xt776h4crm93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crm93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 2008 2008 2008-04-18 2020 true xt776h4crm93 section xt776h4crm93  








Student dies Wednesday after fall on sidewalk

By Alice “amend


Brian Hardin loved people. He
loved being around them. he loved jok-
ing with them. and his passion in re-
search was to help them.

“If you knew Brian. he
was a friend and you liked
him." said John Kibler.
Hardin's uncle. “He was out-
going. charismatic. great guy."

Hardin. a physiology grad-
uate student. died Wednesday
from traumatic brain injuries.
according to the Fayette Coun-
ty Coroner‘s Office. He was
walking on the sidewalk when
he tripped and fell on the comer of
Woodland Avenue and East Maxwell
Street at 4:33 a.m.. according to the

An autopsy was performed yester-
day but a toxicology report and other


results will not be known for at least a

Hardin. 27. was taken to UK Med—
ical Center and died at 2:16 pm. No
foul play is suspected. and Lexington
police are investigating the death as an
accident. according to the

Hardin visited his parents.
who live in Lexington. on
Tuesday. but Kibler said
Hardin did not tell them what
his plans were for the evening.

Those who worked with
Hardin in the Reid Lab at UK
said he added energy to the lab
with his sense of humor.

Mike Reid, the chair of the
Department of Physiology, said when
he walked into the lab Hardin would
turn to greet him with a wisecrack be—.
fore continuing with his research.

“One of the things people remem-
ber about Brian is his sense of humor.

his warmth and his affection for peo—
ple. his openness toward them." Reid

In his research. Hardin was pas-
sionate about doing something that
would affect people. Reid said. He was
looking into why people with chronic
diseases. like heart failure and cancer.
have weak muscles. He wanted to ease
their fatigue and shortness of breath.
Reid said.

“Brian was looking for a way that
we could prevent this. that we could
make people‘s lives better." Reid said.

The Lexington native had complet'
ed his undergraduate degree in physiol-
ogy at UK and was about to finish his
first year toward his physiology doctor-
ate degree.

Reid said Hardin was very well re-
spected among scientists. He had been
published by international journals.
and the lab had already received con-
dolences from senior scientists in Cali-

fornia. Florida and Liverpool. Eng—

“He knew people far beyond my
lab or our department. and there are
many. many people who will miss that
boy." Reid said.

One of the reasons Hardin knew so
many people was because he was so
outgoing and could relate to a lot of
people: he had “street sense." Reid

“He was very at home outside the
laboratory." Reid said.

His uncle said Hardin was very
close to the family. His brother. Eric.
was one of his best friends. Kibler

“Brian has always been a great kid
and a great man.“ Kibler said.

Hardin always reached' out to peo-
ple and wanted to help them. and Ki-
bler said he did so on Wednesday as an
organ donor.

“He’s going to be missed by every-

body that ever knew him." Kibler said.
“We just hope that even with his pass-
ing. Brian would want to know that he
is still helping.“

Hardin is the second UK student to
die this week. Connie Blount. 18. was
killed early Sunday when she was
struck by a pickup truck at the intersec-
tion of South Broadway and West
Maxwell Street. Police are still looking
for the driver of the truck.

Hardin is survived by his parents.
Richard and Sue Hardin; and his broth-
er, Eric.

The funeral will be held at 12:30
pm. Monday at Kerr Brothers Funeral
Home on Harrodsburg Road. The visi-
tation will be from 5 to 9 pm. Sunday
and at 10 am. Monday before the fuo

Memorial contributions can be
made to Kentucky Organ Donor Affili-
ates. 220] Regency Road. Suite 601.
Lexington. KY 40503.





Above: Charley Seelbach, a senior math major, looks through the telescope inside the MacAdam Student Observatory on top of Parking Structure #2 on Wednesday night
Below: The MacAdam Student Observatory, located on top of Parking Structure #2 near the WT. Young Library, may open for public use this summer

By Emily Cox


This summer students may be able to do more
than stand in the grass and look to the sky when

they want to stargaze.

The MacAdam Student Observatory may have

were tom down to make room for McVey Hall and
the Kirwan-Blanding Towers.

The new location guarantees the observatory
will not be displaced by campus growth. Knauer
said. The two—part structure is completely move
able by' helicopter if the location should ever
change. which physics and astronomy graduate as-
sistant Kristen Thomas said makes it a “safe invest»


Maui Long


A March speech by Barack Obama on
race led to a panel discussion among fac-
ulty and administrators yesterday on racia
relations. -

Presented by the UK Department of
Sociology. “A Conversation on Race"
brought together professors who special-
ize in the areas of race and ethnic rela-
tions to discuss some of the biggest is-
sues in the world today.

“I think that it's important to have
honest conversations on race." said Rosie
Moosnick. a recent doctoral recipient in
sociology and author of "Adopting Mater—
nity‘." a book about white families adopt~
ing children of different races. “I think
that these are really rare happenings."

The panel was organized and moderat—
ed by Doris Wilkinson. a sociology prr»
fessor. Wilkinson was pan of the first
class of black students to attend UK in
WSX and has seen firsthand the changes
that the university has been through since

"l hope that this was a leaming experi-
ence to present an authentic viewpoint and
to be among colleges who share a similar
experience in a open and pleasant atmos—
phere." Wilkinson said.

The upcoming presidential election
will h.i\e a great impact on eieryone in
the country. especially students. according
to Emic Yanarella. a political science pro»

“It “I“ either help to bring us closer

hours open to the public this summer. said director
Timothy Knauer. The summer hours will be posted
on the observatory's Web site (www.as.uky.edu/ob-

Located on top of Parking Structure #2 on Rose
Street near the William T. Young Library. the
MacAdam Student Observatory is now open from 9
to l 1 pm. Monday through Thursday for astronomy
students earning extra credit for class.

According to Knauer. the first priority was to
make the observatory accessible to the students
who want to use it. Its location along the Cats Path
and near the South Campus and Central Campus
dorms is mainly for accessibility and for student


safety. he said.

The observatory opened in January. and uses a
computer. Astronomy students can now look
through the 532.000 telescope powered by an intri—
cate computer system. and if they need to. capture
images with cameras and computer software.

UK has had two other observatories. but both


Thomas and fellow graduate assistants operate
the observatory for students. Visiting the observato-
ry gives "a first hand view so students can actually
see what they learn in class. textbooks and lec»
tures." Thomas said.

English sophomore Nicole Key spent Wedncsv
day night observing Saturn. the Drum Nebula and
the moon from the observatory for her astronomy

"It's almost so clear it looks fake." Key said af—
ter viewing Saturn through a professional telescope
for the first time.

together or divide us even farther apart as
a result of the outcome." Yanarella said.

Along \\ ith the speakers. (iarry Bibbs.
a fine arts professor. presented some of
hl\ artistic works as a part of the panel.
()ne of the pieces. called “Bobby. John.
and Martin" featured three of America's
most influential leaders: Bobby Kennedy.
John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King

‘ "These leaders were on the brink of
change. and each had controi ersial assig—
nations." Bibbs said. “These people could
have made big changes."


Workshop offers tips on
year-round bike maintenance

81 Courtney Bisig


Campus bike racks show
those left behind — one has a
flat tire. another has warped
wheels from neglect through the
seasons; some might have
squeaky brakes or jams in the

Wildcat Wheels will teach
students the basics of bike
maintenance Monday so they
can fix their broken bikes and
get them back out on the
street. The Bike Maintenance
Workshop will be in the North
Campus courtyard from 5 to 7

“The bicycle is the best way
to get around our campus and
community.“ said Shane Tedder.
coordinator of Wildcat Wheels.
which offers bike rentals and re-


Tedder is bringing the pro-
gram to campus as part of
Earthdays in the Bluegrass. a
monthlong series of events that
promotes sustainability.

Bikes should be the pre-
ferred mode of transportation
for students because it is health-
ier. cheaper and more environ-
mentally friendly than driving a
car. said Jonathan Hobbs. a
Wildcat Wheels student staff

“It almost has a romantic
theme to it. taking a bike out to

\get groceries. not being depen-
dant on a car all the time."
Hobbs said. “It‘s just a simpler.
easier way of life.“

Tedder said the Bike Main-
tenance Workshop will help stu~
dents see the advantages of rid-
ing a bicycle. and will show



them simple ways to repair their
bikes if they choose to start or
continue using one.

Jakub Toborek. a human nu—
trition senior. said biking is a
great way to avoid the cconom~
ic stress of gas on a college stu-
dent. as well as the frustration
with finding places to park on

“On a bike you can park on
the nearest bike rack. which is
usually present within 200 feet
of each building on campus."
Toborek said.

Tedder said he hopes that
teaching students how to easily
fix their bikes will encourage
them to rent one from Wildcat
Wheels to try on campus and
around the community.

For more information on
bike rentals. visit www.wildcat—


1N l‘V‘elelin?“


Civrl engineering sophomore Michael Jarboe rests on a flower

day afternoon After chilly weather rolled through the Bluegrass earlier this week. many students were
out enjoying the warmth yesterday Today's forecast Will be very similar to yesterday's with a high in the


ED rum | srArr
bed in the Engineering Courtyard yester-



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we. .- "
Wreck your roorii...Nol yum ca

a Her-escapes"

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 101's the easiest day, 0
the most cha/lengr'ng.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 ~ Be gentle with a partner
who's going through a difficult
phase, Your compassion now is the
most valuable gift you can offer.
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 7 — Even if you work hard,
things won’t turn out exactly as
planned. There's always that ele-
ment of surprise you can't complete—
ly control. It's especially noticeable

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
is a 7— Go ahead and tell the ones
you love exactly how you feel. If
you're shy, do it with hugs and spe-
cial, delicious treats. Start a sweet

family tradition,

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 6 — You simply can't do every-
thing by yourself, nor should you.
Ask a friend to help with your er-
rands. You’d do it for her, and you

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is
an 8 — Take a moment from your
busy schedule to update your skills.
It's quite possible that you've been
doing something the hard way.
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 2) Today is
a 6 — it's not easy to turn down a
request, especially from someone
you love. it is good, however, to
teach children how to defer gratifi'
cation. It makes them stronger.
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 2) Today is
a 7 — You're becoming more practi~
cal over the next several weeks.
Dreaming about won’t be enough.
You’ll find ways to actually be, do
and have.

Scorpio (Oct 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 —— Some of the methods you
try will not work. Others just need


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more practice to be very useful.
Which is which? Keep plugging
away and you'll soon know.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 — Friends offer en-
couragement. Show your apprecia-
tion. Their spiritual and emotional
support gives you a hidden advan-
tage. _
Capricorn (Dec. 2 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 —- Don't worry about your
ability to persuade an older person.
You'll gain respect by'what you do,
not what you say, anyway.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) To
day is a 7 — Refamiliarize yourself
with the booty you've acquired. 0K,
some of it's not quite treasure quali—
ty yet, but it could be some day.
Don’t toss out good stuff.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 6 ~ It doesn't look like
you'll be able to fit everything into
your schedule. Postpone whatever
you can and save yourself some



Today’ 5



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1119 DiSI-I

As the two bask in
finding true love at last,
friends say Gyllenhaal
and Witherspoon are

discussing l do's

By Kevin O'Leary

As the sun set over her new
$5.8 million ranch in Ventura
County. Calif. on March 22.
Reese Witherspoon and friends
enjoyed a festive dinner to cele-
brate her 32nd birthday. Among
the 15 guests was boyfriend
Jake Gyllenhaal. who had spent
the morning helping her kids.
Ava. X. and Deacon. 4. get the
home ready for Mom‘s first par-
ty in the new place. (Influenced
by her “green" beau. Wither-
spoon hired an “ecu—limo" to
chauffeur the couple and her
kids to her new weekend house
the night before.) Thrilled with
the rustic digs. the kids, proud
new owners of a pair of pet pigs.
explored the historic ranch‘s sta-
bles and checked out some near-
by goats. “It‘s the perfect retreat
for them." a source close to
Witherspoon tells Us of the cou-
ple. who house-hunted together
in January. “where they can
have family time but also host
their friends on the weekends."

After officially dating for one
year and spending time as a fam-
ily. Gyllenhaal. says a source
close to Witherspoon. is “a big
part of their lives." Now friends
say the pair have talked about the
m-word. “Reese thinks about it a
lot." says one confidante of the

actress. who filed for divorce in
2006 amid reports of ex-husband
Ryan Phillippe‘s infidelity.
“Their closest friends think they
will eventually marry. Reese just
wants to make sure their lives
make sense together before they
do.“ Says a pal of the Rendition
costars: “They keep saying ‘one
day and smiling. When the
time is right, he will propose."
The sooner the better. according
to a Gyllenhaal family source.
“They know she would be the
perfect wife to settle down with."
the friend says of the close-knit
clan. adding. “They all want lake
to get married soon and have
kids with her." (Their reps had
no comment.)

A change of heart

Until recently, Witherspoon
was in no hurry to get serious.
And no wonder: The actress has
been candid about the pain of
her divorce. “Right around
Christmas-time. I was sitting in
a parking lot and I felt like I just
couldn't get out of the car." she
told Elle about the first holiday
season -after the split. “It was
like. I can’t get out of the car.“
Just a few months ago. a source
told Us. “Jake wants all of
Reese: she’s slowly starting to
give it to him." So what
changed? For one thing. the
couple. despite joking to pals
that the only thing they’ve got in
common is “each other," have.
in fact, bonded over a love of
watching movies. talking about
books and acting. “They discuss
acting all the time." says a mu—
tual pal. “They run lines togeth-

er. read scripts and discuss the
craft." Their shared interests
contrast to her first marriage, in
which Phillippe preferred nights
out with the boys to evenings in
with her.

Indeed, a source says that
part of the draw has been that
“Jake is everything Ryan isn‘t:
sensitive, caring and understand-
ing.“ And unlike her ex, whose
approval she once craved so
much that she remarked. “Ryan
thinks it’s mortifying his wife
was a cheerleader," her new guy
seems to find her endlessly fas-
cinating. “They can talk for
hours," says the mutual pal of
the two homebodies. “They
have talked marriage because
they both have strong family

And Gyllenhaal’s family is
thrilled. “Maggie and the family
love Reese,” says a family
source of Gyllenhaal‘s actress
sister (who introduced him to his
ex Kirsten Dunst. with whom he
clashed over her partying and
split in 2005). director dad
Stephen and screenwriter mom
Naomi Foner. “Reese is exactly
what they want him to be with.
They love that she has her own
thing going on. She isn‘t about
being with Jake for any reason
except she loves him."

Even Phillippe has given his
blessing. “He’s a good dude," he
said when asked about his ex‘s
new love — and his onetime
workout buddy — in a March
20 interview. “I love her and I
want her to be happy. and it
seems like she is."



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