xt779c6s1r58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt779c6s1r58/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 16, 1986 1986 1986-09-16 2020 true xt779c6s1r58 section xt779c6s1r58 . ‘ ‘ ‘ D ‘ 1
. __ ______— . _ W
P Vol. XCI, No. 15 Established l894 Universny ot Kentucky. Lextngton, Kentucky independent since l97l Tuefidoy September to 1986 . .V .
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with lo-u.11l\ 11t lllt' .1111- to «'Uthulilt‘ 1 v ‘ ’ It I d bl "1' a IV .'.’.
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1.1:21111‘ ’l‘ht- (‘liil‘lllt‘ulltm ot the rule 15 in \11-1111t'1z.1_ '11th '1.1' '11»:1 . . ~ l'k'qtlil'a‘lllct’lh TU bL' 1;?" r".-"'"""..".
1 V . lb... 1'7 ”.41 .1V11'I1\V\.tt.'1L til Vii) ft! 2.1 l3(.\‘)()[l>ti [(1 HOUSE h.“ 447V “high H]. 3,“ Jon“ 111. .1 . 1 W“ WM)“, .1 .11 '1Il1.l1111111‘ 1 , . . V . VV - V."VI.V V..,V1V l
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l.1' ,1. l'.",'ll 1§111k.:‘1~ }I_.1t.L.t.'I1\ ~.iul “DUN“. place aniIVV . Vo ”Vex V 3.1111111“: V1 111 ( 1\(VtV1\~ tm 1~_~m l_\ ox. th¢ I\(,_. \. 111-11 .1111I1t‘:;~_ .VV '11-.11 111.1,111 .1’ \1 Mt.“ lIl" lt‘l' ll "C VI . 1-." ..V.: 11' ._
. . . 51.x ‘ ‘ 1 -1‘»'2 1 '. 2-37;
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1 ~ »— ~111 1 -~ . 'l " ‘ \ ,1 1...... .‘. »"1‘ ‘ .1l., ..1 Lrt'vrpret.‘1t1on o: .1 dormitor} room Eh; \VVVVVVV'VV'VVVVV' [111.11 VVV‘VV’VVVVVV: VVVVV‘V‘VVVV’ VVVVVV' VI ’V\V . , dIlVdVMIIV l"l1"V' VI11V. I,_...1 :111; ,1.-11: :11'1. .1? i txrul 111 '1..1r\ .1- V1 ’1 ‘15.! 1 "1.
' 11.11111: 1x diiterent trom the definition ()1 ‘ ‘ " ‘ “‘ ‘ "“ " \ ,‘ W“ ““ NW .11 ll“ l‘IH'l'wN 1?..111 ,. 1.; . 1 1.1l .V :1..1r,.zz- - - V , ‘- VV 1 . . .s.‘ .. '
'11‘11'11'w ...11.». I“""' ‘ ’puhlit' pl‘iL‘e " that pr‘V'lW“ 'I“ 311113 ‘ TWO; L‘\~Ol\. ‘10 '10 91.1“ L"
. 111151.» I't'.ti'."“ 'liitl IInp ‘1\\il<' '1‘ HM "\\'(. pétV PM“ "101““, for it ‘e’nan 1 ht ldtllll} “11“ .1'19- 11:!” (i: “11» glut”) .1lxti play” (11 slille .2 W l\ \'t1v'\ .\1'.11';1itii\ V , , t’ 3 l\ . 1 rt‘. 1 01 t‘ . . -1 I1', . W _ It?”
V , 1' ~ .. ~ \()nu1 \lll'l ”1 “1“. ”,1 wt \l l' 1. V“ ll‘l'lfll'l‘] I‘M _, h" ‘ 1 1 t (”lLl .ik1\L \K‘an ltl.l. .1.' {I 4-. __
1' 1,111.11..11; *' 1: 11.1. 11'111 li\t' 1.11t‘11-r .1 l‘dl‘V‘. resident‘e. Hotkins said "Just did "Wh h lt ‘ I . I" "1‘ .‘ " 1 'h ‘ IV”IV\I’~‘ 1.1L .1». ~= .1,.:1 .1211: ‘11".1111111'1 .111 .1' . K “ ( , .' ‘
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V ,,.V . V, _V . V VV VV V \t‘ \ lllxt .u “ould p.13. good mom) to Because ltotkmx V\ .1 V VV \t-v‘vtt 1-1.1: \\\t'l‘.‘1lil\ B111k»11.~\1.1.j' 11 ..1\\ 1,1.. 1:.» 1.111 .12," ,, . . . . .VV . . .1 1
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1111. '11 1 1't.1.t‘» . 1:1.1'11."1I1 \11‘1‘ 'I'ht- L’rtiup's proposal states (hill l "I)t\ I'l' A.“ "I A H“ ' W1"I ““1. i ‘1" l’UIith‘W “I ”W V‘P’Mm" " "h" .; 1.:1L 1 '2“ “ IV.” ‘-
1- I! :~.:l‘1'1 .17 1' ;.t11.1','~ .kllI' .1 «torn; room. although on state h‘"\" t} ' H" K“ " ".""' W' V "V W" .T' .11 f." "A'lh'u'm" "' "H' ""‘W" i«; 1'1- . 1.111‘ 2 -11 1. ‘ ' $ 3' 5 1'3 11" I'i
. L .1 1'V1V\1' 11., 1.1,...1» tiintIrl} i> [he resulvnce ”1 a mWVVVWL VVVtVVVVIV l ,1L1 1.11: 1 ..t VlVV VtiVVt VVVV l.VV is an apart~ H11 ittt .. . V.1 1L . _\ .\ u!(.t1>111..11lV\.1.11.I1-. 'lw- ltw ~.1-1,I1~ 1-.1nuiu~ ..1f 1. V VI 1 - 1 - , I. :1 V ,-
- ' . ' 1- 1, 1;- 1' .,1 11 .11" 1‘ »., 1‘: ' ' * . ‘ ~ . ‘ ' . ‘wr .1 -1 .- 1,? ~--
1\ 2.31t.1{‘.~~".1'. :' I.111rt.1:‘,, .1~ “will. llllUM‘Ut‘ (himlt‘tlt‘ VVVV‘ V‘ V' .'.. .JV .. ...1\.. , 11V1 11V1i1t . :11' ., ..t.;_‘ -.1 "HIM-n ','~ 1.1: , .» . ‘ '3‘1'.'I 3..
' 2’11”. 1: .1 1:1 1:,x';',.'I11II 1.1» mt} _,:11; 1\Illill‘.('l‘ ”f lht‘ groups complaints VVVur V.IVV1.V:iili1_V1V .. 1....11 1114:1121 . \Vhti llt'l >l‘l.1ll('l)li>lllt‘>\ VVVV VVVV . V 10'1'.1"..'., \V .111" I. V 1 ‘: ." VI V, 1_.\ .‘ .
. ) ' 1' ."II ' 1., I,,',: I 1 - 3. '..' 1 1. . ‘ "-. _‘ . " .I 1".-"Y
' wont-«Ii‘m ‘he tat'ult) Hub The club. ult\ ' V'V'V' "' l- 1 » 1.1 111 WWW! '1ll tr1n,11l1: .1 ' 1 . , 1 1'13, .‘l‘. .1“, .1 ;. . V 1-.11. . 1-. .,, '. x
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. t... .11V. .11 1. 11111. 1111: V 11:11 1 V.\lth ll.\ 11 119 group “‘5'“ d t then roon. .1311: 12., 1111 1.111111 ’ t'hei'king account >houi1! H'lu! :11» , 1 \ _- *1 ' _. “1 .11. 1111» ' 1M: 1 '1.-
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i ’_.::1 1'1 31'1 1." . ‘ ~.‘.:1 V. 511'
\1,,-.v I. 1 1 .1‘ , 1V 'V ‘ .I V. . V ,:.1 . . ‘ 91V.
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“"‘"-*-*~”"' '1 ,-__,. _.'..1‘1 ..."'\ I.'. 1 .1“ t . ;..1' _ .. . . . . 1 . 1 _. V .V - 1 .:.1V , "-'.
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- 1 V. . E11. l'rorIi'Iort Roth Pohsott and Clark Edmiston prepare to ration and Development ot Space which will meet at 7 p .11 to 1-111111511l qudent. .mI 11,1“. 1111 V‘11' \1'! 11“ .1t111u‘ \tuttxme 1to11t ;’ .' ' .1 -*_
‘Ite model rodets All are members of Students for Explo- tomorrow in llSStudentCenter. i't'.\,\lill in retaining dude-1:3 ~t111- MI 1117.11l 1’1 1.1111 1’11 prote»111\, go to . _ .- ." VV1VV ‘
' Miltl \‘l.1\\.1'«lltguwtir'w-txm ' -'V V V- .~_I l.' .- -.
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Fmancnal 3W ards slated mam , .1 ». . 1 - .. -
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0r SpBCla e senlors A ISO-year-old collection ml lOnt V0 “me ,‘. -1 . -.
' at Japanese art depicting a recelp O , V. IV
H1 K \iti-‘\ Hill] ”’5‘ opmentul and Behavmral Disorders coastal highway and the ' 1 ' , '
.. r »1 1-1 1» ) . 1 - . . - ‘ 1 ~' I
1. 1 1.1.1111.,.1.1\111111 “I‘lf‘f' people who travel .1 is on 111.i.-\\'r:iu:i1:i.i:it .-\t 1. pm 11111-111111111111111110111-11 ‘i‘ht- K1111: 1.1111111 -11..1 ”11.111111 1n . . ' -.
. 1"" 5"l“'l“r-‘h'p 591“"0'15' are exhibit at the UK Art Mu- t‘ontrihuttnu Writer at the King »\lunini House helm. H111 1931 Tm. 1,11,31,11, 1mm... “um. “. , i '
. \ 1 1 - - ‘ 1 1 \11, » v 1 1 -. '« 1 ‘ I 1 I ' 1 ‘ '
11111.11 111111.111111, tl.i11[\ 111m \1 r\ thttIt tlu in that VVlt 5 based on 5 m 59 D'VERSI: s tormal presentation .,f m.- .3 [1.11 ”mama! Wm.“ 1,1 HHHW ('lm the . V ,1
hm. lllt' 1'h.1111I1- to tnmpvli' tor grade point average. Gast said, on ’ e ‘ The [K hhrarV svstt’m vuli haw lionthtxwk Kentuckv «111m... ”1 1111111111 1; the . ' 1'
chit-.- \(1lltlld]-\lllll,\ Mlle-red through .i ' We’ll be looklng at their grades In Page 3 ‘m alldav SV'HtpOS'lum ind 1'(Ilt' VVnVVVV (VVVVVVV‘VV1V1VVVV1VW-V 1 . .. . .
1V11.V1nt VtionI. thoI l .\ ltiulmtlmturtt ot .'in muall perspective and also (‘en- hration Friday m honor oi ”I. 3 m1] Thomax (‘lark prtlltN‘MH' emeritlh ‘ ' .
' ' "l'l‘ J U" l ' l t l '( r “n those m u“ (‘dUCdlIOn m'h"" California h'gh lionth volume oi historx “lll present the hook .1t it Tht' lilmir) .ilM) t‘oritutrh lllt‘ l‘eal ' - " ' 1‘ ‘
. . 11w {(1HH,"'\H'E 1.11 i ViiVi llt' «Lisses . l school basketball star LeRon A threepart symposium on iil:1'.ir» pm m 3“."me Hull \'.1rt;ii'. 11w t'ollet'tion “‘hlt‘h 1111mm. ot hooks » 1' .
, .111111unt 11 51.49%. .51 ll (matted to About Six facult) mem )ers Wlll Ellis has made a verbal com- ms of the past and future. the 1m ganVVn erVWVVV of the \‘1111 York 11nd manust-ripts {mm pot-ts ot the V . ;
' ' "W'H'JHK “h" "M meet IN WIN .iuurd the scholzirshtps to students UK F th pact "f technologv on “brim” “M " l‘uhlit'l ihi‘an and lll\ltil‘l 111 mil lx- tuirlt romantic period in anlund f . '
. . 11 .. . . - . ' . or o - _ . _ .. 1 .
,111111t111.1 “ho haxe demonstrated .1 commit MItMIn' '0 panel discussmn by library UM.“ thekex non-speaker , ' . I
.1\ \llltlt'lll ntlhl h.- .i \‘t'lllttt‘ 1n ment to serum: the mentally and story. see SPORTS, Page 4. m” launch the dav's celebration .it ‘ '
‘. 1111-1 1.11 1-d111-.1t11111 111‘ the \pvt-(Ill rih).~'it1.il|V\- handicappedliast said. 9 30 a m m the Rental Hall of the ”The -1 millionth volume \\HllNlll , lhe - millionth \olu1 «1 LN Vtitled V V _
1-11rttrnitnu‘.‘ition.\‘program "it we have applicants all With . .. .11...” _ , 1 .. . . l'K (‘enter for the Arts ll\ me n the d\ n (m nt oi th( 1)~11t1m I’M-1"“! "‘1 1"” HII'UI‘V'H‘M
‘ 1 s " . . ”1'1"" * L,""' »< 1:1; It. ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 ' . - .1 i V _ V
, - .I \ \llltlt‘lil rIiiist lime tonipleted ver close “PAS. then we Wlll 100k "-5 :‘e'gy'r‘ *1‘ 1“" «1'1: ' (a ‘ a a a ( 1 "' """“"""' ‘\“ ' '9 1%" ‘
1 . ~ . . - * 3' '1», 1~ . . -'v"_‘rx11:‘1‘~1. '5 lilirurx in Slit" and depth ~.i1d l .iul
'I'" “‘““'~‘“" ”“1“ ”l ““1”“ “"‘l‘k- at ”1“" experience wtth helping ‘“ f :1. .. 24 '1 ' ‘5' TheI l'K Student Government -\.~ \V1il1 '(llrt‘k'lm‘ttfllbf’tt‘ltK
. - ~ 1 1 .1 . _ . ' “,2 z. 153; "I ‘1 11‘... N 1 ~ . . .
1.11111. .1 llllltiltlllill oi 1.1 hours in spv those \A'llhdlsahllllles, (nast said » «(fiafi ,1. . .2 “manor, “.1“ take part In the [931“, ‘ ‘ 1hr .‘Jllll'll Vhook 1.x John I p
12.1? HllVli‘dllltt‘. rourxm, and ”lust .1\nV\-oneV1Aishing to apply for a ties. provtding mUSK‘ and refresh V .. tl!k(‘\ Prr‘bwl 1." l’IV‘V‘I“ V‘V‘nl.‘ '2‘”
h.1w.i t1i‘ \ot t 41)!’.il)()\'t‘ xcholarship should submit a “Grad- Th. “"0"", today will be ments m a (armmhuipd llie t h lihrar). \Ahit'h 1: the lurg copies were printed the l h library 1
H111 \i'hitlnrxhlp 11 .1 “111‘ M 1-11 uzltt‘ Program Application " Be m [I 'h h' h . “[mmpherp from 1130 a m to 1 est in the suite. is ranked 36th nu hasththhcop) olthetint edition .
“111121111111: ~tudent\ zilrmd) excelling partment of SpeCIal Education" 0‘ Y sunny w" '9 s m pm “”m”) and 17th m "‘9 number ”l
11: the program to <‘.1rr\ on mth form. available in 229 Taylor Educa- tho m'd 7°3~ Tonight Will b‘ microtorm holdings. 1'“‘*""‘(lmh’. l“ H [K liliruries \Hll approach the _ ‘
'I'It‘” "‘l'II‘IIll‘m “”13“”le d“" and C00. Will" lows in SGA vull present hook number lihrar) iaet 5'1“" next centur) continuing to search
- _ Applicant5 ShOUJd 8150 Smell an the mid 50:. Tomorrow will 2.000.001 to thelihrary for unique Item.\ to add to the collec-
ll 3 ”Ht “1“ “l "‘ml‘IHmE lhOMI nffit‘lill academic transcript and a b. sunny with tho “mp."r The lthrary would like to expand tion. Willis said He hopes that the
tropiv in ~pm‘ml edut-atmn mth written 1-95qu turaln thalow to 'd 70’ The [K Art Museum Viill feature MI King Library North to house traditional role of a lihrar} Will re-
W‘“ “W“ WW" I‘VWJWF ‘I’Wl Deadline for submttting applica- "“ . The Book As Art" exhibit from 9 the main collection and. perhaps. main an (‘njnyahlo place to study
1"“ “l 1' (”N "”"‘ “’r "l m" “9"” tlons is ”N l a m toT-ftOp m. the computer center. Willis said and hrowsethrough
' l
. l \

 I i A I
~ " .. 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL raunchy, 80pm 15, 1986‘
D .l H b kt k fOHO .n l' l a
I\II;IiV\:~ l'i\ \I IN. p\ 5“ \l.l' homeland /.il\ll.ll'll\ ll‘p Hill \‘illlll‘ ——"-—‘— " I’— leave ac SOViet capi‘al after 512 dlzed unless Damlo‘f IS allowed ‘0
. \»-- i ,iioil’re» backtnwrk .. . . . years ere as a correspondent for returnhome.
1: .“ f ,: "l ht-lltwv ilk-ml on: he ..r-nw nt- The inescapable fact 15 that the SOVlet f f us. News a; World Repolz, said he Secretary of State GeOrge p.
i ‘3‘ ' Vi NOW" American newsman gotialions going on ninmi it :Nur - . - ) V - if OSSCSSlOU 1‘00 0 is animus not “to esca to public 59mm; and m Foreign Minister _
.5'~‘?~‘»§ 9;; \ ~ ' i lhunlol'f returned [0 work mg ill) relcaw imnimii liilil n» m‘ CsllgIaIi( rs ha 6 m the. p . p _ . . furorover this issue." . . . Eduard A. Shevardnadze are due to
\‘;W 1.i\ ior the first time Since porteh )t‘slt‘l‘ilii} nnmii- me i ~ Danilolt s engagement in espionage activmes However. U.SI.Ifand Sov1eItegfficmls meet in Washington on Friday for
5ft: ‘- i: "mi from prison three days EliillussIM\Kllt‘rt‘lit'l\\l.i)llltl . ‘ - ‘c he at a private 00 erence bil as an talks billed as preparation for a
=II: -..‘-. . «- llr \dld he remained a has The L .\ \rm A u v : lwpw Jlld that “ hen confronted With tl’IllqurOOf, effort to improve superpower rela- summit this year between President
sky‘s? g." . _. 1i \l‘llt‘hlS release {-ol‘l'vslxlllilt'lll \dlll in! ‘xtiieix Ni admitted \VlIhOUI coercion . . . his involvement tions traded sharp words over the Reagan and Kremlin leader Mikhail
3.." ‘ , i:', rial Soiiet nevus agent) goth-Inn 1hr Ktill Ai\i‘.L.l"" _ ‘ . . I. .‘I H DamloffIcase. S. Gorbachev. '
\. v.55: ”awhile. reiterated that the handling hi~ (do 1“; ; nu. tn .igix in C [A JLXH lllLS. Speaking to some 2.000 delegates on Sunday, Daniioft denied Soviet
IX“: :1? 5‘; . . r M reporter had Cllnltzsed not needed )i'slt‘l‘iln} l pronunnl T855 news agency at the Chantaugua conference m the claims that he admitted taking part
43,? ; 3:";3 \, . , ; nu the (‘IA Danilofl. who to call lt)lll\ll‘l'0\\ Hint \ thi- l— Baltic resort of Jurmala. Jack Mat- in a CIA operation and said Kremlin
o; 33.x fit-.1; pix .i'mtl} said he is not a spy agreement Jini 1 il mi: iiilliill rim lockIcondemnedIthe charges against officials were distorting his
lint)" _. ‘ \ '<-.vi»hoiie he would not dig l‘he re‘pilrit'l uni ‘..\ iw-qrimmi I.» I . (I . h Daniloff and said they endangered statements to KGB interrogators.
'."‘:'\.‘.-".’~,".-~: V -( g our} b) L‘Ollilllenilng the MOM...“ mm In“ my mi would have tiliit‘l‘t‘llililu‘d 81- "The inescapable {30‘ 15 lhd‘ [.e any improvement in superpower He repeated that he was set up by
I:II‘\..-I';‘.‘i:.“_=:‘:-', ‘ ti\tilldlllt‘ llil Llllt‘l‘t‘ligitlT-ll -17 all} "”wm“ Sovtet IinvestigatOrs have 'n_Imelr USS. MathCk. the senior SOVlel‘af' theKGB togainZakharov‘s release.
I.I.II.I>III-.,I.II‘-I.I, ,n «no this arrested AUg “mt. 4mm 1 wniiniw n: ammo Idh) repc;i[il(lII\li).\c0\\ .5 c0nten~ possesson proof of DaniloffIsII en- fairs specialist on theIstaff of [he Daniloft‘ said that he was arrested
‘3‘" :IIII.I.vIIy:,IIiI.:.I .. .7“: \mm inited Nations em~ mu“hmmgtim.“km“ . iion that [)anilnii has coniessed I0 gagement in espionage acItiuties US. National Security Counml. by the KGB after a Soviet acquaint-
."‘,1-,‘-If;;:\."f 2 iii‘llfitiilij» Aakharox. who was \PMHF “‘r in“ “A and ”(‘CFN’d un‘ and that when confronted “1m ““5 heads the delegationIof more than ance gave him a packet and that he
.'j1(.i'§lj 3339?; i A o: \n; .L‘ in New York. were Daniloli' \diil llt’ \wnli expo-f Fpemlled “9519"" “19"“! ”1 based Pr00f. he admitted Without @3919“ 270 Americans attending the confer- had no knowledge of its contents He
[“3‘; . ‘ wit l‘l‘idd} into the custod) oi dtlll‘t‘t‘l >\\.ipiili Aiktiniox reportingon lbw-W or any other kind 0f 3b.”? ms. ”.1' ence, said the packet was Opened after he
IiIi..-,‘.-,I;T‘{.‘ . wr~rm\:e> Both are faring DaInilofi ”blgllt‘tl oi lib own free volvement in (‘IA activities. it , . th R dm'n was taken to Lefortovo Prison, and ,
“...IigsI-Iggg; , J-uirgz-s \lthough no longer "l'lit’st‘ I\\o \'.i,\t‘.\ nzr no: minim “Ill ms Ivsllmlm} ddmlilmg at least added‘ . . In Washington. e eagan a l ' he was shown photographs of mili-
“"'" "”' ‘ , ‘ - v v - ' ‘ h " ' ,h , ~ ‘ted in tration warned that a planned .
I'-V2';""\..';:“"-‘,r I l \ m”; 'lt’llht’l" {nan has bt’t’ll lt’lll lit‘ \.il1l l2 ’llvl‘t' \ ~Hlnt‘ kind Nilllt‘ (‘l [he thrirht‘é iigdlnhl 1m. Damloff. \l 0 was arresI lSI . . . . . tary objects and maps marked 59‘
21.3923“; 4' ;~-::i::>>‘ioii to return to his oi llt‘IL‘Ullii't‘tl \olili or ,2 \ olii’ lliiil lllt‘llt’\“dg(‘llc.‘3‘md MOSCOW 35 he was preparing to L‘.S.-50Vlet Stilmm1t ma) be JeOPaI" cret.
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h::‘;-~I“i Managing Editor 5 a" V, .3 : WHILE STUDYING T
-.’...";."V‘.-':qi"3.~; News Editor )0. B‘o ;
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Iran: 5393”; Editorial Editor C. "'l‘ a A "a test while donating at A B R' E
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ifiht‘flf‘ r0 U: '0" “"0997 Rh V Sun.9:00o.m.-2‘30p.m. Logisnf-g‘ofz7xv
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