xt776h4crm8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crm8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 2007 2007 2007-02-14 2020 true xt776h4crm8h section xt776h4crm8h \N’\vV\V.l\YKERNEL.(i( )M

\erfl)Nl SI )AY

lEBRL'ARt I4, 200"

See story on Page 7
See Column on Page 10





Students rally for bill to regulate mining practices

By Blair Thomas

titltomasakykeinel coin

Seteral students “I“ make the Villrlllllk‘ trip
to Franklort toinorroxs to help rall) tor a lull
that eottld keep eoal eompantes l‘rom dumping
mining \taste tit streams.

Representatnes trom (ireen Thumb linu-
roitmental (‘ltib \\ lll ‘|ttllt other Kentuekians at a
lobh) da_\ 1n Frankfort tit support ot the
Streamsa\ er Bill tHB 334M

qtitrements ielatittg to the restoration ot the
original eontour ot \lll'ltlL‘C mines making it tlA
legal to dump \xaste iitto streams. aeeordtng to
a summar} ot the bill on the Kentuek} (ieneral
Asseitthl) Web site something um] tompa-
nles argue is too restrtttne

"It this la\\ is passed. it “til ha\e a huge
impaet." said en\troiimeiital ad\oeate. \H‘llel
and [K leetuier lirtk Reeee m an email. "(‘oal
operators “Ill tto longet he allott ed to but}
streams under millions ot ions ot mining

beds and the stieain as tlten rebuilt on top ot the

" The emii‘oninentalists sa) \se but) the
streams." (‘a_\lor said "\Htat \\ e are dome is
elexatm;v these dr_\ dttehes \Hlll roek and ieere
attitg the stream."

The Streamsau‘i Bill talls tor toinpaines to
dispose ot spoil onl} tit preHousl} iittiied areas
atid not tit \tater ststems

"lll‘l ‘85 insists that all torms ot Illllllll§
that put till iii streams stop." (‘a\loi said "II
this lull ts liteiall} interpreted. ll would shut

biine ll up tot a \ote. s.ttd ('eittial Kentttek}
(Meant/er l).t\e \etston

llarnes hopes the iall_\ “ill meteonie the
lllllllk‘llxs' tlte toal iiidustix has tn l i‘aitktoi‘t

"Realistitally. t oal tompantes pump a lot ot
lllt‘lle} into l’ltillkltttl and into the t ampatgns ot
a lot oi polittttans." llaiiies said “But some
times the pouet ot people \Jll be titoie ptuu'l‘
:ul than :iione}, and I hope tltat a \llll\tll niass
ot people \\ill ha\e an nitpaet ”

Rt'l‘ltWL'lllttlHL's tittiodueed the lull tn the
House on l'iidat and sent it to the \atui‘al Re

"This would be an anesome step in ending
mountaintop remotal eoal mining and the
damage tltat these things do to the LttltlllllllllilL‘\
around the mines." (ireen Thumb member
Niles Barnes said.

The Streamstnei‘ Bill \tould ehaitge the re

When slll'laetttg underground mines. eoal
eompaittes pioduee spoil. a mi\tiire ot t‘oek.
shell and dirt

KClllLlLk) Coal .\ssoet.ttton emplo}ee Bill
(‘a)loi‘ said the spoil is dumped in di‘) stteam

do“ it e\‘et'_\‘ torm ot mining. That \tould ieallt sotiiees and l n\ttoitinent (”oinmtttee on Mon
lturt the Kentuek) eeonomtf' da}

Kenttiekiaits tor the ('ommontsealth is
sponsoring the rail} in [in ettoit to hutld sitp
port tor the lull and eneottiaee legislatois to

"l'\en though a lot ot l is students are not
tlttet'h tittptdett l‘v\ the ettetts ot mining.

s=~ Mining 1w)» 5


Passport law

ups students’

spring break

By Stephanie Short

nestkykemel com

l’re-lan treshmaii Lauren .lelltson's tamtl} ltad
to budget more mone} than antieipated tor spring
break thanks to a reeent passport la“

"1 am going: to Niagara l‘dllN tn ('anada this
summer tor a lamil_\ mutant. and none oi as ha\ e
passports )et.“ .lellison said. “No“. it's going: to
Lost in_\ tamtl} around Will inst to get our pass-
ports That is almost as mueh as the trtp itself."

She‘s lust one ot than} students t'aetntv more
hassles tit ltiiali/tng their trawling plans beeause
ot a ne\\ passport l'au that took et‘teet ,lan. 3‘s

.‘\n_\one thing to .‘\le\teo. (‘anada or Bermuda
is non required to Tim e a passport to enter the .
eoiintr} l.

Meordtng to l'fi (‘ttsioms and Border l’t'otee '
tion the ne\\ la\\ \\tll make it more dit'tteult tor
people to enter the l'ntted States b) talse ideiititt

" The 0 ll (‘ommisston reeommended that a se
etire ti'a\el doetiment he required tor exertone to
\UTTTC into the eotiitty‘ said ['5 (instoms and Bor- .
det‘ spokesperson Kells Klttndt, "\‘le teel it \\lll
help ereate a more ettteient traxel em tronment ”

Last )ear (‘ttstoms and Border Proteettotts s;l\\
around h-l‘tttlt) torms ot talse tdeittttieatioii and tin
posters attempting to enter the eounti‘}. Khtndt
said. This la“ \Hll drastteallt deerease that number
beeause ott'tetals \\lll onl} ham- to e\amine one
torm ot identitieation. she said

"When the doeitiiients are t‘ti‘esented it is one ot
MW! ttiorms ot Ameriean tdentttteattoni. That
makes it \er) tlil‘tieult to \ei'it‘}.” Klundt said
" This \xtll help treate .t more ettietent order ”

The ne\\ FL‘tJllldllUll ts at'leettng tratelers na—
tionu ide. and [K students are no dititet‘ent

"lior spring break 1 planned a trtp to Mexieo
\\ith some triends beeatise I didn‘t \\ ant to hassle

s‘, Passportt a man: 5

"‘Latrtikyktzv'w '-
:;tar eats Paws and l is'en tana or t. ;i~.' and sait.’ t \e d:ttt‘:tnt
lls‘dl'htwlng. snapping aitd tlthWhtPPlllg tilled \levnotial ”We sot‘tes ransom "trill \l.:" t: t'aiet i,-i:tli't r s to Rent slut.“
Hall “alter daik" last lllL‘lll tunes ll\l‘L‘lll‘llll_tl1\L"l‘tt\L‘tltilt'lt‘.ll‘_' sn alpine and atttnt unit
I t l t. _

The aeol'stilsats. a lt'Hnembei male ehoral ensemble. and
Pans and Listen. a lbemember teinale group. pertormed tlteti
By Kenny Colston
kt‘olstorfilkvkemel gum



Pam 3M . s'm ' :\~ “at " t ' :Kt 5‘ Me. a" 4' t », w PM“. :, a X f,‘ 'r- 1' ' 2" " 7- , ' » '

titties paws anti L ‘1‘»"ar"ur:i 1 7'» atnUs‘tKafs as: "ta“f a: TVS"



UK a cappella groups peform
Valentines Show together

BY Meghan Cain l’ls' oi _t\tt' etents lohnsotn It 'e tot s' ( boiale

a tapelia singing;

"I thought there was :ont: ‘o‘ ‘. ‘\lll\_'lll3_' and less per
annual \alenttne eoneert.‘1\ttei Dark" tor a tilled Memorial lt‘lmlms‘s-N \“tl 1 MIN“ lldllls's «1 ”‘tk‘lslt-‘lbllulle‘l tll‘i‘stl'si “M
Hall te\ttle ttiittoi. "\Vtth the en's. :het‘e \\.ts a lot tst good pogo;
mante I liked it ”

Some studen's teIt the =~\e suites ~et 'he new". tor the test
ot the night

"l’atts and listen has put me :a the trim-d toi .o\e." \le\
Klettlllalltl “afls .l t‘lialm l\\ Chit-HM? \' lxlt'tll sttltl

"I am reall} eneottraged bx the taet that so man} people
ehose mtiste o\er basketball and bra\ed the elements to be
here." said Dr. .lett Johnson. l)ireetor ot (‘horale :\t.‘li\lllk‘\ "I
think this speaks hiehl) ot the No groups,"

it “as the onl} eoneert ot the _\ear \i here the No groups
performed together l'stiall) the groups pertorm as a ser\ iee at

Most uould be shoeked to hear the K‘Jthv
ranked teimts player upset the top pl.i_\er tn the
eountr). But those \x ho know l'K's Bruno
Agostinelli tieren‘t stiiprised \\ hen he upset Ohio
States Stexen Moneke on Monday

Agostmelli tinished last season as the lresh-
man ot the Year and ranked “rd tn the nation,
prompting high e\peetattoits tor his sophomore

"Prior to the tall season. \\e thought this would
be a breakout season tor Bruno." men's tennis
head eoaeh Dennis [:mer} said. “The break out has
lust been dela) ed."

Agostmelli started the sprint.v season It:
falling to No. 4| and 56 alter returning from a
foot intiir} that sidelined Agosttnelli tor tuo

“Bruno worked hard at getting sharp again."
limer} said. “Health issues tn the tall and to start
the spring prevented tAgosttnclli) front being at
his level the tirst mo matehes."

Agostinelli's win “as the first point Ohio State

See Tennis m oage 5


Film showcases lesbian couple’s family efforts

ltaliH “as less sot,‘,.ill\ s.‘_ t

By Katie Saltl

(”Wantonw,‘ 7i klltl\ .'t then

"\M should pa; .itttit'wn to 'he s ‘:' 2: ‘ e " . one
these xtoineii tated as i:iot|.ei~ ts A s ‘- ‘. s "a t ‘ 'l ll'tkan \\ H'

[n lot: 1“” lone lime ”Whie left their le\\.slt uotnett and its ttt‘llllllllt.'\ tinti‘ ' . ’ t» tz'ti ‘hm lm'lt tet‘ ‘heit

tamtlies to pursue then romaine and a lite to
gether the (t‘llL'L'k' Hi Sm tal “tttk lltt‘lt it‘ll. ‘ as it les’ 1a: twitple
made the ieali/ation ot teelines ll'l one at: ltt 9"” know and l‘sllll/ led the ettoit
other partittiiarl} hard to aeknou ledge to stxwe pai‘nt: l‘k‘l‘t‘lll\ hour the Ne“ \ork
['K's (lender and “omens \titdtes l’io ('tt‘. l’n‘xtt \ hool \\stein This aetitism as
grain hosted the dotumentart. "Ruthie and leslttatts :s a lt‘ilt‘tllt‘ll wt the1r atttte .ip
('onnie l:\er_\ Room in the House." as pait ot proatl
a film series tottisine on different -l\PC\l\ ot "Rnthte and ('onnte \\ ere attne eommu-
tamtl} lite ilkltl\\ the world and throughout " l .‘ Film 33995


said \lelanie (tits. an .l\\t‘\ltllt' I\lttl§\~ltl : . tr 1 ,' '. "mas .o pursue a [tit

Ruthie and ('onitte ha\ e been toeetliei
e\er sinee

About l5 people. tneludint: students. eatlt
ered tn the (latnes (‘enter last night to \tatth
a documentary on Ruthie Herman and (‘onnie
Kurt/'s relationship at a time \\ hen hmnnseV

i to ate this said

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 257 1915 Advertising: 257-2872



upeku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution
— —










7 Patrick Dempsey. and
his wite. makeup artist 4JIillian.
4 4| . w elconicd twin boys. Darby
and Sulliyan. February 1, . . .
Jason Priestley. 37. and his wife.
makeup artist Naomi Lowde.
.‘~l . are expecting their tirst child
this summer.

Weeds' KCVII] Nealon. 53.
and his actress-wite. Susan Yea~
gley. ‘4. had their first child.
(iable lanuaiy 2‘)

Roseanne aluin Sara
(iilbert. 32. is e\pectuig her sec-
ond chlld.

00 M




«AA +
.. f_ c

















‘ . ‘ Logging 0ft
MlJSI‘: “WNEl‘SHll, ] A federal judge has ordered
I re creator o


Parislixposed com. which sold

't‘!’lliillt,‘l' Don t art ll ion it {fl ‘iliis .
L l V access to Paris Hilton s belong;

Lirutrhtmi itt iltti ll‘

mragcgpeg‘? Cancer (June 22 —— July 22) not. lt‘\ .3’. least .i l l’illLTlt‘ m e. iys t‘l

\ ings. to temporarily close the
W “' “W" ‘1 L ’ ' ' ‘ L I“ “W ‘1 site to Pt‘ment IliC'VlL‘VHli" ot
err : fl f'i: insz‘ iv : rius Nov. 22 Dec. 1 . . . .:
Sagina ( 2 , Hilton s personal intorination.




en‘ei v ; it ' :r: v' " 'l‘ ' :i s .E’ 8 wt in is lltl lillt,
fl . , yllthit’r .‘ ,. , 1.’ 3;, ' .7 1‘: .t ‘.1.t.\.fl'd”1dll‘\ y‘u.’ illll’ ‘1 P'l
W" A 22 . . “1’" ‘ " W ' 1W i Role Call

4‘2, c ’3}, V U ,. K’K K is, K cf K's; j' LBO‘LJUUIY‘Z3 » 99' t) .L .L‘ -. C - (D 22 _ J 19l in. 1.1112) 1.111.3X.ls gltestAslat'r
.31], 1 t J ‘1 I“; _ "“” j “ h“ ’ Ll Uapr'cg‘": 8(‘2. ‘ {M 7'3“” ,‘lit Bug on two elpiyodes “It-LE”)
t " L‘ "L ‘ ‘ “ " ' " \ “ L L j “‘ “' " etty. staitnig ‘eiruary 5. as a
Ariés;(MarCh2,1.—Ap,f,i,l1.?), . 1 [L " L" " " 'L I h I 'L ' W L“ LN 1“.“ L‘L‘tl‘l“" H L: " M “I college classmate \yhoin Daniel
R. . . H in; L ,‘ .‘L ‘ ”A" ”‘1‘ L p I‘ W I ' V 1‘ 'L" “H “.9,” “My“: “‘7 :‘L‘HH‘L Meade 1Lric Mabius. 35) once
k’ii V- Lim‘wj‘.‘ ‘ '9‘“. yiytKllal VMA 23 S 122) » , L Livy: 9.3:“ L‘ :‘tlk . “L" stood up . Brooke Shields.
T 'J 'ij ['59°"“9jr ,C,.epfi " j A ”anusua‘n“ 20_ Feb. ‘i'si‘ I. will headline mt- snr dra—
1-»1 L, . .K .L- ._ .. . .., ., ., . ”a. . . .1 K . .V . ' _. q I I In“ ma Plltil‘klpsltck Jungle. based
‘ “ ‘ ‘ on Ihk ( andace Bushnell bestr


L“ ’ L l ‘ H ‘ ‘ sellti
Taurus (April 20- May 20) t , i i i ' , ' e
' t J L ' ‘- "> " 1W" . ‘ *"i I"’I' ,;, ;\ ill;
., : ' . ’ ‘ .1 ; : Libra (Sept. 23 7 Oct. 22k 2., - ' BUSted

: n . : x ‘ ‘ . ' ' - ' ~ . _ 2‘ Pisces lFeb 19- March 20) :\ctot'Ryan()"Nealliiuas
": ' ' :ahi'w‘ ‘ . , n . il ’ K‘ " .» i :1. . 1‘1 ‘11 ‘1“ 1‘1“ arrested tor assault and Itcg‘ll’
. .. ‘ 1» -~ 1 ‘ ’ ‘ - 7 i '1 l 1' " 1" «31'1” Th" gent discharge ol a t'ii‘earm at
Gemini (May 21 ~June 21) " " 1 1' ' ' - ' " ‘ - V " " li‘" 1”“ " "'4“ 7‘“: W “"‘5 his Malibu. ('aliloi'iiia. home
s t M . 1; it 2 tr 9'“ . 3‘ 3"" .t f t , hi. i wtl‘tzi l‘ebruan 1 during a dispute
‘1 ’ l . SCOTP'O (0‘3“ 23 NOV 2” v ‘ i w ith his son. (irit't'in. 43. Ryan
"it“. 1‘ ' ‘. x ' ’ t ’ "" ‘ ' ' f~ ' ' " ’ V ‘ sald he acted in self-defense hr."


your daily dose of entertainment pop gulture and tun Kernel ‘ GI

PAGE 21 Wtdnesd ay Feliiuaiy l 1 U0] WWW

flie DiSI-l

cause (irittin tried to hit him
Wllh a tireplace poker.

Beyerly Hills police allege
Lane Garrison. 26. had cocaine
and tnore than twice the legal
limit ot alcohol in his system
when he crashed a car that
killed a teen in -006 His lawyer
said police shouldn t discuss et 7
idence publicly

New Digs

R.li.M.‘s Michael Stipe. 47.
bought the threeibedroom NYC'
lot‘t ol' (‘asey Attleck. 31. for
$5.75 million. the New York
Post reports.


Harry Potter and the Death
ly Hallows. the tinal tonic. not
due until July II. is a top~seller
on :\lt];t/(1H.C0ltt.

Bad Boy

Andy Dick. 4|. was elected
from .i February 3 broadcast
Jimmy Kimmel Lise t'or ret‘us—
mg to quit tondlitig guest l\an—
ka ’l'ruinp's arms and legs.

I Do!

Bani Margera. -7. and his
Junior high sweetheart. Missy
Rotlistcin. stars ot M'l‘\”s
Bam‘s l'nholy t'nion. tied the
knot in downtown Philadelphia
February i. [he wedding will
air on MTV in early April.

()n l‘ebruary‘ l. Anne
Heclie‘s es. taitiei‘aman (‘olc~
man Lattoon. 33. tiled tor di~


Baby news!

yorce. citing “iiTeconcilable dit-
t'erences." atter the Men in
Trees star. 37. reportedly had a
fling with her costar James Tup‘
per. (Hcche arid 'l'upper haye
not commented.) Lattoon Is
seeking spousal support and
asked for toitit custody ot' their
son Homer. ()n- and- oil.
loyes Alanis Morissette. 52. and
Ryan Reynolds. 31). called ot‘t
their engagement.

Kate Frank

Will Brandy get a break?
The saga ol~ Brandy‘s latal
car crash has taken a new turn'
(‘ould the $511 million wrongful
death suit brotight against the
singer. 38. by the patents or de
ceased waitress Awatet‘ Aboudi—
haj. 38. get chucked? tinder
California law. only the \‘ictini's
husband can sue for negligence.
‘l‘MZcom reports. Aboudibaj's
spouse has hired LA. attorney
Bill Say‘ed. who tells the site
he's im'estigating Brandy‘s net
worth and that the matter “will
be resohed by settlement or
jury \erdict." But Brandy still
isn't dt’ainwtree: The ('alit'ornia
Highway Patrol wants her
slapped with misdemeanor \‘e-
hiciilar manslaughter without
gross negligence. It conyicted.
she taces up to a year in the
slammer. (Still no word on it
she will be charged.) A source
says the singer. w ho has

snapped up tamed l,.:\. lawyer

Blair Berk. "is devastated but
will tight this "
Kate Frank

“Arm's mi fit": ' al's‘ are-K.





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 Senate democrats propose giving
detainees access to U.S. courts

By Josh White

WASHINGTON - A group of Senate De—
mocrats introduced legislation Tuesday that
would restore habeas corpus rights to all de-
tainees in US. custody and would narrowly de-
line what it means to be an enemy combatant"
against the United States. a measure designed
to challenge laws ushered in by the Republi
can- controlled Congress list year

The bill. titled the “Restoring the Constitu—
tion Act of 3007." strikes at the core of the Mil-
itary Commissions Act of 2006 by giying dc»
tainees access to L'.S. courts. It was introduced
by Sen. Christopher Dodd. Conn. a candidate
for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The bill would also preyent the esecutiye
branch froin making blanket determinations
about who is an enemy combatant and would
restrict the president‘s authority to interpret
when certain human rights standards apply to
detainees The legislation would limit the label

enemy combatant to a person 'who directly

participates in hostilities in a {one ol actiye
combat against the United States or who took
part in the terrorist attacks of Sept ll 20(il

Should sULh language become law. it could

change the status of numerous detainees who

were picked up in L'. S. Lounterterrorism el-

The bill would also restore to the detainees
numerous rights they lost under the Military
Commissions Act. including the right. under a
habeas corpus petition. to challenge their deten-
tion in federal court.

l take a backseat to no one when it comes
to protecting the country lroni terrorists Dodd
said in anL mail statement Tuesday. ”But there
is a right way to do this and i wrong way to do

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this. ln taking away their legal rights. the
rights first codified in our country‘s (‘onstitii-
tion. we’re taking away our own moral com-
pass, as well,"

The Military Commissions Act was origi-
nally designed to fix problems iii the wartimL
trial process for detainees Ill U S Liistody ilter
the Supreme ( ourt striiLk down the Bush ad
ministration s lirst set of rules. But the act also
denied access to US. courts to those accused of
being foreign enemy combatants.

In a panel discussion Monday night after
the screening of an HBO moyie about the Abu
Ghraib prison abuse. Sen. Lindsey (iraham. R—
S.C.. a leading proponent of the Military Conn
missions Act. said he stands behind the exrsting
law and believes that it will stand up to
Supreme Court scrutiny.

The newly proposed legislation. however.
has the potential to undercut last year’s law be—
fore challenges reach the Supreme Court. There
is bipartisan support in (‘ongress for restoring
the habeas corpus rights of detainees. many of
whom have filed court cases with the help of
civilian lawyers.

Elisa Massimino. Washington director of
Human Rights First. said the new bill would
remedy several legal problems her organi/ation
has identified in the Military Commissions Act.
particularly in the area of liabeas corpus rights.
She said the definition of “enemy combatant"
is "hugely important" because it would draw a
line between actual combat and the Bush ad—
ministration's ambiguous “global war on teiv

“It would go to the question of whether the
whole of our countertcrrorisin effort is going to
be considered an actual and legal w ar." Mas~
simino said. “Congress hasn‘t taken that issue





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| PAGE 3



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PA§E4 | Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Iraqi gov't tries
to protect capital

By Borzoii Dang-hi
iris moors TIMES

lraqi government 'l‘tiesda)
launched a plan to secure a cap
Ital descending deeper into
chaos. even as \‘iolence claimed
the li\es ot more Iraqis. includs
trig people waiting in litre for
food handouts.

Lt. Gen. Abud Qanbar. the
former naval officer appointed
b} Prime Minister Noun ail-Ma-
liki to oversee the rriuch-VaunL
ed Baghdad security plan. an
nounced a 73shour closure of
some border crossings along the
Iranian and Syrian frontiers. re
strictions on ciiil liberties and
the suspension of weapons ll-
censes except for those tsstied
to authorr/ed securit) officials
arid contractors

"legal procedures will be
taken and strict penalties will be
Imposed against all those who
\ Iolate the rules." said Qanbar.
reading from a statertietit broad-
cast oiei Iraqi state IClL‘\'1\lt)ll

It was unclear from the pro
seritation how some of the secu~
rit_\ prousions outlined differed
trorti nreasttres alread} iti place.
()bseners also questioned wlr}
.ll‘hldlll'sl left the announcement
to a surrogate. l‘he prtrtie minis«
ter spent much of the da) \ isit~
trig a UNDER”) in Hillah. about
ill nitles south of the capital

The plan Includes a tightens
trig of the few reriiairiing lllk‘l’
ties left for Iraqis in the capital.
including art earlier nighttime
curfew and closer scrutm} of
packages. mail and electronic
ctininiunications lr imposes urt-
specified restrictions on gather~
rngs in public places. cltibs.
companies and organi/ations
"in order to protect cur/ens and
those working in these places "

[he plans supporters dc
lt‘l‘itlc‘tl llli‘\\' I'Cslt'lcht‘ t‘lL‘
merits as rrccessan to meet the
1103th iii lldtll lic‘itplc

“ l‘he gmernment has a
tight to talse ,Irt_\ procedure to
pro\ tde securits for the peo
ple." said Shetls (‘iltsdl \bdul
\\ahab. a Shiite Itt\\111.llslc‘l'lit).ll
to radical cleric \ltrqtada al
Sadr l‘eopic are detrranltrrg

scc trr:t\ lust and last “

Under the plan. Qanbar said
his commanders will be autho-
rI/ed to interrogate and arrest
all iiidivrduals and Inspect pri-
vate properties and seize any
weapons. presumably without
seeking the approval of courts
or political leaders. It wasn‘t
clear whether the new pl’tle
sions changed the e\istrrig
rules. w hich allowed each Iraqi
famil) to keep one weapon at

The plan calls for restric»
tions on the movements of \e-
hicles and inthduals as well as
surprise sweeps of roadway.
Qanbar said.

It Includes a tightening of
laws for those who commit acts
of \iolence or harbor alleged
terrorists and special court sCs’r
sions to speedrl} tr_\ offenders.

The gmernment plan also
demands that those squatting in
the homes of families who fled
their neighborhoods otit of fear
of scctttrttttt violence to \‘acttle
the properties within 15 days.

The aririottriceirieiit did not
detail how the edict would be
enforced but called for the es~
tablishrrieitt of “specialt/ed
committees" to audit propert)
deeds. ()ffrcials also acknowlr
edged that man) of those who
fled their homes after horrific
acts of sectarian \iolence b)
their neighbors rnrglit be hard to
litre bacls.

l‘lie plan also bars \eliicles
\Hlll tinted windoxss or without
license plates from trawling the
crts‘s streets Such \ehicles
haxe long been illegal but ubiqr
uitous. otten escorting the \er)
political leaders tram adtocatr
mg the secttrtt) plan

Some details ot the plan
raised more questions than an
suers l~ew belte\c. tor esam
ple. that insurgents and militia-
men use the legrtirtiate border
\ltl\\lt‘.g‘\ cItist‘tl as til \\c‘tlllt‘\
da_\ because the) can lc‘t'l}
weapons and personnel into
Iraq in rirant places along
porous and scantrl\ guarded

lmn \ \It/f’ \‘tllU/ \ztll
[III/)1‘11/Itl'iuf\‘I’Illlifli',liil x/um
«Iii l.’/'\ lll litrtj/I’rilti‘ul. Ill/drill,“
[\I'MM writ Noun/on rut:

, l . v
{I truth If .' trio ’l,"1’/

University to drop



profs family

By Roy Rivenburg

l‘ttclltg a backlash from
scholars worldwide. linisersit)
of California. Irvine sa_\s It \\lll
drop a law suit against the “id
ow and children of professor
and philosopher Jacques Derrr
da. the acclaimed founder of

Instead. l‘(‘l officials said
the) Inn e resumed negotiations
with Derrida's famtl) over con
trol of the pliilosopliei‘s
groundbreaking scholarl) work.

"We feel confident that in
the \er) near future this issue
“I” be resohed in a riiariitei
that satisfies the Derrida fami
It." l’(‘l spokeswoman (‘lri‘rs
tine l