xt779c6s1t9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt779c6s1t9q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2007 2007 2007-10-10 2020 true xt779c6s1t9q section xt779c6s1t9q Wounded Cat: Senior midfielder refuses to kick l
season away after devastating knee injury



Sports, PAGE 6

Raising Voices: Music columnist lists best
songs to sing amid social unrest

l5cat‘urcs. l’ \( .l- 5









Report: State lagging in female representation

By Katie Sultz

ksaltz'akykernel com

Despite an increase in the number
of female elected officials in the state.
Kentucky is still behind most of the
country. according to a report released
yesterday by Secretary of State Trey
(iray son.

Kentucky ranks 40th in the country
in the number of women sery'ing in the
state legislature. dropping from 48th

place since the 3005 Opening Doors of

Opportunity report

Les Ftlglllt‘. deputy assistant secre-
tary of state. said e\ en though the rank-
ing dropped. there are more women in

come out,
gay rights

By .loseyMontana McCoy

ymccoy’dkykernel com

Us is celebrating the 19th
annual National (‘oming ()ut
Week with events encouraging
awareness and tolerance of the
gay community,

“(‘oming ()ut Week brings
awareness to ongoing problems
sesual minorities hay e in popu»
lar culture." said Mathias Deta-
more. marketing coordinator of
()l'Tsource. l'K‘s (iay Lesbian
Biseyual ’l‘ransgcnder Queer
Questioning Ally ((iLBTQQAi
resource center.

The center. which opened in
April. offers educational re
sources and safe spaces for sexu—
al minorities on cainpus. l)eta~
more said.

liyents in honor of (‘oming
Out Day. which is held tomor»
row and started in WKX. ha\e
gone on all w eek,

“(Coming Out Day) is a re-
membrance that se\ual minori-
ties haye to go through a strug~
gle." Detamore said,

Planned Parenthood kicked
off the week's c\ents with a lec-
ture on safe7sc\ practices on
Monday. (‘hristine Ma\well ol
the Lexington Pride (‘enter and .
'l‘ransKentucky . a state transgen~
der stipport and resource group.
discussed transgender issues last

“It‘s e\citing that the uniyer-
sity is haying this." Detainore
said “We‘re starting to
some real positiye change in the
way sexual minorities are more
easily integrating in the popular

The w eck will conclude
with state Sen. l:rnesto SCHIV
sone. l)—l.e\ington. speaking
prior to a showing of the film
"The Times of Haryey Milk."
which is the story ot the openly
gay San Francisco councilman
who w as murdered in l‘lTr‘s'.

“ The more people know
about gay lolks. the less dis
ciimination there is against gay
l’s‘sll‘lc.~~ said Scoi'sone. who
came out to the public four
years ago

Scorsone. who represents
most of layette ('ounty. inclutf
ing l'K's campus. said coming
out is one of the most important
things a gay indi\ idiial can do

"(‘oming out is a wry per»
soiial decision and no one can
make that cell for someone
else." Scorsone said. "It is an llir
diyidiial decision and we ha\e
to respect that "

()l"l‘source. the (‘ats Den.
Student .‘\L‘l|\lllk‘\ Board. the
Student (‘enter Film Series and
the (lay-Straight Alliance spon»
sor the (‘oming ()ut Week

Tonight at 8. Anthony Rapp
froin the Broadway musical
"Rent" will hold a discussion
in Memorial Hall about his ca-
reer. life as a gay man and cur-
rent issues facing sexual mi-


some elected positions.

"We hayen't made as


for the first time in Kentucky his-
tory. there are two women sitting on
Supreme ('ourt. and
Kentucky now has 33.6 percent fe-
male representation in its courts. ae~
cording to the updated report. There
women from Kentucky in the US.
Congress but an increase in the num-
ber of women in the state House of

the Kentucky

was a decrease in the number

Representat i \ es.

The low number of women in these

progress." Fugate said. “But the gains
we saw this time were \ery impres—

positions is not because of a lack of
yotes for women. but a lack of female
candidates. Frigate said.

"It's not that Kentuckians aren't
electing women; it's that women aren‘t
running." Fugate said. "We're not do-
ing enough to nurture young women to
become elected officials."

One reason women might not be
running for office is negative cani-
paigning. said state Rep. Kathy Stein.

“Negative campaigning puts a
damper on anybody wanting to run for
office." Stein said. “But especially on
women because they know‘ they ha\e to
get a leg up anyway."


Stein suggested that women who
are elected to office increase their num—
bers by talking to young people about
the political process.

“Women who are in elected offices
have a responsibility to mentor and talk
to young women." Stein S‘dld. “The
more we discuss it. the less frightening
it becomes."

The report includes biographies of
female state officials. resources for
women and a database of female offi-
cials in the commonwealth. Fugate
said these tools are offered to help
young people build a network to be»
come involved at a local or state In—

"Getting young women iiiy'olyed in
organi/ations in their communities can
open a lot of doors." Fugate said.

Kentuckians should want more
women in office so they can better rep»
resent all areas of the state. Fugate

“There are lots of different perspec~
lives and experiences of people with
different backgrounds that need to be
heard." Frigate said, “By being diycrse.
we hope to ha\e a stronger goyern-

A full copy of the report can be
found on the secretary of states Web
site (www.sosky.goyv‘secdesk/initia-





Ciy'l ltghb actiwsts: the Rev James Tennyson, in maroon shirt, and the Rev touts Coleman, center in white shirt, pray with students outSide the Main Building yesterday afternoon
Coleman, of Laura/rile, protested With students over Friday's Kernel editorial cartoon

Louisyillc aetiyjst
jOins ‘211‘toon protests

By Jill Luster

ilasterdkykernel corn

A crowd of about Ztl students gathered around the
Rev. Louis (‘oleman yesterday to pray about Friday ‘s

Kernel editorial cartoon.

"We come. oh (iod. to let these students know we
are here to support them." ('oleman said. "Giy'e them
the strength. oh Lord. to continue their struggle."

('oleman. a l.0lll\\'lllc preacher and ciyil rights ac-
tiyist. said he and two other acti\ ists drove

to protest the cartoon.

The cartoon. which compared [YK‘s (ireek system to
a shoe auction. is only a symptom of larger problems at

the uni\ersity. Coleman said.

He also said the campus-wide e~mail UK President
Lee Todd issued Monday night e\pressing his “strong
disagreement" with the cartoon should ha\e been sent

See Coleman on page 3



['K President Lee Todd released a statement
last night denouncing campus incidents “in which
the lines of chi] discourse have been crossed."
The incidents Todd referred to have taken place
since an editorial cartoon that likened 17KB Greek
system to a slave auction was published in Fri-

day ‘s Kernel.

to UK today

UK spokesman Jay Blanton said two specific
instances prompted Todd‘s statement. One student
had a racial slur written on his dorm room door.
and a Kemel reporter was slapped while coy ering
protests about the cartoon Friday.

“Such acts will not be tolerated.‘~ Todd said in
the email “They will be fully inyestigated, and
those found responsible will be dealt with accord-
ing to rules and regulations."

Blanton said the reason the e-mail was sent
last night was because the student with the racial

w Todd decries threatening incidents

The resident ‘dLl\l\Cl' on frontrdcsk duty in

New North Hall. where Watkins liyes. filed a po-

lice repoit Monday afternoon alter two residents
told her someone had w rittcn profane language on
Watkins‘ door,

The UK police crime log said "offensive
w ords" were written on the door but did not cori-
firm what the words w ere. Maj. Joe Monroe of

[K police also couldn't confirm what was written

slur on his door. agricultural economics sopho-

more Josh Watkins. had spoken with the media

but said it was a racial slur,

"They know w ho I am. but next time it could
be something worse Watkins said.

Watkins. who was part of the group that talked
to Kernel Editor in ('hiel Keith Smiley about the
cartoon on Friday. said finding the slur on his door
scared him, as did the lact that someone saw him
in the media and lound where he ll\€(l.

"They can‘t eyen protest without being threat-
ened." Watkins said.

Kernel Assistant News Editor Blair Thomas

See Todd on page 3

Iraq-Vietnam comparison kicks off conference

By Jennifer Miles

news‘dkykernel com

A conference beginning tonight in-
\ites l'K students topiiii Vietnam yeter—
ans in comparing the w an in lraq to the
Vietnam War.

The panel discussion titled "Vietnam
lessons and Iraq Parallels Reflections
by Vietnam Veterans" marks the begin
ning of the Making Sense of the VietA
nam Wars Conference. which draws
scholars lrom across the nation.

Though the conference is aimed at
educators and Vietnam War experts.
panelist Peter Berres. a Vietnam veteran
and the assistant dean of the (‘ollege of
Health Sciences. said tonight's presentav

Fin! issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

tion is geared toward college students.

"My feeling was we ought to ha\e
something tin the conferencel lor stu~
dents." Berres said.

Lien-Hang Nguyen. an assistant his-
tory professor who organi/ed the con
ference. said the eyent is unique because
it gathers top scholars in the field of
Vietnam War history but also \eterans
and politicians. including fomter Demo»
cratic senator from South Dakota and
presidential candidate (ieorge Stanley
Mc( ioy'em.

“The conference is about the chang-
ing perceptions of and the yarious per~
spectiyes on the Vietnam War and the
historical lessons we can draw from that
war for the present war in Iraq Nguyen


Fiye Vietnam \eterans will make up
the panel: Berres. Phil Desimone. hhltr
rian Robert Topmiller. attorney Henry
Watson and ('harlie O'Neill. a psycholo—
gist and associate director of l'K‘s
(‘ounseling and Testing Center.

“We come from very different
backgrounds professionally. but of
cotirse we all share the experience."
Berres said.

The speakers are expected to ex—
press their opinions on what lessons the
US. leamed from the Vietnam War.
what lessons the country still needs to
learn and what students need to know to
better understand the lraq war. A ques
tion and answer session will follow the


Berres said there will be a broad
range of opinions represented. both cone
seryatiy'e and liberal.

(ieoi'ge Herring helped plan the
eyent and studied the Vietnam War dur-
ing the 30 years he worked at [K before
he retired.

“The conference is being held here
because this uniyersity has a long tradi»
tion of scholarly interest in southeast
Asia in general and the Vietnam War in
particular." Herring said

The conference begins with the pans
el tonight from 7 to 9 in room 106 of the
White Hall (‘lassroom Biiilding and will
continue through Saturday.

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 2 | Wednesday, October 10, 2007

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Keme' ‘ 0|
























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 70 is the easiest day. 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 — The lesson the New Moon
conveys is "You're Not In This
Alone ” Let people help Lighten
your load and increase your effec~

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 7 ~ There's plenty of work
Hurry and do it and gather the am
ple rewards. Stash away provisrons
for the winter You love a full pantry
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 9 —— This New Moon marks a
transition into a new phase The
promises made now will last. and

Ans-«swwnxswsss‘w WsMMY—smmmsss"

the partnerships wrll produce re»
sults Visualize your goals as hap—
pening, and proceed

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 6 Don't feel the tiniest
twinge of guilt if you want to hide
out all day Use your considerable
talent to find a way

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is
an 8 — It's not only luck that's ll)‘
volved Your odds improve enor‘
mously the more you know about
your subject. Don't be lazy; study
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
an 8 # You can make lots of money
from the privacy of you own home
"How“, you ask7 You’ll have to
choose The possmilities appear

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 9 7 All of a sudden everything
seems to make perfect sense. Your
studies are paying off You're learn
ing the material

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 8 7* Finishing old projects is a
great source of revenue, Tune up


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your old stuff and sell it. You'll make
more than expected.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 — Dig deep for a wor~
thy cause It puts a slight strain on
your budget. but it looks like this is
as good for you as it is for the other

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 5 v You always have to be
telling the truth, but you don't al-
ways have to be telling it. In other
words, don't offer comments until

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day is an 8 w The more you ven-
ture outsrde your comfort zone, the
more comfortable you get With ad
venture It’s a wonderful thing
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 5 W Paperwork isn't proba-
bly y0ur favorite thing to do Get
yourself a cup of tea and pretend it's
loads of fun. That ought to get you
at least halfway through the stack


. V
\Ali ii it: 35


Cash and Jessica
hunting for a home!

1116 Di$l1

Lust month on Late Show
With I)a\id Letterman. Jessica
Alba admitted she had fallen in
love at first sight. But when
asked how that relationship
turned out. the (iood Luck
(‘huck star. 26 who recently
reunited with her beau of nearly
three years. moxie producer

('ash Warren. 28. after a brief

summer split smiled and
said: "It‘s still trying to figure it-
self out." A good sign: They're
househimtingl On September
27. the couple checked out a
$3.2 million home in I..A.'s
Brentwood area. "I think this
time it will really work." says a
friend of the actress, "She‘s so
happy Y"

Peter & Jennie —
Perfect Partners!

Regardless of what the
judges say about her moves on
Dancing With the Stars. Jennie
Garth tells l's she has a fan in
her hubby of six years. Damages
star Peter I’acinelli. "I Iiad no
idea how supportive he‘d really
end up being." the actress. 35.
admits. “He‘s a part of eyery—
thing? Hes meeting with my
panner. Derek Hotigh. on the
side and go ing him his opinions
on the choreography. He goes
otit with Us for' dinner? He's def-
initely Illil percent right there
for me." And e\en when the ac—
tor. 33. can't be by her side. the
parents of three (daughters
Luca. 10. Lola. 4. and Fiona. I)
are neyer out of touch. “Every
time I‘m feeling down. l call
him. and he talks me through
it." Garth says. "He also sends

me little text messages." Like
what" "They're racy. . . . But.
you know. he‘s Italian?"

Usher & Tameka —
'I Love Her So Much'

"I'm happy to be a father
and really excited?" l'sher
(w hose wife of nearly three
months. Tameka Foster. 37. is
expecting a boy in December)
told [Is at the September 25
NYC launch party for his
eponymous fragrance. ”He gets
here soon. so we want to make
sure we're a strong family." To
that end. the singer. 29. says he
and the fashion stylist are "tak-
ing our time to figure out what
marriage is. It takes work." But
it brings big rewards. he adds: “I
love her so much. She definitely
understands me."

Melissa's Rock? Tammy!

With four kids (twins John—
nie and Miller. I] months.
Beckett. X. and Bailey. 10). a
new album. The Awakening. and
a mission to raise breast cancer
awareness. how does Melissa
Etheridge. 46. do it all? “My
wife. Tammy!" she tells Us of
Tammy Miehaels. 32. at an
eyent for the Rocktober cam—
paign September 25 at Hard
Rock (‘afe New York. “She's so
dedicated. not only to me but
also to the children, You have no
idea what an awesome mother
she is. She is just incredible."

Rock of Love's Bret & Jes
Ponder the Future

Bucking stereotypical bad-
boy bchayior. Poison rocker
Bret Michacls. 4-1. ditched strip-
per Heather and chose cosmetol-
ogist Ies. 33. as his No. I on
\’Hl‘s Rock ol Loye September
30. ".les was classy. she was
cool. but she had a big guard
up." Michaels explains. “Once
that guard came down. I really
got to know her." What drew her
in‘.’ "He's a really good guy and
has a wry big heart she says.
So will the (‘hicagoan moye to
LA. for her love? She admits:
"The thought has crossed my

Camilla & Matthew —
Holiday in Paris!

Who better for Matthew
McConaughey to have on hand
while he posed for a new Dolce
& Gabbana ad than his model
girlfriend. Camilla Alves‘.’ A
source tells Us the Brazilian
beauty. 24. was on—set in Paris
with the actor. 37. the entire
time be filmed 7- no small ges—
ture considering shooting oc—
curred from 6 pm. to 4 in the
morning. Still. the couple of
more than fiye months managed
to fit in daytime fun during their
stay in the city. When not hun—
kei‘ed down in the chic $3.000—
a-night George \' Hotel. off the
famed Champs—Elysees. they
took in the sights. Visiting the
Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.
The pair even elicited some at»
tention of their own after Alves
was spotted sporting a diamond
ring on her left hand’ His rep
denies an engagement.



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Wednesday, OctoberTO, 2007 |PAGE3 )

”The fact of the matter is that the
L'niyersity of Kentucky looks at the
Kentucky Kernel the satire way it looks
at The (Louisy ille) Courier-Journal. the
Lexington Heraldleader and various
neys's stations." Blanton said.

After praising tlte effort of Us stir-
dents to protest the Kernel cartoon.
Coleman and about lll students went to
Todd's office in the Main Building to
deliver a letter calling Todd‘s response
to the Kernel cartoon “no more thari a
mere slap on the hand "

Todd v\ as not in his office because
he \\ as out of tovyn on the state“ ide See


UK Police reports
from Oct 2. to Oct 8.



Continued from page T

Continued frorh page l

sooner. .
"That's a day late and a dollar
short." Coleman said. "It should have
been there from the beginning.“

Todd has not ayailable for corti—
ment by press time. but L'K spokesman
Jay Blanton said Todd wanted to talk to
Kernel Editor in Chief Keith Smiley be—
fore sending the e-mail.

Blanton also said LTK does not
have the authority to pull any of the

told police she was slapped near the Patterson ()f—
fice Touei' as she followed protesters frotii the
(irehan Journalism Butldirig to the Free Speech
Area \\hile covering the demonstrations Friday.
l‘homas declined to file a police report.

Monroe said the unoei'sity has increased secu—
rity all oy er campus after the protest of Friday‘s
cartoon. He also said that the police department is
actiyely conducting an inyestigation iitto \y ho van—
dali/ed Watkins" door.

Since Monday night. L'K police officers haye

tron of Huguelet Avenue
and Rose Street at 2 35
(3 TT‘.

Alcohol intoxication re-
ported from Samaritan
Hospital at 557 a or.

Oct. 2 Theft of bike reported
from the Johnson Center
at 4 4i p or

Kemel's funding. as Coleman said the
university should consider doing. be-
cause the newspaper is independent of
the university.

Panel: US. should 1‘ ‘spect rising; leftist governments

ilaster@kykerne| com

About 75 people gathered last night to
discuss LLS. and Latin American relations
since the rise of leftist govemments in Cen~
tral and South America.

The lecture. “Latin America: Riots iii
Democracy.” is pan of Latino Week and is
sponsored by the Latin American Student

Speakers Charles Davis. a political SL‘lA
enee professor. and Ridvan Peshkopia. a
part-time political science instructor. dis.
cussed the role of leftist governments over
the past 30 years. Leftist governments in
Latin America are generally eoncemed with
the interests of the vyorking class and indigc~
nous people.

“I think what the LES. should do is re—
spect lLatin American leftist governments)
policies if they go against the political inter—
ests. even security interests. of the LS.
Davis said.

Blue bus tour. The group talked vyith
Todd's chief of staff. Doug Boyd. in--

been patrolling residence halls. Monroe said. ()ffi
cers. each assigned specific dorms. will walk

through halls the rest of the neck. and the need to
patrol \\ ill be re-e\aluated oy er the weekend.

l)a\ is and Peshkopia also discussed conr
cerns “ah the rise of leftist go\ernments.
the role of labor unions and i'iots iii l.atin

LASO President Zulcma llernande/ said
she y\ as pleased at the lecturc's high turnout
because this type of merit helps spread mv
formation about Latin America.

"I think a lot of people are ignorant to
the Hispanic culture." said llernande/. a
marketing and merchandising apparel and
textiles senior "I think ignorance brings a
lot of conflict and misunderstatidirig."

Since this is the first year the lllmenr
ber organi/ation has planned an event this
large. the \s'cek required a lot of effort. ller-
nandc/ said.

"it‘s been \ei'y challenging because
\ye‘re a small organization." llernandc/
said. “But it‘s \ery reuarding."

Tomorro“ l.AS() \\lll
('apoeira dance performance at ll-Rll ant
iii the Martin Luther King. Jr. (‘ultural (‘L'lti

spitttsot‘ d

A”. a

linslat ed AlTlL‘dllS brought (lipoeii‘a. a
misture of figlititig and dancing. to Bra/ii in
the l7th century In (Itpoeira. participants
form a circle. take turns play mg instruments.
siitgiiig and sparring in the center of the Cl!"

’l‘omorroys’s performance “ill be fol—
loued by a question atid ansyyci' session
about the dance style. Hernande/ said.

l'K's Hispanic population is the target
audience of this y\eck‘s events btit all are
\selcome to come arid loin the group. Her-
nande/ said.

“We \\ ant them to kno\\ there‘s an orga-
ni/atioti on campus for them." llet'nande/
said. “You don't lime to be Latina. you
don‘t lime to speak Spanish." Hernandc/
said, "You ~iust lime to be enthtisiastic and
hiding to yyork."

l.AS() meets c\et'_\ other Thursday at "
pm. Students \\ ho \\ ant to attend a meeting.
or loin the Latino American Student ()rganii
lation. cart c~mail llernande/ at
flor/her'tif" yahoocom

Security contractors kill two Iraqi civilians

By Jay Price and
Mohammed Al Dulaimy

McClatchy NEVTspapers

BAGHDAD — Security
contractors escorting a convoy
shot and killed two women
Tuesday afternoon in central The
Baghdad. police said. lraqi lntc»
rior ministry officials later iden-
tified the contractors as employ»
ees of the l)ubai~based L'nity

\s hite

cial said the firm was “thing to
compensate the laniilics ol the
\ictims and had begun an tltlc‘l'r
ital investigation.

L'nity officials in Dubai and
Iraq couldn‘t be
comment late Tuesday.
Christians. \yere traveling in a

shield of car.
t's‘a‘c‘ltetl lot‘
both Iraqi
bchltttl lltc‘

con\oy at about manning

A man at a gun portal in the
back of the last arrttoi‘ed \ehicle
began shooting an automatic
\\eapoii into the hood and “ind
guard leatted ottt of a door and 48.
did the same. police said.

Betueen them. they
about .Tll times. said llamed :\ll.
an Iraqi policcrrtan \y ho \\.is
a checkpoint at the


Killed here the driyei‘.
(ieney a .lalal :\llll“.lllll\. about 30.
art employee in a church. and
another {\lai'ani Atyanis Manouik. about

The \yomen suffered multi-
ple gunshot yyounds to the head.
Anti'anik \\as also hit iii the
chest. said officers at a nearby
police station \yhere their car


Resources Group.

A Unity cxecutiyc called the
ministry after the shootings to
apologize. said Gen. Abdul Ka—
reem Khalaf. a ministry
spokesman. The company offi—

11—15 pm. when it stopped for
traffic. police said, Someone in
the convoy fired a small flare To—
ward the car to “am the driyer
to stop. the police said. The dri-
ver slammed on her brakes and
skidded about lll yards.

shooting site. The car “as about
‘5 yards from the armored \ehi-
cles “hen the shooting started.
he said as he sllt)\\r.‘tl iournalists
the skid marks.

"There \y as no reason at all
to shoot at these \sonien." he

\\ as moy ed after the shootings.

A boy riding in the back seat
of the “hire sedati suffered otily
minor initiries. btit panicked and
ran after the shooting. and police
couldn‘t liiid him.

Oct. 2

Oct. 2

Oct. 2

Arrest for alcohol intoxrca-
tron at Martin Luther King
Boulevard at 6 48 p m

Theft of cell phone report
ed from WT Young Library
at .7 l9 p n.

Arrest 'or disorder regard
no a drugroverdose pa»
tent reported from Samar
ltan Hospital at 9 33 p o

loiterent exposure report
ed from the fourth floor of
WT Young library at 754
a rrr

Theft of “pike reported
horn New North Hall at
4 07 p 'p

Theft reported from the
Johnson Center at 643

p or

Drag and TTTilTllllatla use
reported from Klrwan Towv
er at ll 35 p or

Theft of iPod and cell
phone reported from KlT'
wan Tower at 322 p rn

Theft of wallet reported
front the Oswald Building
at b 50 p or

Tlrir‘t of wallet reported
‘rorr the Johnson Cerite'
.it ‘0 ‘9 p Tl:

Ar'est after a pursuit re,
ported on the corner of of
llnnors'ty Drive and Chop
or flow: at 2 38 a ”n

Theft r: laptop reported
‘rorn a car in E lot on
Sr‘ol' Street at 5 1r o To

Or .a and marijuana use
reported from Haogln Hall
at 77. ll a "l

Alco rol automation re-
ported from the corner of
.la'r‘: Street and Jefferson
Street at l 54 a or

Alcohol intochatlon re
ported front the intersec

Theft of a black 2000 Jeep
Cherokee reported from
Parking Structure No 3 at
7 32 a rr:

Theft of UK TD from be
tween the Johnson Center
and Kira/an I reported to
UK Police Department at

4 59 p m

lriiury accident reported
from Samaritan Hospital
at 54f p in

Arrest for DUl reported
from Rose Street and fast
Maxwell Street at 6 10

p 01

Theft of cell phone report-
ed from WT Young Library
at 7 44 p n:

lcohul intoxrcation re
ported from the Veterans
Affairs Hospital at l 22

Arrest for alcohol lotomca»
tron reported from Bland-
rng Tower at 22f a m

Arrest for alcohol intoxrca-
tron reported from UK
Hospital at l2 l p or

Theft of textbook reported
from WT Young Libraw at
l2 lb p in

Theft reported to UK Po
lice Department at 5 29
p to

Assault reported from
Donovan Hall at 648 p in
regarding an assault be
t‘. leen Haggai and Dona
van at 4 30 a in

Theft of i reert Pontiac
Grand Am reported from
the Tnnkhoiiser Bllllillllg at
TD. 39 p m

Compiled by staff writer
Alice Haymond from reports
at UK Police Department

E-mail ahavmond@kykemel.com















[Item | Wednesday. October 10,200]





31521199 $521!!
McClatchy Newspapers

WASHlNU’l‘ON .. In the
next few weeks. engineers at Ar-
gonne National Laboratory. 25
miles outside Chicago. will iii-
stall the first pieces of a machine
that will have more than triple the
sPCcd of the world‘s fastest com-

By next summer. it will be
able to perform a duadrillion
that‘s 1.000 trillion or
l.lKltlJKllljllltl_(l(l(l.(l(l(l calcu-
lations per second lts maker.
IBM. says it would take a tower
of laptop computers a mile and a
half high to match its power.

This speed demon is called
the Blue (lCIIL‘rl), It‘s the succes-
sor to [BM‘S Blue (iene 1.. the
current world champion. Blue
(ienetl. edged out a Japanese sti-
percomputcr. the Earth Simulator.
for the top rank in 2004.

The latest machine in the
Blue (iene series is "another step
on the llL‘\L‘t'~Cn\llltg iourney to
apply more compute power to the
problems at hand. said l)a\c

The unusual slant to BIueGene/t s cabinets is a necessary tlESlgtl element to keep cooled air flowrng properly
around each cabinet s 2,000vplus processors

Competition heats up for world’s '
fastest supercomputer

Turek. IBM‘s \icc president for

A supercomputer's blinding
speed makes it possible to sol\'e
complex problems in science. en—
gineering. the enyironment. in—
dustry. finance and national sectr
rity from the atomic to the cos-
mic leyel. Turek said. It can inod~
el the actiyity of electrons in an
atom. and simulate the birth and
death of the uniyerse.

The fastest stipercomputcrs
are made tip of hundreds of thou-
sands of small. i'elatiyely lote
power mieniprocessors linked tor
gether. lzach processor is .tsv
signed a small part of the o\erall

Blue (iene l’. for e\amp|c.
will liaye 884.7% processors.
Each “1“ ha\e about the power
of the Pentium 111 chip. which
powered personal computers in
the 1990s, Together they can
mo\e mountains of data.

In comparison. Blue (icne 1.
has 131.072 processors and per-
forms 280 trillion calculations
per second.

A minor difficulty. e\perts

say. is the need for new software
., the code that tells a computer
system w hat to do . to manage
and coordinate such a \ast horde
of processors chugging away at
the same time.

“When it comes to parallel
computing, software is in a state
of chaos." said Timothy Mattson.
a senior research scientist at Intel.
the computer chip manufacturer
based in Santa Clara. Calif. "The
biggest problems are with the
software. not the hardware. We
really don‘t know what w e‘re go-
ing to do.”

To meet the challenge. some
supercomputer designers are tak-
ing admin-age of the software and
hardware tised in \ideo games.
w hich are noted for their superb
graphics and real—time respon~

Such a hybrid system. named
Roadrunner. will be installed at
the Los Alamos National Laboras
tory in New Mexico next year. Its
main task will be to check on the
safety and reliability of nuclear


Headless walruses in Alaska
' could be poaching-related

By Alex DeMarban
McClatchy Newspapers

ANCHORAGE. Alaska l)o/ens of w al~
rus carcasses missing their heads and \aluable
tusks have been disco\ered on western Alaska
beaches in recent weeks. and federal wildlife
authorities me trying to figure out whether they
were killed illegally.

Investigators flying o\ er Norton Sound
beaches east of Nome counted 7‘) walrus car-
casses in about a 404ni|e stretch between Eliin
and Unalakleet. said Steyc ()berholt/er. a spe—
cial agent for the l'S. liish and Wildlife Ser»
\‘ice in Anchorage.

Large numbers of headless w alruses hay e
washed ashore in the area before. but this is the
most inyestigaiors haye seen in at