xt776h4crm45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crm45/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 2005 2005 2005-01-25 2020 true xt776h4crm45 section xt776h4crm45 Cats begin road swing
tonight at Tennessee
Page 8


January 25, 2005


newsroom: 257-1915

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First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Watts: Tuition may climb up to 10 percent

By Adam Sichiio
m: xrurucxv mm

Student Government
President Rachel Watts said
yesterday UK’s budget for
next school year is likely to
include a tuition increase of
5 percent to 10 percent.

“In general. it looks like
there’s going to definitely be
a tuition increase,” she said.

“That’s just from the
numbers I’ve looked at and
from what I’ve pieced to-
gether from different con-
versations. This is all very
surface-level discussion."

Watts will meet with UK
administrators one week
from today to discuss the

budget for next school year.
which she expects will in-
clude a fourth straight tu-
ition increase.

"I’m hoping that their
budget isn't just numbers
but an explanation of why
we're directing this much
here and this much there."
she said.

“We still have great val-
ue; I’ll say that." she contin-
ued. “But the point is. for
students who are on campus
and going to class. they real-
ize their classes are a bit
larger. and they’re having to
pay more.

“We need to seriously
consider that. We need to
make clear where our prior-

ities are.” she said.

Based on Watts' projec-
tion and this year's
tuition rates, tu-
ition for next school
year could increase
anywhere from:

° $258 to $516 for
in-state. lower divi-
sion students

° $265 to $531 for
in-state. upper divi- are,"
sion students

' $597 to $1.194
for nonresident. low-
er division students

' $605 to $1.209 for non-
resident, upper division stu-

Board of Trustees mem-
ber Russ Williams said the

“We need to
make clear
where our

board has had no formal
conversations about raising
tuition. and infor-
mal talks have
been few in num-

“This is really
early in the
p r o c e s s . "
Williams said.

“I think that
we're waiting for
the president to

Rachel Watts come with budget

so mm proposals first."
The board
must approve the budget be-
fore it becomes official.
Williams said the board
could begin addressing the
cost of tuition. as well as







» ..
W a 1".

mm run I sun

Horses graze on a farm oft Russel Cave Road in Lexington. Billboards have popped up across town in an attempt to push lawmakers to ease
tax burdens on Kentucky breeders. The Kentucky Equine Education Project says other states may overtake Kentucky as the horse capital.

Signs urge prOtecting nusdtry

By Keren Henderson


When Patrick Calkins
drove past a billboard on
New Circle Road two weeks
ago. he thought he might be

The sign read. “Welcome
to New York. Horse Capital
of the World.“ A week later.
West Virginia was making
the claim. Now. it‘s Florida.

“Last time I checked. 1
was in Kentucky." said
Calkins. a journalism ju-
nior. waving his hand in

The billboards ,, which
appear alongside roads in
Lexington. Louisville and
Frankfort. Ky , leave many
drivers asking the same

And that's exactly the
buzz the group responsible
for the billboards wants to

The Kentucky Equine
Education Project. an orga-
nization of horse breeders
and farm owners. started
the campaign to spread its
message: Other states are
strengthening the horse in-

dustry. and Kentucky could
get left behind. one of the
group‘s executives said.

"Kentucky is the horse
capital of the world today."
said Claria Horn Shadwick.
the group‘s executive direc-
tor. “But will we be in five
years? In ten years?”

States on the billboards
offer better breeder incen-
tives and tax policies than
Kentucky: Shadwick said.
For example. in New York
and West Virginia. there is
no sales tax on feed. fencing
or equipment. she said. Ken-
tucky farmers pay a 6 per-
cent sales tax.

Since the horse industry
has a $4 billion impact on
the state‘s economy and em-
ploys thousands of workers.
Kentucky cannot afford to
lose its place to these other
states. she said.

The signs have made
people curious.

“When I saw the sign I
thought. ‘That's stupid.
What are they talking
about’." " said Jessica
Wendt. a Spanish junior
who saw one of the bill-
boards along Interstate 64 in

This sign on New Circle Road is one of several placed by the Kentucky
Equine Education Project to lobby for lower taxes on horse breeders.


“I‘ve told a lot of people
about it. asked about it. but
nobody knows what it
means." she said.

The billboards are just
the beginning of a 81.845
million effort. The program
has hired professional lob-
byists to take its message to
lawmakers in Frankfort. At
the grassroots level. the
group has leaders in 88
counties in the state. spread-
ing the message by word of

mouth and through videos.

The program‘s message
is not a scare tactic; it's real-
ity. said Deborah Taylor
Tatum. executive director of
UK's Gluck Equine Re-
search Foundation.

“When other states are
doing so much more to lure
them there and keep them
there." Tatum said. “we
have a long way to go just to
keep up.“




Police without heat after gas line break

Physical Plant Division
crews struck a gas line in
front of the UK Police De-
partment. causing a portion
of Rose Street to be closed for
about a half hour. said Ken
Clevidence. UK‘s interim po
lice chief.

About 3 pm. the crew.
digging with a backhoe.
struck the gas line that feeds
the police station. and the
Lexington Fire Department
was called as a precaution.
UK police were also on the
scene to direct traffic and
keep pedestrians away.

Though precautions were
taken. firefighters said they

were not overly concerned.

"It wasn‘t that big of a
line. but we wanted to be on
the safe side." said Capt. Jer-
ry Ward.

Columbia Gas was called
to the scene to deal with the
leak. and firefighters re-
mained on scene until the
problem was under control.

Lisa Smith. communica-
tions manager with Colum-
bia Gas. said that the line. a
2-inch. low-pressure line.
only feeds into the police de-

Clevidence said the leak
means that the gas supply to
the police station has been
cut off and the building is
now without heat.

As of yesterday evening.

personnel were still working
to restore service to the po
lice station. but Smith said
she did not know how long
that would take.

If the temperature in the
building dmps too low. Clevi-

Steve Griffey.
Joe Graft and
Steve Brown
look over a
broken gas
line near the
UK police sta-
tion at Rose
Street and
Euclid Avenue.

I sun

dence said. the police depart-

ment‘s emergency staff will

remain in the building. and

the rest of the staff will be
sent home.




room and board. by April.
Williams said he has
heard in informal conversa-
tions that money generated
from a tuition increase
could go toward giving UK‘s
faculty and staff pay raises.
“Traditionally. anytime percent:
we increase salaries. it's for
everyone_ not just one I $258 to $5l6 ior in-state,
group.” he said. lower division students
linesltnXElulsdt fg‘éu‘i‘t1;..salary - series to $531 for in'state. up-
Jay Blanton. executive per dmsron students
director of UK Public Rela- I $597 to $1,194 for nonresi-
tiions. said it's prefmature to dent. lower division students
iscuss any speci ics of the .
2005-06 budget but said facul- ' 55°5 ‘° 5.".299 '°' "°"'°"'
ty and staff salary increases dent. upper divusion students.

See Tuition on page 2

Tuition increases

Possible tuition increases for
the 2005-06 school year if tuition
is increased from 5 percent to lo





Water supporters
kick off petition

By Elizabeth Troutman

Pro-condemnation advocates rallied at Faith Covenant
Church last night to discuss a petition to reverse the Urban
Country Council‘s vote to end the city's pursuit of purchas-
ing Kentucky-American Water Co.

About 600 members of the community filled the aisles of
the sanctuary on East High Street to collect petitions and do
nation envelopes for Bluegrass FLOW (For Local Ownership
of Water). FLOW's general counsel. Foster Ockerman Jr. said
the Let Us Vote steering committee hopes to have more than
18.300 signatures by mid-July.

“If we can get 20.000 signatures. then that is a big part of
the campaign." he said. “On a cold night in January. I think
this is a tremendous community response."

Ockerman said students should be involved in the effort.

“I would encourage those students not registered to regis-
ter and sign the petition." he said. “It matters greatly to stu-
dents because they are the ones who will benefit."

Mayor Teresa Isaac proposed the city's purchase of Ken-
tucky-American Water from German conglomerate RWE in
2002. Last Thursday. the Urban-County Council voted 8-7 to
end the condemnation. but without nine council votes. the de-
cision can be vetoed by Isaac.

First year graduate student Shane Tedder said he has
spent a lot of time studying the global politics of water.

"I think water is essential to life." he said. “I think send-
ing the profit of natural resources overseas leaves us in a vul-
nerable position.“

Social theory and English graduate student Sarah Tackett

‘ said students should be more informed about the issue.

“Socially and actively (students) haven't been represented.
When students are informed. they are inspired and enraged."

“We are what we (students) do." she said. “If we choose to
ignore problems like this. they grow. If we choose to stop
them. they stop. The power of change is in this room."

Gloria Singletary. widow of former UK President Otis Sin-
gletary. said the university and community have been con-
nected for as long as she can remember.

“The university is so much a part of the community." she
said. “I think the university and this town have a good rela-
tionship. It‘s to their (students‘) advantage for us to get rev-
enue from the water company."

Former UK basketball coach Joe B. Hall distributed peti-
tions at the meeting.

"It‘s important to the citizens of Fayette and surrounding
counties." he said. “The university is part of that.“

Registered voters interested in participating in the peti-
tion can pick up information at the headquarters at the Rus-
sell Capital Management Building on East High Street.

E-mail etroutmanlakykernelcom

Zofficers suspended
after woman injured

By Dariush Shaia

rut—Kentucn krmt

Two UK police officers have been suspended following an
incident last week when a student under arrest suffered mi-
nor injuries after nearly falling out of a police van.

Officers Eugenia Wilson and Laura Marco will be sus-
pended for three days without pay and will then be placed on
probation for 90 days. according to a police press release.

The incident happened Jan. 18 after a traffic stop on South
Limestone Street when the driver of a vehicle was arrested
for driving under the influence. One of the passengers. Abbi-
gail Houk. 20.was arrested for alcohol intoxication. and she
and two other students also arrested for alcohol intoxication
were taken to the lexington-Fayette County Detention Center.

Between Versailles Road and Red Mile Road. one of the
rear doors to the van opened. and Houk nearly fell out. One of
the others in the van. UK student Cassie Schmitt. grabbed
Houk and held onto her. preventing her from falling.

Houk sustained minor injuries but was treated and re-
leased the same day. In a report. Wilson said she did not check
that the rear door was secured before driving to the jail.

The officers are not currently suspended. said Jay Blan-
ton. executive director of UK Public Relations. but will begin
their suspensions within the next 30 days. That window al-
lows the police to arrange to have other officers fill the gaps.

Blanton also said there have been no complaints filed with
the university or the police at this time. In addition to the dis-
ciplinary action. Blanton said UK police will undergo an in-
formal refresher course on procedures with the van in the
near future.

“After a review of the incident it was determined that de
partmental policies were violated and disciplinary action was
taken as a result.“ he said. “We have an exemplary police de
partment. and they do a good job keeping this campus safe. A
very important part of that is making sure policies are ad-

hered to."
E-mail dshqfarwlrykernelmm



PAGEZ | Tuesday,Jan. 25, 2005


Continued from page i

are part of the plan.

“The need to address faculty
and staff salaries will be reflected
in the budget." he said.

“Absolutely that is a priority of
President Todd and his adminis-

Blanton declined to speculate
on how a salary increase would be
paid for.

UK faculty have discussed the
possibility that tuition will be
raised for a while. said Ernest
Yanarella. chairman of the Uni-
versity Senate.

"I‘ve not heard anything offi-
cially." said Yanarella. a political
science professor.

“When faculty get together.
they pass around rumors. I‘ve
heard rumors about tuition in-
creases coming down the line for
three or four months.

“But until the president or
provost sits down with me and dis-
closes what the proposed budget is
and where the sources of revenue
come from. I try not to perpetuate
those rumors." he said.

UK‘s faculty received an aver-
age of a 1 percent salary raise last
school year. which Yanarella said
did not amount to much.




* One Week Only ll! air



Bring in this
llyer 8- receive

"Many of us felt that it would
have been far preferable to be giV<
en a lump sum." which happened
several years ago. Yanarella said.

“We’re dealing with really
small amounts of money when you
break down what the average fac-
ulty member at UK is getting.

"In my college (Arts
and Sciences). most got a
half percent or less
just $300. $400. $500
stretched over one year."
he said.

“That‘s really not
much of a salary in-
crease at all."

Faculty and staff fi-
nancial needs have been
pushed to the back burn~
er for too long. Yanarella
said. u

“The faculty. the staff. now.
they've been operating on
really minuscule salary
increases over the last
three or four years." he

“These sorts of things can‘t be
indefinitely postponed.“

Failing to address these issues
has already harmed UK. said
Board of Trustees member Alice

“We‘re lucky to keep the facul-
ty we have now." Sparks said. "No
one wants to raise tuition it‘s
very painful.

“But I don‘t see another solu-
tion right now." she said.

No one wants
to raise
tuition - it's
very painful.
see another
solution right

“It is the last thing we want to
do. but sometimes we simply don't
have any other recourse."

Though Sparks is not aware of
any formal discussions within the
Board of Trustees about raising
tuition. she said the faculty will
not be the only ones to suffer if
they do not receive pay

“If we don't keep and
maintain the integrity of
faculty. the students will
be the ones hurt the
most." Sparks said.

If students must pay
more tuition so that fac-
ulty and staff can receive
pay raises. they should
view it as an investment.
Yanarella said.

“The unfortunate fact
of financial life for a pub-
lic university is that it

Alice Sparks only has a relatively few
Board at Trustees sources of

member Yanarella said.

"While no one ,, least
of all a parent or student W wants
to see tuition rise. if there are div-
idends that come with that invest-
ment. those things need to be tak-
en into account, like improved
teaching. better faculty. and more
resources for reaching our teach-
ing mission.

"You need to think about those
increases in revenues as invest-
ments. not simply as deficits that
are taken out of people‘s pockets.“

Yanarella said.

Speaking as a parent who has
put a child through college.
Yanarella said how the state legis-
lature reacts to this need in its
budget will influence whether UK
will need a tuition increase.

“It's still very painful" to raise
tuition. Yanarella said.

“We would all much prefer that
we were operating in a political en-
vironment where the long-term
and pressing needs of this univer-
sity could be satisfied.

“We aren't. The ball is in the
state legislature's court." he said.

Over the past four years. the
state government has cut $73 mil
lion in UK's funding.

To help make up that loss. UK
has increased tuition for three
straight years.

“The recurring costs. such as
health care. are also growing." 86
President Watts said. “There are
costs to retain the right professors.
The basic things. too. are just go-
ing up while our budget from the
state is going down."

In interviews with The Kernel
last week. several members of the
Kentucky House of Representa-
tives indicated that picture could
change for the better.

“UK can look forward to doing
well in the upcoming session.“
said Harry Moberly. the Blst dis-
trict representative.

Charlie Hoffman. the 62nd dis
trict representative. said UK needs

fit. c

more funding.

“If we're going to raise the Uni—
versity of Kentucky‘s national sta-
tus and attract and retain quality
teachers. then we’re going to have
to put our money where our mouth
is." he said.

The legislature has at least one
option it could exercise to help
prevent a tuition increase at UK,
and it's one avenue Watts said she
intends to pursue.

“Our tobacco tax is one of the
lowest in the nation." Watts said.

“Dramatically lower than
everyone else. The governor
(Ernie Fletcher) wants it to be rev-
enue-neutral. but realistically. we
need that money." she said.

“I‘m lobbying with everything I
have." she said. "We need to focus
on this one solution.”

80 will hold a rally in the state
capital in Frankfort. Ky.. Feb. 16 to
be more proactive in this regard.
Watts also called on students to
make their voices heard.

“We can't forget about under-
graduate education." Watts said.
“Students need to get involved
now. be proactive now. because the
decisions are being made now.

“Last year when they raised tu-
ition. the Board of Trustees said
they did not receive a single letter
about the tuition increases." she

“That‘s basic ~— we need to do
something right now."

E—mail asichkora kykernel.com




In yesterday's article “Parking adds second office to
Limestone Street garage.“ the article should have stated
the office had previously existed. but UK's Parking and
Transportation Services has added new services to the
office. said Christina Balding. the department‘s market-
ing and promotions specialist.

To report an error, please call the newsroom at 25 7-1915
or e—mail newswlrykernelrom.




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UK research barn burns

By Hillary Canada
in: xcurucrv mm

Two firefighters were in
jured while putting out a
blaze at a UK research barn

The Lexington Fire De-
partment received a call at
3:15 p.m. Sunday about a fire
at a UK dairy research facili-
ty at 2810 Georgetown Road,
said Lexington Fire Battalion
Chief Randy Gilliam.

One firefighter was taken
to St. Joseph’s Hospital for
an ear injury He was treated
and released, Gilliam said.

The other was treated on-
site for a leg injury and re-
turned to work.

Gilliam did not release
the firefighters’ names. He
said foul play was not sus-


“It'seems that the igni-

tion source was electrical
wire feeding a service pan-
el," Gilliam said.

Gilliam said a 55-gallon
drum of kerosene near the
electrical wire fueled the fire.

Firefighters extinguished
the fire within an hour, but a
crew stayed for a few hours
afterward to monitor the
scene, Gilliam said.

Robert Harmon, chair-
man of the Department of
Animal Sciences, said that
the facility, located on the
Coldstream Farm. was the
main facility for research on
reproductive physiology and

Harmon said the repro-
ductive research could con-
tinue at another facility, but
the nutrition studies would
be interrupted.

The barn that burned, a
tie-stall facility, allowed re-


searchers to isolate animals
and conduct feeding trials.

The other available feed-
ing facility allows the ani-
mals to roam free. which
could affect the researchers'
results, Harmon said.

Harmon said it was un-
clear when researchers could
resume using the facility.

“It doesn't look like the
building is salvageable," Har-
mon said.

The fire did not spread to
the milking parlor or any of
the buildings on the farm.

“We'll have to look at in
the coming months. but it
will probably have to be re-
placed," said Harmon.
“We’re just fortunate that no
people or animals were



Iraqi forces

By Karl Vick

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi
officials announced Monday
that they had captured a top
lieutenant of insurgent
leader Abu Musab Zarqawi
who admitted involvement in
a substantial share of the car
bombings carried out in Iraq
since August 2003.

Sami Muhammad Ali
Said Jaaf, who was taken into
custody nine days ago.
claimed to have supervised
construction of 32 car bombs,
according to Thaer al-Naqib,
a spokesman for interim
Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad

Naqib said Jaaf. who used
the nom de guerre Abu Umar
Kurdi. was captured in a Jan.
15 raid in Baghdad. There
was no way to immediately
verify Jaaf’s admissions or
the government's claim that
he had been involved in 75
percent of the car bombings
in Baghdad since 2003.

“I think they do have
somebody fairly important."
said a senior US. diplomat in
Baghdad. adding that he was-
n’t familiar with details of
the arrest.

With historic elections set
for Sunday, the announce-

capture terrorist aide

ment of Jaaf’s capture was
one of a flurry of bulletins
issued by the spokesman for
Allawi, who has swamped
the capital’s streets and tele-
vision airwaves with glossy
campaign advertisements.
The prime minister’s office
also announced the capture
of Zarqawi‘s “chief of propa-
ganda”; 10 insurgent leaders
in Ramadi. the capital of
troubled Anbar province
west of Baghdad; and a resis-
tance leader in the violent
northern city of Mosul.

“Every arrest of a terror-
ist in Iraq is making our
country safer, bringing us
one step closer to a peaceful
and prosperous Iraq," Naqib

In a setback for the elec-
tions. however. another polit-
ical party anchored among
Iraq's Sunni Muslim popula-
tion announced that it was
withdrawing support for the

The United Arab Front
said it was boycotting the
electiOn because of what it
called preferential treatment
accorded ethnic Kurds in the
disputed city of Kirkuk. The
party complained that a deci-
sion to reopen registration in
the city swelled the voter

rolls with Kurds who now
live elsewhere after having
been pushed out by the gov-
ernment of Saddam Hussein.

“What the election com—
mission did makes the re-
sults of the elections in
Kirkuk predictable: It will be
for the benefit of the Kurds,"
said Wasafi Asi. secretary
general of the United Arab

Asi said the influx of
Kurdish votes will further
unsettle a dicey security situ-
ation in the area while essen-
tially fixing the outcome of
any future referendum to de-
cide whether Kirkuk joins
the sections of northeastern
Iraq dominated by Kurds.

“There are Arabs and
Turkomens in the city in ad-
dition to the Kurds." Asi
said. “It is an Iraqi city for
all. It cannot be considered a
part of Kurdistan."

Since the fall of Saddam.
returning exile groups have
invested Kirkuk with nation-
alist significance. making a
flash point of the cosmopoli-
tan city, many of whose resi-
dents speak three languages.
The Kurds in particular are
eager to reverse Saddam’s of-
ficial policy of ‘Arabization."
which for decades banished
them from the oil-rich city.


High court stays out of right-to-die case

By John-Thor Dahlburq
and David 6. Savage


MIAMI _, The US.
Supreme Court yesterday re-
fused to get involved in the
case of Terri Schiavo. clear-
ing the way for the husband
of the severely brain-dam-
aged Florida woman to have
her feeding tube unhooked
by a state court order.

Barring an unlikely
change of heart by Florida
judges, Schiavo. now 41,
could die soon in a nursing
home — nearly 15 years after
she lapsed into a vegetative

“It's judicial homicide.
They want to murder her."
Robert Schindler. Schiavo‘s
father. told reporters Monday
“I have no idea what the next
step will be. We are going to
fight for her as much as we
can fight for her. She de-
serves a chance.“

The justices dismissed
without comment Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush's claim that he
had the power and responsi-
bility to keep Schiavo alive
after a state judge authorized
removal of the tube through
which she receives food and

The governor was appeal-
ing a September decision by
Florida‘s Supreme Court that
found "Terri‘s Law“ ~ a
measure passed by the state
Legislature that gave Bush
the one-time power to order
the tube reinstated —- violat-
ed the separation of powers.

“The effect of this deci-
sion is that Terri Schiavo
will die of starvation and de-
hydration as the result of a
judicial death warrant." said
Ken Connor, who served as
Bush's counsel in the case.
Courts have done more to
protect the rights of convict-
ed murderers than a helpless
woman like Schiavo. Connor


But other attorneys in-
volved with what has become
one of America‘s most cele-
brated right-to—die cases said
it was still too early to say
that the protracted legal bat-
tles surrounding Schaivo
were over.

George Felos. the lawyer
for Schiavo‘s husband.
Michael. said he had no idea
when Florida judges would
halt “the merry-go-round of
litigation" generated by the
woman‘s parents.

David C. Gibbs [11. lead
counsel for Robert and Mary
Schindler. said Monday
evening that he would be
moving on three fronts in
state courts to try to keep Ter-
ri Schiavo alive. On Friday:
Gibbs said, he would assert
that her right to due process
had been violated because
she never had a lawyer to rep-
resent her and never was
brought into a courtroom.


Tuesday Jan. 25, 2005 | PAGE 3

mum 28—28. zoos

TOMORROW Wednesday, Jan. 26

UK ROTC 10] Barker Hall Noon-5 p.m.
UK Complex Commons 2 p.m.-9 p.m.
UK Farmhouse Fraternity 6 p.m.-10 p.m.




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The Campus Calendar is produced by the Oflire of Student Artrvrtres Registered Student Old; and UK Deon (an submrt information ‘0' FREE onrine ON! W!“ PRIOR 'n the MONO/Ir ..1 257-8867 ‘cr r ""r 'w t"

«rtrirnra' \ to .iiizma

- UK Anime Club Meeting,
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Center
Theater, Student Center

- French Film Series, 7:00 PM,
WT Young Library, Auditorium
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Rm. 245
Student Center

0 Baptist Student Union's
English Conversation Class,
6:00 PM, 429 Columbia Ave,
Baptist Student Union

0 UK Fencing Club Meeting,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Buell
Armory/Barker Hall

0 Baptist Student Unions pre-
sents 'TNT,‘ 7:30 PM, 429
Columbia Ave, Baptist Student

0 Lefist Student Union presents

Gatewood, 8:00 PM to 9:00
PM, Student Center 228

0 Pre-Physical Therapy Student
Association Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Gallery Room of WTYL

0 UK Berean Bible Study, 8:00

PM, Student Center, Room 113
0 UK Water Ski Club, 8:00 PM,

OFF Campus

0 Cat's For Christ Meeting, 7:00
PM, Student Center, Room 230
- Comedy Caravan, 8:00 PM,
Cat's Den, Student Center

0 Alpha Kappa Psi
Informational Meetings, 7:30
PM, BE 215

0 'The Rock,‘ 9:00 PM, Baptist
Student Center on Columbia

0 WildWaterCats Pool Session,
9:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Lancaster
Aquatic Center

0 Table Francaise, French con~
versation group, 3:00 PM to
4:30 PM, Student Center, Room

0 Lavender Society Meeting,
7:30 PM, Student Center, Room

0 Central KY FCA Meeting,
8:00 PM, Upstairs in the
Commons Market

- WildWaterCats Whitewater
Club Meeting, 8:00 PM to 9.00
PM, Johnson Center Lobby

- Lefist Student Union presents
Gatewood, 8:00 PM to 9:00
PM, Student Center 228

- Lutheran-Episcopal Campus
Ministry Worship Service, 7:00


- Wesley Foundation's Focus
Worship Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Student Center, Center Theater
- UK Women's Basketball vs.
Vanderbilt, 7:00 PM, Memorial

o Baptist Student Union's
Freshman Focus Group
Meeting, 7:30 PM, 429
Columbia Abe

- CSF Presents 'Synergy,‘ 8:00
PM, CSF Building,corner of
Woodland and Columbia

0 UK Fencing Club Meeting,
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Buell
Armory/Barker Hall

0 UK Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law
Meeting, 5:00 PM, Student
Center, Room 205

0 UK Green Thumb Meeting,
7:00 PM, Student Center, Room

0 Swing Dance, Shake Those
Wintertime Blues, 8:00 AM to
12:00 PM, Arthur Murray
Dance Studio, 1801 Alexandria











Jan. 25. 2005


Hillary Canada

Asst. Features Editor

Phone: 257~l9l5





TECHCI‘IECK I not just for geeks

Check out new file share connection

Napster. Kazaa. Ares —
these file-sharing programs
have become almost daily vo-
cabulary to
anyone with a
computer. It’s
time to add
another term
to the fray:

So what is
i2hub? Wayne

C h a n ‘
cre- N0!" CIIIII


ator. said it is not cowumsr

an “online

collaboration service for In-
ternet2. a high-speed net-
work that connects majOr re-
search institutions around
the world.“

Just as peer-to-peer file
sharing came to the main-
stream Internet with Nap-
ster. peer-to-peer file sharing
has recently come to Inter-
net2 — which was formed in
1996 to allow researchers to

quickly transfer their data —
with i2hub.

Chang, of the University
of Massachusetts. developed
i2hub to take advantage of
the high-speed connections
that link Internet2 campuses.
such as UK. and to bypass
the “conventional Internet"
so that users can download
from each other as fast as In-
ternet2 can handle.

Chang said that although
he knows that i2hub users
are using it for some copy-
right infringement. there are
many legitimate uses for

“A lot of students are able
to find academic help on
i2hub. collaborate on school
work and socialize using
iZhub.“ he said in an online

Universities can also ben-
efit from i2hub. Because it
uses direct university-to-uni-
versity lines. i2hub is “eco-

nomically a superior alterna—
tive to other systems. like
Kazaa or Bittorrent." Chang

But several universities,
including Auburn University.
have already moved to block
i2hub. citing concerns that
lnternet2 was intended to
transfer research data ~ ~ not
movies and music. UK's poli-
cy allows peer-to-peer soft‘
ware because there are