market Computer Program Free 220 Chem Phys 7 p m Call 255-

-Exhibii (Through 5 29) Regional Artists in the Museum Collection.
Free UK Art Museum Noon-5 Call 75716

- Meetings Golden Key National Honor Socrery - Dr Nichols
Speaking Free 106 Student Center. 7 p m Call 276-3919

-Lectures The Educational Seeioiogical Leaders Perspective Free
Student Center 3 b m Call 7-6694

oSports UK FenCing Club, Free; Aiurnni Gym; 7:30-9'30 p.m.; Colt

- Sports Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN: Free; Bueli Armory; 7:30-
9 30 p m,

“Religious Lunch at Last Lecture guest speakers share about lop-
ics tram their careers 8i lives. 52 00. 508 Columbia Ave. 7:30 pm.
Call 254-3714

- Religious "Tuesday Night Together" — TNT - a time lor worship 5
leilowship. Free. 429 Columbia Ave. 7 30 pm, Call 7-3989

- Religious Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY MEETING: Free. Stu
dent Center 245: 7 30 p m. Cali 7-3989

0 Religious RClA — Program tor people studying to enter the Catho
IIC Church. Free. Newman Center. 7 Ito-9:15 pm; Call 2558566

OSports Aerobics. Free. Newman Center: 5507 pm. Call 255

'Rellglous Prayer oi the Rosary lor increase in Vocations. Free.
Newman Center. 7 pm, Call 255-8566

- Sports UK Cycling Club Meeting Free: 213 Seaton Center: 8 pm;
Call 8-2350

IOther Donald Woods 'Cry Freedom Apartheid A the Tragedy at
S Alrica' Free. Worsham Theatre, 8 p m.. Call 7-3191

'Canceris An Evening with Paul Martin Zonn - Contemporary
Musrc Festival. Free SCFA - Recnal Hall. 8 pm . Call 74900












o Seminars Learning Skills Program Essay Test Taking STO semester
or $25 semester 301 Frazee Hall 33 50 p m Call 7 8673

-Rellgious Bible Discussion Groups — Great Commission Students
Free Student Center 231 7 30pm Cail254-3997

oReligious Dinner Casual Dinner 8 Good Company 53 508 C0
lumbia Ave. 56 p m, Call 254-3714

° Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free. Alum-
ni Gym Lott 8-30 p m.. Cali 2660102

0 Sports AJdo Club - Beginners are welcome wrestling experience
valuable Free Alumni Gym Lott, 5-6 30

0 Religious Cmmunion SeNlce. Free Newman Center 88 45 p m
Call 255—8566

~Religi0us Student Faith Sharing - Upcoming Sundays Gospel
Read 8 Discussed Free Newman Center 910 D m Cori 255-8566

oSports Campus Aerobics Free K-House 412 Rose Street 330
pm Call 277-5190

~Movres Some Like it Hot ST 95 Worsham Theatre 8 pm Call 7

0 Sports (Through 4 24) Wildcat Goil Mid-America Kalamazoo Mi
Call 7-3838

oConcerts Piano Department Recrtal. Free SCFA Recrtal -iall 8
p m . Call 7-4900

- Meetings Cosmopolitan Club Meeting Free Student Center 245.
7 pm Call 7.1655

'MOGYIDQS Women Writers Conterence Discuss VleOSSTOHS Alter
Conterence Free 231 StudentCenter. Noon 7-3295

oOther Army Air Force Reserve Ottrcers Training Corps Annual
Spring Pass in Revrew Ceremony Free Stoll Field 5 p 'n Cali 7-0808

oother Little Kentucky Derby Ping Pong Ball Drop Free POT Four:
rain Area Noon Call 78867

00ther Little Kentucky Derby Announcement or 6 Derby Princess
llnallsts POT Fourtarn Area Noon Call 78867

-Meetrngs WS Webb Archaeological Socrery tor Amateurs onc
Prolessionals Free Laterty Mail 7 30 p m C011252-3942

~Sernrnars Food lor Thought ‘Women and Politics Free 23' Stu-
gent Cer‘ter Cali 7 3295



oMeetings Women Writers Conference: Discuss impressions After
Conterence. Free 231 Student Center. Noon; 7-3295

r Religious "Cornerstone“ Drama Practice - enthusiasm is the only
requirement Free. 508 Columbia Ave. 6:30-8 p.m..C011254-3714

. Movies Some Like it Hat. 5195, Worsham theatre; 6 p.m.; Cali 7-

oSports UK Fencrng Club; Free: Alumni Gym. 7:10-9:30 p.m.; Call

. Sports Japan Karate Club - Shotokan; Free. Alumni Gym — 801cc
ny. 530-7 30 p m.

-Sports Aerobics. Free, Newman Center. 5507 pm; Call 255

- Religious Sprltuai Reading Group — discussion at various Spiritual
Writers. Free Newman Center. 10:30—Noon; Call 255-8566

- Religious Fellowship of Christian Athletes — FCA. Free; 502 Colum-
bia Ave . 9 p m..Cal1233-O315

- Religious: DeClsion Point - Bible Studies. Free, 508 Columbia Ave.
89 30 p m ,Call 254-3714

~Religious Thursday Bible Study; Free. 502 Columbia Ave; 7 pm.
Call 233-0313

- Religious D 8 L Grill. Si. 429 Columbia Ave. 12 15. Call 7-3989

oReligious Large Group Meeting; Free: Free; 205 Student Center.
5 p m .Call 276-2482

~Othei Little Kentucky Derby Run lor the Rodents. Free. Student
Center Patio. Noon. Call 7-8867

- Other Little Kentch Derby Crowning ot the LKD Princess at Run
tor the Rodents. Free. Student Center Patio; Noon. Call 7-8867

-Other Little Kentucky Derby thin tor the Rose'. South Campus
Courtyard 5 p m . Cali 7.8867

- Other Little Kentucky Derby Carnival. Commonwealth Lot. 6 pm.
Call 78867




oMeetings - 4/18: 'Golden Key' National Honor
Society — Dr. Nichols Speaking; Free; 106 Student
Center; 7 p.m.; Call 276-3919

0Meetings - 4/20: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; Student Center 245; 7 p.m.; Call 7-1655

~Meetings - 4/20: Women Writers Conference:
Discuss impressions Atter Conterence; Free; 231 Stu-
dent Center; Noon; 7-3295

. Meetings — 4/20: w.s. Webb Archaeological So-
ciety tor Amateurs and Protessionais; Free; Laterty
Hall; 7:30 p.m.; Call 252-3942

IMeetings - 4/21: Wornen Writers Conterence:
Discuss Impressions Atter Conterence; Free; 231 Stu-
dent Center; Noon; 7-3295

~Lecture - 4/18: “intergenerational Relationships
in on Aging Society; Research Frontiers": Free: 112
Sanders-Brown: 2 p.m.; Call 3-6040

oLectures — 4/18: The Educational Sociological
Leaders Perspective; Free; Student Center; 3 p.m.;

o Seminars — 4/18: Learning Skills Program: Coping
With Test Anxiety; SIC/semester. $25/semester; 301
Frazee Hall; 3—3:50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

.Seminars - 4/20: Learning Skills Program: Essay
Test Taking; STD/semester or S25/semester; 301 Fra-
zee Hall; 3-3:50 p.m.; Call 7-8673

- Seminars - 4/20: Food tor Thought: ‘Women and
Poiitics'; Free; 231 Student Center; Call 7-3295

- Seminars - 4/22: 5th Annual Current Environmen-
tal 8 Natural Resource issues in KY; $50-$75; 21 Law
Bldg; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Cali 7-1161

- Seminars - 4/22: Chem: 'The Design 01 Transition
State Analog inhibitors of Protease'; Free; 137
Chem-Phys; 3:30 p.m.; Call 7-4741

. Seminars - 4/22: 'lt Ain't Necessarily So' The Sig-
nificance of Communication Problems in the Elderly;
Free; 112 Sanders-Brown; Noon; Call 3-6040

. Seminars - 4/23: 5th Annual Current Environmen-
tal 8 Natural Resource issues in KY: $50-$75; 21 Law
Bldg; 9 a.m.-l pm; Call 7-1161

0Concerts — 4/18: An Evening with Paul Martin
Zonn — Contemporary Music Festival; Free; SCFA -
Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

oConcerts - 4/19: An Evening with Paul Martin
Zonn - Contemporary Music Festival; Free: SCFA —
Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

oConcerts - 4/20: Plano Department Recital;
Free; SCFA-Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

~Concerts - 4/22: Coilegium Musicum: Jonathan
Giixon. Director; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 p.m.;
Call 7-3145

~Concerts — 4/22: Woodwind Concert: Faculty
Woodwind Quintet; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call 7-

oConcerts - 4/22: Larry Kaptain. Lecture/Recital
'The Marimba Tradition of Latin America'; Free; SCFA
- Rehearsal Room; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900

- Concerts — 4/23: KMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival;
Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8:30 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

oConcerts — 4/24: Center Sunday Series: Dance
Ensemble; Free; SCFA-Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 7-

-Concerts - 4/24: David Hume/Graduate Trom-
bone Recital; Free; SCFA-Recital Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-

oConcerts — 4/24: Victor Dunston Senior Tuba Re-
cital; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 74900

-Concerts — 4/24: Joni Gregory Senior Horn Reci-
tal; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 1 p.m.; Call 74900

0Concerts - 4/25: Brian Mason Junior Percussion
Recital; Free; SCFA — Recital Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-

oConcerts - 4/25: Kristen Rizzo. Flute; 8 Al Hood.
Trumpet; Free; Memorial Hall; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900

0Exhibit - 4/18-5/29: Regional Artists in the Mu-
seurn Collection: Free; UK Art Museum; Noon-5; Cali





-Sports (through 4 23) UK Outdoor Track KY Relays Free Lexing-
ton Call 73838

0Concerts Coilegium Musrourn Jonathan 1:: x'." Director Free.
SCFA - Recrtai Holt 8 pm Call 7 3145

~Concerts Woodwind Concert Faculty woodwind Quintet Free
peal Galierv Noon Call 7-5895

'MOvtes Some Like it Hot S195 Worshan theatre 8 pm Call 7-

- O'her JIT" Walter Free 117Pence Hall 6 30 p '7 COP] “:44

0 Diner urrie Kentucky Derby UK Day at Keeriercnd Keeneland
Cali 7 8667

~3'ner wile Kentucky Derby Carnival Commnrweoit? Lot 510
c C iat‘ ‘ 886.7

- other little Kentucky Derby Hot Air BOliOOT‘ Rides S3 is Good
bot" Field 6 8 p rn , Call 78867

“when LiYVie Kentucky Derby Outdoor Concert - The ASSOCtOilOl"
orvc The-Crickets ES Goodbarn Field. 79 D m Cal; 7 8867

- germ-org 5th Annual Current Environmental 8 Natural Resource
ssue: r KY $50-$75, 21 Law Bldg. 80m -5prr C0117 1'61

- 3e“ nars Chem The Design or Transition State Analog inhibitors
yr" 'edse Free137 Chem Phys 3 30pm :oii 7-4-cr

- ,rcer's Larry Kaptain Lecture Recrtai The Man'nba "JUNO" )1
11' r America Free. SCFA - Rehearsal Room '5 p 'n Cali 7 4900

- Sercrinars It Aint Necessarily So The Signiiicance r.’ i; onirrun-ca
”Ic' Problems in the Elderly Free 1T2 Sanders-Brown Noon Col? 3


. Religious The Hub Coffeehouse - Christian Bands. Drama groups.
teilowship 8r tun Free K-House 412 Columbia: 7:30 pm, Call 277-

- Religious Catholic Celebration at the Mass Free, Newman Cen-
let 8 p m Call 255-8566

oMovles Some uke it Hot 51,95. Worsham Theatre. 8 pm. Call 7-

-Other Little Kentucky Derby Hot Air Balloon Race‘Key Grab Par
course 7am Cali 7-8867

- Other Little Kentucky Derby Country Pancake Breaktast. ES
Goodbarn Field. 8-10 0 m.. Cali 7-8867

-Other Little Kentucky Derby Dig or Die Volleyball Classic. ES,
Goodbarn Field 10 a m Call 7-8867

IOther Little Kentucky Derby Carnival a Food Fair, Common-
wealth Lot 11a m -10 p m . Cali 7-8867

oOther Outdoor Band Festival. ES Goodbarn Field. Noond pm.
Call 7 8867

uOtner Little Kentucky Derby Hot Air Balloon Race Key Grab, Par
course 7 a m , Cali 7-8867

-Concerts KMEA Solo 8 Ensemble Festival. Free. SCFA ~ Recital
r90“ 8 30 o rn Cali 7.4900

- Seminars 5th Annual Current EnVironmentai 8 Natural Resource
issues in KY. $50-$75. 21 Law Bldg. 9 a.m-i p,m,.Call 7-1161

-Sports UK Baseball vs Ole Miss. double—hitter. Free Shiveiy Field,
Colt 73838

- Sports KY Gymnastics NCAA Nationals. Call 7-3838


special events










rCr'mcer's Center Sunday Series Dance Ensembie Free SCFA
'2 rncert Holt 3 p m Cali 7.4900

rConcerts Davrd HumeGroauote Trombone Rec to: Free SCFA.
F‘eCItal Hall 3 Om Call 74900

- Other Little Kentucky Derby Carnival Commonweal'” 113‘ 5 p m
Coll T 8867

-Ot"ier Little Kentuckv Derby Not Air Balloon Race Pain Date (5
Goodbarn Field Catt 7-8867

oReliglous Celebration at Worship - Christiar Student Fellowship
Free 502 Columbia Ave 7 p m Call 233-0313

~Reiigious Catholic Celebration at the Mass Free Newman Cen
ter 810113Oam 5 930pm Call255-8566

.spons Japan Karate Club - SHOTOKAN Free Buet' Armory 3 5

-Movies Some like it Not 5195 Worsham Theatre 7 on Call 7

- Sports Aidkido - Japanese Marshal Arts Beginners Chases l'ee
Arumnr Gym Lott 1p m . Call 266 O‘O2

-Conceris Victor Dunstan Senior Tuba Reri'a Free SCFA Recrtol
nail apm Call 7.4900

oConcerts Joni Gregory Senior Horn Recital Free Sf” Recital
Hall tprn Cali 7 4900




-Reiigious Free Meditation Group Free: Newman Center. 6 pm.
Call 266-4918

- Religious Worship Sen/ice warm 8 casual gathering time or sing-
ina Drovers s messages. Free 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 pm. Call

- ReiigiOus Monday Evening Fellowship — trlendship. group dis-
cussion parties 8 potluck dinner. Free K-House 412 Rose St 6 pm.
Catt 254-1881

~Reiiglous Creative Prayer Group - Time to relax share. 8 relate
with students Free Newman Center. 8 p m . Call 255-8566

°Religlous Student Meeting — discussion or upcoming events — all
students invitedl Free Newman Center, 9 p m Call 255-8566

-Reiigrous "Cornerstone Music Practice ~ enthusiasm is the only
requirementi Free, 508 Columbia Ave. 6308 pm . Call 254—3714

rSports Campus Aerobics Free K-House 412 Rose St, 330 pm:

- Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art beginner Classes. Free. Alum-
ni Gym Lott 8 30 D m . Call 2660102

-$ports Judo Club - Beginners welcome. Wrestling experience
valuable: Free Alumni Gym Lott. 5630 p m. Cali 8-4156

-Coricens Brion Moon W Percussion Recital Free; SCFA - Re
crtai Mali 8 p m Call 74900

- Concerts Kristen Rluo Flute. 6 AI blood. Trumpet Free. Memorial
Nail 8 p m Call 74900










o Other - 4/18: "Trends in Contemporary American
Oboe Concertos": Lecture/Recital: Bruce Morrison;
Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Cali 7-5895

OOther - 4/18: Robert Maxwell “Alter Contextua-
lism"; Free; 117 Pence Hall; 6:30 p.m.; Call 7-1244

oOther - 4/18: Dr. Scott Button Demonstrates l-iis
Award Winning Stock Market Computer Program;
Free; 220 Chem-Phys; 7 p.m.; Call 255-3349

OOther — 4/19; Donald Woods ‘Cry Freedom;
Apartheid 8 the Tragedy at S. Atrica'; Free;
Worsham Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 73191

-Other — 4/20: Army/Air Force Reserve Otticer's
Training Corps Annual Spring Pass in Review Cere-
mony; Free; Stoil Field; 5 p.m.; Cali 7-6868

corner — 4/20: Little Kentucky Derby: H'ng Pong
Ball Drop; Free; POT Fountain Area; Noon; Call 7-

00ther — 4/20: Little Kentucky Derby: Announce-
ment oi 6 Derby Princess finalists; POT Fountain
Area; Noon; Call 78867

IOther - 4/21; Little Kentucky Derby: Run for the
Rodents; Free; Student Center Patio; Noon; Call 7-

OOther - 4/21: Little Kentucky Derby: Crowning ot
the LKD Princess at Run for the Rodents; Free; Stu-
dent Center Patio: Noon; Call 7-8867

oOther - 4/21: Little Kentucky Derby: Run tor the
Rose‘; South Campus Courtyard; 5 p.m.; Call 7-8867

00ther - 4/21: Little Kentucky Derby: Carnival;
Commonwealth Lot: 6 p.m.; Call 7-8867

00ther - 4/22: Jim Waiter: Free; 117 Pence Hall;
6:30 p.m.; Call 7-1244

~0ther — 4/22: Little Kentucky Derby: UK Day at
Keeneland; Keeneland; Call 7-8867

00ther — 4/22: Little Kentucky Derby; Carnival:
Commonwealth Lot: 6-10 p.m.; Call 78867

OOther - 4/22: Little Kentucky Derby: Hot Air Bal-
loon Rides; 53; ES. Goodbarn Field; 6-8 p.m.; Call 7-

corner - 4/22: Little Kentucky Derby: Outdoor
Concert - ’The Association‘ and 'The Crickets': as.
Goodbarn Field; 7-9 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

oOther - 4/23: Little Kentucky Derby: Hot Air Bal-
loon Race/Key Grab. Par course. 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0 Other — 4/23; Uttie Kentucky Derby: Countiy Pan-
cake Breaktast: ES. Goodbarn Field; 8-10 am; Cali

-Other - 4/23: Uttie Kentucky Derby: Dig or Die
Volleyball Classic; ES. Goodbarn Field: 10 p.m.; Cali

-Other - 4/23: Little Kentucky Derby: Carnival 8r
Food Fair: Cornrnonweaith Lot; 11 a.m.-lO p.m.; Coil

OOther — 4/23: Outdoor Bond Festival; as. Good-
barn Fieid; Noon-4 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

OOther — 4/23: Uttie Kentucky Derby; Hot Air 8d-
ioon Race/Key Grab; Par course; 7 am; Cali 7-8867

comer - 4/24: Little Kentucky Derby: Carnival;
Commonwealth Lot; 5 p.m.; Call 7-8867

OOther - 4/24: Uttie Kentucky Derby: Hot Air Id-

~Sports - 4/19: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Call 272-1013

OSports — 4/19: UK cycling Club Meeting; Free;
213 Seaton Center; 8 p.m.; Cali 8-2350

oSports - 4/20—4/24: Wildcat Golf Mid-America;
Kalamazoo MI; Cali 7-3838

~Sports — 4/21: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 p.m.; CO" 272-1013

- Sports - 4/22-4/23: UK Outdoor Track KY Relays;
Free; Lexington; Caii 7-3838

-Sports - 4/23: UK Baseball vs. Ole Miss. double-
hitter; Free; Shiveiy Field: Call 7-3838

-$ports — 4/23: KY Gymnastics NCAA Nationals;





. Movies - 4/20: Some Like it Hot; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies — 4/21: Some Like it Hot; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

0Movies - 4/22- Some Like it Hot; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies - 4/23: Some Like it Hot; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

. Movies - 4/24: Some Like it Hot; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867




looking ahead

o4/27 — Sports: UK Women's Tennis vs. LSU; Away;
Cali 7-3838

04/28-4/30 - UK Outdoor Track Penn Relays; Phil-
adelphia. PA: Call 7-3838


04/29 - Sports: UK Women's SEC Tournament;
Baton Rouae. M: Call 7-3838

double-hitter; W: Cal 7-3838









We gotta
get out of
this place

“Let’s get out of here man.
This place is evil. "

"Apocalypse Now"

I graduate in 20 days. I wish it
were two.

It’s not the daily grind of slav-
ing away in the basement of the
journalism building. Nor is it the
pressure of my final days of col-

No, I need to get as far away
from this campus as soon as pos-
sible because there's something
very. very wrong here. I can feel
it. Can't you?

Look at what's going on. Don't
be fooled by the lovely spring
weather. It‘s a facade for the
darkness that pervades this

Remeber Pedro Borbon? He
cast a hex on the Cincinnati Reds
after they released him. I‘m try-
ing to figure out who the Pedro
Borbon of UK is.

Maybe its Dale Brown dabbling
in black magic? 0r Bobby Knight
has a caldron cookin‘ up in
Bloomington. I‘m open for sug-

I am sure that UK Athletics Di-
rector Cliff Hagan