xt77d7957h67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7957h67/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-08-08  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  8, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  8, 1930 1930 1930-08-08 2012 true xt77d7957h67 section xt77d7957h67 I


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AUGUST 8, 19.50"


Semester Announcer Needed FORMER LAW Ha Being Made
The University
WILL OPEN ONi Honor Roll Has Radio Station needs an Kentucky CTIInPNT WINS For First Summer
Names radio announcer, according to PRIMARY VOTEl Senior Exercises
rnomas u
SEPTEMBER 11 Thirteen
acting director
studio. Auditions

Coach Harry Gamage




Thirteen Arts and Sciences
Uppcrclassmen Make "A"
Dean of Men Works on Plans
for Entertainment of
Grades for Semester
Freshman Students


Early Inquiries Indicate Very
Large First Year Class
for 1930

Recent information from the
Aicicucr, utnii uif
at the Kentucky University, Indi
cates that this year's freshman class
will exceed those of former years,
despite the generally unfavorable
the state. Inquiries at the rate of
twenty or more per day have been
coming into the office of the dean.
The program for freshman orientation week, while not yet complete,
will be formulated with the idea of
acquainting the uninformed freshman with the University and enable
him to find his way about the campus to his various classes with scant
Freshman Week proper will begin
Thursday, September 11, at 9 a. m.,
at Memorial hall. The freshmen
will be divided Into groups of twenty
or thirty and various faculty members will conduct them about the
campus, showing them the different
buildings and points of Interest.
Students and graduate assistants
are also asked to contribute their
services for this program.
This year it has been planned to
give all freshmen their physical examinations on the first day so as to
determine their fitness for physical
military science.
education and
Generally, when the physical examinations are held over until registration time, some considerable
confusion results.
In addition to familiarizing the
students with the University campus, a series of talks will be given
by selected faculty members, designed to inform the freshman on various things that will be of interest
to him. During this time instructions will also be given the fresh
man for registration so as to avoid
the confusion that might otherwise
result because of their unfamlllarity
with the rather complicated system.

fiCC 01 U. K.


Since all the scandalmongers have
departed for greener (and we hope
rnnler) fields, we have had scant
for satisfying our in
satible desire for bad news of others. Most everybody seems to lack
the old vim, vigor and vitality to
do more than behave themselves
during the present dry spell.
Our old friend Tom Phipps has
become so fed up on the present
unemployment situation that he has
returned to the second summer session. It looks like old times with
Ed Greene. Tom Phipps and W. E.
Rogers holding down the furniture
at vne o.
Roberts would only desert Dobbin
and his ice wagon long enough to
fill up another bench, the picture
would be complete.
Sargeant Lister Witherspoon has
returned from Camp Knpx with
harrowing tales of the heat and bewailing the loss of fourteen pounds
of weight during his strenuous tw,o
weeks training period. "Spoon reports that he Is more and more inclined to agree with Sherman and
his characterization of war.
Richard C. Brewer, editor elect of
the "Moonshiner" University Humor
Magazine for next year, has returned from the wilds of Michigan
where he has been gatherine loctfl
color for his scandal column. We
are Just about as interested in seeing the Initial number as we are in
noting the possibilities for a good
football team next year.

It has been rather generally mentioned around that "Kentucklans"
premier dance orchestra from the
University of Kentucky, and composed almost exclusively of University students, will open a
engagement at Joyland Casino on
August 18. Considering that the
music Is furnished generally by well
recognized orchestras from different
parts of the country, this new position is apparently a recognition of
the merit of the Kentucklans. We
are glad to see them get it.
At last the office force of The
Kernel has been able to get back
into their old quarters, albeit they
have been whittled down by half.
We've always felt that one big comfortable chair and desk is all that
Is needed. When more than one
ambitious Journalist Is around the
office at one and the same time,
it Is an occasion.



Dean Paul Prentice Boyd, of the
College of Arts and Sciences, left
Sunday for Beulah, Mich., to Join
his family for a month's vacation.
Mrs. Boyd, Miss Virginia Boyd and
Miss Betty Boyd have spent the entire summer on the lake there.

Exceeding by three the number of
students who made straight "A" av
erage for the first semester of 1929-3- 0
in the School of Arts and Sciences, some thirteen students have the
record of making a perfect grade In
all their courses during the second
A survey of the
semester, 1929-3list Indicates that with a single ex
those who made the honor
arc either Juniors or Seniors,
the exception being Miss Bonnie Lee
Perkins, Sopomore, Paris, Ky.
A complete list of the students Is:
Elizabeth Ackcrf Paducah; Florence
Louise Bickel, Huntington, W. Va.;
Ruth Bullock, Lexington; Katherinc
Duvnll Carr, Lexington; Clyde B.
Crawley, Henderson;
Effie Delle
Hughes, Faubush; Jane Clay Ken-ne- y,
Paris, Ky.
Ruby Lee Pedigo, Summer Shade;
Bonnie Lee Perkins, Paris; Mildred
Anderson Rue, Harrodsburg; Armor
Piatt Taylor, Cold Springs; Jessie
Louise Wilson, Lexington; Katherinc Wilson, Lexington.

New Rooms Made
In Law Building for
Offices and Library
During the last few weeks the


partment of buildings and grounds

will be given all applicants who
report to the radio rooms In the
Music building at 1 o'clock Friday, August 8, or any day next

Summer Commencement To'
Prominent University Grad
Re Held for First Time
in Law Class of 1918
In University History
Runs for Office


Dean Cooper and Associates
Meet With Farm Hoard to
Study Wheat Problem
Several members of the Univer
sity College of Agriculture faculty
have returned from a central states
wheat conference at Indianapolis,
Chairman Legge, of the Federal
farm board, conducted the confer
ence, which was attended by repre
sentatlves of Michigan, Illinois, In
dlana, Ohio, Missouri, and Kentucky
agricultural colleges and U. S. Department of Agriculture economists.
Education in the nation's soft
wheat acreage was recommended by
Chairman Legge as a means of in
creasing farm incomes from this
source. Dean rnomas p. cooper,
of the College of Agriculture, says
Kentucky's wheat production has
already reached a low point.
University faculty members at
tending the meeting were Dr. H. B.
Price, Prof. Gordon Nance. Prof.
George Roberts, Prof. E. J. Kinney,
and Prof. Z. L. Galloway.

Honor Graduate of Law College Was Active in AH
Student Affairs
Final reports of the August primary election Indicates that Virgil
Chapman, graduate of the University class of 1918, won the nomination for Congressman from this district by a majority of 9,050 votes.
Mr. Chapman was defeated for
Congress last time by the landslide
during the Hoover election.
Chapman was a very prominent
student. while enrolled at the University. He was known as "the boy
orator of the Pennyrile." Graduating from the law school as an honor student In 1918, the Kentuckian
for that year indicates that he was
also the orator of his class.
In campus activities he was very
prominent. He was a staff member
and editor of he Kentucky Law
Journal during his last year in
school. He was a member of the
Y. M. C. A. cabinet and active in
religious work. Other campus activities also claimed his attention.
Chapman was a member of the
Kentucky Kernel staff and also a
member of Alpha Delta Sigma, national honorary professional advertising fraternity. Listed among his
other activities we also find Tau
Kappa Alpha.
After finishing school in 1918, Mr.
Chapman engaged in the active
practice of law and has been very
prominent In politics. His various
interests have never caused him to
forsake the University and he Is an
active alumni member, and flso
does a great deal of work in the
Transylvania alumni, from which
school he is also a graduate.

has been reflinlshing the interior of
the second floor of the Law building
and when completed will add some
considerable space to the Law library. The new room which has
been added takes over the old senior
class room to make way for additional reports which have been pur'
chased. A new senior class room
has been constructed in the baseSession
The new room that has been adappli
ded will contain the overflow from cation students have made College
for degrees from the
the law library and also the Irish
reports have been of Law of the University of KenReports. These
tucky to be awarded on the comrecently purchased at a cost of
pletion of their work at the terminthe summer session, AugAside from the addition to the li- ation ofThis is
the first time in the
brary, the present plan will include ust 22.
that deindividual offices for all the faculty history of the University at a forgrees have been conferred
members on the second floor of the
mal commencement during the sumLaw building. Up to the present mer session.
time it has been necessary to give
Prof. W. S. Webb, faculty member
Those who have applied for de
office room to two of the staff mem
spring of the University and archaeological
bers on the lower floor and in the grees are: Eldred Adams, Barnes, explorer, described his recent expeStation, Ky.; Clarence E.
basement of the (building.
Lexington: W. Hubert Buckles, Lex- dition in an address before- metm
ington; William Hodgen, Lebanon; bers of the Lexington Optimist Club
Gale Mohney, Lexington; Stanley at their regular weekly luncheon
Powell, Lexington, and Ralph Stev- meeting last week. Professor Webb
has be,en in company with Dr. W.
ens, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Adams, Buckles, Stevens and Pow- D. Funkhouser on an exploration to
ell took the state bar examination Eastern Kentucky.
Professor Webb said that he had
given July 16 and 17, and the f
probably will take the next discovered proof that a tribe of abThe third of a series of four deexamination which is to be given in origines, originally thought to have
bates with Berea College will be a
inhabited only Tennessee, had also
"Does November.
discussion of the subject:
lived In Kentucky. He exhibited
Modern Science Tend to Destroy
two artifacts which he said proved
the Belief in a Theistic Faith?"
the contention. They were a small
The first debate will be held at
vessel for food, and a small clay
the University of Kentucky, August
figure of a female, worshipped as
8, 1:30 p. m., In the lecture room of
the goddess of life. Both were found
McVey hall. The second debate will
in the grave of the body of a young
be held in the chapel at Berea Colchild, and were meant to be of
lege at 7:30 In the evening, AugThe Agricultural Experiment Sta- after-deat- h
service to the child.
ust 8.
tion of the University of Kentucky,
Doctor Funkhouser is still with
In the first debate at Lexington, is entertaining the farmers of the the expedition and Professor Webb
Mr. Hugh R. Jackson and Mr. Clif- State of Kentucky this week in its plans to return to Eastern Kentucky
ford Amyx, of the University, to- annual field day program. This is the latter part of August.
gether with Mr. Delbert Eagle, of an annual event and if the weather
Berea, will uphold the affirmative Is at all promising several hundred
side of the question. Mr. Bruce farmers are expected to attend.
Waters, of the University, and Miss
The program Thursday is devoted
Ada Green and Mr. Carvi Renau, to a consideration of about thirty
Berea, will speak on the nega- types of machinery for applying ar
tificial fertilizer. This machinery
In the evening debate at Berea, has been furnished by some six difMr. Hugh R. Jackson will speak on ferent farm machinery manufacBrother of Maury Kemper
the affirmative, paired with two turing companies especially for this
Advances to High Post in
speakers from Berea, while Mr. demonstration. After the display in
Federal Foreign Service
Bruce Waters and Mr. unnora the morning, the afternoon will be
representative from taken up with a demonstration of
Amvx. with a
Berea will defend the negative.
the different types of machines.
Graham Kemper, former student
Thp subiect selected has been dis
On Friday, August 15, a dairy pro of the University, and brother of
cussed twice before by University of nmm is heintr offered. The chief Maury Kemper, former CommonKentucky debaters, with Emory Uni- - matter of interest here will be a wealth's attorney here, has been rebefore Epworth League discussion of the disease, control, cently raised from Class Four to
groups in Decatur, and at Atlanta, feeding, breeding and management Class Three of the Federal Foreign
of dairy cattle. Speakers from the Service with a substantial increase
'dairy department of the Agricultur- - in salary.
Mr. Kemper has been m the con
COURTS NEARLY COMPLETE j al Experiment Station will lecture
on these various problems.
sular service for more than twenty
Those who will lecture are Dr. years. He is a native of Virginia
new tennis courts for
The two
nr th
which have W. W. D mock. Prof. Fordyce Ely. but came to Lexington as a boy and
been constructed on Euclid avenue head of the dairy department; John attended the schools and colleges of
, Lexington.
His Bachelor of
next to Boyd hall, are nearing com- - S. Besch. field agent, and Mr.
manager of the Experi- - ence degree was obtained from
and will be ready for use W. Nutter,
ment Station dairy.
Transylvania College and his Mas
during August.
ter of Science degree irom me university of Kentucky. He was also
awarded the degree of Doctor of
Civil Laws by Columbia, Columbian
University, a diplomatic school of
Washington. D. C.
Mr. Kemper's first foreign assignment was in the Philippine Island!
where he was stationed for several
years. He was next assigned to the
University of schools of this kind. Untrained and Civil Service department at WashFaculty for the new
ington, and after two years there
do not
Kentucky Training school, which unskilled teachers Student-teacher- ? practice was sent to South America for anstreet fac- upon the pupils.
will be opened on Upper
do assist in the teaching process, other two
The outbreak of the war found
ing the main campus as part of the but these student-teachemust be
fall, will seniors In college and must pass Mr. Kemper In Germany wh'ie he
College of Education this
been for a year and a half and
Include fifteen members, an addi- atlsfactory tests before being al- had was then sent to Bohemia, in
tion of eleven to the present fac- lowed to teach.
"The training of the student-teache- r, Austria Hungary. He has since
ulty. All but two of the new facwho Is the assistant in the been stationed at Maderla Islands;
ulty members have been employed,
S. Taylor of training school, Is superior to the Sofia, Belgium; Vokahomn, Japan,
according to Dean W.
present is in the Bermuda
the College of Education, and the training of the average teacher in and at
other two will be accepted this any State in the Union, with the Islands.
The training school will be possible exception of California.
"There is a skilled teacher in
under the supervision of Prof. M.
charge of each grade who is responLlgon.
On Thursday, August Hth, at
'The University Training school sible at all times for the work of
These teachers are 7:30, there will be a meeting of all
exists first, to provide as neurly as her grade.
possible an Ideal learning situation specialists who have been chosen high school debate coaches in
for children," Dean Taylor said. with great care because of the room 231, McVey hall. At that
time a proposed extension debate
"The building has been planned, double duty of teaching teachers
program for next year will be disequipment has been bought, and the and teaching children. An earnest
faculty has been selected with that effort Is made in the school to cussed, l'lans are being made to
hold intercollegiate debates on
idea In mind to provide the high- maintain such standards of excelest typo of Instruction possible for lence in the work that it may at all "Chain Stores" in several state
be offered as demonstration
schools for the benefit of high
the pupils in attendance.
"One sometimes hears that the of good teaching to teachers from school debaters. All who arc interested are urged to attend.
children will be 'practiced' upon In all parts of the state," he said.

Seven Lawyers Seek
Degrees at End of

Lexington Altrusa
Hears Results
Of Explorer's Trip

University Debaters
Meet Berea Teams;
Third Debate Series

Experiment Station
Holds Annual Field
Day Farm Program


University Training School Will
Open Fall Session With Many New
Teachers and Reorganized System

Although some two weeks yet remain before the first summer commencement program will be given at
the University of Kentucky, plans
are well under way to develop
that will rival the offering
of the regular session.
The same
academic formality will prevail at
the summer program that is characteristic of the commencement exercises of the regular session.
Advance information tends to in
dicate that the program will com
pare favorably with that of the
regular session not only In the number of students who will be awarded
degrees, but also In the character of
the program. To date some hundred and sixty-thre- e
students have
made application for their decrees.
graduation depending, 'of
their on their
successful completion of the work of the present
Included in the applicants for
degrees is to be found some 58 applicants for the master's degree.
Since these applicants have several
days yet in which to complete their
work on theses, it is not definitely
Known now many intend to finish
their work and receive degrees at
tne end of the present session.
The commencement speaker who
has been selected Is Dr. G. Bromlev
Oxnam, president of De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., who will
deliver the principal address at the
exercises August 22.





Prospects for the 1930 Wildcat Football Team Looks
Good to All
Schedule for This Year One
of Most Ambitious Ever



Marrv Gam age.


E. Sandefur Finishes
Master's Degree in Geology; to Work in Miami

Although practically a month remains until the Wildcats will be
climbing into their moleskins to
tame the many toters of the pigskin on the gridiron, and although
the weather lacks much of being
Ideal for football, the minds of
many, and particularly
that of
Harry Gamage, head football coach,
are being directed to a consideration of the Wildcat football team
for 1930.
Even the most pessimistic scribe
would confess that the prospects for
a gridiron machine of sterling caliber is in the offing for next year.
Many of the old timers, staunch behemoths who have written football
history for the University of Kentucky, will be missing from the lineup, but there will be many ambitious youngsters about to take thei

Mr. Toy E. Sandefur, Henderson,
Practically all of the boys are
Ky., graduate student of the Uniworking hard this summer and
versity of Kentucky, who has been many are enduring ITTe unpleasan-trie- s

one of the most prominent students
on the campus, has been recently
appointed to the position of Assistant Professor of Geology at Mlamt
! University, Oxford,
Mr. Sandefur enrolled In Kentucky University In the fall term of
1925 and has been one of the most
prominent students on the campus
since that time. He has been a
member of the Glee Club, the University Quartet, secretary-treasurof Omicron Delta Kappa, men's senior honorary activity fraternity;
Strollers, president of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, honorary Geological
fraternity; Phi Mu Alpha, honorary
musical fraternity, and president of
Sigma Beta XI, social fraternity.
Not only has Mr. Sandefur found
time to keep up his studies and
campus activities, but he has also
directed the Rhythm Kings, local
campus orchestra, and played at
various times on different University orchestras.
Mr. Sandefur is finishing his work
on a Master's thesis which has necessitated a study of rock formations in Kentucky and Virginia.

of hot weather to fit them

selves for what promises to be a big
year for Kentucky football enthu-

siasts. 'Hardly a week goes by but
what snmp of the more anxious are
to be seen wandering aimlessly about
Stoll field, thinking no douw, or tne
struggles in which they have engaged thereon. Some of the more
A golf tournament
to be held at
energetic secure a ioinuuu uuu iuoo
the Ashland Country Club and beit about on the scrimmage field an
ginning Tuesday, August 12, will
ticipating the time when mat wm
doubtlessly see many of the former
be the order of the day.
University stars in action. Although
The schedule for this year is one
the entries have not yet been re
of the most ambitious ever underceived, several of the more promitaken by a Kentucky University
nent University stars have signified
team. The season opens October 4,
their intention of competing.
a night game with Sewanee. From
The match Is limited to local
past history the Wildcats have
members who belong either to the
learned not to take thel football
Picadome or Ashland Country club.
with Sewanee lightly. During the
The tournament will begin Tuesday,
early season, advantages are largely
two matches will be played Thursnullified and most any game is a
day, and the finals will be played on
struggle from start to finish.
The next week, October 11, sees
Earl K. Senff and Bill Lussky,
the Wildcats, in action. .with Mary-students during the summer' session
furnishing the competition.
at the University, who have been
Even this game Is no light workout.
shooting the course at Picadome in
October 8 is the annual struggle
a little less than par, will probably
with Washington and Lee, and after
be among the favored entrants.
the struggle on Stoll field of last
4-- H
year, everyooay is ugreeu uiu musi.
anything can happen in a game
kith the Virginians. The week-en- d
Dean Alvjn E. Evans, of the Col'of October 25, Virginia University,
lege of Law of the University, disMr. L. C. Brewer, county farm
newcomer to the ranks that suf
cussed the naval disarmament con- agent, yesterday
fer defeat on Stoll field, will be the
ference at the regular weekly lun- annual live stock judging that the guests
of the Wildcats in a four-pericheon meeting of the Leington A- for members of the H
struggle. Athletics at the
Clubs of
ltrusa Club last Friday at the
Fayette county will
Virginia are being
hotel. Dean Evans has been livestock pavilion on be held at the constantly of
the University
bettered and a contest of
very active recently in a considergrounds August 14 at 1 o'clock in no mean proportions can be assured.
ation of the legal angle of the speed the afternoon.
Three delegates and
November 1 is the Homecoming,
trap question on the Dixie Highway one alternate to represent Fayette
game with the University of Alabetween Lexington and Cincinnati. county in the state Judging
contest, bama here. After the events of last
a feature of the Kentucky State year one should know ahead of time
Fair, will be chosen.
that the Wildcats will be out to
erase the single blot on their 1929-3- 0
Miss Ann Rodes, daughter of Mr.
record. Playing on their home
and Mrs. J. Waller Rodes, and
field, and with the Crimson Tide
member of Chi Omega sorority at
Dr. W. D. Nicholls. of the Farm playing their first year under a new
the University, who has been criti- Economics department, will leave coach, we would place our pre-secally ill at the Good Samaritan this week with his famllv for nn son money on
the Wildcats.
hospital during the last week, is BUtomobiln trin Ihrmmh
On the week of November 8, the
much improved, according to re- - the New Enelanrt stntn
n- journey to Durham, N. C,
ports received from the hospital late oils win return shnrti,.'
to play Duke University. Athletic
ThnrsHnv nftornrvm
opening of school in the fall.
history recorded last year indicates
that the North Carolina school is
quite likely to turn out a team that
Is not to be taken lightly.
On Dad's Day, November 15, the
Wildcats will endeavor to display
their best wares before their fathers
and against the best that Virginia
Military Institute has to offer. This
is another game that always affords
worth-whil- e
a bridge, gayly colored band, or with
The Wildcats will ring down the
"Look at your hat everybody else
.mre much, one. mere is, in. curtain this year on Turkey day.
does!" is a command to women, but
It Is merely an advertising slogan to lact, a style unsuited to the tastes November 27, at Knoxville, Tenn.,
most men. It Is useless to talk about of each and every one of us and, when they engage the University
women and hats, but It Is very In
hope that the weather is
teresting to discuss men and hats,
because most men wear these
afe "10rewlde than for last! A game with Ten- strange devices or, at least, have one
for emergency. The few who nelth
and until .ww... jwu... "".j .1 ho rrnlnvv nf vnnnirctoK flint iri1
er wear nor own them are still re were a staid and staple commodity, report for duty, we will be consist
garded as eccentric, and to these fairly regular In contour and mate- ent in our optimism and bid for tho
speaking, has rial. Recently, however, Impetus has Wildcats In that game.
few, comparatively
been applied an epithet, "collegiate" been given the hat Industry. When
a word which carries a stigma the Prince of Wales appeared with
equalled only by one other,
the brim of his hat bent down, per- 12
haps from alighting from his horse
The origin of hats for men Is not In his customary manner, men's
known. Perhaps in the Dark Ages fashions followed that style. When
some man with an "Intelligence Coolldge received his ten gallon hat,
measure became popu
bump" on his head, wishing to keep the half-ke- g
his light under a bushel, invented lar. The past political conventions
Seeking ideas for the supervision
a device beneath which he might furnished new material, gathered, of student newspapers for the teachno doubt, from the hats thrown into
hide his altogether-too-notlceabmark of Intellectuality. If It so the ring, and the derby Is again ing of Journalism or journalistic
writing, twelve teachers from high
happened, then, that bump must popular.
Hats also give a man a chance to schools and colleges In four states.
have died a sudden death; but unfortunately, the "bump concealer" show his Individuality. Usually the Oklahoma, West Virginia, Texas and
small, stocky man selects a flat hat, Kentucky,
has persisted to the present day.
were students In the first
There are two chief varieties of which accentuates his abrupt end
felt and straw hats. (Many ing, whereas the abnormally tall summer session enrolled in a special
people aro so inclined to classify man adds inches to his height by course offered for the first time by
crown. the department of Journalism of
them all under tho single classifi- wearing a hat with a
cation, namely the badl) Straw In the street crowd or In the ele- the University.
hats are made of nearly every ma- vator, a hat gives a man ample opThese teachers comprise about a
terial which does not resemble portunity to show his dexterity In
If he can carry a fourth of the students enrolled in
straw and they are worn to be slelght-of-han- d.
thrown in the air; or to be pulled hat safely through a day, he has summer school classes. Practical
down over the other fellow's ears passed the first requirement for bill- work of all kinds was taken up by
when "the local boy" knocks the ing on the Keith. Albee, Orpheum the classes, and particularly the fine
Those who Circuit. Occasionally, a sudden gust
ball into the bleachers
are not baseball fans do not know of wind has done more for the tired points dealing with the managewhat to do with their straw hats business man than all the gym ment of school papers.
work, handball and steam baths to
This special course which was ofafter the middle of September.
There Is an almost infinite variety which he has subjected himself, and fered for the first time was taught
of straw hats. Somo are made with revealed In him unknown potentiali- by Prof. Victor R. Portmann of the
a short brim or with a wide one, ties Insofar as the national Olympic department of journalism of the
with a high crown or low one with team Is concerned.

U. K. Golfers Will

Compete at Ashland




Infinite Variety in Straw Hats for
Eccentric Man Affords Him Chance
To Exploit His Individual Tastes



Teachers Enroll
During Summer for
Journalistic Work


� T1



Joe develops his "line" unconsciously by his
association with his fellows. The girl acquires
hers through much deliberation and serious
practice with her gentleman admirers. Joe has
"otflclM NtwM'Pfr of the Studonts of thr UntvftMty
no particular desire except to get along with
of Kentucky, Lexlnaton
people and make the required standing to stay
Josephine sets her aim far higher.
In college.
Entered at Lexington.
Subscription S1.&0 ft yor
She not only wants to make friends, to maintain
Postofflce a neeond class mall matter
her standing, but also to acquire several bits of
Jewelry In the form of fatcrnlty pins.
But after all wc doubt If we would have her
Society Editor
be depended upon to
Manager otherwise. If she could
do the orthodox things consistently, there would
(Phones Ashland 6802, University 74i
Assistant Manager not be nny jim j,, trying to understand her.
coleman r. smith
She's Just n little of everything that Is Interest
Thomas Riley Ing and even a puzzle to herself. She doesn't
Ed Conby
Clarence Barnes
know ahead of time what she will do In a given
situation, and If she did, she would probably do
something else. Such Is life!
the University during the present
Students at
summer session are doubtedly Impressed that the
present water situation might be much Improved. As a matter of actual fact, we arc Informed
Nebraska State has a new ruling that no stu
that the peculiar and somewhat unpleasant dent may take part in any college activity until
Is not due to the presence of Impurities of
an official certificate of eligibility from the facany kind but rather to the process of insuring ulty eligibility committee has been filed with
pure water. At any rate, the authorities are the officer In charge of the activity. What a
doing all that they can to Insure a supply of cood wav that will be to dispense with a lot of
water to the city and University, and purposeless orders that have no particular exgerm-fre- e
the administration Is placing ice in most of the cuse for being and solicit their membership
coolers so that the students will not suffer almost entirely from students who have noththrough lack of adequate drinking water.
ing else to do.
While It is clear that the situation leaves
A new course Is being offered this summer
much to be desired, wc are more fortunate than
many other sections of the state. There Is no for the first time In the history of Oklahoma
possibility for several months, even during an State College on "How to Raise and Care for
entire absence of rainfall, that Lexington will Children." We've always wondered why some
be short of water. With the present supply, such course couldn't be ofTered to teach people
and t