xt77d7959t0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7959t0q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-04-15 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 29,  April 15, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 29,  April 15, 1915 1915 1915-04-15 2015 true xt77d7959t0q section xt77d7959t0q Best Copy Availabl
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University of Kentucky
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I. J I 1:,; ` . , '
—··· E “—— ' A` !Al ‘ TV sto `_-`
· · · Llmfll all 0l'm€I’ 8. €  .
Athlemc Commnttee, a¤dyBusmess Manager and As- ` Dutch Schrader Is the Shm-
Not Coach to Give . t t Ed.t El ted Students to be Enter- , L, , ·
KS n u um For Next Year i —— Second Game
————— I Arrangements have been completed --T.
At eatin of the Ath·I+·tic Pom-, ,_ , , , ,   _ {
I H m K I ,|_ 1· rgnklirn (pm, a jumor m uu _ _ \ hy me- (-Ommmgg in enlarge, by wmvnd In ii Father Slow K¤m€ the WUGCMH
~ mlttee, held in Judge Barkvrs office _ _ , _, _ N _ _ I _ 2 `
. < ¢>||P1:e· Hf ANS and b<1<*¤<**· “-¤> <*|* *‘¥· · Hmm Pniverslty will havehe·adquartc·rs§rama out on the short end ot an 8-to-3
last Thursday, new regulations for the , ,, ,
<·nts along literary plmrgp to keep R registpr of an alum_`the· home boys,
_ Dust °f framing lfners ts those Tin productions, being :1 member of tlw · ni and fornler Students of the mgm". The Michiganders netted three runs
· t er 0 po n ea ` , .
“h° m“ 9 “ (cer ° " mlm I( mnerbury (Alub and the author of }‘   zion, who are urged to call at univer- in the initial inning when they tapped
in lntercolleglate track and Held lnpfns l\IlHH'l`()llS [)()PmS whivh have £\[l\N“‘H¥`(*’(l . _ { giyy headquarters and meet uniygrsity q _ _ I. . .
was thought to be too lax, but under _ _ _; . » ‘ V · ’r"‘€' OV two hm! ¤¤d HBKGP fum-
_ I in th*‘$'° ‘0l“m“8· ‘ ‘ mon and former comrades. Med two drives
· "‘° “"w “"““g°‘“‘*"‘“ °""'i"°“"""‘;'T .1.»rr¤»mm uams, u junior in mp msn: m·:Lmm, Buumns on university, work and Oppommé mt; mi ht h V th
“'h° equal Or b"“°" "°"“" """"* (’.>iI9ge or Agri(·u1nu¤·¢>, was s<·le<·te<|N***‘<‘*’ml>' *"*""*"’ "*'\’*“*" "" """ *"""`” departments will be on hand for dis- h ( g 8 8 Won •
. · ·· " , . . f t T . A
“   be allow ed to wear the K ' The l)uSi[]QSS lllallugér and Bart P€H.k, H. HIFIS basketball t9H"1· H-ihution along   circulars and   gunle or 8 ats 8   was, \V¤t8rs
privilege of naming the men who are _   r_ _ _ got a clean triple in the Mu; gud
b i lu r in the mhpr »mp1mm0re in the Arts and bcnvrxcel mazmns pertaining to the professions (_m_;S€d me plate on Haan single
  e e , . . · .
_ to 9 g ven 8* |n~partment_ was elected assistant <‘d1-‘ or business nalllngs of those who are , _
Sports has been taken away from the, mr [ imp") md N ri b in t ‘Hager was unable to advance as
-    s4,¤e meurosee ow,. ,
coach and will be decided according Tl _ , t _m l _ 4 4 p p p g `berwer tanned and W right popped qui,
i f the ('Ommmw I 16 M/“ ¤¤¤¤¤K€m<*¤ “ ·*S¤¤m*’; be of real help zo such former studentslm Bmndeu ,.Dumh., mt a hm drive
{0 me regulatfogs 0 ' ’ the- task of publishing and controlling A     , and alumni as may desire it www Second to M Queen h th d
» z . ,    ~ c , w o ga are
“T(`hAar$h“ 3 Oyih f tb H b ·L¤‘ WGGUY J0\11‘¤¤·l T0? UW Y€‘¤¥` 0*] A feature of the university‘s part irvit in `
€ . 8B€· . . . ~ ¢ .
· ' t 8 en 0 00 8 " W at the b°8in¤m8 of the b°Pt€""| ......-—- Hu- big program of the association
ball and basketball seasons l&tt8l‘S Nr {Mm of School I _ ; in b I r i 5 t f In the eighth the Cats chglked up
· -  w ea ous, rce anne or .
will be given no thosé men who have _ At Ph<>€¤¤>< H<>t€lT<>m<>1‘F0W ; D D D q _ thm other score after Wright und
k t i th f th f the ‘*"""°‘•‘°——" |   ht     B alumni, former students and umver- fanned when __Dutch_, walked wok
ree- our s 0 = ° » .
ta en par n   E. P.   IS ’_ 1 S 1 8 Pslty men on Friday night of the meet- ,
games (except baseball pitchers}.     Dlstrlbuted Today Eng week second 0n Brandells tumble on
Pitchers must have pitched forty-live _ __   V ` (`¤”\1m'S but and Scored on "Z0b0's" sin-
_ V _ · gle. Jim Park drove a l0 fl t.
‘""‘“gS ‘“ ’°““‘“’ “"‘""’“ F¤¤·~<1¤¤<+f¤r¤¤¤1<¤¤¤¤r<>¢¤ be gwenl That mw ummm-.» of all mm-. 5 ALASKAN LE(;]SLATgR , ”‘ Y °
2· In football, H man must have] Y C  _ P lk _ I _ 4 · I   Snsler and Tuttle rolled to Davidson.
d t i t i t Ib) Olonel b' 0 Johnsom Ot ’0ulS` U"““· the J“““’r Prom" wm be at me       Servers pitching was effective in
ame o . . .  
maye many mtuu es n ad? b ***1*% *0 the Students 0* *°‘¤**B€$ m Phoenix Hotel mmnrmw night, und; ~—— an but the mst and mst mum I
*“`° "edn °" tha game an n 839 journalism in the university has been ,\.,,ry man who is awake U, the Hnuu_  FM MM ¤¤¤¤b€¤‘ 011 the 1y<‘¢·um Nl)u[LhH Smrdder was me hi ,:·
. _ _ __  . . . . . -. · · · s u
11.111 seven innings. U (_haug€_d tm"! April 24 to Amd Z" at mm will make a beeune to the pm(_€` mill be 4 uereoptneon lecture I · ¥
3, A list of players wmh time OF No Same hour 2,30 m , _ _ __ _ ;gamrday_ April 17_ on ·-Alaskay by Ukhk handling Bight chances perfect-
1 ·   bé ke )t   the coach for Y » ·   · |\\'l1(;*I`(* he lllily g€[ 1115 lll\l[HUON.   C   ' b f h lv, \\·at8rs Reed and Hager each so"
· umngs " (I ~ W6 change wu made bY Wquwt of The seniors und the juniors muy} '(gdr ' tame' a men? Br 0 t 9 [two hits out of four times u
Emi; gamiu b d d t k students and professors who desire to gm their bids today at noon in m€}‘\l‘?sk*’· Lgglslature wr mgm y°“"S· The bm Store follows p'
‘* W 1 6 ****:5* °i*“°“t k}¤..»ur (olonel Johnson, but who had m,,,i.,m Ag0nL`s man-. ·m· m~um·{ “""‘ “ “‘°"""" °" ""’ L°""“'“‘“'°i \mm__m AB R H P0 A L
‘ ·,1aru¢· . ,  · ~ -  ‘
'"“ °°°l“"1l;"°f°; :’°";°bl`  ¤·r<~v¤¤¤¤¤>‘ ¤r¤¤¤¤¤d ¤<> ¤¤¤¤<¤ the *~- also will mm mm xm-mmuns »·am¤g!“'· “""" ""°‘°"‘°“ me *“"` °f °°‘ Sheehy cf _ 1 2 U 0 0
1* v E; ; ` w , , ·, , 4 , . . . 0
""“" Han B ° °“ ng ° g lu. A. meeting in Louisville- ,m¤— them an the Business Office. YM`? Lum Mud for a paltry Sum` and I [4 b. · ~
HN)-yard dl·lBh . ....... . ·..··     I ` _ _ , `[l()\\' they §,][‘(·* \\'()l‘[h $8_(NN},0U()_ ‘ ‘d' ddie' rr' " ‘ 0 2 2 I 0 0
U _ buch ax wuudertul uftair as thm ls· I“_ _ _
220-yard dash .............. Z3. ‘Hammer throw ,............ 108 teen __ __ _ I l In (.0,m€(.U,_m with his lwtum he;. cqueen, ab. . .» 1 1 4 1 0
_ _ whe- chance ot u l1tetu11u, at leu»t to i `,_l _ _ 9
440-yard dash ............... .>4.2 `l)is0us throw ......,......... 100 teetl _ _ im] Show Di(·[un,S Og Alaskan totenlsl Nh €f`. lf. ..... u ... l 2 1 0
‘ _ _ _ yewry junior, It he can not dance {hero [_ _ _ _ _
Xxx}-yard dash ............... 2.04..% » Imttvrs will also be awarded to wm— _ _ _ _ _ {photographs Og the Alaskan Sun HSE »f'&¤de*||, Sa. .. ·» 1 2 2 4 1
\ _ _ IS the S()l1\'Pl'1ll`, \\'lll(‘h IS ot H0 lllkllll ` B `
One-mile run ............... 4.47 `ners nn tvnms n1atcl1es with other vol- _ __ [ukgu gyppy 9;;],; minutes and 0(hpr €‘¤i0¤· ¢· ··»· 4 0 1 7 2 U
‘ V _ vulue, the music and the gurls, every- I _ _
Two miles ...............i.. 11.00 leges. l`h<= standard letters tor foot- _ _ ,im,.,·eSm,g gpgngsr Mlm)!. Ib.   3 0 0 9 1 0
_ _ thang to make him have a good ume. ,_ I _
120 yards hurdle ........... 17.2 ibull wnll be eight·inch_b|ock, mr base- I “ Y I H Mss mldsmer hl Mp Raine wm ,_;i\»9 2, mos; uumori. \\ MU. 3b .l... 4 1 0 1 1 0
, 4. . . . 0 SU , C ' . ' ` , ·` y V. ,
220—yard hurdle ............ 28.00 ball, six·inch block, and for basketball '_ _ _ wmyiw handling Or me Subject and U¤*¤dS0¤· LL ·- 3 0 1 1 1 0
_, wzurmg tor the dues ot all those who:
High jump ........... 5 feet 4 inches; Hve·inch block with the letter "H _ ;,.\-ery one Should um,nd_ Th,. yectum ———— — -
|· _ ~ have not pwd yet and want to go. | , _ _{ _
pong v3ul{ ,,,........ 10 feet 4 mches  added. All men who have represent- _ _ _ Iwill be given in chapel at S p. m. Sm- ["’“*l> ·—···· U 8 W 27 I0 2
um .......... r s · ·· · -· ··   . . ` ;*?‘—_‘
B d j 19 feet 2 im Ines ed their v¤·¤¤ab¤·¤· iii l’uruu¤· 1‘m»·.·.·.my at
` W
Two men will be selected from theme Wilder, Hrlggs, Hummell, Frazier; ! |;,.l,m.m,,.,,,_ ;m·ml¤·¤· 2 Humor Uollegw ut l.exim4· l.¤·xingwn.
emerge in each event except the relayf zzwyurd hurdles, Briggs. Hummel.] I ______ { to; *l`h•· rirst Western <‘mmerem·e team
races, in which Your men will m·0ntest.` Frazier; discus, Hlckursun, Hrittain,| Henry .I .hu-ulw, of mwingtmn. u`U•-mlwx· SI blurllnum Uullege zu Lew m pluy iu Kentucky.}
The officials have not yet been select- Neuhaus; polo vault, Frazier; broudigrudunte of tho t‘ull¤·g¤· of Nliuvs uml im.;tun. N¤m·¤ul»¤~¤· 26 'l‘huuksgiviug—Univer-
Bd, but good men will be in clmrpv. jump, Roth, lrvlund, l·‘ruzi•·r; shotput,·N|¤~1ullurgy lust your, was at thv u1ni·!&h-u»b¢·r lei Mississippi A. & M. Vol- sity of ’l`•·nm·s¤w ur |,ex|ugwu_
The events and entries follow: Hlckurson. lversity this mwk. .lu¤-ube is vnnngnloywli lege uz Uulumbus, Miss. Wlnmnnpimxs of the Soutlm
One hundred-yard dash, Roth, Grab- Of the last four events, only two ure! by the Huy <‘¤>nsolidut··d l`¤»m>¤·r l‘uu¤~| mmm of sarvngvst warn In the South.! .\ll Imum guuws will be plgygd on
{elder, Dirk; 220-yard dash. Roth. to be contested, and thu <·l1oi¤·e ls tu; pany, of Hay, Arizonu. and was •·u||•· ut l.exiugmu. ¤|ium," Stull Field.

 0 •
s T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go': G0. 1
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°"5°
Mg At Admission 10c V
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. BTAMPER. Jr., Own•r and Mana •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. U.
VPIIE I - ` ! THE nsstuc or ··m-••t..·· l · ’~
4 l l
DLA g .. =CALAGIS at co. . ,
Published •vory Thursday throughout the College year by the student bod! . _ l Succenor to SARRIB ( CO.
A 0 A M   D E of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the under- mm ' you fw! kinder l°“PmmP hem`   W M i  
graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. lately? 5 • a n •
`_"’”*`°' _"“' ;‘““`" ` " A ‘ ‘ ’ "°*“"* Feel as lf something were wrong? ·EsT .0DA FOUNTAIN IN TH. _
$[|?[|\|0|\ vA|||)[Y||_L[ rms: wml la me official newspaper or me University. tt 1. issued wml D . { I H , I MTV- FIN! GANDIN
{tho view of furnishing to lt; gubgcrlbera all the college news of Kentucky, On ( you ee as Home mm Mu-€| _____ __, ____
together with A digest of items of interest concerning the u¤lv•r||t.i•| Of! missing W "_`
other states and Canada |  
2       S ' _ _______ Since "Phll" pushed his wagon
l K " ` @1 0
3 ' "     ' ' 3 Entered st bexlnrtou Pont Office an second class mall manu.  
r   + — ~ —¤ V ir V; - ·—--L- »= —- — Ahn ···‘·=*——==‘= The campus don't look like lt used to,
I * ' lt`s mighty deserted and bare
      \ CLYDE P. TAYLOR ................. . ..................... Edlt0r·ln-Cblet we can-t buy a thing when www hum K t K
      `   ................................... Miinzging E;:::.0r my     y O I
  _ ,...........   ............... . ...·· I UNM WY ·4·mm» Om dago "l’hll" isn’t there! Offers free tuition in an depart,
l A••ocI|t• Edltora. l
Und•r EntIr•Iy N•w M•n•q•m•nt `JEANETTE BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. and Dl•c. W6 Want Home bananas Mid DP¤¤¤¥¤— ments to the g ra d u 8 t E S
‘A. B. Lamovirz ........... Athletics 0. c. Romans ............... Minh; We’r<· hunsry and ¤t¤rvl¤¤ und M16! of Kentucky High Schools who
    W. ROTH ............. Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange We long for "F1tz Newtcns" and can-
I dy_ are prepared to enter the Fresh-
4   € {LESTER W. GRADY ................ . .................. Bu•l¤••• Hangul we wm; to give ·*Pht1·‘ an our man Cla".
t J. T. GELDER ...................... . .............. Subncription Hangul kale!" ——S.
  e e at e e e     ;., t   Each county in the State la
I  °?`J'3 VT ..l ";.'.- '."-$f' .1 ".`fS`;1Z;T Zi 7 Iii. "LT;;i‘."TI  ' 0 * + + • + * Q + + + * + * + + +   to        
0 O · . .
  I S“S"'"'"° "“'"° "°“· K. Th. phllosopmal. and Unto. • t'°“’ '"“"‘°“l“‘°"• l“°°"“°" • • `
The faculty of the university sustained on last Tuesday night. the hazing 5+ Literary Societies wm hold a + and other feeS' one or mor. ·p-
ordinance by suspending six students from the university for the rema.lnderl* joint meeting In cbuwl Thurs- + p()intggg_ .
of this Semester, and three others from dormitory privilegg, The gc; bg. ‘ * day evening Apru'1°’ and the +
’ ° ` eatne etfective lust September and its purpose is to put an end to ald Iorms’+ fouomng program IS to be ren. + N°°°¤¤¤rY expenses moderate-
c 0c m     ,  .. . ... V _ , . . ·|• dered: ·I•
ot initiation, in which a student is exposed or intimidated in any manner ` FOP full il'lf0l'!!l8ti0D l‘E§81’d·
whatsoever. Many copies of the decree was circulated about the campus and Il" P Music—MisSes (mise! and + _ _
_»   nearly all students will admit that the law should be rigidly enforced. I+ Gnmngton + lng “PP°mt°°¤» courses of studyr
'-   ·"*"°° `~- I4- "Mv Ar0sa"—O W Crowder ·I·
Qi.;   _j;-.;'.==-  The only severe question arises when some innocent .tudent, on account ` ` ' `
.;_ ¤;_;_»_{—>·.  '.5;*L . _ __ _ _ ` S __ *4 V LI- Readlng—Mlss Vivian De + cost of board' etc" apply to 3
   ,~.·. ot hte aeeldeiltal presence, is suspended along mth those who are the ag-!
/ A—7T"-ilii   · { gressurs,   * Lame * H. S.  
`    ' This art is zi warning to the disturbers of the peace either within 0rl+ Flipping COmS_G' B` Nanc€' ll. Prggidgnt
` b. . _ l·I• Reading——Mlss Marie Becker. ·I» '
uithout the dormitory. All students are placed under the care of the uni-} _ Lllihftbll Ky
~`   ‘ l _ _. _ . .< .. _ , l·|· Favorite Selection—Charles ·|» • ·
 . K   , versity and it ie part and parcel ot lib program to decree tor the best in- l ‘
` J terests ot' the institution. + Bourland * ,
4.` `_.   Fraternities and societies likewise fall within their governmental do-ll. MuSic_MlsS Lois Burtlem *
X? I I inain and these should take heed, lest some fall in the same path. Surely,   All Students are “€lc0m€` z FOR PENS AND PENc"·S•
those who "get in," desire to have a quietus of the barbarous torture, whichj TABLETS AND FINE
* ~ / ,· 5 almost causes the initiutee to t-all upon superhuman power for mercy, l + + + + + + + + * + + + + + * + +| STATIONERY
· . > ! __________ ___    
\_ ,4. 4- 4- 4- ·•· 4- ·•· 4- 4- + ·•· ·•· ·•· time ·.·· lMYST]C THIRTEEN I JOHNSTON’s CANDY l
Q   IO HUM OF THE GADFLY *I* _; ;      
    ·_ I-}- ·|· ·|• ·I· ·I· ·I• O •I· •I· O ·I• ·I· •I· The .\lit·higan game brings to mindi  
`· , ., · , , , l
cflso \.5{ i THE NEWS IN RIME. an old query. It a man who aces toI Th? Mystic Thirteen and the Keys WF], E,    
l U ;_“h d lk “"""‘*‘*" ‘* ""‘"‘“’ “ “"“"*g°”"""· lslof me sme University entertained °° W"' '*"" °*"'°* °
_ _ St‘\(·lll)' lousall 1118 6 ml 5. u woman who goes there a. Mlchi-3 ith d F id iht tth Pl
To Inspect the new Spring` Five thousand gallons nearly. goose?   8 ance r ayug R 9 we-  ._. _. _
' Are drunk we’re told at Wawhington lmx Hotel ban mom' · -—— .;;.._._ ‘ ` ·
Stylés In t U U ·t d { · I ‘ -——— Q The Mystic Thirteen ls a sophomore ,
v esu ns·ear.. ··   -.   -
H t U _ 1 e U }   ' l Ut (Ulllbt xxl behue that a certatnlomamzation and the Keys belongs to l
(I S., |Nm<= thousand plunks is ull thes Florida Yniversity professor usgs his` the freshmen clam This was the mm HAVE YOUR  
  H .(:(?St’ I Ford for rabbit-sllooliug at night, butjtime that {hg (wg Organizations liavel  
Sh. Q Minis lsua 10; oi lllOll€)'1 we ean`t llll(l(*I`S[L\l1(.l how lie can hit vombmed to entertain- The hall was! 1-0
r M » ." . __` . ' ` _ *
,rtS• ·   le ewurerb umu Um Ut ‘* }`°'d‘ decorated ln emblems of both of thel R THE KENTUCKIAN
N k ' SIX thousand hours y societies iu electric ll hts which 1nade· MADE AT ‘·
ec   Are used-—"Just. one more. l1<>ll•*>'·" The \'. \\"s. ol the Vniversity ofl g   ’ '
1 _ l ithc ball very attractive. The music,     S   A
D ’ L B _ _ ——-—— Ihhssouri want to dtseurd all slang ex- was furnished by Miss Buchignanrsl p y l S
on t ay €hII`Id lm,. .l.um,.lo¤ mm ot como.- xlu<·k‘s]**"““**"‘* *‘"“ ""**""* “"“g ‘° *"“°" <»r<·hestr¤. which played v· ¤r>F¤¤dldl 341W,l|i|i Sl. Piu||1635-t Q ‘
Th 0 h Lleked Florida to a frozzle; IH"“ '“b°" °" ““"h *’h“”"S as ““1*¤*'°d _»·-ogmm for the dancing. t '
e t     Fifteen to three the score did sltoiv, iu bomb" "p€a(`hy·H hm" d“n*'(‘S like U - -——·»-~-»--7 -.--~ W . .. --.. , ..,, ,- - _     _ __
'Fhe game was mule dazzlu 'inillion tlollars," "for the love ot D | 4
        50,,sg Al THIIIIPSSEQ [hg     (`_   ,P("UJ-H hvs U nitty Sllllll !.h€y'I`€ SHOV-     I  
I · _ , · .
Mad. tn 0|°dII' _..i  (`ampaigns for better living; img """` m "um"g Um all that fl`l€8· To
The Vaudy boys Iseed dope, for some sweet day the
l . . . .
may miuoii tatund moguls might get wise and slide I D ( :
    I The SC0r(,t_it is not gi\,(,n_ gthe rollers under ‘e1n or slip ‘ent the       '
l highball for a swift fade·away with-
  ‘ 0         E MH il }`('llU`l\     l
!¤°°•'D°*•¢•¢ I Campuwlcgy chasm Q The w_   www - showwgndow n•¤||¤“_ .*¢‘¢‘l¤l1¤*<>l1Sl>` <‘<¤lllll<·rl>ulum·ed by con-     O j
• » Stghtsecrs on the courthouue step:. “"’["'U* r'“"m"¥·· "' ·*‘c0*`d8¤€9 with ’ e,
    CO• _ E .llr· <·xigt·l1l·ies of the situation, to the lncgq orgtd;  
h°°""’“‘ tlnly seven more weeks and the en- ‘u(|j(»5(,, S ls. · · .
M ' l 1 l age ol irreproathable
"W 'cwn" °' nineers can go back to the farm luuguukp muy, why M Su
· 4 ' r · · y this,
HAND-MADE CIGARS l ..-—,,, .   R • h N •
  } You run lead u man to u mirror hut] ·|"'*l* *`httl¤¤h•·l‘s, ot` Murray, Kell- e   t     ..
nl       ‘)Uu Fun"- [nuke hi"] se? hjlnspl] n5ltul.k\v H gradual`. Ur   (tolllfgti of  
 _._--.,V ..,, _, W,. I ` _ I  
‘others see ill!I1,··EXL'llU.IllJ,t'. "‘"” "ml h""'""*'· “**“ M mg u"'V°¥" ‘
DR. J. D.   ' Jetty during his spring vacation from g
gyg, gagapyqggg md ·r|.4ggA1· \\'¤tl¤ Corn as editor und Peak uslthe University or mt-hlggn_ ··;;.~tck··     A  
ECIALNT assistant next year, the present Hlalr was eantuin of the Wild- i '
0I••••• Ground to Ord•r ' I (ms n w13' ‘
ucchuuld luudlng ' lageinent of THE IDEA run ii5¤\||'¢‘ but withdrew from sehool to accept         t n II I K
°'·“ PM". •“'x Raw"`.- Tax you a good ‘°feed" und u "|lit»;ll old: the position of (`iti Milk Inspector. mes 0 e gun, y'

 • •
» *7 " ‘""" ` "T“"*""""`°‘_‘_`*""“"_"‘e" " —
____________v___I|.AMI·3n PE GIVES wn,n<;A1·s Am; EASY {VADET EIWAMPMENT ur ·» F. (·mM.,r.._ S..,,..r..]. ..,.. . .... .
M,   B [ DELIGHTFUL DANCE FOR M](][{[GAN])ERS| Wll‘I’ NOT BE HELD ··1‘ \i·»viv·· |‘·>w¤r, I’¤nne=yIv»mm l.m·—~
. ""‘—‘ I' I A H l‘ I- I — ,
IC     ,I.h‘_ IMM"' W! A Mmmm mcmU_'r  ___ I ·»mn»mumu mwuut,. M, _\\‘ _' and Mr. Wmmm mhwml of
• ' { (('()nunugd [rg"] Page ()ng_) |IIrd's tart vias in extgmporari
, Un|vgrg|t gtudgntg for ` ` ' ‘   ' that h4- Inns just r•¤<·<·lvMl from thv
y . th•· musiv for dancing,wI1i<~Inrnn¢l<·tI1r· pmm ry ·; U [ 0 U 4, ···>¤1¤ <>n¢·. szivimz "Advirv rn a Young
. I l)3ncQg and Parties _ i _ _ I ` ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ` ¢»fT`i<·¤· nf thv Adjutant. Gewwrnl in Ihr w I _ ‘ __
L. wi GRADYI Mvn mz a wry vmrmlng ono uml tlnn'RQ,,d_ Q_ ______ 4 U 2 g 3 .,`“,m_ Iwpmmtmt mm `mdpr R rpwnt `nn .ust homing (nllogsg and M;-_
K.   U- Repr°·en`·uve hngllnnlity “nR pnjnypd by gvvpral Park' H.4   4 U U 2 U UNH" nf Fnngrngg tho Stan. Arson:/I] (¤H>SUH lll§l(I¢‘ HIS H(Idf'¢`·SR Oh thv H\lb·
______ V  ___ M     _ A     _ \¤·¤'¤;<|¤"<*;ii¤¤¤•‘¤¥¤. H m Q |r.m|(», 1b_ ____ 4 0 U 12 4; nlpmmm lvm] ‘_mmmN_m to mp (_mh_m_ r. lhv Isyrhnlogy of I·,dum4mm_
vvvvnz wr·r·» M- rrvmrn M II xmmrg, 2b,   4 1 2 I 1 3 -. ee
I. D, I   ""‘"*‘*’· Mn M"! G""l""d* Mn w· J·‘*|M<*‘*`· 3**- ··~— I *’ 2 I U 4 % OUNG MEN
um, nu., Plzgntt and Mr. W. B. (Zrmm, and as- Sm.,.m.’ p_ _____ 3 0 U 1 3 1 A Y
DOROTHY FOOD SHOES sistlnz were the chapemnes, }’resid<=nt‘··LG9 _____'   I 0 I, 0 U U · v
FOR WOMEN and Mrs. H. S. Barker, Dean Anna. J, _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ ' _
$3.50 to $5.00 Humumn, Professor and Mrs. L. K. 'rotals _·____ 34 2 q 27 16 8   dnd €§I’€C‘3llY collizge t;€l'
      !·`ranke··I, Professor and Mrs. 'I`. R. *H&tmd for S,,,ry,.r in yuh " l()WSy like the new VZYSIISY
FOR MEN Bryant, Miss Mary Fisher and Dr. A. gmphggan _______ 3 ,, 0 0 1 I U 1 2,,8 Flfty-Five mgdglg mgdg  
O ·   t° $6*00 “- M¤°k°¤'*°· K»-murky ....... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2
The members of MIG LBm€d P9 are Summary.Y ']'w().\)ugg [Mfg, Labgdigv     &  
  M¤¤¤r¤- A· <`· Y<>¤¤¤· Rohm M*¢·"¥¤+*¤· sm.-r, xvmm, ummm. Tnlme-base ~
P, ‘ P , [·’· "· ”“‘°“· *‘· *‘· *’**"’**“· “· “· **0** Mn waters. nm on n¤u¤—0¤ na-I It’S really the very best;
  _` Iohon, E. M. Mvfluffy, 0. P. Gerhard. t·m,.(m_ 2; on som-pr} 1, Struck 0ut~~= Q ytillflg m21fl’S model out this
T   ·   I1. \Vatkins, (`. (`. l’)0rt(*r,       Inavidsoni     Server, 5. Stolpn  
RA O {Griggs, W. B. Croan, R. M. ElgeIl1urt,l,;,,S,,S .... Sh,,6,hy_ Mcqueenl ;;,,,_,,d,,u,l $
  irierbert Barth, L. J. Heyman, George ;;,,m(,n_ Sucrmw mt_Duvld80n_l ri We Show them in all the
  "\\ .Na;:l•=·, Joseph Plggott, J. O. Kelley, ··1 . fp rw . _ U { , Q
,<·ms\~\~* ... I — ¤... M. um.   " "`""`     ""’ ""»  gm G'? U”¤“hm and
J 'T 1 I | ..._......-._ artan p 31dS and a lot 0f
`   ' I —-——~· •¢-•-——·———-· · l
          I SI1yllSh StI‘l[)€S 3Ild checks.
' • I 5 ' \ Better drop IH and see all
  The twentieth anniversary Oti Floyd (WVPBBIYI \VI'Igh[, the star            
  !·`0unders' Day was velebruted by the "“*"°'d*‘* "“ ***6 'V*¤`¤*iY t€‘¤¤1. may,   » show, pI‘lC€d from $12.50 to
6 VM (`hapter at Transylvania Univ9r_:\1c+ one of the Lexington Colts this  
{ D N   sity and the Lambda Alpha Chapter; summer if Manager Huyn puts through t
at State lynivemm, of the pm Omegata deal started Saturday. Guyn is very   ·
nn• lg TI   }<`[·u[grn“_y’ last yveek yyith 3 banquet anxious to IIBVG \VI`Ight OI] [IK) Lex-` Q        
127 Cheapside in me private dining mom at the ingtnn team, but he was under <·0n— E:}  
¤-nmnix nom. The mom was taste-ttmct *0 ¤¤*¤ ~—r*¤· the <¤¤<~<·*¤¤¤ _ ' Lexingi0n's Baggeséem
Hoursg AJ"- to 8 p·m· Phene   flllly d€('0l`8,[9d II] cardinal and §(r[]_\,\',iAlnPrical]S this Springy which contract _' d_A___¥§H:d `h;"r§ W   I *47 r Arm r W“_____i 1
-...- ..-_._....._;...i.....-- the Chi Omega c0l0rB· aha W3}; p|'Q\‘(·yn[gd from keeping by an
Mrs Ray Ruthm.fm.d_ Of EHzab(,th_$inj11ry to his throwing arm. Gnyn C D C   Y
' .. . , ._ proposed to tho Uleveland manager, • • A A
Q _ l mxn. nm Miss Susan Bond, of Lan X •
. 5 I * ' » · · , 4 v e q
Q , *  We A"  { Ir nu-burg, was the charming ma,q.~·I¢¤** |·Il`l1\lH1.,lnam, that he make ar    
  A- *' n istrrss and presided gracefully xx·itI1h"a"*“*""”`m“ to IPI wright Play h€‘Y*‘       A K S _
    ` <·|<\‘<·r rvsponses. Vocal and imqm.*U¤i** ¤¤mm•°F. subject to the Pall 0f the 116 `vn sltxlx
4_ { y L` 3 QEN mental music helped to pass the hours { ·““"*"`i"*"‘“· but m"“*“gh““‘ “`€""`d’  
P `I   REXTQ delightfully, all voices going in r1wI*"(‘H"*"* “’ k°*’l> il tight lwid 0¤ ,—1--—e.i..e»-..Tt;-r-—-—- .-.-.-—-
{ U —R;§t;G%’T>""`; \ S*“¤i¤¤ of the fraternity songs. WFIMIH. und it is feared that me
t _` I I ` `
' `*`~"$ d   I ___ (‘levelunde-rs or some other team will | I-I G E N I X H O I E L
        \ EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES. tukv him away [rom the Colts. I   V 7-7 _ _ _ V _ _ T IIVI ifr
_ except SATURDAYS. I ___. I ________•_____
; / TURKISHSHOWER &pLMN x I (()mittt·ql From Last Week) The lllIi[Il(·‘lllkHI('S section of the As·   Breakfasts from I 5c to  
S - tg   Q -=- V l’rot'e:¤¤¤¤ ~~<>rki¤¤ with <»¤¤¤¤ty Agent 1m»·t»mm»S ¤.]€tm¤nw umm·Sa¤· um     IIII         _V,_I     IIIII
k\/arney in introducing alfalfa in that wt.(.k_ prm·,.SS0r paul p_ ;;Oyd_ head I O o ` M iv"`
__ _ (.,,mmu,my_ of the Mmh(_“mm_S Depammmv is The ncw Gnll ns the most boautnful room in Central Ken-
‘ • "" I In .1 ed ·h R k
lmklrt ‘ Fonch Pr°prI•“"[ m"‘_— — president of the section this ygmy UW Y, ¢¢0|‘¤€ wut 00 wood Pottery,
‘ ° I 1 · .. ¤ .
4 ` Ir0i<»·»¤¢>rs Roberts and taunody _.......•..1_. ___________________ ___,________ __,_
{loft rl`\|P\(IllV for Qim (‘ ·
. a g af gf Qp ~ . ~ 1>¤¤¤¤ uurm. MOUNTAIN STUDENTS
r 1% South Llmntcm str", Kvvlwre they will work with (Toumy1HAVE SQCIAL EVENING I-; i ii ..i;eii,ii . ;;;i;e.r»e;i.;....i.~__.e._?.;
Ph I Htlll k 'A· }rl—l · I ·d·‘ ·z   ""‘ I
°°°°°°°° `[`:,....,:Z:,xK,°° °° ·.l.f°"t_iQf ;0_;l;t";“;“"r’_‘l‘;""xf"  ’l‘h·· regular m0..¤.],v literary ,,,0. · K h ,
‘ »   ‘ ·       — . I — ·—   3 IIS C Zll'tlIl€llt St0l'€
Fmsrcl-Ass WQRK GUARANTEEDW11 various parts of the county, \\'I[Il(§’ld"l m_ mh Moumflm (lub MM hdl I
* ‘ __..._....,A_..._....—-—-|_u { d I t d d t `urdny mght was dxspensed wxth und
P Mm M• After zh• Gum at |‘_“”"`“‘ “`°“"’“ “"l I “{""2""'“{r¤»..» »..m·.» evening was gn-.»¤ to li SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SUPPLIES
s M GURK,S "‘2‘_` ;’“ “‘*=“""""’ ""‘ ‘°”‘“" ‘"" ».;...,.,· Sm-M1 and ¤..u5i.-at pmmum. AT WHOLESALE PRjQE§
· I C Su W S` · *1*1 » ·u‘ · r 1 » Y - -
= . » _.   A `IQZZJZE Z,‘i{’§I§°;§.h‘2$ ..... i * Supphes ’°* '°·"*·¢$· Banquets- Ew-
whom ·u n wen uid GOOD' 1 The Extension Department reports I A ` I A l _ A _ _ * Phone 483 or l690—y. Call fur Solicitor
, I ni _l _ i f __ `hvre, gueste and friends. llvhghttul ‘
' • Hm Chocolate, C•¤dy wd lc••*""_ ‘f‘ V “ "* °““"’“‘“""g °” "‘°"’,m-mh.“.»ms were served und the       ·~ ~ —»   e——~—
lnhultu. Professor T. R. Bryant, xvlnotwening was u great treat
Dr.       li ill I I _ `nl __ I I A number of mountain students
Mlm ltmugl new is bt a (mb from Transylvania and four mountain _;_ J Gr dd N; k R T C B
DENTIST way to go',. the ngoing., is good and, · Z y c yin · . radlay Jn. T. McCarty
I d _t i ( 1 { { f it .stnd<·nt nurses from the Good Samur-
. M,,c;,u,,,d 3,,;;.;;,. ;m:’*f“;ud if   d"W‘;:‘t;’d“:‘i Z ml·|m... nospam were present. I he I Ogg€I'y  
________  ·» 1 ’ S' 0 ' —
` GO T0 ly ut 
  , 'I`In· KI*ll[ll(‘k\i \\'e·sII-Enix (‘lub hold ‘ c°"'\••‘ Um•|¥°¤• ind Wi¤•|¤w.
K k ` ——-——-—··——· I
' Lexi;] [0]] · Qntuc its nnnuul mm·ting in thvvlty Saturday _ __ — ` , .
_ ...5..;.....2, at mm Mm am lm____dum___ U, {Mm . I ‘· _ ¤.•¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ I Full Lmc of STATIONERY and SUPPLIES
_ ]||[ (;|||(;A30 I[|c||[|\$' ASEIIQYI Pm.»m1»»¤-». n mm p¤·.·¤1ut»u over by " L;;{fjfgj·__f<»·$4 A CREAM n Luncu courwen oven seven ¤Avs mu NIGHTI.
|*m»MPT !u·JI.1ABLE-— l•3l·‘I·‘II‘IEN'l‘. Mrs. Abbie Eustvr Guudloc, president     ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY.
The Wn tu The Best I’u»mun¤ an X . , nn. K•ntucky• I••\
. · I H N YU W L I VW lu W [ of tht, (lub, At the busimsu Ill8titIIlg _ lmffmrm d
"ne nr 1, UD unt . nm e es _· _ {_ l ` _, . ‘. ) .n C
        Mlhs IMIIIII IIIIIS, [.,lIt‘h[ Ur IIOIIOI`,   1,.k.. L··· Wa F•     Og
zu I•••n••\•m I|•l••r•lty I|||.. GI|¢l|•- made n short tulk. I   |hq;·g•”|n¤,

 gw,. _g_____ __________   ,__ l j T n E ID E A .
, ` 1 ` ` ' ' ' * v ••••o•••••••••
lRA(§»3`{}Rl:% ¥Jm·l:§)FN· STUDENTS \lEw ON Mll.lTAR\ SERVICE ASKED: ‘••“•••••··•···•··•••··
’ •‘ ‘ new- ) ‘ \ Efforts Are Being Made by Leagues to Obtain the Consensus of Opinion Re t
'I`he practical inint·t-s` ttturst; which gardmg Military prepm-a“°n' t      
U Q I y I ` l Une or niorc ot th•· tn•·tnb•~rs ot' thc faculty liave t·•—t·•·lvt·tl it letter from · . _
opened last w••k. l loin;. att•n¤l•tl ml nrmmmmm in Xp" Yurk asking mr mv {ummm U1. Hmdpms rpgammgt The best IS DOHC t00 g`00(l when It ('Om€S to
"* "‘*“"‘** "‘*"‘ ml"' ·"'Ul""“f "l 'l*" Amt·r1t·tt‘s ittltltttry =t~rt