xt77d7957g2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt77d7957g2b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1948-06-may24-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-06-may24-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-06-may24-ec. 1948 1948-06-may24-ec. 2011 true xt77d7957g2b section xt77d7957g2b 



     Ilinutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, M[Jay 24, 1948.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentuc-y met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Mionday,
Lcay 24, 1948.  The following members were present:  Judge Richard C.
Stoll, J. C. Everett, T. H, Cutler, Harper Gatton and R. P. Hobson.
No member was absent.   heeting wl.th the Committee were President
Donovan, Secretary Peterson, and Mr. Guy A. Huguelet.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the Executive Committee for Tarch 16, 1948, were
approved as published.

     B. Bronze Plaques on Engineering Quadrangle.

     President Donovan submitted a recommendation of the faculty of
the College of Engineering for the naming of the Engineering Quad-

                                           May 19, 1948

     To:  President H. L. Donovan
     FROU: The Faculty of the College of Engineering

     The Faculty of the College of Engineering wishes to make a
     recommendation through you to the Board of Trustees:

     Attention is called to the minutes of the Execative Committee
     of January 9, 1948, at which time approval was given to Dr.
     Chamberlaints report on the proposed erection of bronze
     plaoues on the buildings which have been erected on the campus
     in the past ten or tw.ielve years.  In this list was included
     Anderson Hall, page 16, and South and East Unit, page 17.

     It is recommended that these be deleted from the list and that
     the following be approved by the Board of Trustees:

         1. That all of the buildings in the Engineering Quad-
            rangle be named Anderson Hall in honor of F. Paul
            Anderson, and that a tablet be erected in the Main
            Corridor with suitable facts.   The following is



                    ANDERSON HALL

         Named in honor of F. Paul Anderson
WTho served the University of Kentucky for forty-three

1891-1892 as Professor of IMechanical Engineering.
1692-1918 as Dean of the College of Miechanical and Electrical
1918-1934 as Dean of the College of Engineering.

It was through his efforts that the College of Civil Engineer-
ing, the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and
the College of Mining Engineering riere consolidated in 1918
to form the College of Engineering.  In recognition of his
leadership in End..ineering, he was chosen Dean, and served in
that capacity until his death in 1934.

2. Place a small tablet in the 'est Unit:

                      WEST UNIT
                    ANDERSON HALL
                    Erected 1937

                  Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                  Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Garth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon
Fouls E. Iiillenmeyer
                    George H. Wilsc


R. Miller Holland
John C. Newcomb
James Park
Harry Peters
D. D. Stewart
G. C. rWells

Frank LeRond McVey
The Staff of the College of Engineering
The Whittenberg Construction Company, Louisville,

J. Place a small tablet in either the South or East Units:




                       SOUTH AND EAST UNITS
                          ANDIERSON HALL
                          Erected 1936

                        Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                        Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

     J0e B. Andrews                        Louis E. Hillenmeyer
     Horace S. Cleveland                   R. Miller Holland
     John S. Cooper                        John C. Newzcomb
     Reed Embry                            James Park
     Garth Ferguson                        Harry Peters
     Robert G. Gordon                      G. C. `.\7ells
                         George H. Whilson

     PRESIDENT:   Frank LeRond McVey

     ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

     CONTRACTOR: Gilson-Taylor, Inc., Lexington, Kentucky

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   (Signed) D. V. Terrell,

     President Donovan recommended that the Executive Committee concur
in the recommendation of the faculty of the College of Engineering,
stating that, in his opinion, to do so would eliminate some of the
confusion that now exists relative to names of the buildings of the

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
wias approved, and the bronze plaques were authorized erected and the
buildings so named.

     C. Return of Gift from Music Research Foundation, Inc.

     President Donovan stated that the Music Research Foundation, Inc.,
jashington, D. C., had made a gift of Q1000.00 to the University for
"the establishment of a library of musical selections of validated
emotional connotation and significance."   The work was to be conduct-
ed under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Capurso, head of the Depart-
ment of Nusic.



     Since receipt of the gift, Doctor Capurso has submitted his
resignation, effective July 1, 1948, and will not be connected wiith
the University, or available to supervise the work.

     The Foundation has indicated its desire that the gift be trans-
ferred to Syracuse University or returned to the Music Research
Foundation, Inc.

     President Donovan recommended that the request be granted and
the gift returned to the Music Research Foundation, Inc.

     After general discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the Comptroller was directed to draw a check to the Music
Research Foundation, Inc., in the sum of lOOO.OO as a refund of the

     D. Candidates for Degrees Approved.

     President Donovan submitted the list of candidates for degrees at
the June Commencement and recommended, subject to recommendation of
the University Faculty, that the degree to which each candidate was
entitled be authorized awarded.




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Jack Jacob Adams
Dee Ashley Akers
Edward .7iley Allin, Jr.
Robert Hance Allphin
John Chris Anggelis
ixb.ry Porter Armstrong
Raymond David Aubrey
Frances Lorraine Ball
Lillian Finley Bassett
William Harvey Bixler
Elizabeth Dowell Booth
Luther Albert Boyd
Clarence Gordon Brown, Jr.
Martha Jane Brown
John Buckingham Browning
Elizabeth Ann Bucher
Jean Louise Cale
Betty Jeane Cannon
Thomas Hussey Cash, Jr.
William Hampton Chambers
Roy Kelly Cocanougher
Jean Taylor Coleman
Corinna Minor Cook
Samuel Edward Crouch
Fred Harold Daugherty
Victor Emmanuel Davis
Clell Ford DeSpain
James Mayfield Donovan, Jr.
Iary Keith Dosker
Rosemary Shouse Dummit
Merry Carol IDunn
Margaret Russell Ellis
Phyllis Ann Feldmann
John Harold Fenton
Jane Harrison Fetter
Bobbie Louise Foil
Helen Ray Ford
Barbara DeBaun Futrell
Lawrence Russell Gaitskill
Elizabeth Newvberry Gay
Douglas Trezevant Geddes
William Duncan Goodloe
Aaron Glenn Graff
Frederick Atwood Granneman
Anne Louise Gray
Paul Wesley Grumbles
Martha Faries Halley
William Frank Hamilton
Audrey Carol Hankinson
Ruby Gene Hardin
Joyce Anne Habris
James Hatton

Mildred A4lyne Higgason
Iary Pickford Hinkle
Donn Denzil Hollingsworth
Leslie Toll Hollingsworth
Mary Hornbrook
Frances Hamilton Horton
Ollie James Hurt
John Granville Irvin
Judith Keen Johnson
Amelia Ann Johnston
Dan Henley Jones
Ruth Ella Jones
Patricia Clarke Keller
Colona May Kenney
Mary Jean Spicer King
Charlotte Evelyn Knapp
Ann Crawford Lair
Eva LaRue eLewis
Lillian Marie Lewis
*7illiam Baskerville Lewis III
Richard Thomas Linn
Ralph Edwin Looney
Wilmer Bailey L-uster
Marjorie Kerr McBride
Barbara Dennis Mackay
Howard Mann
William Bryan Martin
Cecillia Florence ILieers
M.artha Elizabeth Miles
Marilyn Jean Mitchell
Emma Reita Redden Mloody
Billie Jean bloore
Celia Conley M.,oore
Jack Iason Morris
Floye Avis Mullinaux
Patricia 1icClure Hullins
Panay Gertrude Nesbit
Elaine Claire Nuetzel
3ette Rice Oates
Nancy Kathryn OtHare
LIary Louise Olson
John Milton Owen
Harold Eugene Pace
Elizabeth Ridgely Park
11ary Snoii Parrigin
Jack Evans Pennock
Sally Jane Quisenberry
Lillian Unger Rathell
May Belle Reichenbach
Beverly Anne Ritchie
Nancy Clay Roberts
Dorothy Shively Rose



Louise Cruickshank Scearce
UTarvin Julius Schulman
Betty Sue Scott
Mary Lee Scott
Robertson Cory Scott
Lary Virginia Silvers
.hodes Smith Skillman
El.izabeth Ratliff Smith, Jr.
LIary Louise Smith
James Lini-iood Snyder
Thomias Cauthier ;7. Sorrell
Howard Dene Southwood
Donald 0. Spillman
Mary Lee Stamper
Raymond Estill Standiford
Virginia Lee Steele
Howard 'Willis Stephenson

Jean Shelby Stew7art
Alice Jane Street
Ralph Reed Summa
Anne Orr Taylor
MIargaret Crenshaw Tinder
James Scott Tucker
Robert Leer Turner
Doris Cecile Tye
Caroline Virginia van Santvoord
Carolyn Irene \Vhitenack
James Benjamin Wilbur III
Elizabeth Guthrie Williamson
Mary Frances F7ilson
Ellen Stevenson '7ood
Nelson .oocott, Jr.
Gilbert Osborne 17ymond, Jr6
Leo "T. Zimmerman, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Jack M1'elvin Abbott
David Colson Asher
Mary Josephine Baker
Robert Allen Baker, Jr.
Oscar Carl Beasley, Jr.
Frederick Ernest Berger
Rose I.iarie Blanchet
G. Maurice Bowling
Herbert Carr Bracleys Jr.
Anne Lee Brown
John Boyer Brown
Iley Baker Browning, Jr.
Clemont Hughes Bruce
Mary Ann Bach Burdette
Jo Allan Caplinger
William Samuel Coakley, Jr.
Jack Reed Collier
Roger Frost Cooper, Jr.
John Edison Crawford, Jr.
Joseph Franklin Dalugherty
Emmett Ralls Davis, Jr.
Ordie Ulysses Davis
Donne OfDonnell Demunbrun
Truman .Weldon Demunbrun
Jerome Fields Eastham
GCeorge Flanagan Estill
John Wtycle Fabel, Jr,
Richard Echols Farmer
Warren Edward Fischer
Robert Dennis Galvin
Beverly Elaine Gaulke
Jack Thomas Gitnnini
Rob ert Wilkins Greene
Robert David Halbloom

WTilliam Bruce Hamilton
Gloria Hope Hartman
David Cook Hennessey
Charles Owen Hopkins
Elson Irving Howard
Roy Woodrow Hughes
Frank Young FukillJr.
Charleo '.heeler Justice, Jr.
Wilfred Ingle Kelley
6harles William Ketron
Lional Ray King
,.endell Roy Kingsolver
Bertrand Klass
Wayne Lowell Lawrence
Francis Leonard Lewis, Jr.
Arthur Lieber
Thomas Cecil Little
liary Lou Ziegler Lyons
Richard Leon McConnell
Robert Lee IicKenney
Carolyn Craig Malleekin
Ranald Forrest ..acDonald III
Delia Newel 1Mlanning
Ray Earlyw.-ine Murphy, Jr.
A.J .Napier
Louis "homas Ockerman
George Hearth Paine
Bobby Jean Perry
George '.Iilliam Pope
Olive Justine Potter
Robert Wendell Poundetone
John Ray Pryor
Joseph Exall Pugh
Gene Thomas Qualls
1I.artha Anne Quillen


Forest Fulton Radcliff, Jr.
Louis Alfred Rayburn
Gerald Brock Reams
Bromf ield Lewvis Ridley, Jr.
Mlary Annette Roll
Doralee riagner St. Clair
Richard Jack Scharstein
James Edyrin Scott
Hubbard .right Smith

Hugh Calvin Smith
Glenn Gilmore Stille
boutillie M1ae 14alker
Jacob LaRue '7arner
Fred Doyle W.7atson
Robert Eugene Wilder
James Carroll Wilson
Leo Stanley Yarutis

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Sience
             in Industrial7helmistr-

Robert Lytle Anderson
Robert Hall Cundiff
Donald Thompson Donahue

Prince Gordon Harrill
James William Lewis

Candidates for the Degree of Bac~elpr of Arts
                in Journalism

Mary Lou Bartley
Levris Gardner Bondurant
,Winifred Imogene Combs
Suzanne Rose Concannon
Paul Thonas Crowdus
Helen Virginia Dorr
IMartha ;.IcDovell Evans
James Rj.ndall Fields
Garnett Eva Gayle
O.C. Halyard, Jr.
Jane Lee HIamersley
Charles 7illiam Harbaugh
Helen Gorham Henry

Barbara Brough Hysinger
Jocelyn Kilham
Iartha Lucille M!yers
James  Emo Peavley
Amy Adell Price
Ann VWallace Sheehy
Alfred Price Shire
George Frederick Smith
Matilaa James Thompson
Bettie Jane Tuttle
Jean Louise Vance
Brorn Lee Yates
Martha La,.rrence Yates

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
                   in 11usic

Barbara Akers
Betty Jean Bartee
Layme Frieda Cornelius
Joseph Iartin Friedman
David Lel7is Harris

Helen Gibson Hutchcraft
Jean Louise IKesler
Anne Jeffries Peavyhouse
,Ianda Jane Thomas
Joseph Gar-land Young

Candidates for the Legree of Bachelor of Science
             in ledical Technology

Iiarjorie Anna Doliber
Mary Josephine Farmer
Edith Owens Harper
Martha June Hatter
;.ade Hiller Marsh, Jr,,

Ruth Mount
Denver Robertson
Aiudrey Owens Sanner
Ann Jay Straughn

         Candidates for the De ree of Bachelor of Science
                        in Libr    Science
Miary Shackelford Dickerson            Katherine M.1. Mooney
Mildred Ordelle Et'l                   Ruby D1e Trower
Inthy Fay Gfildi





Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                in Agriculture

Stephen Quince Allen
Lloyd George Antle
Thomas Haley Asbury
John Joseph Begin
Charles William Berckman
nobert Paul Beyerle
Doyt Herald Bolling
Robert Charles Bryan
Clarence Osman Bryant
Kermit Rudolph Burdette
John Hart Burrier
Linville John Bussh
Steven Arnold Callahan
Robert Henry Camenisch
George Wilton Campbell
Walter Prank Childress
Bennie Davis Clark
David Laurence Cleveland
Lambert Levoy Clevenger
Harry Russell Conrad
Vance Cornett
T;illiam Bradford Cropper
'.'alter Harry Crory
Thomas Alton Curtsinger
RalpS, Edward Davis
Russell des Cognets, Jr.
Carl Idervin Dicken
John Henry Dink, Jr.
James Crutchfield Dowden, Jr.
Howard li. Evans
Cecil Gray Feltner
Margaret Sue Flynn
Richard Gray Ford
Justus D. Postep
George Wilson Freas
Harriet Dietrich Freeman
iWilliam Richard Gabbert
Herman G. Gillem
Saul Daniel Goins
Paul Hourigan Gray
Ulysses Grant G-rayson, Jr,
Seldon Vermont Hail
Charles Alva Hall
Shixley Pranklia  Harned
Paul Sparks Hiarris
IGilton Covi-igton Haynes

Zachary Duvall Hibbs
Claude Lee Hixson
Silvion Conward Hopkins
Lindsey Hammond Horn, Jr.
Otley Kyle Hunter
Dan Crisp Hut son
1,1artin Douglas Johnson
Robert Lavirence Johnstone
George Garrett Judge
Floyd Ernest Kells
Ernest Longmire Kirkpatrick, Jr
7allace Lake
Junius Courtney Lewis
Lloyd Douglas Lowry
lMary Jean MIossman McCray
James Hulett IdcMahan
Everette M1ackey
Calvin IMartin, Jr.
Charles McClellan Martin
W!illiam. Brisco Pawley
R-aymond Payne
Reuben Newton Pribble
Ralph Pharoah Ramey
Alexander Clarke Reed, Jr,
W.7illard Roseb erry
Arlie Scott
Jack Jeff ers Scott
Charles Edwin Shelby
Louis Shelton
Arvy Glen Sims
Edgar Ray Smith
Richard Tolliver Snelling
Ralph Arnold Speakes
Ivan Stewart
Benjam.n Harri son Story, Jr.
Paul BeaM Sturgi.ll
Timothy HerIT'y Taylor
la1eighg Turner
Roy Newman Van Arsdall
Samuel Thomas Vanover
John Oliver Venable
Fred Bernrard Wachs, Jr.
Homer Douglas 'W.ells
Jesse Jam-zs 70i1kins
latt Rober' W7illiams, Jr.
Jay Young, Jr.



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
              in H6ome Mconomics

Io'Mae Kathryn Blackford
Anna Ruth Carter
IMdary Helen Carter
Ella Rose Crume
Kiolly Anna Dunn
Z.mo-ene Sears Gregory
Ollle Lee Hays
Eargaret Campbell Hook
Frances Thomas Horlacher
Katherine Guion Johnstone
Mildred Daniel Joseph
Mary Katherine LaMaster

Mildred Geraldine Mlay
Laura Eunice Pickrell
Kathleen Lenore Poor
Wilma Arlecy Proffitt
Audrey Carolyn Romann
Minnie Frances Ross
Bernice Aline Sebree
Margaret Ellen Shelton
Nancy Mae Stolts
Carolyn Johnson Towler
Henry Farris Triplett
Jane Wood Wise

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
              in Civil Engineering

Patrick Hutchison Carigan
Floyd Hall Cawood
John Hallett Clark III
Thomas Spencer Combs
Jean Gray Crawford
James Webster Dalton
71illiam Bright Drake
Barbara Elizabeth Dyohe
William Horace Finnie
Thomas Roddy Galloway
Robert Mack Gillim
Nathan Inman Goff, Jr.
Clark Lewis Haggard
Hubert Hall
Robert M4arion Halpern
Joe Hays, Jr.
Bernard John HoppenjansJr.
Vlilliam Robert Ingram
'illiam Guy Irvan Jr,
George Edward Jones
Louis Parker Mathews,Jr.
James Robert IMtlercerJr.

George Otha Miller
Donald Francis 1lontfort
Carlos Edward Moore
Robert Jesse 1.1ulholland
Earl William Nelson
Paul Shell Powell.Jr.
Charles Carlyle Price
Charles Douglas Roberts
Donald Lewis Sallee
Elvin Monroe Sanders
John William Scott
Carolyn Eubank Steele
James Britton Steele
Irvin H. Stern.Jr.
Ralph Glyn Sullivan
Robert Lawrence Teeter
Guy Franklin Vansant.Jr.
Fred Alton Wesley
Orville Perry 'heat
Ellis Gordon Williams
Charles Bainbridge Wooldridge



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
           in Electrical Engineering

Alex H. Anderson, Jr.
Peter Berend Black
Kenneth Blythe
Charles Folger Boyle
Jefferson Davis Caudill
Joseph I.ichael Connelly
Bernard Rea Crouch
Rodford Wilson Eubank
Eugene Ray Ferguson
Malcolm Jack Fisher
James l7illiam Frasure
Robert Deming Hayes
Ray Ellis Hill
Karl Douglas Kirk
Paul Armstead Laine,Jr.
Dwight Leonard McCray
Charles Thomas M,6aney
Alfred Moore

Chester Harlan Paris
William Rivers Peyton
Faymond George Preece
Horace Courtland Redding
Oro Creal Seevers, Jr.
Julian Sellers
Tommy D. Sharp
Valter Siegel
Enoch Stanley Slone
Leon Franklin Trimble
Layton Carl Tuggle
Frederick Christian Vogele
Jewell Sereno '5Weller
George Korb White
James MIartin WUhite
Larry lilson
Donald Thompson '.7orthington
John Vernon Yarbrough

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
           in I.Iechanica Engineering

Eugene Amburgey
Donald Frarklin Barker
Earl Boggs
Oakley Ray Brown, Jr.
Robert Huxley Carrier
Ansel Louis Davis
William John Donovan
Harold 7alton Estill
Ivilton James Evans
Oliver William Gard
Warren Jefferson Gordonwood
John Louis Hicks, Jr.
7.illiam Harrison Kelley
Aaron Tomlin KendtickJr.
Harry Ranki,4 Lawson
Elmer Augustus IUocBride,Jr.
Karl IMicKnight.Jr.

Fred Milton M1ahan
Horace Hagood IMiaxey
James Louis Morrissey
Robert Francis Olson
David Alan Robins
James Owen Schreck
Frank 11illiam Schumann
Michael Louis Simms
Jack Arnold Smith
William Charles Staley
Marjorie Constance Sulzer
Maurice Lee Vaughn
William Abell W.7ade, Jr.
George Dmniel .lallace, Jr.
Raymond Paul ltarner
John Joe Willis

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
          in Metallurgical Engineering

Edivard Stewart Jones
William Thomas MoClain
Bart Nixon Peak, Jr,

Donald '.7arren
Benjamin Franklin Whitmer



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
              in 1.lining Engineering

Frederic Lamar Dupree, Jr.
Qharles Vernon Hughes

Clarence Edwvin Parks

               COLLEGE OF LAW

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws

John Garth Atchisorl, Jr.
Dan-iel Delbert Ball
James Ecklund Banahan
Sidney Charles Barnard
Clay 11assey Bishop
Abraham Bov.iling
James Christopher Brock
lalter Lucas Brock, Jr.
William Brown Buford
Samuel Carlick
Thomas Charles Carroll
Harry M.onroe Caudill
*7illiam Halbert Coldiror
Conley Cole Congleton
John Logan Cox
Edward Moore Dooley
Douglas 1Wilton Faris
Cabell Denny Francis
George Thomas Gess, Jr.
John King Hickey
Reuben Miller Holland, Jr,
John James Hopkins
Robert Elward Humphreys, Jr.
Doyle Barnett Inman
Russel Clyde Jones
John IMlorrow Kinnaird

John Charles Klotter
Caswell Prewitt Lane
Dwain Harrell Lowry
Giles Justin McCarthy
Arnett Mann
Marcus Mann
David Parmalee Martin
Neil Ryan Maxey
Robert William Ileagher
Elmer Everett IMIorgan
George Thomas IMuehlenkamp
Robert Ewing Rice, Jr.
William Stanley Riley
Calvert Theodore Roszell
Cecil Carlton Sanders
Charles Arthur Sither
Bertel Milas Sparks
Wanda Lee Spears
William Litsey Sullivan
George Williams Terrell
Robert Edward Vick
Frank Kotcamp .darnock
Eugene Selby Jliggins, Jr.
Clyde Williams., Jr.
Bunyan Spratt Wilson, Jr.
John Jacques Yeager


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
                in Education

Robert R. Adams
Troy Edward Adams
Marjorie Jean Akers
11artha Breckinridge Allen
Ronald Gary Allen
Samuel Elwood Allen, Jr*
Jack Bullard Archer
LMarie ta Ball
iJary Muth Ballard
Mary Jane Black
Benny Ann Blessing

IMary Gardner Blocher
Charline Hendrickson Brokaw
Bethel Grace Burdine
Marjorie Burton
Albert Kenton Campbell
Bill Morris Chambers
Theodore Fonda Cole
Stephen Jackson Cornett, Jr.
Edna Florence Crawford
Helen Lucille Crawford
Mary Price Creamer



Bettye Cookrell Cunmins
Jack Harold Currence
Sue Vance Day
Bernard Efraim Farber
Rosemary Freedman
Lycle Luttrell Gooding
Iarer:uerite Johnson Griffith
Dorothy Jean Grugin
Ehillip Gene Haas
1.iargaret Jean Hall
Oris Thompson Hartford
L'argaret ;-nihiteside Hartley
'ianda Faye Cornett Hodge
William Donald Hoviard
Alvis Hunt
Annis Christine Huttrilann
Virginia Swinford Hutton
Julius Caesar Joseph
Julia Leach Kincaid
IMIatthew Richard Lair, Jr,
LMTary Elizabeth Lowry
Rose Ilary Anne Lumley
William Beryl McAllister
Angelo Anthony Narinaro
Marilyn lMiatherly
Dixie Gene May
Howvard Bruce M-,'et calfe
Carolyn King Mleyer
Troy Mills
Virginia t/eston I-.inter
Edgar Allan Mioles
Beulah Belle Iiullins
John Carlisle IMTyers, Jr.
Margaret Dowell Nelson
Dorcas Bell O11Neal
Mary Katherine O lNeill
Billee Jane Penn

          Candidates for the

John *,atthen Abell
Allen Sheftal Abramson
Lorenza Cort Acton, Jr.
Wilbur Gordon Adams
Jolhn  'leatley Ambrose
Robert Alexander Babbage
Frank Thomas Bacon
'William Henry Dalden
John Barath, Jr.
Anna Frances Barnes
James Esco Barnes
Morris Vernon Baxter, Jr.

Betty Brown Pennington
Rebecca Perry
Patricia Cooley Poe
Thomas M.-olloy Pogue
Georgia Rich Porttmann
Leonard Lee Breston
Peggy Sue Puryear
tWilliam Earl Ralph
Elizabeth Collins Rees
.7illiam Roberts, Jr.
IMlary Nichols Rogers
Willa Dean Rose
Forrest Schenks
Charles David Schifler
7.Washington Frank Serini
Lary Ahigail Shea
Juanita Miary Shumaker
Avenelle Slone
Charles Leland Smith
Clara Elizabeth Smith
Dorothy Smith
Catherine Dudley Snowtden
IMTarJorie Esther Stembridge
Leone Virginia Stephens
Lola Juanita Stokes
Mary Louise Sympson
Nobel Wendell Tackett
Edith Thatcher
James Thlomas Underwiood
W'illiam Elvis Vick
Margaret Elizabeth WJait
Richard Iouis White
Ruth H.-elen Wilde
Anna IMargaret Yager
Frances Conrard Youtsey

De ree of Bachelor of Science
in  ommerce

               MIorris Wilson Beebe, Jr.
               Daniel Harrington Benokart
               Mary Lynn Blevins
               Nancy Hart Bobbitt
               Virginia Evelyn Bradley
               Edward Thompson Breathitt,&
               William Gaines Bryson
               George Jay Burnett$ Jr,
               Elbert Alston Cheek
               Ann Talbott Clayton
               Vernon J. Cole
               James Thomas Collier



Charles ianiley Combs
W7lllam NIellton Cornett
Rienr y .iiller Cox
James Marshall Craig
John Joseph Cremin
  illinm Edward Crouch
  -6artha Anderson Crutchfield
  Ralph Ernest Danford
  Charles Franklin Dearth
  Charles Louis Devitt
  Claude Daniel DiIckerson, Jr.
  'illiarm Iillard Drake
  ..i.lliam Lenton Duggins
  -rank Dewey Eduards, Jr.
..obert Geary Feagans., Jilliam Guy
John Lew-ris Fleming         Feagans
Olen Foley
Joseph Harold Fothergill
..illiam -roadus Fow-,iler
Edward Vernon Fox
Robert Jones Geeslin
Jack I.icKendree Goodykoontz
Felix Ma._urice Gossum, Jr.
Dn~vid Bercham Graham, Jr.
Erinest Filson Graham
Nor!:la Evelyn Green
Lois i3aesler Guilfoil
Fr rncis ilar.tin Gute
Burt, Vincent Halbert !II
Robert Leonard Hardin, Jr.
Harvey How-ard Harper, Jr.
Charles A1lexander Harris
Earle Rosslyn Heffner
4.ar-hti,.a JTean Hill
Harry Duss ell Hinton
James Clif3ford Hodgetts
Joseph Burnett Holland
Herbert Tevais Hudson
Oswald G. Jett
John Dudley Jones
George Edelen Kelly, Jr.
John 7illiam Kiger
3111y Roger Kimbel
lary IRichardson Kinnaird
Paul M.IcKee Kinnaird
17illiam Goebel Lamb, Jr.
Jnpes Taylor Lanham
John James Larlin
Arthur ',7arren 'eche
Edward Hampton Lynch
Claude Ray 1.HcGaug.1hey, Jr.
Samuel Elliott Li.iclvaine
Delbert Levi 1:IcLaugihlin
Georre Dennis 1.Mo1illiams,Jr.
Bruce. Macdonald
Robeert ,.'ilson YlaolEonald
John Dundon M1aloney

Robert Lynn Manley
Peter Fred MIanos
Villiam Fish I;.1arsteller, Jr.
Alicen Jack M1ay
,tilliam Richard M1eudors
Spencer Iierwin II
Virginia Louise Meyer
Alvin Harry Miller
John Elliott IMiller
Lawrence Quinn I.iller
Pansy lohe I-diller
James Earl Mtorreau
Jack Elwood M.oxley
Gerald Edward Napier
Robert Elgin Nelson, Jr.
David Oldashi
Helen Mtiurphy Olmstead
Edward Leon Palmer
John Anthony Palumbo
Mathew Roy Patrick Perrone
James '.7alter Perry
Sidney Albert Phillips
Clyde F'anklin Pittman
Ben Henry Pumphrey
Vivienne Jeane Rambo
RwUssell Eugene Ricketts
James Claiborne Routt
John G-abriel Roviady
Vera Vivian Salyer
James ,vuintus Sanner
1artin Lane Schneider
James Fontaine Scott
Greene Adam Settle: Jr.
I1Martha Virginia Short
IMarshall Hamilton Shouse
'.lilliatm Richard Simmons
Thomas Marion Simpson, Jr.
James Edcwa;:d Snovrden
Lenneth Levi Stephens
ishraael Stinson
G-ene Benton Stokley
Champi Samuel Stopher, Jr.
BenJamin Brucy Sullivan, Jr,
Miarvin S. Talbott
Nancy Catherine Taylor
Robert Thomas Theiss
Anne Peel Thomas
'.illiam Robert Thomas
Wlilliam Anderson Toombs, Jr.
.Alanson M.'cElroy Trigg, Jr,
Rice Carter Ballard Trigg
Douglas Elizabeth .Jalters
2Roger Curtis W,.tatts
:1alter James W7hite
Thomas Cooper Whiteside
James David J'itiihers
Thomas Odiorne Youtsey, Jr.



Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
                in Pharmacy

Byron Johnson Begley
Patrick Joseph Cain
James Cokely C' oyd, Jr.
Robert Lyan Coakley
BevcrJly Allen Davison
Tillie Bae Edelen
James J. French
Irvin Bernard Ginsburg
M arvin G-oldst ein
Carroll Beaven Hardesty
..illiam Harris Klein
Robert Henry Leisman
Ernest I atthew iMicClure
Thomas Byrd Mlarshall

                Candidat eS
.viary Bovien Aull
Cordelia Catherine Beard
Phyllis Browrnell Bell
Bet ty Carolyn Congleton
George Smith Gonkin
Sarah Lee Finch
Lee Bolinger Gaither
Helen Neysa Blythe Hampton
Estalene i..ott'i Harned
.Rob ert "1itfiield IMiles, Jr.
John Dean Minton

              Charles Kenneth I"eloy
              Ira S. Meyer, Jr.
              Robert I4onen
              Charles Cooper Murphy
              Albert Alfonso Nelson
              Inez wright OBryan
              Allen Phillip Pearson
              Frank 'Jesley Richey, Jr,
              John Franklin Riley
              Mary Frances Robertson
              Aron Schwartz
              Lois Jean Tanner
              Bonnie G-ertrude .Jhite

for the Dree c' M,'.aster of Arts
              Cheuster Ray Moi1rris
              Stanley Scott I.Iorton
              James Joshua Mlott, Jr.
              Donald Clayton Rose
              Wimberly Calvin Royster
              Joseph Aloysius Saly
              WVill Frank Steely
              Orville -7alters Taylor
              Kenneth Nelson Vines
              M'iabel Lucille 'larnecke
              Elmer Durward 17eld.on

Candidates for the Degree of T.aster of Science

Samuel Judson Allen
Eu.ene Pope HcAdams
Ash:ley St. Julian .lIixson
John Baxter Owien
Royce Hampton Reiss
John Redmon Sewell

WVilliam Oscar Shropshire
Denver Sloan
Joe Daniel Starnev
Harvey Cofer Sunderman
James Buckner Trice
Henry 'ilton Tucker

               Candidate for the Degree of Ylaster-of Science
                            in Public ifealtW
Julius Goldberg



Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
               in Agriculture

Derwood McVey Baird
Robert Wilson Booton
Viriyn Alexander Boyd
Harold J. Evans
Leslie Logan HammondB

Ibax Edward Howard
William Albert Seay
Clayton Ray Turner
Keith Romould Vice
Patch Gregory Woolfolk

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science
               in Home Economics

LMary Barbara Shelton

Elizabeth Bowman Silver

Candidates for the Degree of Miaster of Science
             in Civil Engineering

Staley Fields Adams
John Arthur Dearinger

Willie Grey Neal

           Candidate for the Degree of Mwaster of Science
                     in Electrical Engineering

Maurice Wayne Long

           Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science
                     in Me chanical Engineering

Ralph Edgar Davis

           Candidate for the Degree of 1t     of Science
                   in Metallurgical Engineering

James Luther Wyatt

            Candidate for the Degree of Civil Engineer

David Knox Blythe

         Candidates for the Degree of Mechanical Engineer

Donald William Pennock

Joe Page Roysdon



     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the President was
authorized to confer upon each of the candidates for the degrees at
tho Juno Commencement the degree to iwshich each is entitled.

     E. Ordinance of City of Lexington concerning tMcLean Stadium.

     President Donovan stated that the University had requested per-
mission of the City of Lexington to extend the north side of McLean
football stadium so as to overhang the sidewalk to approximately two
feet of the south curb line of Eutclid Avenue, along Euclid Avenue for
a distance of about 45 feet.   He stated that the ordinance had been
prepared by the City's legal department and approved by the Attorney

     Hie further stated that the University would add additional tiers
on the north side of the football stadium, which would overhang the
sidewalk but would not in any way obstruct the use of Euclid Avenue
or be a hazard to the public.

                     Commonwealth of Kentucky
                     ATTORNEY GENERAL I S OFFI CE
                         Frankf ort, Ky.

                                       MJay 21, 1948
    Honorable Frank D. Peterson
    University of Kentucky,
    Lexington, Kentucky.

    Dear Sir:

         This is to state that I have examined an ordinance
    .-hich purports to grant permission to the Commonwealth
    of Kentucky (University of Kentucky) to project a portion
    of the proposed football stadium over and above the side-
    walk on Euclid Avenue.

         This ordinance appears to be correct in form and le-
    gality and we hereby approve as to same.

                                   Yours very truly,

                                      A.E. FUNK
                                      ATTORNEY GETNERAL

                                  BY (Signed) W. Owen Keller
                                  Assistant Attorney General



               ORDINANCE NO.      _


     WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Kentucky (University of
Kentucky) is the owmer of the football stadium on the south
side of Euclid Avenue, and,

     WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Kentucky (University of
Kentucky) is now seeking to enlarge the stadium by adding
additional tiers thereto, and,

     WHEREAS, these additional tiers will by necessity
overhang the sidewalk on the south side of Euclid Avenue
about two feet for a distance of some two hundred and sixty-
five (265) feet, and,

     WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desire to grant to
the Commonwealth of Kentucky (University of Kentucky) the
permission necessary to allow this construction, the follow-
ing ordinance is enacted:

     BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the
City of Lexington:

     Section 1. That permission be, and hereby is, granted
to the Commonwealth of Kentucky (University of Kentucky) to
construct additional tiers to the football stadium, which
will overhang the Euclid Avenue Sidewalk to approximately
two feet of the south curb line of Euclid Avenue, overhanging
the sidewalk approximately 45 feet and beginning at a point
265 feet west of the intersection of Rose Street and Euclid
Avenue and extend