xt776h4crq4t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crq4t/data/mets.xml Lee, John Alfred, 1866- compiler 1911 [268] pages, music, 21 cm. Call Number: M2117.L44 G78 1911 scores (documents for music) M2117.L44 G78 1911 English J.A. Lee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Gospel music Greatest Hymns: for Use in the Churches, Evangelistic Services, Sabbath Schools, Young People's Societies, Devotional Meetings, Singing Conventions, Institutes, Schools and the Home, Containing Solos, Duets, Quartets, Choir Pieces, Etc, 1911 text Greatest Hymns: for Use in the Churches, Evangelistic Services, Sabbath Schools, Young People's Societies, Devotional Meetings, Singing Conventions, Institutes, Schools and the Home, Containing Solos, Duets, Quartets, Choir Pieces, Etc, 1911 1911 1911 2024 true xt776h4crq4t section xt776h4crq4t  

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«1.24..»w . For'lfi’él‘m th€U -

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Chin; es? Evangeiistic Ser ces, ""Sab- 2



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i , ,2 ‘22
bath Schools, Young People 8 J
Societies, Devotional Meetings/4.3,,”



Singing Conventions, Insti- ' ~
\ '
tutes, Schools and the Home 21‘

Containing } k.

i Compiled by {it


. «“42 ‘ ,
‘f J / i ,x‘
1 . . 22‘ 2.2;"
Author of Lasting Hymns and Lasting Hymns No," 2
/~ W4.
. Published in Music Edition Only I, ‘~
i 1"” ‘39-‘45 f,
Prices in Round or Shaped Notes. Cloth-Board Binding 35c each by mail,
Postage Paid. $3.60 per dozen, by mail, Postage Paid. By Express,
not Prepaid, $3.00 per dozen, $25.00 per 100. "of
{ Leatherette Cloth—Lined (not paper back) 25c each by mail Postage Paid, M L,_,,,,,,-
, per doz. Postage Paid. By express not Prepaid $52.50 per dozen. “W”
$18.00 per 100. 100 rate allowed in lots of 25. y/
'9 \ _


Send Money Order or Registered Letter.




REATEST HYMNS comes before the musical world to assist
in the Redeemer’s Kingdom. The name of this book tells you
exactly what it is. Examine it for yourself, and, if you do not

want it, take something that is not the Greatest Hymns.

In the praise that we render to our great God, let us always aim
for the best. Greatest Hymns contains more old songs and more new
songs than any other book for the money. More than 100 new songs
which are not in any other book, are found in this book.

The expense in getting out this book has been great, but we
started out to do our best and we have spared nothing to make it a

We have sold one and one-half million copies of Lasting Hymns,
and we propose to sell more of Greatest Hymns.

If you will tell others about this book, or give us the names of
Individuals, Churches, Sunday Schools, Singing-School Teachers, as
soon as they make an order, we will send you free 50 cents worth of
our choice sheet music.

It is the business of all to do good in the world, and we ask you
to join us in putting the best hymn book that has ever been brought
out, before the people. There is no Bible subject which has been
neglected in compiling this book. The greatest music writers in this.
country are represented by their best hymns.

The make-up of this book is first-class in quality of paper used,
binding, etc. The cheapest binding is not manila paper, that you
ordinarily find on the backs of cheap books. It is cloth-lined. The
Price is certainly within the reach of every one.

With a prayer that God may use Greatest Hymns to His glory,
we send forth this book on its mission.

J. A. LEE.



" “'6"- WM“ MW .. ,



























n _L L_ A I 'L‘ f a 4:
ETIQ‘T—ji km .390 m_lL i j §_. #-
@J—e—H ,Zn 5:5 ' 3n, .1' '__-—£+-—;F—‘_°_
«v- ‘Q “--3- 43 V 4- 3- L! ‘ 4 w—:/ '

1. Waft it, ye winds of the morn — ing, The wonders the cen - tu-ry’s wrought;
‘2. Tell it, ye tongues of the morn-ing, In thun-der tones let it be known;
3. Tell it, ye tongues of the morn-ing, Wide spread Im-man-u - el’L fame;




























(\OLJfl‘ F i. Fi ‘IF ‘ I.A ‘ L 1(7- 3
From] 5% ' i r .r J I: n if r 1 - in
/ E'mV n E [ r F 1 E r l.'" T‘ [ in
V L: a. A m . m HA {A m . I m - L *1
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n u . n J _1 b4.
17—. (IL _ ir _}:a N J *L 1
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*‘L-djz—fit—J—n—t—‘tvz: —- Ln: 5 - g a g - . -
i w— " n.— -o- a: +3 ‘ f -e—.

Tell of the spread of the gos - pel, Yea, tell of the blessings thus brought.
Long were the hours of the dark-ness, But now are the night shades all flown.
Known to all tribes and all na-tions, The pow'r of this won - der- ful name.













-:.L‘= fi'f. a. A'aJa & A ,a ;’; Q p~ u'

n r; h : r . Ll _._-k_tl:l:‘1__p_p_ig:':_

h1_V [— r r [F . l {1 . . J

L” ’A ' $- 1 '/ LIA 1.‘ ‘71 +5 1.— V—F—l—A'J
la u I u u |







The work of God’s been carried To ev—’ry land and tongue; The word of God‘s been


l —o'- o—.-o— ~9-
spread abroad, Made known to old and young; The love of God has melted hearts, And
I -1»




dried our eyes of tears, We thank our God His feet have trod These mighty hundred years.





Copyright by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.




The Bible.



















3. The Bi - blel the Bi - ble! we
4. The Bi-ble! the Bi- ble! the

.3; J.A.LEE.
I—i ‘ ~ ‘ J k A
E 6 F94 o 4 J ILJ" ' m J mi
IJ‘FQ r = 1:? fl—i J 1‘r
O r G: L 1' ‘ i :‘1 |
(I ‘ ‘ _._ _._

1. The Bi - blel the Bi - blel more pre- cious than gold, The hopes and the
2. The Bi -b1e! the Bi - ble! blest vol- -ume of truth, How sweet-1y it

hail it with joy, Its truths and its
val-leys shall ring, And hill-tops re-




























glo-ries its pa - ges un - fold;
smiles on the sea - son of youth! It bids us seek ear -
- glo- ries our tongues shall em ploy; We llsing of its tri-umphs,we’ll
1 ech - o the notes that we sing;

, pp A [Li A A A 1 A A A A r.‘-‘ 1" A!
(1'71?!) 1; 1 1 1. _' _ .4 ' _;
V5 .V0 11 L f 1 i'lr‘k P‘ l— l—+7 V—v
Wu 0 1;A 1A 1A 1A 1‘ 1" 1" _ A1
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1 A 1 l ‘
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9‘7 A r g, Q g 1‘: 1 1 1 ""7 A 3
1- .1 - _ .1 L- - .. - 1 J
v v v v v v v v ‘
~0- -O— -o— ~0-

It speaks of a Sav - iour, and

ly the

Our ban- -ners in -scribedwith its



— n -




























, - 70*:101 - 10_19__“

1 Q5, 09—9;_:;_1!':_ fl—fl—H—L—Fl—kh— m
l J ‘w ‘w‘ ‘7‘ [g g 1'1 11A , 1A ’1


1 m
1 ’lfeii Ejl“ 4‘ 14“ V3) ‘ s‘_“{.‘ d“ 1‘“ _l
' %_'—f§:fi—'fi—j‘+zfl Ai A1 L 1 E i
_ A 1.. 1 1 1 V 1 a A;

‘ -3— —3— —«' ~o- -o— -o— ~o«- -o— _ ‘ —o-

tells of His love; It shows us the way to the man-s1ons a- bove.

pearl of great price, Ere th heart is en- -s1aved in the bond-age of vice,

tell of its worth, And send its glad ti-dings a - far o’er the earth.

pre- cepts and rules Shall long wave in tri- umph, the joy of our Schools.

. ' —A—A:FA:A:—q,—--:Ah




‘i It
‘1 !’



if -‘—‘-—-








[7 1A I




V 1"


—-“Sn—“WM“:iakh'uvmmh-JwA—vmiI. .,.... ”3.“, _

Copyright. 1906. by J. A. Lee.



' I
The Bi - - - ble, the Bi - - - ble, It speaks of a
The Bi - ble, the Bi - the pre-cious 01d Bil'; ble,

Sav-iour, it tells of His love; The Bi - - -

The Bi-ble, the Bi -

r l

ble, the
b the






I'l l'l‘l



The Bible.


- - ble, It shows us the way to the man-sions a - bove.
precious old Bi - ble,
4- .51.







_e—J. A. L. J. A. LEE.

MIAl 4 K.





Hem: IA:_3.;‘—l



1. It’s Christ the Lord, and His ho- ly Word, I be - lieve! I be - lieve! ’Tis
2. Re—pent and come, or you’ll have no home! I be - lieve! I be - lievel From
3. We’re saved by grace, and are in the race, I be - lievel I be - lieve! By
4. That all may know they are saved from woe, I be - lievel I be - lieve! The
5. He’s my “Best Friend,” on Himl de-pend! I be - lievel I be - lieve! He’s
6. In heav-en or hell, we all must dwell, I be - lieve! I be - lieve! It’s

7. In heaven we’ll meet, hold communion sweet, I be - lievel I be - lieve! There are





d: a“ c A d

.1 o o .0 0- 5‘ 'fl ‘F‘fl‘. "’7 #‘1 LP". Pro 0

nun/1 1" a A m "IIA A A A ‘11 F 1 11/). m 1

'1-H’i' _ 1. . 1 TL. v . 1 Dfi'l. _L1 _ 1

/"1L1' i[‘ L— F 1 211‘ 1* F D 011/ - Hut—v: .- J
4r [fi e. V VL. . r , II—V If VL. ,— J




eflflflIF—wgfi *Famba.




Christ, the Son, the ho- 1y One,I be - lieve! I be - lieve! be -1ieve!
fire and flood, there’s pow’r in the blood,I be - lieve! I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
faith I see, Je- sus died for me! I be - lieve! I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
saved from sin,have Christ With-in, I be - lieve! I be - lieve! I be - lievel
true and tried, He will pro-vide, I be - lieve! I be - lieve! I be — lieve!
there we’ll go, when we leave below, I be - lieve! I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
joys un- told, if we’re in the fold! I be — H918! I be - lieve! I be - lieve!






























.1 o o .0 o 5P" 4. L 'L'" 1“ *-‘""“ 'F‘ a ”57‘ 9A. - .0 10A.
(\CflA lA 1A lA-ZIIL lA IA - ll IA mr' OLIAlA
'10" l 1 _i l'. L1 ‘ 1 J L'm - Ll I l. l'. l . l
J " l— I— f D M II— F— I— 1 14LI' .‘Ll’vr‘ I? V ll“-’I

l l—‘ l V V I If f I [ rv VI 1‘4LI_ l Lr V l V
H; . . . . A _ m
e H - L #__l l 1 L‘ J l _ _l,~_l ‘ L‘L_1 41

11 y. ‘1 I 1‘ g v‘ v ._ 7‘ 1 1

_ a I l I I o | I I 1 o &_ —‘L‘A: j

"U—j- v 0 o o . a U 5 g ‘

I be - lieve! It’s Christ the Lord, and His holy Word,I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! From fire and flood, there’spow’r m the bloodll be - lieve! I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! By faithI see, Je-sus died for mell be - lieve! I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! The saved from 81!], have Christwithin,I be - lievel I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! He’s true and tried! He will provide! I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! In heav’n or hell, we all Wlll dwell, I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
I be - lieve! In heav’n we’ll meet, hold communion sweet I be - lieve! I be - lieve!
A d A I

.1 10- o -F—— ‘ o o o of?" *L'l-““'“"L." 4.1—1.5: 9".
0-K ILOI'A IF I A 1‘. 1L {A'SJ - I: I l I I A BIT
3"”5—“6’ ; [Le-Crew 21;: em in

V ’v 1 1‘ i: 1 v f ' v 1 l " 1 1" . ii i r— WJI}
‘ l 11* W

Copyright, 1908, by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.






Luke 15th Chapter.
Words arranged and Chorus by“ D. E. DORTCH.










W. M. ROBISON. W. M. ROBISON, by per.
L) 1§7 ‘ ..
r—Qgiign pA‘fi—WWf—fi—J‘ L.
6-4: '_t ‘—%—£1—7'" A I A1 - R Li_____ ° *fi AI . ___‘___
r. [ 4-. -o— ' -' ~a:

1 I havewatch’d the sheep a-stray, As it wan-der’ d day by day,
2. I have watch’d the wo—man search,F01‘ the gem of price-less worth,
3. I have watch’d the boy de-part, \Vith a. proud and anx- ions heart,
4.110117 I see him as he goes, CIad in worn and tat-ter’dclothes,
-o-- -o— ’04 -o~ -o—. , ,
*XIiA'EEU ‘ K r445~

















On' the mountain heard its feeble cry; Oh! the shepherd’sc nren— —t1e call,
For the piece of 511 - 1 or she had lost; 011 she goes in ev - ’ry land,
As he left his father’sho11setoroz1n1,1T 1enI’ ve seen him sit- tingdown

And for— sak - on by the 1-1 orld so 1*“ ; \V 1 ‘11 a bro-ken ,bleedingheart,
~04 —c:~- .



w_ anew—F414: A—m4 “5‘1

Ea— 14 4—1—4—4‘141; 1











'1‘1‘éi‘w—e: 13", 4‘:‘———‘~.__1__~;::__:;;—1. 24-..: — 1
LAN Li; “L L
4-. a -‘- ~fl~ ~9-o -C- ‘10-

How it comes to one and 5111, Tell mewhy, sir, will you die?
\Vith her light and broomin 111111d,S< "1C11i ngf >r thatwhich was lost.
W'ith the s111ne11‘10111mqro111111 For a. - 11 ay from that old home.
“For my Fa-ther’s homeI’1lstart,”I can hear him faint-1y say.














































. . 7 . 4- .9—

. «v , $ 1‘ ' A; _ 1———_.LILLFL 9L.
fifi—Lfifl-H— §5L.I%‘;EL',LA_: :fi“*‘§L “ - iEfiTgtl
L, 14,—1.- - , » g—L—w—eflvr4414i ~ 3.4

1 .

.__.1L JLLL_ NLL 1. 1“ LL“ 1‘1__1L_7\:_FL
I¢°~$*$j:*i"___ 3E:T«»i“¢ 1-- &: :6:j 3‘: :1“:

LALA1.._:AL “~9le ELL;_1LL1 g:$L_w QL-

Call- -ing now for me, yes, call- -1ng now for me, He’s call-ing now for
-o— -o— -p—. k A —4 —o~ —p~*-g:'_ +_ —9—_—9— 4w -
{3“ ‘ A #41? 1:—1a—>—An FTL:C‘_E“E~
5» . . 7 a 1 x 1.4 4411454414534? 4?. '— ~
1% 1/ if F
for me;
an! L .1! rgh ‘t—J vk—jvJL

1" 1 _ [0' \a 1‘“. 8‘, _-1°:E%x‘——

11 1 1 A 1 1 IL 1 1 . \-

L94 —-F'—~L1A A [A'~A A (A1 A1 3.1- A] A; n 1

~0- 1 v 1a 1; g 1
me, He’s call -ing now for me; Call-ing now for me, yes,

.——1——"' F—re—o—fiw—HF— —-' ' "‘
‘LLL— :- 1 [hr— ,—
549—V:L~1v—v~—v— 441-44—14—EEE 4*-

misfirtangement owned and controlled by 13.15. Douro; V V ‘ 1



 ~e ' ' -%Tassannu a“




My Sav-iour’s call-ing now for me, (for me.)


































:"1: call - ing now for me,
——’i ~0-
es, n L . L J L l _
. 5‘1“”‘4'3 . PE? :35? srnfiézfifiw
F—‘ 3 [‘- ‘ Z’r—A—r—H-Jtfi—zg “. “: ,"2—L—-———n+—-—' fi“ ' [HM—w- “: ‘. '
;__.. v E v _ u
l 1. Oh! the gladness of the going, When the faithful travel home! Oh! the rapture of the
‘ l 2. Thro’ the tempest and the sunshine They have crossed life’s vales and hills, ’Neath a changeful sky their
21‘“ 3. Unto this they’ve looked with longing, As their various paths they trod: All have come thor’ one dark
iii: i 4. From their trial to their triumph Is a Sigikp‘d high exchange; All the secrets of the
I h '
$11 fig 5 " L " Li_':i‘:a:1:h—: . :§_—_1L %
aart. ‘ @fimE—r:fifi_ figmfti :«a—“fi‘hfi% _:_ E‘-
:: welcome,Where their feet no more shall roam. Oh! the beauty of the mansion Which for
3: pathway Led them 0ft thro’ ma-ny ills; NOW, before them 1i - eth nothing Save the
val - ley, As they’ve traveled home to God; Some thro’ years of long endurance, In a
_ a — ges Are the fields they swiftly range: In the love of friends beloved, In the
3%?! n.i_i-'F- Ko-y:—'Ii.' 1.. J‘H: __‘—":'_“.":~_ L::,_.fl-
—~ Ems: saggy—P: - e 3—, f—gisgi—E—agfifi
' v 5 l4 5 a
"L‘sb\i\m__i~ m
§§jm;:h2;_—.r~i+—a—aififi$:§1g .A; i , «r; ,I—E‘Efl
3. - .- v , , - r“ -j - .s g. _
w 7 1
them is all prepared, And the bliss their souls inherit,Who in Jesus’ love have shared.
_, cloudless, perfect day, Shin-ing o’er immortal beauty, In an ev—er—last-ing ray.
*_ mo-ment some have passed, But the hour of final testing Was of pain and woe their last.
: ’ fellowship of Christ, In the Father’s gracious favor, Thus they keep the Spirit’s tryst.
kd—tfqtloit p~1tigzgiszt0193~§lg p’kn-n-fi
‘ ,_1_'-i_‘.~_'_1:j—‘_;7 -"';_r._ _"‘ _":
3;: agate—reeé r _ fiv% Sammie—Wi—
I V o
9. Oh! the Joy ....... 'neath heaven’s dome ...... When the faith - ful gather
2: Oh! the joy ’neath heaven’s dome When the faithful



Oh! the glad - ness of the go-ing, When the faithful travel home.
Oh! the gladness

travel home,





Copyright by J. A. Lee, Glenooe, Ky.






“Joy unspeakable and full of glory.”—1 PET. 1: 8.

























79". l 3‘ R h .
KEN VU L L l l h H = =4 .—
ssv M e :7 l‘ s s fl—tfl-— -_—.+'————:— ._.--._
.1 1' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' '
1. I think of my struggles in life’s wea-ry race, 0f J e - sus who
2. I think of my mis-sion midst others down here, His promise‘that
3. I think of the ones who are go—ing a-stray! Yes, all of the
4. I think of the home thatis wait-ing for all, The face of my
E: a; 'fi' s; m t that is a” 7‘“ 2';- + -L
'—.—'—— —r. , : “if '— :fi | ”i 3‘ p: g. i
at? t3 4&1, 'v' U ‘7‘ 2 :2 lg ,1 g r b [tips—lg _'E__
V l] U I l ' L5; :1 Q ‘
iii? A 9" P g'h—{K " f: I a A" j
- ——1——— ———=1— ‘1, 4.7 :
fi-bws—g—dg— 1 =1 ‘e e l u' a: l
m V V ' L" 9' a a 9' i- e - =- - J
'1 la
suf - fered and died on the tree, To give un - to me free sal -
“I will nev - er leave thee!” With pow-er he al - ways is

hea — then far 0 - vcr the sea, I’ll lead them to Je - sus, the
Lord I am long-ing to seeIAnd when I shall an-swer my















9- KELQ 4 Lo " F x a L i ‘5 . r L f I
51 1 L? i J l L/ .1 7 7 v r. J
V 9 ,1 J I? ' f‘
A m R ‘

'9‘. I“ L? i‘ j J: QK azK j! 4'\ J‘rbg I EIIBAINE

V ' ‘ T" ' ' 3—; r ‘ ’ I s L j‘

12‘ “4.1—. ‘E—“j—!“"1—: EAJ - Al I P r - Al
5:“ " “I: .e'e' ' : 9‘14 cfiel- a”

va—tion by grace, And that is all glo - ry for me !. . . .
draw-ing so near, And that is all glo - ry for me i. . . . And that is all
light of the way, And that is all glo — ry for me I . . . .
Lord’s loving call, Oh, that will be glo-ry for me !. . . .





«j 0 ° ' F n.“ ' —o 1:: 9' -o— o-

—--—-$A: ‘;&'—N———F- A:——' —*—*—————k—F ' m—L—F 't—-‘ ° ilk—1a;—

—JQ: ‘ —+-—+—'+*— “P- 'T_ — ~ ‘ ’lFr—ca—— — F—V—F—

aim-Paw ,—F$F—-H—f!—fi-P ,1 w e l! H u a
V r; r g L? g g g y 7 I :4 l




V l U
glo - ry for me L. . And that is all glo —ry for mei. . He gave un-to




-'_ .





A _‘_
4w 4» +_- ,L a.»



m m

' , H mix 4N _ 4‘ gs ~ 5 K 4
EVEE2:3LEa—4LL4j3E?E~ ; ‘— * AA—q
:::::_!_._ z—EL—Wf —-r —'-— vIfi‘.;—-% 1

me free sal-Va - tion and grace, And that is all glo - ry for mglxu .
3531 4k- ;9-3 -P~ —o—'





I -0- -o- -o- w»- -m. .L- -o-








——**- 1.. 'fl‘jfi—r‘k— r—rH—t‘t—‘t—tj 5* '
Q-Luhh. F. h if r i“ ' - ,¢_p_¢ V
I hLV I v Ll _ Q WHE— . J . ' . . “ F"
VII LIA y '. y Li :4 n D U u 1 JJ
V . I V 7 7 r 7. fi 1

Copyright by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.





 l l‘ll’l?

MW? 3 CWl‘l

I-\ 5:; .‘LMP ~11.-

,1§;._:-._;;5 .3“: g


s \ 2": 4-4:..-



“Strangers and pilgrims on the earth. ”—HEB. 11: 13.















—G—fl’7_ ‘J L I 4 A m I 1
9:120 .~. 5L4 .5 .4- Ed’— l
~ 4———h——-1——d- ——.—O—d—-—¢l —A—-w——
§7ffiwmfmwfiikfi~a. n ”I: ‘1" _{g:—
1. I am a poor way- -fzn -ing pil- -grim, While learning thro’ this world below;
2. I know dark clouds will gather o’er me, Iknow my pathway’ s rough and steep;
3. I feel my sins are all for- giv- e11, My hopes are fixed on things a-bove;
4. I want to sing sal- va— —tion’s sto- ry In concert with the blood-washed band;
5.1’11 soon be free from ev - ’ry tri — al, My body’ll sleep 1n the old church-yard;
- ~ -—————p:—|:—Th———k—k— 5:17;—
1 1. Qfi—T—"Q oLt_—__o o ’12.”: 4.]
9-5Q Qfi—F—E— _Fm_.fl TM ‘E’j’i‘ffl r (—11-1? M—fE—kj-l-io—d
V J V V l V I l
J 1" l/ V
‘11 .1 - 1. L
1 1. L .14“ 7i n



' .1 1
R . . . e L 41 r‘ '
$2.. ”__-3~-d:giEg- 17:3:v—0i2::—+.—_1t:;:tt: K’ZZTJ‘ iii—Li:
— ~ ~11 #14131 —M— 4111- w: -Fl- -u- I— . + 7.5 ;- .
w 3:6Lfi 6 3 0
There is no sick—ness, toil nor dan- -ger, In that bright world to which I go.
But beau- ti — ful fields lie be- fore me, While pil— grim I no more shall weep.
I’m go - ing a - way to yon bright heav’ 11, Where all. 1s joy, and peace, and love.
I want tob wear a crown of glo- ry, WhenI get home to that good land.
I’ll drop the cross of self- de- ni - 31, And en- ter to my great re- ward.






grime—e $1533:

I’m go - ing there to meet my fa- ther, I’m go - ing there no more to roam;
I’m go - ing there to see my moth-er, She said she’d meet me when I came;
I’m g0 - ing there to see my children, They’re happy round my Father's throne;
I’m go - ing there to see my c1ass~mates, Who passed before me one by one;
I’m go - ing there to see my Saviour, Who shed for me His precious blood;













3' 1- "" 54.0 ' 3’ OJ OJ 1. o o Wd—E——_._Q__——fl—F :_
2'19 (r fiL ' Ll— efifi 5 1--.; l ' L if“ #2}
, l9~lZ—/-—-/-—V—j:F—=—4—/—V—l>Fag—H‘f—F—' 1 . ——|
I V l r 117 y E;

l’ 1i) 1“ fl- 1 u 1 1 1']
ICC-lie” 2! 5-— _.-.;,_ i.’ .1“ 5'! .4; RL" 1\ T II
g —- ~o—-— - 4— ——1——1——- w‘i.‘ —P1—— ——A—$—t——1—]
32 _ ”N: #QL'g— _"’_ -§- —II- --- - —_ ---. _311-51- -- i— 55’: El

i2 12 I, 4* "‘ 'tfi‘t‘ “6‘-

I am just go-ing o-ver Jor-dan, I am just go-ing o -ver home.
l 1N 1“ K

--——-——L——— ~-——&_rk— Q__. _.__I ..'_..K -V- F 41 ' n
(15%....Epfi E:-:: :i 1; .1 hfizfl
b V

V——l———V "’











Copyright, 1908, by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.





No. 8.


(May be used as 8. Solo.)

n L1 E L s h 4‘ L ‘ K



J‘g“ . ':l_‘f‘ A] lJ‘J .



1. In the se— cret of
2. In the se- cret of
3. In the se - cret of



T A m. A h. 7
V q 1‘ I I I‘ ._J v - l I‘ I1
Miser—MA fihfi ._
A VA '
U 1)

His pres-ence I am kept from strife of tongues; His pa-
His pres-enoe All the darkness dis - ap-pears; For 3
His pres-ence Is a sweet, un-brok-en rest; Pleasures,


















- A -A. 1A- _ A .9. -A- 1.. -A— .A.

- 1.. n A r! r r ' :. Lh—E—K"rl'—P“P—1
3; Iz-g:_+_w L Li. a A A 1. 1. 3' Lf : r— : i. (A {7*
Vllh‘F'T #4? h . n4, FT . 14' V V ' F‘ FT n4,

V (I I 7 V J V V V I ‘ V
1.. r p. h i‘ P K HR J Dg" - .5 r A
" r' ' ' l ' ' ' ’ fl 4 i fix .3. a“ "

J3. — -—i—— ~15. ——4——-4——,—

d ' r A VA A: '
U l

vil - ion is a-round me, And with-in are ceaseless songs! Stormy winds His word ful-

sun that knows no setting, Throws a rainbow on my tears. So the day grows ever

joys, in glo-rious fullness, Making earth like Eden blest; So my peace grows deep and










-L .A— .A. _A_ -A .4...- .Q_ - o A- .A.
= $ .9 = — 0 - 0— —
. n. _ _ , l—i—_ _t“—,__l_;,._i 4:1: _
a'fjl’fi ; a . #M—F—KF' L F—F—F—EH—P— “Flt bet—“r.
V 12 L . L . U U L F r? 5 A u 7 0 Li C . n F









fill - ing, Beat without, but can not harm, For the Master’s voice is stilling Storm and
lighter, Broad’ning to the per-feet noon, So the day grows ever brighter, Heav‘n is
deeper, Widening as it nears the sea, For my Sav-iour is my Keeper, Keeping














tem—pest to a calm.
com - ing near and soon.
mine and keeping me.
A- m m




Je-sus keeps,. . ..


Jesus keeps,



'1 '0-
A A i i L A A -_._|___.;._
no i_. ." u. l—L L L h— r: 1' r' LI: I L. L L m '1
I'Lil—L A A #rA iv Li u A __Jr A [A er L|A A \A A i i 4 | I
/ h 1.11 "‘ i- V. L‘L ’1 71 ‘4 f“ {- i—an- -__."" U '1 :J J 7
V V . . F I l ' V ' ' i— f. -' L‘LT. . - . . ' ' ' ’ I
V I I I ' v V 7 I [7
A m





“Hill X

In the se-cret .......

X'u vb

of His pres—ence ......

In the se-cret of His presence

I know not how; In the shad - ow ........ of the
In the shadow



4v- %'


Copyright, 1908, by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.





» 'Viiiflak: _' anti/2: ‘ ‘13,

5‘ .











A: ». v; —'svi»- ‘Q‘ s :5}:

5‘ VJ

-“—‘>'e(w' I";

,. “N4.
“If‘flar , ‘..








""IZ‘ " ,j K L414 N J Lu] m n
J‘ , _p "__ -4fi'q- i ; . vI 'l . LAL. II
. - _.E —-
'1 “bvuu'VVV/puuvuppuup
High-est, ......... . I am rest-ing, hid-ing now.
of the Highest, In theshafiow‘; of “the Highest,I am resting, hidingnow.
| I h N V3
-AhA_;t..—.%=" :€:%£_A .4 -'-~ “v N \ "tsz.'
L- _-_-_. _* -r or- :-1= 5 - -. '11
9'???“ 9 Egg“: "'3 ,1 if? if fl
V l) I? 1 r1 '1 I if 0 ,_,

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n Unison. L L J ‘1
N ‘1‘ I 1‘ I
$5.6 l a 4“ a 4“ 4:»— . w k , A :1
EB flew, . .4 . 1? y #1 14.1- A,_J
d —o- :02: -o- ~v- ' 4 ' —o ' -o- 1 ‘1" J .:_: o:-
F t | I l u a V
1. We come in the glow of the morn-ing, We come in the bloom of our youth,
2. Our Cap-tain is marching be - fore us, As on to the bat-tle we go,

3. Oh, nev- er a foe can withstand us, And nev-er a sol—dier will fail,
4. U - nit - ed in “Christian En-deav-or,” Our hearts with His love all a - glow,








q I I ‘ ‘ [J A ! a!
' 0 = s e :l——-I— -— a—-.-
U n l - . I . - I- L IE-
/"ho I [J J Li - fl—‘f“q. T—Zlu
V0 1 . ' . L“ . "I . [-31 fl _]' $1.. v.1 J
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4-. -5- i

Mung 1’ i
9‘ I 5’“!


G R N - N l v - :i I . . WEE-fit .p-
@Wewffi fi—j—g! . —":t .' : ' .—'¢—a‘——:— ‘fi—‘CL'F‘!’
Q] I I _. . v r '— - _“




“ N A b _l
-=—- a a» J I
We come at the first note of warn - ing That sounds from the army of truth.
His ban-ner, the cross, waving o’er us, ,LWill help us to conquer the foe.
While trusting in Him to command us, Whose army will ev- er pre - vail.
De - sert-ing our col-ors, no, nev - er! Straight on to the con-flict we go.












































J J l ‘l d P ' 9"
: '3‘, =‘, '3', ' '1' —'——-——P—'-l—-r—I_
1 '9 2:14 1 t: b‘ j Em: —l
d n C I l o . L: o g o LF:—A’_——J
Tn ' EN k i‘ 3 I k t‘ 9‘ Kl .1 _]_J
l; d a+~A——+—-—4 —‘L—=d -—;.—g—— ‘ —=!‘—w w—zfi—rwtq
__ _:___T',_,__,_;__ V - a - I: . IN A. Lu
-'- o _ - . _" - ' ' fig-fi_'-
. . | l. . l 1 9|
En -11st With our ho - ly Com-mend — er, And give Him the strength of your youth,
4— —9- -o- -o— _ | i I -—.-I s
- i: I 4r ‘r' .' r o I‘VS‘JZL,‘ fimj ' .3 j I . : 7L1
figfi wig—Hp; F i I I u A?! ti . - .“ v—fL-Ll
' ‘ «—— . p -——v—-La’ ' = ‘ J' ‘4 " Ti! ' fl—J
/ -——’ “ g I I ' 5’0- 7“ . ' lvl
Q_ L a | fi fi‘ whj L 7/‘A
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:fi_:31_-j*—d—7. -°—Ea--%—av~—g—t5—--$—g:3:2d:3fi4:§
" "- "-1-9- ' " U l '0‘ "' 19"“ - l
x -|v / -¢- -0- . '
He’ll mus-ter you in - to the ar - my, The beau - ti - ful ar - my of truth.
l ' ' ! g 2" J . J 'l
gig—E: = Fggj—E_ -9 '— 1: I!!! {“5 fl“: "
L _— . —l ’ J _‘—J :7. ‘ _— _— __ .j
LT? Ij; j k a jJQEJi i I ‘J 5 Fl 4-713!
[— O - T. d U I | l 0 -—I- —-J-' Fl- ' . '
. 1- _.- +

Copyright, 1908, by J. A Lee, Glencoe, Ky.




No. 10.






















































































#324 jjf‘mfi 1“ ‘ L In L y. n in
.. . . . _ 1 ,, .. r
re: A a—. # a—fi—4:2:!fi
1. I am trust-ing in the darkness, Just the same as in the light; I am
2. Can I sink beneath a troub-le When my Fa—ther holds my hand, Meet temp-
3. I am foll’wing Thee, my Saviour, In the dark and in the light; By Thy

”.keeewt- k

.Rn - l [A {A A {A A .A l A A. . A - ‘l

ofl’i [V 4L If : f I l l. L | i K— j
I 'r [4 ,'_,‘ J l J r1 1 17 U l) [A IVA 1A L I 1' l

‘* V l ' fi ' ' 5' “7 V F a V D J
J U U U V / u
x \ N K _ L l 5;
1"t# ‘ T 4‘{4."4.‘4‘P13. P:‘1
v : —J——-——e—— —— ——09
g? . A I; ILI Mn_g—___g_
.7 . V V v . .
lean - ing on the prom-lse That my Fa - ther’s way 15 right; Tho’ no
ta - tion that I may not By His sav- ing pow’r withstand? No! my
faith I walk more sure-1y Than I ev - er walked by sight; I am


-fi—P‘—rfl—f‘—:.‘-H— *‘f -+~‘—I IV-LE ‘: E 1’

‘ ¥ 9 '7 '7‘ # ¢ ¢ {3; j 9 H if T . 7,

l ' I l


‘JK#K J\ A g _ u h In h A h
“"$4444£U'%3i9 a§j%%—
—01 e e :1 a . . . 1
————————‘e-¢—t£ AL:‘; A A ; _._. lN—fl—fifl—fl—
word breaks on the stillness, I am sure that Thou are here, 0 Thou ev - er-pres-ent
arm, so frail and help-less He Will gird With vic- to - ry, And in all my ways His
foll -’wing Thee, my Saviour, Wheresoe’er Thou lead’st the way; Thou canst make the deep-est

:3 r EA A E 'e1 Le a .[ h—w—
J .. ‘ ? Lo m a a; 6: an H‘—

, . a, ghfi .17 v V r. r '1 .7
i J J v v I , ,
n a h J‘ . . r rine- 5“".5‘5‘“
TH .‘mfl pda J‘l‘i‘ila‘dje' l
% Efiififid fi'a“ . ~d
W A - "' Crl "T' . fl%—n—6’_——dl-1_—l
d I ' ' l I P P P "
V V v u v u x
Help-er, And the shadows hold no fear. I am trust - ing in the
an - gels Will have charge concerning me.
midnight Shine for me as bright as day. I am trusting in the darkness,

u o o i o 1'"‘""‘“k‘ o _’.‘".‘”‘.k"k'
qzfiA;;f#{g— [TAIL] r:— F 1'
1 " b#u if u Ll: I474u l P i: P X 1

' ' ' ' L? g l L . A L ' ' l I .' . l I n l . l n l
V l J - I II II I V V



dark - ness,






For my Fa - ther’s

Copyright. 1908, by J. A. Lee. Glencoe. Ky.

in the light, For my Father’s way is right, my





is right.
Father’s way is right.






ii 5
2.1:,” '




e «motes-3:49.: a.)


. A “ 3 ‘l
we: Waves"??? yam; LE

1" _‘ . :1?

43..» .m~»a.<;.mz’~q- "4": 1,. «A» . . r )1



, *E__ A j
E;—:_ -z—,——.‘—i -' _ _‘_ T~ —'- [W‘—

1. When I think of du- ties wait- -ing, Of the sheaves that I would win, Of the
2. When I find my heart 0’ er- la- den With life’ s bur- dens and its cares, When a-
3. When my heart with love o’er-flowing Longs to of - fer to its King, Serv - ice,

l.~ ‘ l l

J 1—: l _1 J.
- IF =

l' G

“IA—Emit?- 'N—"‘—_—A__FlZT—L
—~.——-—~dfi.—~d——+— T ct. Pgfififi “51:? —-:l~.—VI“-l:—<'l ”T —~I—-«I —

* T









souls that still are groping In the depths of woe and sin; When I think that I may
mid its stern-est du-ties Pain comes stealing un—a—wares; When the load I fain would
no - ble, true and ten-der, And some roy-al gift to bring, Then I think not of life’s










I I I I I Is
q- a, a .; Id, - . . I,- a
1' at 2 _ 21 Is . ; #:Ii L? 4——
' ' ' ' ' L—l’ fir r r



n h 4IN N I 1 I I
Wild—j._ _ :Sl”:__:zI:‘I—I—
:~—-A—a——a ‘ W 9 ~—:j-_
’— —I¢———d—d———;——L|o———-—|o l¢————

help them, Sooth- -1ng 0ft their grief and pain, Then I long to live for Je— sus,
car - ry Seems too much for heart and brain, Then I feel that life 9 - ter-nal
bur-dens, And I care not for its pain, But I leave it all with Je-sus,

I .,-










as —o— -a- _ ..
:5): I = ' r I- ,- 5 :
jj—zfi— ' ‘ I
E [L r I! I? F I I
rit. CHORUS.


I know to die is gain.
Would be great and blessed gain. Gain, gain, wonderful gain, To live is Christ, but to
And my take up the strain.







die is gain; Gain, gain, wonderful gain,To live is Christ, but to die is gain.



Copyright, 1908, by J. A. Lee, Glencoe, Ky.






. ~ 1» -
— —tA:'-—Au‘— H. _.- .
——i— i—r—i—‘I—Ly 0‘ 1'1



’1! 1..
l l
A -L.











1. We sing the name of Je- sus, The mighty King of kings, For with His
2. We sing the name of Je- sus, When sorrows gather near, For when the
3. We sing the name of Jesus, When days are dark and drear, It scatters

“7%.“ .Q. .4 ’1 Lrga :Hg


















1° 4. . L 1

.1‘4‘1 A LA [1‘ !A {A 1 A m. “A F‘4 —‘—-_'A
3*? l i if [1 i 1__ H I H “1!: Lr—F
__ k fii: L: I: I— ll: [— [— II— I: I. I i’ L

r; L‘ H . 1 L L