xt776h4crh53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt776h4crh53/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1980 1980 1980-02-28 2020 true xt776h4crh53 section xt776h4crh53 101. 1.111111. 110. 1111 Ker el 1 niwrsiu 11111111111111
Thursday. February 28. I980 an independent student newspaper I esington. Kentucky
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1 . Journalism freshman Beck) Patterson steps into her during softball praetieepesterdas afternoonbehindSea- B) .1.“ [055” | ‘~-
swing as Scott ('lark. Lad) Kat's eoaeh. pitches to her ton (enter. \.....,..1. '
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' All bur/dings under construction ‘ '
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, must com With new fire code . .
111.1[111 11'11‘1‘1111111' 1'111111‘111111'\ 111 10%. . .
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This it the last ofa three-part series ['11 5.11111 0111111 (1.11) lieueh suitl pus1s1111111111111101111111111'.1111p11s11'1- 11” 1‘“? (””11“”1'” ('1'11‘1'1‘11 11~l1'~ ' '1 1' ,1 " 1 '
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changes in the \tate’s fire codes. 111111 1111' 1111' 1'11111's. “\ 1111 can go 1nt11 b111|111111_1 11s 1111' 11eeup.1111s 11111 .1111111 “"11 11‘1‘1'111'1'11‘1111‘11 \\1111111e111sses;1s ,. 711.
' Today's story will/(Mus on the (‘0118 the older h1111111ngs .11111 1111111 1111 the 1111' p1‘11te1‘11111 1111 1111s 1.1111p11s 1s e11» .111's1111 ”1111111111111“ 1'.111\111\\11|1'111111‘ - "1 ‘ 9“:\ . 1 O
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est.1b11sh .1n .1nnu.1|st.1t1'111111'1\11111111'Kent111'111 l)e1b3\ lhe 11g111111e111.11led1111111'1111p11s1111111111111.1111.1|1.1111111111111111 1111' 1111'11111‘1' [MNL‘HL’L‘I‘ 11‘11'11 -" ”17“”‘11- “”"“"1 111111111111111
1n111a1pr11eeeds 111111111b1'11s1'111111.1b11nus1111\11'1\.1m\ete- PRESIDFVIT "R”.R'S( \‘IPUGVI'RS.1re111.1pp1111.' 1111p11s1111111 111 111.1111.11 1.111 111 1'111'11 111.1111's 1111' \11111'1 111111- 11‘1‘1‘11 11"11'\\11\"“‘11""
runs “.111 1111111'ren1.11111111.’111nds \seuld 1‘1' used 1111 edtteu- ‘1“‘“‘"““m" 1'11‘11111'C1'111'11-11“ 5"" 1‘1“”“1 ‘1 1'11'11111'111 ”11”“1“ '1‘ k-lh'” 1111‘ 1115111 1’1 11“" “£1111” 31“““1‘11‘1‘1
111m. 35 pereent 1111 11.111sp11tt.11111n .111111111'111111'1 25 pcrgcni .1s 11prestdenttule11ntender. but Kenneth s11111 \ester1l.1\ he'll 1 weather
111111111 go 111 1'1111n11c1 1.1sh111n .11'11meb.1e11.1111111111 11111'1 \sr.1th11\e1111e s11.111111:1‘11s1 IR -\\,\ \l\\ |' “(I I \\” \l \11111111th1'11'.111\111111'11111'
“11"”‘1: 1111' 1.111' 1111111'1 \ l11111.1ss11111st.11:es11nt11\l.11.1tll1e1‘.1111es1. “ 1‘1 H RN (-RII‘ H \S\'l IOOSI'NH). ( 11111111 .tnd
( 01“. 1‘11“ 5] R\ RI'I’RISI-Nl' -\l l\ I'IS .tsl1ed the 111111 Issue 11111111 1111 mueh 1111 kenneth 1n \eu 11.1111psh111' .1111p l1'.1111.111111|111.1|s.111l 11's11'11t.11 111111 11111.1' \11th .1111.1111'e111.1 11'“ 1111111 tlttrrtes 1111' h1gh 111111
1631\1alltre10 pare 11111111 Kentu1111's proposed slt1p mtne legtsv and he needs_.t1'11m1'b.11‘11. b.1111). .111e1 ('.trtet‘s 1'1111111111.1b|e 1111'111111‘1.11. \\.11111|.1h \11111111111111'11Heheshtt.111s1s1'1tet.tt\ he .11 the upper 111s 111.1111111111 411 \1111111 1111111“ {"11 '.‘:‘1'11
lotton 11's1er11111 mung 11 1'11'1'1'111 11'de1.11 requnements 1n \11’111r\ 1n the l.e1n11te |)1'n111e111111' p1es1dentt.1| p11m.11\ 1111111'Re111111111111.11\ ( 111111111. 1111111111111 th.1t 111111 .11'11.1ng1'111 11111111111 111111 the 11111 111 the 111111 311s 1’.1r111 s1111111 1111111111-
mttm .treos e1eetl11n 111.111 b\ \\.111\1|.1hR111111||.1111111111111'11111111111111'.111111.1:11'.11 1111111'11111111111111111111“ “1111 111F11‘1'11h1'”WNW ”1‘1"“ 1‘"
M_ ___..

KILN I UCKY 11.1.... 11.11....
Iiliior in ( hie! Mu! (inch Kim Aubrey Damn (‘hrl John (‘hy City London
Jay FM Bob ('ochnnc Inmmmnn-m lit/um Spam [alum “WNW 0} Pholographr
('Iry Wink 11111111u11' fall/1111 Paul Mann
Haring-mu Mirror ( indy “the: Soil Torhui Irina Riclerd David Maynard
Jar-Iii Rudd 4111mm! ,4 1.1mm! Spam Editor Photo Manager
Steve Mme) Lin Dow-rd ( 11/11 I1/1111r1 hnii'rruinnii-m h/rmr
. _ ‘\
I I I i
risttan spea ers appearances , . y
.i .
1' QUlCK....GeT "Hi 1 C t
. I ‘ 1 1
- 00 ' lNSlDe ms 1
In C assr ...
lhe current entourage ol (‘hristian speakers on classes on campus. ‘ l 7
. _ . -~“ 1 » u \ ‘
campus has again raised sonic \ery interesting ques- l-olloyying its unvyrttteti “liarids-oll policy. l is s \ OW SIX ' l
I trons about the rolctlic uiiryersity playsin shapingthe administration has lelt the dug-NU” up to \arious \. NNTS . .
liyes ol lls students teachers oy'cr yyhcther or not to alloyy tlte (‘hristiart ‘5 ”" ,1
\lostl l\ students come here to learn tocitplore speaker's teach tti their classes s _. I» l
. 1 . . . . . - l/‘J— -, — ' ' ‘
the 11l1o. \1 hat. \y lltll. 11 here. 11 liy and lioyys Some do l‘or once. it \ mm. the administration stuclvt m nose - (z —
.. . . it 111 .1 strict. tcsthoolt lll\L‘ manner 11 liile others apply tn tcachcrs‘ business. _ ' . _ ___ ._ f‘
. , . ”is" ls'ill'l'”? WM“ 1“ ”“th “WW 'lltlill‘lli‘udt Although the students rtglits seemingly hayent 1 '
' ‘ ‘si‘W-‘W'l‘ been \iolated. since the prolessors granted the speai— '
- -\nd this truest tor inotyledgesliould beand lortlic ers their apprmal. they haye been oyerloolted, l
1 1 11 M11 .. ltce 111c-s, lint this is 11111 aluays s11 . - 1 l .l' I. I I
. ‘ W ‘ p \ 1 l l U - Students help pay educational expenses at [K yyrtli I. -- I
last 11:111. 1111 csariiplc. an l nglish department . , ‘ ’
. , * ttittton and actnity lees. lhey sign up lor classes to
chairman told |11s11'.1clictsti11t tosttrdy certatriboolts g . . . 11 l ‘.
' learrt about a certarti strbicct. lliey can sign up with l 1' 1 .
111 class 11liitli might be bc111tid the cotiiptehenston ol 7 . . -. . 1 . 4 ., l / , . ,r .1
. t l l t H. l H H rm ) l 111 [h the ntrriiciotis( liristianorgant/ationsaroundcampus I/ 1 ' :1 j /= 'f" '151
itt'o lt‘ t‘tlttattsltcts L‘ 1st‘tt L‘ . . .- ‘ ~ .
-‘ \l H g k H p 111 go to church ll they 1yish 111 learn about ( hrrsttari- ‘_ l l “l. '0 " "h‘" ‘
. students ltccdotii 111 learn llc disalloiyetl lt‘ecdoni ol _ . ”M.-. -’— __‘m f t ’K . I . '
. 1 ' . ity lliey can eycn sign up lot \ariotrs theological l 7"".‘r‘ ’ ‘ [I v '
1 . 1 choice He tirade the students and cycri the teaching ' 7 f _, 7 ' I 1 1‘
- , classes olletcd here. .. . “1b - ‘ r ‘ g,
1 - tllsllllt'lots 1lc‘L'Isl11tls llllllscll , 1 ...; ..v‘ OLL ,’v_ f) l
. 7 . 1 1\|tliougli “hat the ( hristtari speakers say may be ~ ' 3| ® // ‘ I. »
. \tid. alter cspostrrc ol the department cliatttiiati s * . . ; . ' ' I . I
. , enlightening. it Is not lair to those yylio dotit \yrsb to . ¢ , (1' l'
. deed. .1 barrage ol opinions and arguments \yerc heard * . 1 3 11; , , ‘ , . I ‘9 I 1
~ 1 . hear it '\ll(l it riiay set a had precedent ol lettrrigother t . «21,517.; ~ . . y. t
. , concerning 1.11- llyjlll 111 lltc student 111 make llls 111111 - . ; . —- , A” I ' \ .
1 1pecial groups conic en niasse 111 spcalt at l ls. -— 1 I 1...:
choice at .1 utiitctsrty he helps support In [In-gnu~ the 1 . ' - 1 ,1... . , f
1 ‘ ' dcpatltttcttt 111-ad 1:111 .1 slap on the “list lioni the “1 lht‘ PRN~ lhs‘ ‘l‘s‘s‘li'l ts‘tUUP‘ haw held lorums / 1 4“ ss ' 1" (/11: ,
administration 11liere students could go to them it they \Hnl‘l W '1“... ’
1 . . _ . . . . ‘ I u 1
1 \1111 the tlchalcoyt‘t .1 student'scliotceoleducation “mm“ “mm dldnl ”CC“ on (LN trmc. 'y’" l 1 l .
‘ - 7 has again surtaccd \\|lll tlic arriyal oi the etght ('liris~ in this instance. unlike that ol the l‘nglish depart- I N ‘ q ' ‘ \ ' ‘1 m
' , _ 15
1 1. 11.111 spt'11l1t‘ts 11m 11 11111 itiesr1t-1il11crs_ 11l1oliayest11— riierital head iyhere the l riiyerstty oycr‘steppcd its R - rm?“ 1 M§ (W
dicd estcnsitt-ly 111 ccrtairi discliptnes. “Ill be bounds. the administration should exercise somcol its “532:“? ‘ Ad;
- presenting .1 ”( ’l111stiati pcrspcctttc" to more than 90 authority. I ._
, ‘ . . z I
I l " I " S ' ft B '12]
' ' crence 0 en proves I a CO” 901' W
. ' ' . . I o
y _. SportsmanShIp what seems like forever tn which the Tlde galng out
' f 81 ll\l BROOM R .11 ldsl ‘1" ”i P't‘hlt‘t‘mili |1.1111 \Wls‘h CM'mPls" ”‘ ”'l‘l'u” ‘l'WC‘M‘ “l“‘l‘ lam a litelong lan ot uh'it (‘hannel superlatives 0f the witnesses credited There isanewwaiecomin Awaye
‘ r ‘ i 1 . . ' l l
_ -, dticrgetit1ic11sproliibitingtlicloiniu- seem arbitrary and lime later been ll'l sports director loni Hammond effort and sportmanshtp instead 0f sparked by distrust and gresd that is
I ' " . ' the 111111111111g ls Ill tcspottst‘ 111 the mm” M M“ will Vt‘n‘tlnlmss lllltlt"'\l””tl”l“til”(‘l‘m‘nl‘l'c‘l“‘”" smugly calls “111 all things. hockey.“ showmanship. unconcerned with beauty majestyand
. - "Pm 11111t\\.12111-11 ll111isiiitl1e lch l 111111111111.111 lhcon has. 111 its 111.111 e'l'lL‘\ tltc liygcinc codes gncii to Ills He the rest ol the le‘ttngton media In fact all the cliches were thrown unity among Persons .
" ' 1 1 1 '1‘11‘11-‘71' ' t“‘ . l H . I '
. . " ”“1 “l lllk [1111111 \‘ l “”tlslilimtl right. 'imll‘l‘h H ‘1” ‘1 h“ 0” ” ” “”ll H‘hm‘ p111 ‘“ m ll“ MN m and I suspect. the press tn other areas out. instead olthe cutesy arrogance of The actual components ofthis wave
1 . ' ' llll‘ 111111111111 \ll ”1‘1 1‘ ls‘s‘h that ”W ”gm ‘lcwpmm WW“ “" “‘ 1.111 I W “Pl“ ”l ”mm“ ”m“ ‘l"“‘“°"'c‘ “l normally tnattcnttye to the sport have American professional athletes or the are varied' being in partafaction that
, 1 . “C‘meq “k.“ 111 the “WWI“. h“ 1111 l_\(lllL is lariitiiai unit the l1llslllLtl bacteria and \trllsts llte chrcyy pto- reduced the l‘nitcd Statcs' told medal oby'iously‘ pre-labricated humility typ- finds honor in Violating the sanctuary
' . ' 1 place m the l‘Hlll's “hm,“ 1111 11111 remains \ylitcli were passed oil as the hibttioti against pork consumption .1 . . ‘ .1 1‘ \ l i ”ll f b ll db k b ll . 1 '
. ,1 t \ "g . . . , _ , . _ , 11ti11r1 111.1iimtt1.siittcsstulcxcruse ma 0 CO Cg? 00‘ a an 85 Cl 8 ~ olan American embassy.anotherthat
. _ . . . main reasons 1,]. Hum“ [mummy missing 111 111 1 '1ttitrctttt\amplt 1111s Iattt tttidttstood 111 ltglit ot lit- in national propaganda [his kind of there was spontaneous sheerprideand is encircling and demoralizing a bor- 1
.- 1. “Hum-Ii “WM.” .11 Wpdmwm 11t 111 deception 111 lltc interest ol sClL'nc‘L- 1s chuttasis. I\lany Bible critics. tnclud- talk uts the yictory immortalized joy. Instead offollowingthedictates of dering nation which in turn has led to
- ' 111111111 .11111 st.111~.1111111 1 1H.m,d“\,,,_l\. this 111-.1-11111 1.111.1111-11Iti11l11g11e111 111g "sc11-1111-.”11111~n 111111ittingly pio1e by ”:1 1111111 11111 ,a'mc. 1m a leyel electronic signs and commercial para- the beginning of the end
‘ ‘ ' .V 11111 1111111-1111111 .1 pint-l1 religious 1111-1 l‘W‘i “ll“l' “""Wd 1“ PM“ "‘ ”l“ ”l“ ll'l’l“ “'“W‘ 5"‘"‘“""‘““”ld l“ “m, thedismallylense cmhurmc‘m. phenalia dealers the fans brought The beginning ofthe end for what"
. g . 1 111\\\l111liist111.1.”1 lllll‘lll‘t'“ m stated c111ltit111nai1 theory .1 certain de1el11p~ that the bloods ol dilleient races yet successltrl st'itc ol ‘1ll'1trs ol lilac their own signs and flags createdthcir Our beloved international Olympic
' ’ 1n 1111-1111111; .1 11.1.1 11.11.11 .1111, 1d11- 111-.111 111 the lttllll.1llt'lllht\11 llirs 1111s 11otrld 11111 riiis. \etsl‘,2(1c|e.1rl1 ”1111- ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ’ . , . . ,
_ s 1 - . own cheers. an alter a we k h 1 - -
. ~ lltlll‘ 111th \eflt'lix. t‘tItitt'd ilespttctliclatt tl1.ittl1cdisc11\~ catcs that they \\11uld Science once basketball ytctory m the Pan Amert- com osed the: own it me gonad Garnes. R:58|l:Stl)mCrVenttondin-Afghv
‘ 1 . ~ 11 s1111 .1111! 11 “11.1““, 1th. ‘Vl‘dhl’ cit-i 111 lllls stage adriitttcd more than scollcd at the tdcasol transparent gold can (iames and mm ”WW ()ly'mpiCs. lnstepad ol“Hi V10m‘”dircgctcd atthge ams an 5:1“ he goumer'e Inf 3:)
4' g _ . 1“,“ 11: kmm“ .1111: mm. argument h lll!ll\ years ago that he had tnyctitt'd arid .i ttctiietidotis licat Much is black. ”W sport (ll WC ltockcyatndtnenty line Camera lim Erai 100de for his way p985: dedt; 0%C01t|:‘g|1‘0 {ft e
" '1 .‘ ' l 11111 1111.11111 1111111111-1111111111111.ts ”‘1" 1"“lt'llk't‘l'llll‘ Mil l“ “”11 PM" (ls‘WHl 1“ 1”“ “'1‘ Hi “L‘ ly'lt‘“ '1 WU”? men 0‘ ”1°” PM“ m lhc sun. lather in the standsg ghnileisemzfrr'ilesetherhse‘l/veallo ec ect \
. , . 1 . . . _ . o s.
1 . , ’ P31111141 111'1'111 |1 ‘_ 11].;0m11h,“ 111 1111 the c111litti-1naty theory lllls litlsla latii personally acquainted with the spotltng 1‘ ”Ul.‘ mill-”C moment “”1 Evengthou h the ames be relo
‘ . .1 n1ar1'. l‘1‘lllw11 ‘11-‘11; ”Hunk”; “rm“. tictl cytilcticc is still being taught in \1\S1\ astrophystctst yihouasrespon- lht‘ kind ”l politics plagurng the In short. the hockey SCFlCS W85 "0! cated the trueghistoricgal com etitive
. _- . 15‘” ...“. ‘111111‘11111;lathct~1l11l11111 '11c\\ 111.1111 sclltriils as absolute l.1ct siblc lot tliccomputations required lor suntmcr games “l “mm the 50““ only 3 refreshment for American and Llnlf in s irtt that has mime the
- - . ‘ 1h:- thiirtli : e 1 3,: 111: .1111! the «.111; as "'_'"" _—" \l‘ils‘s' ”till“ “Ills“ ”“0le Willy‘s“ llm‘m " accused. superpatriots but for the genuine fans mes asyms'egtic as the ' are t0da is
. . .. 11111 ”mull”. \.\UU\I1N.UmM.\ \\ hm trons ol the lartli‘s past rotations. . 1 or Sport anywhere. It recaptumd feel- gin undermined Othe: factors SZCh
1 ‘ " . they dtsigncd 11111 11111111. ll 11.1s 111 0 inion t 11,,mn11.,n_,1|1_ in. mathematically ‘10! Onl} had ‘1" American team ings of apreciation long dormant and as “1805‘ that are bent urel on ca i
' . , ' .L'iiaiaiitct l'clllw'll 1114-1111111. 1111111 statc p Pm‘Cd ”m1h““““ll‘m‘”numuull‘m‘ beaten the Odds by beating the world thought permanently 108" I hope talization of the cventsgrchbilitatifi
. 1 ' .V. intertcrertt. '1111 111 etiatatitee lllt‘ recorded tri.losl1ua lll l3 and ll Kings but hdd done so prtmartly through the younger fans and athletes saw some- to the “ ride" of the ames as well 8
.1 .. g ' 11‘.” 111-111.1”; 11.11»: “tannin 11111-11“. Ill 9 actttall\ occttretl at the titties atitl courage. pure tcamvyorlt. and low ll" thing morethanthe American flagand 5 “Had b thiswavge oldemoraliaa
. 1. . . 1‘11.L H.111 .1 11.11. 111.11 1111111111..” 11, lor the duration recorded. the game h.‘ “hat was considered "5 heard something more than the tionpl attend to our awareness with
_ cri-ct.1.'i1111111l.1lilcbarrier b1-111 u.” my [111111111111 questions 1eriiairi urians- in cm”. mam Conflicts bctyyeen ls” talented players. some 0f whom. national anthem last Sunday. this one thou my Is the tide oin
V. '- 1' state and tli1 clllllcll. n11 chtttcli “am “hi.” d"' ”l“ “”1 ptotcttts science and the litble haye been TCU‘H’ like BUII Schnetder.had used up 8cm)— out on our Olgm lC Gaines" g g
1 . 1 ' , _ 1 y I _ _ 1 1-1 1 i 1 1 . 1 . .
, ‘. ti1ctiiht-1 11111111l 11.11; 111111.11L1111e1l 111 11111111111111 \‘ltll‘dl‘l‘ t.1tl11.1ppto\ c1lc1lb1 scterittltcdeyclo nient l \ani- iarshtps. yyctc passed our originally RIchard W. Dlzne y p
- ‘ p 11 11~ . d ~ 1 1 11' -- Tho I!
g g ' , hold pttl‘11 1111.11; 11 1s 111.11111c11abte l'll““"“l‘l“" “““lcmlll-‘P‘lll‘d'lctlu‘ ple the hook ol ls.1tal1-ill,33 rclcrs 111 1‘ I ‘ W“- “n “”‘j truy 56f Political Science and Philosophy in _'"y
. '1 l .' 1 that the .lllllltils 111 the c11ns111111111n WNW”“WWWll‘l'ltllll“ “Willis" the splicr'ictt1oltliecartli tlic“etrcle supporting. It “3‘ 1h” “r" time 'n senior Joumnlism sophomore 1
i ’ . - Ctlltltl Ptcccdt' t‘1tcll sc‘ssliiti ‘1Hlll Pl1l\L‘l CHIHC “My ”1 lt‘\.ts \H ICC! dull" “1”] ”l ”W Ctll'lliu ll concept ””1 In lsL'L'p»
,1 1 . and lllcti 111111..“ 111“, .1111. practices In “line l‘tllt' Pt‘nl‘ hdllN hl” “I‘ll only trig ysitlithccra in \yliicli it has penned - l .
1 my” NINWHMH one blackball llicoddsolpickingout ln “pm .11 these tacts. one can
1‘ _ j. ‘. ,1 l mm dim WNW} my 1.1tionalc the blacls ball on the ltrst try are understand the resurgence ol religion In a genera y e I I
.1 . ‘1". hk‘hllitl sll‘sl'Hi'lltf.‘ tlllt’ Pk'lvlll“ lL‘ll' l’tlllillll\ lllL‘ \tlllll' in th U(l(l\ (ll ll’iL‘ In many par“ 1)] [hc \ClCnllllC con].
.‘ - gtori 1111 another 111-11.1111 .1;1 m 1111- ‘l‘t‘m‘lllc‘lll‘lmlmlllml‘lld‘llltllk‘l‘ltl' muntty. Science and ('hristianity are l l . . l I
‘ ' 11111111» 111 “111111111 \111111111 mam,” 1cm molecule wmnlt‘ms‘mm In 9" O ment an s, n, [cance
.1 . " l . 1. 1 must surely hc ..itcgott/eil as .i tcli- H“. point " ”m " person can he ()nc‘lwh"\"ml‘lVMlhl‘”£“””‘i—"‘
1" .. P ‘ groin 1111111111.» 11111 at 1t .1111m- cr'ca- (“mmd‘l ”‘ I’ll“ ”L'WNl.‘ ”l “‘m“ that ol .1 \1ell»l1noyyn tlieorettcian 11 ho By‘ MARK KOOP'H \V office. ’l hey also demandthat the new Besides. it would be difficult to con-
.. ( ‘ ‘ .5 Hon \Itiiph b1‘11111s1-a111-11.111.11..(,\L.\ llllk-Ht‘lllnt‘ toiic 1ittlsltlt‘ the bounds asa young riian penned atheory uhicli ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ constitution include a provision pro- struct a bridge between the new Stu-
'. . .- ,3 lt)slll’isllltllt stitiitctin .1( 1111111111111-1 ”‘ ”WW” lllk’lt'ltttt‘. ll“? s‘ts‘illH‘nN contradicted the Biblical eyplariation M i ran up 111 the 81111111111 (‘enter hibiting appropriations fortravelout- dent Center expansion and a pile Ol
. 1‘ f .- n11tclc1att his'.11‘11s.1b111etl1c leyelot ”C“ l‘ ””l ”l“ “WNW property 0‘ lliis theory gained a great deal ol bridge I thotight 1h“ c'tn't “mm.” sidc the Intellectual sovereigntvofthe ashes "
' ‘ 1' 1 1 . 1 .. ‘ ‘ ' ' 1 ... 1 .. . . ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . . l ‘ ' u I e
1.‘ 1 , .. - laitli laitl1 11li.1h11 1.111 111 .1( tctllnr lll‘u‘hull;ll ilkLkplilllLt \cry quickly and 1iitua|ly here. btrt there “M the barricade. the I ”N