xt779c6s1s1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt779c6s1s1g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1992 1992 1992-04-15 2020 true xt779c6s1s1g section xt779c6s1s1g Perot support
evident at rally
in Lexington

Staff Writer

More than 700 H. Ross Perot sup-
porters packed a meeting hall at the
Campbell House Inn last night to
lend their support to the Texas bil-
lionaire’s budding presidential cam-

The meeting was held to gather
volunteers for the Bluegrass chapter
of the Perot Pe- ,
tition Tommit-
tee for Ken-

“It‘s at this .
grassroots level .
that candidates '
should get elect-
ctl." said Diana
Nave. coordina-
tor of the Blue-
grass chapter. PEROT

Nave said Americans are attract-
ed to Perot because he is not afraid
to address inefficiency in the feder-
al govemment and because he
makes the common person feel im-

“He's demanding that we get
back into the political process." she
said. “He‘s tnaking us take resp0n~
sibility for what's going on t in gov-

People also like Perot because he
avoids trivial issues. Nave said.

For Perot to be placed on Ken-
tucky‘s presidential ballot, the peti-
tion committee must gather 5.000
signatures and present the petition
to the Kentucky Secretary of State.

See RALLY. Page 6

Billionaire’ 3
third office
in Ky. to be
in Fayette

Associated Press

Texas billionaire H. Ross
Perot‘s presidential campaign
will open its third Kentucky
office, ezunpaign officials

Perot‘s supporters an-
nounced Monday that an of-
fice south of Lexington will
be added to those in Owens-
boro and Louisville.

The computer magnate an-
nounced on “Larry King
Live" about two months ago
that he‘d run for president as
an independent — but only if
local people collected the sig-
natures needed for him to ap-
pear on each state‘s ballot.
Perot has promised to spend
up to $100 million of his own
money if he runs.

“He‘s demanding some-
thing from us." Lexington co‘
ordinator Diana Nave said
Monday night. “People are so
eager. so thrilled that they
can do something on their
own to get a person elected to
the White House.“

See PEROT, Page 6

Former UK secretary
Wilson dies at age 77

Associated Press

Anne Lewis Wilson. secretary to
four UK presidents. has died at the
age of77.

Wilson began her career at the
University in 1936 and was secre-
tary to lirank Dickey. John Oswald.
A.l). Kirwan and ()tis Singletary.
She retired in l97‘).

She died Sunday at the UK Medi-
cal Center.

Well-known for her loyalty to her
bosses. she once refused to allow a
student govcmtnent president into
Singlelary‘s office during the
1960s. Because of that the Ken-
tucky Kcmel ran an editorial and
cartoon criticizing her.

“He didn't have an appointment.
It was during that period of all the
(anti-Vietnam War) demonstra-
tions." she said in a 1979 interview.

Wilson had been staff secretary
to the UK Board of Trustees and
secretary of the Spindletop Hall
board and the First United Metho-
dist (Thurch administrative board.

She was a Lexington native and


Because of an editor's er-
ror the Bruce Lewis band
was misidentified in an arti-
cle about the Beaux Arts ball
in Monday‘s Kentucky Ker-

The event was sponsored
by the UK chapter of the
American Institute of Archi-
tecture Students. Police esti-
mated the cmwd at 2.000.
btit organizers said 000 peo-
ple attended.

Kentucky Kernel

had a bachelor’s degree from the
UK College of Commerce. She was
a UK Fellow.

Survivors include a sister. Kathe-
rine Wilson Armstrong of Lexing-

Services will be at 10 am. tomor-
row at liirst United Methodist
Church. Visitation will be from
5:30 to 7:30 pm. today at Kerr
Brothers Funeral Home.

A former Kentucky State Univer-
sity football player received a heart
transplant Monday in a nearly five-
hour operation at the University of
Kentucky Hospital.

Doctors reported that Steve
Mitchell. 28. was in critical but
stable condition.

Mitchell has been a patient in the
cardiothoracic intensive care unit
for the past two months.

Known as “Big Steve" in his
Louisville neighborhood because of
his 6-foot-4. 309-pound build.
Mitchell developed congestion in
his chest last summer.

Mitchell went to a health clinic
where he was diagnosed with pneu-
monia. He was told it had infected
both of his lungs. and that fluid had
built up in his chest.

Several weeks and a few tests lat-
er, Mitchell learned that his heart
was pumping at only 45 percent ef-
ficiency and was swollen.

Doctors said he needed a heart

Kentucky Kernel

Wednesday, April 15. 1 ~.


When it comes to being on top, rock climber Porter Jarard. 26, knows all about it. Yesterday, Jarard climbed to the top of Red River

Gorge. He climbs several times a week and is known nationwide as the top climber on the East Coast.

Indoor facility

helps climbers
reach the sky

Contributing Writer

For many people, rock climbing
is a Bohetnian activity for thrill-
seeking dare devils. But for Jeff
Moll. a local climbing expert. the
thrill also is his livelihood.

Moll. a former UK student. and
wife, Elizabeth. are climbing into
a new business venture with
Climb 'l‘imc. an indoor rock-
clitnbing facility. The couple will
open (‘limb 'I'itne Saturday in Lex-

’I'he 3.000 squarc~foot facility
houses two walls to clitnh with
many routes on each. Moll said “it
gives the public a safe chance to
try climbing. without having to in-
vest a lot of money."

Although these facilities have
been around for about 15 years.
(‘litnb Time will be Kentucky's
first. Moll said the facility offers a

See CLIMBING, Page 6


TOP' Jeff Moll. a former UK
student and owner of Climb
Time, the first Indoor rock-
climbtng facility in Kentucky.
made hlS way down a rock at
Red River Gorge yesterday
LEFT' Porter Jarard climbed a
wall In Climb Time, located on
Over Drive The indoor facultty
Will be open to the public be—
ginning Saturday


Bat Cats down Southern Illinois Salukls 21 UK’s chaper of the National Architecture Young groups tar- Diversions ...................... 2

to 11 at Shively Field yesterday. Society will sponsor the annual Silver Med- get of classical mu- Sports ............................. 3
Story, Page 3- al Award Lecture and Book Adoption Fair at i sic promotions. Viewpoint ....................... 4
7 pm. in Pence Hall. l Story, Page 2. ClaSSIfledS .................... 5


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, April 15. 1902




Roll Over, Beethoven

Classical music riding new wave of marketing techniques

Associated Press

NEW YORK — She wears a
conical bra and flesh-flashing cos-
tumes. sings about lust and scandal-
izes the public.


No - l.esley qurett. a relatively
unknown British soprzmo whose
(‘1) of opera arias was released in
the United States last month with
the title Divu.’

l‘iny, independent record compa-
ny Silva Screen Records Ltd. has
spiced up the package with photo-
graphs of a chiffon-draped Garrett
swooning in ecstasy on the cover.
lounging in tights against an apart-
ment wall :uid gazing at the buyer
in a low-cut evening gown. All in
the service of Mozart. Puccini and

Diva! is the latest release in a
new generation of classical music
recordings being pushed to a broad-
er audience with a new look:

punky. funky and sexy.

“This is just the coming of age of
the marketing of classical," enter-
tainment analyst Ilarold Vogel of
Merrill Lynch & Co said. “It's quite
a logical progression."

A confluence of matters helped.
Music lovers in their 305 and 40s
are used to the hard sell of rock. but
are getting older and have reached
an age when their musical horizons
are expanding. The development of
(‘1)s has produced an explosion in
new recordings. And marketers
have realized the potential of both
happening at the same time.

But the genre is a tough sell.

Classical music accounted for
only 3.9 percent of the $7.8 billion
in recorded music sales last year, up
from 2.6 percent in 1987. according
to the Recording Industry Associa-
tion of America Inc. Roughly half
the total sales are rock ‘n' roll and
rap. A successful rock record sells
in the millions: a classical hit sells
in the tens of thousands.

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Mrirv BIIKT‘ Blrirhlytirn (ind 1hr» Amvnrrm [>sz ,. [nvimmp


Then there‘s the problem of at-
tention span.

“How do you tell someone who‘s
brought up on MTV and the three-
minute hit songs. ‘You‘ve got an
hour to listen to this Mahler sym-
phony'?‘ " said Kevin Copps, mar-
keting director for Time-Warner
Inc's classical labels Teldec and

One old strategy to grab new lis-
teners is to put out compilations.
with a Inorsel of Mozart here, a bit
of Beethoven there. Tentative lis-
teners can latch onto something
they like and then buy the whole

Classical labels intensely pro—
mote media stars such as Luciano
Pavarotti. or they'll pair a classical
musician with a performer from an-
other genre. as did Sony on it’s re-
cent album coupling cellist Yo-Yo
Ma and singer Bobby McFenin.

“You're always fighting the dol-
lars for pop and country." said Diet—
er Wilkinson. classical and jazz

buyer for Musicland Group of Min-
neapolis. Minn. which owns the
Sam Goody and Musiciand chains
of 900 music stores.

But record companies are push-
ing their artists like rock stars more
than ever.

There's British violinist Nigel
Kennedy with his gold caning and
unshaven face. His recording of Vi-
valdi‘s Four Seasons for EMI Clas-
sics has sold 1 million copies
worldwide and 60,000 in the United
States, phenomenal figures for a
classical tnusic record.

The Kronos suing quartet is fa-
mous for its off-beat repertoire and
spiky—haired punk persona. A vocal
trio specializing in Renaissance mu-
sic calls itself Miranda Sex Garden
Soprano Dawn Upshaw' s Granuny-
winning release this year is called
The Girl With the Orange Lips

Copps believes the pop trappings
of some musicians just reflect who
they really are. and result from

photography, inc.

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“Surviving Off-Campus”


Wed., April 22, 34:30 p.m.
Rm 205 New Student Ctr.

This workshop is for those of you who are

living off campus or will be moving off-campus
soon. Brief presentations on budgeting your mon-
ey, renters’ insurance, your lease and security
deposit and keeping involved with campus while
living away will be given Refreshments.

Please call 257-6598 to register.



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looser attitudes about how purvey-
ors of high culture can act.

“The record company is being
smart enough to say. ‘Hey, this art-
ist has an interesting personality,”
Copps said.

For her part. Ganett says she’ll
do whatever it takes to spread opera
to the masses.

“Might the formality of the pres-
entation, the penguin suits, be a
tum-oft“? I think it is." said Garrett.
a leading soprano at the English
National Opera.

She said her album cover pose
represents “the way I always felt iri-
side about opera. It‘s ecstasy. It‘s
joy, abandon. sheer pleasure.“ said
the boisterous singer. who was iti-
terviewed at Silva’s sparsely fur-
nished midtown office in a building
next to the Circus Cinema Triple
XXX movie theater.

Some in the industry fear a back-
lash against pop-marketing from
traditional. hard-core collectors
who are tumed off by trendy imag-
es. And the critics can get exer-

“A lot of guys are waiting with
carving knives because of (Kenne-
dy's) image," said Gilbert Hether-
wick. sales vice president for EMI

Nor does casting a wider not
through pop-marketing mean record
companies will convert large num-
bers of listeners into longtime con-

sumers. industry insiders say.

On the other hand. whatever the
image of Kennedy, Kronos and
Garrett, they are fine musicians
with legitimate artistry, however
packaged. Presumably. knowledge-
able buyers will recognize this.

Silva Screen owner Reynold
D’Silva admits he “doesn‘t have a
clue about opera“ or how to sell it.
He plans to push Garrett like a pop
star, on radio stations and television
entertainment progrzuns, with T-
shirts, cut-out images in record
stores and handbills (in front of
New York's staid Metropolitan Op-
era, for example).

There‘s even a Diva! promotional
video. “Basically, our briel‘ to the
film director was. "Think MTV,"‘
said D‘Silva. The Diva! CD is is-
sued under the compzuiy's Silva
America label and distributed by
Koch lntentational.

His methods were successful in
England. Since its October release
there Diva! has been in the top 20
of Music Week‘ 5 classical charts
with nearly 20.000 copies sold.
D'Silva said.

Garrett already had created a stir
in London with an ENO production
of Die Fledermaus, in which she
wore the kind of cone-shaped bra
popularized by Madonna —— for
whom she expresses admiration —
and briefly stripped nude on stage.



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:tever the
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‘t have a
to sell it.
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with T-
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ef to the
.D is is-
‘s Silva
.uted by

essful in
r release
e top 20
1 charts.
es sold,

ted a stir
hich she
ped bra
-- for
ation —





at L cat mat '
scoreboard, oust
Salukis 24-11

Staff Writer

UK‘s line on the Shively Field
scoreboard after yesterday's game
read: “2 4 2 4.“

The scoreboard operator didn't
sleep through the game, and the
board did not malfunction. The Bat
Cats simply racked up too many
numbers for it to

In the pro-
cess. UK made
its opponent,
Southern Illi-
nois. look like a
machine. smash—
ing the team 24-
11 in a some-
four-hour slug-

Keith Madison’s club banged out
22 hits. including two home runs
and seven RBI by Jeff Abbott,
against six different Saluki pitchers.

“They threw a lot of fastballs.
zuid we're mostly a fastball-hitting
club, so we got on them early,“ Ab-
bott said.

The 23rd-ranked Bat Cats wasted
no time in jumping all over South—
ern lllinois‘ pitching. fuming a 1-0
deficit into a 12-1 lead in a mara—
thon one-hour first inning.

Every UK batter reached first
base in the first inning, as 16 batters
were sent to the plate. After two
walks to start the inning, Brad Hin-
dersman started the hit parade with
an RBI double to left field, fol-
lowed by a Jan Weisberg single.

After a Jeff Norman Strikeout, the
Salukis self-destructed. Greg Mer-
cer was hit by Saluki starter Bob
Richardson, who then walked Poo-
kie Jones. Richardson then mis-
played a Billy Thompson shot that
scored another.


Two batters later. Abbott nailed a
three-run dinger off a Richardson
fastball. A single and a Saluki error
followed. and then Norman re-
deemed himself with a two-run

Southem lllinois' Richardson
looked more like Bob Uecker yes-
terday, and his linescore may give
him nightmares for weeks to come:
one-third of an inning, eight hits.
three walks. one wild pitch. one hit
batsman and 12 runs, 11 earned.
That's a 297 ERA. if you‘re won-



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Abbott got hold of another one in
the fifth for a grand slam over the
right-field wall, his ninth home run
on the year. He spent the rest of the
day resting and watching from the
bench after going three for four
with his monster seven RBI.

“It's been a while since I hit one,
but the wind was blowing out to
right field today, so I kind of took

both of them to
the opposite
field and the
wind took them
out," Abbott
made the Saluki
pitching staff
look like they
~ were pitching
HINDERSMAN for batting prac—
tice, as he
banged out four hits and scored
three times. The sophomore is rid-
ing an eight-game hitting streak.
and his batting average is hovering
near .400.

“Lately, I've been getting good
pitches to hit. and I’ve been taking
advantage of it,“ he said.

Abbott said the outpouring of
runs was a result of last weekend's
series with Tennessee, who swept
the Cats.

“We were really frustrated from
this weekend,“ he said. “Nobody
really had a good pitch to hit the
ball. So I guess we took it out on
Southern Illinois because we were
really determined to get some hits."

Despite the offensive explosion,
UK‘s defense was less than spectac-
ular. Starter Jason Jenkins strug-
gled. giving up five runs in as many
innings. but held on for his third










W 0
TOTAL. 84111 0 TO All “30”

mm 111202000417
my 1211001000¢30200

E‘ ” W,‘ ' Ftonhg.‘ “
Hewitt. DP- UK (0). BTU (i). am. Bell. Hin-
dersman. Norm. Heether. 35- 0m. ”1- Ab-
bott (2). Norma. Broom, Helm. OB-Smoherl.
Bung. 5F. Macon. Smother;


I. We

Ween (Ln-2) J 2
Henry 3


Norrie Keegte




Jenkine (W.3—O) 6

F ronino 1

Reed 2

Henderson 1

Shore 1

PB- Thompeon (2). WP-Flleherdeon, Jenkins, Le-




UK also committed four errors
and gave up three runs in the top of
the ninth. Associate Coach John
Butler blamed the lapses on the big

“When you get a big lead like
that it’s easy to let down." Butler
said. “You‘ve got to try to play the
game instead of playing the score."

The Bat Cats were able to rest
many of their starters and move
people around because of the huge
lead. Pitcher Rodney Henderson,
who figures to start a game in this
weekend's big SEC clash with Flor-
ida, got in an inning of work in the
eighth, striking out one.

Hindersman said yesterday's
game showed the Cats would be
ready for Florida despite the losses
to Tennessee.

"I don‘t think anybody on the
team is down at all," he said. “Just
because they‘re the Florida Gators
doesn‘t mean they‘re any better
than us.“



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fITie CEanceIior of the Lexington Campus
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cordiaffy invite you to attend a reception
in Honor of the recipients of

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The Excellence Award in
Undergraduate Education

3:30 — 5:00 p.m., ‘Ifiursrfay, am! 23, 1992
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The 125th Annual


will be held on

Saturday, May 9 at 11:00 am.

A handbook containing information about Commencement
activities was recently mailed to degree candidates for whom
correct addresses were available. Students who did not
receive this handbook may pick up a copy at Patterson Office
Tower, or at any college dean's office. For specific details
regarding individual college ceremonies, please contact your
college dean’s office.

5? .9


Wedneedey. April 15, um . 3
~: . ’ 1



New SEC headquarters plush;
Turner will not play for USC

Associated Preee

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — South-
eastern Conference Corrrmissioner
Roy Kramer found a bright green
painting of a field of kudzu for the
wall of his office in the new SEC
headquarters building.

“I couldn't think of anything
more representative of the South-
east than kudzu," he said Tuesday,
during a brief break from helping
draw up the conference‘s 1992-93
basketball schedule.

In fact, pictures are among the
most striking thing in the 32.5 mil-
lion building. They have been put
up since the ZOvmember staff
moved into the two-story. 30,000-
square-foot building in October.

The nine home states of the
SEC‘s 12 members are represented
by drawings of scenes from those
states. done by native artists.

The cost of the paintings ranged
from $300 to $1,000. Kramer said.
paid for by the SEC. which took in
about $20 million last year from
football bowl games. NCAA and
SEC basketball tournaments. and
televised football and basketball

The cost of the building itself
was borne by the city as an induce-
ment to keep the headquarters in
Birmingham, with the conference
paying $1 a year lease under a 15-
year agreement.

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SEC Notes

In addition to the kudzu painting,
Kramer's office has pictures from
each conference campus.

Scattered throughout are 72 large
color photographs of athletic action
—— six from each school. Half the
pictures are of men, half of women.

Other displays feature pictures of
the conference‘s 60-year history. in-
cluding its six commissioners ——
Martin S. Conner. Bernie 11.
Moore. AM. Coleman, Boyd
McWhorter, Harvey Schiller and

The SEC library contains minutes
of executive conunittee meetings
dating back to 1933. a copy of the
first SEC football media guide frotn
1948, NCAA manuals frorn 1956
and a 1942 football rule book.

The headquarters contains corn-
puter equipment into which schools
send statistics after games, The
computer compiles the figures and
ranks the conference leaders. and
that and other information is availa-
ble to the schools zurd reporter's Hit
a computer bulletin board

Turner released from
commitment to Gamecocks

COLUMBIA. S.(‘. -— South Car-
olina basketball srgnee (‘arlos 'l‘um-
er has asked for a release frorn his
national letter of intent, saying he
wants to pursue other career oppor-
tunities. the university said 'l‘ues-

The (Hoot—6 guard from Louis-
ville. K_v.. asked for the release late
last month. Basketball coach Steve
Newton said university oilicials
"totally support his efforts to pursue
other opportunities.“

South (‘arolinri has sent l'ur'ner
papers he must sign In order to be
released from the Southeastern
(‘orifcrencc learn

'l‘ur'ner has accused of breaking
into the home of 111\ former girl»
friend in November and repeatedly
stabbing her “1111 .’r butcher knife
before wounding hunself

(‘oun records about the case have
not been made public because Turn-
er was 17 :it the time But he report-
edl_v l\ spending it year ill 11 Pfit'hl-
attic ilt)\pllrtl in KCIlltlc‘k)

Pick a Theme for

Homecoming 1992

Best theme wins $25 gift certificate
donated by

UK Bookstore

Submit a theme (0 203 Sfudent C enterBy April 22


 4- Kentucky Kernel. Wodnuday. April 15, 1992

- .







Kentucky Kernel

Established in l894
Independent since I97!


Editorial Bonn!

Victoria Martin, Editor in Chief
N. Alan Corbett, Editorial Editor
Joe Braun, Assistant Editorial Editor
Jerry Voigt, Editorial Cartoonist
Dale Greer. Managing Editor
Gregory A. Hall, Associate Editor
Brian lent. Destgn Editor
Kyle Foster, News Editor
Mary Madden. Senior Staff Writer





Students Should

help University
‘Pack the Stacks ’

When imagining a library. many students think of the confusing
and endless corridors that lead nowhere and jumbled stacks of
books that fill Margaret I. King Library.

Now think of a brand new $58 million library with books that are
organized. It contains proper lighting and provides a quiet place to
sit and study. This. the new UK library, could be a reality if enough
funds are raised. Students can help with fund-raising efforts.

The Student Library Endowment Committee. under the leadership
of Erica McDonald. has done a great job of soliciting donations
from students all semester. While they have worked very hard. more
students must be willing to contribute for the project to be success-


Many donors from outside the University have donated, now it’s
the students’ turn to show they. too. care about a new library for


And although the library is open to all Kentuckians, UK students
will take advantage of the facilities on a daily basis.

Students with questions about the library campaign should call the
Pack the Stacks campaign headquarters at 257-PACK. Mail dona-
tions to Pack the Stacks. University of Kentucky. 218 William T.
Sturgill Development Building, Lexington, Ky.. 40506-0015.

Do your part to Pack the Stacks!

Greeks don’t discriminate

To the editor:

In an article Monday about Pi
Lambda Phi social fraternity, there
was an error in the opening para-
graph that I would like to correct
and clarify. The story stated that Pi
Lambda Phi would be the first tion-
sectarian fraternity on the UK cam-
pus. This obviously isn‘t true. being
that most. if not all. Interfratemity
Council member fratemities are not
racially discriminating. Looking at
that statement from the point of
view of the fratemities at UK, I per-
sonally would be insulted by the
implications of this mistake. I.
therefore. want to make it clear that
we are not claiming to be the first
non-sectarian group at the UK carn-
pus. nor do we want to imply that.

The point Pi Lambda Phi is try-
ing to stress is that we were origi-
nated as a response to the racial and
religious discrimination of the late
1800s. Greek organizations are by
nature discriminatory everywhere:
Mostly they discriminate between
young tnen and women undergradu-
ates who have something to offer to
the organization, so to help ensure
the organization‘s ongoing success.

It also is traditional for fratemi-
ties and sororities to exist as groups
of people with common interests
and ideals as expressed in their

The creed of Pi Lambda Phi so-
cial fraternity and the ideals for
which we exist as a group revolve
around the elimination of prejudice
on the basis of race. creed. religion

and national origin. That is our
common denominator.

We are not trying to criticize the
greek organizations presently at
UK. All the fraternities in the South
are trying to adapt to encourage dis
verse membership. But because of
the demographics of their present
and past membership, it may be in-
timidating for minority students to
become involved with them.

While Pi Lambda Phi was the
first-ever founded on the idea of di-
versity. it may be less intimidating
for minority students to attempt
membership and it definitely would
be a compliment to the overall port-
folio of greeks presently at UK.

”Ihe reason we are attempting to
come to UK‘s campus at this time
has to do mainly with the intense
debate going on about racism
amidst the greek system. We feel
that it is hard for an IFC to do any-
thing about racial preferences of its
members because greeks legally are
allowed to be discriminatory. ()ne
of the only things that can be done
is to begin accepting t‘ratemities
that are representative of what the
students and administration want.

We feel that we are representa-
tive of the issue at hand and an ex-
cellent opportunity for IFC to show
to the student body that it is respon-
sive to their needs through actions
and not words.

Jay Phillips
Finance and marketing junior
April 12, 1992


Being critical

To the editor:

In response to Senior Staff Writer
Angela Jones‘ negative column on
April 3. “I think even they (the Stu-
dent Ciovemment Association can-
didates) have to peel off their smil-
ing masks and fess up
NOBODY CARES": If you are so
apathetic about SGA. maybe you
should put your pen down and try
to make a change in it.

Politics is what makes the world
go around, so if you aren‘t going to
rally up the negative attitudes and
start a Marxian Revolution, it is
yours to accept. deal with, look at
positively or change yourself.

People are always so quick to
criticize those who receive credit.
All of the candidates obviously care
about what they are doing or they
wouldn't waste their time. They in-
deed have spirit year after year and
would you know really if it were a

doesn’t help

“weeklong mask"?

l admire these people and often
ask myself why I couldn‘t have as
much energy and enthusiasm to get
out there and attempt to make a dif-
ference as these people aspire to do.
This is exactly what someone as
critical as Jones should ask.

At least they are willing in the
face of others to try and make
changes for the betterment of the

If you really don't care. then why
speak out at all? It only advocates
animosity that is unjustifiable from
every angle.

A bigger apathy on campus is to-
ward the Kentucky Kernel itself.
Maybe we should take a poll to ad-
dress this issue.

Delaine Leonard
Ans and Sciences senior
April 6. I992




Have you tried a Cheez-it sundae?

It‘s always amusing to me to look
back on predictions about the future
made in the past. You know, things
like the 1939 World's Fair, where
the “World of 1980" featured robot
servants, colonies on Mars and two
flying hovercrafts in every garage.
We never live up to those kinds of
expectations. The solution? Lower
the expectations. l think you‘ll
agree that my vision of tomorrow
takes that principal to the Nth de-

-Today’s ice cream parlor fea-
tures 30 or 40 flavors at the most.
But the Baskin-Robbins of 2020
features literally thousands of fla-
vors. Honey-baked ham. tossed sal-
ad, water, chili con came, Cheez-It
and potatoes au gratin are just a few
of the culinary delights you can
sample. You haven’t lived until
you‘ve tried a Bangladeshi smor-
gasbord sundae or a zesty seafood

'At the rate they‘re going. the
Franklin Mint will have a chess set
for every historical event in the his-
tory of the world by 2034. Chal-
lenge a friend to a game on your
Boxer Rebellion set. (Note the
etched strength of President Wil-
liam McKinley‘s face.) Thurgood
Marshall and John W. Davis face
off in the Brown vs. Topeka Board
of Education version. A group of
unevolved cavemen commemorate
the invention of the stick in a nifty



prehistoric set.

-By 2017. science will have at
last developed a cure for feet that
fall alseep.

~By 2009. the 1 billion residents
of Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union will have at last split
up into