xt77d7959t67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7959t67/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2006 text GLSO News, May 2006 2006 2006-05 2019 true xt77d7959t67 section xt77d7959t67 Gay and
' tab...“ The G 180 NEWS
' Sen/Ices
Organization M ay 2006
.A Publication of the L'exingten flag and L‘esbian Services Ul'flifllilfiltifln
Volume 21 Number5
Lexin on Pride Idol 2006
gt SISTERSOUND mm; concur
You have one, possibly - two more . . _ , _
opportunities to be a contestant in the Spring '5 finally here and 't '5 time for
Pride ldol Contest. We have set an Part Two Of SisterSound S Tenth
. additional date for aspiring singers to Anniversary Concert Series. Ten Years °f
participate at Crossings on Friday, May Whine, Women, anthong Part it Will be
12 at 10 pm. Bring a $10 registration fee of‘ Saturday, May 20 at 8 pm, at the UK
and karoke music to sing with. We will also Singletary Center for the Arts. Tickets are
have some music available. You have a available from SisterSound members or
great chance to be selected for the Semi- from Mendy Daniels at268-3089. .
Finals as we have a number ofslots open. _ Our anniversary year started Off ”9“"
All preliminary winners will move up to mm a sold 0'“ crowd for our January
the Semi-Finals which will be held at the concert The eud'enee response was
Kentucky Theater (State side) on phenomenal as the chorus performed
Wednesday, May 16 at 8 pm. If we do not favorite songs from concerts over the last
have 20 people who have qualified for this ten years. . _
round, we will open the semi-finals to And new theres more! Time concert
additional contestants. We suggest you promises to be at least as entertaining with
call Bill at the Pride Center (859 253-3233) f "1“ 0‘ 0“ fever'teenefjd. new: '“e'ud'eg
between 10 am and 3 pm weekdays to see 1000 Orandmothers , 3'9" Dogs, _M”S'e
how many slots remain open after the May and Wed, W'M Women , Rainbow
12 preliminary. Connection,” and of course, ”LetThe River
The Semi-Finals were a lot of fun last Run”. _
year so please come to listen and cheer on SisterSound has a record number 0f
your favorite singer. Contestants will be chorus members ”“5 season. “fit“ over
judged by Steve Johnson,a Robbie Bartlet 40 VOICeS- our sound has ”ever been more
and Homer Tracy who will select ten impressrve. So, get your F'CKetS new and
individuals to compete in the Finals at the 10'" US on May 20- The Singletary Center
Pride Picnic on June 11. Everyone at the Box Office Will also have a few tickets, but
picnicwillthen vote forthe next Pride Idol. do ."Ot depend 0” there being tickets
available the night of the performance.
ANOTHER NOTE PRESENTS "LET‘S GO!" hi.» it» :1 ' .. ’W
A h N t th ’ Sponsor of the Month
not er oe invites you to join em .
on a musicaljourney Saturday, May 13th at _ “/1de K1101]. Farm
8 pm. at Woodland Christian Church. A .
$12 suggested donation at the door will i Falmess
contribute to the proceeds donated to
Moveable Feast. , "Let's Go!” features % Derby Party
music about travel, discovery and our ' ~
journeythrough life. May 6
continued on next page * ram—screw};

 “3%? GAY AND AnotherJllole ..continuedfrompage1
1“,; |_ E s B | A N . “This concert is a reminder that life is a
SERVICES Journey rather than a destination, " says Steve
«5 ORGANIZATION :ghnso:,tmt;3iclzal director of the group. "There is
Lexin . muc o. e earned as we travel though our

Qton, Kentucky lives, especrally during this time in history”
6 r8" NEWS Another Note is a volunteer men's choral
_ ensemble established in 1997. The group strives
Vol. 21 No.5 for musrcal excellence while enjoying fellowship
Published Monthly by: tahead :rgtfnigmfitmentq to {thelping others. 100% of
cm no er Note concerts are

GLSO donated to designated local char't'

P . . l ies. For more
_0. BIOX1172 Lex., Ky 40533 information call Steve Johnson, (859) 233-1730
www. exingtonglso@yahoo.com .

www.webspawner.comlusers/glsoqxnet CommUJVI i 1% Grand Opening
Newl_s E d—i tors and Err Exhibit
Mary Crone & Jackie Cobern By Lindsay Mafiingly
P _ _ . This Pride month get ready to celebrate th
ride Center Office Manager birth of a new Pride Center and to embrace th:
BIII Chandler idea of community. June 1, 2001 marked the
859 253_3233 date that the Pride Center of the Bluegrass first
opened its doors to provide a safe, nurturing
GLSO BOARD place for members of the LGBTQ community
Tom C ”_ P _ andourallies.

J 0 ms, reSIdent This year on June 1st between 7 and 9 pm
can Brannon, Vice pres. we wrll commemorate a new look for a new
Ben Salyers, Secretary center by holding a Grand Opening reception.

Jackie Cobern :gil:trii:]:e;s attthe :enter have been busy
Th _ way .0 ma e the atmosphere a little
“:mas Collins more fun and inVIting. Come see the beautiful
. ary Crone results! This open house celebration will also
Lindsay Mattingly feature works of art from artists in your
Sondra Mellott Svelnglr‘reitrirr‘tityihThfej works will be exhibited for the
_ on o une and selected ieces will be
Terry Mullins available for purchase. p
A new look is only the beginnin

g of the
GLSO Membership the progress we intend to make at the Pride Center. As the
& Newsletter fhn y pride center in Kentucky, the GLSO's mission is to meet
ln divi duals l Couples 8 :eneeds of our community. In order to do so, we have started
$20 per year get \grucrampaign to reach out to our community members and

Opinions expressed in the GLSO y PI opinions on what you want from your Pride Center.
News are those ofthe authors and _ . ans arebeing laid to hold a Community Forum and
do"? necessarily represent those of inVIte everyone in the community to come express their ideas
:26 etio 50:? iubmissions See next month's newsletter for more details about the forum

ceive a er 9 eadlin , h‘ h‘ ' '
the 15th ofeach month, :78”: Gift thatrir/‘wll be held on Sseturday, July 8‘“. Until then, please join us
or not printed when space is limited. on ursday, June 1 from 7-9pm as we salute the creativity of
Th? staff reserves the right to edit or our community and celebrate the new look ofour Pride Center
reject submswns and ads. Food, Wine, and friends will be provided l I
GLSO page 2

 . L’ 't .N .
e ammum 1] mm
S o
.r Bluegrass Fairness Derby Party Miss Derby Pride
3| Bluegrass Chapter will celebrate the The Imperial Court presents the
3 Kentucky Derby Mi“ a party at VW'dY Knoll annual Miss Derby Pride Pageant on May
p Farm. The event, May 6 from 3 to 8: W'” 3rd at the Bar Complex. Doors will open at
)f cost $5 per person, and people are 8:30 PM, with the show starting at 9:30
9 encouraged to bring f00d for a POt'UCk- P.M.Cover is $5, with proceeds benefiting
a Bluegrass KFA 'OOkS fonivard to a fun and the charities of the Court. Wear your best
refreshing afternoon. Derby Hat, get hopped up on Mint Juleps,
it is important that KFA and its and place your wagers on who will gallop
suoporters participate in events that are off with the coveted crown of Miss Derby
more entertaining and light-hearted so that pride
the LGBTQ community can demonstrate . .
that it may have suffered a few bruises, but Slew“ Rag"
: it is strong, and it will survive. So, bring Crowned Entertainer of the Year
' your friends out and be prepared to kick up _ , ,
a yourheelsand share somelaughs. . Imperial Princess Royale 24 Sierra
2 See page 8 _ 12 for an update on KY Reign was crowned Entertainer of the
t Fairness Alliance news or go online to Year before a packed crowd at the EOY
l www.kentuck1 {fairness org. Finale held at The _Bar Complex on March
I 29th. Congratulations to Sierra, Alyssa
Rainbow familiar Vlfilliams, Sabrina Nicole, and Carmen
, Alexxxis for raising over $3000 during the
i Lexington's only GLBT parenting EOY series.
. group, Rainbow Families of Lexington .
' (RFOL) is gearing up for a fun spring and fioronatlon cEventS
i summer. For updated information about The Imperial Court of Kentucky
I RFOL check our Yahoo Groups forum: invites you to Coronation 25: A Mythical
'. WWW- Night in the Castle of Darkness and Light--
Future events include a date at Chuck E Celebrating the Silver Jubi|ee the
‘ Cheese. You can also contact Cheryl at weekend ofJune 2nd-5th.
‘ 523-3033- Friday, June 2nd will be the ln-Town
Show featuring your favorite local
40+ Club entertainers. The show will be held at
3 The 40+ CM) is a group for women Spirits Lounge inside the first floor of the
t over 40 (and youngerfriends) who attenda Radisson. Doors will open at 8:30 PM.
i variety of activities together. We usually with the show starting at 9:30 RM Cover
I meet the secOnd Sunday of each month at is $5. Cash bar available.
the Pride Center for planning. Please Saturday, June 3rd's activities kick off
' contact Ginger at at 859-253-0051 or with the State Dinnerinthe Spirits Lounge.
- ggclr@yahoocom for information about Cocktails at 5:30, dinner and awards at6
' our next meeting or to be added to the PM. Tickets are $25 for dinner. Cash bar
i mailing list. available.
i - - Following the State Dinner will be the
, 1'“?ng Tie? $0118.11 1pBWfirkshop Out-of-Town Show, also in the Spirits
0 ere y ess1ca 0 Inger Lounge, featuring entertainers from
detalls on page 14
...continued on next page
GLSO page 3

 cCoronation cEvents ...continued Quirk Cdfé & Coffee
across the country. The show will start Quirk Café & Coffee, owned by Laura
promptly at 8130 PM- Cover is $5, cash Joans and Sherry Patys, is located on Main
baris available. Street in downtown Midway Kentucky. We
At 11 PM, the Court Will hOSt All have live music in the café on Tuesday
World Video's Male Review at a location nights from 5:30 to 8 pm with occasional
to be announced. Cover for this show will Friday night concerts in the Thoroughbred
be $5. Visit the Court's website at Theater next door.
http://www.imgcourtorg/kentucky for up- On Tuesday May 9th Loir O’Connor
to-date Coronation weekend details. will join us with original and pop vocals with
Sunday evening, June 4th, iS the 25th acoustic guitar. Sally Hammitt will play on
Annual Coronation Ball, featuring the May 23rd. information about other Tuesday
election ofEmpressand Emperor25 and night musicians is available at
the Board of Directors, incredible www.kyga||ery.com/quirk or by calling
entertainment, Hors D'Ouevres and a (859)846-4688 (local). We have also
cash bar. Doors open at 5330 RM, With hosted Vlfishing Chair and The Bats. On
the Opening production at 5 PM Tickets Tuesdays the cover is $1.00 and our full
are $15,and available atthe dOOF- menu is available. Reservations are
Proceeds from all events go to the suggested!
charities 0f the imperial Court Of We are always looking for other artists
Kentucky--including Moveable Feast to play in the café or the theater. If you
Lexington, The Kentucky Fairness perform or have a group and would like to
Alliance. AVOL, and the Pride Center Of bookagreat venue, call Laura at (859) 230-
the Bluegrass/G L80. 1705.
Kick 0”:
‘-.- xi woo“
t: , " ‘ ,. 09‘
w “to 6* NW}? ' {\e“
\t . Q - . ”it __§l,>m . aim/Ce?
‘ .' . ‘ “its? .,.g-'-ivi€£:"” m;
Thumday, June 1 st 7-9 Jim.
GLSO Pnde Center 389 Wallef‘Ave.
-: ' . . X '
to Commemorate a NEW look
for our Pride Center.
GLSO Page 4

 Sponsor of the Month
Windy Knoll
‘ Farm
3263 Cleveland Rd.
859 299-7410
Jennifer Crossen
Lessons in Dressage and Jumping
Boarding Training
Indoor Arena
Cross Country Course ' f7,-
Acreage for Trail Riding m
Stadium Jumping Course
Outdoor Sand Dressage Arena

 o O .
Pride Lenter News
p I
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Mon. - m. If] -3 Sat 10 -2
Wed Evenings 5 - 7 Thursdays 3 - 7 & 2nd Saturday Feb 11 6 - 9
Drop by for a chat, visit the Pride Library, orjoin one of the activities groups below.
Pride Center Activities Pride Reading
Pride Month "Genny This year our Pride Reading will be held
M d M 1 7'30 at the Pride Center on Saturday evening,
°_n ay, ay j _ June 17from 7to 9. Everyone is welcome
There W'” be another meeting later ”1 to attend- readers- singers-listeners.
May, call the Pride Center for date and Readers _ we would love to hear your
time or to let us know Of an event you poetry, short fiction, or non-fiction writing.
WOUId “ke to sponsor. Perhaps this is the place get feedback on
_ ‘ . _ . yourcoming out story orevena“letter to the
LéS-blafl MCI/We, Nigfité editor“ you have been thinking of writing.
_. ' I .1 , Performance poetry would be fun!
litmtdayé M35] 1! 8. 13 7 pm Singers, please bring your guitar or
We vote on a movie to watch- bring whatever and share some of your original
along your favorite to share with us. songs With “3' LiStenerS ' come “ppm a
fried or come to make some new friends.
We always have a good time so pleasejoin
lexington Insight usat thePride Center.
Every Friday night - open to all
pride Center 7:30 pm Volunteer Awards Banquet
The Volunteer Awards Banquet will be
DISCUSS/0N GROUP on Sunday, June . Nominations for the
Wasson and Rainbow Community Service
EVERY WED. 7 PM OPEN TO All Awards are now being taken. These awards
JANE' MDYJANEKY@YA/-/00 COM are forthe individual (Wasson Award) and the
' ' community groups (Rainbow Award) that
through volunteerism has done the most for
40 + “owe“ our communityinthe last year(or more)
Please contact Ginger at Anyone can nominate a person or a
ggclr@yahoo.com for information. group for these awards. Write a short
paragraph saying why you think they should
. ‘ . win, and send to lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
hm'ond Saturday thhts or bring it by the Pride Center. We will post
Mas) 12 6 - 9 pm them on ourweb site:www.glsopc.org.
Eveyone in the community can vote by
,d coming by the Pride Center during the first
Queer as Fo'k’ 3 season week ofJune. Dates and times will be printed
We?” bOked 39’“ DVD! in the June issues of this newsletter. The
STIII In shrink wrap. $55. winners will be announced and honored at
Coll Soroh 859 608—7828. the Pride Banquet-
GLSO page 6

 Tfie ngefl‘al Gourt of Kentucky Presents...
mi" was
' 495$ng ,: : (W)
m& cfi “UV“
, 1;
$‘% gab Q9 :3
t . . XE 3‘?
THE /§ (2?
~ 3&3 3‘13. “é -
MP $5
.0 ”ER 1?; "' ‘25.”; \ ”J;
v: \ 1E a‘ ‘ Lr‘pbfl’A-Dw» f?‘ .. “ ~  {I " i
Q < MK . .
GLSO page?

 . and applaud Fletcher's actions but will
EllSlel Mom“ KEBDS KY “Illness develop strong campaigns in the coming
Assflcmnfln Homing months to battle such bitter and blatant
discrimination, ignorance, hatred, and fear.
KFA celebrated Easter with a series Also in April, KFA focused on another
of trials and triumphs, First, let's issue: Jason Johnson's expulsion from The
accentuate the positive: the legislative University of the Cumberlands for being an
season ended April 12'“ without HB 236 out-and-proud homosexual. The school’s
getting signed into law. KFA rested easier administration intercepted Johnson on his
at the defeat of the bill that would have way to class about three weeks before the
effectively eliminated all existing local end of the semester and informed him that
fairness policies. lnfact, no billdetrimental he would be expelled that day and would
to LGBTQ persons made it out of receive F's for all of his classes despite his
committee. No one even bothered to statusasadean's-liststudent.
submitabill banning the ability ofGLQTB Unfortunately, the University of the
persons to adopt. Furthermore, the Cumberlands isa private institution thatcan
statewide fairness bill enjoyed a record implement such egregious policies. In mid
numberofsponsors. April, Johnson's lawyer and the University
To celebrate these victories, KFAers reached an agreement that will allow
earned a little relaxation and some hard- Johnson to submit his final assignments
earned visibility at the governor's Easter and earn the grades he merits.
egg-roll. Christina Gilgor, executive While KFA certainly rejoices that
director of KFA, accompanied by her Johnson's academic standing will not be
partner and children, participated in the jeopardized, it is still creating responses to
event. She reports that three gay families this reprehensible discrimination because
came to the event wearing Hawaiian leis, the issue at hand delves much deeper than
and two heterosexual families asked to Jason Johnson.
wearleis to show solidarity and support. The proposed state budget allots $11
Of course, the legislative season's million to the University ofthe Cumberlands
ending does not mean that KFA gets an to develop a pharmacy school. KFA does
extended vacation. The QTBLG not approve ofthe allocation oftax dollarsto
community suffered some major setbacks religious institutions. Such allocations
in April. Governor Ernie Fletcher signed represent a clear violation of the separation
an executive order that stripped BTQLG of church and state. Representative Kathy
people of protection in state employment. Stein and Senator Ernesto Scorsone have
As he signed the order that reversed asked the governorto use his powerof line-
former Governor Paul Patton's item veto to revoke the funds allocated to
inclusionary clause, Fletcher proudly the Universityofthe Cumberlands.
proclaimed the day Diversity Day. KFA director Christina Gilgor
The irony sucker-punched many personally delivered more than 400 letters
Kentuckians across the entire state. To to the governor's office demanding that he
add a cliched insult to injury, Fletcher veto that part of the budget. In addition,
contended that his administration was not KFA, in conjunction with the Kentucky
discriminating but merely following federal Collegiate Coalition, hosted a rally April 19m
guidelines, as if his administration were the in Williamsburg, KY.
textbook example of following federal Kelli Persons, chairperson of the
guidelines. Fletcher's handiwork has Kentucky Collegiate Coalition, approached
reinforced a second—class citizenship of KFA about helping with the rally. She says
LGBTQ Kentuckians and turned Diversity that “KCC members support Jason and all
Day into something more akin to Day ofthe gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender
WASP. Assuredly, KFA Will not srt back students in KentUCky'continued on a e 12

 The Imperial Court of Kentucky......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs......................................................(mobile) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation...............................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430
GLSO page 9

 r5»- 1; ii. " E’? 3i mutt 70:75, A an if ,7 lair-J "fiflemrii i“ tar-"n a”; ,7» 7H - '
tease anewpneenap sweetening- To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 E
MAY 2 oo 6 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comluserslglsoqmet \
Sunday 7 7 Monday77 7 Tuesda Wednesay 7 Thursday Friday Saturday
8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 59-7? Center Open 103-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ semi-rape): ion-2p asleep
Discussion/Speakers % 266.5904) 79 GLSO Discusswn 7P Lesbian W9 Night-PC the Pride Center 2" Namucs A"°"Y"‘°“5 W II
(call for place) 278-7103 7 Group-PC 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA gall f°r place 2781103 W MM .8:
1 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 DP? E'ueg'asgviaémiss H
Call for place 278-7103 Faer’my any @ "‘ Y ”° Mondays:
9p ICK Miss Derby 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
Pride @ The Bar Derby Day Discussion/Speaker(Ca// for
wreafleaaem“apnea"-eeignareamaarsreaeesswsaeesflmn apemmflmaseeaaa shenanaamr LOCOT’O”) 278'7 703
8p AA Open l 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p CenterO "103.7 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p 7
$331331: 530$]? Discussion/Speakers (03“ f0) 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion pe p the Pride Center 2p Narcotics Anonymous Tuesdays: 7 7
5p SisterSound Rehearsal 33079) (2373-7107:: M ? Group-PC 730 p Gay/Lesbian AA gallgfors place 278-7103 7pm - GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)
63) Imperial Court Mtg-PC ,P'L" .°’“'“'L°'""‘Pctg' i 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 P' P em“ saw“)!
9 ””9”" ”“3“ g Centerpiece 278-7103 9:30 Pridoidoig F""‘""C Wednesdays:
7 cm“; 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
7 “ 8pm - Gav/Lesbian AA (Call for
sextaeaeepefieevasmmm“one.an33%;me emmasmwaee memo”) 278'7103
10:30 a St. Mychal's 83/). pen 7p GSA (call ror place Center Open 50-79 Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington insight @ Center Open 10a-2p . .
SoulForce ( Jamie 230-5625) ”Wit-Cid; i 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussmn 7!! Lesbian Movle nght-PC the Pride Center 12 noon- GSA (call for |7irlda7ys.7 7 7 7
2p 40+ Women's Group-PC “inf no“ i 8:00 Pride Idol Semi- GronP-PC 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA place 266-5904) pm” 9mg 0“ _”S'ghi
4P Integrity @ St Michael‘s 7:3723117}::-i‘-j-_.}§§_Ti"%}s : Finals @ Kentucky 89 Gay/ Lesbian AA (call for place) 278-7103 2P Narcotics Anonymous 8pm ' GOV/ Lesbian AA
6p SisterSound Rehearsal ‘ I Theater Call for place 278-7103 call for place 278-7103 (CO/l for Location] 278-7103
g ‘ avSisterSwnd'nConcert
Mother's Day museum‘s”... " "“ i "m“ Fm” D” Sagitz‘r'cgics Anon mous
at enavrflwaawamfla r esteem qung‘ficaWefii 2'38“ 03 V
9a & 11a UU Church 8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p.7p Center Open 10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p
10130 a St. Mychai Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion the Pride Center 2i? Narcotics Anonymous 5 d _
771779 (gen77Y Integrity Mtg. @ 31- (call for place) 278-7103 Group-PC ' 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA ca" f°’ Piace 278'7103 7"" ays.
'0 o9 5 7:30p GLSO Board riitg 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for place) 270—7103 9000?“ 8‘ ‘ lam ' U” Chum"
6p SisterSound Rehearsal (New Date) Call for place 278-7103 . . Worship SerVIces.
3300 imperial Conn Mto- 10:30 - Mass, 31. Mychal The Many
6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
amaasaaeamaaflaaemsanemesarameenmmmacaws Londeowne P'eSbV' Chum”
10:30 a St. Mychal's 8p AA Open i 7 GSA call for lace Center Open 5p-7p 1 The 2006 Lexington Pride Idol Preliminary Contest Dates:
SoulForce ( Jamie 250-5625 Discussion/Speakers 226-590;) p 7p GLSO Discussion II
49 '"fieonly @St- M'Chaels (call for place) 278-7103 ' Group-PC *Friday, May12, 2006 at Crossings 117N. Limestone 9:30pm. 233-7266 """'. "
6p SisterSound Rehearsal 7 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 7 7 7 6pm - The Imperial Court
' Calm, place 2787103 Prlde Idol Semi-Finals 8:00 pm SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625
7 9? at the Kentucky Theater. 7:00pm Lesbian Movie Night
Memorial Day '” ”9-“ Admission $5.00
3.1"“? W”: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
0" “Y5. Sundays: email the group to confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page.
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. (4th Mon.) New Date 2pm -Women 40+[2no’. Sun}
7pm - Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) ~ 4pm- Infegriiy [2nd Sun} Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
4pm- Gen Ylni‘egrii‘y [3rd Sun] -
Igtgfpage in "I - '—-_ I" "I- ”I_ H "- I I"

 KY Fa1mess ...cont/nued from page 8 Research Participants Sought
No student should be denied access to an Researchers at the University of
education based on sexual orientation or . . .
any other difference. Fair-minded Kentucky and Universrty Of Memphis are
Kentuckians are outraged that any looking for partICIpants for a new online
discrimination is allowed to happen in our survey about exp eriences related to the
state. We are deeply concerned that other debate over the recognition 0f CW”
students in Kentucky and elsewhere will marriage rightsforsame-sexcouples.
have to face the fear that their right to an Th's '8 a study Of the-attitudes and
education and to be themselves is in experiences Of gay, lesbian, bisexual,
jeopardy.” same-gender Iovmg, and same-sex
Hailed as a success, the rally featured partnered persons regal?” th? debate
speeches by Senator Scorsone, the over recognition of cwrl marriage for
ReverendAI Pennybacker, Christina Gilgor, same-sex couples. The-study '8 being
Jason Johnson's boyfriend Zac Dreyer, and conducted by Ellen Riggle, PhD" 8‘
students from at least six different Sharon Rostosky, Ph'D" at U'K't and
universities. Sharon. Horne, Ph.D., at the Univ. of
As of press time, the budget issue Memphis. . .
rested solely in the hands of Governor The purpose 0f ”“8 study '8 to
Fletcher. Rep. David Vlfilliams of Burkesville document F"”'“fde§ 8"? experiences at
held his own rallyto encouragethe governor seve’?' pomts m time m all ttates- Our
not to veto the University of the hope isthatthefindingsfromthis research
Cumberlands allotment, yet, despite proiect Will contribute to an understanding
VWliams' pressure, KFA looks to Fletcher to 0f the eXPST'SnFeS 0f,GLB andisame-sex
uphold constitutional law and veto that partnered indiVIduals in the United States
money. Sadly enough, Fletcher may once duringthesetimes.
again pander to his demographic, allowing , _ If you are 18_or older and. a U'S'
that money to go through to the University Citizen, please conSIder participation. The
even though he daily bemoans the fact that survey W'” take you apprOXImately 15
the budgetis stretchedtoothin. minutes to complete. The deadline to
Gilgor and KFA are preparing to complete the survey in order to enter a
confront this allocation of public funds. drawrngforgiftcertificatesisJune15.
KFAwill do all that it can to make sure that ' To partiCIpate m the survey, 9° to
the road to the University getting that money www.coe.uky.edu/surveyor/?Survey=Jun
is chock full of speed bumps and potholes. €SUW8Y- If you 'have questions or would
Gilgor is developing a legal team and l'ke more information 90 t_°
strategyto presentalegal challenge based www.prismresearch.org or email
on constitutional law. Several lawyers have e.rigg|e@prismresearch.org.
expressed interest in participating in this
legal challenge. 0
, So, what is on the horizon for KFA? D&R G ft
Besides the struggles in the political arena, l S
the Bluegrass Chapter will celebrate the
Kentucky Derby with a party at Vlfindy Knoll “Everything or Something
Farms. (see pge 3) ~ 93
For anyone who wants the latest news for all your Glfi Needs
or information on how to become active, one 5 02'868'963 5
can find up-to-date KFA material at ddh3498@bellsouth.net
www.kentuckflairness.org, or one can call
1'866'205‘3239- Donny Hrdlicka & Russell Draper
GLSO page 12

at Windy Knoll Farm
3263 Cleveland Rd
Take Winchester Rd. to (Ieveiand , turn left. Windy
f‘ ‘ Knoli's driveway is on the left, just past the church.
1' Saturday. May 6 3p to 8p
'17.;3: W. ski-r.
in? w
r, ,5!" in;
"TM fe-ii' flag»; - - - -
{54*}! has this us» Place your bets and enjoy the festsvrties-
gs; a? I Y); is “ shit Bring food and drinks fora pot luck feast
s, 1‘. s‘,‘ " 3“"
s mi. , us. Please Donate $5 for admission
a ~' $51 1, hag»!!!
. , vs-  .“‘.,, '.
‘ §N$ ' a..." ,3 A... _
‘ ' '.s~\ ’, Broughtto you by
A ‘ is. Elk}: *a; Q: KYiairness Alliance:
Mos» .~ is Naif B'mgmm‘apt“
i'mmhss . it} s
. fi““1*5-i'..';g"-f"f xxg-X'tgifri‘iJ‘W forinformtion:
«v a ‘ ~.g ' ; -: gh’ys‘szsg,:1-;s,sess~2sg.;:,1.3;.i , s; (859) 8064i 14
1-m- 1 4. .mr.‘ sishuh‘z) s ,lngees'sré ;: s,
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14‘1%71a§i3'§3¥—m~ . j- $4; ' "»wy’§js'-’t‘,-‘i‘i'~'?i*i"3,1 "‘ '1.
91”“ « , s‘w'mi'etiw it
GLSO page13

 Telling 0111‘ Stories more help for young people as'they
realize they do not fit into sometles
We are beginning a series, 0i expectations for them. But, it is still a
personal stories: coming out stories and struggle for many of us. lhope my story
other accounts of how being in some way may help other people who are trying to
outside of societies norms has been figure outwho they are.
experienced by you in this particular place lcame from a broken family and I did
and time. History is not just what historians the traditional chores done by the male
write about the past, it is the letters, members of the fami|y_ Such as mowing
documents, works ofart, a variety of images grass, and washing the car. l was
and artifacts, and stories left behind by the dressed as a boy and encouraged to play
people who lived their lives often without a sports and “boyish” games. l became a
thought as to how their lives will influence fuiifiedoed tomboy.
people in the future. Our stories are the My best friends were boys. I didn't
original sources out of which “history” will be like playing with girls unless it was to beat
written. them up. We built Clubhouses, played
GLBTQ people i00k for and find army, ball, and worked on our bikes. My
evidence that people like us have been grandmother joked sometimes and
present in every time and place. We are called me her grandson in front of her
often particularly drawn to the personal friends
stories of people who came before US- I was one of the first girls on an all
The GLBTQ people that follow us (who boys baseball team. When the other
no dOUbt Will have new concepts and mothers stood up and screamed for me to
language to refer to themselves) will also be get off the field my grandmother stood up
curious about how we identified ourselves, and told them to shut UP- There was only
what our struggles were, and how our stories one other girl in the league. I believe she
may give new meaning to theirlives. enjoyed playing against me as much as i
So, send us your story. It can not be to enjoyed playing against her. We were
long to tit in the pages Of this newsletter, but proud of making this small step in our little
you could perhaps refer people to a longer town.
accountthat you have posted somewhere on One time a girl thought i was a boy
the internet. We may need to edit so give us and i went along with it to the point of
some way 0i contacting YOU- Send to going into the boys bathroom with my
_g_g_@y___lexin ton lso ahoo.com or to friend, who wasaboy. We were seeing
Wa crone insi htbb.com. how far we could carry the joke. I ended
Here is our that story: up giving her my phone number and
, , talking to her several times on the phone,
JaCkle 3 Story but I never saw her again. I thought it was
When we are born, most of us are prettyfunny. ‘
immediately labeled as either male or i didn't know at that time that i was
female. Babies that are intersexed, whose gay. i didn't even know the category .
' sex is not easily determined, are assigned a existed. i did have three boyfriends in .
label because our society is “sure” that you school, none really did anything for me
have to be one or the other. But, no one though. However, i was in love With
knows at that time what gender we will different female teachers. i got my heart
identify as later in life. Each of us as broken several times when their
individuals through our personal life boyfriends orhusbandswould show up.
experiences decide if we identify as male, When i was 15 my family got spilt
female or perhaps as neitheror both. UP even further. i was sent to an
Wearealsoallassumedfrom birthtobe emergency shelter in Louisville, KY
heterosexual. Fortunately today there is called Brooklawn. i met two counselors
GLSO page 14

 there named Carla and Donna who Couples “Biatttmsmli Wtil'itSlwli
turned out to be partners. l was real “Getting The love You Want”
troubled by what was happening in my . _ _
family and l had problems dealing with it Jessma Bollinger, LCSWand a trained
all. Ofcourse at 15, lwas also coming to lmago therapist, '3 offering weekend
termswith my sexual desires. workshops on: May 12 - 14, June 16 - 18,
I ran away from the shelter after and July 28 -30. She will be co-presenting
breaking my hand. Car