xt77d7959z3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7959z3p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 29, 1979 1979 1979-10-29 2020 true xt77d7959z3p section xt77d7959z3p issue at in lieu;
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Opposed to queen selection process "’
Bl k stud nts l action against Homecom'
By STEVE MASSEY crowd at halftime. UK’s 25-building ceremony. . interview the nominees — this year at least by a candidate which queen selection process. .
3 Associate Editor apartment complex was named in The students also voiced concern there were 45 T and narrow the represents their race or Interest The group, represaiting the Black
- honor of Page. over . the homecoming queen field down to 16 finalists. The student group," Brewer said. “It would Student Union, Black Voices of UK
A group of four black students _ “The situation (concerning selection process,'which resulted. In body then votes In these finalists. seen moonSIstent that you would not and . various . other _student
relresenting the interests d UK‘s changing the halftime program) none ofthls year .5 16 homecoming “We re (SCB; are gomg to stand have a black candidate. . . . organizations which deal with black
black student polailatim —— have arose after we heard that the queen finalists being black. by what the committee has selec- Although thegroupsaidit is trying students, also questions! the in-
contacted various UK ad- dedication ceremony at “We feel this is an insult _— tha'e ted," Batts said. to get a black representative in the terviewers’ techniques when
ministrators in an effort to change homecoming would be of the in- has been a great deal of ammomty Brewer said the process all but homecoming court, it did not questioning the lone black can-
proposed halftime ceremonies at 'formaltype,"said Ronald Brewer,a among the _black student _body. eliminates the chance for a black Identifyadefiniteplanof action if no didate.
Saturday's homecoming football member of the group and vice because there Is no representation of representative to bechosen. “In my representative is chosen. However, “When we checked the questions
game. president of Omega Xi phi frater- .our interests," Brewa' said. opinion, and many others —— being they did say they will take action. from the criterionfor theevaluation,
The students' complaints focus nity. “We thought this was Chris Batts, preSIdent ‘d UK's that we (UK‘s 638 black students) The BSU Will meet at 7 pm. they . didn't correspond to the
both on a ceremony honoring the disrespectful towards 1,889.5 Student Center Board which over- only comprise about2percent of the tonight in the basement of the questions she (the black candidate)
parents of Greg Page and the an- family." sees the halftime ceremonies, said, the student population we can only Student Center to consider proposed had been asked. .Reann Saunders,
nouncement of this year’s Brewer said the Black Student “the selection process basmally has act as a group and not on an in. changes for homecoming. BSU member, said, inme only one
homecoming queen. Union would like to presentaplaque the same rules for all he can- div1dual baSlS. he said. Brewer said members of UKs that corresponded is the one about
As it now stanth, the parents of to Page’s parents on the football didates. ‘ “When you have a team and an football team are Signing a petition hobbies. . .
UK’s second black scholarship field. He said the groupisexpecting Withthe currentselection process, athletic program that is emphasned in favor of havmg a more formal Although the two issues — oon- .
athlete, who died in 1967 while to receive word th‘s mom'ng from all registered student organizations and has support of minority and ceremony for Page's partents. He cernng the halftime ceremony and
practicing football,willstand andbe the athletic office about the have the right to nominate a can- black students, at homecoming. you added, however, that theteam is not the homecoming canddate — are
introduced to the homecoming possibility of changing the didate. A panel of three judga then should have that group represented commenting on the homecoming Continued on page 5
Vol. Lxxn. No. 52 Ker 21 University of Kentucky ‘
Monday. October 29' 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington, Kentucky
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’° nice we [weeks To same IN Tile PLO.SoN. AT lines we iliVe 'lb ALIGN OUREleLVeS wml rile es 9.- / -~ ., - sari-mew l
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Need to know ourselves tette s’ to the Ed'to
. > r I I' _.
overrides personal tastes s r. w... ________ ~
uppo soccer soccer club, and also to point out Like father like son
that the Kentucky Kernel could have '
The oldest lady in the Washington bosses in the precincts, exploiters of definitive biography of Adolf Hitler. Along with the money, gas and given them more of the recognition The Kentucky Kernel's en- .
press corps commented recently on the poor, and traduceis of the faith Itseems to me that once you know a energy shortage of today, we also they deserve by printing game times dorsement 0‘ John Y- Brown Jr. was
the startling revelation that Eleanor in freedom will be used in the fight little about Hitler’s brutal father, have a fan shortage. of soccer fans and results. humorous to say theleast. It seemed
Roosevelt appears to have had for acceptance of “alternate" you come closer ‘0 understanding to be exact. our UK Soccer Chlb apparent that the person 0." persons '
physical relations with another lifestyles. theevil of Hitler. Not in any sense of team has had an outstanding season Karen Hendren who “”0“! the editorial ha"? -‘
woman. ——-—_—‘-—— compassion or forgiveness. But in this year. They've won eight games, A & S sophomore themselves ”fallen for Brown s -. ,
“The implications of this story braden the simple understanding that evil lost only two, andtied one, yet where Marcie Stitzel glemgmus image. A‘ ,the f ,
offend me,” said Esther Von breeds evil. I make no comparison, were thefansto support these guys? ‘A 8; s freshman beginning 0‘ the propagandistic . I
Wagoner Tllftyv who covered the re a” of course. As Arthin‘ Schlesinger Jr'. We’ve talked toafew of the players ‘ editorial the candidates were .
Roosevelt White House years and p has pointed out, “The possibility and they all agree that fan support compared, the Kernel stated that g
who. at 83, still works at the ——————————-————————— that Mrs. Roosevelt may have had makesabig difference when they‘re Civil rights Brown was handsome mm a . '
reporter‘s trade. “I‘m annoyed to It's too late to stop it, The deed is an affair with another woman out there playing a game. beautiful .w‘fe Wh‘le Louie Nunn was =
even have the idea go through my done. Itleaves me arguing with my neither enhances nor diminishes her Soccer at UK is only a competitive In the Oct. 25 debate t?) on a mudslinger. .That was a real ,
mmd" own distastes I keep asking myself public 01‘ personal achievements. club sport at this timeI but with campls in which Louie Nunn was honeSt comparison. It was plain III
She speaks fora lot of us. Would it did we need to know? I find myself For me, she will remain one of the more fans supporting it and more the only participant, Mr. Nunn was bl‘h 193$?”
nothave been better not to know? Do asking even more persistently than few human beings I have ever interest directed its way, it could questioned concerning his record on In addition. 1 never thought thatl .,
we need to know all these details at the time whai a national news known who saw the world as well as probably become a varsity team. It civil rights as governor. When asked would see a college editor C3111“! }
about “kissmg the soft spot nor- magazine published the names of the most cynical and the most would be relatively inexpens've to about his reason for not signing a Louie Nunn. a man he probably "
theast of the comer of your mouth?" the ladies John Kennedy brought despairing but who never indulged make it a varsity sport and since 75 specific piece of legislation aimed at never met. a ”Silly brat" and
And if we don‘t needIto know, into the White House without passing in cynicism,never gave up- AsAdlai percent of all the other university banning racial discrimination, he "crybaby." You show a 10‘ 0f class
whoIs at fault for annoying as by by the keeper of the official guest Stevenson once said. “Falsity teams are varsity, why not UK? stated that the Democratic Kernel- My little brother uses -
puttingtheidea through our minds? list. Why do we have this intense withered in her presence; hypocrisy Not being a varsity team has legislature would become phrases hke yours and he’s “1 .3 '
Is it theIpress? Is it the Roosevelt interest in privatelives? Shouldwe? left theroom." Perhapsit iswell for excluded the soccer club from belligerant to the extent that it elementary SCheOl. '
Library in Hyde Park? Why in the It's an argument between taste us to know that this great woman playing more competitve schools, would be impossible to enact more As most everyone knows, John y, '-
world did Lorena Hickok believe and faith. Mrs. Tufty speaks for my who helped to teach US that hope 15 and has also limited their reeurces beneficial programs. The 364,000 Brown Jr. wants to run Kentucky ‘.
, that she owed it to history to taste. My faith tells me that the more powerful than few had a since only the varsity teams are question remaining is: If the like a blSineS —and being a Site. .
preserve IMPS- Roosevelt SI hand- more we know about human beings prwate relationship Whleh many 0f athletically funded. For example, Democratic lgislature was so op- cessfu] bisinessman, he could do it ‘
written tributes to your vaice, the the better and more humanely and us find offensve. Why do we need to they are restricted to daytime posed to civil rights, how did this best. But, when you think about it. .
feel of your hair?‘ . more understandingly we shall live. know? Because we need to know games due to the lack of a lighted piece of legislation get on his desk what is the main objective of all
I suppose that the Gay Rights A human being is a complicated ourselves. soccer field. They must also pur- for his consideration in the first bisinessmen _ to make money! So j
hMetIIIigenmerIt 1VIvrll ng maIkeIIahspeCial mechanism. Some of the com- . chase their own equipment and place? being a shrewd businessman,
f th' eoI rs. oseve t. ename plicIations are genetic. Some are Tom Braden Is a nationally syn- supply their own transporation to Richard w. Dizney wouldn‘titbesmart to get control of '-
o isIfighter against Communist enVironmentai.For example,lhave dicated columnist. His column away games. Political Science and Philosophy a billion dollar or so budget like the ’,
bosses in the United Nations. party been reading John Toland s appears every Monday. We would just like to stress once senior state of Kentucky has. You're darn ,2
right it would be. What a golden if
opportunity to further feather the -.
. I I nest.
Writer pOIITtS out dangers of taking quotes religiously °“ “3W “it"
. rown r. receive e .'
democratic nomination for gover- if.
I , , . . . . . . . . nor, his father John Y. B own S . 12- :
By JOHN COOKE only after a discussion with Ia thar religion. Little do they realize beginning:" “The Christian religion was not was interviewed and asked how he -«~
“Let us re“ tht h minister,afnendof his family: did thaItIdelightfulI Catch-22 gives “The age of ignorance com- only at first attended with miracles, feltI He saidnothing abouth'sson— ,I- ~
came immgdiZtely Ito mindpwriai‘isi: :Eecopiefgorecpgpirathee spintIiIihal ”331% to OPPOSIHEIIerlm-‘t- d th menced with the Christian system.” but even at this day Cfitht be all he could talk about was his '
- .. . . ,, SUSS 1' W a ey were. e 0 3 prove no "18 an W Thomas Pa' e. believed b a - :5: 2;
reading the IReliinon at UK. damagedoneby tha'r loving godwill that in mind,Iwouldlike topass ona “The govlelrnment of the United without on: "nlglalv‘iedsminbie person numerous unsuccessful bids for "i
zegejwfgelifiigéi s giI-Iin o; the world take quite a while to heal. few. The first are biblical passages, States is not in any sense founcbd “Christian: there’s one' reborn Iggy: 1:: rwill?! :3: flgiu;y"fiiesahy§ Li
W' h h ys 0 I833 Uh "8 01' me. I Will never forget the religious OtSG'tS. taken from the New English upon the Christian religion.” John every minute.“ Anonymous. father would have. Well John Y. - 37
‘t t erecent V15“ 0‘ the 9099 and program I saw last Winter A Bible. PubllShd In 1971 Ad “Y h ‘ ' ' ~' 3‘
thePeople's Temple holocasut, it is preache' with a diamond hills ————-————'—— am 5' . . . be ou ave Mt converted a FMS} your father was a loser and hke ., é:
obvious that grip is still a sparkling like a bike reflector was _ . f . . . this loathsome combination J ICI:US8I you have Silenced him. father, like sm. ; i,
stranglehold. Yet, one would think thumping the Bible saying that the 0 p In [0 n 3 ffChurch and State. Thomas OIII. IViscount Morley. . . 2‘ If
these angel factories full of devil- teaching of Christ could easil be e erIson. I . . Us the test of a good religion John Salzman -_ 3-
d ul d , . . . . . y Lets not forget the illummating whetha you can Joke about it.” G. A & S freshman ‘_
W18"? wo “t SWVWe m a parlayed into a million dillar for- _.__—___.___. words of Pope Pius IX ”TheRoman K Chesterton r: “
:hlfmtytgitmesphe‘e. b“! they QO- tune and then he turned to a gilt- From the introduction to the Old pontiff can and ought to reconcile “‘The fact that 8 believer i5 hap- 1
many: of :ofmliftmz‘gggrlgi edged blackboardI to explain the Testamenthe find that “a major himself and come to terms with pier thana skeptic is no more ‘0 the . 3 '
higher education is Lords financial philosophy. Jesus. difficulty in translating the Old progress, liberalism and modern point than the fact that a drunken Letters Ollc i"
You don't need to look on an in- He must have heardINpIi-man Vin- Testament lies in the difference in civilization." man is happier thanasober one." G. p y .17”
temational level for the effects. giggle \I'IlIiIen hgsaid IPutGodto timeuand space. Palestine differs I Some statements considering the 8. Shaw.
Frienrh and relatives are “saved" potential in of: £fi§iemy°u§ SrelIih lI from the Western World. . . intellectual value of religion: “GomgI to church doesn't make The Kentucky Kernel welcomes i?
occasionally. You musthunor than ca 'tal' t .. y re so a no English words exist to A great deal of intelligaice can youachrisuan any more than gomg all contributions from the UK .
or let the l . shi PI Is system. . represent much about which the Old be invested in ignorance whai the to the garage makes you a car." - - - ' h ,
re ation P stumble ‘0 8h People are quick toquote the Bible Testament aks " (The empha ' eed f ' ' ' n community for publication on t e .
embarrassing close, hoping for a when they need to “prove " their is mine) spe . s“ Ifliellowor illuSion ls deep. Saul waxwgfiophaisablind ma ' a “hernia“ Opinion pas“ ‘
. . . . . nin .
igpmd‘mmnieyhat‘ they ”if”?! pomt. The most rudimaitary study In the. New Testament in- ”ltstands no service to blink the dark room looking for a black cat me‘ ”mm“ and commen' ‘ '
. ac ua' cg " The? Slhhh of reasomng repuliates that ap- trodirtion, we learn that the tran- fact . . . that a large portion of the that iSn’t thee. A theologian is the “mes mu“ be ‘yped and "iP‘e’ ’I -‘
, I shgmm he” 0'40 011$ theentire proach as an appealtoauthorlty and slators had problems became ”. . . noblest and most valuable teaching man who finds it." Anonymous. Spaced. Bhd must indude the i i
. - - ignorance, but no matter. They find themaja'ity of mantncripts. . .had has been the work not onl of men Finall th'B note from Geo e “The” “Shem" address “he ‘ 3
Such was the CM 0‘ a personal what they need to support what the hem exposed not nl t th ' ’ y y, ' q I"! ' 3
frigid His girl mad“; depressed me t d y . o y o e ac- whodidnotknow, but men who knew Santayana which comes closest to Phone numher- UK students should . I
. and she turned to the Marmuha an an they escape the con- eidental corruptions of long- and rejected, the Christian faith." expressing my outlook: “My include their year and major and «. ':
} people One of th first d (h "3‘11“?” Pluses with passages contimedcopying, bilalsoin partto John Stuart Mill. atheism...is thetrue piety towards University employees should list ‘.
g dm’rg he “man'enation” em“ a :IIIIpporting comradictionii and out of deliberate correction and “lin- The following have no com- the universe and denies only gods their position and department.
. I, complete break withhalov As is morass of fallactous and provement." mentary because of space fashionedby mm in that own image - ' if
, , er. 8“ deceptive arguments comes too Now here are some statanents limitations, but that' ' to be serv ts of their hum ' comnbuuons Should be
7’ ”It“? '3“de ”9‘ he _"’“ 0‘: much suffering. Wnai you findly from believers and non-believers. comment on their refitligenga‘lvu? a terests." an an m- deliver“ ‘0 Rm” 114 Jom'm' I?
' 2:3 y e h w'm God ‘5 1°" get them in a corner. they proclaim First we'll hear from some of the “All diseases of Christians are-to Let “3 prey. “mm“, 0' “mm“ Lexington. %
' . “53:32” "mugngfgl‘e can; that faith.Iwhich Itranxenrh the men who influenced the develop- he ascribed to demons." St. John Cooke is an English senior and Ky. 40506. ‘
. . nougli . need for ewdence, is at the hue of ment of thb comtry ”in gustine. former Kernel columnist. g
. ii ,
.I I or“, ‘ I..I_‘I' ._. I ""’.\>4,*l~*.r“?” 3“: .,.. . . . ...,