xt779c6s1t0f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt779c6s1t0f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 2001 2001 2001-09-28 2020 true xt779c6s1t0f section xt779c6s1t0f m

Car troubles

The piece-
of-crap car

When it comes to having

a crappy car, I
believe that I take
the cake. My '85
Toyota Camry is

louder than a freight

train on crack, given
that the effect of

crack on a train is, in

fact. an increase in
volume. You get the
picture. Anyway. I

was going to take my
car to get the muffler

looked at yesterday.
but as l was pulling
out, the car died.
Now my car is in the
shop and I'm left
bumming rides from
everyone. This gave

me the idea to create

the following test to
determine how
crappy a car you
drive. Enjoy.

Appearance: Give



JJK'S 9.41m



Pat McGee
national act
for show I 3

UK makes the technology grade

Top 100: UK makes list of schools with the
best technological resources in the country

By Jennifer Whltt


UK is ranked as the 94th
most wired college in the nation
in Yahoo! Internet Life. a month
ly magazine. Yahoo! ranked me
out of 1.300 universities and m].
leges in its annual technology
survey. which appeared in ()cto»

"This survey ensures the
fact that UK students have some
of the best resources to Work
with in the United States.“ said
Doyle Friskney. an associate
vice president of information

Friskney said credit for this
should be given to the faculty.
staff and administration. but a
great deal should also be given to

nology fees each semester. which
are included in tuition.

About 1.300 universities and
colleges in the United States
were researched to determine
how they incorporated higher
learning with network technolo-

This examination of the use
of technology with higher learn
ing could help improve techiiolo~
gy at UK.

“For schools that do not
make the list. the survey can
serve as inspiration and guid-
ance." said Jeremy (Taplan. the

and senior associate editor of Ya
hool Internet Life

“This demonstrates what
types of services the most wired
schools have and encourages iii
stitutions to adopt cutting-edge
technologies which help foster a
great learning environment." (‘a
plan said.

Each school was graded on.
among other things. its comput
ing power. integration of the In
ternet and availability of techiii
cal support.

UK received an A for tech
nical support and a “it" for in»

chides a university‘s backbone
for its network. highspeed llllt‘l‘r
net access in residence halls and
desktop systems Ill computer

"As far as I‘m concerned. I'K
is wired enough right now. and
w'ith recent administration fo
cus. [it] can only iiiipi'oye,” said
Lance ()sboriie. a telecoiiiiiiiiiii
cations sophomore

Receiving first rankings on
the Yahoo' poll are ( arnegie Mel»
Ioii University. Stanford I'iiiver
sity and the (ieoi'gia Institute of
'l‘echnology l'K placed one l‘.lllk

yourself one point for
every different color
besides the original
paint color of your
car. You get one
extra point if the
current color is the
base paint. Take
away two points if
your car has that
glossy and glittery

r 2W .,.» eon-unto; .. ””93 V “a“ .. a,




You get one point for
every use of duct
tape but subtract a
half point if it's only
a temporary solution.
You also get a point


for every broken
mirror and a bonus
point if you’ve ever
used flattened
aluminum foil to
replace it.

Performance: You get
one point if your car
rarely starts on the
first try and another
point if you have to
jump it more than
once a week. You get
two more points if
your car ever
backfires, but you
lose a point if it's
still under warranty.

If you have a special
coin in your car to
help you decide
which one of your
friends get to steer
while everyone else
pushes, give yourself
two points.

Interior: Take the
number of people
your car will seat
comfortably and then
subtract the actual
number that can fit
because of all the
trash in your car. Add
two points if you've
ever had trash roll
into the front
floorboard and get
trapped under the
brake or gas pedal.


ll or more points - Sell
it for scraps.

10-5 points - Disguise
yourself when you
drive around.

4 or fewer points - Ouit
whining, rich kid.

- Jonathan Ray.
rall edltor

Terror ro v.“ s
urea the?

5.5 4.?

Nice weather for a
Saturday in the park.

VOL. 33108 ISSUE 324


News tips?

Call 2574915 or e-mail





her‘s issue.

the students. Students pay tech

coauthor of the survey feature




:Protecting your identity


It's in the numbers: UK allows students to pick ID numbers

8v em mm


Though cases of identity theft
occur with stolen Social Security
numbers at what many consider
an alarming rate. most lfK stu-
dents still use their number as a
student identification number.

Student ID numbers are used
often throughout campus. for ac-
cess to the l'K-VIP system. dining
accounts and to find out exam

UK has set up an easy way for
students to change their II) nuin
bers to prevent others from learn-
ing their Social Security numbers.

Associate Registrar Ruby
Watts said students interested in
changing their ID numbers can go
to room 12A of the Funkhouser
Building and write a letter re-
questing new randomly-picked
numbers This provides documen
tation for UK that lists those stu
dents who want their numbers

changed. The process is easy. he

Students come by once or
twice a week to change their nuni
hers. Watts said.

Most students are unaware ot
the process.

“(Tan you do that”” asked
Erin McKenzie. an English senior
“I thought that's how it had to be
I can‘t believe they don‘t change
the numbers automatically and
give every student a new num

Some students are pleased
there is a process to change their
identification numbers.

"You are constantly giving
your student ID number out
When you sign up for anything.
they ask for your name. your
phone number. your address and
your Social Security number."
said Krista Ruheling. an elemen-
tary education sophomore “Your
information could fall into the
wrong hands "

There are downsides to
changing TI) numbers. though.

Watts said it creates problems
in the future when a former stu~
dent calls UK to request a tran-
script. When two students have
the same name. UK needs the silk
dent's ID number to obtain the
right records

But Watts said many students
tend to forget their student ID
numbers if they changed them to
something other than their Social
Security number. Using Social Se
curity numbers makes it easier
for UK when students apply for
federal loans. because the goyem-
ment also uses the numbers to
identify individuals

For some students. a number
change won't be, necessary

“It's easier for me to remem-
ber my Social Security number.
and nowadays people can get your
Social Security number from any-
where." said Troy Todd.
a graduate student,





This category in


ing behind Notre flame

Sexual violence rally
The 12th annual Take Back the Night march begins at 4 pm. Sunday at

Triangle Park.

The rally to speak out about violence against women will feature visual
testimonies by survivors of sexual and domestic violence through the
Clothesline Project. The project consists of T-shirts. which feature direct
messages and illustrations of the shattering effects of violence.

Speakers. including Lexington Mayor Pam Miller, will address the crowd
at 6 pm. After the march, there will be a candlelight vigil.


Taliban orders bin Laden
to leave Afganistan


After days of saying ‘it
couldn't locate Osama bin
Laden. Afghanistan's Tal-
iban government said
Thursday it had delivered a
week-old message to Ameri-
ca's prime suspect in the ter-
ror attacks on the United
States. asking him to leave
the country voluntarily.

The nation‘s top clerics
recommended Sept. 20 that
bin Laden be asked to leave
Afghanistan. where he. has
sheltered for the past five
years. The United States
says he. has used
Afghanistan as his head
quarters for a far-flung.
loosely linked international
terror network known as al-
Qaida. or “the base."

President Bush has de-
manded the Taliban surren-
der bin Laden or share. his
fate. raising expectations of
an American-led military
action against Afghanistan.
though none has yet materi-

“Usama has now re»
ceived the. (clerics’) recom-
mendations that he depart
Afghanistan," the Taliban's
ambassador in neighboring
Pakistan Abdul Salam Za-
eef. said Thursday. It
marked the first time since
the Sept. ll terror attacks
that the Taliban. the hard-
line Islamic movement that
rules Afghanistan. indicated
they knew bin Laden's loca-
tion or how to communicate
with him.

As the confrontation
over bin Laden has hard-
cned. fears have grown over
the safety of eight foreign
aid workers. including two
Americans. accused last
month of preaching Chris-
tianity in Afghanistan. On
Thursday. diplomats were
notified that their trial. halt-
ed in the wake of the terror
strikes. would resume Sat-

John Mercer. the father
of American defendant
Heather Mercer. said the
planned resumption was an
"encouraging" develop-
ment, The aid workers' Pak-
istani lawyer Asif Ali. who
is schooled in sharia. or Is»
Iamic law. said he would
"do my best to defend the ac
cused "

The eight two .v\lllt‘t‘l

cans. four Germans, and
two Australians - are em-
ployed by Germansbased
Shelter Now International. a
Christian aid organization.
They were arrested along
with 16 Afghan workers on
charges of proselytizing, a
serious offense in a country
under Islamic rule.

While the United States
has sought to marshal sup-
port for a coalition taigeting
bin Laden. new attention
has focused on a ragtag op-
position alliance that has
struggled for years to wrest
key territory from Taliban

The anti-government
guerrillas have reported no
major battlefield gains. but
in the rugged valleys of
northern Afghanistan. fight-
ing has grown fiercer in re-
cent days. One forward pa—
trol. accompanied by an As-
sociated Press Television
News crew. pushed to with-
in four miles of Kabul be-
fore falling back. exchang-
ing fire with Taliban fight-

The Taliban leader.
Mullah Mohammed Omar.
warned the rebels not to
look to the United States to
help them topple his govern-

"Those Afghans who
want to seize power With the
help of America are just like
those fools who tried to stay
in power with the help of
the Russian army." he said
in a message distributed
Thursday b the Afghan Isa
lamic Press. "If America iii-
terferes in Afghanistan.
then it will he no different
from Russia."

Even while it keeps up
fiery calls for a jihad. or
holy war. if America
attacks. the Taliban opened
the door Thursday to the
possibility of outside media-
tion. saying they would be
willing to receive civil
rights leader Jesse. Jackson
as an envoy.

Jackson said he was in
vitcd by the Taliban. the 'l‘al
iban said it was Jackson who
approached them. but they
were Willing to accept his of
for to "mediate between the
Taliban and .mierica "

Bush :tdininmration olti
cials indicated” they would
tllst‘lllll‘JL'T‘ \Ul‘ll w‘ip. .





231 i

- The total ottenswe
yardage by UK 1!] its
35-17 loss last year
to Ole Miss the
lowest output of its
29 season


- Weeks t‘iDt‘l ten to be
missed by No 4 that!
Std)". URN it‘i}
running bath we!!! ii“
ankle sprain

"We are real
happy with
the way
things are
going right
now. 'l‘here's
no end to
how much
better we
can get. We
haye great
athletes and
a great
seheme for
how to make
this team be
- Chris Gayton, UK line-

backer, on the team's




Cats to battle Rebels


Junior running back Martez Johnson will have to carry a larger load

Avoid the funk: Can the Cats stay positive
against Rebs after blowout loss to Gators?

By Steve Jones

'I'he dreaded funk

Alter a lnunbling l-lltilosstoNo 3 Florida last Saturday. the l'lx’
football team could have mentally fallen into the hole that plagues so
many sports teams alter a blowout loss.

But as UK (l-LZ. SI‘Il‘ ti llenters Saturday‘s match up against the
Ole Miss Rebels (I l. Stfit‘ o l) at (‘oininonwealth Stadium. the teatn
insists that they haye used the Florida game as a stepping stone to
beat the Rebels

“We'll just hare to bounce baek from that loss." senior line
barker (‘hris (Iayton said Monday "Although we were deleated. we
were able to see a lot ol'positiye things in our pl tying I thought we
pl ned 1e illy well in the first It: ill It g: ne us a lot ol (onlideni e "

He' idt oaehliuy Mott iss who snfi'eied a Iossagainst thet iatois
in his lirst ever SH g tine. said tliet ats were able to play totnpeti
tiyely with a top team. and that has giyen the team eonlidenee.

"We eanie oil the lield thinking we ean hang with the teams like
Florida." Morriss said.

This weekend the (‘ats will get to hang with the Rebels. who
have not played a game for three weeks.

Morriss said the extended time oti'eonld giye ( )le Miss an edge

“'I‘hey'ye had three weeks to prepare for us. and they'll ilelinite
Iy haye some wrinkles up their sleeye My last experienee with
them. they didn‘t struggle yery mneh."

'l‘be experienee Morriss referred to was the :53 l'.‘ romp the
Rebels put on the (‘ats in ()xlord last season

This season. Ole Miss head (-oaeh David (‘ntelilie has a new man
behind the center.

And he has a lannliar last name

Sophomore quarterbzu'k l‘lll Manning. son ol WWW“
toriner Rebel great Archie Manning and brother 1‘11 v-mSahldav
ol‘Ni’l, All Pro Peyton Manning. has been impres """’~“’"*“"‘
she in his first two starts this season. Manning 7;”
rankseighth in the nation in passing eliieieney. mm mg iv T, .

“He obyioiisly has the great bloodline and all Series mm.
the tools it takes to be a great iiiiarterbzu'k." Mor on M em. err
riss said oi the o- l. 3|.1pound Manning. “He‘s a is?
good one and we'll have to put pressure on turn or
he can hurt us."

Senior linebzu'lwr .lanial White eehoed Morriss' sentiments
about how to mininn/e the “Eli Faetor."

“We are going to eome out and try and put some pressure on
him and get to the ball as fast as we ran." White said

I’ressiiring Manning might mean the dilterenee ma win or a

Kernel's krystal ball: Staff
pigskin predictions for Sept. 20-22


Ole Miss 31, UK 24
Florida 51. his. St. 24
USC 24. Am 21
Tennessee 27. L511 24
Georgia 31. Arkansas 17
UCLA 31, Oregon St. 20
MM. Kins St. 17




usczmamzo -





Ole Miss 27, UK 20
Florida 31. 1655. St 14
USC 24, Alanna 10
Tennessee 21, [SO 17
Georgia 24, Arkansas 9
UCLA 24. Oregon St. 17


on the ground for the Cats lollowing the ankle injury to Chad Scott. 1‘ ”WV h" ”I" ‘Wl‘l‘t‘m‘t‘ I" WWW“?! “K ”I” “l Iht‘ ‘Ii‘t‘il‘ll‘il tnnk mu'mfi'"

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Patrick Avery
Scene Editor
Phone 257 I915 l E marl hemelarlwahoocom



No Counting Crows;
UK gets Pat McGee

Popular college
band Counting
Crows will not come
to campus despite
efforts try the Stu-
dent Activities
Board. Pat McGee
and Bad Haggis will
play at 7 pm. Oct.
II at Stroll Field
across from
Memorial Coliseum.




Apologies needed: After a dreadful article in Wednesday's Kernel,
Scene Editor Patrick Avery begs forgiveness from UK readership

IIllll'kIlII~ll'I' \'Irlm» llllllrlllll ml Ii Ill IIIII IIIIIII; lvllll’l\ llIi Ilinklv
lillli'l\ will I‘mrl III IlL’lII III thr- want «:I \I'Illi'lllll‘fl II Z‘HHI
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ili~l rimmr w \.~\l’-l'lllll“‘l‘1A'lll'VIv'I‘
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Sculpting art

The Lexington Phimannonic Bail will taire place at tonidit at the Harnhurg Warehouse on Iryant lead. which
is eii Pleasant Ridge itoed near Hamburg Paviliion. UK students irorn Jason Keity' s class wih showcase theh
scubtures outside the warehouse. "This is one oi the first opportunities they' we had to exhbit their art of!
canes, " leity said.


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