xt77d795842b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d795842b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1977 yearbooks  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian Magazine, Vol. II, No. 1, 1976-1977 text The Kentuckian Magazine, Vol. II, No. 1, 1976-1977 1977 1977 2013 true xt77d795842b section xt77d795842b  
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    @ with the editor
This is the second year for The Kentuckian Magazine, published by the University  
Board of Student Publications five times yearly. The magazine is staffed entirely by
students. • •
We are printed right here in Lexington by The Thoroughbred Press. Recently the  
magazine and printer received an award of merit from the Printing Industry ‘·
Association of the South for lay-out and printing. Thefinal guidelines for imp1emen— l
Bill Straub authored the article on Fran Curci, outlining the problems the coach has tation of tnc Family Educational l
faced since coming to Kentucky and how it has affected his personality. Bill is a Rights and Privacy Act, known as i
Kentucky Kemel veteran, having covered sports for them during his stay at the tno Bucliloy Aincntinionti novo boon
University. He is now employed as sports editor of the Paris Daily Enterprise. i.oloaSod_
And, of course, we have the talented ravings of Scott Payton, former Kernel The guiticlincs coouitc ouucation_
columnist and official Kentucky writer for Crawdaddy Magazine, for our article on al institutions to keen educational
The disastrous Gram Parsons Memorial Country Rock Festival in Memorial rgcgydg private and to allow Stu-
Coliseum. dents to see their records upon
When last seen, Payton was staggering behind the Journalism Building, muttering request.
something about John McEuen’s banio pick. We managed to pull him out of the The regulations allow institutions
Dempster Du mpster, and we’ll havehim in shape for the next issue. to reveal educational records only to
Susan Jones, ourmanaging editor,wrotethe Doug Ross interview on page 12. Jones other institutions to which the
worked for the Lexington Leader this summer, covering the court scene, and has had student has applied, certain state
a good deal of experience on the Kernel. She maintains strongly that Ross has the look and federal educational and finan_
of a murderer. We don’t believe her for a minute. All those trials have warped her cial aids officials_ certain acctctiit_
mind. ing and research groups that have a
Fearless By ron West returns in this issue, slinging arrows at the University logitiinatc ncoti to rcvicw tncsc
establishment. Byron wrote for us last year, as you recall, and has worked for the tccoitis anti to coinnly with a
Kernel. (Don’t worry, Byron, you'll get you check someday.) Subnocna
Our Freshman Insert is a ioint proiect, co-authored by Jones, editor-in-chief Pam in oosos Wnoio o court oi.ooi.S on
Parrish and new staffer Liz Finney. Finney is a sophomore at the University this year institution to ntoduoo Stntiont oonon_
and worked on her high school paper. Parrish formerly wrote for the Kernel arts page tional tocortist tnc institution must
and was associate editor of the magazine last year. make an effort to notify the student
Last, but never least, the pinball story was written by Parrish and Normandi Ellis, onion to ontnonoorino tho tooonasi A
last year’s creative writing editor. Ellis and Parrish spent many days in the dives tooord ot on nottiosi otnor than tno
around campus researching theirstory. And they say they loved every minute. Just otndontt who novo viowoo tho iiioo
one problem. We can’t seem to pry Parrish’s fingers loose from the flipper buttons. most bo inointoinod and mono
We would appreciate any letters, telegrams or nasty phone calls (we’ll print ovoiiobio to tho Stndonti
anything) expressing your opinion of our magazine. We can always use feedback. Tho nooniotiono onniy only to
Just address them to Editor, The Kentuckian Magazine, Rm. 210 Journalism noanootionoi i_oooi_dS,, ond do not
Bulldmg _ _ _ _ _ include records maintained by al-
We hope you enloythis issue of The Kentuckian Magazine. nnini oooooiotiono on nnniionod ain
— Pam Parrish ectory information. Such directory
information may include name,
address, birth date, list of extracur-
$3   ricular activities and other informa-
tion designated by the institution.
However, students not wishing to be
Editor-in-Chief Pam Parrish incuded in directory listings have
_ the right to be "unlisted."
Business Manager Brad Orr Records not covered include those
_ _ maintained solely by the recorder,
Managing Editor Susan Jones an individual instructors records,
ono _ to t for example.
i oria irector Mindy Fetterman The regulations also do not apply
Edo _ IAS _ i i _ toilaw enforcement records main-
i oria sis an s Jo Lux, Hugh Findlay tgllrlgd by campus police depart-
nnot to n noo i i ments. Such departments do not
ve p v · or Bill l<¤ght have the right to view student
educational records maintained by A
General Staff Liz Finney, Donna Gillette, Linda Schaars other caninus officcs_
Contributing Editors Normandi Ellis, Dick Gabriel, Scott Payton, Bill Straub   Z

 I i  
?  lU;l.it¤S·I¤tar¤a¤¤¤a1 “B“1`
.-   eolnngelnenlv letin. Porter Butts. a pioneer in the
a   ·development of college unions. ex-
a ll?   J   no  ease duse of alcohol and Prmiilhis Grimm of mean mace
H   lll;) drugshas reduced students’abilities mesj Throw them Out` was ms
{   be to el hl  _ or to learn and to Cooperate. advice to union managers.
n ” `   ‘ w; Aj "These machines represent one of
1-  \ \ so . ·`· ~ the lowest forms of entertainment:
;t _ · "   _‘_ no skill involved. no exercise. no
lt , ’ ·*‘ interaction with others, no thinking,
A       t no learning. no laughter. Acceptab-
le le, perhaps, in the cheap bistros and
gs __ o arcades." said Butts. but not in an
le  ..  R h   P educational environment.
" ©   I Butts said that union managers
to contentions that pinball revenue is
Ot     necessary to fund other union pro-
ll- p grams is "comparable to an English
y- 2 + 2 - 5 9 department putting cheap dime
ry - • Why do you suppose medical ¤Si¤ Ueited C¤¤¤¢¤ Of stnoentsvonlsningi College otnelels
sfu dn dvernrnnn s- ink there mav be and they intend
ii Poor eating habits are not unusual when 8 friend dsked ner to line up iii find out for _Sl11`§. i
_ . , a volunteer to drive Wisconsin Sen. when myfall gradmg was m vogue
" ‘““"“g£?"‘i"`g`i"°‘Tf1§]“°““€“a“f§‘S William lnoinnne on 3 short com- me ,8a,S age Metropohm 3
o population, especia   y0l1¤g€F .m‘ pmgh trip through the state, Ander- fOur_Ca`mpuS System of Cougggs in
r erlcans. who lead in world-wide eee decided te de it herself. nltis Ct,   _ _t_ td 3 me-
oonsumption of so-called junk f00d$ h d to et a four-hour Kansas I X O" fm la B · ·
h l — soft drinks. candy, cookies and pretty er s_ punitive grade policy. No falling
e l snack foods - empty calories ripnre a}edi“§;1_;`;;h a Us Sd" aradeSaresive1¤.¤;¤llya"Y;teeWh1<¤h
. - · 3 Oil Sal U · means the stu en as W1 rawn.
S laiilriigi   ilneeciljiiitrionldltsnidltiromes Buttbenshereeeiijeda ealltrem a All students who, whatever the ·
y· from vending machines. In fact, Pf`0Xm1Y€ staffer? m Washington reason, didnt complete the course
a some 80 per cent of all vending Sunny dfscodfagmg h€f`· A¤d€f$0¤ successfully were lumped in this
=€ machine food sales are foods of the r€Cnn€d~ "F1¤eUy» she Came rrgnr C3f€g0f`Y· A
if empty-calorie type.   inddsaid.     doesnt Ant; gnat included those who
· · 1 € O I`lV€ Wl W . V3I11S 8 .
n cl2r§;Iitli];;(;1iI;g0nr;;,ag§i1n€g Fhpeegimii "Why not‘?" demanded Anderson, "We discovered that about 30 per
S_ what it Wante as does the fast food who considers herself a non—rad1cal cent of all gradesehwere ‘W engl wie
t_ · W feminist. began to suspec a some s u {en s
it l“?~31Z$Eisl me     fuggY;€"l :;;‘;,i‘;.‘;°;‘;;i§;i,;;°&‘i§‘§ LTS? §$LiL‘£.F‘iZ’;‘?2i°i§Z“gsL‘2fi§‘Si‘2£"`l$l`éi?L'?
Q; f fgmgiigiréhoiroggggérrrlrrjesf{aah; (2359 0I` ffying to fiX the CBT if if politan`s director of educational
others claim that fast foods are bI`0k€ down," W8§ ff;1€ 3¤5W€I`· development. "·They possibly were
>1` reasonably nutritious, and though Later, Proxmlres yofflee ex- enrolhngy rooonnng funding from
ly calorie-packed can sustain an no- plainedthatthe senator spollcylsto Some. aeencbe thee belee eee
L tive young person fairly well, with travel with a male driver to avoid crmsclenhous ahour thou oioss
certain supplements any possibility of scandal. worky Like vanishing

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 e I oy cf i reetly foeneofh the Un were ity
. Lf zi; E ..‘-» yi. ‘- so
gy; V ei., _ { · }_- Ja  
_ is; _._,;     ;{;`§.» $  Ifthei‘e is no other business." said the chairman of the Board of
. ·_ y       Trustees, one day   few years back. "the chair will entertain a
  _;    ‘/ ·"    motion to a dyourn.; n 4
  2   '·"Just a minute. came from the far end ofhthe table. The
_    It V;  {A ? l im]    (gt lrustccs all turnedto look at the senior member of the Board, who
   'g        was about to conclude his ninth consecutive term. He dropped a
'Y    é.'.;‘·'·   leather briefcase on the tablelin front of him. snapped open the
   JI   _- jx  »,  __ cla sp a nd took out a manila file folder. I A It
gd  L  Tc  E   r‘»<$§.;yJ llc openedit. A tiny newspaper clipping fluttered out and slid off
, _.  5;  · _ _1, .»·E      _g_;_ ’   the edge of the table. He looked surprised for a minute; easing
{gd “. Z   · ‘   .’   himself down to his knees. he. retrieved it and labored to his feet
t     T  Z;  again, waving the clipping triumphantly. 4 P A
  _· gg ‘ —~  '$ ··¢» ,_ ._.,q · "I have here. he said solemnly.   news item from an out-oi»
E    `   state paper concerning a company that has obtained a permit to
_ .   °   pb _ — · ' A   V  _ strip mincsomeland owned by another stateuniversity.
l y =  1*  . _ ’ " _  __,·' * "Needless to say. wc cannot allow this to happen to us. And so l
·-— T “ $~  -·,=_ ~ w ant to suggest that this Board confer to me the mineral fights for
l -¢<;.____ g { all Lniversity lands." He leaned forward on his palms. "l·`or
Q _ )    ‘ T  V _ safckeeping. you understand"
  V _ .c,j j All `  I A `''’ — Une ofthe ot.her'f`rustees crushed out a cigarette. ··\\'hat about
jj ' r _   t _ _. your own mining companies? lsn`t that a possible conflict of in·
  T ‘          »   . . ....
e . ·  ·,_,  _ _   "  ·’   " "That s_|ust it. ` he smiled. "l m not likely to hand them over to
T ¤ * ___  ,..{_ " \_;•;.Ai§ “‘ -.   any of my competitors. am I'?"
.. Ji T Vi Ai" .   3**:; _' ' The other Trustees looked impressed. There was no discussion.
{ ·~ ‘· - ;;;· B q  s.  and the measure passed unanimously.
  .   " fQ`xL"   .§ —   _ The Senior Trustee snapped his briefcase shut. "Thank you all."
§   I  ,25   "g·. `*  he beamed. "Now if we could just have the vice president for
[   _  Y ·   if  '°·‘§ business affairs draw up the papers — all mineral rights to all
2 Y Q            tniversity lands transferred to me. for the sum of one dollar. cash
A   ._"_ _   "  in hand paid and otherconsiderations. .   He rolled a Bicentennial
. `   ` `   `;§    `'`` ®\ 7 liisenhower dollar down the table. lt careened off an ashtray and
.    ;-   P y`! \·E§;` sanlded intthe president`s lap. The president picked up the coin and
,   — »· ·~ ooret a i.
rw i ‘ ‘   ` "And now." smiled the Senior 'f`rustee. "if` there is no further
g    .,_ I e · t business. 1 move we adjourn."
    .*;; }.: 5 ` .   d` 'l`hc next morning the \'ice President for Business .·\ff`airs was
·Q" ; ’· " ».,,§, ..,°_ `Z walking across campus toward his office when he saw three men
ji  ` · .     _ A ckilling 3 hole in th€ ground near the Sidewalk with a pod auger. .
§* *      · Th? 3*-1g€1` looked too Small for a telephone pole; perhaps it was for
y   Z   a flag pole or something. U t
,:· '   {Ai * y»e..  He stopped and watched for a moment, searching his memory.
` " hit he couldn’t recall what they were supposed to be doing. He was
embarrassed to ask; itwas his job to know.