xt776h4crk56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crk56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1997 1997 1997-04-18 2020 true xt776h4crk56 section xt776h4crk56  











THREE STBIiES The Wham play a:
No. 4 Florida this weekend. '1 he Gators are
ahead ofUK in the SEC. See Sports, page 2.


WEITIIH! Mostly sunny
today, high 5 5. [Mostly cloudy
tonight, low 40. 2‘10:th cloudy

tomorrow, high upper 50;.



Bi .,

April 18, 1997

0 (.‘lm wind 7 (.umpw 8


Z Vfitttil'l. 'til '7 \“l'lotti 2

l)l."t'l'\l'll\4 i'ieejwnt 5





ll. Senate postpones grade vote

By Kathy Railing
.‘V' ",r Editor

On Monday, the University Senate passed a
motion that all UK under aduates will be graded on
the same system, giving t e Senate throu h the fall
semester to decide what that system shoul be.

At the meeting, a paper ballot was cast by all vot-
ing members in which they ranked their top two of
seven grade plans circulated before the meeting.

The top two vote receivers, systems in which
plus/minus does not contribute to students’ GPAs,
were to be examined during the April 28 meeting,
but the agenda will be tlelayed unitil next fall because
Gov. Paul Patton will address the Senate during its
final spring tneeting.

“(Patton's visit has) kind of wiped out our plans
for the 28th," said Senate Chairwoman jan Schach.
“Unfortunately now we're going to have to wait for
the fall."

Patton will speak for 15 to 20 minutes about high-
er education reform and then will answer questions
from the audience. Schach said this format will keep
the meeting similar to when UK President Charles
\Vethington addressed the Senate last month.

appear on transcripts, but the GPA is computed on
whole letter grades only — received the most first
place votes. Seventeen faculty and student senators
ranked this system second. Nineteen people put no
plus/minus system as their first choice, and [8 voted
it as their second choice.

ed to the two with the most votes.

“That wasn't really a ballot; that was more of '.l
poll," Schach said. “If there were two absolute clear
winners, we were going to decide from those."

She said a decision would be made when grading


Two other 0 itions, a system
with an A plus valued at a 4.3 GPA
and the plus/minus currently in
place in several colleges, received
about half the votes of the GPA
neutral and no plus/minus systems.

Stacy McCarthy, Arts and Sci-
ences senator, said all 15 student
senators talked before the meeting
and decided to vote for either the
neutral or no plus/minus options.

“\Ve came to the consensus that
among the people we talked to in


GM“ policy V8108

VNo plus or minus: 19 (first
place) and 18 (second place)
VA+ system: 11 and 2
VRounded oft A+: 1 and 7
VNo A+ system: 9 and 10
VA" plus/no minus: 1 and 3
VNumerlcal system with no
letter grades: 2 and 3
VGPA neutral: 22 and 17

cotiies up on the agenda. ’l‘omblyn
considered the vote a ballot.

“lt wasn't a straw poll," 'l‘omblyn
said. “It should be between those top
two othermse there is something
fishy going on. lfthe University Sen-
ate progresses in a proper manner.
our debate and vote should be limita
ed to the top two."

All student senators voted at the
meeting, a turnaround frotii three
semesters ago when few attended the
University Senate meeting that
adopted plus/minus grading scale for



our college antl the surveys, that
this is what students want," she said.

Michael Tomblyn, graduate school senator, said
sotne faculty on the council must agree with the twu
options as much as the students for those two plans
to receive that many votes.

the (Iollcge of Arts and SClCll’st‘S.
.\lc( Earthy said.

“Student senators weren't there to let (faculty)
know students didn't want it," she said. “l‘aculty
didn't think students were that opposed to it."

Tomblvn said even though no discussion took



Student found
with guns in gym bag

0“ l' \Sl“ )RU . ~\ l< year old student who
had apparently had \Hillt' problems “llll tlass
mitt s was charged “Hit (“it felonies \cstt'tday
.ittt'r he brought .l gytii bag containing several
\\ tuipotis to l)a\'iess ( .ounty High St'lliilll‘

The bag t’UlllJlllt'tl .l loaded, \.l\te'tl olfshotifun
\Hlll the stotk removed; .1 loaded. 33 t llllli‘l'.
ninershot t‘t'\'ol\ci. si\ knives of \ trying lengths,
and two homemade e\plosiye (ll'\l\ cs, said Ktitli
(lillll. chief investigator for the l).iviess ('ounty
Sheriffs Department.

(lain said school administrators described the
boy as an t'\i,‘cllciit student who had had mine
problems is ith peers,

“It was his intention. if necessary. to illlllfi'
those \\'L‘.ljhtll\',"(l.l111‘sitil.

"(liir inforitiation I' that he had form: ll iplan
and that he was going to carry it out 'oo lltlll\

That plan was thwarted “lien (llsttnt'lc'tl by
school officials, who detained the boy until he
could be taken itito tustody by the sheriff‘s

With 22 votes, the GPA neutral system _ in Schach said she hasn’t decided whether or not place before the ballot vote, “people voted in an department.
which instructors can assign plus/minus grades that floor discusswn and voting on the plans Will be limit- informed fashion." (hm/”1M fin,” Lam. "PI”W‘
C........CO........O..COO....O..COCCO..........O.........C...O......C...................OCO..ODOO...U...C.U................'....I0.0.0.0....0............... '







000' IIIII ll‘litV



Left, Chad Hurt/Jinx ofl’ht Kappa Tau .i'orml fraternity ’)lt]A( v l71\ IL‘il)’
through the obstacle rourrt' ttt_}»t'.\'tt‘rrlayt'i' I ant/711a (.‘hi .-llp/ui and . Ilplut .\'1
Delta Jello Olympia: Ahot'e, Stacey Hamel, (I Delta l )4 in: I )t'lta wt ml Worm
memher, attempts to recover after sliding through it 7t=llo pile. I H in": III I\
part ofGreel' lVeel'. ~7ello ()lympir rhampiom :i‘t‘re xllplw I )t-ltn PI and . ll/ll‘J
Tau Omega. The team of/llpha ()"Ilt'rU’l Pt and Phi ltm [mu/ml \e: not]

Committee ilratts changes
in universitywide policies

By Mat Herron

Feature; Editor

A University committee draft-
ed a memorandum outlining six
recommendations for policies it
says warrant attention.

The recommendations,
approved on Monday b the Uni-
versity Senate ad hoc ommittee
on the Status of Women (CSW),
were divided into two groups ——
those “needing immediate atten-
tion” and those “needing atten-
tion as soon as readily possible.”

Listed in the contents were
proposals regarding staff mater-
nity leave, cutbacks, expansion of
the academic ombud's role,
0 portunity hires, restructuring
ofthe Equal Opportunity Panel
(EOP) and data gathering.

Joan Callahan, philosophy
professor and ad hoc committee
chairwoman, said the CSW sent
its staff maternity leave proposal
to the Benefits Committee and
the data gathering and dissemi-
nation to the Lexington Campus
Office of Planning and Assess-

All recommendations were
sent to the University Senate and
the BOP.

Somfi professors and staff
or e t e materni leave li
£qu violates Title VII 5f) :1th


1964 Civil Rights Act because,
according to the report, it “treats
women affected by pregnancy,
childbirth or related medical
conditions differently than per-
sons not so affected but similar in
their ability or inability to work.”

The report included the study
of benchmark institutions con-
ducted by Shannon Price, which
uncovered several laissez-faire
maternity leave policies. Among
the institutions Price studied
were Universi of North Caroli-
na ——- Chapel lill, Indiana Uni-
versity and University of Mis-

CSW committee members
recommended that the leave pol-
icy read, “Disabilities caused or
contributed to by pre ancy,
miscarriage, abortion, childbirth
and recovery there from shall be,
for all job—related purposes, tem-
porary disabilities and shall be
treated the same as any other off-
the-job illness ..."

T. Lynn Williamson, associate
director for Human Resources
said the doctor decides how
much time the staff member
should take off, and UK has no
specific policy for maternity
leave. Theprovisions are listed
under sick leave.

“A female will be given off
whatever time the doctor says she



is disabled as a result of child-
birth,” Williamson said. “The
concept of the six weeks is a con-
cept of convenience. It is not any
concept of concreteness at all.

“I unequivocally deny that the
University is in violation of any
federal law.”

En lish department Chairman
Davi Durant said UK needs a
formalized policy for faculty and

With the current olicy, he
said, “It makes it loaf as if the
University is doin you a favor.
There's no reason For that.”

Also discussed in the recom-
mendation were the duties of the
UK academic ombud.

The committee said the duties
must be expanded so he or she
fields faculty and staff as well as
students’ complaints, and the
title of the position be changed to
University Ombud.

“The aim here,” according to
the recommendation, “is to solve
problems informally, before they
reach the level requiring formal
procedures or lawsuits.”

The fourth recommendation
suggested that, for the next five
years, UK and the BOP concen-
trate on hiring more women fac-
ulty and men from various
minori on s with “recurrin
fiands,"tt).,hgrconlimittee said. 3


Groups prepare
arth Day celebration

By James Ritchie
Senior Staff Writer

The Nuanarpuk Festival will
offer an afternoon of environmen-
tal education set to live music at
the Student Center Lawn from 1
pm. to 5 pm. tomorrow.

Green Thumb, a campus envi-
ronmental group that started in
the fall and organized the event,
designed it to have broad appeal.

“Earth Day is a celebration
people will take part
in even if they don't

consider themselves
said natural

resources conserva-
tion junior Michele
Burns, a member of
the 20-member l

The festival will
feature speakers and
discussion work-
shops, along with



Forestry junior Chris ()‘liryan,
another member of (ircen
Thumb, said the topic of em'iron-
mental justice is of particular
interest to the group because it is
involved in the issue.

“She's someone we'll really be
talking to in the next year," he

Environmental justice, he said.
is based on whether communities
of different economic levels are
equal in terms of environment.

For example, a
dump might be built in
a poor neighborhood,
rather than a wealthy

one, because its resi-
tlents lack the means
to protest.

()‘Bryan will con-
duct 2 Workshop on

The Nuanarpuk
(which means “to take
extravagant pleasure
in being alive”) Festi—


space behind (Ioiiinionivealth Sta<
tliutn, and a better recycling pro-
gram on campus.

The organization is non jitillllr
cal and likes to work on simple
issues, Burns said.

“\Vc try to be very open 'llllntl
ed. I wouldn't call us extremist at
all," she said.

Dr. Sally l‘idwartls will speak
after Natter and address Cl1\'ll’l)ll'
mental policy.

Five workshops iti addition to
()‘llryan’s Will be offered between
2 p.m. and 3 pm. ‘ (Iratg Lewis
will talk about industrial hemp. lid
Swan will discuss coal mine recla-
mation, Robert lladad Wlll speak
on organic gardening, \Vadc
Davidson will address tree identi—
fication and Willard Sunstein will
exatnine earth perspectives.

Six organizations besides
Green Thumb will appear at the
event: Environmental Profession-
als, UK Forestry and Wildlife
Association, Residence Hall Asso—

bands Fianna Rua, val is one of three ciation Rec 'clin , Kentucky ‘
Amoeba and Drum WW major projects Green Hemp Grmlversg Association, l
Circle. Festivllttlp.m. Thumb has been Amnesty International and UK

A: 1:30. attorne to 59" ”M‘ working on. Sierrans. .-
Liz Natter will tal month Stu- The others are an Student Government Associa- . '~~ .
about environmental dent Center Item. organic garden, for tion and Student Activities board


justice and activism.


which it has bought


are helping sponsor the festival.



«‘0..- _.

2 may, Apnr 18, 1997, Karim-try Knml


prized experience

By 0. Jason Slaplelon

.-l.i_u_\tum Spam I‘Llrtor

()n a team full of freshmen
laces. experience is a valuable

That is the case on UK's soft‘
ball team. Because this is the first
\ car the \Vildcats have ptit a soft-
ball team on the field it is corti—
prised mostly of freshmen. ‘

Lori llorner, a junior transfer
from Fastern Kentucky L'niversi‘
tt'. is the only player to have previ»
otis NCAA l)ivision I experience.

“She has really been very heIp‘
ltll .is far as her leadership," said
l K head coach Beth Kirchner.

“She's not .i really big talker,
but she leads by example very

Kirchner is quick to praise
Ilorner on her tnany areas in
which she excels.

“She has a great maturity level
and she has obviously been hitting
very well for us as of late,” Kirchn»
er said. “She's done a good job
pitching for us as well and has jtist
been a very good stabiliying force
for us."

llorner was a late transfer to
L'K, but she was welcomed With
open arms.

“\l'e were very excited that she
was going to transfer,” Kirchner

“\Ve had never seen her play
prior to otirJanuary practices, so
we didn't really know what we had
until she got here."

The team is glad to have her
because she has played an integral
part in its lineup.

Homer is currently leading the

team in runs batted in with 10 and
is third on the team in batting with
a .242 average.

()ne of the reasons she is so
important to the team is her versa-
tility. llorner has been pitching
and playing first base all season.

“\Vith all the injuries that we
have had, her versatility has been
very helpful,” Kirchner said. “The
fact that she can hit and play first
and hit iii the five hole it's just a
great package."

llorner decided to come to UK
because she didn‘t see things “eye-
to-cye" with her fortiier coach at
Iiastern Kentucky

“I'm a lot more comfortable
with (ioach (Kirchner)." Ilorner

“I feel a lot more free to ask her
questions and I’ll get an explana—
tion from her."

Ilorner said she is glad she
made the jump to UK because the
facilities here are tnuch better than
those at ICKU.

“Everything here is a step up
from liastern," she said. “As far as
academics, everything is pretty
tiiuch the same. but softball is
ttiuch better."

just because Ilorner finds the
academic standards at UK fairly
consistent with those at F.KU
doesn't mean she didn't welcome
the change ofinteIIectuaI scenery.

“I found myself in a bad situa-
tion there so academically I was
needing a change,” she said.

Homer and the rest of the soft—
ball team are spending the week-
end in (lainesville, Fla., taking on
the University of Florida in a four-
game series.




The Goo uoto o ool Doctoral Dissertation Do ooooo




Name: Frank Rettluli

Pr am: (Lounge tn I' tilt
Disofcrrutiun Title: [Timmd ntrractivr Hints
tifChildhtmd Psychological Abuse PX rienccs
and Value Orientations on Positive cu in a
College \rutlcnt Population

Major Professor Dr Pam Rnncr

”at: May 2. l‘)‘)‘

lime. I (if) \rn » loll pm

Place- III 'llaylor l'dutatron Building


Narnc Pic-die Adams ( ,lraver

Progam Instruction At Administration

Dissertation 1}tlc*SdimlDrstmu‘Cmtral
Administration Response to Imposed Svstemtt Ra-lurm
Mayor meumr Dr lane (T Lindlt

Date April 24, I‘r)‘

Time- 0 (ll) a in

Place lll‘l lhdtn' Hall I'f'auilrv lartingcr



Name. Mnhxl l l\)flT
Program Matlrmariu

llimnation rule le- Inner Ma pin Raaltusuid
l ”mmlillmn ol Harmonic, l'nrt-all-nr . lappinp ofthe
l mi D

Major Professor [)1 led Stillrrdgc
Ilatc .‘tpntzo l‘t‘l‘

’I-flIK. l M pm

Place. 8“ Patterson (lifter Ti'wtr

Name jan F Garrett

Program. l‘alft‘lrkjl antmnng

Dilatation Title Advancement: of the Partial

l‘qlllvllfnl Circuit Technique

Mayor mecamr Dr (1mm R Paul

Date; April 24. l‘)‘)’

Time- 2 (I) p in

Plat). 10‘) (:RMS



Namr ( (all (ammo

Program lnrumolip

[Mllnn liilc l heniimllaimnmntauon in the
lllatlt l ~tirwornt Kgrutn lpulpn

Major I’mlcum in it t Haw“

I)": April 3-3. PM '

lime I ll‘ jr m

l‘lam \Illl \grttitlrtiral Strut: Building North

Name Jennifer I) Butt Hun:

I‘myam; Special Tidllalkin and Rehabilitation

Dunenation Title Him: ot a l‘mhlemSolvmg bll'llrg‘
on [IR ‘\Il(lmllvf Solutttinsttl I‘rrxbool ('hildrrn
Major Prufruor. I)! (Z Multarl Nelson

Date April 2‘. I‘M"

lime I on impm

Plate I H ‘ ilay1ur Mutation Building



Natl? ldwald (All lbliri

Program Mnhamal l rtginerring

Dissertation l'itle K \ttxhatttt Model lirr Snullr‘salr

\lajm Professor I‘lr‘l lama \l Mtl \m nigh

llatc Aprrl ll I‘N‘

lime lily I. m

I’latc .‘IHKI R515

Name latqueltn: A firmer Krami

Program lnttnittion and Administration
Distant-on I'itlc: lhc Role oi llr Principal in
I'nrltnllrml Ikwlopmcnt

Major meumr Dr Ian: (1 lindlc

Date April )2. I‘M”

Time 8 (11 am

Place: 10‘) Dtdtry Hall if‘acitlty Lounge)



Namr. \aqu tumor hnha
Program Motion-pang

ltuurtat-m l'itlc l“u.i\ or I: trauma» Rtsnrlcmm
.m h’irmrnulixal \wout K i av \mb lnim North Ir-lta
Malt)! Pollen-tr In I. rm \ltl ‘% illtgcn

Itatc A\jrnl .‘l l“"'

[‘1th liliarn

Plat: Ill-l latlrm tlall

Name Ihiugln \X'nln \t'helhng

Program BMIOKV

Dissertation Title: Identtfttatitn and ( liarattmutron
.4 the luverrilc Hormone I stem: (All! Promoter
Major Pruiolor l)r (iratr lone;

Date. April IS. PH"

I‘tmc' Hill p m Hem-nail 4 ”0 p m ll kfcnkl
Place. \US'I ll Morgan Building



Name Livia! luboulti
Program l‘ttarntatrmital \irnm
i [imam-in litle Mmuand thanurtuui Renown
.‘ in. a H \,:~i‘ N ( Him» ‘4 \1t1hrlglirtaminr mil!
r \l n .I lit maritanatnanrt
\laior Pink-nor Dr Anmr lltimtn
half April 3‘. W‘“
lime .‘tl rm themrrur‘, lulpm rchnr-
l'latr Jill tamun Building them-nary
”l l‘lurmao Building illefrmct

Name lthong'l'crtg

Program Toxicology

human-n Title: liiilnrnml Muhamurts qutnun
.ti It'lu\tll AIltanidt. NUITVK'ITI’IC and lob-lint on
\uutal lfivpammrrgrc I‘lll‘hllttli

\laior I'mfuuor [)1 lmda l‘ ltwmltin

lla'e April N, l-)')‘

lime. MUOLm thXJj‘ in

Pine ‘4“ College M Pita" otr



Name ( Ind \utrr

Program I ijmimenral lkn hologs

“Marion Inlet ngnitivr and llehavmral Astra“ t
Patxionatr love in ('nllrgc Students

Mayor meuior I» Ritk llovlr

hair Rprtl .‘l l r“

Time low. I“ tjm \"r-m

l “Ml 21o Kaulr Hall




Name (LirnIm Sham \1 “'X
Program; Inflr‘nlflmn 51 M 'imulflllun

[inflation lid: (1’ - Maxim-l Sujriinrmdcixy
.r: Krrtrutltv rrt rl r *er -; ’ \lirulattxl Sratrwtdr
lulu: anon lhfur-rv l‘rnrt \ v»! Rina Itmimhtntt

Maior mecsor Dr Pill» | Van Meter
Ihtc: Artur: iw‘

Time I lllp In

Place l2) Illi’ltil thitatoon Building








-- » ~-a------.A-.








MATT BARTON Kenn! ruff

A “ll"? UK quarterback Tim Courb and the pars-bapp'y Wildcats will bold another open sm'mmage at Commonwealth Stadium tomorrow at 11 um.

FIBIII thrower small on SIZE, lily (III talent

By Price Atkinson
Staff Writer

The field portion in the phrase
track and field often gets over-

feet broke the old UK mark by 13
feet. Kavana h, however, has set
bigger goals or himself this year.
“I want to break the U.S. junior
record, which is 210-4 and get top
four in the SEC,”


looked in favor of the
speedsters competing
on the track.

()ne athlete not
being overlooked these


Kavanagh said. Any
competitor under the
age of 19 is eligible for
US. junior records.

days is thrower Matt [plan on UK assistant coach
Kavanagh from the UK bein an John Kenneson, who
track and field team. g . coaches the throwers,

Kavanagh, a short All-American said his star has what it
and stockv freshman “ [at ofnmfi' takes to break the
from VVai'wick, R.I., here. ” record.

has put up big numbers

“He’s not very big,

and scored bi points but extremely explo-
in the weight tfirow for "3312;253:133“ sive and .that’s what
the UK team this sea- tbrmver who ”mm throwmg is all about,”
son. bbmh j,” “boo” Kenneson said. It s a

In the first outdoor might throw big, big record to go
track meet of the sea— record. after, bUt I lhlnk that‘s

son at Stanford Uni—



what great motivation


versity, Kavanagh shat-
tered former UK standout Ray
Sabatini’s team record set in 1972.

The former national highc—
school Champion's throw of 196


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Kavanagh won every competi-
tion during his final two years at
Veterans High School, but the
transition into the collegiate ranks






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~ W~'


was not evident to him until the
first meet.

“I ended up winning the meet,
but I threw really, really poorly
because I was so scared for some
reason,” he said. “It took me a
couple of meets in the indoor sea-
son to get going.”

The Tennessee indoor meet
jump-started Kavanagh. Finishing
second overall in a competitive
field, as well as breaking the UK
indoor record, was “a big ego
boost,” he said.

From there on it was a rosy
indoor season for him. Kavanagh
set the school record in every meet
en route to becoming the best
freshman hammer thrower in the
country despite missing a trip to
the NCAA Indoor Championships
by three inches.

The tools Kavanagh possesses
are what sets him apart from other
throwers, Kenneson said.

“Really good skills, and that’s
why he was so good in high
school,” Kenneson said.

“He’s a great competitor, one

of the best competitors that I’ve
ever been around.”

With the rest of the outdoor
season and three full years of eligi-
bility left, Kavanagh is confident
in his ability to get the job done.

“I plan on being All-American a
lot of times here, and I plan on
giving it my best to be on the
Olympic team in 2000.”


VCompetition begins tomor-
row for Kavanagh and the UK
track and field team at the Alumni
Gold Relays in Baton Rouge, La.

The one day meet also features
Louisiana State and Tennessee.

“I think a lot of our kids on the
trip will have personal records,”
Kenneson said.

VNext weekend, the track
team will travel to the Penn
Relays, which promises to be one
of the toughest meets of the sea-

Meanwhile, the field team will
stay home to host the Kentucky
Field Festival.


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reeling Florida ." "


Kenneth Kernel, than. Apn/ is. 1997 8

Wildcats battle

in weekend tilt

By “Ob HOI’bSl
ll 'eel'md Sports Editor

Look at the baseball standings
in the Southeastern Conference
and one will see that something is
out of place.

The team in fourth place in the
SEC is Florida.

And Lopez like I know him, I
would say that Florida has had
some very intense practices this
week,” UK head coach Keith
Madison said. “We better be
ready to compete because the ’re
going to come out fighting t eir
Gator tails off.”

Or one could take an optimistic


The same Flori-




approach to this




kW 1%??? “E“

What?» we“:


















da squad picked weekend, such as
by the SEC UK senior Jay
(Ioaches’ in the Tedesco.
preseason to The Gators
win the confer- still may be hurt-
ence. And it’s ing after their
also the same miserable week-
Cato}: club that STANDINGS Enid at Vander-
was t e SEC co- 7 i t, Tedesco
Cham ion last said.
W... P BASEBAll “They lost the .... -
And who’s - - ' three to Vander-
7;; right ‘ behind eaStem lelSlon bilt this weekend,
['lmfl‘" teams sec overall we're .Playmg
Vl 11th danf well and it’s pos- m" umouxml w”
overa recor o sible that they . . I I ’
13-24-: and an Tennessee 10-8 32-10 still could be .0"? “9“" “M.” "m we await siiocit mutation) UK outfielder 7m
000 SFC record of d , n T d ling is K starter Scott Downs. - - . ‘ ‘ ‘
. . .1 . S. Carolina 9-9 26-15 own, e esco . . . . g ’. . . . , Colewmre get: up (late and perionul :x'irlv the glow of an
6-l2, UK Sits . said. “And they . he Junior from LOUISHH" '5 4“ a 05in sbom-ro Colemire a ’uniortolle e‘rramjerfrom
one game Vanderbilt 8-10 22-17 could take us m the SEC “.mh 2?" ER“ ”“5? {lithium [Ilia-oi; hay ii'enlthe ('zm agnurb needed [vat
behind Florida. Florida 7'11 25-17 lightly thinking 9”“ w‘” PM" f‘” ‘1‘“ U“ K" m I“ L 'UK gr}; 7‘ 4R ‘Ia db ~ d1 .1
That could K I 6-12 1 tips onl Ke _’ tonight, and the Cats hope he can m it. ineup. (”(12) I)“. er 1m. , W n "a“ a {6
change this Gen Ufky 3 15 3'24'1 tucky’ hie [112} get them off to a good start this 21117111021525 1M6;{p1?:'lrILgAflz’1/f] Fbe fiutbpgjfllom
7 . eorg a _ 21_20 . , . ’ weekend. t ‘dl‘flflfla.: it). from (rt? 0 . , m‘year 0771i 1 ‘6’
I ve agerkssnvtiiue in ' - . fliedbagtainst Van- “We probably have the hottest Georgia (101/52??- Botb (0.13mi?! and‘Roa'land tot]! he In
. western lelSlon “ ’, pitcher in the lea e going for us Games-ville the weekend when the Cats [rattle Honda in a
cor when UK takes It 5 real pos- , gu ‘_ . . tbree— ume term
i ._ on the Gators in sible th t In Scott Downs, Madison said. g ‘
legit a three-game sec "”3”” could d: t‘l‘i: “Mel-S probably been fihcl mm“
. . . . conSistent starter in t e eague
~- :Cr'FSht starting LSU 14-4 35_7 6})?“ ska/medthénlg since conference play began. And
an a (”ligh ' W‘ld :l'dt an era t Scott usually rises to the occasion.
on i8 , l - Alabama 12-6 33-8 l '. tok Florida I know Scott Downs will be ready
the I?“ j 0“ EV“; Arkansas 12-6 31-10 “Effie efid‘. ‘0 Pitch”
y l) a}? 0“ ‘3 Auburn 12-6 36-6 0” a ‘5 t," Pitching at Florida, though, is
“t t e , m0“ _ rebound (1315 never an easy task. The Gators
$1)“:ij time. MISS. State 11-7 27-11 W'Cek?ndv “5 routinely are ranked in to i 10 in
UK SEZL}: ”Stntf'vc Ole Miss 4-14 17-21 pitching Gmust total attendance and their lJans can
.‘ r co er— improve. ator be viciou5_
mm :2? gamesl and d" V d burl?“ 5?"? UP 3 “It’s a good baseball atmo—
.a. . c swept )yame were an er- total of 38 runs in their three sphere but the fans there are {he
ires bilt team this past weekend. games last weekend. , kjnd of fans that historically, if the
. Because of that, the Gators should Florida pitching is ranked Gators get behind or play poorly,
the be focused for UK: eighth in the SEC, with a whop— they’ll start booing their own
” “Knowm (Florida head coach) )in team ERA of 5.60 team ” ' ' .
d5, g 1 g , Madison said
will ’ ' ‘
t ' [00km "If a SIIIIIIIIGI' ‘0'] Will]
.. g 9 I
_— .1-
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’ great nail all" ”BIIBIIISa
: " 0
. Look elsewhere. 4 (1. t9
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I - ‘ 0 H1 1 l1 '0
r * looking fora chance to make a ‘ .
.a: -
a " a lllflfll'ellce on I'HIIIIIIIISa ‘
d T b S K I W
73/ t e ummer 37716 .
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of; . o O
chk up an applzmtzon at '"mwmm'mamn “a"
it? , MIND Tannort at 257-6584
:5 2 3}; 02 6 Grelmn journalism Bldg. Presented Iiii camiius IIocroatIon
‘ f '7' and "I0
2 .
z or call Aaron at "I mm.“ “memo“





323-2296for details.





Drag 5/7020 to
raise money


Royalty graces the Kentucky
Theatre on Sunday, but don't be
on the look out for I’rincess I)i.
The monarchy has been in this
state for quite awhile under the
name of The Royal Sovereign
(iourt of All Kentucky. This l5-
year—old roup will put on a drag
show and; then awards (or “faux
oscars," as the show is entitled)
will be given out for both drag
performance and community ser-

After the drag show, which fea—
tures performances of movie
songs, the group will premiere the
new independent film.jnlvm. This
film comprises the story of two
LA. hustlers who become friends.
It stars David Arquettc, \Vilson
Cruz and Lukas Ilaas. formerly of
PVi'tnei‘x fame.

The Royal Sovereign Imperial
Group is part ofThe International
Imperial Court System that raises
money for various charity groups


4 Friday, April 18, 1997, Kentucky Kernel


By Josh Herr

Somewhere in between Mid-
night Cowboy and Pretty Woman
you’ll find the new film jobnr, a
movie that wants to have its cake
and eat it too. It tries to resent a
gritty realistic view of life on the
streets while simultaneously hav-
ing an atmosphere of hopeless

The film centers

has stolen money from a local
drug dealer named jimmy the
Warlock. Needless to say, the
Warlock is not ha y.

The main proEIZm in the film
comes in lack of direction. There
are plenty of good individual
scenes, with good acting by both
the leads, but they never really
seem to go an here.

On top 0 that, the melodra-
matic ending seems to be

inevitable from the


around two male pros-
titutes in Hollywood
on Christmas live.

.~\s they suffer
through the unpleas—
antness of their jobs,
they talk about life,
friendship and their
hopes for the future.

The older one is



beginning, robbing it
of any shock value the
director seems to think
it should have.

David Arquette
gives a good perfor-
mance asjohn.

He has a certain
fake feeling to his atti-
tude that seems well

actually named John, *** suited to this persona.

an aspiring actor who ,. , He is acting as an

I 4 ._ _ . john: - . f h

ias taken to the streets actor, but in one o t e

for money. . few great scenes of the

lohn's one dream is Er?" L00]: film where he has to

to spend one night in
the nicest hotel he


admit to a hotel clerk
that he can’t afford his




The film opens with him being
robbed of his money and his

night in paradise, real
pain shines through.
The better performance comes
from Lucas Haas as Donner.





. --.~-o~-\. ..


m III“ Lia/m H44:
(149) mm a: Donner in the new
independent film, ‘jobnr. ’ David
Arquetre (below) alto m in this
dark comic rm e about meet bu:-
tler: martin ood’: Santa
Mantra Beu er .





He presents the character's ide-
alism as believable, even in the
face of the cruelties he witnesses
right up to the end of the film. His
mock confident strut and patheti-
cally hopeful eyes lend a touch of
poignancy to the film.

Another flaw is the film seems
to think it is doing something
original by taking all of the clichés
of prostitutes and applying them
to men.

He spends the rest of the movie
trying to make enough cash, to
spend his birthday (which not
coincidentally is Christmas) in this
hotel. Complications ensue.

first of all, there is john’s
friend Donner. Donner is actually
gay. whereas john does it for the

Donner has developed a crush
on his mentor and tries to con-
vince him to move on to a better

primarily through drag shows.
The Court system was founded
tnore than 30 years ago