xt77d7958w09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7958w09/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1992 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1992 image University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1992 1992 1992 2015 true xt77d7958w09 section xt77d7958w09   \A  
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I DATE OPPONENT TIME I   O·_U   T -»       ¢_V.    » .W  
I sept. s CENTRAL MICHIGAN 8:00 ET I I I U_-  2 ‘ ’ P ‘   *   f 5; K;--   I;  UU;»UU-K  
I Sept. 12 at Florida TBA ‘ - [ ‘ I   _ OA·K:V . I _     I      
I Septllg INDIANA 8:00ET     .   { w     723; ,.`,‘   VTIU A  `ii’.;I:‘j;;‘i ‘_’,~   '
i Scpt.26 SOUTH CAROLINA 8:00 ET I I I   I
I Oct. 3 at Olc Miss 6:00 CT
Oct. 17 at LSU 7:00 CT
I Oct. 24 GEORGIA · 8:00 ET
I Nov. 7 VANDERBILT mom. . ._.WILDCAT S T O WATCH IN 92. .
_ Nov. 14 at Cincinnati 4:00 ET A ‘ "   I-   l
I Nov. 21 at Tcnncsscc 1:00 ET     ' ~*n Q   I     .._“I   %”
l I  ~a I- ..4 S:   'F — I  ~  2%* * T
I _ ,_  T " - if      L IQ T       
I I993 KENTUCKY   ,   ¤> .     V     1* —
FOOTBALL SCHEDULE I W  cn :» ~  ‘ 0   · g            2 
‘  _   V  I ·     —-    ~*’    . I
` DATE OPPONENT  a     { . -  I    ‘  ‘   I
Scpt.11 FLORIDA ______ ·v*s‘  F _..,,_. _ I =
I Sept. 18 at Indiana     I _ . ~   H   I  
Scpt.25 atSouth Carolina     ·» J . S   " .— · “   ~.   la.     ";F°`"** `° r·   ·  
2 Oct 2 OLE MISS   ·»..-   `I      ' KURT*°HN$°N·FL .-  
I       4   -· v -    I     y i;_ I I   I - { 'gx     -` ,_*   *2
"¤~ I I We sw ;. *5* -1 ?-1   ·
I Oct. 23 atGcorgia - Q   I {   @{ ,1*   » _     -  
I Oct. 30 at Mississippi Statc I -   `J  *5   ` .. • { I.       __   ¤ , I
I Nov. 6 atVandcrbilt _   ‘             I
Nov. 13 EAST CAROLINA ·     A   _    jg .     .
Nov. 20 TENNESSEE _ ”   I I. I ' . "     I ` W" ‘ _;I ·
*   " .,   ;...  .... f z "   ` f `   Y
   ‘ °  I   =¤·    ‘ ‘`..     ' I *1  
W9! KFNWEKY _,‘2I3·»·      ...  »- Em ‘·.  ”‘·
FOOTBALL RESULTS   . . * i     I     ` »
; (Won 3, Lost 8) S ·· · ‘    ‘  _`fr g. >§;_ I  
1 NEILPAGE-TE K,       .*5
· ·-v-. v . v · ·- ay ‘a·. · .» ‘ .   » ’   I ‘
I DATE OPPONENT RESULT S} -  It;       I   I I    I. g
I cpt. - ( - -  -~N.  A  -   ·~.. ; ”     · » ;·%"‘*}. ·§ .. V  
S 7 MIAMI OHIO) W 23 20 _ A ‘   Im  I   I J I_ (    
I Scpt.21 at Indiana L 10-13   \¢. <°-9*: ··‘· °  ‘·   S Y E *&`·€ *
. Scpt.28 KENT STATE w 24-6 ` — ~—.». . .  I.   `      I  
. Oct. 5 OLE MISS L 14-35     __ . {@2 xiv  I     js ·
‘ Oct. 12 at Mississippi State L 6-31       I I' :*5   (:1: ` _.,. . I I  
Oct.·19 LSU L 26-29 K   {I I  I     I I _ I
Oct. 26 atGc0rgia L 27-49     ». ss ‘   _   { 1.;: I,_i     .____ V; I5
Nov. 2 CINCINNATI w 20-17 “   I \ — ’  I3 I     ‘`‘‘i   I
Nov. 9 atVandcrbilt · L 7-17 M    —-   ke- .~..       - I
Nov. 16 at Florida L 26-35 Q I I `wm ` I E ct

  1992 UK F M G
  Media Policies .............,.................................i..... 2 University of Kentucky Profile ................,...... 12-1    
l  Primary Media List ....................................,...,.... 4 President Charles Wethington .,....,,.,.............. 126 Tho l992 Kontucky Foolball lylodia Guido is
‘ AQ UK Radio/Television Networks ......,,................., 6 Athletics Director C.M. Newton ...................., 127 published by the University of Kentucky
 Q Lexington Map .................................................... 8 UKAA Aaininistnitive starr .......................,,.. 128 Athletics Association, C-lii· Ncuton. Athletics
  Hotel/Airlineffaxi Infortnation ....................,..,,.. 9 UKAA Head Coaches/Year in Review ........... 129 Director-
  UK Campus Map ............................,..,...i.......... 10 UKAA Support Staff ..,,.......... . ...................... 130 Editor Joey Howard §
      "“""““‘E“"°“ §'.§§'§,‘.f,§‘[f‘§$‘§;,e.,,,c_
  Prospectus .,....,.......................................,.......... 12 N utter Training Facility .............,..,......,.......... 132 Julie Watson
1 A Alphabetical Roster .................,.................,....... I6 CATS .............. . ....................,..r....................... 134 Editorial Assislanls Joyce goxien
l Numerical Roster ........,......................,.............. 18 Commonwealth Stadium .,............................... 136 Sandy Boyken Q
 __ Roster Breakdown/Spring Review .................... 19 Commonwealth Stadium Records ,................. 138 Photography David Coyle,
, Offensive Depth Chart ..........................,.........,. 20 Indoor Practice Facility ..,................................ 139 Amy B0)'¤¤0“’$ki,
i Defensive Depth Chart .....1................,............... 21 UK Strength Program ............,.......,................ 140 Aciiiiii Sports of L
  Column Notes ......................................,...1..,..... 22 UK Health and Equipment ....,...,..................... 141 Anicricii i‘i°dii
 i Lexington/Kentucky Profile .,..,....................... 142    Jones
l  i 992 ‘°A‘i'iE$ c.w. Patik Sports. i -,
· Bill Curry ...............................,.......................... 24 I·IISTORY/ TRADITION Chuck perry
Questions with Bill Curry ...................,............. 28 History of Kentucky Football ......................... 144 Tweseiiingjgranhies By Design
t Why Not Kentucky ,.... . ..................................... 30 UK Football Items ......................,................... 148 (Corin Hahn L0vcl|_
Assistant Coaches .... . .....,.............,..,................. 31 Retired Jerseys ............1................................... 151 Randy Lovell} a
Graduate Assistant Coaches .............................. 35 All-Americans ..,.......................,...................... 153 Cover D9$igll K€ll Miidilk
Football Support Staff .......,..........,.................... 36 A1l—Southeastem Conference ...,................,..... 154 Priiiiiiig posi Printing Cimipimy
i Academic All—SEC Honor Roll ...................... 155
l . ;992 PLAYERS UK Football Honor Roll ................. . ..,......,..... 156 Anoul, THE c°vER
 { layer Profiles ............,...................................... 40 Wildcats in the Pros ..............,1..1..................... 158 Artist Ken Modak or Modak Illustrations
l _ W1lClCi1[S Squadmell ..................................,....... 87 I:OI`l11€1‘ UK GFCLIIS ..............................,... , 1.... ..160 designed the 1992 yvildcais Football cover. -•
' E. UK in the Polls ...................,.,,........,................ 162 Featured on the front and beck eovers ere
    1 992 OPPONENTS Bowl Games ............................................,.....,. 164 UK cpneii Bill Curry and the wilueate -92 All-
_` ’ Central Michigan/Florida ....................,............. 90 Academic Achievement Award ...,.................. 167 Star candidates—(45) Marty Moore, (ll Brad =
A Indiana/South Carolina ...................................,. 91 UK on Television/Homecoming ..................... 168 Armsteadi (681 Todd P€l`l')'· and (Z1) Dtlllg
= Ole Miss71.su .,................................................. 92 i’¢ii*¢i’-
Georgia/Mississippi State ......,,..,..........,............. 3 RECORDS
`   ........................................   l[r1€cliI;iitg1;;OR§e0rds ...........,..............................   1992 PREsEAs°“ SCHEDULE *
Arkansas/Auburn .................,............................ 96 NCAA/SEC Records Held by UK .................. 177 Campus
t 1992 Series Scores .....................................,,..... 97 Career Leaders ............,,..............,..........,....,... 178 Angnsl 8, Saturday First Freshman °
‘ ~ Season Leaders .........................,...................., 181 Practice
‘ 'I 99 'I REVIEW Longest Plays ..........,..,..,,..............,..1.,.,,.,,,.,... 182 August 12, Wednesday Varsity Reports to
i  A Look Back at 1991 ................,.,................... 100 100—Yard Rushers ........................................... 183 Campus §
iviinnii (Ohio)/Indiana ....,...,............................ 102 200»Yard Passers/l00—Yard Receivers ........... 184 Aueust13· Thumdai 1%*2 Media De! _
l Kent State/Ole Miss ........................................ 103 300-raettte Club .....................................1....... 185 A“g“$i ii i"i‘i”i' rim ‘”“"$}’i‘ i’"’°"°°
2 . Mississippi statextsu ....,................................ 104 Opponent Genie nietis .,..,......,........................ 186 A“g"‘i i8’ T“°S‘i“i' Fi"' my "‘ Pads
· Geornia/Cincinnati 105 Year-tit:-Year Reeeiti 187 August 26’ W°d"°Sd”y Fm my °i Ci”s°s E
_ ‘ ° _ _ ‘‘`’‘‘''‘`‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘''‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Sept. 5. Saturday UK vs. Central
i Vanderbilt/Florida ........................................... 106 UK vs. All Opponents .....,....................i.......... 188 Michigan
l Tennessee/Individual Honors .................,i...... 107 Uk vs. Major Conferences ..,........................... 189
i Final Statistics ................................................. 108 All-Time Series Scores ..............,,i,,...,............ 190
  SUp€I`l£1IiV€S ..........,. . ...... , ..,........................,..,.. l 10 CO21CI1lf1g Records .................................,i.,..,... 192 Additional copigg of this publication may bg ¤
l Miscellaneous Statistics ..........i........,,..,......,.., 1 1 1 Fortner Assistant Coaches ....,................... . ..... 193 purchased for $9 each,
QQ ‘ Individual Gan1e—by—Game Statistics ,............. 1 12 A11-Tinie Letternien ..,.....,..,..,...................1..... 194 which includes postage and handling.
  i I Graduated Lettermen Profiles ....,..,..........i..,... 1 15 All-Time Results ,....................,.,,.,..,,...,,,,,.,.... 197 write iii: *
1 ru: scurunsrznn cournamc: UN"’r"$i“' cr Kr““Ci“`
1   . 4 r .
t  it nnmiSt,.t..a.ttt...are icitc 1 ,_,1......1,t1 118 lMP¤RTANT l’l·l¤Nli S··<>·t~i·<>~¤ ...
ii · All-Time Standinos/Cham ions ...........i......... 1 19   iuemnmil Fohseum
—= P Lextngton,1x\ 40506-0019
 _ 1991 sec Statistics ......................................... 120 Area Co¤1et6061
`"   New Divisional Format ............... _ .,..,............... 1 22 °
i UK Athletics Department .,....... . ....,.i.. 257-8000
·· Unlycnlgy Arcltllyco Football Office ................................... 257-3611
Joey Howard. Football SID (Home) ..271-4482
* e. Mus"'.   King Librlry * Nor! Press Box ............................................ 258-2888 =
  Unlvtrslty of K gfgfucky gums Communications ..................... 257-3838
. ii ports Communications FAX ............ 258-4310
  Llldwtton, Kmtucky 40506 rieitet ortiee ....................................... 257-1818
;   1992 w11.¤cArs roorsni. I-
wii .

 I I I I i 
at I .
Covrnmc Kramucrt  F¤¤r Ar.r. .  199 
i     THE I   EDITION of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a source of
information for the media covering the Wildcats during the u comin¤ season. Additional information is
GENERAL INF° “°" ·tva'labl on re uest — releasesc h to rrr hs film ci' s arid I'd D C t t th UK S rt
Lneett0n:Lextngt0n’Ky_ . l eup q .p 0 gtp ., rp, sr es. onac e po s
Founded: 1865 ommunrcatrons ce at ( ) - - or vanous nee s. ease ta e a moment to review pages two
C   ·Offi 606 25738380 ·` d Pl k· ' · ·
Enrollment: 24,000 and three of this publication to help answer any questions regarding media services and policies.
= President: Charles Wethington
Athletics Director; (j_M_ Newton All SEC head football coaches are available each
Faculty Representative: Virginia Atwood D   /    Wednesday vra tr teleconference. Each coach IS grven a
° Conference: Southeastern period of iive—to- I0 lnlnutes every Wednesday to address
Nickname: Wttdmts TUESDAY PRESS c°NFERENcE media questions about the upcoming football game. The
Colors: Blue and White o.huttt, ortollttrly Coach Butch., will j;jm·¤gt$*¤gastéljrhjyg¤;ggg-’¤**b©—r§~l*¤b*€*¤
Stadium: Commonwealth conduct a weekly press conference each Tuesday during Oaime In y Con dc ma C Ommumumons
•_ Capacity: 57,800 the course of the 1992 football season. The press CE` . . . .
_ . _ _ . . . Video hlghllgllts by satellite are offered on a
~ Surface; Grass (Bermuda) conferences will be conducted rn the Wildcat Den at e   . I . ..
I C I . . weekly basis through the SEC Cornlnunlcatlons Office.
omrnonwealth Stadrunr. Media members please enter A to . t et In f d /n. n . I d It
h pggjggu 5·|·A|:p tho UK Football ornoo COITIPICX to ttoooss the Wildcat ine  ·i;*e;‘iin'eie‘ie°;; 
- · Den at Gate Three of Commonwealth Stadium. Any . ` ` ° ° " ` ° i °
e Head C°a°h•_B'" Curry member et, the lnedin ie invited te enend stations each Wednesday morning. For frrrther
` (Georgia T¢¢hr1965l Tn . e h i." b ,.t_e| 7., information. contact the SEC Conrrnunications Staf`f.
t 8   Record: 7-15   years) I I h eltlppsstng coitce Wl ·€éIVt.\I ot ue \ettl at
C errtr =·*·*·6**·4<1·*y<==e> .255..%J?u§;i.‘ti.‘Z.£E;ll‘§tE.§2i§i;..?l‘ZZ?ulu.ii$1tl. w·=¤¤·*=¤¤*=¤·~·=·~·=w¤
Office Phone: (606) 257-36Il , . . _. . All player interviews must be coordinated through
. . press conference and are available for ll'I[€l'\'l€\VS If you ··
Assistant Coaches: Daryl Dickey, would like te ee neet n nnienhe In lee te be eeeenl rn the UK Sports Communications Office. Players are
Bill Glaser, Tomm Limbau h, _   Q i p_ I P L.} P ` L available to the media during gameweek, Monda
L N k {jhu, g the Tuesday press conferences, rnedra members mrrst th h W d d I Tn b H. _ d y
iuiry €w’ JO er   lps’ contact the UK Sports Communications Ofhce no later . mug C  BS ai' E es UWT I0 Con uct
Rrck Rhoades, Don Rllgyt [hen 3 n In ET en Monday rntervrews with the players are during the lunch hour or
L Lovig Smith, Rick Smith Tee nleekty neeee eenfereneee Wm beein en following practice. Interviews will be conducted at the
_ “ Nutter Football Trarnrng Center or by telephone. On
Tuesday, Sept. I. Press conferences are scheduled each { . _. . _ _
I 992 0\|'|'|·°°K Tuesday throughout tho S€Z1SOII,COIlClll(.lil'Ig oh Nov. rv. ‘$“‘“‘*d°‘?"· ‘"tF°n‘l'°‘”‘ "[‘" my "° =`?“‘"‘°d "f"" ‘“"
1991 R€€0|'d¥ 3-8-0 No press conference is scheduled for Oct. 6, which is Conclusion 0 I E  0m€il` . .
Tele hone lntervlews are available to the media
° SEC Record: 0-7-0 (10th) UK’s open date. p .. . ` ( . . ( i
orruourru.htultrpro rt.. ..hatut.r. r.tlat.e Or "¤¤I*·¤¤¤*7-3838 tor idemniennen en nn meneee.
Z? Miami ( Ohm) 20 further information. . _
. lb I d_ 13 The above policy may change following the
at n uma Sept. 5 opener against Central Michigan. Contact Joey
en a e I V . . Howard of the UK Sports Communications Office for
I4 Ole Miss 35 The Southeastcm Conference Comrnunrcatlons menee reeednree enee Se I 5
6 at MtSS_ State 31 Office. headed by publicity director Mark Whitworth. P ` P ` P ` `
` Q 26 LSU 29 offers aevariety of services to the media throughout the
27 at Georgia 49 academic calendar year.
i . . . Statistics and leagrle standings are available to thc
l` 23  t   media on a 24- hour brrlletin board. Media members can PRESS Box
E 26 at Florida 35     Credentials for working media and photographers
7 T¤··¤¤M 16 t.·u..utLt..h ..»..t ·.trh tt.,t.t€ Ironebv  uu t¤rK¤¤¤·¤k>"Sh¤¤rMallg¤me¤g¤i¤S*C€¤¤¤*
t  lint·urth.rrht~omt£oh.oalraticoro Mt¤**¤1¤¤~ lrdim South C¤mIt¤=·— G€¤rsi=·~ Mississippi
t Cennnnniennene Ofnee et NOS) _ti8_ tom State and Vanderbilt will be handled by Joey Howard.
e ` ` - ` ` ` ` Associate Sports Information Director/Football.
I 2 1992 wrr.¤cA·rs roorsnu.

Requests for media credentials — season or Stadium. Media Will Call opens two hours prior to
single-game — should be submitted in writing by sports kickoff and closes l5 minutes following kickoff.    
editors or sports directors of accredited media outlets on  M s
company letterhead. Requests for season passes sltould TELEPIIONES
be submitted to Joey Howard no later than August 2l. The Commonwealth Stadium press box is    
Requests for single games should anive at the UK Sports equipped with eight counesy telephones with long-
Communications Office at least one week in advance. distance capabilities for use by the media on a first- j __   it (  
The University of Kentucky follows guidelines set come, hrst-served basis. The UK Sports       CHRIS C A MERON
forth by the NCAA and the Southeastern Conference in Communications Office strongly suggests each media  I _ Q ASS[STANTAD/ 5
governing the issuance of working credentials. The UK outlet with deadline restrictions should order their »f_  . COIMILIUNICATIONS
Sports Communications Office attempts to fill each individual telephone line. Members of the media wishing   A ve  OFFICE: (606) 257-3838
accredited media request, however, space in the to order phone lines can do so by contacting — John   / HOME: (606) 233-7224
Commonwealth Stadium press box or on the sidelines Fuller ofthe UK Phone Services Department. His I t  Q6 I   °
does become a problem occasionally. In those cases, the telephone number is (606) 257-7727. Please order phone 6    
NCAA and SEC guidelines will be used to determine the lines at least one week in advance.   - · i A
issuance of credentials.   __V_r___   A
Season credentials will ONLY be granted to daily DARKROOM FACILITIES   _T?"" ’’`‘‘ `   L
newspapers. radio stations, and television stations which Limited darkroom facilities are available in the _   A    g
cover the UK Football Program on a regular basis — Commonwealth Stadium press box. Photographers JOEYHOWARD       "`  
weekly press conferences and all home games. Due to wishing to use the darkroom facilities should make ASSOC;’;;€_g;§iCTOm        " gg
limited space, season credentials to radio stations will be arrangements with Joey Howard of the UK Sports OFFICE: (606) 2$7_3838 · ,   / 6   
limited to one per station (sports director). Otherwise. Communications Offices at (606) 257-3838. HOME: (606) 2;]_4482   · =   ’ ..  t W 
newspapers (daily and weekly). radio and television   _  " gy
stations will be accommodated on a single-game basis. VISITING RADIO     ¤
All credential requests should be sent to: Joey The ofticial visiting radio broadcast network ‘ ''i'
Howard, Associate Sports Communications Director. should be designated in writing by the visiting team’s
UK Sports Communications Office. Memorial Coliseum. sports information director or athletics director. Four _
Lexington. KY 40506. phone lines will be made available, including two in the -1   ·
locker room area. at a cost of $70 per line unless a prior A   i _ _
PHOTO CREDENTIALS agreement has been arranged through Mike Dodson of '   "ENA WCINI
Photo credentials will be issued onl to accredited Host Communications (606) 253-3230. A ‘ I ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR _•
. . .   . . . . . I .- · OFFICE: (606) 257-3838
media outlets — daily. newspapers. specialized Those networkswrshmg to install additional 32% C H HOME: (666) 278_7773
publications and television stations. Three types of photo telephone lines, either m the press box booth or locker   ·     ,IvV I _ I
passes will be issued in l992 — l.) PHOTO COMBO room. can do so by contacting Jolm Fuller of the UK   {A   A   aj =
— allows access to the sideline and photo deck; 2.) Phone Services Department at (606) 257-7727. _    2
PHOTO DECK — allows access to the photo deck only;
and 3.) PHOTO SIDELINE — allows access to the POSTGAME INTERVIEWS *
sideline only. Please list the type of photo pass needed UK Coach Bill Curry will conduct his postgarne 4 ,·
when requesting credentials. press conference in the Wildcat Den. located under the __ V ._} ‘
Admission to the Commonwealth Stadium East grandstand in the UK Football Office complex. GAIL DENT   _ ·
sidelines is by a combination of photo pass and Curry generally begins his postgarne press conference ASSISTANTDIRECTOR _  _A"A· A , { °
wristband. Photographers must sign-in and present their approximately I5 minutes following the conclusion of OFFICE: (606} 257-3838 A    2 7
own credential at the UK Press Will Call table. located the contest. The media entrance to the Wildcat Den is HOME: (606) 272*5703 ·&  FJ
inside Gate Seven of Commonwealth Stadium. to obtain located in the northeast corner (nearest flagpole) of 'V ·‘‘’° A '
an armband. Commonwealth Stadium. A · 1
The Kentucky locker room is CLOSED to all
MEDIA PARKING members of the media. UK players requested for
Media parking at Commonwealth Stadium is interviews are brought to the Wildcat Den following the 5
available on a limited basis. Requests for parking should conclusion of Curry`s press conference. Interview cards _ ga I
be made when submitting press and/or photo credentials. are distributed in the press box during the second half of ‘ v_  
The media parking area is located in the Blue Lotjust the contest in order for members of the media to request Q  AA  _· _]0yCE BAXTER
behind the West side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Wildcats players. A. _ A hk, , ADMINISTRATIVE
Stadium. The Blue Lot is accessible via Alumni Drive. The visitors locker room is located at the   · ASSISTANT n
northwest comer of Commonwealth Stadium. A press   OFFICE: (606} 257·38-,8
PRESS BOX conference area is located just outside the visitor locker - HOME (606) 734'526'
The Commonwealth Stadium press box is for room entrance. The visiting coach and players generally i *
working media members ONLY. It is located on the conduct their respective post-game comments from that
West side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Stadium area.
between the upper and lower grandstands. The media _.
entrance to Commonwealth Stadium is Gate Seven. Two PRESS SERVICES , e
press box elevators are located just to the left of the Gate U The UK Sports Communications Office will SANDY B0)wEN -7   R
€\€¤ €¤\fH¤€€» C l _ provide a complete pregame packet (including fact STAFFASSISTANT · A _\
The photo deck. radio booths. television booths. sheets. Hip card. and game program) approximately 30 OFFICE: (606) 257_3838 ~ F °
coaches booths. and VIP booths are located on the press minutes prior to kickoff. A complete running play-by- HOJLIE: (606) 263,2374 . W;
box level of Commonwealth Stadium. All can be play. drive charts and team and individual statistics are  
accessed via the press box elevator. made available at the conclusion of the contest. Quotes
from coaches and players of both teams are also =
MEDIA WII.I. CALL available.
Media or photo credentials which have not been A FAX service is also available. FAX request
mailed can be obtained at the Media Will Call table. fomis will be issued during the second half to media
located just inside Gate Seven of Commonwealth members wishing them.
1 992 wruacars roorsau. Q-

 ( I . rs
K12 muckv FOOTBALL M:     A 0 utters
HE    100 Midland Ave., Lexington, KY 40508 ......................................................................... (606)254-2070
LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER (John Clay, Chuck Culpepper, GeneAbel)
Main and Midland, Lexington, KY 40507 ......................................................................... (606)231-3225
= LOUISVILLE COURIER-JOURNAL (Pat Forde, Rick Bozich, Harry Bryant)
525 West Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202 ...................................................................... (502)582—401l
P.O. Box 311, Ashland, KY 41105 .........................,...........,.,............................................ (606)329-1717
O Ocala Hilton BOWLING GREEN DAILY NEWS (Joe Medley)
P.O. Box 90012, Bowling Green, KY 42102 .............,....................................................... (502)781-1700
•- 3600 $·W· 3601 AW- CORBIN TIMES-TRIBUNE (Mark Motz)
201 N. Kentucky Ave., Corbin, KY 40701 ............................................................,........... (606)528-2464
I 0caIa’ FL 32674 KENTUCKY POST (John Donovan, Mark Tomasik)
— (904) 354-1400 125 East Coun St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 ......................................................................... (513)352—2767
, 312 Elm St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 ............,....................................................................... (513)369-1972
I 330 South Founh St., Danville, KY 40422 ........................................................................ (606)236-2551
Holiday Inn _ ELIZABETHTOWN NEWS-ENTERPRISE (Darrell Bird, Don Bradley)
408 W. Dixie, Elizabethtown, KY 42701 .......................................................................... (502)769-2312
Executive Conference Center EVANSVILLE COURIER (David Johnson, Jay Stockrnan)
E P.O. Box 268, Evansville, IN 47702 .........,...............,...... . ................................................. (812)424—77ll
11200 East G°°dma“ Rd- FRANKFORT srArE-1oURNAL (Phillip Case, stepnen Vest)
· 321 West Main St., Frankfort, KY 40601 .......................................................................... (502)227-4556
L 0I'v° Bm"°h’ MS 38654 oLAsoow DAILY TIMES (Ley Milam)
(601) 895-2941 P.O. Box 1179, Glasgow, KY 42142 ................................................................................. (502)678—5 171
0 P.O. Drawer E, Harlan, KY 40831 ..................................................................................... (606)573—4510
‘ lsu P.O. Box 4, Henderson, KY 42420 ..................................................................