xt779c6s1k63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt779c6s1k63/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1940 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; 56 leaves, 28 cm; Includes Bibliographical references; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number F 4.14:N 81cc/5 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Raleigh Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of North Carolina, Southern Baptist Convention, Raleigh Association 1940 1940 2015 true xt779c6s1k63 section xt779c6s1k63       .5.;-/` W]     l   W A UNWVEFWSWTY OF KENTucKy
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W Prepared by
tj The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project
gl Division of Professional and Service Projects
{Q Work Projects Administration
wi  P
Fi Sponsored by
1 ,s 
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§;§ The North Caroline Historical Commission
EFI M. C. S. Noble, Chairmen
;,~ C. C. Crittenden, Secretary
lr; -T
  _ ;j;>;.'.y< 3;}:; .f< ;.y:»;2>§< A
ij Raleigh, North Caroline
{y The North Caroline Historical Records Survey Project
Q, July IQAC

 h ‘
  WPA Historical Rscoris Survai ]?ro'ccts
fit? · ·
  Sarggant F. Chili, Liysctor
  Milton TT. Blanton, Regional Sup<>i·vis¤;r
  Colbcrt E`. Ci·¤.1tchficl.d, Stats S=.1ps;·vi.sor
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yr";  Division of Professional and Soirvica Projects
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  i?*l.o‘:·¤»ncs Koarrr, Assistant Commissionorc
—` ' A a Blanche   Ralston, Gliiai Regional ’S=inc:·visoi~
i ` ‘ “` iiirixy E..Ca:¤1pball, Stats Director
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W  C. C. McGinnis, Stats Aiminist;-ator
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F O R E T C 9 D `
The Historical Records Survey program is ono of tho many valuarlo
and permanent undértokimgs of tho Work Projects Aimixioiration. One l
division of this work io the Church Reooris Survey. T*c Foiorol ¤ovorm— Q
mont has recognized that in the fioli of history churches ami their
organizations occupy an important place. Under the program as planned
the work will extend to ovary religious boiy of ovory creed in all the
states in the Union.
Of particular interest to Baptizts is that part of the program which
concerns the Baptists associations and churches of forth Carolina. This
work is alreaiy in progress and will bo pressed towari completion. Under
the direction of an able supervisory staff, located in Rqloigh, one or
more workoro is assigned to ouch association. Those workers make o caro-
ful and industrious search for all church records, printed or in manu-
script, minutos of associations, and any other materials that may servo
the purpose of the Survey. With this material in hmni the editorial stuff
prepares a short Skotoh of tho association and its constituent churches, ,
which is published in a separate volume.
Those who are interested in church history will fini those voluwos
most valuable. For both the usoocimtion uni each local church is qivon Q
complete list of ull rooords that have been iiscovorei ami from which the
Sketches have been constructed, with o statement of wh ro {·. they may be
found. For the association, the time ani place of its organization are
given with a list of its charter churches. Some account is also givcn »`, of
tho officers, especially tho first un& those of the prevent time. For
each church a liko euro is oxoroisoi in giving essertiol historical into,
Such as tho time and placo of constitution, the oonstitutin¢ officers,
_ ` the location and character of the houses of worship, and the growth or
decrease in number of mombors,
This work iS comprohensivo and will be invaluable. Ii prosorvos from
loss essential facts about our clyrckns. Every ono who in interested in
our religious history will groftly opprecioto lt. It will be moot helpful
also in creating an interest in prosprving church rocords, as emphasis is
· placed on locating ami invvrtnrying the old oni ropidly iisxppomrimg
' records of tho churohoo. To reader of those skotchrs own fwil to recognize
tho great significance of orgunizod religious bodies in the lifo of tho
_ nation.
Awthor of History of North Carolina
B;ptists and of Ki§Yd;;~6F'§;Ro Forvst
  """""` _ M" "
“ok@ Forest College
. Wake Forest, I. C.
March 29, l94O

 A \
~ i
> 1
. 1
The Historical Records Survey was crested in the winter of 1935-56 ‘ [
ss s neticn—wide Works Progress Administration project for the "discovery,
preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history
of the United Stetes.”l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, the
Survey undertook en extensive program for the inventory of state and
local archives, early American imprints, church archives, and collections
of manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act Q
passed June BO, l939, the existency of the Survey as e single netion—wide
project sponsored by WPA itself was terminated August Bl, 1959; and the
work of the Survey wes continued within the individual Stetcs by locally
sponsored projects operating within the national WPA Historical Records
Survey Program which continued undcr the direction of Dr. Evans until his' T
resignation and thc subsequent appointment of Sargent B. Child on March l, T
1940. T
The North Carolina Project of the national Historical Records Survey 3
was established February l, l936, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of  
the North Caroline Historical Commission, es Director. Until November T
1956 the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of thc Federal Writers' A
Project directed in North Csrolina by Edwin Bjorkmcn, Dr. Crittenden ‘ i
resigned as State Director June BO, 1937, and was succeeded by Dan Lacy, A
A who had previously served HS Assistant state Director. Mr. Lacy resigned
April 2, 1940, tc accept the position of Assistant to tho Director of
Historical Records Survey Projects in Washington, and was succeeded by ,
Colbert F. Crutchfield cs State Supervisor. The work of the North
Carolina unit of the Historical Records Survey hos been continued by thc T
North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project established September l, A
1939, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission,
The Inventory of the Church Archives of North Caroline is one of n
A number of bibliographies of historical materials being prepared through-
out thc United States by workers on thc Historical Records Survey Program,
_ A separate section of the inventory will bo devoted tc each denomination,
or to each subdivision of e denomination which affords e publisheble unit
within itself. The publication herewith presented, on inventory of the
records of the Raleigh Association, is such n unit of thc Scuthcrn Baptist
Convention, with which denominational body the Raleigh Association is
affiliated. Field work for the inventory was done by Mr. Ncrflcct T.
Mengum. Reference work at woke Forest College Library was donc by Mr.
John W, Mcngum. Entries were written by Mrs. Mary Stone Venn. The inven-
. tory was prepared under the supervision of lh, Joseph T. Chesnutt and was
reed for the sponsor by Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the North Carolina
Historical Commission. Editorial comments end criticism have been furnished
by Doneld A. Thompson, Assistant Archivist in charge of Church Archives
l. Works Progress Administration, Operating Procedure Ho. W-2, Revised
July 2, 1957.

 { I
4 I
‘ I
3 Inventories. The Survey is indebted to the North Carolina Baptist I
I State Convention for supplies used in this publication; to Mr. M. A.
Huggins, Seoretary—Treasurer of that body, for his interest in and
support of the work; to Dr. G. W. Paschel, of Wake Forest College,
I who read end criticized the inventory; and to officials and members
· of the Raleigh Association, who generously co—operated in the work.
The Survey gratefully acknowledges the co-operation and support
of Miss Charlie Huss, State Supervisor of the Research and Records
I Section of the Division of Professional and Service Projects, and
members of her staff. §
July 26, 1940 I

l. The Wake Forest College Library, Wake Forest, N. C., has been
designated as the official depository for non-current records
of the associations and churches affiliated with the North
Carolina Baptist State Convention.
2. The full names of persons mentioned in this inventory are given R
if this information was available. 1
E. The information appearing in this publication has been obtained l
chiefly by Survey workers through personal interviews with pastors T
and church clerks. It has been supplemented when possible by _
research in available printed and manuscript sources. Compute- i
tions of membership and dates of constitution of churches have been 1
obtained from printed minutes of this and other associations to  
which the particular church has belonged. l
4. Occasional references may be made in the entries to churches not '
t included in the inventory. In such cases an entry for that church {
mentioned will normally be found in the forthcoming volume for the  
denomination or denominational unit to which that church at present  
belongs. [
5. Gaps in the records listed for some churches are due either to the e
fact that they were not kept, were destroyed, or were simply not l
found after a careful search by workers.

 e 1
€ 1
` 1
Much of the history of the Raleigh Association for the first twenty- )
five years of its existence is unknown, as the earliest known minutes of
the association are for a session in 1850. Raleigh Association was organ-
ized in 1805 with 4 churches from Neuse Association,l namely: Wake Union,
Wake Cross Roads, Holly Springs, and Haywood°s Meeting House.2 No further I
reference is found concerning the growth of the Raleigh Association until
1811 when Neale Creek, Rocky Springs, Union, Cross Roads, Holly S,rings,
Cool Springs, Pleasant Grove, Bethel, Union, Mill Creek, Middle Branch,
Fellowship, Haywood*s Meeting House, Cedar Fork, New-Hope Mountain,
_ Liberty, Hepzibah, and Little Buffaloe were reported as members of the
association,} The assocration at this time covered Person, Granville, {
Nash, Orange, Wake, Durham, Cumberland, Chatham, Johnston, Lee, Sampson,  
Moore, and Harnett counties. Between 1811 and 1850 Rocky Springs, Pleasant
Springs, Mill Creek, Middle Creek, Fellowship, New—Hope Mountain, and
Little Buffaloe churches were dropped from the association, and Raleigh,
Mt. Pisgah, Cumberland Union, Piney Grove, Flat Rock, and Popular Springs 1
churches were received into it.4 The Bethel, Liberty, and Cross Roads {
churches listed by Benedict in 1811 are probably the Wake Bethel, Wake
Liberty, and Wake Cross Roads churches listed in 1850.5 Hepzibah Church,
which was not listed in 1850, had been a rember of the association since )
1811,6 but had not sent delegates to the associational meetings for some )
years prior to 1852.7 {
Since its organization in 1805 the Raleigh Association has increased
greatly in number of churches and in menmership, but has decreased in
territory to approximately one-twentieth of its original size. This de- ,
crease has been due go the formation from its territory of the Tar River 1
Association in 1850, the Central Association in 1860, the Mt. Zion ,
Association in 1869,lO the Little River Association in 1876,11 and the
1. Benedict, General History of the Baptist Denomination in_America and 1
Other Parts of the World, B8st8n,_Mass., 1815, II, 105, hereafter 1
citgd as Benedigti History of the Baptist Denomination. i
2. Information given by Dr. Gc8rgE—§Q PaschalT*Wake Forest, N. C.
5. Benedict, History of the Baptist Denomination, II, 526. The 2 Union ,
churches listed arE—pr88ably the Wake Union and Shady Union listed in 1
Minutes of the Raleigh Baptist Association, Held gt_Haywood's Meeting
House, ri~E`¤§I;fi`¤`?;'5unt;,’,`lif c,, 9231;;; mth, 25th, 26th, gg 27th nays ,
in_Septembcr, 1850, p. 2T. Minutes of the various associations are 1
hereafter cited as Minutes RIPE the name of the associition and the
4. yhputes, Raleigh Association, 1850 (earliest available minutes of the
Raleigh Association).
5. Ibid., p. 2.
` 6. Ibid., 195A, p, 59.
7. ibid., 1852, p. 5.
8. Taylor, A History of the Tar River Association, n. p., p. 11, 1
9. Minutes,—Central Assbgiatign, 1860 (first annual session).
10. Earliest dvailable minutes are, Minutes, Mt. Zion Association, Seventh
Annual Session, 1876, which places date of organization in 1869.
` 11. Minutes, Little River Association, 1876 (first annual session).

1 ` 2 " {
F Johnston Association in l9O}.l2 Of these 5 associations, Johnston was {
the only one organized at the suggestion of the Raleigh Association.l5 E
_ Tar River Association was or$anized in l85O by churches from
  Kehukee and Raleigh aeeoeiatiens.*4 {
At the annual meeting of Raleigh Association in l86O 5 churches
. askea for letters of dismissal and, while the association regretted the
` action, the clerk was instructed to grant letters te all churches ask-
ing for them.L5 These churches, ht. Vernon, Raleigh, and New Hope, 1
1 united with churches from Tar River and Flat River associations and L
organized Central Association in the same year.l6  
Mt. Piegah, Berea, and Rose of Sharon churches were granted letters
of dismissal in l869.* Since they are listed in the minutes of the {
V seventh annual session of Mt. Zion Association hela in 1876, it is
assumed that they unitee to form this associmtien.*8
In 1875 Hector'e Creek, Holly Springs (Barnett county), Lillington,
Cumberland Union, Eantist Grove, Antioch, and Kenneyvs Greek churches , 
_ were granted letters of dismissal from Raleigh Aesoeiationl9 and appear
with Friendship and Wake Union ehurchee, which were dismissed in lS76,2O ?
in the minutes of the first annual session of Little River Aseoeiation.2l
Little River Association was apparently organized by the churches dis- j
_ missed in l875, ae a delegate was received from Little River Association
by Raleigh Association in October preceding the first annual session of
Little River Association in November l3?6.é2 . 1
` The Raleigh Association at its annual meeting in l903 passed resolu-
tions which provided that due to the great number cf churches composing  
the association and the difficulty of assembling their delegates for
the annual meetings, it was advised that the association be divided and
~ 4 that the Johnston County line be the general boundary between the two
` associations. All churches affiliated with Raleigh Association which
. l2. Minutes, Johnston Association, 1905 (firot annual session).
` li. The minutee-ef Raleigh Association—for years immediately preceding
the organization ef Tar River, Central, Mt. Zien, and Little River
associations do not mention the intendea organization of new
associations. ‘
14. The churches fran Raleigh Aesociatien were HaywoodVs Meeting House, 4
Flat Rock, Shiloh, Sandy Grove, Peach Tree, ana Maple Springs, ‘
Taylor, A History of the Ter River Association, pp. ll, 144, l§9,
‘ 15. Minutes,_Raleigh AE§oeiEtion,_lGg6,~5T_9.
lé. HEEEEEEQ Central Kgéociation, TBEU, p. l.
· 17. ninume,   l,E`餤ia-a1“¤E~Z,r1 9, p. 1o.
‘ l8. ignntes, Mt. z16n Association, le76, p. 5 (earliest known minutes).
· 19. EHEIE`, taT;=f1e?,§n”T1xT·5E5¤1at1¤n, 1c75, p. 9,
· 2e. `i75;iEiTj"187O, p."6. ”` "`"`
· 21. Minutes, Little River Association, 1876, p. 3.
‘ 22. EE$Ete§, Raleigh  

 °*e ,8
` I
I o 5 *
were located in or near Johnston County were asked to meet at Selma I
Church on Friday before the fifth Sunday in November for organization
of a new association, Johnston.?} This action split the existing
Raleigh Association in half.24
Since its organization in 1805, although many new associations I
have been formed by its member churches, the membership of the associa-
tion has grown rapidly. The first available source of information on
its membership reports 962 members in 1811.25 By 1830 membership had
decreased to 763, but in 1840 it had increased to 1,681, in 1850 to' I
I 3,473, and in 1861 to 4,633. In 1870 memberenip had aeereeeea to 3,679 I
and in 1880 it had decreased to 2,458. In 1890 membership had again
increased to 4,712 and in 1900 to 5,382.‘ After a decrease in 1910 to
4,877 membership again rose in 1920 to 6,394, in 1930 to 8,903, and in
1938 to 10,895. 6 I
The organization of the Raleigh Association, like other associa- I
tions affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, is simple. In I
1833 its working body consisted of not more than 6 members elected
annually from its constituent churches,27 but in 1898 the working body I
consisted of all ordained ministers of churches represented in the I
association and not more than 5 messengers elected annually from its `
constituent churches.28 The ministers and messengers meet in annual
session for worship and the transaction of business. In 1833 the
elected officers of the association were a moderator and a clerk.29‘ I
In 1898 the elected officers were a moderator, a clerk, a treasurer,
and an executive board.3O One person may, and generally does, serve
as both clerk and treasurer. In 1938 the elected officers included a _
vice—moderator and a historian in addition to the officers previously
mentioned.$l It is the duty of the moderator to preside at meetings, I
appoint committees, and perform such other duties as are required of I
presiding officers. The duty of the vice—moderator is to preside in °
the absence of the moderator. The clerk is to keep a record of the ‘
proceedings of the association and to see that the minutes are printed,
filed, and presented at the associational meeting for the following I
year. The treasurer has charge of all funds of the association, and
23. Minutes, Raleigh Association, 1903, pp. 3, 9.
24. i`B`§E$"19o5, p. 1bT "' ' I
25. BenedictT"§istory of the Baptist Denomination, 11, 526. I
26. Date drawn from stitistical tables in the minutes for the years
27. Minutes, Raleigh Association, 1833, p. 6.
28. ibm., 1898, p. 15. ""`“
22.   1833, p. 6.
30. TEE'., 1.89S, p. 16.
31. E§E—bonstitution has evidently been radified to include the
election of these officers, but the constitution has not been
printed in the minutes since 1898.

 · 1
- 4 - !
may pay them out only under the direction of the association. The duty
of the historian is to submit at each annual session a history of one
of the constituent churches of the association. The executive commit-
tee supervises the general affairs of the association and devotes it- h
self especially to the provision of adequate ministerial and missionary
service in the area of the association. Committees are usually appoint-
ed to encourage subscriptions to religious periodicals; to solicit sup-
port for missions and for various denominational institutions; to en-
courage attendance at denominational schools; to stimulate Sunday Schools-
and to select the date, place, and preacher for the next annual mooting.3é E
The records of the association are kept only in the form of printed‘ 1
minutes of the annual sessions which include lists of delegates, minutes,
and committee members; a record of proceedings; reports of committees; 8
financial reports; and statistical reports covering membership, Sunday 1
School, property, and finances of the constituent churches. {
Since 1850 the following men have served the association as 1
moderators:33 1
James Sutherland .............. .... ........... 1850
James S. Purefoy ............................. 1852 1
G. N. Thompson ... ...... . ....... . .......... ... 1855 i
James Dennis .. ..... . .... . ....... . ......... ... 1856 1
James Center .. ........... ....... ...... . ...... 1859 1
James Dennis . ........................... ..... 1840-41 l
S. Senter ....... ..... ........ .... ............ 1842 Z
James Dennis .... .... ..... ...... . ............ . 1844-47 3
D. S. Williams ...... .... .......... ........ ... 1848-49 1
` P. W. Dowd .... . ......... . ...... .. ........... . 1850-52 1
S. Senter . ................................. .. 1855-55 j
P.   Dowd ................................... 1856-59 1
James S. Purefoy ............................ . 1860-65 l
A. D. Blackwood ............... .. ............. 1864-72 Q
J. C. Marcom ... ..... .... ..... . ........ ....... 1875-74 1
D. n. neiianc ................................ 1875-84 1
N. B. rereugnten ..... . ........................ 1885 ·
I. 0. Scarborough ............................ 1886-88 1
W. J. Ferrell .... ...... .... ..... . .... ........ 1889-91  
E. S. Moore ..... ........ ......... .... ........ 1892 3
H. T. Norris .... ..... ..... .. .... ...... .... ... 1895-95 1
;r.   sretrsiteii .............................. 1896-1905 ·
E. L. Qiddleton .. ................. ..... ..... . 1904-7 l
N. B. Broughton . ............ . ............... . 1908-15
52. Minutes, Raleigh Association, Passim, ‘ ‘
   }i'e71E1%jH>`§§’1·»z11B'?—,7aE~`?ea 1805-29, 1851, 1854-55,
1857-58, and 1845 could not be obtained; those for 1850, 1852,
1845, 1850, and 1895--, are taken from the minutes of Raleigh
Association for the years cited; and those for 1855, 1856, 1859-
42, 1844, 1846-49, and 1851-94 are taken from Minutes, Raleigh
Association, 1894, p. 20.

 ·- 5 - `
A. B. Hunter ................................... 1914-22
John D. Berry .. ................... . ............ 1925-52
‘ S. U. Oldhorn .................................. 1955-54
L. R. Evans . .......... . ....................... . 1955-57
R. N. Simms, Jr. ............................... 1958--.
The following men have served the association as clerks:54
Thomas Crocker . ...... . ..... . ............... .... 1850
G. W. Purefoy ....................... .... ...... . 1852-55
wiiiism Reiss . ........ . ................ . ....... 1856 I
smuei 1¤. N¤i~1—1s ............................... 1839-44, 1846-50 I
J. C. Marcom ................. .................. 1851
. S. F. Norris .. ....... .... ........ . .... ......... 1852-54
Daniel B. Holland ...... ...... ...... .... ...... .. 1855-74 I
J. Q. Williams . ...... . ......................... 1875-77
J. M. Broughton .... ..... . ...... . .... ........... 1878-81 I
1:1. B. 1¤s1~¤u;;nwn ................................ 1882 I
L. 0. Bougee ........................ ..... . ..... 1885-94 l
J. C. Birdsong . ........ .... ..... ....... ....... . 1895-1909 I
T. C. Council ............. ....... ...... ...... .. 1910--. I
54. The names of the clerks who served 1805-29, 1851, 1854—55,‘l857-58,
and 1845 con1& not be obtained; those for 1850, 1852, 1845, 1850,
and 1895--, are taken from the minutes of Raleigh Association for‘
the years cited; and those rw 1855, 1856, 1859-42, 1844, 1846-49,
and 1851-94 are taken from Minutes, Raleigh Association, 1894, p. 20.

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7.. Ib-; ".-J-Ugg, 1371 ‘~· Ib1@_ l A "·—-——’
·.3i·» 1902 . ——-—’ 211 T1-- 1 ,,22.. ¤ lf
8- Iv11nut8¤———¥-’ T1- 16. p'   3011 " 7 "· 1
*1-E"6*""‘;’ .`I.C_Z1_E1}_§’1ZOn rye. . 191}} _`§’   ¢°¤SsOCi,,t· 1
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I   R&lPj—<"`1'1 / *-.-5-,     @$5OQj t 1 I
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11. ?i·{·"     7 ’”’ 26- M1m»1;,;..-—·i* P- 16.
I ··*~ OI‘mg·(;iO _1 • -·-— .TL.‘f_;j_» ZYOh3·1¤+ 1
I T I1 {Ivo 190: --...;»_{¤Q_1'_1_ Agw · . _
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l"'*l.U1] -7 "\ 3 I1 [-1 ,., ··—•, P · }• •—_ (  
1 €i_, .1 1I` . 11] O, 27 "" , -____ Tl
2 _ Nj HTL > -1 . C _ ·· --T1&S , · 1.1I1u1;€2. T, _ -—-—··’
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17 _  _   C.1,,   ···-··...___9
l4_ T_qmi·JC;\ • 9. . ‘ r-/. Yqjnutgq-7-E-)gtli· ],z1_
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iii--—€’.i» Bplemq F10'., _ ’ 1T§G76**’   Asmcin. .
’ ' A- "“"‘—i·:- i§;’.I?9_qQ;§151O1;, j Gél 51- EW, pi J-O. —_—;—"ff'%`g?·°
"‘····- .‘;;. 91 -....1- -.  
J Q4 • 1111111113ég-—?._j;;L*’ P · l 6 °
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ji l
...;..-----——-··—·· ·····—·-···‘·—‘·················· _`  
3 NA1/E R1iC}B1ViTD 1 HO`? RECIHTVHD DISVIPSSED f1$30GI,11T1 O1? 3011130 1
“ , Prio to _ 1
1 EDAR 1·o111.s33 ]_8]_lg4b 4U1UCIiOWIl 188235 Mt. Zzlon 1
3119712111 EEAKEFIEID 190556 iK1Iewly constituted 190627 Centralig  
]__AYTO11Z’9 181240 `iiewly constituted 190544 Job.nston42
  C1L`;P1BL 188945 Newly constituted 190544 _‘fohnston45
1gR;;;ym 187746 Newly constituted 19O§47 Johnston48 1
"“f‘“"ff""   1>`i?Z:·`13E1151`§"i5i76E~T"" ""`§"` "“T`"`""f'T`"""`"`< 1
%U1’£11pjRm1~U> U11101;149 & 182950 FGUBQ ASSOCMHOH51 13755 Little River5$
  Prior to Betwee 1811 , 856 _
’ELI.0;i1I1P _-1 lglléi _*W‘,Un1O jfer River nn"-,  
55. Eleven members dismissed ea. 1856 L@_%, p_ 5; dismicsgd 160 T€jOj_n ,
» to 0I‘é1¤¤iZ€ W0• H01`0'—0¤ ciwch Little River Association 1892, ‘
(SEG Glllify Ur)- Minutes, Raleigh Association, 1892, ‘ 
54. Listed as a member of Raleigh   p_ ‘gf"" ' ‘ """"""'"""“`“ """ ·
1 aociation in 1811, Benedict,   50. Hot 1-ioioo oo o member in 1811, 1
’G<>i‘Y of 15116 §§P“0iS“§_ D€¤0!¤i_%}€}jg}j§§1- Benedict, History of the Baptist L
¥I.’·5Q6• 1J_en_o111inati}iTYEi1..`Et`€<1_i11 earliest  
55- }`1i‘1111?‘€¢¤, R€1l€igQ}_ _-’;\_f§OCi€»"0i§j_{»   knovrn minutes, Ivfinutes, Raleigh
A 13-.5- Assocjbation, _]_§Q_, p. 2. " E
56- Ibm-, 1905, p- 2- [ 51.   cgi-itroi Association, 1861,  
57- I0id·.}__ZQ__g.1>· 5- ! p. 9. 1
58- Minutes, Central Asaecgggigqq. Q01, i 5;. minutes, Rcilcigzgh Association, 1875, 1
pu A·• I · L F`,} p• gn I  
,59. J-0111181}*311 Liberty prior 110 ]_1·1¤—§